public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // generate C/C++ code new NativeCodeGenerator().generate("src", "bin", "jni", new String[] { "**/" }, null); // generate build scripts, for win32 only BuildConfig buildConfig = new BuildConfig("test"); BuildTarget win32 = BuildTarget.newDefaultTarget(TargetOs.Windows, false); win32.compilerPrefix = ""; win32.cppFlags += " -g"; new AntScriptGenerator().generate(buildConfig, win32); // build natives BuildExecutor.executeAnt("jni/build.xml", "clean all -v"); // load the test-natives.jar and from it the shared library, then execute the test. new JniGenSharedLibraryLoader("libs/test-natives.jar").load("test"); ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(1); buffer.put(0, (byte)8); MyJniClass.test(true, (byte)1, (char)2, (short)3, 4, 5, 6, 7, buffer, new boolean[] { false }, new char[] { 9 }, new short[] { 10 }, new int[] { 11 }, new long[] { 12 }, new float[] { 13 }, new double[] { 14 }, null, "Hurray"); }