Java 类com.badlogic.gdx.physics.box2d.JointEdge 实例源码

项目:Blob-Game    文件   
public void update() {
    Iterable<StableContact> contacts = Game.get().getLevel().getContactHandler()
    // get the bodies touching this actor
    Iterable<Body> bodies = ContactHandler.getBodies(contacts);
    Actor actor;
    for (Body b : bodies) {
        // only concerned with dynamic bodies (we don't want to respond
        // background bodies)
        if (b.getType() != BodyType.DynamicBody || ((Actor)b.getUserData()) instanceof JiggleBall)
        actor = (Actor) b.getUserData();

        // skip the blob body if respawner ignores blobs
        if (Convert.getInt(getProp("Ignore Blobs")) == 1 && actor instanceof Blob)
        // skip non-blob body if respawner ignores non-blobs
        if (Convert.getInt(getProp("Ignore Non-Blobs")) == 1 && !(actor instanceof Blob))

        if (actor instanceof Blob){
            ((Blob)actor).mExtraGlow = -100;
        int targetId = Convert.getInt(getProp("Target Spawner"));
        // there is a targeted spawner to send actors to
        if (targetId != -1) {
            Spawner sp = (Spawner) mLevel.getActorById(targetId);
            sp.addToSpawn(actor, Convert.getInt(getProp("Delay")));
            Array<JointEdge> edges = b.getJointList();
            for (int i = 0; i < edges.size; i++) {
                JointEdge edge = edges.get(i);
                // get the other actor this joint is connected to
                // if the other actor is not itself and is a blob
                Actor otherActor = (Actor) edge.other.getUserData();
                if (otherActor != actor && (otherActor instanceof Blob)) {
                    // you need to watch house of cards
                    Joint congressmanRusso = edge.joint;
                    ((Blob) otherActor).removeJoint(congressmanRusso);
                    if (actor instanceof Blob) {
                        ((Blob) actor).removeJoint(congressmanRusso);
项目:Phytris    文件   
 * Destruye los cuerpos de las piezas de la escena que estén marcados inactivos
 * ( no siendo simulados).
 * Este método se ha de ejecutar en un {@link IUpdateHandler}.
 * NO , repito , NO  es posible ejecutarse dentro de un Runnable en el 
 * hilo de actualización  sin causar problemas de sincronización en la extensión box2d
 * y errores en la librería nativa
private void purgarPiezas(){    

            for(ListIterator<IPieza> pi = piezasEscena.listIterator();

                IPieza p =;

                if(p.isDestruida() ){
                    for(JointEdge je : p.getCuerpo().getJointList()){

                        for(int i =0;i<joints.length;i++){

                            if( joints[i] == je.joint )



