public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.width = FlappyChapa.WIDTH; config.height = FlappyChapa.HEIGHT; config.title = FlappyChapa.TITLE; config.addIcon("icons/chapaicon.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/chapaicon1.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/chapaicon2.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new FlappyChapa(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.width = 1280; config.height = 720; config.title = Constants.NAME; config.backgroundFPS = 30; if (System.getProperties().getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("mac")) { config.addIcon("image/icon-512.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("image/icon-256.png", Files.FileType.Internal); } config.addIcon("image/icon-32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("image/icon-16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); ArgumentParser argParser = new ArgumentParser(arg); Control[] controls = new Control[argParser.touchControl ? 3 : 2]; controls[0] = new ControlKeyboard(); controls[1] = new ControlController(); if (argParser.touchControl) controls[2] = new ControlTouch(); new LwjglApplication(new Client(controls, new Audio(), argParser), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); cfg.title = "Inspiration"; cfg.useGL30 = false; cfg.width = 640; cfg.height = 480; // cfg.width = 800; // cfg.height = 600; // fullscreen // cfg.fullscreen = true; // vSync // cfg.vSyncEnabled = true; cfg.addIcon("icon.png", Files.FileType.Internal); = new LwjglApplication(new Inspiration(), cfg); //;; //; //; }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); cfg.title = "Inspiration"; cfg.useGL30 = false; cfg.width = 640; cfg.height = 480; // cfg.width = 800; // cfg.height = 600; // fullscreen // cfg.fullscreen = true; // vSync // cfg.vSyncEnabled = true; cfg.addIcon("icon.png", Files.FileType.Internal); = new LwjglApplication(new Inspiration(), cfg); //; //; //; //; }
private Configuration(final Files files, final String moduleName) { if (configuration != null) { this.options = configuration.options; } else { loadOptions(files); } configuration = this; this.moduleName = moduleName; this.moduleFolder = FOLDER_MODULES + moduleName + "/"; String file = moduleFolder + "config.xml"; try { loadFromXML(files.internal(file)); loadingScreensConfiguration = new LoadingScreens(files.internal(Configuration.getFolderUI() + "loadingScreens.xml")); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot read configuration file " + file + ", aborting.", e); } }
public static void start(Arguments arguments) { LoggerUtils.setupExternalFileOutput(); final LwjglApplicationConfiguration configuration = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); configuration.title = AppConstants.APP_TITLE; configuration.addIcon("icon128.png", Files.FileType.Classpath); configuration.addIcon("icon32.png", Files.FileType.Classpath); configuration.addIcon("icon16.png", Files.FileType.Classpath); configuration.preferencesDirectory = AppConstants.EXTERNAL_DIR; configuration.width = 1024; configuration.height = 600; configuration.allowSoftwareMode = arguments.softOpenGL; AppParams appParams = new AppParams(); appParams.startupProject = arguments.project; App app = new App(new DesktopClassScanner(), appParams); new LwjglApplication(new WindowParamsPersistingApplicationWrapper(app, configuration), configuration); }
@Override public void create() { CurrentResourceLocator.set(new GdxResourceLocator(Files.FileType.Local)); DrawUtil.init(); setupDummyLoader(); loadAssetLists(); setupGdx(); SoundInstance.init(); consoleSkin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("data/skins/basic.json")); consoleView.init(consoleSkin); addScreenListener(consoleView); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor(consoleView.getInputProcessor()); inputMultiplexer.addProcessor(HotkeyManager.getInputProcessor()); changeState(new LoadGameState(assetManager, this::onLoadComplete), null, null); this.console.register(distanceModel); distanceModel.addListener((CVar) -> distanceModel.get().activate()); this.console.register(emitterMode); emitterMode.addListener(this::onEmitterModeChanged); }
@Override public void create () { if (spriteBatch != null) return; spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch(); Matrix4 transform = new Matrix4(); transform.setToTranslation(0,, 0); transform.mul(new Matrix4().setToScaling(1, -1, 1)); spriteBatch.setTransformMatrix(transform); pixS1 = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.getFileHandle("data/test4.png", Files.FileType.Internal)); pixS2 = new Pixmap(Gdx.files.getFileHandle("data/test3.png", Files.FileType.Internal)); pixD = new Pixmap(64, 128, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); pixD.drawPixmap(pixS1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 76); pixD.drawPixmap(pixS2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 76, 76); logoSprite = new Sprite(new Texture(pixD)); logoSprite.flip(false, true); pixS1.dispose(); pixS2.dispose(); pixD.dispose(); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = "Tiny Voxel"; config.width = 1280; config.height = 720; config.useGL30 = false; // config.vSyncEnabled = true; config.vSyncEnabled = false; config.foregroundFPS = 0; // Setting to 0 disables foreground fps throttling config.backgroundFPS = 0; // Setting to 0 disables background fps throttling config.stencil = 0; //cfg.fullscreen = true; config.addIcon("textures/icon.png", Files.FileType.Internal); Config.set(new DesktopConfig()); new LwjglApplication(new Game(new KeyBoardController()), config); }
@Override protected ApplicationAssets createApplicationAssets(Files files) { // 48px are 0.8cm in scale 1.0 float scale = ( * 0.8f) / 48.0f; String scaleString; if (scale < Float.parseFloat(SCALES[0])) { scaleString = SCALES[0]; } else { scaleString = SCALES[SCALES.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < SCALES.length - 1; i++) { float lowerScale = Float.parseFloat(SCALES[i]); float greaterScale = Float.parseFloat(SCALES[i + 1]); if (scale >= lowerScale && scale <= greaterScale) { scaleString = scale - lowerScale < greaterScale - scale ? SCALES[i] : SCALES[i + 1]; break; } } } return new ApplicationAssets(files, "skins/mokap/skin.json", scaleString); }
public static TextureRef loadTexture(String paramString, Texture.TextureFilter paramTextureFilter1, Texture.TextureFilter paramTextureFilter2, Texture.TextureWrap paramTextureWrap1, Texture.TextureWrap paramTextureWrap2) { if (sDictionary.containsKey(paramString)) { TextureRef localTextureRef2 = (TextureRef)sDictionary.get(paramString); localTextureRef2.addRef(); return localTextureRef2; } FileHandle localFileHandle =, Files.FileType.Internal); if ((paramTextureFilter1.isMipMap()) || (paramTextureFilter2.isMipMap())); for (boolean bool = true; ; bool = false) { Texture localTexture = new Texture(localFileHandle, bool); localTexture.setFilter(paramTextureFilter1, paramTextureFilter2); localTexture.setWrap(paramTextureWrap1, paramTextureWrap2); TextureRef localTextureRef1 = new TextureRef(paramString, localTexture); sDictionary.put(paramString, localTextureRef1); return localTextureRef1; } }
public FileHandle[] list() { int i = 0; if (this.type == Files.FileType.Classpath) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot list a classpath directory: " + this.file); String[] arrayOfString = file().list(); FileHandle[] arrayOfFileHandle; if (arrayOfString == null) arrayOfFileHandle = new FileHandle[0]; while (true) { return arrayOfFileHandle; arrayOfFileHandle = new FileHandle[arrayOfString.length]; int j = arrayOfString.length; while (i < j) { arrayOfFileHandle[i] = child(arrayOfString[i]); i++; } } }
public InputStream read() { Object localObject; if ((this.type == Files.FileType.Classpath) || ((this.type == Files.FileType.Internal) && (!this.file.exists())) || ((this.type == Files.FileType.Local) && (!this.file.exists()))) { localObject = FileHandle.class.getResourceAsStream("/" + this.file.getPath().replace('\\', '/')); if (localObject != null) break label146; throw new GdxRuntimeException("File not found: " + this.file + " (" + this.type + ")"); } try { localObject = new FileInputStream(file()); label146: return localObject; } catch (Exception localException) { if (file().isDirectory()) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot open a stream to a directory: " + this.file + " (" + this.type + ")", localException); throw new GdxRuntimeException("Error reading file: " + this.file + " (" + this.type + ")", localException); } }
public OutputStream write(boolean paramBoolean) { if (this.type == Files.FileType.Classpath) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot write to a classpath file: " + this.file); if (this.type == Files.FileType.Internal) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot write to an internal file: " + this.file); parent().mkdirs(); try { FileOutputStream localFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file(), paramBoolean); return localFileOutputStream; } catch (Exception localException) { if (file().isDirectory()) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot open a stream to a directory: " + this.file + " (" + this.type + ")", localException); throw new GdxRuntimeException("Error writing file: " + this.file + " (" + this.type + ")", localException); } }
public Writer writer(boolean paramBoolean, String paramString) { if (this.type == Files.FileType.Classpath) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot write to a classpath file: " + this.file); if (this.type == Files.FileType.Internal) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot write to an internal file: " + this.file); parent().mkdirs(); try { FileOutputStream localFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file(), paramBoolean); if (paramString == null) return new OutputStreamWriter(localFileOutputStream); OutputStreamWriter localOutputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(localFileOutputStream, paramString); return localOutputStreamWriter; } catch (IOException localIOException) { if (file().isDirectory()) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot open a stream to a directory: " + this.file + " (" + this.type + ")", localIOException); throw new GdxRuntimeException("Error writing file: " + this.file + " (" + this.type + ")", localIOException); } }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.width = 800; config.height = 800; config.resizable = false; config.title = "HexCity"; config.addIcon("icons/icon-128.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/icon-32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/icon-16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new LudumDare38(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = "ShootMe"; config.width = 1280; config.height = 720; config.addIcon("assets/guenter_icon32px.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("assets/guenter_icon16px.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.resizable = false; new LwjglApplication(new ShootMeGame(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { //Initialize log file try { File file = new File("log.txt"); if (file.exists()) { file.delete(); } PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(file); System.setOut(printStream); System.setErr(printStream); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException) { System.out.println("Could not create log file."); } //Initialize application Graphics.DisplayMode selectedDisplayMode = LwjglApplicationConfiguration.getDesktopDisplayMode(); if (selectedDisplayMode != null) { GameModule gameModule = GameModuleProvider.provideGameModule(); LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.setFromDisplayMode(selectedDisplayMode); config.vSyncEnabled = true; if (gameModule.provideIconFileName() != null) { config.addIcon(gameModule.provideIconFileName(), Files.FileType.Internal); } new LwjglApplication(new GGVmApplication(gameModule, PCMenu.class, KeyboardInputProcessor.class), config); } else { System.out.println("Sorry, this game requires a graphics card that can display 32 bpp!"); } }
public static void main(String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.addIcon("icons/conquest-128.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/conquest-32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/conquest-16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.resizable = false; config.width = 1280; config.height = 720; new LwjglApplication(new Conquest(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = "Klooni 1010!"; config.width = Klooni.GAME_WIDTH; config.height = Klooni.GAME_HEIGHT; config.addIcon("ic_launcher/icon128.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("ic_launcher/icon32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("ic_launcher/icon16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new Klooni(null), config); }
public static void main (String[] args) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.width = 80 * 11; config.height = (24 + 8) * 22; config.addIcon("Tentacle-16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("Tentacle-32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("Tentacle-128.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.title = "Awfice"; new LwjglApplication(new MySquidGame(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.width = 960; config.height = 720; config.addIcon("interface/icons/turret-icon.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.title = Game.TITLE; config.fullscreen = Game.isFullscreen; new LwjglApplication(new Game(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { String version = DesktopLauncher.class.getPackage().getSpecificationVersion(); if (version == null) { version = "1.0"; } LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); if (SharedLibraryLoader.isMac) { config.preferencesDirectory = "Library/Application Support/Pixel Dungeon/"; } else if (SharedLibraryLoader.isLinux) { config.preferencesDirectory = ".watabou/pixel-dungeon/"; } else if (SharedLibraryLoader.isWindows) { config.preferencesDirectory = "Saved Games/Pixel Dungeon/"; } // FIXME: This is a hack to get access to the preferences before we have an application setup com.badlogic.gdx.Preferences prefs = new LwjglPreferences(Preferences.FILE_NAME, config.preferencesDirectory); boolean isFullscreen = prefs.getBoolean(Preferences.KEY_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN, false); config.fullscreen = isFullscreen; if (!isFullscreen) { config.width = prefs.getInteger(Preferences.KEY_WINDOW_WIDTH, Preferences.DEFAULT_WINDOW_WIDTH); config.height = prefs.getInteger(Preferences.KEY_WINDOW_HEIGHT, Preferences.DEFAULT_WINDOW_HEIGHT); } config.addIcon( "ic_launcher_128.png", Files.FileType.Internal ); config.addIcon( "ic_launcher_32.png", Files.FileType.Internal ); config.addIcon( "ic_launcher_16.png", Files.FileType.Internal ); // TODO: It have to be pulled from build.gradle, but I don't know how it can be done config.title = "Pixel Dungeon"; new LwjglApplication(new PixelDungeon( new DesktopSupport(version, config.preferencesDirectory, new DesktopInputProcessor()) ), config); }
private synchronized <T> T loadAsset(String url, Class<T> clazz) { T asset = null; if(clazz == Model.class) asset = (T) modelLoader.loadModel(Gdx.files.getFileHandle(url, Files.FileType.Internal)); if(clazz == Texture.class) asset = (T) new Texture(Gdx.files.getFileHandle(url, Files.FileType.Internal)); return asset; }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.width = Constants.SCREENWIDTH; config.height = Constants.SCREENHEIGHT; config.fullscreen = Constants.DEFAULTFULLSCREEN; config.title = Constants.WINDOWTITEL; config.addIcon(Constants.WINDOWICONPATH, Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new Main(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.foregroundFPS = 60; config.vSyncEnabled = true; config.width = 800; config.height = 450; config.addIcon("icons/large.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/med.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icons/small.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new MainGame(), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = "SquidLib GDX Sparse Demo"; config.width = gridWidth * cellWidth; config.height = (gridHeight + bonusHeight) * cellHeight; config.vSyncEnabled = false; config.foregroundFPS = 0; config.backgroundFPS = 30; config.addIcon("Tentacle-16.png", Files.FileType.Classpath); config.addIcon("Tentacle-32.png", Files.FileType.Classpath); config.addIcon("Tentacle-128.png", Files.FileType.Classpath); new LwjglApplication(new SparseDemo(), config); }
public void saveFile(Runnable runnable) { if (projectData.getSaveFile() != null && projectData.getSaveFile().type() != Files.FileType.Local) { dialogFactory.showDialogLoading(() -> {; if (runnable != null) {; } }); } else { saveAsFile(runnable); } }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = "Teleport Ball"; config.width = 480; config.height = 800; config.resizable = true; config.addIcon("desktop-icons/ic_launcher.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("desktop-icons/ic_launcher16x16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new Application(null), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { System.setProperty("", "\\xD0\\x90\\xD0\\xBD\\xD0\\xB4\\xD1\\x80\\xD0\\xB5\\xD0\\xB9");//Comment if on english LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); System.setProperty("org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.allowSoftwareOpenGL", "true"); config.title = "GDefence"; config.width = 1280; config.height = 720; // config.fullscreen = true; config.addIcon("Logo/logo16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("Logo/logo32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new GDefence(), config); }
@Override protected IOSApplication createApplication() { CB.setGlobalScale(1); final String appDir = System.getenv("HOME"); final String localPath = appDir + "/Library/local/"; LibgdxLogger.PROPERTIES_FILE_HANDLE = new LibgdxLoggerIosFileHandle(localPath, Files.FileType.Absolute).child(LibgdxLogger.CONFIGURATION_FILE_XML); LibgdxLogger.initial(LibgdxLogger.PROPERTIES_FILE_HANDLE); //initialize platform bitmap factory IosGraphics.init(); //initialize platform connector PlatformConnector.init(new IOS_PlatformConnector(this)); IOSApplicationConfiguration config = new IOSApplicationConfiguration(); config.multisample = GLKViewDrawableMultisample._4X; config.orientationLandscape = false; config.orientationPortrait = true; config.stencilFormat = GLKViewDrawableStencilFormat._8; GdxAssets.init("assets/"); GLAdapter.init(new IosGL()); return new IOSApplication(new CacheboxMain(), config); }
private static void renamePrefixes(String path, String prefix, String newPrefix) { Files files = new LwjglFiles(); for (FileHandle fileHandle : files.local(path).list()) { if ( { String newName = newPrefix +; println( + " -> " + newName); fileHandle.sibling(newName).write(, false); fileHandle.delete(); } } }
private void loadOptions(Files files) { String file = FOLDER_USER_DATA + "config.xml"; try { FileHandle userOptions = files.local(file); options = userOptions.exists() ? new GameOptions(userOptions) : new GameOptions(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot read configuration file " + file + ", aborting.", e); } }
public static void writeOptions(Files files) { if (configuration == null || configuration.options == null) { return; } String file = FOLDER_USER_DATA + "config.xml"; FileHandle userOptions = files.local(file); OutputStream outputStream = userOptions.write(false); Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); try { writer.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n"); XmlWriter xml = new XmlWriter(writer); xml.element("gameOptions"); XMLUtil.writePrimitives(configuration.options, xml, true); xml.element(XML_KEY_BINDINGS); for (KeyBindings binding : KeyBindings.values()) { xml.element(; xml.text(binding.getKeys().toString(",")); xml.pop(); } xml.pop(); xml.pop(); xml.flush(); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Cannot write configuration file " + file + ", aborting.", e); } finally { StreamUtils.closeQuietly(writer); } }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.width=1280; config.height=720; config.vSyncEnabled=true; config.resizable = false; config.addIcon("icon.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new ThrowTheMoonGame(true), config); }
public static void main (String[] arg) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = "Tox"; config.width = 480; config.height = 800; config.resizable=false; config.foregroundFPS = 30; config.addIcon("icon128x128.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icon32x32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("icon16x16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new ToxGame(), config); }
public static void main(String[] args) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); StartupOptions startupOptions = new StartupOptions(); new JCommander(startupOptions, args); if (startupOptions.dedicatedServer) { try { new SpaceShooter(startupOptions); new Server(startupOptions).start(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return; } config.title = "South River Space Shooter"; //TODO: Fix the auto Resolution Generator for Dual Monitor Support. config.height = startupOptions.debug ? 6 * 100 : Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().height; config.width = startupOptions.debug ? 11 * 100 : Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width; config.fullscreen = !startupOptions.debug; config.resizable = startupOptions.debug; config.vSyncEnabled = true; config.useHDPI = true; config.allowSoftwareMode = true; config.addIcon("splash/favicon-blue.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new SpaceShooter(startupOptions), config); }
public static void main(String[] args) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration cfg = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); //Configuration file in LibGDX used to start the game cfg.title = Game.TITLE; //Sets the title of the game cfg.width = Game.width; //Sets the width of the game screen cfg.height = Game.height; //Sets the height of the game screen // cfg.resizable = false; // Allows the game screen to be resizable cfg.vSyncEnabled = true; // vSync makes frames load better // cfg.useGL20 = true; // cfg.fullscreen = true; // Forces the game screen into fullscreen Game.fullscreen = cfg.fullscreen; cfg.addIcon("assets/images/Icon.png", Files.FileType.Internal); new LwjglApplication(new Game(), cfg); //Creates and launches the game file using the previous settings }
public static void main(String[] args) { LwjglApplicationConfiguration config = new LwjglApplicationConfiguration(); config.title = Name.GAME_NAME; config.width = 1280; config.height = 720; config.vSyncEnabled = true; // Change this to false for performance testing config.foregroundFPS = 0; config.addIcon("sprites/icon_16.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("sprites/icon_32.png", Files.FileType.Internal); config.addIcon("sprites/icon_128.png", Files.FileType.Internal); LwjglApplication app = new LwjglApplication(new GladiatorBrawler(), config); }