@Override public void create () { stage = new Stage(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("data/uiskin.json")); TextArea textArea = new TextArea( "Text Area\nEssentially, a text field\nwith\nmultiple\nlines.\n" + "It can even handle very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong lines.", skin); textArea.setX(10); textArea.setY(10); textArea.setWidth(200); textArea.setHeight(200); TextField textField = new TextField("Text field", skin); textField.setX(10); textField.setY(220); textField.setWidth(200); textField.setHeight(30); stage.addActor(textArea); stage.addActor(textField); }
@Override protected void build() { float pad = 5 * GlobalConf.SCALE_FACTOR; float tawidth = 500 * GlobalConf.SCALE_FACTOR; String meminfostr = ""; for (MemoryPoolMXBean mpBean : ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans()) { meminfostr += txt("gui.help.name") + ": " + mpBean.getName() + ": " + mpBean.getUsage() + "\n"; } TextArea meminfo = new OwnTextArea(meminfostr, skin, "no-disabled"); meminfo.setDisabled(true); meminfo.setPrefRows(10); meminfo.setWidth(tawidth); meminfo.clearListeners(); meminfoscroll = new OwnScrollPane(meminfo, skin, "minimalist-nobg"); meminfoscroll.setWidth(tawidth); meminfoscroll.setForceScroll(false, true); meminfoscroll.setSmoothScrolling(true); meminfoscroll.setFadeScrollBars(false); add(meminfoscroll).align(Align.center).pad(pad); }
private void addTextArea(Table table, Element element) { ObjectMap<String, String> atrributes = element.getAttributes(); TextArea textArea = new TextArea(element.get("text", ""), skin); Cell<TextArea> cell = table.add(textArea); for (String key : atrributes.keys()) { if (key.equalsIgnoreCase("name")) { textArea.setName(atrributes.get(key)); } } cellPrepare(cell, atrributes); actorsMap.put(textArea.getName(), textArea); }
public DeveloperInfo(Skin skin, CenterWindowManager centerWindowManager) { super("Dev Info", skin, centerWindowManager); stats = new TextArea("", skin); stats.setDisabled(true); textAreaCell = this.add(stats); }
@Override public AbstractWidget createWidget(Controller controller) { Skin skin = controller.getApplicationAssets().getSkin(); LinearLayout layout = new LinearLayout(false); layout.add(new Label("This a test label with some text.", skin)); layout.add(new TextField("This a text field with some text", skin)); TextArea textArea = new TextArea( "This is a text area with some text \nin \nseveral \nlines", skin); textArea.setPrefRows(10); layout.add(textArea); SelectBox<String> selectBox = new SelectBox<String>(skin); String[] items = new String[200]; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { items[i] = "String " + i; } selectBox.setItems(items); layout.add(selectBox); layout.add(new Spinner(skin, 0.1f)); // Buttons LinearLayout buttonsLayout = new LinearLayout(true); buttonsLayout.add(new Label("Buttons: ", skin)); buttonsLayout.add(new Button(skin)); buttonsLayout.add(new TextButton("Button with text", skin)); buttonsLayout.add(new ImageButton(skin.getDrawable("undo24x24"), skin .getDrawable("redo24x24"))); layout.add(buttonsLayout); // layout.add(new Slider(0, 10, 1, false, skin)); return layout; }
/** * Creates a text option (text area) * * @param field * the field * @param widgetLines * lines to be shown by the widget */ public StringController text(String field, int widgetLines) { Option option = panel.text(label(field), tooltip(field), widgetLines); TextArea textArea = (TextArea) option.getOptionWidget(); StringController value = newValueController(StringController.class, textArea); add(field, option, value); return value; }
@Override public Class<TextArea> getHandledType() { return TextArea.class; }
@Override public void process(final LmlParser parser, final LmlTag tag, final TextArea actor, final String rawAttributeData) { actor.setPrefRows(parser.parseFloat(rawAttributeData, actor)); }
@Override protected TextField getNewInstanceOfTextField(final TextLmlActorBuilder textBuilder) { final TextArea textArea = new TextArea(textBuilder.getText(), getSkin(textBuilder), textBuilder.getStyleName()); LmlUtilities.getLmlUserObject(textArea).setData(Boolean.TRUE); // Setting as multiline by default. return textArea; }
private void addNormalWidgets () { Skin skin = VisUI.getSkin(); TextArea textArea = new TextArea("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec iaculis odio.", skin); textArea.setPrefRows(5); // --- VisTable table = new VisTable(); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) table.add(new Label("Label #" + (i + 1), skin)).expand().fill().row(); ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane(table, skin, "list"); scrollPane.setFlickScroll(false); scrollPane.setFadeScrollBars(false); // --- add(textArea).row(); add(scrollPane).spaceTop(8).fillX().expandX().row(); }
/** * Creates a text option, with a text area as widget * * @param label * the label for the option * @param tooltip * the tooltip for the option (can be null) * @param maxLines * the number of lines for the text area * @return the option created */ public Option text(String label, String tooltip, int maxLines) { TextArea textArea = new TextArea("", skin); textArea.setPrefRows(maxLines); Option option = newOption(label, tooltip, textArea); addOption(option); return option; }