public zznf(Context paramContext, zznd paramzznd, Lock paramLock, Looper paramLooper, GoogleApiAvailability paramGoogleApiAvailability, Map<Api.zzc<?>, Api.zzb> paramMap, zzf paramzzf, Map<Api<?>, Integer> paramMap1, Api.zza<? extends zzwz, zzxa> paramzza, ArrayList<zzmw> paramArrayList, zznj.zza paramzza1) { this.mContext = paramContext; this.zzXP = paramLock; this.zzaon = paramGoogleApiAvailability; this.zzapQ = paramMap; this.zzapu = paramzzf; this.zzapv = paramMap1; this.zzaoo = paramzza; this.zzaoR = paramzznd; this.zzaqn = paramzza1; Iterator localIterator = paramArrayList.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { ((zzmw) = this; } this.zzaqi = new zzb(paramLooper); this.zzaqh = paramLock.newCondition(); this.zzaqk = new zznc(this); }
final void zzoX() { ArrayList localArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.zzapi = 3; this.zzapk = this.zzape.zzapQ.size(); Iterator localIterator = this.zzape.zzapQ.keySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Api.zzc localzzc = (Api.zzc); if (this.zzape.zzaqj.containsKey(localzzc)) { if (zzoT()) { zzoY(); } } else { localArrayList.add(this.zzape.zzapQ.get(localzzc)); } } if (!localArrayList.isEmpty()) { this.zzapw.add(zzng.zzpp().submit(new zzf(localArrayList))); } }
final Set<Scope> zzpb() { if (this.zzapu == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } HashSet localHashSet = new HashSet(this.zzapu.zzaod); Map localMap = this.zzapu.zzatx; Iterator localIterator = localMap.keySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Api localApi = (Api); if (!this.zzape.zzaqj.containsKey(localApi.zzor())) { localHashSet.addAll(((zzf.zza)localMap.get(localApi)).zzXp); } } return localHashSet; }
public final void onConnectionFailed(ConnectionResult paramConnectionResult) { zzoJ(); zznf localzznf = this.zzaoQ; Api localApi = this.zzaoO; int i = this.zzaoP; localzznf.zzXP.lock(); try { localzznf.zzaqk.zza(paramConnectionResult, localApi, i); return; } finally { localzznf.zzXP.unlock(); } }
public final <A extends Api.zzb, T extends zzmu.zza<? extends Result, A>> T zzb(T paramT) { try { this.zzape.zzaoR.zzb(paramT); Api.zzb localzzb = this.zzape.zzaoR.zza(paramT.zzor()); if ((!localzzb.isConnected()) && (this.zzape.zzaqj.containsKey(paramT.zzor()))) { paramT.zzE(new Status(17)); return paramT; } paramT.zzb(localzzb); return paramT; } catch (DeadObjectException localDeadObjectException) { this.zzape.zza(new zznf.zza(this) { public final void zzoS() { zzna.this.onConnectionSuspended(1); } }); } return paramT; }
public static int zza$251b1977(Iterable<Api.zzb> paramIterable) { Iterator localIterator = paramIterable.iterator(); int i = 0; if (localIterator.hasNext()) { if (!((Api.zzb) { break label50; } } label50: for (int j = 1;; j = i) { i = j; break; if (i != 0) { return 1; } return 3; } }
public zzf(Account paramAccount, Set<Scope> paramSet, Map<Api<?>, zza> paramMap, int paramInt, View paramView, String paramString1, String paramString2, zzxa paramzzxa) { this.zzRE = paramAccount; if (paramSet == null) {} HashSet localHashSet; for (Set localSet = Collections.EMPTY_SET;; localSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(paramSet)) { this.zzaod = localSet; if (paramMap == null) { paramMap = Collections.EMPTY_MAP; } this.zzatx = paramMap; this.zzaog = paramView; this.zzaof = paramInt; this.zzUb = paramString1; this.zzaoh = paramString2; this.zzaor = paramzzxa; localHashSet = new HashSet(this.zzaod); Iterator localIterator = this.zzatx.values().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { localHashSet.addAll(((zza); } } this.zzatw = Collections.unmodifiableSet(localHashSet); }
@SafeVarargs public static Observable<GoogleApiClient> getPlayServices(final Activity activity, final RxState state, final String[] permissions, final RxPermissionRationale rationale, final Scope[] scopes, final Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions>... services) { return Observable.create(new GetPermissionStatusObservable(activity, permissions)) .flatMap(new Function<PermissionResult, Observable<Boolean>>() { @Override public Observable<Boolean> apply(PermissionResult permissionResult) { return Observable.create(new GetPermissionObservable(activity, state, rationale, permissionResult)); } }) .flatMap(new Function<Boolean, Observable<GoogleApiClient>>() { @Override public Observable<GoogleApiClient> apply(Boolean granted) { if (granted) { return Observable.create(new PlayServicesObservable(activity, state, scopes, services)); } return Observable.error(new UserAbortedException()); } }).compose(new BaseStateObservable.EndStateTransformer<GoogleApiClient>(state)); }
@Override public Api.ApiOptions.HasOptions getOptionsFor(Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions> api) { if (Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API.equals(api)) { GoogleSignInOptions.Builder googleSignInOptions = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder( GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN) .requestEmail(); // Check server client id for OAuth, so GoogleSignInAccount.getIdToken(); is non-null String serverClientId = getFragment().getServerClientId(); if(serverClientId != null){ googleSignInOptions.requestIdToken(serverClientId); } return; } else { return super.getOptionsFor(api); } }
public GoogleApiClientImpl(Context context, Looper looper, AccountInfo accountInfo, Map<Api, Api.ApiOptions> apis, Set<ConnectionCallbacks> connectionCallbacks, Set<OnConnectionFailedListener> connectionFailedListeners, int clientId) { this.context = context; this.looper = looper; this.handler = new Handler(looper); this.accountInfo = accountInfo; this.apis.putAll(apis); this.connectionCallbacks.addAll(connectionCallbacks); this.connectionFailedListeners.addAll(connectionFailedListeners); this.clientId = clientId; for (Api api : apis.keySet()) { apiConnections.put(api, api.getBuilder().build(context, looper, apis.get(api), accountInfo, baseConnectionCallbacks, baseConnectionFailedListener)); } }
protected RxLocationBaseOnSubscribe(@NonNull RxLocation rxLocation, Long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.ctx = rxLocation.ctx; = new Api[]{LocationServices.API}; this.scopes = null; if (timeout != null && timeUnit != null) { this.timeoutTime = timeout; this.timeoutUnit = timeUnit; } else { this.timeoutTime = rxLocation.timeoutTime; this.timeoutUnit = rxLocation.timeoutUnit; } }
protected RxLocationBaseOnSubscribe(@NonNull Context ctx, @NonNull Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions>[] services, Scope[] scopes) { this.ctx = ctx; = services; this.scopes = scopes; timeoutTime = null; timeoutUnit = null; }
protected RxLocationBaseOnSubscribe(@NonNull RxLocation rxLocation, Long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { this.ctx = rxLocation.ctx; = new Api[]{ LocationServices.API, ActivityRecognition.API }; this.scopes = null; if (timeout != null && timeUnit != null) { this.timeoutTime = timeout; this.timeoutUnit = timeUnit; } else { this.timeoutTime = rxLocation.timeoutTime; this.timeoutUnit = rxLocation.timeoutUnit; } }
public GoogleApiClientManager(Context context, Handler handler, Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions .NotRequiredOptions>... apis){ mContext = context; mMainHandler = handler; final GoogleApiClient.Builder apiBuilder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context); for(Api api: apis){ apiBuilder.addApi(api); } mGoogleApiClient =; }
public GoogleApiClientManager(Context context, Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions> ... apis){ mContext = context; mMainHandler = new Handler(); final GoogleApiClient.Builder apiBuilder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(context); for(Api api: apis){ apiBuilder.addApi(api); } mGoogleApiClient =; }
public final void dump(String paramString, FileDescriptor paramFileDescriptor, PrintWriter paramPrintWriter, String[] paramArrayOfString) { String str = paramString + " "; Iterator localIterator = this.zzapv.keySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Api localApi = (Api); paramPrintWriter.append(paramString).append(localApi.mName).println(":"); ((Api.zzb)this.zzapQ.get(localApi.zzor())).dump$ec96877(str, paramPrintWriter); } }
public final void begin() { Iterator localIterator = this.zzape.zzapQ.values().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { ((Api.zzb); } this.zzape.zzaoR.zzapR = Collections.emptySet(); }
public zznb(zznf paramzznf, zzf paramzzf, Map<Api<?>, Integer> paramMap, GoogleApiAvailability paramGoogleApiAvailability, Api.zza<? extends zzwz, zzxa> paramzza, Lock paramLock, Context paramContext) { this.zzape = paramzznf; this.zzapu = paramzzf; this.zzapv = paramMap; this.zzaon = paramGoogleApiAvailability; this.zzaoo = paramzza; this.zzXP = paramLock; this.mContext = paramContext; }
public final void begin() { this.zzape.zzaqj.clear(); this.zzapj = false; this.zzapp = false; this.zzapg = null; this.zzapi = 0; this.zzapo = 2; this.zzapq = false; this.zzaps = false; HashMap localHashMap = new HashMap(); Iterator localIterator = this.zzapv.keySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Api localApi = (Api); Api.zzb localzzb = (Api.zzb)this.zzape.zzapQ.get(localApi.zzor()); int i = ((Integer)this.zzapv.get(localApi)).intValue(); localApi.zzop(); if (localzzb.zzkc()) { this.zzapp = true; if (i < this.zzapo) { this.zzapo = i; } if (i != 0) { this.zzapm.add(localApi.zzor()); } } localHashMap.put(localzzb, new zzd(this, localApi, i)); } if (this.zzapp) { this.zzapu.zzaty = Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(this.zzape.zzaoR)); zzg localzzg = new zzg((byte)0); this.zzapn = ((zzwz)this.zzaoo.zza(this.mContext, this.zzape.zzaoR.zzoD, this.zzapu, this.zzapu.zzaor, localzzg, localzzg)); } this.zzapk = this.zzape.zzapQ.size(); this.zzapw.add(zzng.zzpp().submit(new zze(localHashMap))); }
public final void zza(ConnectionResult paramConnectionResult, Api<?> paramApi, int paramInt) { if (!zzcN(3)) {} do { return; zzb(paramConnectionResult, paramApi, paramInt); } while (!zzoT()); zzoY(); }
final void zzoU() { if (this.zzapk != 0) {} ArrayList localArrayList; do { do { return; if (!this.zzapp) { break; } } while (!this.zzapq); localArrayList = new ArrayList(); this.zzapi = 1; this.zzapk = this.zzape.zzapQ.size(); Iterator localIterator = this.zzape.zzapQ.keySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Api.zzc localzzc = (Api.zzc); if (this.zzape.zzaqj.containsKey(localzzc)) { if (zzoT()) { zzoW(); } } else { localArrayList.add(this.zzape.zzapQ.get(localzzc)); } } } while (localArrayList.isEmpty()); this.zzapw.add(zzng.zzpp().submit(new zzh(localArrayList))); return; zzoX(); }
final void zzoZ() { this.zzapp = false; this.zzape.zzaoR.zzapR = Collections.emptySet(); Iterator localIterator = this.zzapm.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Api.zzc localzzc = (Api.zzc); if (!this.zzape.zzaqj.containsKey(localzzc)) { this.zzape.zzaqj.put(localzzc, new ConnectionResult(17, null)); } } }
public final void zzoS() { int i = GoogleApiAvailability.isGooglePlayServicesAvailable(zznb.this.mContext); if (i != 0) { final ConnectionResult localConnectionResult = new ConnectionResult(i, null); zznb.this.zzape.zza(new zznf.zza(zznb.this) { public final void zzoS() { zznb.this.zzi(localConnectionResult); } }); } for (;;) { return; if (zznb.this.zzapp) { zznb.this.zzapn.connect(); } Iterator localIterator = this.zzapE.keySet().iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { Api.zzb localzzb = (Api.zzb); localzzb.zza((GoogleApiClient.zza)this.zzapE.get(localzzb)); } } }
public final void zzoS() { if (zznb.this.zzape.zzaoR.zzapR.isEmpty()) { zznb.this.zzape.zzaoR.zzapR = zznb.this.zzpb(); } Iterator localIterator = this.zzapH.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { ((Api.zzb), zznb.this.zzape.zzaoR.zzapR); } }
public final void zzoS() { Iterator localIterator = this.zzapH.iterator(); while (localIterator.hasNext()) { ((Api.zzb); } }
public zznd(Context paramContext, Lock paramLock, Looper paramLooper, zzf paramzzf, GoogleApiAvailability paramGoogleApiAvailability, Api.zza<? extends zzwz, zzxa> paramzza, Map<Api<?>, Integer> paramMap, List<GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks> paramList, List<GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener> paramList1, Map<Api.zzc<?>, Api.zzb> paramMap1, int paramInt1, int paramInt2, ArrayList<zzmw> paramArrayList) { this.mContext = paramContext; this.zzXP = paramLock; this.zzapI = new zzk(paramLooper, this.zzapX); this.zzoD = paramLooper; this.zzapO = new zza(paramLooper); this.zzaon = paramGoogleApiAvailability; this.zzaol = paramInt1; if (this.zzaol >= 0) { this.zzapV = Integer.valueOf(paramInt2); } this.zzapv = paramMap; this.zzapQ = paramMap1; this.zzapU = paramArrayList; Iterator localIterator1 = paramList.iterator(); while (localIterator1.hasNext()) { GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks localConnectionCallbacks = (GoogleApiClient.ConnectionCallbacks); this.zzapI.registerConnectionCallbacks(localConnectionCallbacks); } Iterator localIterator2 = paramList1.iterator(); while (localIterator2.hasNext()) { GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener localOnConnectionFailedListener = (GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener); this.zzapI.registerConnectionFailedListener(localOnConnectionFailedListener); } this.zzapu = paramzzf; this.zzaoo = paramzza; }
private void zzcP(int paramInt) { if (this.zzapV == null) { this.zzapV = Integer.valueOf(paramInt); } while (this.zzapJ != null) { return; if (this.zzapV.intValue() != paramInt) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot use sign-in mode: " + zzcQ(paramInt) + ". Mode was already set to " + zzcQ(this.zzapV.intValue())); } } Iterator localIterator = this.zzapQ.values().iterator(); int i = 0; if (localIterator.hasNext()) { if (!((Api.zzb) { break label282; } } label282: for (int j = 1;; j = i) { i = j; break; switch (this.zzapV.intValue()) { } do { do { this.zzapJ = new zznf(this.mContext, this, this.zzXP, this.zzoD, this.zzaon, this.zzapQ, this.zzapu, this.zzapv, this.zzaoo, this.zzapU, this); return; } while (i != 0); throw new IllegalStateException("SIGN_IN_MODE_REQUIRED cannot be used on a GoogleApiClient that does not contain any authenticated APIs. Use connect() instead."); } while (i == 0); this.zzapJ = new zzmx(this.mContext, this, this.zzXP, this.zzoD, this.zzaon, this.zzapQ, this.zzapu, this.zzapv, this.zzaoo, this.zzapU); return; } }
public final <A extends Api.zzb, R extends Result, T extends zzmu.zza<R, A>> T zza(T paramT) { boolean bool; if (paramT.zzalR != null) { bool = true; } for (;;) { zzx.zzb(bool, "This task can not be enqueued (it's probably a Batch or malformed)"); zzx.zzb(this.zzapQ.containsKey(paramT.zzalR), "GoogleApiClient is not configured to use the API required for this call."); this.zzXP.lock(); try { if (this.zzapJ == null) { this.zzapK.add(paramT); return paramT; bool = false; continue; } zzmu.zza localzza = this.zzapJ.zza(paramT); return localzza; } finally { this.zzXP.unlock(); } } }
public final <A extends Api.zzb, T extends zzmu.zza<? extends Result, A>> T zzb(T paramT) { if (paramT.zzalR != null) {} for (boolean bool = true;; bool = false) { zzx.zzb(bool, "This task can not be executed (it's probably a Batch or malformed)"); this.zzXP.lock(); try { if (this.zzapJ != null) { break; } throw new IllegalStateException("GoogleApiClient is not connected yet."); } finally { this.zzXP.unlock(); } } if (this.zzapL) { this.zzapK.add(paramT); while (!this.zzapK.isEmpty()) { zze localzze = (zze)this.zzapK.remove(); zzb(localzze); localzze.zzE(Status.zzaoB); } this.zzXP.unlock(); return paramT; } zzmu.zza localzza = this.zzapJ.zzb(paramT); this.zzXP.unlock(); return localzza; }
public final <A extends Api.zzb, R extends Result, T extends zzmu.zza<R, A>> T zza(T paramT) { if (zzc(paramT)) { if (zzoP()) { paramT.zzE(new Status(4, null, zzoQ())); return paramT; } return this.zzaoT.zza(paramT); } return this.zzaoS.zza(paramT); }
public final <A extends Api.zzb, T extends zzmu.zza<? extends Result, A>> T zzb(T paramT) { if (zzc(paramT)) { if (zzoP()) { paramT.zzE(new Status(4, null, zzoQ())); return paramT; } return this.zzaoT.zzb(paramT); } return this.zzaoS.zzb(paramT); }
@SafeVarargs public PlayServicesBaseObservable(Activity activity, RxState state, Scope[] scopes, Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions>... services) { super(state); this.activity = activity; this.scopes = scopes; = services; }
private void buildGoogleApiClient() { Log.d(TAG, "buildGoogleApiClient: " + mModules); // Can't build a GoogleApiClient with no APIs if (mModules.size() == 0) { Log.w(TAG, "No APIs, not building GoogleApiClient."); return; } GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(getActivity()) .addConnectionCallbacks(this) .addOnConnectionFailedListener(this); for (GacModule<?> api : mModules.values()) { for (Api apiObj : api.getApis()) { // Add Api with options, if possible Api.ApiOptions.HasOptions options = api.getOptionsFor(apiObj); if (options != null) { builder.addApi(apiObj, options); } else { builder.addApi(apiObj); } } for (Scope scopeObj : api.getScopes()) { builder.addScope(scopeObj); } } mGoogleApiClient =; }
@Override public void addApi(@NonNull Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions> value) { if (mGoogleApiClient != null) mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(mContext).addApi(LocationServices.API).enableAutoManage((FragmentActivity) mContext, new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE), this). addConnectionCallbacks(this).addOnConnectionFailedListener(this); if (!value.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(LocationServices.API.getName())) { addApi(value); } mGoogleApiClient =; if (!servicesConnected()) mGoogleApiClient.connect(); }
@Override public void addApi(@NonNull Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions>[] value) { if (mGoogleApiClient != null) mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(mContext).addApi(LocationServices.API).enableAutoManage((FragmentActivity) mContext, new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE), this). addConnectionCallbacks(this).addOnConnectionFailedListener(this); for (Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions> options : value) { if (!options.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(LocationServices.API.getName())) { builder.addApi(options); } } mGoogleApiClient =; if (!servicesConnected()) mGoogleApiClient.connect(); }
@Override public void addApi(@NonNull Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions> value) { if (mGoogleApiClient != null) mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this).addApi(LocationServices.API).enableAutoManage(this, new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE), this). addConnectionCallbacks(this).addOnConnectionFailedListener(this); if (!value.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(LocationServices.API.getName())) { addApi(value); } mGoogleApiClient =; if (!servicesConnected()) mGoogleApiClient.connect(); }
@Override public void addApi(@NonNull Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions>[] value) { if (mGoogleApiClient != null) mGoogleApiClient.disconnect(); GoogleApiClient.Builder builder = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this).addApi(LocationServices.API).enableAutoManage(this, new Random().nextInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE), this). addConnectionCallbacks(this).addOnConnectionFailedListener(this); for (Api<? extends Api.ApiOptions.NotRequiredOptions> options : value) { if (!options.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(LocationServices.API.getName())) { builder.addApi(options); } } mGoogleApiClient =; if (!servicesConnected()) mGoogleApiClient.connect(); }