@Override public void render(Renderable renderable) { // texture uniform CubemapAttribute cubemapAttribute = ((CubemapAttribute) (renderable.material .get(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap))); if (cubemapAttribute != null) { set(UNIFORM_TEXTURE, cubemapAttribute.textureDescription); } // Fog Fog fog = ((MundusEnvironment) renderable.environment).getFog(); if (fog == null) { set(UNIFORM_FOG, 0); } else { set(UNIFORM_FOG, 1); set(UNIFORM_FOG_COLOR, fog.color); } renderable.meshPart.render(program); }
/** * Configures the lighting and attributes for the environments * */ private void configureEnvironments() { mEnvironment.set(new CubemapAttribute(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap, AssetHandler.getInstance().getCubeMap()), new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f)); mEnvironment.add((mShadowLight = new DirectionalShadowLight(4096, 4096, 60f, 60f, .1f, 50f)).set(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, mLightDirection.x, mLightDirection.y, mLightDirection.z)); mEnvironment.shadowMap = mShadowLight; mBackgroundEnvironment.set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.AmbientLight, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1f)); }
private Model createModel() { ModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder(); Model model = modelBuilder.createBox(1, 1, 1, new Material(new CubemapAttribute(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap, cubemap)), VertexAttributes.Usage.Position); return model; }
@Override public void set (BaseShader shader, int inputID, Renderable renderable, Attributes combinedAttributes) { if (combinedAttributes.has(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap)) { shader.set(inputID, shader.context.textureBinder.bind(((CubemapAttribute)combinedAttributes .get(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap)).textureDescription)); } }
public DefaultShader (final Renderable renderable, final Config config, final ShaderProgram shaderProgram) { this.config = config; this.program = shaderProgram; this.lighting = renderable.environment != null; this.environmentCubemap = renderable.material.has(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap) || (lighting && renderable.environment.has(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap)); this.shadowMap = lighting && renderable.environment.shadowMap != null; this.fog = lighting && renderable.environment.has(ColorAttribute.Fog); this.renderable = renderable; materialMask = renderable.material.getMask() | optionalAttributes; vertexMask = renderable.mesh.getVertexAttributes().getMask(); this.directionalLights = new DirectionalLight[lighting && config.numDirectionalLights > 0 ? config.numDirectionalLights : 0]; for (int i = 0; i < directionalLights.length; i++) directionalLights[i] = new DirectionalLight(); this.pointLights = new PointLight[lighting && config.numPointLights > 0 ? config.numPointLights : 0]; for (int i = 0; i < pointLights.length; i++) pointLights[i] = new PointLight(); if (!config.ignoreUnimplemented && (implementedFlags & materialMask) != materialMask) throw new GdxRuntimeException("Some attributes not implemented yet (" + materialMask + ")"); // Global uniforms u_projTrans = register(Inputs.projTrans, Setters.projTrans); u_viewTrans = register(Inputs.viewTrans, Setters.viewTrans); u_projViewTrans = register(Inputs.projViewTrans, Setters.projViewTrans); u_cameraPosition = register(Inputs.cameraPosition, Setters.cameraPosition); u_cameraDirection = register(Inputs.cameraDirection, Setters.cameraDirection); u_cameraUp = register(Inputs.cameraUp, Setters.cameraUp); u_time = register(new Uniform("u_time")); // Object uniforms u_worldTrans = register(Inputs.worldTrans, Setters.worldTrans); u_viewWorldTrans = register(Inputs.viewWorldTrans, Setters.viewWorldTrans); u_projViewWorldTrans = register(Inputs.projViewWorldTrans, Setters.projViewWorldTrans); u_normalMatrix = register(Inputs.normalMatrix, Setters.normalMatrix); u_bones = (renderable.bones != null && config.numBones > 0) ? register(Inputs.bones, new Setters.Bones(config.numBones)) : -1; u_shininess = register(Inputs.shininess, Setters.shininess); u_opacity = register(Inputs.opacity); u_diffuseColor = register(Inputs.diffuseColor, Setters.diffuseColor); u_diffuseTexture = register(Inputs.diffuseTexture, Setters.diffuseTexture); u_diffuseUVTransform = register(Inputs.diffuseUVTransform, Setters.diffuseUVTransform); u_specularColor = register(Inputs.specularColor, Setters.specularColor); u_specularTexture = register(Inputs.specularTexture, Setters.specularTexture); u_specularUVTransform = register(Inputs.specularUVTransform, Setters.specularUVTransform); u_emissiveColor = register(Inputs.emissiveColor, Setters.emissiveColor); u_emissiveTexture = register(Inputs.emissiveTexture, Setters.emissiveTexture); u_emissiveUVTransform = register(Inputs.emissiveUVTransform, Setters.emissiveUVTransform); u_reflectionColor = register(Inputs.reflectionColor, Setters.reflectionColor); u_reflectionTexture = register(Inputs.reflectionTexture, Setters.reflectionTexture); u_reflectionUVTransform = register(Inputs.reflectionUVTransform, Setters.reflectionUVTransform); u_normalTexture = register(Inputs.normalTexture, Setters.normalTexture); u_normalUVTransform = register(Inputs.normalUVTransform, Setters.normalUVTransform); u_ambientTexture = register(Inputs.ambientTexture, Setters.ambientTexture); u_ambientUVTransform = register(Inputs.ambientUVTransform, Setters.ambientUVTransform); u_alphaTest = register(Inputs.alphaTest); u_ambientCubemap = lighting ? register(Inputs.ambientCube, new Setters.ACubemap(config.numDirectionalLights, config.numPointLights)) : -1; u_environmentCubemap = environmentCubemap ? register(Inputs.environmentCubemap, Setters.environmentCubemap) : -1; }
public static String createPrefix (final Renderable renderable, final Config config) { String prefix = ""; final long mask = renderable.material.getMask(); final long attributes = renderable.mesh.getVertexAttributes().getMask(); if (and(attributes, Usage.Position)) prefix += "#define positionFlag\n"; if (or(attributes, Usage.Color | Usage.ColorPacked)) prefix += "#define colorFlag\n"; if (and(attributes, Usage.BiNormal)) prefix += "#define binormalFlag\n"; if (and(attributes, Usage.Tangent)) prefix += "#define tangentFlag\n"; if (and(attributes, Usage.Normal)) prefix += "#define normalFlag\n"; if (and(attributes, Usage.Normal) || and(attributes, Usage.Tangent | Usage.BiNormal)) { if (renderable.environment != null) { prefix += "#define lightingFlag\n"; prefix += "#define ambientCubemapFlag\n"; prefix += "#define numDirectionalLights " + config.numDirectionalLights + "\n"; prefix += "#define numPointLights " + config.numPointLights + "\n"; if (renderable.environment.has(ColorAttribute.Fog)) { prefix += "#define fogFlag\n"; } if (renderable.environment.shadowMap != null) prefix += "#define shadowMapFlag\n"; if (renderable.material.has(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap) || renderable.environment.has(CubemapAttribute.EnvironmentMap)) prefix += "#define environmentCubemapFlag\n"; } } final int n = renderable.mesh.getVertexAttributes().size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { final VertexAttribute attr = renderable.mesh.getVertexAttributes().get(i); if (attr.usage == Usage.BoneWeight) prefix += "#define boneWeight" + attr.unit + "Flag\n"; else if (attr.usage == Usage.TextureCoordinates) prefix += "#define texCoord" + attr.unit + "Flag\n"; } if ((mask & BlendingAttribute.Type) == BlendingAttribute.Type) prefix += "#define " + BlendingAttribute.Alias + "Flag\n"; if ((mask & TextureAttribute.Diffuse) == TextureAttribute.Diffuse) { prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.DiffuseAlias + "Flag\n"; prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.DiffuseAlias + "Coord texCoord0\n"; // FIXME implement UV mapping } if ((mask & TextureAttribute.Specular) == TextureAttribute.Specular) { prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.SpecularAlias + "Flag\n"; prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.SpecularAlias + "Coord texCoord0\n"; // FIXME implement UV mapping } if ((mask & TextureAttribute.Normal) == TextureAttribute.Normal) { prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.NormalAlias + "Flag\n"; prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.NormalAlias + "Coord texCoord0\n"; // FIXME implement UV mapping } if ((mask & TextureAttribute.Emissive) == TextureAttribute.Emissive) { prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.EmissiveAlias + "Flag\n"; prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.EmissiveAlias + "Coord texCoord0\n"; // FIXME implement UV mapping } if ((mask & TextureAttribute.Reflection) == TextureAttribute.Reflection) { prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.ReflectionAlias + "Flag\n"; prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.ReflectionAlias + "Coord texCoord0\n"; // FIXME implement UV mapping } if ((mask & TextureAttribute.Ambient) == TextureAttribute.Ambient) { prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.AmbientAlias + "Flag\n"; prefix += "#define " + TextureAttribute.AmbientAlias + "Coord texCoord0\n"; // FIXME implement UV mapping } if ((mask & ColorAttribute.Diffuse) == ColorAttribute.Diffuse) prefix += "#define " + ColorAttribute.DiffuseAlias + "Flag\n"; if ((mask & ColorAttribute.Specular) == ColorAttribute.Specular) prefix += "#define " + ColorAttribute.SpecularAlias + "Flag\n"; if ((mask & ColorAttribute.Emissive) == ColorAttribute.Emissive) prefix += "#define " + ColorAttribute.EmissiveAlias + "Flag\n"; if ((mask & ColorAttribute.Reflection) == ColorAttribute.Reflection) prefix += "#define " + ColorAttribute.ReflectionAlias + "Flag\n"; if ((mask & FloatAttribute.Shininess) == FloatAttribute.Shininess) prefix += "#define " + FloatAttribute.ShininessAlias + "Flag\n"; if ((mask & FloatAttribute.AlphaTest) == FloatAttribute.AlphaTest) prefix += "#define " + FloatAttribute.AlphaTestAlias + "Flag\n"; if (renderable.bones != null && config.numBones > 0) prefix += "#define numBones " + config.numBones + "\n"; return prefix; }