public GameState(String name, String tmx, StateManager manager) { this.tmx = tmx; setManager(manager); if(name!=null) = name; else = ""; sprites = new ObjectMap<String, Sprite>(); animations = new ObjectMap<String, Animation<String>>(); fonts = new ObjectMap<String, BitmapFont>(); //TODO: test load to avoid repeats particle_effects = new ObjectMap<String, ParticleEffectPool>(); pvalues = new Array<String>(); time_scale = 1f; shaders = new ObjectMap<String, ShaderProgram>(); svalues = new Array<String>(); }
private void onFinishedLoading() { BitmapFont main19Font = assetManager.get(MAIN_FONT_19_PATH()); BitmapFont main22Font = assetManager.get(MAIN_FONT_22_PATH()); BitmapFont letter20Font = assetManager.get(LETTER_FONT_20_PATH()); BitmapFont handwritten20Font = assetManager .get(HANDWRITTEN_FONT_20_PATH()); ObjectMap<String, Object> fontMap = new ObjectMap<String, Object>(); fontMap.put("main-19", main19Font); fontMap.put("main-22", main22Font); fontMap.put("letter-20", letter20Font); fontMap.put("handwritten-20", handwritten20Font); assetManager.load(SKIN_PATH, Skin.class, new SkinLoader.SkinParameter(SKIN_TEXTURE_ATLAS_PATH, fontMap)); assetManager.finishLoadingAsset(SKIN_PATH); // game.setUISkin(assetManager.get(SKIN_PATH)); VisUI.load(); game.setUISkin(VisUI.getSkin()); // Notify loaded screens game.getScreen("serverBrowser").finishLoading(); game.pushScreen("mainMenu"); }
private void renderGuiFpsCounter(SpriteBatch batch) { float x = cameraGUI.viewportWidth - 55; float y = cameraGUI.viewportHeight - 15; int fps =; BitmapFont fpsFont = Assets.instance.fonts.defaultNormal; if (fps >= 45) { // 45 or more FPS show up in green fpsFont.setColor(0, 1, 0, 1); } else if (fps >= 30) { // 30 or more FPS show up in yellow fpsFont.setColor(1, 1, 0, 1); } else { // less than 30 FPS show up in red fpsFont.setColor(1, 0, 0, 1); } fpsFont.draw(batch, "FPS: " + fps, x, y); fpsFont.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1); }
public AssetFonts() { // Create three fonts using libGdx's 15px bitmap font defaultSmall = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("images/arial-15.fnt"), true); defaultNormal = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("images/arial-15.fnt"), true); defaultBig = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("images/arial-15.fnt"), true); // set font sizes defaultSmall.getData().setScale(0.75f); defaultNormal.getData().setScale(1.0f); defaultBig.getData().setScale(2.0f); // enable linear texture filtering for smooth fonts defaultSmall.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); defaultNormal.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); defaultBig.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(Texture.TextureFilter.Linear, Texture.TextureFilter.Linear); }
public GameOver(GameStateManager gsm, int score) { super(gsm); this.score = score; camera.setToOrtho(false, FlappyBaran.WIDTH / 2, FlappyBaran.HEIGHT / 2); background = new Texture("backgrnd.jpg"); gameover = new Texture("gameover.png"); font = new BitmapFont(); prefs ="FlappyBaran"); if (!prefs.contains("highScore")) { prefs.putInteger("highScore", 0); } prevHighScore = getHighScore(); if (prevHighScore < this.score) { setHighScore(this.score); highscore = this.score; } else { highscore = prevHighScore; } }
public Hud(SpriteBatch sb) { countKill = 0; viewport = new FitViewport(ScreenConf.V_WIDTH, ScreenConf.V_HEIGHT, new OrthographicCamera()); stage = new Stage(viewport, sb); Table table = new Table(); table.setFillParent(true);; countKillLabel = new Label(String.format("%03d", countKill), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE)); table.add(countKillLabel).expandX().padTop(10); table.add().expandX(); table.add().expandX(); table.add().expandX(); stage.addActor(table); }
public FilledIconBar(Texture heartTexture, BitmapFont font) { super(); this.font = font; // add heart icon this.heartImageWidget = new ImageWidget(heartTexture); this.heartImageWidget.setPosition(0, 0); this.addWidget(this.heartImageWidget); // add health widget this.filledBar = new FilledBar(this.font); this.filledBar.setPosition(40, 6); this.filledBar.setDimension(80, 20); this.addWidget(this.filledBar); }
private void loadFonts(TiledMap data, String atlasname) { MapObjects objects = data.getLayers().get("preload").getObjects(); String ffcheck = "Font"; for (MapObject o : objects) { String name = o.getName(); BitmapFont font = null; MapProperties properties = o.getProperties(); String type = properties.get("type", String.class); String fontfile = properties.get("font_file", String.class); if (fontfile != null && type != null && type.equals(ffcheck)) { boolean markup = properties.get("markup", false, boolean.class); game.loadFont(fontfile, atlasname); game.getAssetManager().finishLoading(); font = game.getFont(fontfile); fonts.put(name, font); font.getData().markupEnabled = markup; } } }
private static BitmapFont createFont(int fontSize , Fonts type) { FileHandle fontFile = null; switch(type){ case HEMI_HEAD: fontFile = Gdx.files.internal("fonts/HEMIHEAD.TTF"); break; case VERA: fontFile = Gdx.files.internal("fonts/Vera.ttf"); break; case VERA_BD: fontFile = Gdx.files.internal("fonts/VeraBd.ttf"); break; default: break; } FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(fontFile); FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = fontSize; BitmapFont font = generator.generateFont(parameter); generator.dispose(); return font; }
public static BitmapFont createFont(String fontPath, int size, Color color, Color borderColor, int borderWidth) { // load font FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.absolute(fontPath)); FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); // parameter.size = size; parameter.borderColor = borderColor; parameter.borderWidth = borderWidth; parameter.color = color; BitmapFont font48 = generator.generateFont(parameter); generator.dispose(); return font48; }
@Override public void create() { VisUI.load(); batch = new SpriteBatch(); shapeRenderer = new ShapeRenderer(); img = new Texture("splash.png"); font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("font/openSans.fnt"), Gdx.files.internal("font/openSans.png"), false, true); window = ((Lwjgl3Graphics); // start loading loadingTask = new LoadingTask(); try { loadingTask.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
public MenuScreen() { camera = new OrthographicCamera(); viewport = new FitViewport(Game.WIDTH, Game.HEIGHT, camera); viewport.apply(); camera.position.set(Game.WIDTH / 2, Game.HEIGHT / 2, 0); camera.update(); betaText = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("score.fnt"), Gdx.files.internal("score.png"), false); betaText.getData().setScale(0.35f); logo = new Sprite(new Texture("logo.png")); Random r = new Random(); background = new Particle[r.nextInt(55 - 45) + 45]; for (int i = 0; i < background.length; i++) { int size = r.nextInt(4) + 1; int x = r.nextInt(Game.WIDTH); int y = r.nextInt(Game.HEIGHT); background[i] = new Particle(x, y, 0, 0, -1, new Color(207 / 255f, 187 / 255f, 20 / 255f, 1f), size); } musicMuted = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("buttons/music_muted.png"))); musicUnmuted = new Sprite(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("buttons/music_unmuted.png"))); play = new CenteredButton(500, "buttons/play.png"); music = new Button(Game.WIDTH - 130, 15, Game.musicMuted() ? musicMuted : musicUnmuted); music.setScale(4f); }
@Override public void show() { Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); GameUtils.getGame().assets.put("Players/player.png", Texture.class); GameUtils.getGame().assets.put("World/grass.png", Texture.class); GameUtils.getGame().assets.put("Fonts/HUDFont.fnt", BitmapFont.class); switch( { case Android: GameUtils.getGame().assets.put("Controls/touchBackground.png", Texture.class); GameUtils.getGame().assets.put("Controls/touchKnob.png", Texture.class); break; default: break; } }
@Override public void create() { batch = new SpriteBatch(); font = new BitmapFont(); font.setColor(0, 0, 1, 1); // Origin TextureAtlas originTextureAtlas = new TextureAtlas(ORIGIN_PATH + "/test.atlas"); Skin originSkin = new Skin(originTextureAtlas); originTextureRegion = originSkin.getRegion("badlogic"); // Encrypt SimpleXorCryptoEncryptor.process("123", "atlas", "encryptedAtlas"); // Decrypt CryptTextureAtlas cryptTextureAtlas = new CryptTextureAtlas(crypto, ENCRYPTED_PATH + "/test.atlas"); Skin skin = new Skin(cryptTextureAtlas); decryptTextureRegion = skin.getRegion("badlogic"); }
public MessageWindow(String message, BitmapFont font, float width, float height) { setTouchable(Touchable.enabled); setBounds(width / 2 - width / 4, height / 2 - height / 10, width / 2, height / 5); texture = new Texture("theme/basic/ui/Window.png"); this.message = message; table = new Table(); table.setSize(getWidth(), getHeight()); table.align( |; table.setPosition(getX(), getY()); Label label = new Label(message, new Label.LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); label.setWrap(true); label.setFontScale(0.7f); Label label2 = new Label("Tap to continue", new Label.LabelStyle(font, Color.BLACK)); label2.setFontScale(0.6f); table.add(label).width(getWidth()); table.row(); table.add(label2).width(getWidth()).expandY(); table.pad(0, 30, 0, 30); }
@Override public void init() { // Start Sound and Music musicManager = gsm.getGame().getMusicManager(); soundManager = gsm.getGame().getSoundManager(); soundManager.addSound(selectSound, choiceOptionName); // Start Bitmap Font bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(); //bitmapFont.getData().setScale(3); // Spritebatch start spriteBatch = game.getSpriteBatch(); // Current Option Start currentOption = 0; // Add Sound effect soundManager.addSound(selectSound, choiceOptionName); }
static Skin loadSkin() { String folder = "ui/x" + bestMultiplier + "/"; // Base skin Skin skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("skin/uiskin.json")); // Nine patches final int border = (int)(28 * bestMultiplier); skin.add("button_up", new NinePatch(new Texture( Gdx.files.internal(folder + "button_up.png")), border, border, border, border)); skin.add("button_down", new NinePatch(new Texture( Gdx.files.internal(folder + "button_down.png")), border, border, border, border)); for (String id : ids) { skin.add(id + "_texture", new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(folder + id + ".png"))); } folder = "font/x" + bestMultiplier + "/"; skin.add("font", new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal(folder + "geosans-light64.fnt"))); skin.add("font_small", new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal(folder + "geosans-light32.fnt"))); skin.add("font_bonus", new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal(folder + "the-next-font.fnt"))); return skin; }
public DeathScreen(Polymorph polymorph,int playerscore) { AssetManager assetManager = polymorph.getAssetManager(); TextureAtlas textureAtlas = assetManager.get(Polymorph.MASTER_PATH, TextureAtlas.class); this.polymorph = polymorph; score=playerscore; DeathScreenMusic = assetManager.get(Polymorph.MAIN_MENU_MUSIC_PATH); DeathScreenMusic.setLooping(true); background = textureAtlas.findRegion("mainmenu"); //TODO make a unique background for the death screen screenSize = new Dimension(,; camera = new OrthographicCamera(); camera.setToOrtho(false, screenSize.width, screenSize.height); //change this batch=new SpriteBatch(); batch.setProjectionMatrix(camera.combined); stage = new Stage(); stage.clear(); font = new BitmapFont(false); textureAtlas = assetManager.get(Polymorph.MASTER_PATH, TextureAtlas.class); initButtons(score,textureAtlas); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); }
public final AssetDescriptor<BitmapFont> MAIN_FONT_19_PATH() { FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter font = new FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter(); font.fontFileName = "fonts/AlemdraSC/AlmendraSC-Regular.ttf"; font.fontParameters.size = 19; return new AssetDescriptor<BitmapFont>("mainFont19.ttf", BitmapFont.class, font); }
public final AssetDescriptor<BitmapFont> MAIN_FONT_22_PATH() { FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter font = new FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter(); font.fontFileName = "fonts/AlemdraSC/AlmendraSC-Regular.ttf"; font.fontParameters.size = 22; return new AssetDescriptor<BitmapFont>("mainFont22.ttf", BitmapFont.class, font); }
public final AssetDescriptor<BitmapFont> HANDWRITTEN_FONT_20_PATH() { FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter font = new FreeTypeFontLoaderParameter(); font.fontFileName = "fonts/ReenieBeanie/ReenieBeanie.ttf"; font.fontParameters.size = 20; return new AssetDescriptor<BitmapFont>("handwrittenFont20.ttf", BitmapFont.class, font); }
@Override public void setDependencies(String fontFileName, String fontBitmapFileName, GGVm ggvm, InputProcessorBase inputProcessor, SoundtrackManager soundtrackManager) { FileHandle fontFileHandle = Gdx.files.internal(fontFileName); FileHandle fontBitmapFileHandle = Gdx.files.internal(fontBitmapFileName); bitmapFont = new BitmapFont(fontFileHandle, fontBitmapFileHandle, false); topLevelMenu = new TopLevelMenu(); promptInputMenu = new PromptInputMenu(); menu = topLevelMenu; this.ggvm = ggvm; this.inputProcessor = (KeyboardInputProcessor) inputProcessor; this.soundtrackManager = soundtrackManager; }
public BitmapFont getFont() { if (font == null) { FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/VCROSDMono.ttf")); FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = 35; parameter.borderWidth = 1; parameter.color = Color.BLACK; font = generator.generateFont(parameter); generator.dispose(); } return font; }
private BitmapFont getFont() { FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/DroidSans.ttf")); FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = 20; BitmapFont font = generator.generateFont(parameter); generator.dispose(); return font; }
public PlayState(GameStateManager gsm) { super(gsm); score = 0; chapa = new Chapa(50, 300); camera.setToOrtho(false, FlappyChapa.WIDTH / 2, FlappyChapa.HEIGHT / 2); Texture texture = new Texture("bg.png"); backGround = new org.academiadecodigo.bootcamp.sprites.Background(camera); backGround.start(); ground = new Texture("ground.png"); /*table = new Table(); table.setPosition(camera.position.x,camera.position.y); //table.setBounds(camera.position.x,camera.position.y,camera.viewportWidth,camera.viewportHeight/10); table.setFillParent(true);*/ scoreLabel = new Label(String.format("%06d", score), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE)); scoreLabel.setPosition(camera.position.x,0); startTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); anto = new Anto(camera); // groundPos1 = new Vector2(camera.position.x - camera.viewportWidth / 2, GROUND_Y_OFFSET); // groundPos2 = new Vector2((camera.position.x - camera.viewportWidth / 2) + ground.getWidth(), GROUND_Y_OFFSET); tubes = new Array<Tube>(); for (int i = 0; i < TUBE_COUNT; i++) { tubes.add(new Tube(i * (TUBE_SPACING + Tube.TUBE_WIDTH))); } music ="bigSmoke_justAudio.mp3")); music.setLooping(true); music.setVolume(0.5f);; }
public static BitmapFont getFont(String id, String file, Color color, int size) { FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = size; parameter.color = color; FreeTypeFontGenerator gen = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal(file)); BitmapFont font = gen.generateFont(parameter); font.getRegion().getTexture().setFilter(TextureFilter.Linear, TextureFilter.Linear); return font; }
@Override public void show() { batch = new SpriteBatch(); splashScreen = new Texture("loadscreen.png"); loaded = false; font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("sans.fnt"), false); AssetLoader.create(); }
public static BitmapFont generateScaledFont(float scale) { int size = (int) (50f * * scale / 720f); if (fonts.containsKey(size)) return fonts.get(size); FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("font/coolvetica.ttf")); FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = size; FreeTypeFontGenerator.setMaxTextureSize(FreeTypeFontGenerator.NO_MAXIMUM); BitmapFont font = generator.generateFont(parameter); generator.dispose(); fonts.put(size, font); return font; }
public static BitmapFont createFont(String fontPath, int size, Color color) { // load font FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.absolute(fontPath)); FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter(); parameter.size = size; parameter.color = color; BitmapFont font48 = generator.generateFont(parameter); generator.dispose(); return font48; }
private void initInputRows(BitmapFont font, TextureRegion backgroundTexture) { for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { Label lbKey = new Label(keys[i].getKeyName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + keys[i].getKeyName().substring(1), skin); lbKey.setAlignment(; keyMap.put(keys[i].getKeyName(), i); TextButton btKey = new TextButton(Input.Keys.toString(IInputConfig.InputKeys.getFromKey(keys[i], AL.getInputConfig())), skin); btKey.setText(btKey.getText().toString().toUpperCase());; btKey.setName(keys[i].getKeyName()); btKey.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { showDialog(font, backgroundTexture, btKey.getName(), btKey); } }); inputTable.add(lbKey).pad(10).fill(); inputTable.add(btKey).pad(10).fill(); inputTable.row(); } scrollPane = new ScrollPane(inputTable, skin); scrollPane.setSize(500, 900); scrollPane.setPosition(1920 / 2 - 250, 1080 / 2 - 400); stage.addActor(scrollPane); }
public static void writeOutlinedText(BitmapFont font, SpriteBatch batch, String text, float x, float y, Color center, Color outline) { font.setColor(outline); font.draw(batch, text, x-1, y-1); font.draw(batch, text, x-1, y+1); font.draw(batch, text, x+1, y-1); font.draw(batch, text, x+1, y+1); font.setColor(center); font.draw(batch, text, x, y); }
public ShopEntry(String title, int cost, Sprite texture, BitmapFont font) { this.title = title; this.cost = cost; this.texture = texture; this.font = font; buyButton = new TextButton(0, 0, 235, 90, "buttons/price.png", font, String.valueOf(cost)); }
public void loadProgressBar(String progressBar, String baseImg, String background, String fontPath) { //load assets needed load(progressBar,Texture.class); load(baseImg,Texture.class); load(background,Texture.class); load(fontPath,BitmapFont.class); finishLoading(); //assign assets that were loaded progressBarImg = get(progressBar,Texture.class); progressBarBaseImg = get(baseImg,Texture.class); backgroundImg = get(background,Texture.class); font = get(fontPath,BitmapFont.class); font.getData().markupEnabled = true; }
public void initDestinationAssets() { if(destination.equals("menu")) { GameUtils.getGame().mainFont = GameUtils.getGame().assetHandler.get("Fonts/mainFont.fnt",BitmapFont.class); GameUtils.getGame().mainFont.getData().markupEnabled = true; }else if(destination.equals("game")) { GameUtils.getGame().HUDFont = GameUtils.getGame().assetHandler.get("Fonts/HUDFont.fnt",BitmapFont.class); GameUtils.getGame().HUDFont.getData().markupEnabled = true; } }
@Override public void dispose() { if(debugger != null) debugger.disposeWindow("Controllers"); if(vr != null && preferences.isVr()) vr.close(); List<BitmapFont> fontArray = new ArrayList<BitmapFont>(fonts.values()); for(BitmapFont font: fontArray) font.dispose(); }
public static BitmapFont getFont(int size) { BitmapFont f = readFont(size); if (f == null) f = writeFont(size); if (f == null) Debug.crash(new CubesException("Null font")); return f; }
@Override public void create() { try{ if(true){ // Run server this.server = new Server(22050, 22050); server.bind(7777, 7777); server.start(); relay = new VoiceChatServer(server.getKryo()); server.addListener(new Listener(){ public void received(Connection connection, Object object) { relay.relayVoice(connection, object, server); } }); } this.client = new Client(22050, 22050); client.start(); client.connect(5000, "localhost", 7777, 7777); this.sender = new VoiceChatClient(client.getKryo()); this.sender.addReceiver(client); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace();; } // Other stuff for test batch = new SpriteBatch(); font = new BitmapFont(); }
/** * Called when the {@link Application} is first created. */ @Override public void create() { batch = new SpriteBatch(); font = new BitmapFont(); multiplexer = new InputMultiplexer(); game_setup_screen = new GameSetupScreen(this); game_screen = new GameScreen(this); choice_screen = new ParticleChoiceScreen(this, game_screen); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(multiplexer); setScreen(new IntroScreen(this)); }
public PlayScreen(NoObjectionGame game) { atlas = new TextureAtlas("dudestuff3.pack"); = game; bg = new Texture("main_background.png"); gameCam = new OrthographicCamera(); gamePort = new FitViewport(NoObjectionGame.V_WIDTH / NoObjectionGame.PPM, NoObjectionGame.V_HEIGHT / NoObjectionGame.PPM, gameCam); hud = new Hud(game.batch); maploader = new TmxMapLoader(); map = maploader.load("map1.tmx"); renderer = new OrthoCachedTiledMapRenderer(map, 1 / NoObjectionGame.PPM); gameCam.position.set(gamePort.getWorldWidth() / 2, gamePort.getWorldHeight() / 2, 0); world = new World(new Vector2(0, -10), true); b2dr = new Box2DDebugRenderer(); new B2WorldCreator(world, map); hero = new Hero(world, this); controller = new Controller(); worldContactListener = new WorldContactListener(); world.setContactListener(worldContactListener); //timer sb = new SpriteBatch(); viewport = new FitViewport(NoObjectionGame.V_WIDTH, NoObjectionGame.V_HEIGHT, new OrthographicCamera()); stage = new Stage(viewport, sb); table = new Table();; table.setFillParent(true); countDownLabel = new Label(Float.toString(playTime), new Label.LabelStyle(new BitmapFont(), Color.WHITE)); table.add(countDownLabel).expandX(); stage.addActor(table); }
@Override public void show() { if (arcadeWorld == null || reInit) { AL.getAudioManager().registerSound("sword_1", levelAssets.sword_1); AL.getAudioManager().registerSound("sword_2", levelAssets.sword_2); AL.getAudioManager().registerSound("sword_3", levelAssets.sword_3); AL.getAudioManager().registerSound("sword_4", levelAssets.sword_4); AL.getAudioManager().registerSound("rocketlauncher", levelAssets.rocketLauncher); AL.getAudioManager().registerSound("boom", levelAssets.boom); spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(); font = new BitmapFont(); camera = new PerspectiveCamera(); camera.far = 1000; camera.position.set(new Vector3(-.5f, -.5f, 35)); camera.rotateAround(new Vector3(-.5f, -.5f, 0), Vector3.X, rot); camera.fieldOfView = 15; camera.update(); viewport = new ExtendViewport(1920, 1080, camera); viewport.apply(); uiCamera = new OrthographicCamera(); uiViewport = new FitViewport(1920, 1080, uiCamera); uiStage = new Stage(uiViewport); map = levelAssets.get(mapName); arcadeWorld = new ArcadeWorld(map, rot, camera, levelAssets); initUI(); reInit = false; playerEnt = -1; spawnPlayer(); enemies = arcadeWorld.spawnEnemies(playerEnt); arcadeWorld.setDebug(AL.getMiscellaneousConfig().debug()); } Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(this); }