@Override public boolean submitToLeaderboard(String leaderboardId, long score, String tag) { if (boardMapper == null) { Gdx.app.log(GAMESERVICE_ID, "Cannot post score: No mapper for leader board ids provided."); return false; } Integer boardId = boardMapper.mapToGsId(leaderboardId); // no board available or not connected if (boardId == null || !isSessionActive()) return false; JsonValue parameters = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.object); parameters.addChild("id", new JsonValue(boardId)); parameters.addChild("value", new JsonValue(score)); if (tag != null) parameters.addChild("tag", new JsonValue(tag)); sendToGateway("ScoreBoard.postScore", parameters, null); return true; }
@Override public boolean submitEvent(String eventId, int increment) { // incrementing is not supported by Newgrounds, so we ignore the param if (!initialized) { Gdx.app.error(GAMESERVICE_ID, "Cannot submit event before initialize() is called."); return false; } if (eventHostId == null) { Gdx.app.log(GAMESERVICE_ID, "Cannot post event: No host id for logging events provided."); return false; } JsonValue parameters = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.object); parameters.addChild("event_name", new JsonValue(eventId)); parameters.addChild("host", new JsonValue(eventHostId)); sendToGateway("Event.logEvent", parameters, null); return true; }
@Override public boolean unlockAchievement(String achievementId) { if (medalMapper == null) { Gdx.app.log(GAMESERVICE_ID, "Cannot unlock achievmenet: No mapper for achievement ids provided."); return false; } Integer medalId = medalMapper.mapToGsId(achievementId); // no board available or not connected if (medalId == null) return false; if (!isSessionActive()) return false; JsonValue parameters = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.object); parameters.addChild("id", new JsonValue(medalId)); sendToGateway("Medal.unlock", parameters, null); return true; }
protected static GjScoreboardEntry fromJson(JsonValue json, int rank, String currentPlayer) { GjScoreboardEntry gje = new GjScoreboardEntry(); gje.rank = String.valueOf(rank); gje.score = json.getString("score"); gje.sort = json.getLong("sort"); gje.tag = json.getString("extra_data"); String userId = json.getString("user_id"); if (userId != null && !userId.isEmpty()) { gje.userId = userId; gje.displayName = json.getString("user"); gje.currentPlayer = (currentPlayer != null && currentPlayer.equalsIgnoreCase(gje.displayName)); } else gje.displayName = json.getString("guest"); gje.stored = json.getString("stored"); return gje; }
/** * Save mapping for this controller instance * * @return */ public JsonValue toJson() { JsonValue json = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.array); for (MappedInput mapping : mappingsByConfigured.values()) { JsonValue jsonmaping = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.object); jsonmaping.addChild("confId", new JsonValue(mapping.configuredInputId)); if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerAxis) jsonmaping.addChild("axis", new JsonValue(((ControllerAxis) mapping.controllerInput).axisIndex)); else if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerButton) { jsonmaping.addChild("button", new JsonValue(((ControllerButton) mapping.controllerInput).buttonIndex)); if (mapping.secondButtonForAxis != null) jsonmaping.addChild("buttonR", new JsonValue((mapping.secondButtonForAxis.buttonIndex))); } else if (mapping.controllerInput instanceof ControllerPovButton) { jsonmaping.addChild("pov", new JsonValue(((ControllerPovButton) mapping.controllerInput).povIndex)); jsonmaping.addChild("vertical", new JsonValue(((ControllerPovButton) mapping.controllerInput).povDirectionVertical)); } json.addChild(jsonmaping); } return json; }
private void readVertices (JsonValue map, VertexAttachment attachment, int verticesLength) { attachment.setWorldVerticesLength(verticesLength); float[] vertices = map.require("vertices").asFloatArray(); if (verticesLength == vertices.length) { if (scale != 1) { for (int i = 0, n = vertices.length; i < n; i++) vertices[i] *= scale; } attachment.setVertices(vertices); return; } FloatArray weights = new FloatArray(verticesLength * 3 * 3); IntArray bones = new IntArray(verticesLength * 3); for (int i = 0, n = vertices.length; i < n;) { int boneCount = (int)vertices[i++]; bones.add(boneCount); for (int nn = i + boneCount * 4; i < nn; i += 4) { bones.add((int)vertices[i]); weights.add(vertices[i + 1] * scale); weights.add(vertices[i + 2] * scale); weights.add(vertices[i + 3]); } } attachment.setBones(bones.toArray()); attachment.setVertices(weights.toArray()); }
@Override public void parse(JsonValue jsonValue) { JsonValue contextsJson = jsonValue.get("contexts"); for (JsonValue contextJson : contextsJson) { String name = contextJson.getString("name"); JsonValue inputsJson = contextJson.get("inputs"); InputContext inputContext = new InputContext(name); for (JsonValue inputJson : inputsJson) { //inputContext.addInput(inputFromJson(inputJson)); } inputContexts.add(inputContext); } }
@Override public void parse(JsonValue jsonValue) { String alias = jsonValue.getString("alias"); String source = jsonValue.getString("source"); String classString = jsonValue.getString("classAlias"); String dependenciesPath = jsonValue.getString( "dependenciesPath", getDefaultDependenciesPath(source)); if (!dependenciesPath.endsWith("/")) { dependenciesPath += "/"; } Class assetClass = SceneUtils.assetClassFromAlias(classString); output = new Asset(alias, source, assetClass); output.dependenciesPath = dependenciesPath; }
private StickConfiguration stickConfigurationFromJson(JsonValue stickConfigurationJson) { boolean invertHorizontalAxis = stickConfigurationJson.getBoolean("invertHorizontalAxis"); boolean invertVerticalAxis = stickConfigurationJson.getBoolean("invertVerticalAxis"); float deadZoneRadius = stickConfigurationJson.getFloat("deadZoneRadius"); float horizontalSensitivity = stickConfigurationJson.getFloat("horizontalSensitivity"); float verticalSensitivity = stickConfigurationJson.getFloat("verticalSensitivity"); StickConfiguration stickConfiguration = new StickConfiguration(); stickConfiguration.setInvertHorizontalAxis(invertHorizontalAxis); stickConfiguration.setInvertVerticalAxis(invertVerticalAxis); stickConfiguration.setDeadZoneRadius(deadZoneRadius); stickConfiguration.setHorizontalSensitivity(horizontalSensitivity); stickConfiguration.setVerticalSensitivity(verticalSensitivity); return stickConfiguration; }
@Override public void parse(JsonValue jsonValue) { ModelComponent modelComponent = nhg.entities.createComponent(entity, ModelComponent.class); String type = jsonValue.getString("graphicsType"); String asset = jsonValue.getString("asset", ""); boolean enabled = jsonValue.getBoolean("enabled", true); JsonValue materialsJson = jsonValue.get("materials"); if (materialsJson != null) { for (JsonValue mat : materialsJson) { PbrMaterialJson pbrMaterialJson = new PbrMaterialJson(); pbrMaterialJson.parse(mat); modelComponent.pbrMaterials.add(pbrMaterialJson.get()); } } modelComponent.type = ModelComponent.Type.fromString(type); modelComponent.asset = asset; modelComponent.enabled = enabled; output = modelComponent; }
public void fromJson(JsonValue jsonValue) { InputJson inputJson = new InputJson(); inputJson.parse(jsonValue); for (InputContext inputContext : inputJson.get()) { addContext(inputContext); } InputConfigurationsJson configurationsJson = new InputConfigurationsJson(); configurationsJson.parse(jsonValue); config = configurationsJson.get(); mapKeyInputs(); mapStickInputs(); mapPointerInputs(); mapMouseInputs(); }
public ParticleEffect(JsonValue json) { elapsed = 0; Vector2Pool vector2Pool = Vector2Pool.getInstance(); position = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); sizeRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); durationRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); particlesRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); xOffsetRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); yOffsetRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); vxRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); vyRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); velocitySplits = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); angularVelocityRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); redRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); blueRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); greenRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); alphaRange = vector2Pool.obtain(0, 0); modifiers = new Array<ParticleModifier>(); particles = new Array<Particle>(); sprites = new Array<Sprite>(); load(json); }
@Override public ScaleFactorModel read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData, Class type) { String suffix = ""; float factor = 1f; JsonValue.JsonIterator iterator = jsonData.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JsonValue value = iterator.next(); switch (value.name) { case "suffix": suffix = value.asString(); break; case "factor": factor = value.asFloat(); break; } } return new ScaleFactorModel(suffix, factor); }
@Override public void read(Json json, JsonValue jsonValue) { try { name = jsonValue.getString("name"); optional = jsonValue.getBoolean("optional"); if (jsonValue.get("value").isNumber()) { type = Float.TYPE; value = Double.parseDouble(jsonValue.getString("value")); } else { type = ClassReflection.forName(jsonValue.getString("type")); if (jsonValue.get("value").isNull()) { value = null; } else { value = jsonValue.getString("value"); } } } catch (ReflectionException ex) { Gdx.app.error(getClass().toString(), "Error reading from serialized object" , ex); DialogFactory.showDialogErrorStatic("Read Error...","Error reading from serialized object.\n\nOpen log?"); } }
@Override public void read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { try { colors = json.readValue("colors", Array.class, jsonData); fonts = json.readValue("fonts", Array.class, jsonData); classStyleMap = new OrderedMap<>(); for (JsonValue data : jsonData.get("classStyleMap").iterator()) { classStyleMap.put(ClassReflection.forName(data.name), json.readValue(Array.class, data)); } for (Array<StyleData> styleDatas : classStyleMap.values()) { for (StyleData styleData : styleDatas) { styleData.jsonData = this; } } customClasses = json.readValue("customClasses", Array.class, CustomClass.class, new Array<>(), jsonData); for (CustomClass customClass : customClasses) { customClass.setMain(main); } } catch (ReflectionException e) { Gdx.app.log(getClass().getName(), "Error parsing json data during file read", e); main.getDialogFactory().showDialogError("Error while reading file...", "Error while attempting to read save file.\nPlease ensure that file is not corrupted.\n\nOpen error log?"); } }
public ObjectMap<Integer, Array<AnimationDescription>> readTextureDescriptor(FileHandle textureDescriptor) throws IOException { JsonValue descriptor = new JsonReader().parse(textureDescriptor); JsonValue frame = descriptor.get("frame"); frameWidth = frame.getInt("width"); frameHeight = frame.getInt("height"); frameDuration = 1 / frame.getFloat("fps"); JsonValue offset = descriptor.get("middleOffset"); middleOffset = new Vector2(offset.getInt("x", 0), offset.getInt("y", 0)); middleOffsets = new ObjectMap<T, Vector2>(); JsonValue object = descriptor.get("object"); objectWidth = object.getInt("width"); objectHeight = object.getInt("height"); ObjectMap<Integer, Array<AnimationDescription>> returnValue = new ObjectMap<Integer, Array<AnimationDescription>>(); for (JsonValue animation : descriptor.get("animations")) { readAnimation(animation, returnValue); } return returnValue; }
public AnimationDescription(T key, JsonValue line) { this.key = key; this.startingFrame = line.getInt("start"); this.numberOfFrames = line.getInt("count"); this.playMode = line.getInt("mode"); this.sounds = readSoundInfo(line.get("sounds")); JsonValue offset = line.get("middleOffset"); if (offset != null) { middleOffsets.put(key, new Vector2(offset.getInt("x"), offset.getInt("y"))); } JsonValue bounds = line.get("bounds"); if (bounds != null) { for (JsonValue rectangle : bounds) { this.bounds.put(Integer.valueOf(rectangle.name().trim()), new Rectangle(rectangle.getInt("x"), rectangle.getInt("y"), rectangle.getInt("width"), rectangle.getInt("height"))); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void reload () { RavTech.files.loadAsset("keybindings.json", String.class); RavTech.files.finishLoading(); if ((!RavTech.settings.has("keybindings"))) RavTech.settings.setValue("keybindings", RavTech.files.getAsset("keybindings.json", String.class)); this.actionMaps.clear(); Json json = new Json(); ObjectMap<String, JsonValue> serializedActionMaps = json.fromJson(ObjectMap.class, RavTech.settings.getString("keybindings")); for (ObjectMap.Entry<String, JsonValue> entry : serializedActionMaps.entries()) { ActionMap actionMap = new ActionMap(); actionMap.read(json, entry.value); this.actionMaps.put(entry.key, actionMap); } this.actionMaps.putAll(actionMaps); this.players.clear(); Player player = new Player(); for (int i = 0; i < inputDevices.size; i++) player.assignDevice(inputDevices.get(i), this.getActionMapForDevice(inputDevices.get(i))); players.add(player); }
@Override public void undo () { JsonValue jsonData = new JsonReader().parse(gameComponent); Json json = new Json(); GameObject tempObject = new GameObject(); tempObject.readValue(json, jsonData); GameComponent toAddComponent = tempObject.getComponentByName(componentType); tempObject.getComponents().removeValue(tempObject.getComponentByName(componentType), true); tempObject.destroy(); if (pathToComponent.lastIndexOf('/') == 0) { toAddComponent.setParent(null); RavTech.currentScene.addGameObject((GameObject)toAddComponent); } else { GameObject component = (GameObject)GameObjectTraverseUtil .gameComponentFromPath(pathToComponent.substring(0, pathToComponent.lastIndexOf('/'))); toAddComponent.setParent(component); component.addComponent(toAddComponent); } }
@Override public void read (Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { if (jsonData.has("sortingLayerName")) sortingLayerName = jsonData.getString("sortingLayerName"); if (jsonData.has("sortingOrder")) sortingOrder = jsonData.getInt("sortingOrder"); if (jsonData.has("enabled")) enabled = jsonData.getBoolean("enabled"); if (jsonData.has("shader")) { Shader shader = new Shader(""); shader.read(json, jsonData.get("shader")); this.shader = shader; } if(jsonData.has("srcBlendFunction")) srcBlendFunction = jsonData.getInt("srcBlendFunction"); if(jsonData.has("dstBlendFunction")) srcBlendFunction = jsonData.getInt("dstBlendFunction"); }
public BhTree<T> parseJsonModelAndCreate(JsonValue jv_root) { BhTree<T> bht = new BhTree<T>(); BhTreeModel model = parseJsonModel(jv_root); CCLog.debug(TAG, model.toString()); bht.setup(model); return bht; }
final StructBHTNode parseBHTNode(int depth, JsonValue jv) { String name = jv.name; String args = jv.getString("args", null); String key = jv.getString("key", null); StructBHTNode BHTNode = new StructBHTNode(); BHTNode.type = name; BHTNode.args = args; BHTNode.key = key; BHTNode.depth = depth; int childrenCount = jv.size; if(args != null) { childrenCount -= 1; } if(key != null) { childrenCount -= 1; } if(childrenCount > 0) { BHTNode.children = new StructBHTNode[childrenCount]; } for(int i = 0, count = 0; i < jv.size; ++i) { JsonValue jv_child = jv.get(i); if(jv_child.name == null) { CCLog.error(TAG, "child name cannot be null!"); throw new GdxRuntimeException("child name cannot be null!"); } if(jv_child.name.equals("args") || jv_child.name.equals("key")) { continue; } BHTNode.children[count++] = parseBHTNode(depth+1, jv_child); } return BHTNode; }
/** * Call newgrounds.io gateway * * @param component see http://www.newgrounds.io/help/components/ * @param parameters also see NG doc * @param req callback object */ protected void sendToGateway(String component, JsonValue parameters, RequestResultRunnable req) { // if no callback is needed, provide a no-op callback if (req == null) req = new RequestResultRunnable() { @Override public void run(String json) { } }; sendForm("{\"app_id\": \"" + ngAppId + "\",\"session_id\":\"" + sessionId + "\"," + "\"call\": {\"component\": \"" + component + "\",\"parameters\": " + (parameters == null ? "{}" : parameters.toJson(JsonWriter.OutputType.json)) + "}}\n", req); }
protected static GjTrophy fromJson(JsonValue json) { GjTrophy trophy = new GjTrophy(); trophy.difficulty = json.getString("difficulty"); trophy.trophyAchieved = json.getString("achieved"); trophy.iconUrl = json.getString("image_url"); trophy.trophyDesc = json.getString("description"); trophy.trophyTitle = json.getString("title"); trophy.trophyId = json.getString("id"); return trophy; }
/** * Helper method when just interested if GameJolt request was successful */ protected boolean parseSuccessFromResponse(String json) { JsonValue response = null; boolean success; try { response = new JsonReader().parse(json).get("response"); success = response != null && response.getBoolean("success"); } catch (Throwable t) { Gdx.app.error(GAMESERVICE_ID, "Cannot parse GameJolt response: " + json, t); success = false; } return success; }
@Override public void read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { minRadius = json.readValue("minimumRadius", Float.class, jsonData); maxRadius = json.readValue("maximumRadius", Float.class, jsonData); angularVelocity = json.readValue("angularVelocity", Float.class, jsonData); zTilt = json.readValue("zTilt", Float.class, jsonData); xTilt = json.readValue("xTilt", Float.class, jsonData); colors = json.readValue("colorGroup", ColorGroup.class, jsonData); this.baseObjectCount = json.readValue("objectCount", Integer.class, jsonData); objects = new Array<>(baseObjectCount); }
@Override public void read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { super.read(json, jsonData); setSprite(new Sprite()); int size = json.readValue("size", Integer.class, jsonData); getSprite().setSize(size, size); int x = json.readValue("xPos", Integer.class, jsonData); int y = json.readValue("yPos", Integer.class, jsonData); getSprite().setPosition(x, y); }
@Override public void read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { super.read(json, jsonData); angularVelocity = json.readValue("angularVelocity", Float.class, jsonData); zTilt = json.readValue("zTilt", Float.class, jsonData); xTilt = json.readValue("xTilt", Float.class, jsonData); radius = json.readValue("radius", Float.class, jsonData); angle = json.readValue("angle", Float.class, jsonData); yOffset = json.readValue("yOffset", Float.class, jsonData); initializeMatrices(); }
@Override public void read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { super.read(json, jsonData); texture = json.readValue("texture", String.class, jsonData); getSprite().setSize(getSize(), getSize()); radius = getSprite().getWidth()/2; }
public static SerialArray<Tile> load(String map, HashMap<Integer, Player> players) { JsonValue value = reader.parse(map); float scale = value.getFloat("scale"); JsonValue regions = value.get("regions"); SerialArray<Tile> tiles = new SerialArray<>(); for (JsonValue region : regions) { Color color = Color.valueOf(region.getString("color")); for (JsonValue tile : region.get("tiles")) { int x = tile.getInt("x"), y = tile.getInt("y"); int width = tile.getInt("w"), height = tile.getInt("h"); Tile t = new Tile(x * scale, y * scale, (int) (width * scale), (int) (height * scale), color); t.setRegion(region.name); t.setTroops(tile.getInt("troops")); if (tile.get("city") != null) { JsonValue city = tile.get("city"); float cx = city.getInt("x") * scale, cy = city.getInt("y") * scale; City c = new City(cx + t.getX(), cy + t.getY(), city.getBoolean("major")); t.setCity(c); } if (players.get(tile.getInt("owner")) != null) { t.setOwner(players.get(tile.getInt("owner"))); } t.setIndex(tile.getInt("index")); tiles.add(t); } } for (int i = 0; i < tiles.size; i++) { tiles.get(i).setContacts(tiles); } return tiles; }
private void createMenu() { root = new Table(); root.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(root); FileHandle fileHandle = Gdx.files.local(Core.DATA_PATH + "/data.json"); JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(); JsonValue val = reader.parse(fileHandle); Label title = new Label(val.getString("title"), skin, "title"); root.add(title).padTop(50.0f).padBottom(75.0f); root.row(); BouncingImage image = new BouncingImage(getCharacter()); root.add(image); root.row(); ImageButton imageButton = new ImageButton(skin, "play"); root.add(imageButton).padTop(75.0f).expandY().top(); imageButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeListener.ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { getCore().getAssetManager().get(Core.DATA_PATH + "/sfx/jump.wav", Sound.class).play(); showCharacterDialog(); } }); }
/** * @return all mappings as a json value */ public JsonValue toJson() { JsonValue json = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.array); if (mappedInputs != null) for (MappedInputs controllerMapping : mappedInputs.values()) if (controllerMapping.isRecorded) { JsonValue controllerJson = new JsonValue(JsonValue.ValueType.object); controllerJson.addChild("name", new JsonValue(controllerMapping.getControllerName())); controllerJson.addChild("mapping", controllerMapping.toJson()); json.addChild(controllerJson); } return json; }
public boolean fillFromJson(JsonValue json) { // initialize mapping map and controller information if not already present if (mappedInputs == null) mappedInputs = new HashMap<>(); for (JsonValue controllerJson = json.child; controllerJson != null; controllerJson = controllerJson.next) { String controllerName = controllerJson.getString("name"); if (mappedInputs.containsKey(controllerName)) mappedInputs.remove(controllerName); MappedInputs newMapping = new MappedInputs(controllerName); mappedInputs.put(controllerName, newMapping); newMapping.isRecorded = true; for (JsonValue mappingsJson = controllerJson.get("mapping").child; mappingsJson != null; mappingsJson = mappingsJson.next) { int confId = mappingsJson.getInt("confId"); if (mappingsJson.has("axis")) { newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerAxis(mappingsJson.getInt("axis")))); } else if (mappingsJson.has("pov")) { newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerPovButton(mappingsJson.getInt("pov"), mappingsJson.getBoolean("vertical")))); } else if (mappingsJson.has("buttonR")) { newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerButton(mappingsJson.getInt("button")), new ControllerButton(mappingsJson.getInt("buttonR")))); } else if (mappingsJson.has("button")) { newMapping.putMapping(new MappedInput(confId, new ControllerButton(mappingsJson.getInt("button")))); } } } return true; }
protected Object processJsonValue(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { if (jsonData.isObject()) { return processObject(json, jsonData); } else if (jsonData.isValue()) { return processValue(json, jsonData); } else { return null; } }
protected Object processValue(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { if (jsonData.isBoolean()) return jsonData.asBoolean(); else if (jsonData.isDouble()) return jsonData.asDouble(); else if (jsonData.isLong()) return jsonData.asLong(); else if (jsonData.isNull()) return null; else if (jsonData.isString()) return jsonData.asString(); return null; }
@Override public void handleHttpResponse(Net.HttpResponse httpResponse) { String result = httpResponse.getResultAsString(); Json json = new Json(); ArrayList list = json.fromJson(ArrayList.class, result); Array<LeaderBoardEntry> leaderBoardEntries = new Array<LeaderBoardEntry>(); if (list != null) { for (Object entry : list) { if (entry != null && entry instanceof JsonValue) { JsonValue jsonEntry = (JsonValue) entry; // the reflection does not seem to work on iOS // LeaderBoardEntry leaderBoardEntry = json.readValue( // LeaderBoardEntry.class, (JsonValue)entry); LeaderBoardEntry leaderBoardEntry = new LeaderBoardEntry(); try { leaderBoardEntry.name = jsonEntry.getString("name"); leaderBoardEntry.rank = jsonEntry.getInt("rank"); leaderBoardEntry.score = jsonEntry.getInt("score"); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Gdx.app.log(TAG, "failed to read json: " + e.toString()); return; } leaderBoardEntries.add(leaderBoardEntry); } } } mListener.onSuccess(leaderBoardEntries); }
@Override public Bounds read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData, Class type) { int width = jsonData.getInt("width"); int height = jsonData.getInt("height"); Bounds bounds = new Bounds(width, height); return bounds; }
void readCurve (JsonValue map, CurveTimeline timeline, int frameIndex) { JsonValue curve = map.get("curve"); if (curve == null) return; if (curve.isString() && curve.asString().equals("stepped")) timeline.setStepped(frameIndex); else if (curve.isArray()) { timeline.setCurve(frameIndex, curve.getFloat(0), curve.getFloat(1), curve.getFloat(2), curve.getFloat(3)); } }
public void read(Json json, JsonValue jsonData) { punchesLandedPrisoner = jsonData.getInt("punchesLandedPrisoner"); punchesLandedCop = jsonData.getInt("punchesLandedCop"); trainKillsPrisoner = jsonData.getInt("trainKillsPrisoner"); trainKillsCop = jsonData.getInt("trainKillsCop"); beaten = jsonData.getBoolean("beaten"); captures = jsonData.getInt("captures"); mapID = jsonData.getInt("mapId"); mapCompletionTime = jsonData.getLong("mapTime"); trainsDerailed = jsonData.getInt("trainsDerailed"); startingPrisoners = jsonData.getInt("startingPrisoners"); survivingPrisoners = jsonData.getInt("survivingPrisoners"); }
@Override public void parse(JsonValue jsonValue) { pbrMaterial = new PbrMaterial(); pbrMaterial.targetNode = jsonValue.getString("targetNode", ""); String albedo = jsonValue.getString("albedo", ""); String metalness = jsonValue.getString("metalness", ""); String roughness = jsonValue.getString("roughness", ""); String normal = jsonValue.getString("normal", ""); String ambientOcclusion = jsonValue.getString("ambientOcclusion", ""); if (albedo != null) { pbrMaterial.albedo = albedo; } if (metalness != null) { pbrMaterial.metalness = metalness; } if (roughness != null) { pbrMaterial.roughness = roughness; } if (normal != null) { pbrMaterial.normal = normal; } if (ambientOcclusion != null) { pbrMaterial.ambientOcclusion = ambientOcclusion; } }