Java 类 实例源码

项目:DataflowSME    文件   
/** Builds a new Pubsub client and returns it. */
public static Pubsub getClient(final HttpTransport httpTransport, final JsonFactory jsonFactory)
    throws IOException {
  GoogleCredential credential =
      GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(httpTransport, jsonFactory);
  if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
    credential = credential.createScoped(PubsubScopes.all());
  if (credential.getClientAuthentication() != null) {
        "\n***Warning! You are not using service account credentials to "
            + "authenticate.\nYou need to use service account credentials for this example,"
            + "\nsince user-level credentials do not have enough pubsub quota,\nand so you will run "
            + "out of PubSub quota very quickly.\nSee "
            + "");
  HttpRequestInitializer initializer = new RetryHttpInitializerWrapper(credential);
  return new Pubsub.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, initializer)
项目:eip    文件   
     * Setup authorization for local app based on private key.
     * See <a href=""></a>
    private void createClient(String private_key_file, String email) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
        HttpTransport transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
        GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
                .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File(new File(private_key_file))
        // Please use custom HttpRequestInitializer for automatic retry upon failures.
//        HttpRequestInitializer initializer = new RetryHttpInitializerWrapper(credential);
        pubsub = new Pubsub.Builder(transport, JSON_FACTORY, credential)
项目:firebase-admin-java    文件   
private static GoogleCredentials createApplicationDefaultCredential() throws IOException {
  final MockTokenServerTransport transport = new MockTokenServerTransport();
  transport.addServiceAccount(ServiceAccount.EDITOR.getEmail(), ACCESS_TOKEN);

  // Set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable for application-default
  // credentials. This requires us to write the credentials to the location specified by the
  // environment variable.
  File credentialsFile = File.createTempFile("google-test-credentials", "json");
  PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(Files.newBufferedWriter(credentialsFile.toPath(), UTF_8));
  Map<String, String> environmentVariables =
      ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
          .put("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", credentialsFile.getAbsolutePath())

  return GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault(new HttpTransportFactory() {
    public HttpTransport create() {
      return transport;
项目:firebase-admin-java    文件   
private static GoogleCredentials createRefreshTokenCredential() throws IOException {

    final MockTokenServerTransport transport = new MockTokenServerTransport();
    transport.addClient(CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET);
    transport.addRefreshToken(REFRESH_TOKEN, ACCESS_TOKEN);

    Map<String, Object> secretJson = new HashMap<>();
    secretJson.put("client_id", CLIENT_ID);
    secretJson.put("client_secret", CLIENT_SECRET);
    secretJson.put("refresh_token", REFRESH_TOKEN);
    secretJson.put("type", "authorized_user");
    InputStream refreshTokenStream =
        new ByteArrayInputStream(JSON_FACTORY.toByteArray(secretJson));

    return UserCredentials.fromStream(refreshTokenStream, new HttpTransportFactory() {
      public HttpTransport create() {
        return transport;
项目:firebase-admin-java    文件   
 * Ensures initialization of Google Application Default Credentials. Any test that depends on
 * ADC should consider this as a fixture, and invoke it before hand. Since ADC are initialized
 * once per JVM, this makes sure that all dependent tests get the same ADC instance, and
 * can reliably reason about the tokens minted using it.
public static synchronized GoogleCredentials getApplicationDefaultCredentials()
    throws IOException {
  if (defaultCredentials != null) {
    return defaultCredentials;
  final MockTokenServerTransport transport = new MockTokenServerTransport();
  transport.addServiceAccount(ServiceAccount.EDITOR.getEmail(), TEST_ADC_ACCESS_TOKEN);
  File serviceAccount = new File("src/test/resources/service_accounts", "editor.json");
  Map<String, String> environmentVariables =
      ImmutableMap.<String, String>builder()
          .put("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", serviceAccount.getAbsolutePath())
  defaultCredentials = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault(new HttpTransportFactory() {
    public HttpTransport create() {
      return transport;
  return defaultCredentials;
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
protected static HttpTransport configureMock() {
    return new MockHttpTransport() {
        public LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, final String url) throws IOException {
            return new MockLowLevelHttpRequest() {
                public LowLevelHttpResponse execute() throws IOException {
                    MockLowLevelHttpResponse response = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse();
                    if (url.startsWith(GCE_METADATA_URL)) {
              "--> Simulate GCE Auth/Metadata response for [{}]", url);
                    } else {
              "--> Simulate GCE API response for [{}]", url);

                    return response;
项目:beam-portability-demo    文件   
 * Builds a new Pubsub client and returns it.
public static Pubsub getClient(final HttpTransport httpTransport,
                               final JsonFactory jsonFactory)
         throws IOException {
    GoogleCredential credential =
        GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(httpTransport, jsonFactory);
    if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
        credential = credential.createScoped(PubsubScopes.all());
    if (credential.getClientAuthentication() != null) {
      System.out.println("\n***Warning! You are not using service account credentials to "
        + "authenticate.\nYou need to use service account credentials for this example,"
        + "\nsince user-level credentials do not have enough pubsub quota,\nand so you will run "
        + "out of PubSub quota very quickly.\nSee "
        + "");
    HttpRequestInitializer initializer =
        new RetryHttpInitializerWrapper(credential);
    return new Pubsub.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, initializer)
项目:policyscanner    文件   
 * Return the Projects api object used for accessing the Cloud Resource Manager Projects API.
 * @return Projects api object used for accessing the Cloud Resource Manager Projects API
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException Thrown if there's a permissions error.
 * @throws IOException Thrown if there's an IO error initializing the API object.
public static synchronized Projects getProjectsApiStub()
    throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
  if (projectApiStub != null) {
    return projectApiStub;
  HttpTransport transport;
  GoogleCredential credential;
  JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
  transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
  credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(transport, jsonFactory);
  if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
    Collection<String> scopes = CloudResourceManagerScopes.all();
    credential = credential.createScoped(scopes);
  projectApiStub = new CloudResourceManager
      .Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential)
  return projectApiStub;
项目:policyscanner    文件   
 * Get the API stub for accessing the IAM Service Accounts API.
 * @return ServiceAccounts api stub for accessing the IAM Service Accounts API.
 * @throws IOException Thrown if there's an IO error initializing the api connection.
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException Thrown if there's a security error
 * initializing the connection.
public static ServiceAccounts getServiceAccountsApiStub() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  if (serviceAccountsApiStub == null) {
    HttpTransport transport;
    GoogleCredential credential;
    JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
    transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
    credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(transport, jsonFactory);
    if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
      Collection<String> scopes = IamScopes.all();
      credential = credential.createScoped(scopes);
    serviceAccountsApiStub = new Iam.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential)
  return serviceAccountsApiStub;
项目:endpoints-management-java    文件   
    Environment environment,
    HttpTransport httpTransport,
    JsonFactory jsonFactory,
    final GoogleCredential credential) {
  this.environment = environment;
  HttpRequestInitializer requestInitializer = new HttpRequestInitializer() {
    public void initialize(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
  this.serviceManagement =
      new ServiceManagement.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, requestInitializer)
          .setApplicationName("Endpoints Frameworks Java")
项目:endpoints-management-java    文件   
static ReportedPlatforms getPlatformFromEnvironment(
    Map<String, String> env, Properties properties, HttpTransport transport) {
  if (env.containsKey("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST")) {
    return ReportedPlatforms.GKE;
  boolean hasMetadataServer = hasMetadataServer(transport);
  String gaeEnvironment = properties.getProperty("");
  boolean onGae = gaeEnvironment != null && gaeEnvironment.startsWith("Production");
  if (hasMetadataServer && env.containsKey("GAE_SERVICE")) {
    return ReportedPlatforms.GAE_FLEX;
  } else if (hasMetadataServer) {
    return ReportedPlatforms.GCE;
  } else if (onGae) {
    return ReportedPlatforms.GAE_STANDARD;
  if (gaeEnvironment != null && gaeEnvironment.startsWith("Development")) {
    return ReportedPlatforms.DEVELOPMENT;
  return ReportedPlatforms.UNKNOWN;
项目:endpoints-management-java    文件   
public void testSupplyJwksFromX509Certificate() throws
    NoSuchAlgorithmException, JsonProcessingException {
  RsaJsonWebKey rsaJsonWebKey = TestUtils.generateRsaJsonWebKey("key-id");
  String cert = TestUtils.generateX509Cert(rsaJsonWebKey);
  String keyId = "key-id";
  String json = OBJECT_WRITER.writeValueAsString(ImmutableMap.of(keyId, cert));

  HttpTransport httpTransport = new TestingHttpTransport(json, null);
  DefaultJwksSupplier jwksSupplier =
      new DefaultJwksSupplier(httpTransport.createRequestFactory(), keyUriSupplier);
  JsonWebKeySet jsonWebKeySet =;
  JsonWebKey jsonWebKey = Iterables.getOnlyElement(jsonWebKeySet.getJsonWebKeys());

  assertEquals(keyId, jsonWebKey.getKeyId());
  assertKeysEqual(rsaJsonWebKey.getPublicKey(), jsonWebKey.getKey());
项目:nomulus    文件   
public void before() throws Exception {
  when(bigqueryDatasets.insert(eq("Project-Id"), any(Dataset.class)))
  when(bigqueryTables.insert(eq("Project-Id"), any(String.class), any(Table.class)))
  factory = new BigqueryFactory();
  factory.subfactory = subfactory;
  factory.bigquerySchemas =
      new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, ImmutableList<TableFieldSchema>>()
              ImmutableList.of(new TableFieldSchema().setName("column1").setType(
              ImmutableList.of(new TableFieldSchema().setName("column1").setType(
项目:dataproc-java-submitter    文件   
public DataprocHadoopRunner build() {
  CredentialProvider credentialProvider = Optional.ofNullable(this.credentialProvider)

  try {
    final HttpTransport httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
    final JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();

    final GoogleCredential credentials = credentialProvider.getCredential(SCOPES);
    final Dataproc dataproc = new Dataproc.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credentials)
    final Storage storage = new Storage.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credentials)

    final DataprocClient dataprocClient =
        new DataprocClient(dataproc, storage, projectId, clusterId, clusterProperties);

    return new DataprocHadoopRunnerImpl(dataprocClient);
  } catch (Throwable e) {
    throw Throwables.propagate(e);
项目:dnsimple-java    文件   
 * Return a Client that is mocked to return the given HTTP response.
 * @param httpResponse The full HTTP response data
 * @return The Client instance
public Client mockClient(final String httpResponse) {
  Client client = new Client();

  HttpTransport transport = new MockHttpTransport() {
    public LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, String url) throws IOException {
      return new MockLowLevelHttpRequest() {
        public LowLevelHttpResponse execute() throws IOException {
          MockLowLevelHttpResponse response = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse();
          return mockResponse(response, httpResponse);


  return client;
项目:photon-model    文件   
 * Get a Google Compute Engine client object.
 * @param userEmail The service account's client email.
 * @param privateKey The service account's private key.
 * @param scopes The scopes used in the compute client object.
 * @param applicationName The application name.
 * @return The created Compute Engine client object.
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException Exception when creating http transport.
 * @throws IOException Exception when creating http transport.
public static Compute getGoogleComputeClient(String userEmail,
                                             String privateKey,
                                             List<String> scopes,
                                             String applicationName)
        throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
    HttpTransport httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
    GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
    return new Compute.Builder(httpTransport, JSON_FACTORY, credential)
项目:raspberrypi-app    文件   
    * Create a Sensor API client instance
    * @return
    * @throws IOException 
    * @throws GeneralSecurityException 
private static Sensor getSensorEndpoint() throws IOException {

    CmdLineAuthenticationProvider provider = new CmdLineAuthenticationProvider();
    // see

    // get the oauth credentials
    Credential credential = provider.authorize();

    // initialize the transport
    HttpTransport httpTransport;
       try {
           httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
       } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) {
           log.log(Level.SEVERE, "failed to create transport", e);
           throw new IOException(e);

    return new Sensor.Builder(httpTransport, JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(), credential)

项目:nomulus    文件   
 * Provides a GoogleCredential that will connect to GAE using delegated admin access. This is
 * needed for API calls requiring domain admin access to the relevant GAFYD using delegated
 * scopes, e.g. the Directory API and the Groupssettings API.
 * <p>Note that you must call {@link GoogleCredential#createScoped} on the credential provided
 * by this method first before using it, as this does not and cannot set the scopes, and a
 * credential without scopes doesn't actually provide access to do anything.
static GoogleCredential provideDelegatedAdminGoogleCredential(
    GoogleCredential googleCredential,
    HttpTransport httpTransport,
    @Config("gSuiteAdminAccountEmailAddress") String gSuiteAdminAccountEmailAddress) {
  return new GoogleCredential.Builder()
      // Set the scopes to empty because the default value is null, which throws an NPE in the
      // GoogleCredential constructor.  We don't yet know the actual scopes to use here, and it
      // is thus the responsibility of every user of a delegated admin credential to call
      // createScoped() on it first to get the version with the correct scopes set.
项目:cloud-sql-jdbc-socket-factory    文件   
private static SQLAdmin createAdminApiClient(Credential credential) {
  HttpTransport httpTransport;
  try {
    httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
  } catch (GeneralSecurityException | IOException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize HTTP transport", e);

  String rootUrl = System.getProperty(API_ROOT_URL_PROPERTY);
  String servicePath = System.getProperty(API_SERVICE_PATH_PROPERTY);

  JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
  SQLAdmin.Builder adminApiBuilder =
      new Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential)
          .setApplicationName("Cloud SQL Java Socket Factory");
  if (rootUrl != null) {
  if (servicePath != null) {
项目:eip    文件   
     * Setup authorization for local app based on private key.
     * See <a href=""></a>
    private void createClient(String private_key_file, String email) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
        HttpTransport transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
        GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder()
                .setServiceAccountPrivateKeyFromP12File(new File(private_key_file))
        // Please use custom HttpRequestInitializer for automatic retry upon failures.
//        HttpRequestInitializer initializer = new RetryHttpInitializerWrapper(credential);
        pubsub = new Pubsub.Builder(transport, JSON_FACTORY, credential)
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Returns a valid GoogleJsonResponseException for the given status code and error message.  */
private GoogleJsonResponseException makeResponseException(
    final int statusCode,
    final String message) throws Exception {
  HttpTransport transport = new MockHttpTransport() {
    public LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, String url) throws IOException {
      return new MockLowLevelHttpRequest() {
        public LowLevelHttpResponse execute() throws IOException {
          MockLowLevelHttpResponse response = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse();
              + "\"reason\":\"duplicate\"}}",
          return response;
  HttpRequest request = transport.createRequestFactory()
  return GoogleJsonResponseException.from(new JacksonFactory(), request.execute());
项目:nomulus    文件   
public void setup() throws Exception {
  when(bigqueryFactory.create(anyString(), anyString(), anyString())).thenReturn(bigquery);

  action = new MetricsExportAction();
  action.bigqueryFactory = bigqueryFactory;
  action.insertId = "insert id";
  action.parameters = parameters;
  action.projectId = "project id";
  action.tableId = "eppMetrics";
项目:endpoints-java    文件   
private HttpRequest constructHttpRequest(final String content) throws IOException {
  HttpTransport transport = new MockHttpTransport() {
    public LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, String url) throws IOException {
      return new MockLowLevelHttpRequest() {
        public LowLevelHttpResponse execute() throws IOException {
          MockLowLevelHttpResponse result = new MockLowLevelHttpResponse();
          return result;
  return transport.createRequestFactory().buildGetRequest(new GenericUrl(""))
      .setParser(new JsonObjectParser(new JacksonFactory()));
项目:pubsub    文件   
private Sheets authorize() {
  try {
    InputStream in = new FileInputStream(new File(System.getenv("GOOGLE_OATH2_CREDENTIALS")));
    JsonFactory factory = new JacksonFactory();
    GoogleClientSecrets clientSecrets =
        GoogleClientSecrets.load(factory, new InputStreamReader(in, Charset.defaultCharset()));
    HttpTransport transport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
    FileDataStoreFactory dataStoreFactory =
        new FileDataStoreFactory(new File(dataStoreDirectory));
    List<String> scopes = Collections.singletonList(SheetsScopes.SPREADSHEETS);
    GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow =
        new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(transport, factory, clientSecrets, scopes)
    Credential credential =
        new AuthorizationCodeInstalledApp(flow, new LocalServerReceiver()).authorize("user");
    return new Sheets.Builder(transport, factory, credential)
  } catch (Exception e) {
    return null;
项目:beam    文件   
public void setUp() {

  HttpTransport lowLevelTransport = new HttpTransport() {
    protected LowLevelHttpRequest buildRequest(String method, String url)
        throws IOException {
      return mockLowLevelRequest;

  // Retry initializer will pass through to credential, since we can have
  // only a single HttpRequestInitializer, and we use multiple Credential
  // types in the SDK, not all of which allow for retry configuration.
  RetryHttpRequestInitializer initializer = new RetryHttpRequestInitializer(
      new MockNanoClock(), new Sleeper() {
        public void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException {}
      }, Arrays.asList(418 /* I'm a teapot */), mockHttpResponseInterceptor);
  storage = new Storage.Builder(lowLevelTransport, jsonFactory, initializer)
项目:halyard    文件   
private static GoogleCredential loadKmsCredential(HttpTransport transport, JsonFactory factory, String jsonPath) throws IOException {
  GoogleCredential credential;
  if (!jsonPath.isEmpty()) {
    FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(jsonPath);
    credential = GoogleCredential.fromStream(stream, transport, factory);"Loaded kms credentials from " + jsonPath);
  } else {"Using kms default application credentials.");
    credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault();

  if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
    credential = credential.createScoped(CloudKMSScopes.all());

  return credential;
项目:nomulus    文件   
static Dns provideDns(
    HttpTransport transport,
    JsonFactory jsonFactory,
    Function<Set<String>, ? extends HttpRequestInitializer> credential,
    @Config("projectId") String projectId,
    @Config("cloudDnsRootUrl") Optional<String> rootUrl,
    @Config("cloudDnsServicePath") Optional<String> servicePath) {
  Dns.Builder builder =
      new Dns.Builder(transport, jsonFactory, credential.apply(DnsScopes.all()))


项目:nomulus    文件   
 * Constructs a BigqueryConnection with default settings.
 * <p>We use Bigquery to generate ICANN monthly reports via large aggregate SQL queries.
 * @see ActivityReportingQueryBuilder
 * @see for justifications of defaults.
static BigqueryConnection provideBigqueryConnection(HttpTransport transport) {
  try {
    GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential
        .getApplicationDefault(transport, new JacksonFactory());
    BigqueryConnection connection =
        new BigqueryConnection.Builder()
    return connection;
  } catch (Throwable e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Could not initialize BigqueryConnection!", e);
项目:generator-thundr-gae-react    文件   
public void initialise(UpdatableInjectionContext injectionContext) {

    // for gmail API as the setup stores the creds established at setup time in DS

    Class<? extends Mailer> mailerClass = ? LoggingMailer.class : GmailMailer.class;
项目:firebase-admin-java    文件   
private static HttpTransportFactory wrap(final HttpTransport transport) {
  checkNotNull(transport, "HttpTransport must not be null");
  return new HttpTransportFactory() {
    public HttpTransport create() {
      return transport;
项目:firebase-admin-java    文件   
private FirebaseInstanceId(FirebaseApp app) {
  HttpTransport httpTransport = app.getOptions().getHttpTransport();
  GoogleCredentials credentials = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.getCredentials(app); = app;
  this.requestFactory = httpTransport.createRequestFactory(
      new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credentials));
  this.jsonFactory = app.getOptions().getJsonFactory();
  this.projectId = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.getProjectId(app);
      "Project ID is required to access instance ID service. Use a service account credential or "
          + "set the project ID explicitly via FirebaseOptions. Alternatively you can also "
          + "set the project ID via the GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable.");
项目:firebase-admin-java    文件   
private static GoogleCredentials createCertificateCredential() throws IOException {
  final MockTokenServerTransport transport = new MockTokenServerTransport();
  transport.addServiceAccount(ServiceAccount.EDITOR.getEmail(), ACCESS_TOKEN);
  return ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream(ServiceAccount.EDITOR.asStream(),
      new HttpTransportFactory() {
        public HttpTransport create() {
          return transport;
项目:java-monitoring-client-library    文件   
private static Monitoring createAuthorizedMonitoringClient() throws IOException {
  // Grab the Application Default Credentials from the environment.
  // Generate these with 'gcloud beta auth application-default login'
  GoogleCredential credential =

  // Create and return the CloudMonitoring service object
  HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport();
  JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
  return new Monitoring.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential)
      .setApplicationName("Monitoring Sample")
项目:spydra    文件   
private boolean isClusterCollected(SpydraArgument arguments)
    throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
  GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.fromStream(
      new ByteArrayInputStream(gcpUtils.credentialJsonFromEnv().getBytes()));
  if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
    credential =

  HttpTransport httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
  JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
  Dataproc dataprocService =
      new Dataproc.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential)
          .setApplicationName("Google Cloud Platform Sample")

  Dataproc.Projects.Regions.Clusters.List request =
  ListClustersResponse response;
  do {
    response = request.execute();
    if (response.getClusters() == null) continue;

    String clusterName = arguments.getCluster().getName();
    for (Cluster cluster : response.getClusters()) {
      if (cluster.getClusterName().equals(clusterName)) {
        String status = cluster.getStatus().getState();"Cluster state is" + status);
        return status.equals("DELETING");

  } while (response.getNextPageToken() != null);
  return true;
项目:elasticsearch_my    文件   
protected synchronized HttpTransport getGceHttpTransport() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException {
    if (gceHttpTransport == null) {
        if (validateCerts) {
            gceHttpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
        } else {
            // this is only used for testing - alternative we could use the defaul keystore but this requires special configs too..
            gceHttpTransport = new NetHttpTransport.Builder().doNotValidateCertificate().build();
    return gceHttpTransport;
项目:AsteroidEndpointTest    文件   
 * Set up the Compute Engine service
 * @return Compute.Builder
 * @throws IOException
 * @throws GeneralSecurityException
public static Compute createComputeService() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
    HttpTransport httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
    JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();

    GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault();
    if (credential.createScopedRequired()) {
      credential =

    return new Compute.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential)
项目:homeworkManager-android    文件   
MakeGETRequestTask(GoogleAccountCredential credential) {
    HttpTransport transport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport();
    JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
    mService = new
            transport, jsonFactory, credential)
            .setApplicationName("Homework Manager")
项目:homeworkManager-android    文件   
MakePOSTRequestTask(GoogleAccountCredential credential) {
    HttpTransport transport = AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport();
    JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
    mService = new
            transport, jsonFactory, credential)
            .setApplicationName("Homework Manager")