public void Addtogroup(){ grchatfaction = new VerticalGroup(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd/HH:mm:ss"); try { grchatfaction.addActor(addComment(sdf.parse("2016/5/17/13:34:23"),"adrian", Color.BLUE,"Welcome Chat!")); grchatfaction.addActor(addComment(sdf.parse("2016/5/17/13:34:23"),"adrian", Color.BLUE,"Faction!")); grchatfaction.addActor(labelTest1); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace();"eroare","intra"); } sp = new ScrollPane(grchatfaction); sp.layout(); sp.setScrollingDisabled(true, false); sp.setFillParent(true);sp.setLayoutEnabled(true); ta = new Table(); ta.setFillParent(false); ta.add(sp).fill().expand(); ta.setBounds(WIDTH *0.05f,background1.getY(), WIDTH*0.9f,background1.getHeight() * 1.05f); ta.setVisible(false); groupbotttom.addActor(ta); sp.setScrollPercentY(200); sp.act(; sp.updateVisualScroll(); }
@Override public void draw(Batch batch) { vanishElapsed +=; // vanishElapsed might be < 0 (delay), so clamp to 0 float progress = Math.min(1f, Math.max(vanishElapsed, 0f) / vanishLifetime); // If one were to plot the elasticIn function, they would see that the slope increases // a lot towards the end- a linear interpolation between the last size + the desired // size at 20% seems to look a lot better. vanishSize = MathUtils.lerp( vanishSize, Interpolation.elasticIn.apply(cell.size, 0, progress), 0.2f ); float centerOffset = cell.size * 0.5f - vanishSize * 0.5f; Cell.draw(vanishColor, batch, cell.pos.x + centerOffset, cell.pos.y + centerOffset, vanishSize); }
/** * Loading stage * @param doLoad should resources be loaded? It acts as a splash screen otherwise. */ public StageLoad(boolean doLoad) { this.doLoad = doLoad; // Create icon icon = new Image(new Texture("image/icon-512.png")); int size =; if ( > size =; icon.setSize(size, size); icon.setPosition( / 2 - size / 2, / 2 - icon.getHeight() / 2); addActor(icon); // Loading Text Label.LabelStyle loadingStyle = new Label.LabelStyle(); loadingStyle.font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("font/collvetica.fnt")); loadingStyle.font.getData().setScale( * 2 / 720); loading = new Label("DRC Sim", loadingStyle); loading.setBounds(0, 0,, * .2f); loading.setAlignment(; addActor(loading); }
public void addchatlocation(){ grchatlocation = new VerticalGroup(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd/HH:mm:ss"); try { grchatlocation.addActor(addComment(sdf.parse("2016/5/17/13:34:23"),"adrian", Color.RED,"Welcome Chat!")); grchatlocation.addActor(addComment(sdf.parse("2016/5/17/13:34:23"),"adrian", Color.GREEN,"Location!")); grchatlocation.addActor(labelTest); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace();"eroare","intra"); } scrollchatpublic = new ScrollPane(grchatlocation); scrollchatpublic.layout(); scrollchatpublic.setScrollingDisabled(true, false); scrollchatpublic.setFillParent(true); scrollchatpublic.setLayoutEnabled(true); tablechatpublic = new Table(); tablechatpublic.setFillParent(false); tablechatpublic.add(scrollchatpublic).fill().expand(); tablechatpublic.setBounds(WIDTH *0.05f,background1.getY(), WIDTH*0.9f,background1.getHeight() * 1.05f); groupbotttom.addActor(tablechatpublic); scrollchatpublic.setScrollPercentY(100); scrollchatpublic.act(; scrollchatpublic.updateVisualScroll(); }
@Override public void render(float delta) {, backgroundColor.g, backgroundColor.b, backgroundColor.a);; game.getSpriteBatch().begin(); if (backgroundTexture != null) game.getSpriteBatch().draw(this.backgroundTexture, 0, 0, game.getViewportWidth(), game.getViewportHeight()); game.getSpriteBatch().setProjectionMatrix(game.getUICamera().combined); stage.act(delta); stage.draw(); game.getSpriteBatch().end(); }
public static void takeScreenshot() { byte[] pixels = ScreenUtils.getFrameBufferPixels(0, 0,,, true); Pixmap pixmap = new Pixmap(,, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); BufferUtils.copy(pixels, 0, pixmap.getPixels(), pixels.length); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-MM-dd HH-mm-ss"); PixmapIO.writePNG( Gdx.files.external(dateFormat.format(new Date()) + ".png"), pixmap); pixmap.dispose(); }
@Override public void draw() { if (shown) { // Draw an overlay rectangle with not all the opacity // This is the only place where ShapeRenderer is OK because the batch hasn't started; shapeRenderer.begin(ShapeRenderer.ShapeType.Filled); Color color = new Color(Klooni.theme.bandColor); color.a = 0.1f; shapeRenderer.setColor(color); shapeRenderer.rect(0, 0,,; shapeRenderer.end(); } super.draw(); }
public static List<Spawn> loadSpawns(BufferedReader data) { if (data == null) return null; List<Spawn> spawns = new ArrayList<>(); try { int spawnNum = Integer.parseInt(data.readLine()); for (int i = 0; i < spawnNum; i++) { int repeatNum = Integer.parseInt(data.readLine()); String name = data.readLine(); int delay = Integer.parseInt(data.readLine()); for (int j = 0; j < repeatNum; j++) spawns.add(new Spawn(name, delay)); data.close(); } } catch (IOException e) {"Error", e.toString()); } return spawns; }
private static Save getSave(CubesCmdLineOptions.ServerCmdLineOptions options) { FileHandle worldFolder = Compatibility.get().getBaseFolder().child("world"); if (options.worldFolder != null) worldFolder = Gdx.files.absolute(options.worldFolder); Save save = new Save("world", worldFolder); if (save.readSaveOptions() == null) { SaveOptions saveOptions = save.getSaveOptions(); if (options.worldSeedString != null) saveOptions.setWorldSeed(options.worldSeedString); if (options.worldGenerator != null) saveOptions.worldType = options.worldGenerator; if (options.worldGamemode != null) saveOptions.worldGamemode = options.worldGamemode; } return save; }
public GameOver(GameStateManager gsm, int score) { super(gsm); this.score = score; camera.setToOrtho(false, FlappyBaran.WIDTH / 2, FlappyBaran.HEIGHT / 2); background = new Texture("backgrnd.jpg"); gameover = new Texture("gameover.png"); font = new BitmapFont(); prefs ="FlappyBaran"); if (!prefs.contains("highScore")) { prefs.putInteger("highScore", 0); } prevHighScore = getHighScore(); if (prevHighScore < this.score) { setHighScore(this.score); highscore = this.score; } else { highscore = prevHighScore; } }
private void initImageButtons() { if (!sceneData.isGameHost()) { return; // player is not hosting - don't offer the player to start the game. } imageButtonStartGame = new ImageButtonSceneObject(sceneData.createImageButton(Assets.START_GAME_BUTTON_FILENAME), buttonPressedSound); imageButtonStartGame.setBounds(( / 2.0f) - 137.5f, / 10.0f, 275f, 240f); imageButtonStartGame.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { sceneData.sendMessageFromGui(new StartGameClicked()); } }); addSceneObject(imageButtonStartGame); imageButtonStartGame.setDisabled(); }
@Override public void handleOutboundMessage(Message message) { if (message instanceof DisconnectClient) { handleDisconnect(((DisconnectClient)message).isTerminateClient()); return; } try { byte[] data = new MessageSerializer(message).serialize(); write(data); } catch (IOException | ProtocolException e) {, "Handling outbound message failed", e); handleDisconnect(true); } }
public void downenergy(int value){ bar.act(; infoProfile.getDateUserGame().setEnergy(infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnergy() - value); FadeIn(); new Timer().schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { bar.setAnimateDuration(3); bar.setValue((float) infoProfile.getDateUserGame().getEnergy()); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } mapsScreen.startTimer(); } }, 1000); }
@Override public void handleMessage(String senderId, Message message) { if(message.getType().equals(NextPlayer.class)){ setNextPlayer(((NextPlayer)message).getPlayername()); } else if (message.getType().equals(IsAttacked.class)) { context.setState(new AttackState(context, false)); } else if (message.getType().equals(AttackResult.class)) { // react on broadcast attack result as we have to update the regions updateRegions((AttackResult)message); } else if (message.getType().equals(SpawnTroop.class)) { doSpawnTroop((SpawnTroop) message); } else if (message.getType().equals(MoveTroop.class)) { doMoveTroop((MoveTroop) message); } else{"WaitingForNextTurnState","unknown messgae:"+message.getType().getSimpleName()); } }
@Override public void show() { if(drawone){ addroomselect(); addButtonBottom(); addPuls(); addimagebg(); addbuildRoom(); addtimerbuildroom(); drawone = false; } cameraGroupStrategy = new CameraGroupStrategy(camera); // CameraInputController controller = new CameraInputController(camera); stage = new Stage(new StretchViewport(,; batchsprite = new SpriteBatch(); addtostage(); batch = new DecalBatch(this.cameraGroupStrategy); Gdx.input.setCatchBackKey(true); InputMultiplexer inputmulti = new InputMultiplexer(); inputmulti.addProcessor(stage); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(inputmulti); }
private static void extractAssets(URL jar, AssetManager assetManager) { String assets = "assets"; try { ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(getInputStream(jar)); ZipEntry ze = zip.getNextEntry(); while (ze != null) { String name = ze.getName().replace("\\", "/"); if (name.startsWith(assets) && !ze.isDirectory()) { name = name.substring(ze.getName().lastIndexOf(assets) + assets.length() + 1); assetManager.assets.put(name, new Asset(assetManager, name, Gdx.files.internal(ze.getName()))); } ze = zip.getNextEntry(); } zip.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.error("Failed to extract assets", e); } }
public boolean connect(boolean autoStart) { if (mGoogleApiClient == null) {, "Call initialize first."); throw new IllegalStateException(); } if (isSessionActive()) return true;, "Trying to connect with autostart " + autoStart); mAutoStartSignInflow = autoStart; mSignInClicked = !autoStart; isConnectionPending = true; mGoogleApiClient.connect(); return true; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void show() {; // Table containing the Level Buttons Table levels = new Table();; levels.padTop(TOP_EDGE); createLevelButtons(levels); // Table containing the Static Elements Table staticElements = new Table(); staticElements.setFillParent(true); createStaticElements(staticElements, levels); stage.addActor(staticElements); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); }
/** * Erstellt einen Sound in der Sound-Datenbank und lädt ihn. * * @see AudioManager#createSound(String, String) * @see AudioManager#unloadSound(SoundKey) * @see AudioManager#playSound(SoundKey) * @see AudioManager#playSound(SoundKey, float) * * @param group zu welcher Gruppe gehört der Sound? * @param name der Name der Sounddatei mit Endung * @param autoUnload true damit der Sound beim Beenden ohne Warnung entladen wird. Sparsam benutzen. * @return ein Verweis auf den Sound der zum Abspielen benutzt werden kann */ public SoundKey createSound(String group, String name, boolean autoUnload) { String soundId = group + "/" +name; if (soundMap.containsKey(soundId)) return new SoundKey(soundId); Sound sound ="data/sound/" + soundId)); soundMap.put(soundId, sound); SoundKey soundKey = new SoundKey(soundId); if (autoUnload) autoUnloadSounds.add(soundKey); return soundKey; }
protected void sendOpenSessionEvent() { if (!isSessionActive()) return; Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); addGameIDUserNameUserToken(params); final Net.HttpRequest http = buildJsonRequest("sessions/open/", params); if (http != null), new NoOpResponseListener()); pingTask = Timer.schedule(new Timer.Task() { @Override public void run() { sendKeepSessionOpenEvent(); } }, GJ_PING_INTERVAL, GJ_PING_INTERVAL); }
private void drawdefenders(){ defenders = new DrawDefenders(); groupBtnDefender = new Group(); Button btn1 = new Button(new ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle()); btn1.setName("btn1"); btn1.setSize( * 0.18f, * 0.2f); btn1.setPosition( * 0.025f, / 2.3f - * 0.14f); groupBtnDefender.addActor(btn1); Button btn2 = new Button(new ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle()); btn2.setName("btn2"); btn2.setSize( * 0.18f, * 0.2f); btn2.setPosition( * 0.025f, / 2.3f); groupBtnDefender.addActor(btn2); Button btn3 = new Button(new ImageButton.ImageButtonStyle()); btn3.setName("btn3"); btn3.setSize( * 0.18f, * 0.2f); btn3.setPosition( * 0.025f, / 2.3f + * 0.14f); groupBtnDefender.addActor(btn3); }
@Override public void update(Player player) { posY -= speed *; sprite.setPosition(posX, posY); lifeTime--; flashLTime--; if(lifeTime < 0) alive = false; if(flashLTime < 0) stopRenderFlash = true; if(player != null && SIUtils.intersectsWith(this.sprite, player.getSprite())) { this.alive = false; if(!player.isGodMode()) player.setHealth(player.getHealth() - damage); } }
@Override protected void handleInput() { if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { if (a == 1) { sheep.jump(); } if (a == 2) { cow.jump(); } if (a == 3) { pig.jump(); } if (a == 4) { bunny.jump(); } if (a == 5) { chick.jump(); } } }
/** * Generate new bitmap font. * * @param fontDescriptor Descriptor object describing font properties. * @return Newly generated bitmap font. */ private static BitmapFont generateFont(FontDescriptor fontDescriptor) { FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal(fontDescriptor.getFontFilename())); FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.color = fontDescriptor.getForegroundColor(); parameter.size = fontDescriptor.getFontSize(); parameter.borderWidth = fontDescriptor.getBorderWidth(); parameter.borderColor = fontDescriptor.getBorderColor(); parameter.borderStraight = fontDescriptor.isStraightBorderUsed(); BitmapFont font = generator.generateFont(parameter); generator.dispose(); return font; }
@Override public void render () {, 0, 0, 1);; this.batch.begin(); this.batch.draw(this.backgroundImage, 0, 0,,; this.guiManager.update(this.updateVisitor,; this.guiManager.draw(this.drawVisitor); this.batch.end(); }
/** * Aufräumarbeiten. */ @Override public void dispose() {"INFO", "Menu dispose..."); entries.clear(); batch.dispose();"INFO", "Menu leave."); }
@Override public boolean touchDown(int screenX, int screenY, int pointer, int button) { if (checkProcessing() && button == Buttons.LEFT) { Vector3 vec = camera.unproject(new Vector3(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0)); selectionBegin = new Vector2(vec.x, vec.y); return true; } return false; }
private void update(float forward, float backward, float left, float right, boolean jump, boolean descend) { int deltaTime =; updateIf(deltaTime); tryMove(); boolean onBlock = WorldGravity.onBlock(Cubes.getClient().world, Cubes.getClient().player.position, Player.PLAYER_HEIGHT, Player.PLAYER_RADIUS); if (flying) { innestedIf1(jump, onBlock); } else if (jumping) { if (!jump) { Cubes.getClient().player.motion.y = Math.min(JUMP_RELEASE_VELOCITY, Cubes.getClient().player.motion.y); jumping = false; } } else { if (jump && onBlock) { Cubes.getClient().player.motion.y = JUMP_START_VELOCITY; jumping = true; } } innestedIf2(jump, deltaTime); }
public TiledMap load(String fileName, AtlasTiledMapLoaderParameters parameter) { try { if (parameter != null) { convertObjectToTileSpace = parameter.convertObjectToTileSpace; flipY = parameter.flipY; } else { convertObjectToTileSpace = false; flipY = true; } FileHandle tmxFile = resolve(fileName); root = xml.parse(tmxFile); ObjectMap<String, TextureAtlas> atlases = new ObjectMap<String, TextureAtlas>(); FileHandle atlasFile = Gdx.files .internal(KyperBoxGame.IMAGE_FOLDER + KyperBoxGame.FILE_SEPARATOR + KyperBoxGame.GAME_ATLAS); if (atlasFile == null) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Couldn't load atlas"); } TextureAtlas atlas = new TextureAtlas(atlasFile); atlases.put(atlasFile.path(), atlas); AtlasResolver.DirectAtlasResolver atlasResolver = new AtlasResolver.DirectAtlasResolver(atlases); TiledMap map = loadMap(root, tmxFile, atlasResolver); map.setOwnedResources(atlases.values().toArray()); setTextureFilters(parameter.textureMinFilter, parameter.textureMagFilter); return map; } catch (IOException e) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Couldn't load tilemap '" + fileName + "'", e); } }
private void update() { if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { this.guiCam.unproject(this.touchPoint.set(Gdx.input.getX(), Gdx.input.getY(), 0)); if (this.backBounds.contains(this.touchPoint.x, this.touchPoint.y)) { LevelScreen(; return; } if (this.playPauseBounds.contains(this.touchPoint.x, this.touchPoint.y)) { SettingsUtil.playEnabled = !SettingsUtil.playEnabled; return; } if (this.restartBounds.contains(this.touchPoint.x, this.touchPoint.y)) { this.firstRun = 3; this.grid.currentPosition = 0; this.grid.forward = true; return; } if (this.backFowardtBounds.contains(this.touchPoint.x, this.touchPoint.y)) { SettingsUtil.backForwardEnabled = !SettingsUtil.backForwardEnabled; return; } if (this.soundBounds.contains(this.touchPoint.x, this.touchPoint.y)) { SettingsUtil.soundEnabled = !SettingsUtil.soundEnabled; return; } if (this.minusBounds.contains(this.touchPoint.x, this.touchPoint.y)) { if (SettingsUtil.bpm > 1) { SettingsUtil.bpm--; this.bpm = MINUTE_IN_MILLIS / SettingsUtil.bpm; } return; } if (this.plusBounds.contains(this.touchPoint.x, this.touchPoint.y)) { SettingsUtil.bpm++; this.bpm = MINUTE_IN_MILLIS / SettingsUtil.bpm; } } }
@Override public void render(SpriteBatch sb) { sb.begin(); sb.draw(black, 0, 0, GameTutorial.WIDTH, GameTutorial.HEIGHT); sb.end(); stage.act(; stage.draw(); }
@Override public void handleInput() { if (Gdx.input.justTouched()) { music.stop(); gsm.set(new MenuState(gsm)); } }
public void setState(State state) { if (state == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("state is null"); }, this.state.getClass().getSimpleName() + " -> " + state.getClass().getSimpleName()); data.setCurrentStateName(state.getClass().getSimpleName()); data.setChangedFlag(true); this.state.exit(); this.state=state; this.state.enter(); }
@Override public void drawRectangle(Point top_left, Float width, Float height, CustomColor color) { this.batch.draw( this.textureWhite, top_left.getX(), - (top_left.getY() + height), width, height); }
public void updateTitle(boolean onMap) { if (onMap) {"JGame " + Integer.toString( + " FPS " + eHandler.tileHover(eHandler.handleMouseX(deltaTime), eHandler.handleMouseY(deltaTime)).GetType() + " " + entity.buildPercentage + "%"); } else {"JGame " + Integer.toString( + " FPS " + "No Tile Selected" + " " + entity.buildPercentage + "%"); } }
public AuthenticationState(Client client, StateManager states) { this.client = client; this.states = states; authenticationDialog = new AuthenticationDialog(this);; Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
@Override public void draw() { if (light) { GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE ); super.draw(); GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA ); } else { super.draw(); } }
public HealthPack() { posX = MathUtils.random(350)+ 50; posY =; speed = 150f; texture = AssetLoader.assetManager.get("medkit.png", Texture.class); powerUpSound = AssetLoader.assetManager.get("powerupsnd.wav", Sound.class); sprite = new Sprite(texture); sprite.setOriginCenter(); sprite.setScale(0.7f); sprite.setPosition(posX, posY); }
@Override public void render() {, 0, 0, 1);; batch.begin(); batch.draw(img, 0, 0); batch.end(); }
/** * Returns a {@link FreeTypeFontGenerator} that generates a {@link BitmapFont} with a specified path * * @param fontPath the path of the desired font, relative to {@link Gdx#files#internal()} * * @return the requested {@link FreeTypeFontGenerator} */ public static FreeTypeFontGenerator getFTFGenerator(String fontPath) { if (fontPath.equals("default")) throw new IllegalArgumentException("fontPath must not be default, use getDefaultFTFGenerator() instead"); if (cache.containsKey(fontPath)) return cache.get(fontPath); else { cache.put(fontPath, new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal(fontPath))); return cache.get(fontPath); } }