private void setCurrentAccessToken(AccessToken currentAccessToken, boolean saveToCache) { AccessToken oldAccessToken = this.currentAccessToken; this.currentAccessToken = currentAccessToken; tokenRefreshInProgress.set(false); this.lastAttemptedTokenExtendDate = new Date(0); if (saveToCache) { if (currentAccessToken != null) {; } else { accessTokenCache.clear(); Utility.clearFacebookCookies(FacebookSdk.getApplicationContext()); } } if (!Utility.areObjectsEqual(oldAccessToken, currentAccessToken)) { sendCurrentAccessTokenChangedBroadcast(oldAccessToken, currentAccessToken); } }
@Override Bundle setBundleExtras(Bundle extras) { putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID, applicationId); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_APPLICATION_NAME, applicationName); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_TITLE, name); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_SUBTITLE, caption); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_DESCRIPTION, description); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_LINK, link); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_IMAGE, picture); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_PLACE_TAG, place); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_TITLE, name); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_REF, ref); extras.putBoolean(NativeProtocol.EXTRA_DATA_FAILURES_FATAL, dataErrorsFatal); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(friends)) { extras.putStringArrayList(NativeProtocol.EXTRA_FRIEND_TAGS, friends); } return extras; }
/** * Sets the search text and reloads the data in the control. This is used to provide search-box * functionality where the user may be typing or editing text rapidly. It uses a timer to avoid repeated * requerying, preferring to wait until the user pauses typing to refresh the data. Note that this * method will NOT update the text in the search box, if any, as it is intended to be called as a result * of changes to the search box (and is public to enable applications to provide their own search box * UI instead of the default one). * * @param searchText the search text * @param forceReloadEventIfSameText if true, will reload even if the search text has not changed; if false, * identical search text will not force a reload */ public void onSearchBoxTextChanged(String searchText, boolean forceReloadEventIfSameText) { if (!forceReloadEventIfSameText && Utility.stringsEqualOrEmpty(this.searchText, searchText)) { return; } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(searchText)) { searchText = null; } this.searchText = searchText; // If search text is being set in response to user input, it is wasteful to send a new request // with every keystroke. Send a request the first time the search text is set, then set up a 2-second timer // and send whatever changes the user has made since then. (If nothing has changed // in 2 seconds, we reset so the next change will cause an immediate re-query.) hasSearchTextChangedSinceLastQuery = true; if (searchTextTimer == null) { searchTextTimer = createSearchTextTimer(); } }
@Override protected void processSuccess(GraphResponse response) { JSONArray dataSet = Utility.tryGetJSONArrayFromResponse( response.getJSONObject(), "data"); if (dataSet != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.length(); i++) { JSONObject data = dataSet.optJSONObject(i); if (data != null) { objectIsLiked = true; JSONObject appData = data.optJSONObject("application"); AccessToken accessToken = AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(); if (appData != null && accessToken != null && Utility.areObjectsEqual( accessToken.getApplicationId(), appData.optString("id"))) { unlikeToken = data.optString("id"); } } } } }
public static Bundle create(AppGroupCreationContent appGroupCreationContent) { Bundle webParams = new Bundle(); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_NAME, appGroupCreationContent.getName()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, appGroupCreationContent.getDescription()); AppGroupCreationContent.AppGroupPrivacy privacy = appGroupCreationContent.getAppGroupPrivacy(); if (privacy != null) { Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_PRIVACY, privacy.toString().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } return webParams; }
public static Bundle create(ShareOpenGraphContent shareOpenGraphContent) { Bundle params = new Bundle(); Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_ACTION_TYPE, shareOpenGraphContent.getAction().getActionType()); try { JSONObject ogJSON = ShareInternalUtility.toJSONObjectForWeb(shareOpenGraphContent); ogJSON = ShareInternalUtility.removeNamespacesFromOGJsonObject(ogJSON, false); if (ogJSON != null) { Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_ACTION_PROPERTIES, ogJSON.toString()); } } catch (JSONException e) { throw new FacebookException("Unable to serialize the ShareOpenGraphContent to JSON", e); } return params; }
public static Bundle createForFeed(ShareLinkContent shareLinkContent) { Bundle webParams = new Bundle(); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_NAME, shareLinkContent.getContentTitle()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_DESCRIPTION, shareLinkContent.getContentDescription()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_LINK, Utility.getUriString(shareLinkContent.getContentUrl())); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.WEB_DIALOG_PARAM_PICTURE, Utility.getUriString(shareLinkContent.getImageUrl())); return webParams; }
private static Bundle create( ShareOpenGraphContent openGraphContent, JSONObject openGraphActionJSON, boolean dataErrorsFatal) { Bundle params = createBaseParameters(openGraphContent, dataErrorsFatal); // Strip namespace from preview property name String previewProperty = ShareInternalUtility.getFieldNameAndNamespaceFromFullName( openGraphContent.getPreviewPropertyName()).second; Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.PREVIEW_PROPERTY_NAME, previewProperty); Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.ACTION_TYPE, openGraphContent.getAction().getActionType()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.ACTION, openGraphActionJSON.toString()); return params; }
private static Bundle createBaseParameters(ShareContent content, boolean dataErrorsFatal) { Bundle params = new Bundle(); Utility.putUri(params, ShareConstants.CONTENT_URL, content.getContentUrl()); Utility.putNonEmptyString(params, ShareConstants.PLACE_ID, content.getPlaceId()); Utility.putNonEmptyString(params, ShareConstants.REF, content.getRef()); params.putBoolean(ShareConstants.DATA_FAILURES_FATAL, dataErrorsFatal); List<String> peopleIds = content.getPeopleIds(); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(peopleIds)) { params.putStringArrayList( ShareConstants.PEOPLE_IDS, new ArrayList<String>(peopleIds)); } return params; }
private static void validatePhotoForApi(SharePhoto photo, Validator validator) { if (photo == null) { throw new FacebookException("Cannot share a null SharePhoto"); } Bitmap photoBitmap = photo.getBitmap(); Uri photoUri = photo.getImageUrl(); if (photoBitmap == null) { if (photoUri == null) { throw new FacebookException( "SharePhoto does not have a Bitmap or ImageUrl specified"); } if (Utility.isWebUri(photoUri) && !validator.isOpenGraphContent()) { throw new FacebookException( "Cannot set the ImageUrl of a SharePhoto to the Uri of an image on the " + "web when sharing SharePhotoContent"); } } }
private static void validateOpenGraphContent( ShareOpenGraphContent openGraphContent, Validator validator) { validator.validate(openGraphContent.getAction()); String previewPropertyName = openGraphContent.getPreviewPropertyName(); if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(previewPropertyName)) { throw new FacebookException("Must specify a previewPropertyName."); } if (openGraphContent.getAction().get(previewPropertyName) == null) { throw new FacebookException( "Property \"" + previewPropertyName + "\" was not found on the action. " + "The name of the preview property must match the name of an " + "action property."); } }
private static Bundle create( ShareOpenGraphContent openGraphContent, JSONObject openGraphActionJSON, boolean dataErrorsFatal) { Bundle params = createBaseParameters(openGraphContent, dataErrorsFatal); Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.LEGACY_PREVIEW_PROPERTY_NAME, openGraphContent.getPreviewPropertyName()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.LEGACY_ACTION_TYPE, openGraphContent.getAction().getActionType()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.LEGACY_ACTION, openGraphActionJSON.toString()); return params; }
private static Bundle createBaseParameters(ShareContent content, boolean dataErrorsFatal) { Bundle params = new Bundle(); Utility.putUri(params, ShareConstants.LEGACY_LINK, content.getContentUrl()); Utility.putNonEmptyString(params, ShareConstants.LEGACY_PLACE_TAG, content.getPlaceId()); Utility.putNonEmptyString(params, ShareConstants.LEGACY_REF, content.getRef()); params.putBoolean(ShareConstants.LEGACY_DATA_FAILURES_FATAL, dataErrorsFatal); List<String> peopleIds = content.getPeopleIds(); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(peopleIds)) { params.putStringArrayList( ShareConstants.LEGACY_FRIEND_TAGS, new ArrayList<>(peopleIds)); } return params; }
private static void issueResponse( final UploadContext uploadContext, final FacebookException error, final String videoId) { // Remove the UploadContext synchronously // Once the UploadContext is removed, this is the only reference to it. removePendingUpload(uploadContext); Utility.closeQuietly(uploadContext.videoStream); if (uploadContext.callback != null) { if (error != null) { ShareInternalUtility.invokeOnErrorCallback(uploadContext.callback, error); } else if (uploadContext.isCanceled) { ShareInternalUtility.invokeOnCancelCallback(uploadContext.callback); } else { ShareInternalUtility.invokeOnSuccessCallback(uploadContext.callback, videoId); } } }
private static void registerAccessTokenTracker() { accessTokenTracker = new AccessTokenTracker() { @Override protected void onCurrentAccessTokenChanged( AccessToken oldAccessToken, AccessToken currentAccessToken) { if (oldAccessToken == null) { // If we never had an access token, then there would be no pending uploads. return; } if (currentAccessToken == null || !Utility.areObjectsEqual( currentAccessToken.getUserId(), oldAccessToken.getUserId())) { // Cancel any pending uploads since the user changed. cancelAllRequests(); } } }; }
@Override protected void handleSuccess(JSONObject jsonObject) throws JSONException { String startOffset = jsonObject.getString(PARAM_START_OFFSET); String endOffset = jsonObject.getString(PARAM_END_OFFSET); if (Utility.areObjectsEqual(startOffset, endOffset)) { enqueueUploadFinish( uploadContext, 0); } else { enqueueUploadChunk( uploadContext, startOffset, endOffset, 0); } }
private void shareLinkContent(final ShareLinkContent linkContent, final FacebookCallback<Sharer.Result> callback) { final GraphRequest.Callback requestCallback = new GraphRequest.Callback() { @Override public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) { final JSONObject data = response.getJSONObject(); final String postId = (data == null ? null : data.optString("id")); ShareInternalUtility.invokeCallbackWithResults(callback, postId, response); } }; final Bundle parameters = new Bundle(); this.addCommonParameters(parameters, linkContent); parameters.putString("message", this.getMessage()); parameters.putString("link", Utility.getUriString(linkContent.getContentUrl())); parameters.putString("picture", Utility.getUriString(linkContent.getImageUrl())); parameters.putString("name", linkContent.getContentTitle()); parameters.putString("description", linkContent.getContentDescription()); parameters.putString("ref", linkContent.getRef()); new GraphRequest( AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(), getGraphPath("feed"), parameters, HttpMethod.POST, requestCallback).executeAsync(); }
static AccessToken createAccessTokenFromNativeLogin( Bundle bundle, AccessTokenSource source, String applicationId) { Date expires = Utility.getBundleLongAsDate( bundle, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_EXPIRES_SECONDS_SINCE_EPOCH, new Date(0)); ArrayList<String> permissions = bundle.getStringArrayList(NativeProtocol.EXTRA_PERMISSIONS); String token = bundle.getString(NativeProtocol.EXTRA_ACCESS_TOKEN); if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(token)) { return null; } String userId = bundle.getString(NativeProtocol.EXTRA_USER_ID); return new AccessToken( token, applicationId, userId, permissions, null, source, expires, new Date()); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param activity the Activity which is presenting the native Open Graph action publish dialog; * must not be null * @param action the Open Graph action to be published, which must contain a reference to at least one * Open Graph object with the property name specified by setPreviewPropertyName; the action * must have had its type specified via the {@link OpenGraphAction#setType(String)} method * @param actionType the type of the Open Graph action to be published, which should be the namespace-qualified * name of the action type (e.g., "myappnamespace:myactiontype"); this will override the type * of the action passed in. * @param previewPropertyName the name of a property on the Open Graph action that contains the * Open Graph object which will be displayed as a preview to the user */ @Deprecated public OpenGraphDialogBuilderBase(Activity activity, OpenGraphAction action, String actionType, String previewPropertyName) { super(activity); Validate.notNull(action, "action"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(actionType, "actionType"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(previewPropertyName, "previewPropertyName"); if (action.getProperty(previewPropertyName) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A property named \"" + previewPropertyName + "\" was not found on the action. The name of " + "the preview property must match the name of an action property."); } String typeOnAction = action.getType(); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(typeOnAction) && !typeOnAction.equals(actionType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'actionType' must match the type of 'action' if it is specified. " + "Consider using OpenGraphDialogBuilderBase(Activity activity, OpenGraphAction action, " + "String previewPropertyName) instead."); } this.action = action; this.actionType = actionType; this.previewPropertyName = previewPropertyName; }
private boolean initializeActiveSessionWithCachedToken(Context context) { if (context == null) { return false; } Session session = Session.getActiveSession(); if (session != null) { return session.isOpened(); } String applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(context); if (applicationId == null) { return false; } return Session.openActiveSessionFromCache(context) != null; }
/** * Asynchronously fetches app link information that might have been stored for use after * installation of the app * * @param context The context * @param applicationId Facebook application Id. If null, it is taken from the manifest * @param completionHandler CompletionHandler to be notified with the AppLinkData object or null * if none is available. Must not be null. */ public static void fetchDeferredAppLinkData( Context context, String applicationId, final CompletionHandler completionHandler) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); Validate.notNull(completionHandler, "completionHandler"); if (applicationId == null) { applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(context); } Validate.notNull(applicationId, "applicationId"); final Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); final String applicationIdCopy = applicationId; FacebookSdk.getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fetchDeferredAppLinkFromServer( applicationContext, applicationIdCopy, completionHandler); } }); }
private void setCurrentProfile(Profile currentProfile, boolean writeToCache) { Profile oldProfile = this.currentProfile; this.currentProfile = currentProfile; if (writeToCache) { if (currentProfile != null) {; } else { profileCache.clear(); } } if (!Utility.areObjectsEqual(oldProfile, currentProfile)) { sendCurrentProfileChangedBroadcast(oldProfile, currentProfile); } }
@SuppressLint("FieldGetter") static AccessToken createFromRefresh(AccessToken current, Bundle bundle) { // Only tokens obtained via SSO support refresh. Token refresh returns the expiration date // in seconds from the epoch rather than seconds from now. if (current.source != AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_WEB && current.source != AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_NATIVE && current.source != AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_SERVICE) { throw new FacebookException("Invalid token source: " + current.source); } Date expires = Utility.getBundleLongAsDate(bundle, EXPIRES_IN_KEY, new Date(0)); String token = bundle.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY); if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(token)) { return null; } return new AccessToken( token, current.applicationId, current.getUserId(), current.getPermissions(), current.getDeclinedPermissions(), current.source, expires, new Date()); }
/** * Creates a {@link SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy} instance * that is distinct for the passed in cacheKey. * * @param context * The Context object to use to get the SharedPreferences object. * * @param cacheKey * Identifies a distinct set of token information. * * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in Context is null */ public SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy(Context context, String cacheKey) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); this.cacheKey = Utility.isNullOrEmpty(cacheKey) ? DEFAULT_CACHE_KEY : cacheKey; // If the application context is available, use that. However, if it isn't // available (possibly because of a context that was created manually), use // the passed in context directly. Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); context = applicationContext != null ? applicationContext : context; this.cache = context.getSharedPreferences( this.cacheKey, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); }
/** * Adds a number of bitmap attachments associated with a native app call. The attachments will be * served via {@link NativeAppCallContentProvider#openFile(, String) openFile}. * * @param context the Context the call is being made from * @param callId the unique ID of the call * @param imageAttachments a Map of attachment names to Bitmaps; the attachment names will be part of * the URI processed by openFile * @throws */ public void addAttachmentsForCall(Context context, UUID callId, Map<String, Bitmap> imageAttachments) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); Validate.notNull(callId, "callId"); Validate.containsNoNulls(imageAttachments.values(), "imageAttachments"); Validate.containsNoNullOrEmpty(imageAttachments.keySet(), "imageAttachments"); addAttachments(context, callId, imageAttachments, new ProcessAttachment<Bitmap>() { @Override public void processAttachment(Bitmap attachment, File outputFile) throws IOException { FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); try { attachment.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, outputStream); } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(outputStream); } } }); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param testApplicationSecret The application secret. * @param testApplicationId The application id. */ public TestUserManager(String testApplicationSecret, String testApplicationId) { if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId) || Utility.isNullOrEmpty(testApplicationSecret)) { throw new FacebookException("Must provide app ID and secret"); } this.testApplicationSecret = testApplicationSecret; this.testApplicationId = testApplicationId; }
static AccessToken createFromWebBundle(List<String> requestedPermissions, Bundle bundle, AccessTokenSource source) { Date expires = getBundleLongAsDate(bundle, EXPIRES_IN_KEY, new Date()); String token = bundle.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY); // With Login v4, we now get back the actual permissions granted, so update the permissions to be the real thing String grantedPermissions = bundle.getString("granted_scopes"); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(grantedPermissions)) { requestedPermissions = new ArrayList<String>(Arrays.asList(grantedPermissions.split(","))); } return createNew(requestedPermissions, token, expires, source); }
private static AccessToken createFromBundle(List<String> requestedPermissions, Bundle bundle, AccessTokenSource source, Date expirationBase) { String token = bundle.getString(ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY); Date expires = getBundleLongAsDate(bundle, EXPIRES_IN_KEY, expirationBase); if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(token) || (expires == null)) { return null; } return new AccessToken(token, expires, requestedPermissions, source, new Date()); }
protected BuilderBase(Context context, String action) { Session activeSession = Session.getActiveSession(); if (activeSession != null && activeSession.isOpened()) { this.session = activeSession; } else { String applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(context); if (applicationId != null) { this.applicationId = applicationId; } else { throw new FacebookException("Attempted to create a builder without an open" + " Active Session or a valid default Application ID."); } } finishInit(context, action, null); }
private static synchronized TestSession createTestSession(Activity activity, List<String> permissions, Mode mode, String sessionUniqueUserTag) { if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId) || Utility.isNullOrEmpty(testApplicationSecret)) { throw new FacebookException("Must provide app ID and secret"); } if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(permissions)) { permissions = Arrays.asList("email", "publish_actions"); } return new TestSession(activity, permissions, new TestTokenCachingStrategy(), sessionUniqueUserTag, mode); }
@Override protected void processSuccess(GraphResponse response) { JSONObject results = Utility.tryGetJSONObjectFromResponse( response.getJSONObject(), objectId); if (results != null) { // See if we can get the OG object Id out JSONObject ogObject = results.optJSONObject("og_object"); if (ogObject != null) { verifiedObjectId = ogObject.optString("id"); } } }
@Override protected void processSuccess(GraphResponse response) { JSONObject results = Utility.tryGetJSONObjectFromResponse( response.getJSONObject(), objectId); if (results != null) { verifiedObjectId = results.optString("id"); objectIsPage = !Utility.isNullOrEmpty(verifiedObjectId); } }
@Override protected void processSuccess(GraphResponse response) { JSONArray dataSet = Utility.tryGetJSONArrayFromResponse( response.getJSONObject(), "data"); if (dataSet != null && dataSet.length() > 0) { objectIsLiked = true; } }
@Override protected void processSuccess(GraphResponse response) { JSONObject engagementResults = Utility.tryGetJSONObjectFromResponse( response.getJSONObject(), "engagement"); if (engagementResults != null) { // Missing properties in the response should default to cached like status likeCountStringWithLike = engagementResults.optString( "count_string_with_like", likeCountStringWithLike); likeCountStringWithoutLike = engagementResults.optString( "count_string_without_like", likeCountStringWithoutLike); socialSentenceStringWithLike = engagementResults.optString( "social_sentence_with_like", socialSentenceStringWithLike); socialSentenceStringWithoutLike = engagementResults.optString( "social_sentence_without_like", socialSentenceStringWithoutLike); } }
public static Bundle createForFeed(ShareFeedContent shareFeedContent) { Bundle webParams = new Bundle(); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.FEED_TO_PARAM, shareFeedContent.getToId()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.FEED_LINK_PARAM, shareFeedContent.getLink()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.FEED_PICTURE_PARAM, shareFeedContent.getPicture()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.FEED_SOURCE_PARAM, shareFeedContent.getMediaSource()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.FEED_NAME_PARAM, shareFeedContent.getLinkName()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.FEED_CAPTION_PARAM, shareFeedContent.getLinkCaption()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( webParams, ShareConstants.FEED_DESCRIPTION_PARAM, shareFeedContent.getLinkDescription()); return webParams; }
private boolean validatePermissions(List<String> permissions, SessionAuthorizationType authType, Session currentSession) { if (SessionAuthorizationType.PUBLISH.equals(authType)) { if (Utility.isNullOrEmpty(permissions)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Permissions for publish actions cannot be null or empty."); } } if (currentSession != null && currentSession.isOpened()) { if (!Utility.isSubset(permissions, currentSession.getPermissions())) { Log.e(TAG, "Cannot set additional permissions when session is already open."); return false; } } return true; }
private static Bundle create( ShareVideoContent videoContent, String videoUrl, boolean dataErrorsFatal) { Bundle params = createBaseParameters(videoContent, dataErrorsFatal); Utility.putNonEmptyString(params, ShareConstants.TITLE, videoContent.getContentTitle()); Utility.putNonEmptyString( params, ShareConstants.DESCRIPTION, videoContent.getContentDescription()); Utility.putNonEmptyString(params, ShareConstants.VIDEO_URL, videoUrl); return params; }
private static void validatePhotoForWebDialog(SharePhoto photo, Validator validator) { if (photo == null) { throw new FacebookException("Cannot share a null SharePhoto"); } Uri imageUri = photo.getImageUrl(); if (imageUri == null || !Utility.isWebUri(imageUri)) { throw new FacebookException( "SharePhoto must have a non-null imageUrl set to the Uri of an image " + "on the web"); } }
@Override Bundle setBundleExtras(Bundle extras) { putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID, applicationId); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_APPLICATION_NAME, applicationName); putExtra(extras, NativeProtocol.EXTRA_PLACE_TAG, place); extras.putStringArrayList(NativeProtocol.EXTRA_PHOTOS, imageAttachmentUrls); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(friends)) { extras.putStringArrayList(NativeProtocol.EXTRA_FRIEND_TAGS, friends); } return extras; }