private void uploadFileToDrive( file) { try { // File's metadata. final File body = new File(); body.setTitle(file.getName()); InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); body.setMimeType(URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(is)); //TODO: Upload to specific folder! // File's content. final FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(is), file); new Thread() { public void run() { try { File uploadedFile = DriveFiles.getDriveFileInstance().getDrive_files().insert(body, mediaContent).execute(); closeActionHandlerDialog(); new RefreshAction().updateAction(context); } catch(Exception ie){ closeActionHandlerDialog(); } } }.start(); } catch (Exception e) { closeActionHandlerDialog(); } }
@Override public File createFile(String sParentID, String sName, sFile, String sMimeType, Map<String, String> sProperties) throws IOException { File aResult = null; if (drive != null) { File fileMetadata = new File(); fileMetadata.setTitle(sName); ParentReference aParentReference = new ParentReference(); aParentReference.setId(sParentID); fileMetadata.setParents(Arrays.asList(aParentReference)); FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(sMimeType, sFile); Drive.Files.Insert insert = drive.files().insert(fileMetadata, mediaContent); MediaHttpUploader uploader = insert.getMediaHttpUploader(); uploader.setDirectUploadEnabled(false); aResult = insert.execute(); setProperties(aResult.getId(), sProperties); } return aResult; }
private String insertFile( dir, String filename) throws IOException { String result = "File not updated: " + filename; // File's binary content localFile = new, filename); FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(DetectorActivity.OUTPUT_MIME_TYPE, localFile); // File's metadata. File file = new File(); file.setTitle(localFile.getName()); file.setMimeType(DetectorActivity.OUTPUT_MIME_TYPE); File insertedFile = service.files().insert(file, fileContent).execute(); if (insertedFile != null) { result = "File created: " + insertedFile.getTitle(); } return result; }
private String updateFile( dir, String filename, File file) throws IOException { String result = "File not updated: " + filename; // File's new content. localFile = new, filename); FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(DetectorActivity.OUTPUT_MIME_TYPE, localFile); // Send the request to the API. File updatedFile = service.files().update(file.getId(), file, fileContent).execute(); if (updatedFile != null) { result = ("File updated: " + updatedFile.getTitle()); } return result; }
/** * Blocking version of {@link #saveGameState(String, byte[], long, ISaveGameStateResponseListener)} * * @param fileId * @param gameState * @param progressValue * @throws IOException */ public void saveGameStateSync(String fileId, byte[] gameState, long progressValue) throws IOException { file ="games", "dat"); new FileHandle(file).writeBytes(gameState, false); // no type since it is binary data FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(null, file); // find file on server File remoteFile = findFileByNameSync(fileId); // file exists then update it if (remoteFile != null) { // just update content, leave metadata intact., null, mediaContent).execute();, "File updated ID: " + remoteFile.getId()); } // file doesn't exists then create it else { File fileMetadata = new File(); fileMetadata.setName(fileId); // app folder is a reserved keyyword for current application private folder. fileMetadata.setParents(Collections.singletonList("appDataFolder")); remoteFile =, mediaContent) .setFields("id") .execute();, "File created ID: " + remoteFile.getId()); } }
public void simpleUpload( filePath,String name,String mime) throws IOException{ driveService = getDriveService(); File fileMetadata = new File(); fileMetadata.setName(name); fileMetadata.setMimeType(mime); FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(mime, filePath); File file = driveService.files().create(fileMetadata, mediaContent) .setFields("id") .execute(); System.out.println("File ID: " + file.getId()); }
public static boolean convertToSpreedSheet(Drive drive, String path) { fileMetaData = new; file = new; MimetypesFileTypeMap mimeTypesMap = new MimetypesFileTypeMap(); fileMetaData.setName(file.getName()); String googleSheetMimeType = "application/"; fileMetaData.setMimeType(googleSheetMimeType); FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(mimeTypesMap.getContentType(file), file); f = null; Drive.Files.Create create = null; try { System.out.println("Uploading file " + file.getName()); create = drive.files().create(fileMetaData, mediaContent) .setFields("id, parents, mimeType, webViewLink"); create.getMediaHttpUploader().setProgressListener(new FileUpdateProgressListener()); // Using default chunk size of 10MB. create.getMediaHttpUploader().setChunkSize(MediaHttpUploader.DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE); f = create.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } System.out.println("File ID: " + f.getId() + " Parent: " + f.getParents().toString() + " MimeType: " + f.getMimeType() + " link: " + f.getWebViewLink()); return true; }
/** * Insert new file. * * @param title Title of the file to insert, including the extension. * @param description Description of the file to insert. * @param parentId Optional parent folder's ID. * @param mimeType MIME type of the file to insert. * @param file The file to insert. * @return Inserted file metadata if successful, {@code null} otherwise. */ private File insertFile(String title, String description, String parentId, String mimeType, file) throws IOException { File body = new File(); body.setTitle(title); body.setDescription(description); body.setMimeType(mimeType); if (parentId != null && parentId.length() > 0) { body.setParents(Collections.singletonList(new ParentReference().setId(parentId))); } FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(mimeType, file); return drive.files().insert(body, mediaContent).execute(); }
/** * Uploads a given file to Google Storage. */ private void uploadFile(Path filePath) throws IOException { try { byte[] md5hash = Base64.decodeBase64( storage .objects() .get(projectName + "-cloud-pubsub-loadtest", filePath.getFileName().toString()) .execute() .getMd5Hash()); try (InputStream inputStream = Files.newInputStream(filePath, StandardOpenOption.READ)) { if (Arrays.equals(md5hash, DigestUtils.md5(inputStream))) {"File " + filePath.getFileName() + " is current, reusing."); return; } }"File " + filePath.getFileName() + " is out of date, uploading new version."); storage .objects() .delete(projectName + "-cloud-pubsub-loadtest", filePath.getFileName().toString()) .execute(); } catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() != NOT_FOUND) { throw e; } } storage .objects() .insert( projectName + "-cloud-pubsub-loadtest", null, new FileContent("application/octet-stream", filePath.toFile())) .setName(filePath.getFileName().toString()) .execute();"File " + filePath.getFileName() + " created."); }
protected File uploadTestFile() { File fileMetadata = new File(); fileMetadata.setTitle(UPLOAD_FILE.getName()); FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(null, UPLOAD_FILE); final Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // parameter type is headers.put("CamelGoogleDrive.content", fileMetadata); // parameter type is headers.put("CamelGoogleDrive.mediaContent", mediaContent); File result = requestBodyAndHeaders("google-drive://drive-files/insert", null, headers); return result; }
@Test public void testUpdate1() throws Exception { // First retrieve the file from the API. File testFile = uploadTestFile(); String fileId = testFile.getId(); // using String message body for single parameter "fileId" final File file = requestBody("direct://GET", fileId); // File's new metadata. file.setTitle("camel.png"); // File's new content. fileContent = new; FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(null, fileContent); // Send the request to the API. final Map<String, Object> headers = new HashMap<String, Object>(); // parameter type is String headers.put("CamelGoogleDrive.fileId", fileId); // parameter type is headers.put("CamelGoogleDrive.content", file); // parameter type is headers.put("CamelGoogleDrive.mediaContent", mediaContent); File result = requestBodyAndHeaders("direct://UPDATE_1", null, headers); assertNotNull("update result", result); LOG.debug("update: " + result); }
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { HttpTransport httpTransport = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport(); JsonFactory jsonFactory = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance(); Discovery discovery = new Discovery.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, null).build(); RestDescription api = discovery.apis().getRest("ml", "v1").execute(); RestMethod method = api.getResources().get("projects").getMethods().get("predict"); JsonSchema param = new JsonSchema(); String projectId = "YOUR_PROJECT_ID"; // You should have already deployed a model and a version. // For reference, see String modelId = "YOUR_MODEL_ID"; String versionId = "YOUR_VERSION_ID"; param.set( "name", String.format("projects/%s/models/%s/versions/%s", projectId, modelId, versionId)); GenericUrl url = new GenericUrl(UriTemplate.expand(api.getBaseUrl() + method.getPath(), param, true)); System.out.println(url); String contentType = "application/json"; File requestBodyFile = new File("input.txt"); HttpContent content = new FileContent(contentType, requestBodyFile); System.out.println(content.getLength()); GoogleCredential credential = GoogleCredential.getApplicationDefault(); HttpRequestFactory requestFactory = httpTransport.createRequestFactory(credential); HttpRequest request = requestFactory.buildRequest(method.getHttpMethod(), url, content); String response = request.execute().parseAsString(); System.out.println(response); }
public File putResource(GoogleDrivePutParameters parameters) throws IOException { String folderId = parameters.getDestinationFolderId(); File putFile = new File(); putFile.setParents(Collections.singletonList(folderId)); Files.List fileRequest = drive.files().list() .setQ(format(QUERY_NOTTRASHED_NAME_NOTMIME_INPARENTS, parameters.getResourceName(), MIME_TYPE_FOLDER, folderId)); LOG.debug("[putResource] `{}` Exists in `{}` ? with `{}`.", parameters.getResourceName(), parameters.getDestinationFolderId(), fileRequest.getQ()); FileList existingFiles = fileRequest.execute(); if (existingFiles.getFiles().size() > 1) { throw new IOException(messages.getMessage("", parameters.getResourceName())); } if (existingFiles.getFiles().size() == 1) { if (!parameters.isOverwriteIfExist()) { throw new IOException(messages.getMessage("error.file.already.exist", parameters.getResourceName())); } LOG.debug("[putResource] {} will be overwritten...", parameters.getResourceName()); drive.files().delete(existingFiles.getFiles().get(0).getId()).execute(); } putFile.setName(parameters.getResourceName()); String metadata = "id,parents,name"; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(parameters.getFromLocalFilePath())) { // Reading content from local fileName FileContent fContent = new FileContent(null, new; putFile = drive.files().create(putFile, fContent).setFields(metadata).execute(); // } else if (parameters.getFromBytes() != null) { AbstractInputStreamContent content = new ByteArrayContent(null, parameters.getFromBytes()); putFile = drive.files().create(putFile, content).setFields(metadata).execute(); } return putFile; }
@Override protected Exception doInBackground(String... photos) { try { // Get output Directory // Create the PDF and set some metadata Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, DOCUMENT_MARGIN, DOCUMENT_MARGIN, DOCUMENT_MARGIN, DOCUMENT_MARGIN); Resources resources = mContext.getResources(); document.addTitle(mFilename); document.addAuthor(resources.getString(R.string.app_name)); document.addSubject(resources.getString(R.string.file_subject)); // Open the file that we will write the pdf to. fileContent = new + mFilename); OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(fileContent); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, outputStream);; // Get the document's size Rectangle pageSize = document.getPageSize(); float pageWidth = pageSize.getWidth() - (document.leftMargin() + document.rightMargin()); float pageHeight = pageSize.getHeight(); //Loop through images and add them to the document for (String path : photos) { Image image = Image.getInstance(path); image.scaleToFit(pageWidth, pageHeight); document.add(image); document.newPage(); } // Cleanup document.close(); outputStream.close(); // Upload time! FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent("application/pdf", fileContent); File body = new File(); if (mFolder != null) body.setParents(Arrays.asList(new ParentReference().setId(mFolder.getId()))); body.setTitle(mFilename); body.setDescription(resources.getString(R.string.file_subject)); body.setMimeType("application/pdf"); Drive.Files.Insert insert = mService.files().insert(body, mediaContent); MediaHttpUploader uploader = insert.getMediaHttpUploader(); uploader.setDirectUploadEnabled(false); uploader.setChunkSize(MediaHttpUploader.MINIMUM_CHUNK_SIZE); uploader.setProgressListener(new FileProgressListener()); File file = insert.execute(); Log.d("C2P", "File Id: " + file.getId()); /* Database Code */ DateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy"); Date date = new Date(); //file.getFileSize().toString() String parentFolder = mFolder != null ? mFolder.getId() : "root"; Long size = file.getFileSize(); String fileSizeString = humanReadableByteCount(size); Upload upload = new Upload(-1, mFilename, mFolderPath, fileSizeString, parentFolder, format.format(date), mService.about().get().execute().getUser().getEmailAddress()); UploadDataAdapter mUploadDataAdapter = new UploadDataAdapter(mContext);; mUploadDataAdapter.addUpload(upload); mUploadDataAdapter.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d("C2P", "ERROR", e); return e; } return null; }
@Override public Handle<?> upload(LogFilePath localPath) throws Exception { final String gsBucket = mConfig.getGsBucket(); final String gsKey = localPath.withPrefix(mConfig.getGsPath()).getLogFilePath(); final File localFile = new File(localPath.getLogFilePath()); final boolean directUpload = mConfig.getGsDirectUpload();"uploading file {} to gs://{}/{}", localFile, gsBucket, gsKey); final StorageObject storageObject = new StorageObject().setName(gsKey); final FileContent storageContent = new FileContent(Files.probeContentType(localFile.toPath()), localFile); final Future<?> f = executor.submit(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { Storage.Objects.Insert request = mClient.objects().insert(gsBucket, storageObject, storageContent); if (directUpload) { request.getMediaHttpUploader().setDirectUploadEnabled(true); } request.getMediaHttpUploader().setProgressListener(new MediaHttpUploaderProgressListener() { @Override public void progressChanged(MediaHttpUploader uploader) throws IOException { LOG.debug("[{} %] upload file {} to gs://{}/{}", (int) uploader.getProgress() * 100, localFile, gsBucket, gsKey); } }); request.execute(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); return new FutureHandle(f); }
/** * This method handles the final upload to the * {@link SteemJImageUploadConfig#getSteemitImagesEndpoint() * SteemitImagesEndpoint}. * * @param accountName * The Steem account used to sign the upload. * @param signature * The signature for this upload. * @param fileToUpload * The image to upload. * @return A URL object that contains the download URL of the image. * @throws HttpResponseException * In case the * {@link SteemJImageUploadConfig#getSteemitImagesEndpoint() * SteemitImagesEndpoint} returned an error. */ private static URL executeMultipartRequest(AccountName accountName, String signature, File fileToUpload) throws IOException { NetHttpTransport.Builder builder = new NetHttpTransport.Builder(); MultipartContent content = new MultipartContent().setMediaType(new HttpMediaType("multipart/form-data") .setParameter("boundary", "----WebKitFormBoundaryaAsqCuJ0UrJUS0dz")); FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileToUpload.getName()), fileToUpload); MultipartContent.Part part = new MultipartContent.Part(fileContent); part.setHeaders(new HttpHeaders().set("Content-Disposition", String.format("form-data; name=\"image\"; filename=\"%s\"", fileToUpload.getName()))); content.addPart(part); HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpClientRequestInitializer()) .buildPostRequest(new GenericUrl(SteemJImageUploadConfig.getInstance().getSteemitImagesEndpoint() + "/" + accountName.getName() + "/" + signature), content); LOGGER.debug("{} {}", httpRequest.getRequestMethod(), httpRequest.getUrl().toURI()); HttpResponse httpResponse = httpRequest.execute(); LOGGER.debug("{} {} {} ({})", httpResponse.getRequest().getRequestMethod(), httpResponse.getRequest().getUrl().toURI(), httpResponse.getStatusCode(), httpResponse.getStatusMessage()); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode response = objectMapper.readTree(httpResponse.parseAsString()); return new URL(response.get("url").asText()); }
public OAuthRequestResource(Config config, SignerFactory signerFactory, String resource, String method, String contentType, File file, Map<? extends String, ?> params) { this(config, signerFactory, resource, method, params); this.contentType = contentType; this.requestBody = new FileContent(contentType, file); }
public static void uploadFile( file, String type) throws IOException { Drive service = getDriveService(); File body = new File(); body.setTitle(file.getName()); body.setDescription("DriveBackup plugin"); body.setMimeType("application/zip"); String destination = Config.getDestination(); FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent("application/zip", file); File parentFolder = getFolder(destination); if (parentFolder == null) { System.out.println("Creating a folder"); parentFolder = new File(); parentFolder.setTitle(destination); parentFolder.setMimeType("application/"); parentFolder = service.files().insert(parentFolder).execute(); } File childFolder = getFolder(type, parentFolder); ParentReference childFolderParent = new ParentReference(); childFolderParent.setId(parentFolder.getId()); if (childFolder == null) { System.out.println("Creating a folder"); childFolder = new File(); childFolder.setTitle(type); childFolder.setMimeType("application/"); childFolder.setParents(Collections.singletonList(childFolderParent)); childFolder = service.files().insert(childFolder).execute(); } ParentReference newParent = new ParentReference(); newParent.setId(childFolder.getId()); body.setParents(Collections.singletonList(newParent)); try { service.files().insert(body, mediaContent).execute(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block if (Config.isDebug()) e.printStackTrace(); } deleteFiles(type); }
@Override public void putFile( file, String path) throws IOException { path = path.replace("\\", "/"); int pos = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (pos > 0) { path = path.substring(0, pos); } String parentId = this.getId(path); //The path does not exists! //FIXME-It is necessary to construct the path based on the last //valid id if (parentId.equals("root") && !path.equals("") && !path.equals("/") && !path.equals("\\")) { this.makedir(path); parentId = this.getId(path); } try { String mimeType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(file.getName()); mimeType = (mimeType == null) ? "application/octet-stream" : mimeType; File body = new File(); body.setTitle(getTitle(file.getName())); body.setMimeType(mimeType); if (parentId != null || !parentId.equals("")) { body.setParents(Arrays.asList(new ParentReference() .setId(parentId))); } FileContent mediaContent = new FileContent(mimeType, file); File f = service.files().insert(body, mediaContent).execute(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Uploads {@link #setArchive(File) specified file} to Google Drive. */ @TaskAction public void run() { try { Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.clientId, "Google Drive client ID must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.clientSecret, "Google Drive client secret must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.accessToken, "Google Drive access token must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.refreshToken, "Google Drive refresh token must not be null"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(this.archive, "Archive must not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(this.archive.exists(), "Archive must exist"); Preconditions.checkArgument(this.archive.isFile(), "Archive must be a file"); final Drive drive = constructDrive(); final parent = locateParent(drive); final descriptor = new; final FileContent content = new FileContent(mimeType, archive); if (null != parent) { descriptor.setParents(Arrays.<ParentReference>asList(new ParentReference().setId(parent.getId()))); } descriptor.setMimeType(content.getType()); descriptor.setTitle(content.getFile().getName()); final Drive.Files.Insert insert = drive.files().insert(descriptor, content); final MediaHttpUploader uploader = insert.getMediaHttpUploader(); uploader.setChunkSize(1 * 1024 * 1024 /* bytes */); if (listenForUpload) { uploader.setProgressListener(new MediaHttpUploaderProgressListener() { @Override public void progressChanged(MediaHttpUploader u) throws IOException { final double progress = (double) u.getNumBytesUploaded() / content.getLength(); System.out.printf("\r[%-50.50s] %.2f%%", Strings.repeat("#", (int) (progress * 50)), progress * 100); System.out.flush(); } }); } insert.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new TaskExecutionException(this, e); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Preconditions.checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME), "ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME cannot be null or empty!"); // Create the API service. AndroidPublisher service = AndroidPublisherHelper.init( ApplicationConfig.APPLICATION_NAME, ApplicationConfig.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL); final Edits edits = service.edits(); // Create a new edit to make changes to your listing. Insert editRequest = edits .insert(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, null /** no content */); AppEdit edit = editRequest.execute(); final String editId = edit.getId();"Created edit with id: %s", editId)); // Upload new apk to developer console final InputStream is = BasicUploadApk.class.getResourceAsStream((ApplicationConfig.APK_FILE_PATH)); File apkTmpFile = AndroidPublisherHelper.getTempFile(is, "apk"); URL resource = BasicUploadApk.class.getResource(ApplicationConfig.APK_FILE_PATH); //final String apkPath = BasicUploadApk.class // .getResource(ApplicationConfig.APK_FILE_PATH) // .toURI().getPath(); final AbstractInputStreamContent apkFile = new FileContent(AndroidPublisherHelper.MIME_TYPE_APK, apkTmpFile); Upload uploadRequest = edits .apks() .upload(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, apkFile); Apk apk = uploadRequest.execute();"Version code %d has been uploaded", apk.getVersionCode())); // Assign apk to alpha track. List<Integer> apkVersionCodes = new ArrayList<>(); apkVersionCodes.add(apk.getVersionCode()); Update updateTrackRequest = edits .tracks() .update(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, TRACK_ALPHA, new Track().setVersionCodes(apkVersionCodes)); Track updatedTrack = updateTrackRequest.execute();"Track %s has been updated.", updatedTrack.getTrack())); // Commit changes for edit. Commit commitRequest = edits.commit(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId); AppEdit appEdit = commitRequest.execute();"App edit with id %s has been comitted", appEdit.getId())); } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException ex) { log.error("Excpetion was thrown while uploading apk to alpha track", ex); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Preconditions.checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME), "ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME cannot be null or empty!"); // Create the API service. AndroidPublisher service = AndroidPublisherHelper.init(ApplicationConfig.APPLICATION_NAME, ApplicationConfig.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL); final Edits edits = service.edits(); // Create a new edit to make changes to your listing. Insert editRequest = edits.insert(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, null /** no content */); AppEdit edit = editRequest.execute(); final String editId = edit.getId();"Created edit with id: %s", editId)); // Upload new apk to developer console final String apkPath = BasicUploadApk.class .getResource(ApplicationConfig.APK_FILE_PATH) .toURI().getPath(); final AbstractInputStreamContent apkFile = new FileContent(AndroidPublisherHelper.MIME_TYPE_APK, new File(apkPath)); Upload uploadRequest = edits .apks() .upload(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, apkFile); Apk apk = uploadRequest.execute();"Version code %d has been uploaded", apk.getVersionCode())); // Assign apk to alpha track. List<Integer> apkVersionCodes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); apkVersionCodes.add(apk.getVersionCode()); Update updateTrackRequest = edits .tracks() .update(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, TRACK_ALPHA, new Track().setVersionCodes(apkVersionCodes)); Track updatedTrack = updateTrackRequest.execute();"Track %s has been updated.", updatedTrack.getTrack())); // Commit changes for edit. Commit commitRequest = edits.commit(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId); AppEdit appEdit = commitRequest.execute();"App edit with id %s has been comitted", appEdit.getId())); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException | GeneralSecurityException ex) { log.error("Excpetion was thrown while uploading apk to alpha track", ex); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Preconditions.checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME), "ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME cannot be null or empty!"); // Create the API service. AndroidPublisher service = AndroidPublisherHelper.init( ApplicationConfig.APPLICATION_NAME, ApplicationConfig.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL); final Edits edits = service.edits(); // Create a new edit to make changes to your listing. Insert editRequest = edits .insert(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, null /** no content */); AppEdit edit = editRequest.execute(); final String editId = edit.getId();"Created edit with id: %s", editId)); // Upload new apk to developer console final String apkPath = BasicUploadApk.class .getResource(ApplicationConfig.APK_FILE_PATH) .toURI().getPath(); final AbstractInputStreamContent apkFile = new FileContent(AndroidPublisherHelper.MIME_TYPE_APK, new File(apkPath)); Upload uploadRequest = edits .apks() .upload(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, apkFile); Apk apk = uploadRequest.execute();"Version code %d has been uploaded", apk.getVersionCode())); // Assign apk to alpha track. List<Integer> apkVersionCodes = new ArrayList<>(); apkVersionCodes.add(apk.getVersionCode()); Update updateTrackRequest = edits .tracks() .update(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, TRACK_ALPHA, new Track().setVersionCodes(apkVersionCodes)); Track updatedTrack = updateTrackRequest.execute();"Track %s has been updated.", updatedTrack.getTrack())); // Commit changes for edit. Commit commitRequest = edits.commit(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId); AppEdit appEdit = commitRequest.execute();"App edit with id %s has been comitted", appEdit.getId())); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException | GeneralSecurityException ex) { log.error("Excpetion was thrown while uploading apk to alpha track", ex); } }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { Preconditions.checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME), "ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME cannot be null or empty!"); // Create the API service. AndroidPublisher service = AndroidPublisherHelper.init( ApplicationConfig.APPLICATION_NAME, ApplicationConfig.SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL); final Edits edits = service.edits(); // Create a new edit to make changes. Insert editRequest = edits .insert(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, null /** no content */); AppEdit edit = editRequest.execute(); final String editId = edit.getId();"Created edit with id: %s", editId)); // Upload new apk to developer console final String apkPath = UploadApkWithListing.class .getResource(ApplicationConfig.APK_FILE_PATH) .toURI().getPath(); final AbstractInputStreamContent apkFile = new FileContent(AndroidPublisherHelper.MIME_TYPE_APK, new File(apkPath)); Upload uploadRequest = edits .apks() .upload(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, apkFile); Apk apk = uploadRequest.execute();"Version code %d has been uploaded", apk.getVersionCode())); // Assign apk to beta track. List<Integer> apkVersionCodes = new ArrayList<>(); apkVersionCodes.add(apk.getVersionCode()); Update updateTrackRequest = edits .tracks() .update(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, TRACK_BETA, new Track().setVersionCodes(apkVersionCodes)); Track updatedTrack = updateTrackRequest.execute();"Track %s has been updated.", updatedTrack.getTrack())); // Update recent changes field in apk listing. final ApkListing newApkListing = new ApkListing(); newApkListing.setRecentChanges(APK_LISTING_RECENT_CHANGES_TEXT); Apklistings.Update updateRecentChangesRequest = edits .apklistings() .update(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId, apk.getVersionCode(), Locale.US.toString(), newApkListing); updateRecentChangesRequest.execute();"Recent changes has been updated."); // Commit changes for edit. Commit commitRequest = edits.commit(ApplicationConfig.PACKAGE_NAME, editId); AppEdit appEdit = commitRequest.execute();"App edit with id %s has been comitted", appEdit.getId())); } catch (IOException | URISyntaxException | GeneralSecurityException ex) { log.error( "Exception was thrown while uploading apk and updating recent changes", ex); } }