private Array<Node> createTree(Array<SceneGraphNode> nodes) { Array<Node> treeNodes = new Array<Node>(nodes.size); for (SceneGraphNode node : nodes) { Label l = new Label(, skin, "ui-10"); l.setColor(Color.BLACK); Node treeNode = new Node(l); if (node.children != null && node.children.size != 0) { treeNode.addAll(createTree(node.children)); } treeNodes.add(treeNode); treeToModel.add(node, treeNode); } return treeNodes; }
private void addVisWidgets () { VisTree tree = new VisTree(); Node item1 = new Node(new VisLabel("item 1")); Node item2 = new Node(new VisLabel("item 2")); Node item3 = new Node(new VisLabel("item 3")); item1.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 1.1"))); item1.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 1.2"))); item1.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 1.3"))); item2.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 2.1"))); item2.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 2.2"))); item2.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 2.3"))); item3.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 3.1"))); item3.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 3.2"))); item3.add(new Node(new VisLabel("item 3.3"))); item1.setExpanded(true); tree.add(item1); tree.add(item2); tree.add(item3); add(tree).expand().fill(); }
private boolean highlightDir (FileHandle dir, Array<Node> nodes) { for (Node node : nodes) { if (((FolderItem) node.getActor()).getFile().equals(dir)) { contentTree.getSelection().set(node); return true; } if (node.getChildren().size > 0) { boolean prevNodeState = node.isExpanded(); node.setExpanded(true); if (highlightDir(dir, node.getChildren())) return true; node.setExpanded(prevNodeState); } } return false; }
private void createContentTree () { contentTree = new VisTree(); contentTree.getSelection().setMultiple(false); contentTree.getSelection().setRequired(true); contentTree.getSelection().setProgrammaticChangeEvents(false); treeTable.add(createScrollPane(contentTree, false)).expand().fill(); contentTree.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed (ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { Node node = contentTree.getSelection().first(); if (node != null) { searchField.clearSearch(); FolderItem item = (FolderItem) node.getActor(); changeCurrentDirectory(item.getFile(), HistoryPolicy.ADD); } } }); }
private void buildGroupNodeState (Array<Node> nodes) { for (Node n : nodes) { if (n.getChildren().size > 0) { if (n instanceof GroupNode) { GroupNode groupNode = (GroupNode) n; if (groupNode.isExpanded()) { expandedNodes.add(groupNode.groupId); } buildGroupNodeState(groupNode.getChildren()); } } } }
public void create () { stage = new Stage(); Gdx.input.setInputProcessor(stage); Skin skin = new Skin(Gdx.files.internal("data/uiskin.json")); Table table = new Table(); table.setFillParent(true); stage.addActor(table); final Tree tree = new Tree(skin); final Node moo1 = new Node(new TextButton("moo1", skin)); final Node moo2 = new Node(new TextButton("moo2", skin)); final Node moo3 = new Node(new TextButton("moo3", skin)); final Node moo4 = new Node(new TextButton("moo4", skin)); final Node moo5 = new Node(new TextButton("moo5", skin)); tree.add(moo1); tree.add(moo2); moo2.add(moo3); moo3.add(moo4); tree.add(moo5); moo5.getActor().addListener(new ClickListener() { public void clicked (InputEvent event, float x, float y) { tree.remove(moo4); } }); table.add(tree).fill().expand(); }
public Array<Node> getSiblings() { Selection<Node> selection = tree.getSelection(); Node nodeSel = selection.first(); int level = nodeSel.getLevel(); Array<Node> siblings = (level == 1) ? tree.getRootNodes(): nodeSel.getParent().getChildren(); return siblings; }
private void addNormalWidgets () { Skin skin = VisUI.getSkin(); Tree tree = new Tree(skin); Node item1 = new Node(new Label("item 1", skin)); Node item2 = new Node(new Label("item 2", skin)); Node item3 = new Node(new Label("item 3", skin)); item1.add(new Node(new Label("item 1.1", skin))); item1.add(new Node(new Label("item 1.2", skin))); item1.add(new Node(new Label("item 1.3", skin))); item2.add(new Node(new Label("item 2.1", skin))); item2.add(new Node(new Label("item 2.2", skin))); item2.add(new Node(new Label("item 2.3", skin))); item3.add(new Node(new Label("item 3.1", skin))); item3.add(new Node(new Label("item 3.2", skin))); item3.add(new Node(new Label("item 3.3", skin))); item1.setExpanded(true); tree.add(item1); tree.add(item2); tree.add(item3); add(tree).expand().fill(); }
@Override public void init () { initModule(); initUI(); rebuildFolderTree(); Node node = contentTree.getNodes().get(0); contentTree.getSelection().set(node); // select first item in tree changeCurrentDirectory(((FolderItem) node.getActor()).getFile(), HistoryPolicy.IGNORE); Array<AssetsUIContextGeneratorProvider> providers = extensionStorage.getAssetsContextGeneratorsProviders(); for (AssetsUIContextGeneratorProvider provider : providers) { contextGenerators.add(provider.provide()); } for (AssetsUIContextGenerator generator : contextGenerators) { projectContainer.injectModules(generator); generator.init(); } tabsModule.addListener(this); assetsWatcher.addListener(this); json = new Json(); metadataFile = fileAccess.getModuleFolder(".metadata").child("assetsUIMetadata"); if (metadataFile.exists()) metadata = json.fromJson(AssetsUIModuleMetadata.class, metadataFile); else metadata = new AssetsUIModuleMetadata(); }
private void rebuildFolderTree () { contentTree.clearChildren(); contentTree.add(new Node(new FolderItem(assetsFolder, true))); for (FileHandle contentRoot : assetsFolder.list(DirectoriesOnlyFileFilter.FILTER)) { //hide empty dirs except 'gfx' and 'scene' if (contentRoot.list().length != 0 ||"gfx") ||"scene")) { Node node = new Node(new FolderItem(contentRoot)); processFolder(node, contentRoot); contentTree.add(node); } } }
private void processFolder (Node node, FileHandle dir) { FileHandle[] files = dir.list(DirectoriesOnlyFileFilter.FILTER); for (FileHandle file : files) { if (".")) continue; //hide folders starting with dot Node currentNode = new Node(new FolderItem(file)); node.add(currentNode); processFolder(currentNode, file); } }
public void add (final SettableModule module) { Node node = new Node(new SettingsCategoryLabel(module.getSettingsName(), module.getListPriority())); modulesMap.put(module, node); tree.add(node); tree.getNodes().sort(nodeComparator); }
@Override public int compare (Node n1, Node n2) { SettingsCategoryLabel l1 = (SettingsCategoryLabel) n1.getActor(); SettingsCategoryLabel l2 = (SettingsCategoryLabel) n2.getActor(); String t1 = l1.getText().toString(); String t2 = l2.getText().toString(); int priorityResult = (int) Math.signum(l1.getPriority() - l2.getPriority()) * -1; if (priorityResult != 0) return priorityResult; else return t1.compareToIgnoreCase(t2); }
private void buildTreeRecursively (Array<EntityProxy> groupProxies, int gid, Node parent) { GroupNode groupRoot = new GroupNode(groupProxies.first().getLayerID(), gid); if (parent == null) tree.add(groupRoot); else parent.add(groupRoot); if (expandedNodes.contains(gid)) { groupRoot.setExpanded(true); } Array<EntityProxy> ignoreProxies = new Array<>(); for (EntityProxy proxy : groupProxies) { if (ignoreProxies.contains(proxy, true)) { continue; } int gidBefore = proxy.getGroupIdBefore(gid); if (gidBefore != -1) { Array<EntityProxy> result = entitiesCollector.collect(proxy.getLayerID(), gidBefore); ignoreProxies.addAll(result); buildTreeRecursively(result, gidBefore, groupRoot); continue; } groupRoot.add(new ProxyNode(proxy)); } }
public AssetsUsagesTab (ModuleInjector injector, AssetsUsages usages, boolean showDeleteButton) { super(false, true); injector.injectModules(this); this.usages = usages; createButtonTable(showDeleteButton); mainTable = new VisTable(); mainTable.setBackground("window-bg"); mainTable.defaults().left(); tree = new VisTree(); usagesTable = new VisTable(); VisScrollPane scrollPane = new VisScrollPane(usagesTable); scrollPane.setFadeScrollBars(false); mainTable.row(); mainTable.add(scrollPane).expand().fill().row(); mainTable.addSeparator(); mainTable.add(buttonTable).pad(3); rebuildUsagesTable(); tree.addListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void clicked (InputEvent event, float x, float y) { super.clicked(event, x, y); if (getTapCount() == 2) { Node node = tree.getNodeAt(y); if (node != null) { Actor actor = node.getActor(); if (actor instanceof UsageLabel) selectEntityInScene((UsageLabel) actor); } } } }); }
private void processUsages () { for (SceneUsages sceneUsages : usages.list) { Node node = new Node(new VisLabel(sceneUsages.scene.path, "small")); node.setExpanded(true); tree.add(node); for (int i = 0; i < sceneUsages.ids.size; i++) { int id = sceneUsages.ids.get(i); node.add(new Node(new UsageLabel(sceneUsages.scene, id))); } } }
public SceneOutline (SceneModuleContainer sceneMC) { super(true); sceneMC.injectModules(this); scene = sceneMC.getScene(); proxyCache.addListener(this); tree = new VisTree(); tree.getSelection().setMultiple(true); tree.getSelection().setRequired(false); tree.getSelection().setProgrammaticChangeEvents(false); tree.addListener(new ClickListener() { Node selection; @Override public void clicked (InputEvent event, float x, float y) { //tree will deselect item after double click so we on first click store selection if (getTapCount() == 1 && tree.getSelection().size() == 1) { selection = tree.getSelection().getLastSelected(); } if (getTapCount() == 2 && selection != null) { if (selection instanceof ProxyNode) { sceneMC.getSceneTab().centerAround(((ProxyNode) selection).proxy); } if (selection instanceof GroupNode) { GroupNode groupNode = (GroupNode) selection; sceneMC.getSceneTab().centerAroundGroup(groupNode.layerId, groupNode.groupId); } selection = null; } } }); setBackground(VisUI.getSkin().getDrawable("window-bg")); setTouchable(Touchable.enabled); add(new VisLabel("Outline",; VisScrollPane scrollPane = new VisScrollPane(tree); scrollPane.setFadeScrollBars(false); add(scrollPane).expand().fill(); pack(); rebuildOutline(); //do first update }
private void fill (IntArray taskSteps, TaskNode taskNode) { taskSteps.add(taskNode.step); for (Node child : taskNode.getChildren()) { fill(taskSteps, (TaskNode)child); } }