public void addTab(String tabTitle, final ITabContent tabContent, Skin skin) { TextButton button = new TextButton(tabTitle, skin); button.align(Align.left); //button.setFillParent(true); button.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { tabContent.setContent(content); content.pack(); setWidth(preferedContentWidth); setHeight(preferedContentHeight); } }); tabHeaders.add(button); contents.add(tabContent); preferedContentWidth = Math.max(preferedContentWidth, tabContent.getWidth()); preferedContentHeight = Math.max(preferedContentHeight, tabContent.getHeight() + tabHeaders.get(0).getHeight()); }
@Override public void create () { if (app == null) { app =; tests[testIndex].create(); } cameraController = new CameraInputController(tests[testIndex].camera); cameraController.activateKey = Keys.CONTROL_LEFT; cameraController.autoUpdate = false; cameraController.forwardTarget = false; cameraController.translateTarget = false; Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(new InputMultiplexer(cameraController, this, new GestureDetector(this))); font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/arial-15.fnt"), false); hud = new Stage(); hud.addActor(fpsLabel = new Label(" ", new Label.LabelStyle(font, Color.WHITE))); fpsLabel.setPosition(0, 0); hud.addActor(titleLabel = new Label(tests[testIndex].getClass().getSimpleName(), new Label.LabelStyle(font, Color.WHITE))); titleLabel.setY(hud.getHeight() - titleLabel.getHeight()); hud.addActor(instructLabel = new Label("A\nB\nC\nD\nE\nF", new Label.LabelStyle(font, Color.WHITE))); instructLabel.setY(titleLabel.getY() - instructLabel.getHeight()); instructLabel.setAlignment( | Align.left); instructLabel.setText(tests[testIndex].instructions); }
@Override public void create () { pref ="DATA"); highScore = pref.getInteger("Score", -1); if (highScore == -1) { highScore = 0; pref.putInteger("Score", 0); pref.flush(); } batch = new SpriteBatch(); font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("ChicagoFLF.fnt")); //font.setScale(5f); labelStyle = new Label.LabelStyle(font, new Color(124 / 255.0f, 199 / 255.0f, 72 / 255.0f, 1)); highScoreWordsLabel = new Label("Score:\n\nHigh Score:", labelStyle); highScoreWordsLabel.setFontScale(0.7f); highScoreWordsLabel.setHeight((float) highScoreWordsLabel.getHeight() * 0.7f); highScoreWordsLabel.setPosition(0, VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - highScoreWordsLabel.getHeight()); highScoreWordsLabel.setAlignment(Align.left); //debugRenderer = new Box2DDebugRenderer(); Assets.load(); this.setScreen(new GameScreen(this)); }
public void updateRunning (float delta) { world.step(delta, 6, 2); timeGap += delta; playTime += delta; if (timeGap >= SQUARE_FALL_INTERVAL) { createEnemy(); timeGap -= SQUARE_FALL_INTERVAL; } if (state == GAME_RUNNING) { //scoreLabel.addAction(Actions.moveTo(540, 990, 1f)); scoreLabel.setText((Integer.toString((int) playTime))); //scoreLabel.setPosition(0, 0); scoreLabel.setPosition(VIRTUAL_WIDTH - scoreLabel.getWidth(), VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - scoreLabel.getHeight()); scoreLabel.setAlignment(Align.right); //scoreLabel.setVisible(true); //stage.addActor(scoreLabel); //"scoreLabel text: ".concat(scoreLabel.getText().toString())); //"score: ".concat((Integer.toString((int) (playTime))))); } }
public void gameOverSetup () { retry = new Retry(); retry.getColor().a = 0; retry.addAction(Actions.parallel(Actions.fadeIn(1f),Actions.moveTo(RETRY_X * 100, RETRY_Y * 100, 1f, Interpolation.bounceOut))); stage.addActor(retry); retry.setZIndex(50); if ((int) playTime > game.highScore) { game.highScore = (int) playTime; game.pref.putInteger("Score", game.highScore); game.pref.flush(); } highScoreLabel = new Label(Integer.toString(game.highScore), game.labelStyle); highScoreLabel.setFontScale(1.5f); highScoreLabel.setPosition(VIRTUAL_WIDTH - highScoreLabel.getWidth(), VIRTUAL_HEIGHT - highScoreLabel.getHeight() - 300); highScoreLabel.setAlignment(Align.right); stage.addActor(highScoreLabel); stage.addActor(game.highScoreWordsLabel); highScoreLabel.getColor().a = game.highScoreWordsLabel.getColor().a = 0; highScoreLabel.setZIndex(50); game.highScoreWordsLabel.setZIndex(50); highScoreLabel.addAction(Actions.fadeIn(0.25f)); game.highScoreWordsLabel.addAction(Actions.fadeIn(0.25f)); }
@Override public void show() { stage = new Stage(); table = new Table(); float padding = 50 * scale; BitmapFont font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/deja_vu_sans_medium.fnt")); Vector2 screenSize = new Vector2( ,; font.setScale(scale); Label.LabelStyle labelStyle = new Label.LabelStyle(font, Color.WHITE); messageLabel = new Label(text, labelStyle); messageLabel.setWrap(true); messageLabel.setWidth(screenSize.x - padding * 2); messageLabel.setAlignment(; table.setFillParent(true); table.defaults().pad(padding); table.add(messageLabel) .width(screenSize.x - padding * 2); stage.addActor(table); }
public GameResultScreen(Context context, String winner) { super(; hasPlayerWon = context.getPlayerNickname().equals(winner); String text = hasPlayerWon ? "You have won!" : "Player " + winner + " has won."; Label label = new Label(text,; label.setAlignment(; mainTable.add(label).expand().fill(); if (hasPlayerWon) { leftSystem = new ParticleSystem(""); rightSystem = new ParticleSystem(""); leftSystem.setPosition( / 4, / 2); rightSystem.setPosition( / 4 * 3, / 2); addActor(leftSystem); addActor(rightSystem); } mainTable.layout(); }
public ImageTextButton (String text, ImageTextButtonStyle style) { super(style); = style; defaults().space(3); image = new Image(); image.setScaling(; add(image); label = new Label(text, new LabelStyle(style.font, style.fontColor)); label.setAlignment(; add(label); setStyle(style); setSize(getPrefWidth(), getPrefHeight()); }
/** Removes all actors and cells from the table (same as {@link #clear()}) and additionally resets all table properties and * cell, column, and row defaults. */ public void reset () { clear(); padTop = backgroundTop; padLeft = backgroundLeft; padBottom = backgroundBottom; padRight = backgroundRight; align =; debug(Debug.none); cellDefaults.defaults(); for (int i = 0, n = columnDefaults.size; i < n; i++) { Cell columnCell = columnDefaults.get(i); if (columnCell != null); } columnDefaults.clear(); }
public void layout () { if (drawable == null) return; float regionWidth = drawable.getMinWidth(); float regionHeight = drawable.getMinHeight(); float width = getWidth(); float height = getHeight(); Vector2 size = scaling.apply(regionWidth, regionHeight, width, height); imageWidth = size.x; imageHeight = size.y; if ((align & Align.left) != 0) imageX = 0; else if ((align & Align.right) != 0) imageX = (int)(width - imageWidth); else imageX = (int)(width / 2 - imageWidth / 2); if ((align & != 0) imageY = (int)(height - imageHeight); else if ((align & Align.bottom) != 0) imageY = 0; else imageY = (int)(height / 2 - imageHeight / 2); }
public ProgressPanel() { super(); messagesUsed = Sets.newHashSet(); loadingMessage = FontManager.Roboto32.makeLabel(selectRandomMessage(), Color.WHITE,; loadingMessage.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); loadingMessage.setAlignment(; progressLabel = FontManager.Roboto64.makeLabel("0%", Color.WHITE,; progressLabel.setColor(Color.DARK_GRAY); progressLabel.setAlignment(; row(); add(loadingMessage).center(); row(); add(progressLabel).center(); }
protected void show(Actor parentWidget, Actor relativeTo) { setVisible(true); content.setVisible(true); parentWidget.getStage().addActor(this); parentWidget.getStage().addActor(content); content.pack(); pack(); float relativeX = relativeTo.getX() + parentWidget.getX(); if ((arrowAlignment & Align.right) != 0) { setX(relativeX - getWidth() + relativeTo.getWidth() - ((relativeTo.getWidth() - triangle.getWidth()) / 2) + 8); } else { setX(relativeX + ((relativeTo.getWidth() - triangle.getWidth()) / 2) - 8); } setY(relativeTo.getY() + parentWidget.getY() - getHeight() - relativeTo.getHeight() / 2); content.setX(getX() + Display.devicePixel(10)); content.setY(getY() + Display.devicePixel(10)); InputSystem.instance().bind(new int[] { ESCAPE, BACK }, inputCallback); InputSystem.instance().addInputProcessor(clickCallback, 0); addAction(Actions.fadeIn(BUTTON_FADE_DURATION)); content.addAction(Actions.fadeIn(BUTTON_FADE_DURATION)); }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void addRequirement(Requirement requirement) { row().fillX().pad(12, 0, 12, 0); Label label = Roboto18.makeLabel(requirement.displayString()); label.setWrap(true); add(label).expandX(); Cell amountCell = add().center(); if (requirement.getAmount() > 0) { Label amountValue = RobotoBold18.makeLabel(String.format("%d/%d", requirement.getCurrentWeight(), requirement.getAmount())); amountValue.setAlignment(; amountCell.setWidget(amountValue); } ProgressBar progressBar = new ProgressBar(requirement.getProgress()); add(progressBar).width(200).right().center(); row(); add(new HorizontalRule(Color.DARK_GRAY, 1)).colspan(3); }
public RatingBar(float stars, int maxValue) { super(); this.stars = stars; this.maxValue = maxValue; defaults().left().space(Display.devicePixel(2)); setTextures(STAR_ICON); starPlaceholder = new NoOpWidget(); valueLabel = FontManager.RobotoBold18.makeLabel("5.0"); valueLabel.setAlignment(; setValue(stars); textureHeight = maskTexture.getHeight(); updateLayout(); }
/** * Initialisiert die UI-Elemente. */ private void initializeUiElements() { DefaultScrollPane tableContainer; tableWidth = width - 150; tableHeight = height - 300; lootTable = new VerticalGroup();; lootTable.align(Align.left +; lootTable.setWidth(tableWidth); tableContainer = new DefaultScrollPane(lootTable, tableHeight, tableWidth); tableContainer.setPosition(75, 50); tableContainer.toFront(); stage.addActor(tableContainer); // switch button erstellen stage.addActor(createSwitchButton()); }
public PlayerPanel(Alignment align) { super(Common.getSkin()); lblName = new Label("", Common.getSkin()); imgNationality = new Image(); turnLabel = new Label("", Common.getSkin()); Pixmap pix = new Pixmap(1, 1, Pixmap.Format.RGBA8888); pix.setColor(Color.GRAY); pix.fill(); setBackground(new TextureRegionDrawable(new TextureRegion(new Texture(pix)))); if (align == Alignment.LEFT) { align(Align.left); add(imgNationality).padRight(8f); add(lblName); add(turnLabel).expandX().right().pad(8f); } else { align(Align.right); add(turnLabel).expandX().left().pad(8f); add(lblName).padRight(8f); add(imgNationality); } //debug(); }
@Override public void onTouchDown(Actor actor) { if (Scene.mouseButton == 0) { edge = 0; float x = Scene.mouse.x; float y = Scene.mouse.y; if (x > actor.getX() + actor.getWidth() - 10) edge |= Align.right; if (y > actor.getY() + actor.getHeight() - 10) edge |=; //if (x < actor.getX() + 20 && y < actor.getY() + 20) edge = Align.left; no rotation dragging = edge != 0; startX = x; startY = y; lastX = x; lastY = y; } }
public NonStackingInventoryListItem(Stage stage, Item item, int amount, boolean hideOnZero, boolean format, boolean showName) { setWidth(200); setName((item.getId() + 128) + ""); this.hideOnZero = hideOnZero; this.format = format; this.showName = showName; this.item = item; this.amount = amount; left(); row(); tooltip = new Tooltip(amount + " " + item.getName(), item.getDescription(), this); stage.addActor(tooltip); image = new Image(); add(image).size(24, 24); label = new Label(amount + " " + item.getName(),; if (!showName) { label.setAlignment(Align.right); add(label).right().expandX(); } else add(label); onChange(); }
/** * inits stage actors */ public void init(){ Label.LabelStyle style = new Label.LabelStyle(); style.font = new BitmapFont(); scoreLabel = new Label("City drown in garbage :) ", style); scoreLabel.setWidth(getWidth() - getWidth() / 10); scoreLabel.setFontScale(2f *; scoreLabel.setScale(2f *; scoreLabel.setWrap(true); scoreLabel.setAlignment(; scoreLabel.setColor(1, 0, 0, 1); scoreLabel.setX(getWidth() / 2 - scoreLabel.getWidth() / 2); scoreLabel.setY(getHeight() / 2 - scoreLabel.getHeight() / 2); addActor(scoreLabel); initTryAgain(); }
public AddStateDialog(final Stage stage, final Skin skin, final MusicEventManager eventManager) { super("Add State", skin); this.stage = stage; = skin; this.eventManager = eventManager; Table content = this.getContentTable(); Label label = new Label("State name", skin); label.setAlignment(Align.left); content.add(label).left().fillX().expandX().row(); eventName = new TextField("", skin); content.add(eventName).right().fillX().expandX().row(); Table buttons = this.getButtonTable(); buttons.defaults().fillX().expandX(); this.button("Ok", true); this.button("Cancel", false); key(Keys.ENTER, true); key(Keys.ESCAPE, false); }
public GUITarget(float w, float h) { table = new Table(); table.setWidth(w); table.setHeight(h); this.w = w; target = new Image(GameManager.getSkin(GameManager.selectedSkin).get( "lwindow", Texture.class)); target.setFillParent(true); bar = new Image(GameManager.getSkin(GameManager.selectedSkin).get( "lbutton", Texture.class)); bar.setFillParent(true); bar.setAlign(Align.left); bar.setWidth(w); table.align(Align.left); table.add(target); table.row(); table.add(bar); }
Dialog(Pair<String, ClickListener> submit, Pair<String, ClickListener> abort, Actor content) { SharedInjector.get().injectMembers(this); window = new Table(); add(window); if (content != null) { contentCell = window.add(content).fill().align(; } if (submit != null || abort != null) { buttonLayout = new Table(); window.row().row().padTop(PADDING); window.add(buttonLayout); } if (abort != null) { initAbort(abort); } if (submit != null) { Cell<?> c = initSubmit(submit); if (abort != null) { c.padLeft(PADDING); } } background = GraphicsFactory.createNinePatch(Assets.TEX_PANEL_BLACK_9patch, Sizes.panelTransparentRadius()); }
private Actor generateRight(Item item) { VerticalGroup layout = new VerticalGroup(); layout.align(Align.left); layout.padLeft(15f); name.setColor(item.getRarity().getColor()); name.setFontScale(0.90f); layout.addActor(name); Table descContainer = new Table(); level = new StarLevelWidget(item.getLevel(), 7); availability = new AvailabilityIcon(item); descContainer.add(level); descContainer.right().add(availability).padLeft(70f).padTop(27f); layout.addActor(descContainer); layout.setTouchable(Touchable.disabled); return layout; }
private Actor generateTop(Item item) { HorizontalGroup group = new HorizontalGroup(); group.align(Align.left); IconWidget icon = new IconWidget(item, 0); icon.setHandle( DefaultIconHandle() { @Override public boolean isDraggable(int amount) { return false; } @Override public boolean isVisible(int currentAmount) { return false; } }); group.addActor(icon); HorizontalGroup wrapper = new HorizontalGroup(); Label caption = new Label(Bundles.items.get(item.getId().toString()), Styles.LBL_ITEM); caption.setColor(item.getRarity().getColor()); icon.setWidth(caption.getHeight() * 4); icon.setHeight(caption.getHeight() * 4); wrapper.addActor(caption); wrapper.padLeft(15f); group.addActor(wrapper); return group; }
public void handleUserStatus(UserStatusMessage message) { switch (message.getStatus()) { case OFFLINE: UserTable table = userMap.get(message.getUserId()); if (table != null) { table.remove(); } break; case ONLINE: table = userMap.get(message.getUserId()); if (table == null) { final UserTable userTable = new UserTable(skin, message.getUserId(), message.getName()); userMap.put(message.getUserId(), userTable); userTable.getTable().addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { UsersList.this.selectUser(userTable); } }); this.table.add(userTable.getTable()).align(Align.left).row(); } break; } }
public MainMenuScreen(GlxyGame gm) { super(gm); logoTex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/glxy-logo.png")); Image logo = new Image(logoTex); logo.setScaling(; add(logo); TextButton t = new TextButton("Start!", skin); t.addListener(new ClickListener() { public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { game.setScreen("GameScreen"); } }); t.pad(5, 10, 5, 10); add(t).expandY(); Label cpright = new Label( "Copyright CHEKAE 2013 - 2017 - All rights reserved", skin); cpright.setAlignment(; cpright.setColor(1f, 1f, .8f, 1f); add(cpright).pad(10); }
private void textWindowDemo() { BitmapFont plotFont = context.getAssetManager().get( PLOT_FONT, BitmapFont.class ); String loremIpsum = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, "; loremIpsum += "sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."; loremIpsum += "\n\nThis window is draggable."; rootAtlas = context.getAssetManager().get( ROOT_ATLAS, TextureAtlas.class ); TextureRegion plotDlgRegion = rootAtlas.findRegion( "box-text1" ); NinePatchDrawable plotDlgBgDrawable = new NinePatchDrawable( new NinePatch( plotDlgRegion, 20, 20, 35, 20 ) ); Window plotDlg = new Window( "", new Window.WindowStyle( plotFont, new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f ), plotDlgBgDrawable ) ); plotDlg.setKeepWithinStage( true ); plotDlg.setMovable( true ); plotDlg.setSize( 200, 250 ); plotDlg.setPosition( 765, 60 ); plotDlg.row().top().expand().fill(); Label plotLbl = new Label( loremIpsum, new Label.LabelStyle( plotFont, new Color( 1f, 1f, 1f, 1f ) ) ); plotLbl.setAlignment(|Align.left,|Align.left ); plotLbl.setWrap( true ); plotDlg.add( plotLbl ); // setKeepWithinStage() only applies if added to the stage root. :/ popupStage.addActor( plotDlg ); }
public AnimationEdition(Controller controller) { super(); skin = controller.getApplicationAssets().getSkin(); align(; DragAndDrop dragAndDrop = new DragAndDrop(); buttonReg = new HashMap<IconTextButton, Class<Effect>>(); drawableReg = new HashMap<Class<Effect>, Drawable>(); backgroundTweens = skin.getDrawable("bg-dark"); add(new TweensTypeTab(dragAndDrop, controller)).left(); row(); AnimationTimeline timeline = new AnimationTimeline(dragAndDrop, controller); add(timeline).expandX().fill(); row(); add(new Separator(true, skin)); row(); add(timeline.getAddButton()).fill().expandX(); row(); add(new Separator(true, skin)); }
public MainMenuScreen (LilliGame gm) { super(gm); logoTex = new Texture(Gdx.files.internal("data/logo.png")); Image logo = new Image(logoTex); logo.setScaling(; add(logo); TextButton t = new TextButton("Start!", skin); t.addListener(new ClickListener() { public void clicked(InputEvent event, float x, float y) { game.setScreen("GameScreen"); } }); t.pad(5, 10, 5, 10); add(t).expandY(); Label cpright = new Label("Copyright KaeruCT 2013 - All rights reserved", skin); cpright.setAlignment(; cpright.setColor(1f, 1f, .8f, 1f); add(cpright).pad(10); }
@Override public void resize(int width, int height) { super.resize(width, height); Image splashImage = new Image(new SpriteDrawable(new Sprite(splashTexture)), Scaling.stretch, Align.bottom | Align.left); splashImage.setWidth(width); splashImage.setHeight(height); splashImage.getColor().a = 0f; splashImage.addAction(sequence(fadeIn(0.5f), run(new Runnable() { public void run() { game.menuScreen = new MenuScreen(game); } }), delay(1f, fadeOut(0.5f)), run(new Runnable() { public void run() { game.setGameState(GameState.GAME_SHOW_MENU); } }))); stage.addActor(splashImage); }
public IconButton(String text, TextureRegion icon, TextButtonStyle tl, boolean leftImage, boolean rightImage, boolean centerText) { super(tl); label = new Label(text, new LabelStyle(tl.font, tl.fontColor)); label.setAlignment(; = tl; if (leftImage && icon != null) { Image icon1 = new Image(icon); add(icon1).expandY(); } if (centerText) add(label).expand().fill(); if (rightImage && icon != null) { Image icon2 = new Image(icon); add(icon2).expandY(); } _IconButton(); }
public IconButton(String text, TextureRegion icon, TextButtonStyle tl) { super(tl); = tl; label = new Label(text, new LabelStyle(tl.font, tl.fontColor)); label.setAlignment(; if (icon != null) { Image icon1 = new Image(icon); add(icon1).expandY(); } add(label).expand().fill(); if (icon != null) { Image icon2 = new Image(icon); add(icon2).expandY(); } _IconButton(); }
public BoardImage(final float imageWidth, final float imageHeight, final int nx, final int ny) { setDrawable(new TextureRegionDrawable(FourInALine.Instance.atlas.findRegion("hole"))); this.scaling = Scaling.stretch; this.align =; this.nx = nx; this.ny = ny; xdim = (int)imageWidth / nx; ydim = (int)imageHeight / ny; setWidth((int)imageWidth); setHeight((int)imageHeight); tile = FourInALine.Instance.atlas.findRegion("hole"); wood = FourInALine.Instance.wood; mask = new TextureRegion(FourInALine.Instance.mask); shader = new ShaderProgram(Gdx.files.internal("shaders/vertex.s"), Gdx.files.internal("shaders/fragment.s")); System.out.println(shader.isCompiled()); System.out.println(shader.getLog()); }
@Override public void pack() { this.clear(); row().fill().expand(); for (TextButton btn : tabHeaders) add(btn).align(Align.left); row(); add(content).colspan(tabHeaders.size); super.pack(); setWidth(preferedContentWidth); setHeight(preferedContentHeight); }
@Override public void show() { queueAssets(); splashImage = new Image(new Texture(Gdx.files.internal(Textures.TEXTURE_TOXSICK_LOGO))); splashImage.setPosition( / 2, / 2,; Skyland.STAGE.addActor(splashImage); addSplashAnimation(); }
private void createLabel() { LabelStyle ls = new LabelStyle(); ls.font = text; ls.fontColor = Color.WHITE; label = new Label("Answer to the following question: \n" +questions[0],ls); label.setWrap(true); label.setAlignment(; label.setWidth(10); table.add(label).width(; stage.addActor(table); }
public ErrorScreen(Context context) { super(; this.context = context; EventsInterface.unsubscribeAll(); String text = "Excuse us but some connection error occured. Please try again :)"; Label label = new Label(text,; label.setAlignment(; mainTable.add(label).expand().fill(); }
public LogLabel(String text, Skin skin, Level level) { super(text, skin, "console-" + level.toString().toLowerCase()); this.level = level; setAlignment(Align.left | Align.bottom); setFillParent(true); setWrap(true); }
public DecoImage(Texture texture) { super(null, Scaling.stretch,; region = new TextureRegion(texture); setDrawable(new TextureRegionDrawable(region)); setSize(getPrefWidth(), getPrefHeight()); setBounds(0, 0, texture.getWidth(), texture.getHeight()); setOrigin(texture.getWidth() / 2, texture.getHeight() / 2); setTouchable(Touchable.disabled); }