private void loadFonts(TiledMap data, String atlasname) { MapObjects objects = data.getLayers().get("preload").getObjects(); String ffcheck = "Font"; for (MapObject o : objects) { String name = o.getName(); BitmapFont font = null; MapProperties properties = o.getProperties(); String type = properties.get("type", String.class); String fontfile = properties.get("font_file", String.class); if (fontfile != null && type != null && type.equals(ffcheck)) { boolean markup = properties.get("markup", false, boolean.class); game.loadFont(fontfile, atlasname); game.getAssetManager().finishLoading(); font = game.getFont(fontfile); fonts.put(name, font); font.getData().markupEnabled = markup; } } }
private void loadParticleEffects(TiledMap data, String atlasname) { MapObjects objects = data.getLayers().get("preload").getObjects(); String ppcheck = "Particle"; for (MapObject o : objects) { String name = o.getName(); MapProperties properties = o.getProperties(); String type = properties.get("type", String.class); if (type != null && type.equals(ppcheck)) { String file = properties.get("particle_file", String.class); if (file != null) { game.loadParticleEffect(file, atlasname); game.getAssetManager().finishLoading(); if (!particle_effects.containsKey(name)) { ParticleEffect pe = game.getParticleEffect(file); pe.setEmittersCleanUpBlendFunction(false); pvalues.add(KyperBoxGame.PARTICLE_FOLDER + KyperBoxGame.FILE_SEPARATOR + file); particle_effects.put(name, new ParticleEffectPool(pe, 12, 48)); } } } } }
private void loadShaders(TiledMap data) { MapObjects objects = data.getLayers().get("preload").getObjects(); String scheck = "Shader"; for (MapObject o : objects) { String name = o.getName(); MapProperties properties = o.getProperties(); String type = properties.get("type", String.class); if (type != null && type.equals(scheck)) { String file = properties.get("shader_name", String.class); if (file != null) { game.loadShader(file); game.getAssetManager().finishLoading(); if (!shaders.containsKey(name)) { ShaderProgram sp = game.getShader(file); shaders.put(name, sp); svalues.add(KyperBoxGame.SHADER_FOLDER + KyperBoxGame.FILE_SEPARATOR + file); } } } } }
private void loadCharacterGroups() throws IOException { MapLayer groupsLayer = map.getLayers().get(LAYER_GROUPS); if (groupsLayer == null) { return; } MapObjects groups = groupsLayer.getObjects(); for (MapObject mapGroup : groups) { if (mapGroup.getName() == null) { continue; } String groupFile = mapGroup.getName(); String id = (String) mapGroup.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_ID); if (id == null) { id = groupFile; } Vector2 position = getPositionFromMapObject(mapGroup); CharacterGroupGameObject group = new CharacterGroupGameObject(id, Gdx.files.internal(Configuration .getFolderGroups() + groupFile + ".xml"), gameMap); group.position().set((int) (position.x / gameMap.getTileSizeX()), (int) (position.y / gameMap.getTileSizeY())); } }
private void loadItems() throws IOException { MapLayer itemsLayer = map.getLayers().get(LAYER_ITEMS); if (itemsLayer == null) { return; } MapObjects items = itemsLayer.getObjects(); for (MapObject item : items) { Vector2 position = getPositionFromMapObject(item); PickableGameObject newItem = new PickableGameObject(item.getName()); newItem.getOwner().set(item.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_OWNER_CHARACTER, String.class), Faction.getFaction(item.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_OWNER_FACTION, String.class)), Boolean.valueOf(item.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_OWNER_FIXED, "false", String.class))); newItem.position().set(position.x / gameMap.getTileSizeX(), position.y / gameMap.getTileSizeY()); newItem.setMap(gameMap); newItem.setOffsets(newItem.getXOffset() + getInteger(item, PROPERTY_XOFFSET, 0) * gameMap.getScaleX(), newItem.getYOffset() + getInteger(item, PROPERTY_YOFFSET, 0) * gameMap.getScaleY()); } }
private void loadLocations(MapLayer locationsLayer, boolean loadTraps) throws IOException { if (locationsLayer == null) { return; } MapObjects locations = locationsLayer.getObjects(); for (MapObject location : locations) { String locId = location.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_ID, location.getName(), String.class) .toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); String locType = location.getName(); SaveablePolygon locPolygon = transformTiledPolygon(gameMap, getPolygonFromMapObject(location)); GameLocation newLocation = loadTraps ? new TrapLocation(locId, locType, locPolygon, Boolean.valueOf(location.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_DETECTED, "false", String.class)), Boolean.valueOf(location.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_DISARMED, "false", String.class))) : new GameLocation(locId, locType, locPolygon); newLocation.setMap(gameMap); newLocation.loadFromXML(Gdx.files.internal(Configuration.getFolderLocations() + locType + ".xml")); } for (GameObject go : gameMap.gameObjects) { if (go instanceof GameCharacter) { ((GameCharacter) go).calculateCurrentLocations(); } } }
private void loadTransitions() { MapLayer locationsLayer = map.getLayers().get(LAYER_TRANSITIONS); if (locationsLayer == null) { return; } Array<Transition> transitions = new Array<Transition>(); MapObjects locations = locationsLayer.getObjects(); for (MapObject location : locations) { MapObject mapObject = (MapObject) location; String[] coords = ((String) mapObject.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_TARGET)).split(","); Tile target = new Tile(Integer.parseInt(coords[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(coords[1].trim())); Polygon polygon = getPolygonFromMapObject(mapObject); Transition newTransition = new Transition(gameMap, mapObject.getName(), target.getX(), target.getY(), transformTiledPolygon(gameMap, polygon)); transitions.add(newTransition); } buildTransitionTiles(transitions); }
private void initMapObjects() { items = new ArrayList<AbstractItem>(); enemies = new ArrayList<AbstractEnemy>(); sfxSprites = new ArrayList<AbstractSfxSprite>(); plateforms = new ArrayList<AbstractMetalPlateform>(); MapObjects objects = objectsLayer.getObjects(); for (MapObject mapObject : objects) { MapProperties objectProperty = mapObject.getProperties(); if (objectProperty.get("type").toString().equals("mario")) { mario = new Mario(mapObject); } initEnemies(mapObject, objectProperty); initItems(mapObject, objectProperty); initSfxSprites(mapObject, objectProperty); } }
public void loadLevelObjects() { MapLayer mapLayerMission = getMap().getLayers().get(LAYER_MISSIONOBJECTS); MapObjects objects = mapLayerMission.getObjects(); for (int i = 0; i < objects.getCount(); i++) { MapObject mapObj = objects.get(i); SpawnableBase base = EntityFactory.getEntity(mapObj.getName()); if (base != null) { base.prepareFromMap(getLevelID(), mapObj); } } Logger.dbg("map objects loaded!"); }
private Array<Goomba> generateEnemies() { Array<Goomba> goombas = new Array<Goomba>(); MapLayer layer = map.getLayers().get("objects"); MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); Iterator<MapObject> objectIt = objects.iterator(); while(objectIt.hasNext()) { MapObject obj =; String type = (String) obj.getProperties().get("type"); if(type != null) { float x = (Float) obj.getProperties().get("x"); float y = (Float) obj.getProperties().get("y"); if(type.equals("goomba")) { Goomba goomba = new Goomba(this, x * (1/16f), y* (1/16f)); goombas.add(goomba); stage.addActor(goomba); } } } return goombas; }
/** * Check if there are items in a brick, if there are they are added to the brick. * @param brick * @param x * @param y */ private void itemsInBrick(Brick brick, int x, int y) { MapLayer layer = map.getLayers().get("hidden_items"); MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); for(MapObject obj : objects) { int obj_x = (int) ((Float) obj.getProperties().get("x") * (1/16f)); int obj_y = (int) ((Float) obj.getProperties().get("y") * (1/16f)); if(obj_x == x && obj_y == y) { String type = (String) obj.getProperties().get("type"); Actor item = null; if(type.equals("super_mushroom")) { item = new Super(this, x, y, 4f); mushrooms.add((Mushroom) item); } stage.addActor(item); brick.addItem(item); } } }
public Level() { super("Game"); cam = new OrthographicCamera(); // Setup camera viewport cam.setToOrtho(false, / 2, / 2); cam.update(); batch = new SpriteBatch(); // Load map map = new TmxMapLoader().load("maps/Lvl1.tmx"); mapRenderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer(map); // Load walls as rectangles in an array MapObjects wallobjects = map.getLayers().get("Walls").getObjects(); for(int i = 0; i < wallobjects.getCount(); i++) { RectangleMapObject obj = (RectangleMapObject) wallobjects.get(i); Rectangle rect = obj.getRectangle(); walls.add(new Rectangle(rect.x, rect.y, 16, 16)); } Texture[] tex = new Texture[]{new Texture("sprites/Player_Side_Left.png"),new Texture("sprites/Player_Side_Right.png"), new Texture("sprites/Player_Behind_1.png"), new Texture("sprites/Player_Behind_2.png"),new Texture("sprites/Player_Forward1.png"),new Texture("sprites/Player.png")}; player = new Player("sprites/Player.png", 120, 120, walls, tex); wall = new Texture("tiles/Wall.png"); }
private void setPlayerStartInformation(MapObjects mapObjects) { if (mapObjects == null || mapObjects.getCount() != 1) { throw new GdxRuntimeException("Invalid map: Only one player start position allowed!"); } Rectangle playerBox = ((RectangleMapObject) mapObjects.get("startpoint")).getRectangle(); mPlayerCell = new int[2]; mPlayerCell[0] = (int) Math.floor(playerBox.getX()); mPlayerCell[1] = (int) Math.floor(playerBox.getY()); String healthProperty = (String) mapObjects.get("startpoint").getProperties().get("health"); if (healthProperty != null) { mPlayerStartHealth = Integer.parseInt(healthProperty); } else { mPlayerStartHealth = 10; } // Remove fog on start position if (mFogLayer != null) { removeFog(mPlayerCell[0], mPlayerCell[1]); } }
/** * Create an npc object on the map * * @param pillarNum * - the pillar this npc controls * @param tileX * - npc x pos in tiles * @param tileY * - npc y pos in tiles * @param objs * - the maps objects * @param loader * - body loader to load body * @param world * - physics world */ private void makeNPC(String name, boolean hasKey, int pillarNum, float tileX, float tileY, MapObjects objs, BodyEditorLoader loader, World world) { MapObject npc = new MapObject(); npc.getProperties().put("x", (int) (tileX * TILE_WIDTH)); npc.getProperties().put("y", (int) (tileY * TILE_HEIGHT)); npc.getProperties().put("gid", NPC_ID); npc.getProperties().put("type", "npc"); npc.getProperties().put("used", false); npc.getProperties().put("pillarNum", pillarNum); npc.getProperties().put("hasKey", hasKey); npc.setName(name); BodyFactory .createBody(world, "tile", BodyType.StaticBody, tileX, tileY); objs.add(npc); }
/** * Create a pillar object on the map * * @param pillarNum * - the number of this pillar * @param tileX * - pillar x pos in tiles * @param tileY * - pillar y pos in tiles * @param objs * - the maps objects * @param loader * - body loader to load body * @param world * - physics world */ private void makePillar(int pillarNum, float tileX, float tileY, MapObjects objs, BodyEditorLoader loader, World world) { MapObject pillarTop = new MapObject(); MapObject pillarBottom = new MapObject(); pillarTop.getProperties().put("x", (int) (tileX * TILE_WIDTH)); pillarTop.getProperties().put("y", (int) ((tileY + 1) * TILE_HEIGHT)); pillarTop.getProperties().put("pillarNum", pillarNum); pillarTop.getProperties().put("gid", PILLAR_OFF_TOP_ID); pillarBottom.getProperties().put("x", (int) (tileX * TILE_WIDTH)); pillarBottom.getProperties().put("y", (int) (tileY * TILE_HEIGHT)); pillarBottom.getProperties().put("gid", PILLAR_OFF_BOTTOM_ID); pillarBottom.getProperties().put("pillarNum", pillarNum); BodyFactory.createBody(world, "pillar", BodyType.StaticBody, tileX, tileY); objs.add(pillarBottom); objs.add(pillarTop); }
private void loadUi(MapLayer layer, TextureAtlas atlas) { MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); Array<String> added = new Array<String>(); for (MapObject o : objects) { MapProperties properties = o.getProperties(); Actor ui_actor = getUiActor(added, o, properties, objects, atlas); if (ui_actor != null) uiground.addActor(ui_actor); } }
/** * This method returns the properties of an object in a collision layer by checking the player rectangle and object rectangle for an intersection * @param layerIndex the index of the layer in which to search for objects * @return the collided object */ protected MapObject getCollidingMapObject(int layerIndex) { MapObjects mapObjects = map.getLayers().get(layerIndex).getObjects(); for (MapObject mapObject : mapObjects) { MapProperties mapProperties = mapObject.getProperties(); float width, height, x, y; Rectangle objectRectangle = new Rectangle(); Rectangle playerRectangle = new Rectangle(); if (mapProperties.containsKey("width") && mapProperties.containsKey("height") && mapProperties.containsKey("x") && mapProperties.containsKey("y")) { width = (float) mapProperties.get("width"); height = (float) mapProperties.get("height"); x = (float) mapProperties.get("x"); y = (float) mapProperties.get("y"); objectRectangle.set(x, y, width, height); } playerRectangle.set( playScreen.getPlayer().getX() * MainGameClass.PPM, playScreen.getPlayer().getY() * MainGameClass.PPM, playScreen.getPlayer().getWidth() * MainGameClass.PPM, playScreen.getPlayer().getHeight() * MainGameClass.PPM ); // If the player rectangle and the object rectangle is colliding, return the object if (Intersector.overlaps(objectRectangle, playerRectangle)) { return mapObject; } } // If no colliding object was found in that layer return null; }
private void loadUsables() throws IOException { MapLayer itemsLayer = map.getLayers().get(LAYER_USABLES); if (itemsLayer == null) { return; } MapObjects items = itemsLayer.getObjects(); for (MapObject item : items) { Polygon polygon = getPolygonFromMapObject(item); if (item.getName() == null) { continue; } String type = item.getName(); Object idValue = item.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_ID); String id = idValue instanceof String ? (String) idValue : null; if (id == null) { id = type; } UsableGameObject newItem = new UsableGameObject(id, Gdx.files.internal(Configuration.getFolderUsables() + type + ".xml"), transformTiledPolygon(gameMap, polygon), gameMap); String orientationProp = item.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_ORIENTATION, null, String.class); if (orientationProp != null) { newItem.setOrientation(Orientation.valueOf(orientationProp.toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH))); } String groundProp = item.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_GROUND, null, String.class); if (groundProp != null) { String[] coords = groundProp.split(","); newItem.setGround(Integer.parseInt(coords[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(coords[1].trim())); } newItem.setOffsets(newItem.getXOffset() + getInteger(item, PROPERTY_XOFFSET, 0) * gameMap.getScaleX(), newItem.getYOffset() + getInteger(item, PROPERTY_YOFFSET, 0) * gameMap.getScaleY()); } }
private void handleObjectLayer(int layerIndex, MapLayer layer, State state, TiledMapConfig config) { MapObjects mapObjects = layer.getObjects(); for (int objectIndex = 0; objectIndex < mapObjects.getCount(); ++objectIndex) { MapObject mapObject = mapObjects.get(objectIndex); MapProperties objectProperties = mapObject.getProperties(); GameObject gameObject = gameWorld.addObject(); final float x = objectProperties.get(config.get(Constants.X), Float.class); final float y = objectProperties.get(config.get(Constants.Y), Float.class); final float w = objectProperties.get(config.get(Constants.WIDTH), Float.class); final float h = objectProperties.get(config.get(Constants.HEIGHT), Float.class); final float cellWidth = state.getCellWidth(); final float cellHeight = state.getCellHeight(); Object objectType = objectProperties.get(config.get(Constants.TYPE)); boolean collision = objectProperties.get(config.get(Constants.COLLISION), true, Boolean.class); gameObject.setPosition(x, y); gameObject.setDimensions(IndexCalculator.calculateIndexedDimension(w, cellWidth), IndexCalculator.calculateIndexedDimension(h, cellHeight)); gameObject.setLastPosition(x, y); gameObject.setColor(mapObject.getColor()); gameObject.setType(objectType); gameObject.setAttribute(Constants.LAYER_INDEX, layerIndex); gameObject.setAttribute(MapProperties.class, objectProperties); if (objectProperties.containsKey(config.get(Constants.MOVEMENT))) { String className = objectProperties.get(config.get(Constants.MOVEMENT), String.class); RasteredMovementBehavior behavior = createMovementBehavior(className); if (behavior != null) { behaviorManager.apply(behavior, gameObject); } } CollisionCalculator.updateCollision(collision, x, y, layerIndex, state); IndexCalculator.calculateZIndex(gameObject, state, layerIndex); for (TiledMapListener listener : listeners) { listener.onLoadGameObject(gameObject, api); } } }
private void createDropOffPoints(Map map){ logger.debug("Creating DropOffPoints"); String layerName = "dropoff"; //dropOffPoint map layer MapLayer layer = map.getLayers().get(layerName); if (layer == null) { logger.error("layer " + layerName + " does not exist"); return; } //Layer objects MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); for (MapObject mapObj : objects){ //Object properties. //name and position are set by the tiled editor. The rest are custom properties Vector2 position = new Vector2(); float range = 1; MapProperties prop = mapObj.getProperties(); Object x = prop.get("x"), y = prop.get("y"), r = prop.get("range"); if (r != null) range = Float.parseFloat(r.toString()); if (x != null && y != null) position.set((Float)x,(Float)y).scl(1/App.engine.PIXELS_PER_METER); DropOffPoint(position,range)); } }
private void createEntities(Map map) { logger.debug("Creating Entities"); String layerName = "entities"; MapLayer layer = map.getLayers().get(layerName); if (layer == null) { logger.error("layer " + layerName + " does not exist"); return; } //Entity objects Vector2 position = new Vector2(), velocity = new Vector2(); MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); for (MapObject mapObj : objects){ MapProperties prop = mapObj.getProperties(); Object x = prop.get("x"), y = prop.get("y"), vx = prop.get("vx"), vy = prop.get("vy"); position.set(0,0); velocity.set(0,0); if (x != null && y != null) position.set((Float)x,(Float)y).scl(1/App.engine.PIXELS_PER_METER); if (vx != null && y != null) velocity.set((Float)vx,(Float)vy); logger.debug(" -Create: " + mapObj.getName()); Entity e =,position,velocity); if (mapObj.getName().equals("player")); } }
/** * * @param world * @param map */ public void createBodies(ArrayList<Entity> entities, World world, TiledMap map){ MapObjects objects; objects = map.getLayers().get("ground").getObjects(); for(MapObject object : objects){ if(object instanceof RectangleMapObject){ createRectangle(world, (RectangleMapObject) object, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.6f); } else if(object instanceof PolygonMapObject){ createPolygon(world, (PolygonMapObject) object, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.6f); } else if(object instanceof PolylineMapObject){ createPolyline(world, (PolylineMapObject) object, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.6f); } else if(object instanceof EllipseMapObject){ createEllipse(world, (EllipseMapObject) object, 0.5f, 0.4f, 0.6f); } else{"Error", "Invalid map object"); } } /* objects = map.getLayers().get("dynamic").getObjects(); for(MapObject object : objects){ RectangleMapObject entity = (RectangleMapObject) object; Rectangle position = entity.getRectangle(); entities.add(new Box(world, new Vector2(position.x / SupaBox.PPM, position.y / SupaBox.PPM), new Vector2(0f, 0f), 1f, 1f)); } */ }
private void insertMapObjectsIntoCollisionMap(PixelCollisionMap<GameObject> collisionMap, TiledMap worldMap) { MapObjects objects = worldMap.getLayers().get("CollisionLayer").getObjects(); Array<RectangleMapObject> collision = objects.getByType(RectangleMapObject.class); collision.forEach((rectangle) -> collisionMap.insertStaticObject(rectangle.getRectangle())); }
private void loadCollision(TiledMap map) { MapObjects objects = map.getLayers().get("CollisionLayer").getObjects(); Array<RectangleMapObject> collision = objects.getByType(RectangleMapObject.class); collision.forEach((rectangle) -> collisionMap.insert(new MapCollisionUnknownObject(rectangle.getRectangle()))); }
private void loadSpawners(TiledMap map) { MapObjects objects = map.getLayers().get("SpawnAreasLayer").getObjects(); Array<RectangleMapObject> spawnerInfos = objects.getByType(RectangleMapObject.class); spawnerInfos.forEach(spawnerElement -> addSpawner(spawnerElement)); }
private void loadLevel(String level) { // load tile map TmxMapLoader.Parameters params = new TmxMapLoader.Parameters(); params.textureMinFilter = TextureFilter.Linear; params.textureMagFilter = TextureFilter.Linear; map = new TmxMapLoader().load(level); mapWidth = map.getProperties().get("width", Integer.class); tileWidth = map.getProperties().get("tilewidth", Integer.class); mapHeight = map.getProperties().get("height", Integer.class); tileHeight = map.getProperties().get("tileheight", Integer.class); // load objects from map MapObjects objects = map.getLayers().get("objects").getObjects(); // create objects for (int i = 0; i < objects.getCount(); i++) { MapProperties object = objects.get(i).getProperties(); String type = object.get("type", String.class); if (type.equals("bunny")) { Bunny bunny = new Bunny(object.get("x", Float.class), object.get("y", Float.class)); bunny.position.scl(1f / TILE_SIZE); bunny.bounds.y /= TILE_SIZE; bunny.bounds.x /= TILE_SIZE; entities.add(bunny); bunnies.add(bunny); } else if (type.equals("house")) { House house = new House(object.get("x", Float.class), object.get("y", Float.class)); house.position.scl(1f / TILE_SIZE); entities.add(house); houses.add(house); } else if (type.equals("fence")) { Fence fence = new Fence(object.get("x", Float.class), object.get("y", Float.class)); fence.position.scl(1f / TILE_SIZE); entities.add(fence); } else if (type.equals("trap")) { Trap trap = new Trap(object.get("x", Float.class), object.get("y", Float.class)); trap.position.scl(1f / TILE_SIZE); entities.add(trap); } else if (type.equals("cornfield")) { Cornfield cf = new Cornfield(object.get("x", Float.class), object.get("y", Float.class)); cf.position.scl(1f / TILE_SIZE); entities.add(cf); } } }
public MapObjects getObjects() { return rawLayer.getObjects(); }
private void loadCharacters() throws IOException { MapLayer npcLayer = map.getLayers().get(LAYER_NPCS); if (npcLayer == null) { return; } MapObjects npcs = npcLayer.getObjects(); for (MapObject mapNpc : npcs) { if (mapNpc.getName() == null) { continue; } String type = mapNpc.getName(); String role = (String) mapNpc.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_ROLE); String id = (String) mapNpc.getProperties().get(PROPERTY_ID); if (id == null) { id = type; } GameCharacter character = null; character = GameCharacter.loadCharacter(id, Gdx.files.internal(Configuration.getFolderCharacters() + type + ".xml"), gameMap); if (role != null) { GameCharacter playerCreatedCharacter = GameState.getPlayerCharacterGroup().getCreatedCharacter( Role.getRole(role)); if (playerCreatedCharacter != null) { playerCreatedCharacter.setId(character.getId()); playerCreatedCharacter.brain().setAIScript(character.brain().getAIScript()); playerCreatedCharacter.setDialogueId(character.getDialogueId()); int level = character.stats().getLevel(); while (playerCreatedCharacter.stats().getLevel() < level) { playerCreatedCharacter.stats().levelUp(); } playerCreatedCharacter.getInventory().clear(); playerCreatedCharacter.setOrientation(character.getOrientation()); character.getInventory().copyAllItemsTo(playerCreatedCharacter.getInventory()); playerCreatedCharacter.stats().setExperienceValue(character.stats().getExperienceValue()); playerCreatedCharacter.stats().setExperience( Configuration.getExperienceTable().getRequiredExperienceTotalForLevel(level)); character.remove(); character = playerCreatedCharacter; character.undispose(); character.setMap(gameMap); } } Vector2 position = getPositionFromMapObject(mapNpc); character.position().set((int) (position.x / gameMap.getTileSizeX()), (int) (position.y / gameMap.getTileSizeY())); } }
private void createSpawnZones(Map map){ logger.debug("Creating SpawnPoints"); String layerName = "spawn"; //spawnPoint map layer MapLayer layer = map.getLayers().get(layerName); if (layer == null) { logger.error("layer " + layerName + " does not exist"); return; } //Layer objects float units = App.engine.PIXELS_PER_METER; MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); for (MapObject mapObj : objects){ logger.debug("found spawn zone"); //Spawn area rectangle Rectangle rect; if (mapObj instanceof RectangleMapObject){ rect = ((RectangleMapObject) mapObj).getRectangle(); rect.height /= units; rect.width /= units; rect.x /= units; rect.y /= units; } else { logger.error("spawn zones should only be rectangles"); continue; } //Object properties. //name and position are set by the tiled editor. The rest are custom properties String name = mapObj.getName(); int maximum = 0; float delay = 3; logger.debug("Creating '" + name + "' spawn zone"); MapProperties prop = mapObj.getProperties(); Object max = prop.get("maximum"), dly = prop.get("delay"); if (max != null) maximum = Integer.parseInt(max.toString()); if (dly != null) delay = Float.parseFloat(dly.toString()); SpawnSystem spawner =; spawner.add(new SpawnZone(rect,name,maximum,delay)); } }
private void crearColisiones() { Array<Body> slopes = new Array<Body>(); FixtureDef fixDef = new FixtureDef(); MapObjects objects = cls.getObjects(); Iterator<MapObject> objectIt = objects.iterator(); while(objectIt.hasNext()) { MapObject object =; if (object instanceof TextureMapObject){ continue; } Shape shape; BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef(); bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody; if (object instanceof RectangleMapObject) { RectangleMapObject rectangle = (RectangleMapObject)object; shape = getRectangle(rectangle); } else if (object instanceof PolygonMapObject) { shape = getPolygon((PolygonMapObject)object); } else if (object instanceof PolylineMapObject) { shape = getPolyline((PolylineMapObject)object); } else if (object instanceof EllipseMapObject) { shape = getEllipse((EllipseMapObject)object); } else if (object instanceof CircleMapObject) { shape = getCircle((CircleMapObject)object); } else { continue; } fixDef.shape = shape; fixDef.filter.categoryBits = GameWorld.BIT_PARED; fixDef.filter.maskBits = GameWorld.BIT_JUGADOR | GameWorld.BIT_ENEMIGOS | GameWorld.BIT_SENSOR; Body suelo = GameWorld.mundo.createBody(bodyDef); suelo.createFixture(fixDef).setUserData("cls"); slopes.add(suelo); shape.dispose(); } }
/** * @param map map to be used to create the static bodies. * @param layerName name of the layer that contains the shapes. */ public void createPhysics(Map map, String layerName) { MapLayer layer = map.getLayers().get(layerName); if (layer == null) { logger.error("layer " + layerName + " does not exist"); return; } MapObjects objects = layer.getObjects(); Iterator<MapObject> objectIt = objects.iterator(); while(objectIt.hasNext()) { MapObject object =; if (object instanceof TextureMapObject){ continue; } Shape shape; BodyDef bodyDef = new BodyDef(); bodyDef.type = BodyDef.BodyType.StaticBody; if (object instanceof RectangleMapObject) { RectangleMapObject rectangle = (RectangleMapObject)object; shape = getRectangle(rectangle); } else if (object instanceof PolygonMapObject) { shape = getPolygon((PolygonMapObject)object); } else if (object instanceof PolylineMapObject) { shape = getPolyline((PolylineMapObject)object); } else if (object instanceof CircleMapObject) { shape = getCircle((CircleMapObject)object); } else { logger.error("non suported shape " + object); continue; } MapProperties properties = object.getProperties(); String material = properties.get("material", "default", String.class); FixtureDef fixtureDef = materials.get(material); if (fixtureDef == null) { logger.error("material does not exist " + material + " using default"); fixtureDef = materials.get("default"); } fixtureDef.shape = shape; fixtureDef.filter.categoryBits ="level"); Body body = world.createBody(bodyDef); body.createFixture(fixtureDef); bodies.add(body); fixtureDef.shape = null; shape.dispose(); } }
@Override public MapObjects getMapObjects() { return mapObjects; }
public MapObjects getMapObjects(){ return mobjects; }
/** Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group. * * @return Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group. */ public MapObjects getObjectGroup(String groupName) { return _tileMap.getLayers().get(groupName).getObjects(); }
public MapObjects getMapObjects();