public static void validate(GameRequestContent content) { Validate.notNull(content.getMessage(), "message"); if (content.getObjectId() != null ^ (content.getActionType() == GameRequestContent.ActionType.ASKFOR || content.getActionType() == GameRequestContent.ActionType.SEND)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Object id should be provided if and only if action type is send or askfor"); } // parameters to, filters, suggestions are mutually exclusive int mutex = 0; if (content.getTo() != null) { mutex++; } if (content.getSuggestions() != null) { mutex++; } if (content.getFilters() != null) { mutex++; } if (mutex > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Parameters to, filters and suggestions are mutually exclusive"); } }
/** * Asynchronously fetches app link information that might have been stored for use after * installation of the app * * @param context The context * @param applicationId Facebook application Id. If null, it is taken from the manifest * @param completionHandler CompletionHandler to be notified with the AppLinkData object or null * if none is available. Must not be null. */ public static void fetchDeferredAppLinkData( Context context, String applicationId, final CompletionHandler completionHandler) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); Validate.notNull(completionHandler, "completionHandler"); if (applicationId == null) { applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(context); } Validate.notNull(applicationId, "applicationId"); final Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); final String applicationIdCopy = applicationId; FacebookSdk.getExecutor().execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fetchDeferredAppLinkFromServer( applicationContext, applicationIdCopy, completionHandler); } }); }
/** * Parses out any app link data from the Intent of the Activity passed in. * @param activity Activity that was started because of an app link * @return AppLinkData if found. null if not. */ public static AppLinkData createFromActivity(Activity activity) { Validate.notNull(activity, "activity"); Intent intent = activity.getIntent(); if (intent == null) { return null; } AppLinkData appLinkData = createFromAlApplinkData(intent); if (appLinkData == null) { String appLinkArgsJsonString = intent.getStringExtra(BUNDLE_APPLINK_ARGS_KEY); appLinkData = createFromJson(appLinkArgsJsonString); } if (appLinkData == null) { // Try regular app linking appLinkData = createFromUri(intent.getData()); } return appLinkData; }
public void save(Bundle bundle) { Validate.notNull(bundle, "bundle"); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = cache.edit(); for (String key : bundle.keySet()) { try { serializeKey(key, bundle, editor); } catch (JSONException e) { // Error in the bundle. Don't store a partial cache. Logger.log( LoggingBehavior.CACHE, Log.WARN, TAG, "Error processing value for key: '" + key + "' -- " + e); // Bypass the commit and just return. This cancels the entire edit transaction return; } } editor.apply(); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param activity the Activity which is presenting the native Open Graph action publish dialog; * must not be null * @param action the Open Graph action to be published, which must contain a reference to at least one * Open Graph object with the property name specified by setPreviewPropertyName; the action * must have had its type specified via the {@link OpenGraphAction#setType(String)} method * @param actionType the type of the Open Graph action to be published, which should be the namespace-qualified * name of the action type (e.g., "myappnamespace:myactiontype"); this will override the type * of the action passed in. * @param previewPropertyName the name of a property on the Open Graph action that contains the * Open Graph object which will be displayed as a preview to the user */ @Deprecated public OpenGraphDialogBuilderBase(Activity activity, OpenGraphAction action, String actionType, String previewPropertyName) { super(activity); Validate.notNull(action, "action"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(actionType, "actionType"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(previewPropertyName, "previewPropertyName"); if (action.getProperty(previewPropertyName) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A property named \"" + previewPropertyName + "\" was not found on the action. The name of " + "the preview property must match the name of an action property."); } String typeOnAction = action.getType(); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(typeOnAction) && !typeOnAction.equals(actionType)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'actionType' must match the type of 'action' if it is specified. " + "Consider using OpenGraphDialogBuilderBase(Activity activity, OpenGraphAction action, " + "String previewPropertyName) instead."); } this.action = action; this.actionType = actionType; this.previewPropertyName = previewPropertyName; }
/** * Persists all supported data types present in the passed in Bundle, to the * cache * * @param bundle * The Bundle containing information to be cached */ public void save(Bundle bundle) { Validate.notNull(bundle, "bundle"); SharedPreferences.Editor editor = cache.edit(); for (String key : bundle.keySet()) { try { serializeKey(key, bundle, editor); } catch (JSONException e) { // Error in the bundle. Don't store a partial cache. Logger.log(LoggingBehavior.CACHE, Log.WARN, TAG, "Error processing value for key: '" + key + "' -- " + e); // Bypass the commit and just return. This cancels the entire edit transaction return; } } boolean successfulCommit = editor.commit(); if (!successfulCommit) { Logger.log(LoggingBehavior.CACHE, Log.WARN, TAG, "SharedPreferences.Editor.commit() was not successful"); } }
/** * Adds a number of bitmap attachments associated with a native app call. The attachments will be * served via {@link NativeAppCallContentProvider#openFile(, String) openFile}. * * @param context the Context the call is being made from * @param callId the unique ID of the call * @param imageAttachments a Map of attachment names to Bitmaps; the attachment names will be part of * the URI processed by openFile * @throws */ public void addAttachmentsForCall(Context context, UUID callId, Map<String, Bitmap> imageAttachments) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); Validate.notNull(callId, "callId"); Validate.containsNoNulls(imageAttachments.values(), "imageAttachments"); Validate.containsNoNullOrEmpty(imageAttachments.keySet(), "imageAttachments"); addAttachments(context, callId, imageAttachments, new ProcessAttachment<Bitmap>() { @Override public void processAttachment(Bitmap attachment, File outputFile) throws IOException { FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); try { attachment.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, outputStream); } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(outputStream); } } }); }
/** * Constructor. * * @param activity the Activity which is presenting the native Open Graph action publish dialog; * must not be null * @param action the Open Graph action to be published, which must contain a reference to at least one * Open Graph object with the property name specified by setPreviewPropertyName; the action * must have had its type specified via the {@link OpenGraphAction#setType(String)} method * @param previewPropertyName the name of a property on the Open Graph action that contains the * Open Graph object which will be displayed as a preview to the user */ public OpenGraphDialogBuilderBase(Activity activity, OpenGraphAction action, String previewPropertyName) { super(activity); Validate.notNull(action, "action"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(action.getType(), "action.getType()"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(previewPropertyName, "previewPropertyName"); if (action.getProperty(previewPropertyName) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "A property named \"" + previewPropertyName + "\" was not found on the action. The name of " + "the preview property must match the name of an action property."); } this.action = action; this.actionType = action.getType(); this.previewPropertyName = previewPropertyName; }
/** * Creates a {@link SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy} instance * that is distinct for the passed in cacheKey. * * @param context * The Context object to use to get the SharedPreferences object. * * @param cacheKey * Identifies a distinct set of token information. * * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in Context is null */ public SharedPreferencesTokenCachingStrategy(Context context, String cacheKey) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); this.cacheKey = Utility.isNullOrEmpty(cacheKey) ? DEFAULT_CACHE_KEY : cacheKey; // If the application context is available, use that. However, if it isn't // available (possibly because of a context that was created manually), use // the passed in context directly. Context applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); context = applicationContext != null ? applicationContext : context; this.cache = context.getSharedPreferences( this.cacheKey, Context.MODE_PRIVATE); }
public static String getApplicationSignature(Context context) { Validate.sdkInitialized(); if (context == null) { return null; } PackageManager packageManager = context.getPackageManager(); if (packageManager == null) { return null; } try { PackageInfo pInfo = packageManager.getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 64); Signature[] signatures = pInfo.signatures; if (signatures == null || signatures.length == 0) { return null; } try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(CommonUtils.SHA1_INSTANCE); md.update(pInfo.signatures[0].toByteArray()); return Base64.encodeToString(md.digest(), 9); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return null; } } catch (NameNotFoundException e2) { return null; } }
AccessTokenManager(LocalBroadcastManager localBroadcastManager, AccessTokenCache accessTokenCache) { Validate.notNull(localBroadcastManager, "localBroadcastManager"); Validate.notNull(accessTokenCache, "accessTokenCache"); this.localBroadcastManager = localBroadcastManager; this.accessTokenCache = accessTokenCache; }
public static Bundle create( UUID callId, ShareContent shareContent, boolean shouldFailOnDataError) { Validate.notNull(shareContent, "shareContent"); Validate.notNull(callId, "callId"); Bundle nativeParams = null; if (shareContent instanceof ShareLinkContent) { final ShareLinkContent linkContent = (ShareLinkContent)shareContent; nativeParams = create(linkContent, shouldFailOnDataError); } else if (shareContent instanceof SharePhotoContent) { final SharePhotoContent photoContent = (SharePhotoContent)shareContent; List<String> photoUrls = ShareInternalUtility.getPhotoUrls( photoContent, callId); nativeParams = create(photoContent, photoUrls, shouldFailOnDataError); } else if (shareContent instanceof ShareVideoContent) { final ShareVideoContent videoContent = (ShareVideoContent)shareContent; nativeParams = create(videoContent, shouldFailOnDataError); } else if (shareContent instanceof ShareOpenGraphContent) { final ShareOpenGraphContent openGraphContent = (ShareOpenGraphContent) shareContent; try { JSONObject openGraphActionJSON = ShareInternalUtility.toJSONObjectForCall( callId, openGraphContent); nativeParams = create(openGraphContent, openGraphActionJSON, shouldFailOnDataError); } catch (final JSONException e) { throw new FacebookException( "Unable to create a JSON Object from the provided ShareOpenGraphContent: " + e.getMessage()); } } return nativeParams; }
/** * Adds a number of bitmap attachment files associated with a native app call. The attachments will be * served via {@link NativeAppCallContentProvider#openFile(, String) openFile}. * * @param context the Context the call is being made from * @param callId the unique ID of the call * @param imageAttachments a Map of attachment names to Files containing the bitmaps; the attachment names will be * part of the URI processed by openFile * @throws */ public void addAttachmentFilesForCall(Context context, UUID callId, Map<String, File> imageAttachmentFiles) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); Validate.notNull(callId, "callId"); Validate.containsNoNulls(imageAttachmentFiles.values(), "imageAttachmentFiles"); Validate.containsNoNullOrEmpty(imageAttachmentFiles.keySet(), "imageAttachmentFiles"); addAttachments(context, callId, imageAttachmentFiles, new ProcessAttachment<File>() { @Override public void processAttachment(File attachment, File outputFile) throws IOException { FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); FileInputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = new FileInputStream(attachment); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { outputStream.write(buffer, 0, len); } } finally { Utility.closeQuietly(outputStream); Utility.closeQuietly(inputStream); } } }); }
public void save(AccessToken accessToken) { Validate.notNull(accessToken, "accessToken"); JSONObject jsonObject = null; try { jsonObject = accessToken.toJSONObject(); sharedPreferences.edit().putString(CACHED_ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY, jsonObject.toString()) .apply(); } catch (JSONException e) { // Can't recover } }
Result( Request request, Code code, AccessToken token, String errorMessage, String errorCode) { Validate.notNull(code, "code"); this.request = request; this.token = token; this.errorMessage = errorMessage; this.code = code; this.errorCode = errorCode; }
/** * Sets the Executor used by the SDK for non-AsyncTask background work. * * @param executor * the Executor to use; must not be null. */ public static void setExecutor(Executor executor) { Validate.notNull(executor, "executor"); synchronized (LOCK) { FacebookSdk.executor = executor; } }
protected BuilderBase(Context context, Session session, String action, Bundle parameters) { Validate.notNull(session, "session"); if (!session.isOpened()) { throw new FacebookException("Attempted to use a Session that was not open."); } this.session = session; finishInit(context, action, parameters); }
/** * Constructor. */ public ProfileTracker() { Validate.sdkInitialized(); this.receiver = new ProfileBroadcastReceiver(); this.broadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance( FacebookSdk.getApplicationContext()); startTracking(); }
void save(Profile profile) { Validate.notNull(profile, "profile"); JSONObject jsonObject = profile.toJSONObject(); if (jsonObject != null) { sharedPreferences .edit() .putString(CACHED_PROFILE_KEY, jsonObject.toString()) .apply(); } }
/** * Constructor is private, newLogger() methods should be used to build an instance. */ private AppEventsLogger(Context context, String applicationId, AccessToken accessToken) { Validate.notNull(context, "context"); this.contextName = Utility.getActivityName(context); if (accessToken == null) { accessToken = AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(); } // If we have a session and the appId passed is null or matches the session's app ID: if (accessToken != null && (applicationId == null || applicationId.equals(accessToken.getApplicationId())) ) { accessTokenAppId = new AccessTokenAppIdPair(accessToken); } else { // If no app ID passed, get it from the manifest: if (applicationId == null) { applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(context); } accessTokenAppId = new AccessTokenAppIdPair(null, applicationId); } synchronized (staticLock) { if (applicationContext == null) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); } } initializeTimersIfNeeded(); }
ProfileManager( LocalBroadcastManager localBroadcastManager, ProfileCache profileCache) { Validate.notNull(localBroadcastManager, "localBroadcastManager"); Validate.notNull(profileCache, "profileCache"); this.localBroadcastManager = localBroadcastManager; this.profileCache = profileCache; }
/** * Creates a new AccessToken using the supplied information from a previously-obtained access * token (for instance, from an already-cached access token obtained prior to integration with * the Facebook SDK). Note that the caller is asserting that all parameters provided are correct * with respect to the access token string; no validation is done to verify they are correct. * * @param accessToken the access token string obtained from Facebook * @param applicationId the ID of the Facebook Application associated with this access * token * @param userId the id of the user * @param permissions the permissions that were requested when the token was obtained * (or when it was last reauthorized); may be null if permission set * is unknown * @param declinedPermissions the permissions that were declined when the token was obtained; * may be null if permission set is unknown * @param accessTokenSource an enum indicating how the token was originally obtained (in most * cases, this will be either AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION * or AccessTokenSource.WEB_VIEW); if null, FACEBOOK_APPLICATION is * assumed. * @param expirationTime the expiration date associated with the token; if null, an * infinite expiration time is assumed (but will become correct when * the token is refreshed) * @param lastRefreshTime the last time the token was refreshed (or when it was first * obtained); if null, the current time is used. */ public AccessToken( final String accessToken, final String applicationId, final String userId, @Nullable final Collection<String> permissions, @Nullable final Collection<String> declinedPermissions, @Nullable final AccessTokenSource accessTokenSource, @Nullable final Date expirationTime, @Nullable final Date lastRefreshTime ) { Validate.notNullOrEmpty(accessToken, "accessToken"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(applicationId, "applicationId"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(userId, "userId"); this.expires = expirationTime != null ? expirationTime : DEFAULT_EXPIRATION_TIME; this.permissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet( permissions != null ? new HashSet<String>(permissions) : new HashSet<String>()); this.declinedPermissions = Collections.unmodifiableSet( declinedPermissions != null ? new HashSet<String>(declinedPermissions) : new HashSet<String>()); this.token = accessToken; this.source = accessTokenSource != null ? accessTokenSource : DEFAULT_ACCESS_TOKEN_SOURCE; this.lastRefresh = lastRefreshTime != null ? lastRefreshTime : DEFAULT_LAST_REFRESH_TIME; this.applicationId = applicationId; this.userId = userId; }
public static Set<String> getPermissions(Bundle bundle) { Validate.notNull(bundle, "bundle"); ArrayList<String> arrayList = bundle.getStringArrayList(PERMISSIONS_KEY); if (arrayList == null) { return null; } return new HashSet<String>(arrayList); }
/** * The constructor. */ public AccessTokenTracker() { Validate.sdkInitialized(); this.receiver = new CurrentAccessTokenBroadcastReceiver(); this.broadcastManager = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance( FacebookSdk.getApplicationContext()); startTracking(); }
public GraphObjectListImpl(JSONArray state, Class<?> itemType) { Validate.notNull(state, "state"); Validate.notNull(itemType, "itemType"); this.state = state; this.itemType = itemType; }
TestSession(Activity activity, List<String> permissions, TokenCachingStrategy tokenCachingStrategy, String sessionUniqueUserTag, Mode mode) { super(activity, TestSession.testApplicationId, tokenCachingStrategy); Validate.notNull(permissions, "permissions"); // Validate these as if they were arguments even though they are statics. Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationId, "testApplicationId"); Validate.notNullOrEmpty(testApplicationSecret, "testApplicationSecret"); this.sessionUniqueUserTag = sessionUniqueUserTag; this.mode = mode; this.requestedPermissions = permissions; }
/** * Creates a new AccessToken using the information contained in an Intent populated by the Facebook * application in order to launch a native link. For more information on native linking, please see * * * @param intent the Intent that was used to start an Activity; must not be null * @return a new AccessToken, or null if the Intent did not contain enough data to create one */ public static AccessToken createFromNativeLinkingIntent(Intent intent) { Validate.notNull(intent, "intent"); if (intent.getExtras() == null) { return null; } return createFromBundle(null, intent.getExtras(), AccessTokenSource.FACEBOOK_APPLICATION_WEB, new Date()); }
Builder(Activity activity) { Validate.notNull(activity, "activity"); this.activity = activity; applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(activity); appCall = new PendingCall(NativeProtocol.DIALOG_REQUEST_CODE); }
protected BuilderBase(Context context, String applicationId, String action, Bundle parameters) { if (applicationId == null) { applicationId = Utility.getMetadataApplicationId(context); } Validate.notNullOrEmpty(applicationId, "applicationId"); this.applicationId = applicationId; finishInit(context, action, parameters); }
/** * Sets the Executor used by the SDK for non-AsyncTask background work. * * @param executor * the Executor to use; must not be null. */ public static void setExecutor(Executor executor) { Validate.notNull(executor, "executor"); synchronized (LOCK) { Settings.executor = executor; } }
/** * Puts the list of permissions into a Bundle. * * @param bundle * A Bundle in which the list of permissions should be stored. * @param value * The List<String> representing the list of permissions, * or null. * * @throws NullPointerException if the passed in Bundle or permissions list are null */ public static void putPermissions(Bundle bundle, List<String> value) { Validate.notNull(bundle, "bundle"); Validate.notNull(value, "value"); ArrayList<String> arrayList; if (value instanceof ArrayList<?>) { arrayList = (ArrayList<String>) value; } else { arrayList = new ArrayList<String>(value); } bundle.putStringArrayList(PERMISSIONS_KEY, arrayList); }
public static boolean getLimitEventAndDataUsage(Context context) { Validate.sdkInitialized(); return context.getSharedPreferences("com.facebook.sdk.appEventPreferences", 0).getBoolean("limitEventUsage", false); }