public static void initializeAds(Context context, View bannerPlaceholder, NativeExpressAdView adView, AnalyticsHelper analyticsHelper, String screenName) { initializeAds(context, adView); adView.setAdListener(new AdListener() { @Override public void onAdLoaded() { apply(bannerPlaceholder, GONE); apply(adView, VISIBLE); } @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(int i) { analyticsHelper.logScreenEvent(screenName, AD_FAILED_TO_LOAD); } @Override public void onAdClicked() { analyticsHelper.logScreenEvent(screenName, AD_CLICKED); } }); }
private void setUpAndLoadNativeExpressAds() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mNativeExpressAdView = new NativeExpressAdView(getContext()); float scale = getActivity().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; int adWidth = mCoordinatorLayout.getWidth(); AdSize adSize = new AdSize((int) (adWidth / scale), NATIVE_EXPRESS_AD_HEIGHT); mNativeExpressAdView.setAdSize(adSize); mNativeExpressAdView.setAdUnitId(getString(R.string.test_ad_unit_id)); mAdViewContainer.addView(mNativeExpressAdView); // Load the first Native Express ad in the items list. AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder() .addTestDevice("872EB083722CD10CAB1DB046CEE82A2D") .build(); mNativeExpressAdView.loadAd(request); } }); }
public AdViewHolder(View v ) { super(v); AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder() .addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) .build(); NativeExpressAdView adView = new NativeExpressAdView(v.getContext()); adView.setAdSize(new AdSize(AdSize.FULL_WIDTH, 80)); // Load ad type based on theme - dark or light if (PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(v.getContext()) .getBoolean(PREF_DARK_THEME, false)) { adView.setAdUnitId(DARK_AD_ID); } else { adView.setAdUnitId(LIGHT_AD_ID); } ((LinearLayout) v).addView(adView, 1); adView.loadAd(request); }
@Override protected void request(Context context, Map<String, String> networkData) { if (context == null || networkData == null) { invokeLoadFail(PNException.ADAPTER_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS); } else { String unitId = networkData.get(AdMob.KEY_UNIT_ID); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(unitId)) { invokeLoadFail(PNException.ADAPTER_MISSING_DATA); } else { mIsImpressionConfirmed = false; mIsReady = false; mAdView = null; mNativeAd = new NativeExpressAdView(mContext); mNativeAd.setAdSize(new AdSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT)); mNativeAd.setAdUnitId(unitId); mNativeAd.setAdListener(mAdListener); mNativeAd.loadAd(AdMob.getAdRequest(context)); } } }
@Override protected void request(Context context, Map<String, String> networkData) { if (context == null || networkData == null) { invokeLoadFail(PNException.ADAPTER_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS); } else { String unitId = networkData.get(AdMob.KEY_UNIT_ID); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(unitId)) { invokeLoadFail(PNException.ADAPTER_MISSING_DATA); } else { mIsReady = false; mAdView = null; mIsImpressionConfirmed = false; mNativeAd = new NativeExpressAdView(mContext); mNativeAd.setAdSize(AdSize.MEDIUM_RECTANGLE); mNativeAd.setAdUnitId(unitId); mNativeAd.setAdListener(mAdListener); mNativeAd.loadAd(AdMob.getAdRequest(context)); } } }
@Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Inflate the layout for this fragment View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_slash, container, false); // initialize Admob MobileAds.initialize(mActivity, APP_ID); NativeExpressAdView adView = view.findViewById(; AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder() // .addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) // .addTestDevice("0ACA1878D607E6C4360F91E0A0379C2F") // .addTestDevice("4DA2263EDB49C1F2C00F9D130B823096") .build(); adView.loadAd(request); if (!adView.isLoading()) { adView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } return view; }
/** * Fetches a new native ad. */ protected synchronized void fetchAd(final NativeExpressAdView adView) { if(mFetchFailCount > MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPT) return; Context context = mContext.get(); if (context != null) { Log.i(TAG, "Fetching Ad now"); new Handler(context.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { adView.loadAd(getAdRequest()); //Fetching the ads item } }); } else { mFetchFailCount++; Log.i(TAG, "Context is null, not fetching Ad"); } }
/** * Subscribing to the native ads events * @param adView */ protected synchronized void setupAd(final NativeExpressAdView adView) { if(mFetchFailCount > MAX_FETCH_ATTEMPT) return; if(!mPrefetchedAds.contains(adView)) mPrefetchedAds.add(adView); adView.setAdListener(new AdListener() { @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode) { super.onAdFailedToLoad(errorCode); // Handle the failure by logging, altering the UI, etc. onFailedToLoad(adView, errorCode); } @Override public void onAdLoaded() { super.onAdLoaded(); onFetched(adView); } }); }
/** * Creates N instances {@link NativeExpressAdView} from the next N taken instances {@link ExpressAdPreset} * Will start async prefetch of ad blocks to use its further * @return last created NativeExpressAdView */ private NativeExpressAdView prefetchAds(int cntToPrefetch){ NativeExpressAdView last = null; for (int i = 0; i < cntToPrefetch; i++){ final NativeExpressAdView item = AdViewHelper.getExpressAdView(mContext, adFetcher.takeNextAdPreset()); adFetcher.setupAd(item); //50 ms throttling to prevent a high-load of server new Handler(mContext.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { adFetcher.fetchAd(item); } }, 50 * i); last = item; } return last; }
/** * Creates N instances {@link NativeExpressAdView} from the next N taken instances {@link ExpressAdPreset} * Will start async prefetch of ad blocks to use its further * @return last created NativeExpressAdView */ private NativeExpressAdView prefetchAds(int cntToPrefetch){ NativeExpressAdView last = null; for (int i = 0; i < cntToPrefetch; i++) { final NativeExpressAdView item = AdViewHelper.getExpressAdView(mContext, adFetcher.takeNextAdPreset()); adFetcher.setupAd(item); //50 ms throttling to prevent a high-load of server new Handler(mContext.getMainLooper()).postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { adFetcher.fetchAd(item); } }, 50 * i); last = item; } return last; }
@Override public void onBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, int position) { if (viewHolder == null) return; if(viewHolder.getItemViewType() == getViewTypeAdExpress()) { NativeHolder nativeExpressHolder = (NativeHolder) viewHolder; ViewGroup wrapper = nativeExpressHolder.getAdViewWrapper(); int adPos = AdapterCalculator.getAdIndex(position); NativeExpressAdView adView = adFetcher.getAdForIndex(adPos); if (adView == null) adView = prefetchAds(1); AdViewWrappingStrategy.recycleAdViewWrapper(wrapper, adView); //make sure the AdView for this position doesn't already have a parent of a different recycled NativeExpressHolder. if (adView.getParent() != null) ((ViewGroup) adView.getParent()).removeView(adView); AdViewWrappingStrategy.addAdViewToWrapper(wrapper, adView); } else { int origPos = AdapterCalculator.getOriginalContentPosition(position, adFetcher.getFetchingAdsCount(), mAdapter.getItemCount()); mAdapter.onBindViewHolder(viewHolder, origPos); } }
@Override public void onAdFailed(int adIdx, int errorCode, Object adPayload) { NativeExpressAdView adView = (NativeExpressAdView)adPayload; if (adView != null) { ViewParent parent = adView.getParent(); if(parent == null || parent instanceof RecyclerView) adView.setVisibility(View.GONE); else { while (parent.getParent() != null && !(parent.getParent() instanceof RecyclerView)) parent = parent.getParent(); ((View) parent).setVisibility(View.GONE); } } int pos = getAdapterCalculator().translateAdToWrapperPosition(Math.max(adIdx,0)); notifyItemRangeChanged(pos, pos+15); }
public static void initializeAds(Context context, NativeExpressAdView adView) { MobileAds.initialize(context, "ca-app-pub-8963908741443055~4285788324"); AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder() .addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) // All emulators .addTestDevice("EF67DDDDDDD0896B1B02876D927AC309") // An example device ID .build(); Log.d("initializeAds: ", adView.getAdUnitId()); adView.loadAd(adRequest); }
private void loadAdView() { if (BuildConfig.IS_PREMIUM_USER || hasPremiumApp()) { findViewById(; findViewById(; return; } mAdView = (NativeExpressAdView) findViewById(; if (mAdView != null) { mAdView.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build()); } }
protected void loadNativeAd() { try { mNativeExpressAdView = (NativeExpressAdView) findViewById(; if (mNativeExpressAdView != null) { if (BuildConfig.IS_PREMIUM_USER) { mNativeExpressAdView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } else { mNativeExpressAdView.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build()); } } } catch (Exception e) { } }
/** * Initializes the ad view. *EventName - Sets the subs that will handle the events. *AdUnitId - Ad unit ID of a native ad. *Width - Requested ad width. *Height - Requested ad height. */ public void Initialize(final BA ba, String EventName, String AdUnitId, float Width, float Height) { NativeExpressAdView ad = new NativeExpressAdView(ba.activity); ad.setAdSize(new AdSize((int)Math.round(Width / Common.Density), (int)Math.round(Height / Common.Density))); ad.setAdUnitId(AdUnitId); setObject(ad); super.Initialize(ba, EventName); final String eventName = EventName.toLowerCase(BA.cul); getObject().setAdListener(new AdListener() { @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(int e){ ba.raiseEvent(getObject(), eventName + "_failedtoreceivead", String.valueOf(e)); } @Override public void onAdLoaded() { ba.raiseEvent(getObject(), eventName + "_receivead"); } @Override public void onAdClosed() { ba.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(getObject(), null, 0, eventName + "_adscreendismissed", false, null); } @Override public void onAdLeftApplication() { // } @Override public void onAdOpened() { ba.raiseEventFromDifferentThread(getObject(), null, 0, eventName + "_presentscreen", false, null); } }); }
@Override protected void request(Context context, Map<String, String> networkData) { if (context == null || networkData == null) { invokeLoadFail(PNException.ADAPTER_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS); } else { String unitId = networkData.get(AdMob.KEY_UNIT_ID); if (TextUtils.isEmpty(unitId)) { invokeLoadFail(PNException.ADAPTER_MISSING_DATA); } else { mIsImpressionConfirmed = false; mAdView = null; mNativeAd = new NativeExpressAdView(mContext); DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); if(context instanceof Activity) { ((Activity) context).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(displayMetrics); int heightDP = PNDeviceUtils.convertPxToDp(displayMetrics.heightPixels, context); heightDP = Math.min(Math.max(heightDP, MIN_HEIGHT), MAX_HEIGHT); int widthDP = PNDeviceUtils.convertPxToDp(displayMetrics.widthPixels, context); widthDP = Math.min(Math.max(widthDP, MIN_WIDTH), MAX_WIDTH); mNativeAd.setAdSize(new AdSize(widthDP, heightDP)); mNativeAd.setAdUnitId(unitId); mNativeAd.setAdListener(mAdListener); mNativeAd.loadAd(AdMob.getAdRequest(context)); } else { invokeLoadFail(PNException.ADAPTER_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS); } } } }
private void initBannerAds() { // Look up the AdView as a resource and load a request. NativeExpressAdView adView = (NativeExpressAdView)this.findViewById(; AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder() .addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) .addTestDevice("BABB35E2F44BD42D7B74D736D34239F2") .build(); adView.loadAd(adRequest); //Mechanism to prevent interstitial displaying when banner is active adView.setAdListener(new AdListener() { @Override public void onAdLoaded() { // Code to be executed when an ad finishes loading. isAdActive = false; } @Override public void onAdOpened() { // Code to be executed when an ad opens an overlay that // covers the screen. isAdActive = true; } @Override public void onAdLeftApplication() { // Code to be executed when the user has left the app. isAdActive = true; } }); }
public static NativeExpressAdView getExpressAdView(Context context, ExpressAdPreset expressAdPreset) { NativeExpressAdView adView = new NativeExpressAdView(context); AdSize adSize = expressAdPreset.getAdSize(); adView.setAdSize(adSize); adView.setAdUnitId(expressAdPreset.getAdUnitId()); adView.setLayoutParams(new AbsListView.LayoutParams(AbsListView.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, adSize.getHeightInPixels(context))); //set video options if(expressAdPreset.getVideoOptions() != null) adView.setVideoOptions(expressAdPreset.getVideoOptions()); return adView; }
/** * A handler for received native ads * @param adView */ private synchronized void onFetched(NativeExpressAdView adView) { Log.i(TAG, "onAdFetched"); mFetchFailCount = 0; mNoOfFetchedAds++; onAdLoaded(mNoOfFetchedAds - 1); }
/** * A handler for failed native ads * @param adView */ private synchronized void onFailedToLoad(NativeExpressAdView adView, int errorCode) { Log.i(TAG, "onAdFailedToLoad " + errorCode); mFetchFailCount++; mNoOfFetchedAds = Math.max(mNoOfFetchedAds - 1, 0); //Since Fetch Ad is only called once without retries //hide ad row / rollback its count if still not added to list mPrefetchedAds.remove(adView); onAdFailed(mNoOfFetchedAds - 1, errorCode, adView); }
@Override public synchronized void destroyAllAds() { super.destroyAllAds(); for(NativeExpressAdView ad:mPrefetchedAds){ ad.destroy(); } mPrefetchedAds.clear(); }
/** * This method can be overriden to recycle (remove) {@param ad} from {@param wrapper} view before adding to wrap. * By default it will look for {@param ad} in the direct children of {@param wrapper} and remove the first occurence. * See the super's implementation for instance. * The NativeExpressHolder recycled by the RecyclerView may be a different * instance than the one used previously for this position. Clear the * wrapper of any subviews in case it has a different * AdView associated with it */ @Override protected void recycleAdViewWrapper(@NonNull ViewGroup wrapper, @NonNull NativeExpressAdView ad) { for (int i = 0; i < wrapper.getChildCount(); i++) { View v = wrapper.getChildAt(i); if (v instanceof NativeExpressAdView) { wrapper.removeViewAt(i); break; } } }
@Override public void onAdFailed(int adIdx, int errorCode, Object adPayload) { NativeExpressAdView adView = (NativeExpressAdView)adPayload; if (adView != null) { ViewParent parent = adView.getParent(); if(parent == null || parent instanceof ListView) adView.setVisibility(View.GONE); else { while (parent.getParent() != null && !(parent.getParent() instanceof ListView)) parent = parent.getParent(); ((View) parent).setVisibility(View.GONE); } } notifyDataSetChanged(); }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_celebrity); type = getIntent().getStringExtra("type"); todayMovie = new Gson().fromJson( sharedPref.getString("movie_json", ""), MovieBean.class ); if (todayMovie == null) { finish(); } subjectPB = (ProgressBar) findViewById(; celebrityImageIV = (ImageView) findViewById(; celebrityNameTV = (TextView) findViewById(; genderTV = (TextView) findViewById(; bornPlaceTV = (TextView) findViewById(; akaEnTV = (TextView) findViewById(; akaTV = (TextView) findViewById(; subjectTitleTV = (TextView) findViewById(; gotoDouban = (Button) findViewById(; toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; recyclerView = (RecyclerView) findViewById(; subjectMoreBtn = (Button) findViewById(; celebrityInfo = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; ratingUs = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; adView = (NativeExpressAdView) findViewById(; findViewById(; findViewById(; initView(); setSupportActionBar(toolbar); ActionBar actionBar = getSupportActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { // Show the Up button in the action bar. actionBar.setHomeAsUpIndicator(R.drawable.ic_arrow_back_24dp); actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); } // ad if (settingPref.getBoolean("ad_show", true)) { adView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); ratingUs.setVisibility(View.GONE); initAd(); } else { adView.setVisibility(View.GONE); ratingUs.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } }
@Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); pinIV = (ImageView) findViewById(; pinIV.setOnClickListener(this); weatherCard = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; movieCard = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; todayMovieCard = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; inTheatersCard = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; comingSoonCard = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; youMayLikeCard = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; ratingUs = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; adView = (NativeExpressAdView) findViewById(; inTheatersRecyclerHolder = (RecyclerView) findViewById(; comingSoonRecyclerHolder = (RecyclerView) findViewById(; inTheatersRecyclerHolder.setNestedScrollingEnabled(false); comingSoonRecyclerHolder.setNestedScrollingEnabled(false); directorTV = (TextView) findViewById(; castsTV1 = (TextView) findViewById(; castsTV2 = (TextView) findViewById(; genresTV = (TextView) findViewById(; sameNameTV = (TextView) findViewById(; progressOfDay = findViewById(; collapsingToolbarLayout = (CollapsingToolbarLayout) findViewById(; nestedScrollView = (NestedScrollView) findViewById(; monthDayTV = (TextView) findViewById(; weekTV = (TextView) findViewById(; lunarTV = (TextView) findViewById(; dateTV = (TextView) findViewById(; solarTermTV = (TextView) findViewById(; festivalTV = (TextView) findViewById(; weatherHolder = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(; getWeatherBtn = (AppCompatButton) findViewById(; cityNameTV = (TextView) findViewById(; weatherTV = (TextView) findViewById(; weatherIconIV = (ImageView) findViewById(; weatherIconIV.setOnClickListener(this); movieCardCover = (ImageView) findViewById(; movieImageIV = (ImageView) findViewById(; movieAverageTV = (TextView) findViewById(; movieTitleTV = (TextView) findViewById(; movieSummaryTV = (TextView) findViewById(; starsHolderLL = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; getTop250Btn = (AppCompatButton) findViewById(; dbHelper = new DBHelper(this); icons = new WeatherIcon(); sharedPref.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); settingPref.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); locationMgr = (LocationManager) this.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE); color = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorPrimary); colorDark = ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorPrimaryDark); findViewById(; findViewById(; }
public AdNativeExpress(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.ad_native_express_view, this); mNativeAdLayout = (FrameLayout) findViewById(; mProgress = findViewById(; mAdText = findViewById(; mGHImage = (AppCompatImageView) findViewById(; findViewById( OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { ViewUtils.dialogDonate(v.getContext()).show(); } }); mNativeExpressAdView = new NativeExpressAdView(context); mNativeExpressAdView.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT)); mNativeExpressAdView.setAdUnitId(getContext().getString(Utils.DARK_THEME ? R.string.native_express_id_dark : R.string.native_express_id_light)); mNativeExpressAdView.setAdListener(new AdListener() { @Override public void onAdFailedToLoad(int i) { super.onAdFailedToLoad(i); mNativeLoading = false; mNativeLoaded = false; mNativeFailedLoading = true; loadGHAd(); } @Override public void onAdLoaded() { super.onAdLoaded(); mNativeLoaded = true; mNativeLoading = false; mNativeFailedLoading = false; mProgress.setVisibility(GONE); mNativeAdLayout.addView(mNativeExpressAdView); } }); }
private void initializeAd() { NativeExpressAdView avNativeAd = (NativeExpressAdView) findViewById(; avNativeAd.loadAd(new AdRequest.Builder().build()); }
private void initView() { adv_banner = (AdView) findViewById(; bt_insert_page = (Button) findViewById(; neadv_native = (NativeExpressAdView) findViewById(; }
/** * Add the Native Express {@param ad} to {@param wrapper}. * See the super's implementation for instance. */ @Override protected void addAdViewToWrapper(@NonNull ViewGroup wrapper, @NonNull NativeExpressAdView ad) { wrapper.addView(ad); }
public MyViewHolder(View view) { super(view); book_name = (TextView) view.findViewById(; book_author = (TextView) view.findViewById(; //book_description = (TextView) view.findViewById(; book_image = (ImageView) view.findViewById(; book_exchange_donate = (TextView) view.findViewById(; book_date_posted = (TextView) view.findViewById(; NativeExpressAdView mAdView = (NativeExpressAdView)view.findViewById(; AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder() .addTestDevice(AdRequest.DEVICE_ID_EMULATOR) .addTestDevice("19958886412D28A5FFC7BA20F66C6FF5") .build(); if (mAdView != null) { mAdView.loadAd(adRequest); } }
@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Log.d(TAG, "onCreate() called with: " + "savedInstanceState = [" + this.getDatabasePath("dota2.db") + "]"); setTheme(; super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main_fragment_holder); TypefaceUtil.overrideFont(getApplicationContext(), "SERIF", "fonts/future.ttf"); // font from assets: "assets/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf //mActionMenuView.setPresenter(new ActionMenuPresenter(this)); FacebookSdk.sdkInitialize(getApplicationContext()); // Initialize the Mobile Ads SDK.§ MobileAds.initialize(this, getString(R.string.banner_ad_unit_id)); /* Chartboost.startWithAppId(this, getString(R.string.appIDChartboost), getString(R.string.appSignature)); Chartboost.onCreate(this);*/ AppEventsLogger.activateApp(this); MenuFragment.updateActivity(this); Log.d(TAG, "onCreate() called with: " + "savedInstanceState = [" + savedInstanceState + "]"); ActionBar bar = getSupportActionBar(); bar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); bar.setDisplayShowHomeEnabled(false); SharedPreferences preferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); preferences.edit().remove("mainMenuLastSelected").commit(); // BinhTran comment 23/03 for calling redundant // UpdateUtils.checkNewVersion(this, false); navSpinner = (Spinner) mToolbar.findViewById(; ArrayAdapter<String> adapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.spinner_item, getResources().getStringArray(R.array.main_menu)); adapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.spinner_dropdown_item); navSpinner.setAdapter(adapter); SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); int selected = prefs.getInt("mainMenuLastSelected", 0); navSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(this); navSpinner.setSelection(Math.min(selected, adapter.getCount() - 1)); // navSpinner.setVisibility(View.GONE); initUI(); initControl(); UpdateUtils.checkNewVersion(this, false); appContext = this; AppRater.showRate(appContext); adView = (NativeExpressAdView) findViewById(; AdRequest request = new AdRequest.Builder() .addTestDevice("121EC3F83A2EAFBD46DB00F1773A13A0") .build(); adView.loadAd(request); visiableAdview(8); //не нужен AppRater.onAppLaunched(this); }
/** * Add the Native Express {@param ad} to {@param wrapper}. * See the super's implementation for instance. */ protected abstract void addAdViewToWrapper(@NonNull ViewGroup wrapper, @NonNull NativeExpressAdView ad);
/** * This method can be overriden to recycle (remove) {@param ad} from {@param wrapper} view before adding to wrap. * By default it will look for {@param ad} in the direct children of {@param wrapper} and remove the first occurence. * See the super's implementation for instance. * The NativeExpressHolder recycled by the RecyclerView may be a different * instance than the one used previously for this position. Clear the * wrapper of any subviews in case it has a different * AdView associated with it */ protected abstract void recycleAdViewWrapper(@NonNull ViewGroup wrapper, @NonNull NativeExpressAdView ad);
/** * Gets native ad at a particular index in the fetched ads list. * * @param adPos the index of ad in the fetched ads list * @return the native ad in the list * @see #getFetchedAdsCount() */ public synchronized NativeExpressAdView getAdForIndex(int adPos) { if(adPos >= 0 && mPrefetchedAds.size() > adPos) return mPrefetchedAds.get(adPos); return null; }