public void tick(float delta, GameScreen screen) { if (!started && screen.isPaused()) { started = true; prevTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (spawns != null && enemyIndex < spawns.size() && System.currentTimeMillis() > prevTime + spawns.get(enemyIndex).getDelay()) { prevTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); String name = spawns.get(enemyIndex).getName(); ModelInstance instance; try { Class<?> c = enemyClasses.get(name); Constructor constructor = c.getConstructor(Matrix4.class, Map.class, btCollisionWorld.class, IntMap.class, List.class, Map.class); enemies.add((Enemy) constructor.newInstance(new Matrix4().setToTranslation(pos), models, world, entity, path, sounds)); } catch (Exception e) {"EnemySpawner spawn enemy", e.toString()); } enemyIndex++; } //for (Enemy enemy : enemies) // enemy.tick(delta, path); }
public Basic(Matrix4 transform, double speeed, int hp, int health, int range, float coolDown, EnumSet<Types> types, EnumSet<Effects> effects, ModelInstance instance, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, List<Vector3> path, Map<String, Sound> sounds) { super(transform, speeed, hp, health, range, coolDown, types, effects, instance, new btCompoundShape(), world, entities, ATTACK_ANIMATION, ATTACK_OFFSET, path, sounds); ((btCompoundShape)shape).addChildShape(new Matrix4(new Vector3(0, 30, 0), new Quaternion().setEulerAngles(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1)), new btBoxShape(new Vector3(75, 30, 90))); //System.out.println(getModelInstance().getAnimation("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor").id); listener = new AnimationController.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onEnd(AnimationController.AnimationDesc animationDesc) { } @Override public void onLoop(AnimationController.AnimationDesc animationDesc) { } }; //animation.setAnimation("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor"); //animation.animate("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor", -1); //animation.action("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor", 0, 1000, -1, 1, listener, 0); //animation.animate("Spider_Armature|Attack", 0, 1000, 1, 1, listener, 0); //animation.queue("Spider_Armature|walk_ani_vor", 0, 1000, -1, 1, listener, 0); }
@Override protected void update(float delta) { if (!paused && !isLoading) { /*for (IntMap.Entry<Entity> entry : entities.entries()) { entry.value.tick(delta); if (entry.value.isDead) { entry.value.destroy(); } }*/ Iterator<IntMap.Entry<Entity>> iterator = entities.entries().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { IntMap.Entry<Entity> entry =; entry.value.tick(delta); if (entry.value.isDead) { iterator.remove(); } } enemies.tick(delta, this); collisionWorld.performDiscreteCollisionDetection(); camHandler.update(delta); } }
public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output, IntMap map) { int length = map.size; output.writeVarInt(length, true); output.writeBoolean(false); // whether type is written (in case future version of IntMap supports type awareness) Serializer valueSerializer = null; if (valueGenericType != null) { if (valueSerializer == null) valueSerializer = kryo.getSerializer(valueGenericType); valueGenericType = null; } for (Iterator iter = map.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { IntMap.Entry entry = (IntMap.Entry); output.writeInt(entry.key); if (valueSerializer != null) { kryo.writeObjectOrNull(output, entry.value, valueSerializer); } else kryo.writeClassAndObject(output, entry.value); } }
public SystemInputHandler(InputProxy inputProxy, InputMultiplexer inputMultiplexer, Array<NhgInput> systemInputArray) { this.inputProxy = inputProxy; vec0 = new Vector2(); keyboardButtonInputs = new IntMap<>(); mouseButtonInputs = new IntMap<>(); touchInputs = new IntMap<>(); activeKeyboardButtonInputs = new Array<>(); activeMouseButtonInputs = new Array<>(); activeTouchInputs = new Array<>(); mapSystemInput(systemInputArray); handleSystemInput(inputMultiplexer); }
/** * Copies all items from this inventory into the destination inventory */ public void copyAllItemsTo(Inventory destinationInventory) { for (BagType bag : BagType.values()) { IntMap<InventoryItem> sourceBag = getBag(bag); for (Entry<InventoryItem> slot : sourceBag.entries()) { InventoryItem item = slot.value; if (item != null) { InventoryItem newCopy = item.createNewInstance(); if (item.getStackSize() > 1) { for (int i = 1; i < item.getStackSize(); ++i) { newCopy.addToStack(newCopy.createNewInstance()); } } destinationInventory.addToBag(bag, newCopy, slot.key); } } } }
/** * Removes the item in the supplied slot from the bag and returns it. If the * slot was empty, null is returned. * * If the item was stackable and removeWholeStack is false, its stack is * decreased and the item removed from the stack is returned. * * @param bagType * @param slot * @param removeWholeStack * - if true, the whole stack is removed at once * @return */ public InventoryItem removeFromBag(BagType bagType, Integer slot, boolean removeWholeStack) { IntMap<InventoryItem> bag = bags.get(bagType); InventoryItem existingItem = bag.get(slot); if (existingItem == null) { return null; } if (existingItem.isInfinite() || (!removeWholeStack && existingItem.getStackSize() > 1)) { existingItem = existingItem.removeFromStack(); } else { bag.remove(slot); } existingItem.setInventory(null); onItemRemove(existingItem, bagType); return existingItem; }
@Override public void processTouch(IntMap<Int2> touch) { int deltaX, deltaY; for(IntMap.Entry entry:touch.entries()) { Int2 value = (Int2)entry.value; Int2 xy = InputHandler.getXY(entry.key); deltaX = value.x-xy.x; deltaY = value.y-xy.y; if(value.x < InputHandler.vWidth/2) { player.axisInput(-deltaX/100f,deltaY/100f); } else { if(player.setRot(deltaX,deltaY)) { value.x = xy.x; value.y = xy.y; player.jumpCount(); } } } }
boolean disposeShader(ShaderProgram shaderProgram){ if (shaderProgram == null) return false; for (IntMap.Entry<UniqueShader> entry : blurPassShaderPrograms.entries()){ UniqueShader uniqueShader = entry.value; if (uniqueShader.shaderProgram == shaderProgram){ uniqueShader.refCount--; if (uniqueShader.refCount < 1){ shaderProgram.dispose(); blurPassShaderPrograms.remove(entry.key); return true; } else { return false; } } } //not found! shaderProgram.dispose(); return true; }
private void gatherControllers(boolean sendEvent) { // gather all joysticks and gamepads, remove any disconnected ones IntMap<AndroidController> removedControllers = new IntMap<AndroidController>(); removedControllers.putAll(controllerMap); for(int deviceId: InputDevice.getDeviceIds()) { InputDevice device = InputDevice.getDevice(deviceId); AndroidController controller = controllerMap.get(deviceId); if(controller != null) { removedControllers.remove(deviceId); } else { addController(deviceId, sendEvent); } } for(Entry<AndroidController> entry: removedControllers.entries()) { removeController(entry.key); } }
private Iterable<Entity> getNeighbors(Entity empire) { IntMap<Entity> neighbors = new IntMap<>(); // collect entities we have relations with for (Entity e : relations.get(empire).relations.keySet()) neighbors.put(e.getId(), e); // collect entities we share influence with for (MapPosition p : influences.get(empire).influencedTiles) for (Entry inf : map.getInfluenceAt(p)) if (inf.key != empire.getId() && !neighbors.containsKey(inf.key) // may be pending insertion into world if just revolted && world.getEntityManager().isActive(inf.key)) neighbors.put(inf.key, world.getEntity(inf.key)); return neighbors.values(); }
@Override public void setUp() { if (!allLoaded) { int npairs = ids.size; if (lines == null) { lines = new IPosition[npairs][]; } IntMap<IPosition> hipMap = sg.getStarMap(); allLoaded = true; for (int i = 0; i < npairs; i++) { int[] pair = ids.get(i); IPosition s1, s2; s1 = hipMap.get(pair[0]); s2 = hipMap.get(pair[1]); if (lines[i] == null && s1 != null && s2 != null) { lines[i] = new IPosition[] { s1, s2 }; } else { allLoaded = false; } } } }
@Override public IntMap<T> deserialize (JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonArray jsonArray = json.getAsJsonArray(); IntMap<T> intMap = new IntMap<>(jsonArray.size()); for (JsonElement element : jsonArray) { JsonObject object = element.getAsJsonObject(); Entry<String, JsonElement> entry = object.entrySet().iterator().next(); int mapKey = Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey()); Class<?> mapObjectClass = GsonUtils.readClassProperty(object, context); intMap.put(mapKey, context.deserialize(entry.getValue(), mapObjectClass)); } return intMap; }
private Array<CollisionSensor> filterCollisionSensors(Entity entity) { Array<CollisionSensor> collisionSensors = new Array<CollisionSensor>(); CollisionSensorComponent collisionSensorComponent = entity.getComponent(CollisionSensorComponent.class); if (collisionSensorComponent != null) { IntMap.Values<ObjectSet<CollisionSensor>> values = collisionSensorComponent.sensors.values(); while (values.hasNext()) { for (CollisionSensor sensor : { if (sensor.targetTag != null) { collisionSensors.add(sensor); } } } } return collisionSensors; }
@Override public void entityAdded(Entity entity) { Log.debug(tag, "EntityAdded add RaySensors"); RigidBodiesComponents rigidBodiesComponent = entity.getComponent(RigidBodiesComponents.class); RaySensorComponent raySensorComponent = entity.getComponent(RaySensorComponent.class); if (raySensorComponent != null) { IntMap.Values<ObjectSet<RaySensor>> values = raySensorComponent.sensors.values(); while (values.hasNext()) { for (RaySensor sensor : { if (sensor.attachedRigidBody == null) sensor.attachedRigidBody = rigidBodiesComponent.rigidBodies.first(); } } } }
@Override public void entityAdded(Entity entity) { MouseSensorComponent mouseComponent = entity.getComponent(MouseSensorComponent.class); if (mouseComponent != null) { IntMap.Values<ObjectSet<MouseSensor>> values = mouseComponent.sensors.values(); while (values.hasNext()) { for (MouseSensor sensor : { ObjectSet eventSensors; if (mouseSensors.containsKey(sensor.mouseEvent)) { eventSensors = mouseSensors.get(sensor.mouseEvent); } else { eventSensors = new ObjectSet<MouseSensor>(); mouseSensors.put(sensor.mouseEvent, eventSensors); } eventSensors.add(sensor); } } } }
public Game(LogicBricksEngine engine, World physics) { this.engine = engine; this.physics = physics; renderingSystem = new RenderingSystem(); engine.addSystem(renderingSystem); levelFactories = new IntMap<LevelFactory>(); categoryBitsManager = new CategoryBitsManager(); //engine.update(0); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(engine.getInputs()); physics.setContactListener(this);; }
public DefaultMusicSystem(Level level) { this.level = level; for (IntMap.Entry<Music> entry : Musics.playing) { if (entry.key < 1 || entry.key > 3) { Musics.set(entry.key, null); } } musics = new Music[] { Musics.set(1, "main_1"), Musics.set(2, "main_2"), Musics.set(-2, "main_night_2"), Musics.set(3, "main_3") }; musics[0].setVolume(1f); for (int i = 1; i < musics.length; i++) { musics[i].setVolume(0f); } for (int i = 1; i < musics.length; i++) { musics[i].setPosition(musics[i-1].getPosition()); } for (int i = 0; i < musics.length; i++) { musics[i].play(); } }
private static IntMap<BlockPair> map(Object...objects){ IntMap<BlockPair> colors = new IntMap<>(); for(int i = 0; i < objects.length/2; i ++){ colors.put(Color.rgba8888(Color.valueOf((String)objects[i*2])), (BlockPair)objects[i*2+1]); pairs.add((BlockPair)objects[i*2+1]); } for(Entry<BlockPair> e : colors.entries()){ reverseColors.put(e.value.wall == Blocks.air ? e.value.floor : e.value.wall, e.key); } return colors; }
public AttackingEntity(Matrix4 transform, int hp, int health, int range, EnumSet<Types> types, EnumSet<Effects> effects, float coolDown, ModelInstance instance, btCollisionShape shape, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, String attackAnimation, Vector3 attackOffset, Map<String, Sound> sounds){ super(transform, hp, health, types, effects, instance, shape, world, entities, sounds); this.coolDown = coolDown; this.range = range; this.attackAnimation = attackAnimation; this.attackOffset = attackOffset; callback = new ClosestRayResultCallback(new Vector3(), new Vector3()); }
public Entity(Matrix4 transform, int hp, int health, EnumSet<Types> types, EnumSet<Effects> effects, ModelInstance instance, btCollisionShape shape, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, Map<String, Sound> sounds){ this.instance = instance; this.transform = transform; this.hp = hp; this.types = types; = health; this.effects = effects; this.sounds = sounds; animation = new AnimationController(instance); this.instance.transform.set(transform); this.shape = shape; body = new btCollisionObject(); body.setCollisionShape(shape); body.setWorldTransform(this.instance.transform); = world; tempVector = new Vector3(); tempVector2 = new Vector3(); this.entities = entities; tempQuaternion = new Quaternion(); quaternion = new Quaternion(); if(this instanceof Enemy || this instanceof Projectile) body.setCollisionFlags(body.getCollisionFlags()); int index = getNextIndex(); entities.put(index, this); body.setUserValue(index); world.addCollisionObject(body); boundingBox = instance.calculateBoundingBox(new BoundingBox()); //for(Node node: instance.nodes) //System.out.println(); }
public Gun(Matrix4 transform, int hp, int health, int range, float cooldown, EnumSet<Types> types, EnumSet<Effects> effects, ModelInstance instance, btCollisionShape shape, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, String attack, EntityTemplate<Bullet> projectile, Vector3 attackOffset, Map<String, Sound> sounds) { super(transform, hp, health, range, cooldown, types, effects, instance, shape, world, entities, attack, projectile, attackOffset, sounds); nodes = new HashMap<String, Node>(); /*for(Node node: instance.model.nodes) { System.out.println(; if ("Leg")) { legs.add(node); } }*/ //legs.get(0).rotation.setEulerAngles(100, 0, 0); for(Node node: instance.getNode("Gun_root").getChildren()) nodes.put(, node); }
public EnemySpawner(Vector3 pos, Map<String, Class<?>> enemyClasses, List<Spawn> spawns, Map<String, Model> models, List<Enemy> enemies, List<Vector3> path, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, Map<String, Sound> sounds) { this.enemies = enemies; this.pos = pos; this.enemyClasses = enemyClasses; this.models = models; this.spawns = spawns; this.path = path; = world; this.entity = entities; this.sounds = sounds; System.out.println(spawns); }
public Projectile(Matrix4 transform, Vector3 velocity, int hp, int health, float speed, EnumSet<Types> types, EnumSet<Effects> effects, ModelInstance model, btCollisionShape shape, boolean isTower, btCollisionWorld world, IntMap<Entity> entities, float lifetime, Map<String, Sound> sounds) { super(transform, hp, health, types, effects, model, shape, world, entities, sounds); this.isTower = isTower; this.velocity = velocity; this.velocity.scl(speed); this.lifetime = lifetime; }
public IntMap read (Kryo kryo, Input input, Class<IntMap> type) { int length = input.readVarInt(true); input.readBoolean(); // currently unused IntMap map = new IntMap(length); Class valueClass = null; Serializer valueSerializer = null; if (valueGenericType != null) { valueClass = valueGenericType; if (valueSerializer == null) valueSerializer = kryo.getSerializer(valueClass); valueGenericType = null; } kryo.reference(map); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int key = input.readInt(); Object value; if (valueSerializer != null) { value = kryo.readObjectOrNull(input, valueClass, valueSerializer); } else value = kryo.readClassAndObject(input); map.put(key, value); } return map; }
public boolean hasPendingChanges () { State pending = this.pending; State current = this.current; if (pending.depthMasking != current.depthMasking) return true; if (pending.depthTesting != current.depthTesting) return true; if (pending.depthTesting && pending.depthFunc != current.depthFunc) return true; if (pending.blending != current.blending) return true; if (pending.blending) { if (pending.blendSrcFuncColor != current.blendSrcFuncColor || pending.blendDstFuncColor != current.blendDstFuncColor || pending.blendSrcFuncAlpha != current.blendSrcFuncAlpha || pending.blendDstFuncAlpha != current.blendDstFuncAlpha) return true; if (pending.blendEquationColor != current.blendEquationColor || pending.blendEquationAlpha != current.blendEquationAlpha) return true; } IntMap<GLTexture> actualTextureUnits = current.textureUnits; for (IntMap.Entry<GLTexture> entry : pending.textureUnits) { if (actualTextureUnits.get(entry.key) != entry.value) return true; } return false; }
@Override public boolean touchDragged(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer) { for (IntMap.Entry<Touch> entry : pointers) { entry.value.update(screenX, screenY); } eventTouch.dispatch(null); return true; }
public InputController(Stage playStage, Stage guiStage){ this.playStage = playStage; this.guiStage = guiStage; this.inputMultiplexer = new InputMultiplexer(guiStage, playStage); this.commandManager = new CommandManager(); this.players = new IntMap<>(); this.mappedKeysForPlayer = new ObjectMap<>(); }
public <T extends Command> InputController mapKeyToCommand(int playerId, InputPeripheralType peripheralType, int key, Class<T> commandClass){ Player targetPlayer = this.players.get(playerId); targetPlayer.mapCommand(peripheralType, key, commandClass); IntMap<Player> mappedKeys = this.mappedKeysForPlayer.get(peripheralType); if(mappedKeys == null){ mappedKeys = new IntMap<>(); this.mappedKeysForPlayer.put(peripheralType, mappedKeys); } mappedKeys.put(key, targetPlayer); return this; }
private Player getTargetPlayerForKey(int key, InputPeripheralType peripheralType){ IntMap<Player> mappedKeys = this.mappedKeysForPlayer.get(peripheralType); if(mappedKeys == null) return null; else return mappedKeys.get(key); }
@Override public void assignComponents(GameEntity gameEntity) { ParticleTypesComponent particleC = gameEntity.addComponent(ParticleTypesComponent.class); for(IntMap.Entry<ParticleType> entry : particleTypes){ particleC.particleTypes.put(entry.key, entry.value); } }
public <T extends Command> Player mapCommand(InputPeripheralType peripheralType, int key, Class<T> commandClass){ IntMap<Class> mappedByPeripheral = mappedCommands.get(peripheralType); if(mappedByPeripheral == null) { mappedByPeripheral = new IntMap<>(); mappedCommands.put(peripheralType, mappedByPeripheral); } mappedByPeripheral.put(key, commandClass); return this; }
public <T extends Command> Class<T> getCommandClass(InputPeripheralType peripheralType, int key){ IntMap<Class> mappedByPeripheral = mappedCommands.get(peripheralType); if(mappedByPeripheral != null){ Class<T> command = mappedByPeripheral.get(key); if(command != null) { return command; }else{ Logger.getInstance().error("No command found for key [" + key + "] and peripheral [" + peripheralType + "]"); } }else{ Logger.getInstance().log("No commands found for peripheral [" + peripheralType + "]"); } return null; }
public OpenALAudio (int simultaneousSources, int deviceBufferCount, int deviceBufferSize) { this.deviceBufferSize = deviceBufferSize; this.deviceBufferCount = deviceBufferCount; registerSound("ogg", Ogg.Sound.class); registerMusic("ogg", Ogg.Music.class); registerSound("wav", Wav.Sound.class); registerMusic("wav", Wav.Music.class); registerSound("mp3", Mp3.Sound.class); registerMusic("mp3", Mp3.Music.class); try { AL.create(); } catch (LWJGLException ex) { noDevice = true; ex.printStackTrace(); return; } allSources = new IntArray(false, simultaneousSources); for (int i = 0; i < simultaneousSources; i++) { int sourceID = alGenSources(); if (alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR) break; allSources.add(sourceID); } idleSources = new IntArray(allSources); soundIdToSource = new LongMap<Integer>(); sourceToSoundId = new IntMap<Long>(); FloatBuffer orientation = (FloatBuffer)BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(6) .put(new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f}).flip(); alListener(AL_ORIENTATION, orientation); FloatBuffer velocity = (FloatBuffer)BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(3).put(new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}).flip(); alListener(AL_VELOCITY, velocity); FloatBuffer position = (FloatBuffer)BufferUtils.createFloatBuffer(3).put(new float[] {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}).flip(); alListener(AL_POSITION, position); recentSounds = new OpenALSound[simultaneousSources]; }
@Override public void onInventoryClose() { super.onInventoryClose(); if (shouldBeRemoved) { GameMap map = getMap(); map.removeGameObject(ItemPile.this); IntMap<InventoryItem> backPack = getBag(BagType.BACKPACK); if (backPack.size == 1) { InventoryItem lastItem = backPack.values().next(); Tile tile = position().tile(); new PickableGameObject(lastItem, tile.getX(), tile.getY(), map); backPack.clear(); } } }
public Inventory(InventoryContainer ic) { bags = new ObjectMap<BagType, IntMap<InventoryItem>>(); for (BagType bag : BagType.values()) { bags.put(bag, new IntMap<InventoryItem>()); } this.parentContainer = ic; }
/** * Returns the item with the specified id from this Inventory, or null if * such item cannot be found. * * The item is not actually removed from the intenvory when returned! * * @param id * @return */ public InventoryItem getItem(String id) { id = id.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); for (BagType bagType : BagType.values()) { IntMap<InventoryItem> bag = bags.get(bagType); for (InventoryItem item : bag.values()) { if (id.equals(item.getId())) { return item; } } } return null; }
/** * Adds the supplied InventoryItem to the supplied slot in the bag. If the * slot is already occupied, and the item there is not stackable, the item * there will be replaced by the new one and returned by this method. * * Otherwise the new item is just added to the stack and null is returned. * * If the supplied item already belonged to a different inventory, it will * be removed from there. * * @param bagType * @param item * @param slot * - if it is null, the first empty slot is used * @return */ public InventoryItem addToBag(BagType bagType, InventoryItem item, Integer slot) { IntMap<InventoryItem> bag = bags.get(bagType); InventoryItem existingItem = null; // remove from previous owner if we had one removeFromPreviousInventry(item); if (slot == null) { slot = findAcceptableSlot(bag, item); } if (bag.containsKey(slot)) { existingItem = bag.get(slot); } if (existingItem != null && existingItem.isStackable(item)) { existingItem.addToStack(item); existingItem = null; } else { item.setSlot(slot); item.setInventory(this); item.setInventoryBag(bagType); bag.put(slot, item); if (existingItem != null) { existingItem.setInventory(null); onItemRemove(existingItem, bagType); } } onItemAdd(item, bagType); return existingItem; }
private int findAcceptableSlot(IntMap<InventoryItem> bag, InventoryItem item) { int slot = 0; // first check for occupied slot that's stackable with the item for (Entry<InventoryItem> entry: bag.entries()) { if (entry.value.isStackable(item)) { return entry.key; } } // then search for an embty slot while (bag.containsKey(slot)) { ++slot; } return slot; }
/** * Removes all items from all bags of this inventory. */ public void clear() { for (ObjectMap.Entry<BagType, IntMap<InventoryItem>> bag : bags.entries()) { Iterator<Entry<InventoryItem>> iterator = bag.value.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { InventoryItem item =; item.setInventory(null); onItemRemove(item, bag.key); iterator.remove(); } } }