private void initEntities(TextureAtlas textureAtlas) { final float mobWidth = Polymorph.WORLD_WIDTH/4; player = new Player(new Vector2(Polymorph.WORLD_WIDTH/2 - mobWidth/2, Polymorph.WORLD_HEIGHT/3-mobWidth), new Dimension(mobWidth, mobWidth)); slots = new Array<Slot>(); slotPool = new Pool<Slot>() { @Override protected Slot newObject() { return new Slot(new Vector2(SLOT_SPAWN_POINT), new Vector2(slotVelocity), new Dimension(mobWidth, mobWidth)); } }; Dimension mapSize = new Dimension(Polymorph.WORLD_WIDTH, (int)(Polymorph.WORLD_HEIGHT*1.1f)); TextureRegion mapTexture = textureAtlas.findRegion("background"); Map mapFront = new Map(new Vector2(0, 0), mapVelocity, mapSize, mapTexture); Map mapBack = new Map(new Vector2(0, -mapSize.height + 5), mapVelocity, mapSize, mapTexture); maps = new Map[]{mapFront, mapBack}; }
public Character() { this.cooldownTimer = new float[5]; this.castTimer = new float[5]; this.casting = new boolean[5]; this.extraData = new Object[5]; this.cooldowns = new float[5]; this.costs = new float[5]; this.random = new Random(); finishedAttack = true; vectorPool = new Pool<Vector2>() { @Override protected Vector2 newObject() { return new Vector2(); } @Override protected void reset(Vector2 object) { object.setZero(); } }; }
/** * create a quadtree collision manager with a default max_depth of 4 and a * max_object count of 10. * * @param x * @param y * @param width * @param height */ public QuadTree(float x, float y, float width, float height) { check_object = new BasicGameObject(); check_object.init(null); remove_objects = new IntArray(); culling = true; follow_x =0; follow_y =0; bounds = new Rectangle(x - PAD, y - PAD, width + PAD * 2, height + PAD * 2); objects = new Array<GameObject>(); follow_view = false; final QuadTree m = this; quad_pool = new Pool<QuadTree.Quad>() { @Override protected Quad newObject() { return new Quad(m); } }; max_depth = 4; max_objects = 10; root = quad_pool.obtain(); root.init(null, 0, bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height); ret_list = new Array<GameObject>(); }
/** * Segment constructor */ public Segment(Position pos, SegmentDescriptor segmentType, float difficulty, final Pool<ProjectileEntity> horizontalProjectilePool, final Pool<ProjectileEntity> fallingProjectilePool, final AssetsHandler assetsHndlr, final BodyEditorDAL bodyDAL, final World box2DWorld) { _assetsHndlr = assetsHndlr; _segmentEntities = new ArrayList<Entity>(); _posX = pos.x; _segmentDescriptor = segmentType; _horizontalProjectilePool = horizontalProjectilePool; _fallingProjectilePool = fallingProjectilePool; _platformEntity = new PlatformEntity("Segment_PlatformEntity", pos, _SEGMENT_SCALE, segmentType.textureName, segmentType.bodyName, _assetsHndlr, bodyDAL, box2DWorld); _segmentEntities.add(_platformEntity); _activeProjectiles = new ArrayList<ProjectileEntity>(); _projectilesSources = new ArrayList<Position>(); if(!_segmentDescriptor.IsChangingHeight) { if( difficulty > 200) difficulty = 200; int sourceCount = 4 + (int)(Math.abs((Math.random()*_platformEntity.GetWidth()*_SEGMENT_SCALE - 5f)/4f)*(1f+difficulty/150f)); for(int pIdx = 0; pIdx < sourceCount ; pIdx += 3f*Math.random()) _projectilesSources.add(new Position(pos.x + 4*(int)pIdx, GameWorld.WORLD_VIEW_WIDTH)); } }
public BlockPools(final Board board) { icePool = new Pool<IceBlock>() { @Override protected IceBlock newObject() { return new IceBlock(iceTexture, board); } }; firePool = new Pool<FireBlock>() { protected FireBlock newObject() { return new FireBlock(fireTexture, board); } }; rangePool = new Pool<RangeBlock>() { protected RangeBlock newObject() { return new RangeBlock(rangeTexture, board); } }; }
public Weapon(int animationId, int fireRate, int damage, int range, int bullSpeed, int knockback, boolean isMeele) { this.fireRate = fireRate; this.damage = damage; this.range = range; this.bullSpeed = bullSpeed; this.animationId = animationId; this.isMeele = isMeele; this.lastShoot = 0; this.isHitting = false; this.state = 0; this.knockBack = knockback; bullets = new ArrayList<Bullet>(); bulletPool = new Pool<Bullet>() { @Override public Bullet newObject() { return new Bullet(); } }; }
public boolean act (float delta) { if (complete) return true; complete = true; Pool pool = getPool(); setPool(null); // Ensure this action can't be returned to the pool while executing. try { Array<Action> actions = this.actions; for (int i = 0, n = actions.size; i < n && actor != null; i++) { if (!actions.get(i).act(delta)) complete = false; if (actor == null) return true; // This action was removed. } return complete; } finally { setPool(pool); } }
public boolean act (float delta) { if (complete) return true; Pool pool = getPool(); setPool(null); // Ensure this action can't be returned to the pool while executing. try { if (!began) { begin(); began = true; } time += delta; complete = time >= duration; float percent; if (complete) percent = 1; else { percent = time / duration; if (interpolation != null) percent = interpolation.apply(percent); } update(reverse ? 1 - percent : percent); if (complete) end(); return complete; } finally { setPool(pool); } }
@Override public void getRenderables (Array<Renderable> renderables, Pool<Renderable> pool) { renderedChunks = 0; for (int i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) { VoxelChunk chunk = chunks[i]; Mesh mesh = meshes[i]; if (dirty[i]) { int numVerts = chunk.calculateVertices(vertices); numVertices[i] = numVerts / 4 * 6; mesh.setVertices(vertices, 0, numVerts * VoxelChunk.VERTEX_SIZE); dirty[i] = false; } if (numVertices[i] == 0) continue; Renderable renderable = pool.obtain(); renderable.material = materials[i]; renderable.mesh = mesh; renderable.meshPartOffset = 0; renderable.meshPartSize = numVertices[i]; renderable.primitiveType = GL20.GL_TRIANGLES; renderables.add(renderable); renderedChunks++; } }
public TaflBoard(int dimensions, int pieceTypes, ZorbistHash zorbistHash, RulesEngine rulesEngine, OrthographicCamera camera) { super(dimensions, pieceTypes, zorbistHash); this.rules = rulesEngine; this.boardType = BoardType.getBoardType(dimensions); this.movePool = new Pool<Move>() { @Override protected Move newObject() { return new Move(this, boardSize); } }; = camera; initialize(); }
/** * Gets a copy of this object but does not copy its parent or children * * @return The copied object */ @Override public <T extends SceneGraphNode> T getSimpleCopy() { Class<? extends AbstractOctreeWrapper> clazz = this.getClass(); Pool<? extends AbstractOctreeWrapper> pool = MyPools.get(clazz); try { AbstractOctreeWrapper instance = pool.obtain(); instance.copy = true; =; instance.transform.set(this.transform); instance.ct = this.ct; if (this.localTransform != null) instance.localTransform.set(this.localTransform); return (T) instance; } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } return null; }
/** Frees the specified objects from the {@link #get(Class) pool}. Null objects within the array are silently ignored. * @param samePool If true, objects don't need to be from the same pool but the pool must be looked up for each object. */ static public void freeAll(Array objects, boolean samePool) { if (objects == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Objects cannot be null."); Pool pool = null; for (int i = 0, n = objects.size; i < n; i++) { Object object = objects.get(i); if (object == null) continue; if (pool == null) { pool = typePools.get(object.getClass().getName()); if (pool == null) continue; // Ignore freeing an object that was never retained. }; if (!samePool) pool = null; } }
@Override public boolean act (float delta) { if (complete) return true; complete = true; Pool pool = getPool(); setPool(null); // Ensure this action can't be returned to the pool while executing. try { Array<Action3d> actions = this.actions; for (int i = 0, n = actions.size; i < n && actor3d != null; i++) { if (!actions.get(i).act(delta)) complete = false; if (actor3d == null) return true; // This action was removed. } return complete; } finally { setPool(pool); } }
@Override public boolean act (float delta) { if (index >= actions.size) return true; Pool<Action3d> pool = getPool(); setPool(null); // Ensure this action can't be returned to the pool while executings. try { if (actions.get(index).act(delta)) { if (actor3d == null) return true; // This action was removed. index++; if (index >= actions.size) return true; } return false; } finally { setPool(pool); } }
@Override public boolean act (float delta) { if (complete) return true; Pool pool = getPool(); setPool(null); // Ensure this action can't be returned to the pool while executing. try { if (!began) { begin(); began = true; } time += delta; complete = time >= duration; float percent; if (complete) percent = 1; else { percent = time / duration; if (interpolation != null) percent = interpolation.apply(percent); } update(reverse ? 1 - percent : percent); if (complete) end(); return complete; } finally { setPool(pool); } }
public static Pool<Vector2> createRectanglePool() { if (Vector2Pool == null) { Vector2Pool = new Pool<Vector2>() { @Override protected Vector2 newObject() { return new Vector2(); } }; } return Vector2Pool; }
public static Pool<Vector2> createNewRectanglePool() { return new Pool<Vector2>() { @Override protected Vector2 newObject() { return new Vector2(); } }; }
public static Pool<Range> createRectanglePool() { if (rangePool == null) { rangePool = new Pool<Range>() { @Override protected Range newObject() { return new Range(); } }; } return rangePool; }
public static Pool<Range> createNewRectanglePool() { return new Pool<Range>() { @Override protected Range newObject() { return new Range(); } }; }
public static Pool<Line> createLinePool() { if (LinePool == null) { LinePool = new Pool<Line>() { @Override protected Line newObject() { return new Line(); } }; } return LinePool; }
public static Pool<Line> createNewLinePool() { return new Pool<Line>() { @Override protected Line newObject() { return new Line(); } }; }
public static Pool<Rectangle> createRectanglePool() { if (rectPool == null) { rectPool = new Pool<Rectangle>() { @Override protected Rectangle newObject() { return new Rectangle(); } }; } return rectPool; }
public static Pool<Rectangle> createNewRectanglePool() { return new Pool<Rectangle>() { @Override protected Rectangle newObject() { return new Rectangle(); } }; }
public static void init() { Pools.registerType(AreaRenderer.class, new Pool<AreaRenderer>() { @Override protected AreaRenderer newObject() { return new AreaRenderer(); } }); Pools.registerType(AreaMesh.class, new DisposablePool<AreaMesh>() { @Override protected AreaMesh newObject() { return new AreaMesh(); } }); }
@Override public void getRenderables(Array<Renderable> renderables, Pool<Renderable> pool) { if (area == null || !update() || meshs.size() == 0) return; renderedThisFrame++; for (AreaMesh mesh : meshs) { renderedMeshesThisFrame++; renderables.add(mesh.renderable(pool)); } }
public static <T> void registerType(Class<? extends T> c, Pool<T> aPool) { T obj = aPool.obtain(); Class<?> objClass = obj.getClass();; if (objClass.equals(c)) { synchronized (Pools.pools) { if (!Pools.pools.containsKey(c)) { Pools.pools.put(c, aPool); } } } else { throw new CubesException("Calling obtain on " + aPool + " does not return " + c.getName()); } }
public static <T> T obtain(Class<T> c) { Pool<T> pool = pool(c); if (pool == null) return null; synchronized (pool) { return pool.obtain(); } }
public static void clearPool(Class<?> c) { Pool<?> pool = pool(c); if (pool == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No pool for " + c.getSimpleName()); synchronized (pool) { pool.clear(); } }
public static <T> void free(Class<T> c, T obj) { Pool<T> pool = pool(c); if (pool == null) return; synchronized (pool) {; } }
public static <T> void free(T obj) { Pool pool = pool(obj); if (pool == null) return; synchronized (pool) {; } }
private static Pool pool(Object object) { Class<?> c = object.getClass(); synchronized (Pools.pools) { boolean isC !c.equals(Object.class); while (c != null && isC) { Pool pool = Pools.pools.get(c); if (pool != null) return pool; c = c.getSuperclass(); isC = !c.equals(Object.class); } } return null; }
public static AreaReference obtainAreaReference() { Pool<AreaReference> pool = pool(AreaReference.class); if (pool == null) return null; synchronized (pool) { return pool.obtain(); } }
public static void free(AreaReference obj) { Pool pool = pool(AreaReference.class); if (pool == null) return; synchronized (pool) {; } }
public static BlockReference obtainBlockReference() { Pool<BlockReference> pool = pool(BlockReference.class); if (pool == null) return null; synchronized (pool) { return pool.obtain(); } }
public static void free(BlockReference obj) { Pool pool = pool(BlockReference.class); if (pool == null) return; synchronized (pool) {; } }
public CharacterSystem(World world) { super(Aspect.all(CharacterComponent.class, PositionComponent.class, PhysicComponent.class, StatComponent.class)); = world; vectorPool = new Pool<Vector2>() { @Override protected Vector2 newObject() { return new Vector2(); } @Override protected void reset(Vector2 vector) { vector.set(0, 0); } }; }
@Override public void init(MapProperties properties) { super.init(properties); tile_pool = new Pool<TilemapLayerObject.MapTile>() { @Override protected MapTile newObject() { return new MapTile(); } }; tiles = (TiledMapTileLayer) getState().getMapData().getLayers().get(properties.get("tile_layer", String.class)); setSize(tiles.getWidth() * tiles.getTileWidth(), tiles.getHeight() * tiles.getTileHeight()); render = new TileLayerRenderer(this); cell_arrays = new Array<Array<MapTile>>(); }
private static Pool<Array<MapTile>> getTCAPool() { if (tile_col_arrays == null) tile_col_arrays = new Pool<Array<MapTile>>() { @Override protected Array<MapTile> newObject() { return new Array<MapTile>(); } }; return tile_col_arrays; }
public static Pool<CollisionData> getPool() { if (col_pool == null) col_pool = new Pool<CollisionController.CollisionData>() { @Override protected CollisionData newObject() { return new CollisionData(); } }; return col_pool; }
@Override public void init(GameObject object) { solid_filter = new IntArray(); solid_filter.add(WALL); current_collisions = new IntArray(); collision_map_tiles = new Array<TilemapLayerObject.MapTile>(); tile_pool = new Pool<TilemapLayerObject.MapTile>() { @Override protected MapTile newObject() { return new MapTile(); } }; }