private void registerCodecIfNotFound(CodecRegistry registry, TypeCodec<?> codec) { try { registry.codecFor(codec.getCqlType(), codec.getJavaType()); } catch (CodecNotFoundException e) { registry.register(codec); } }
@SuppressWarnings("cast") public void setInt(int parameterIndex, int integer) throws SQLException { checkNotClosed(); checkIndex(parameterIndex); //bindValues.put(parameterIndex, JdbcInt32.instance.decompose(integer)); try{ this.statement.setInt(parameterIndex-1, integer); }catch(CodecNotFoundException e){ if(e.getMessage().contains("Codec not found for requested operation: [varint <-> java.lang.Integer]")){ this.statement.setVarint(parameterIndex-1, BigInteger.valueOf((long)integer)); } } }
/** * Convert a Record into a fully-bound statement. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private BoundStatement recordToBoundStatement(Record record) throws StageException { ImmutableList.Builder<Object> values = new ImmutableList.Builder<>(); SortedSet<String> columnsPresent = Sets.newTreeSet(columnMappings.keySet()); for (Map.Entry<String, String> mapping : columnMappings.entrySet()) { String columnName = mapping.getKey(); String fieldPath = mapping.getValue(); // If we're missing fields, skip them. // If a field is present, but null, also remove it from columnsPresent since we can't write nulls. if (!record.has(fieldPath) || record.get(fieldPath).getValue() == null) { columnsPresent.remove(columnName); continue; } final Object value = record.get(fieldPath).getValue(); // Special cases for handling SDC Lists and Maps, // basically unpacking them into raw types. if (value instanceof List) { List<Object> unpackedList = new ArrayList<>(); for (Field item : (List<Field>) value) { unpackedList.add(item.getValue()); } values.add(unpackedList); } else if (value instanceof Map) { Map<Object, Object> unpackedMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Field> entry : ((Map<String, Field>) value).entrySet()) { unpackedMap.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getValue()); } values.add(unpackedMap); } else { values.add(value); } } PreparedStatement stmt = statementCache.getUnchecked(columnsPresent); // .toArray required to pass in a list to a varargs method. Object[] valuesArray =; BoundStatement boundStmt = null; try { boundStmt = stmt.bind(valuesArray); } catch (CodecNotFoundException | InvalidTypeException | NullPointerException e) { // NPE can occur if one of the values is a collection type with a null value inside it. Thus, it's a record // error. Note that this runs the risk of mistakenly treating a bug as a record error. // CodecNotFound is caused when there is no type conversion definition available from the provided type // to the target type. errorRecordHandler.onError( new OnRecordErrorException( record, Errors.CASSANDRA_06, record.getHeader().getSourceId(), e.toString(), e ) ); } return boundStmt; }