Java 类 实例源码

项目:google-cloud-eclipse    文件   
public static int sendPostMultipart(String urlString, Map<String, String> parameters)
    throws IOException {

  MultipartContent postBody = new MultipartContent()
      .setMediaType(new HttpMediaType("multipart/form-data"));

  for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.entrySet()) {
    HttpContent partContent = ByteArrayContent.fromString(  // uses UTF-8 internally
        null /* part Content-Type */, entry.getValue());
    HttpHeaders partHeaders = new HttpHeaders()
        .set("Content-Disposition",  "form-data; name=\"" + entry.getKey() + "\"");

    postBody.addPart(new MultipartContent.Part(partHeaders, partContent));

  GenericUrl url = new GenericUrl(new URL(urlString));
  HttpRequest request = transport.createRequestFactory().buildPostRequest(url, postBody);
  request.setHeaders(new HttpHeaders().setUserAgent(CloudToolsInfo.USER_AGENT));

  HttpResponse response = request.execute();
  return response.getStatusCode();
项目:java-asana    文件   
 * Upload a file and attach it to a task
 * @param task        Globally unique identifier for the task.
 * @param fileContent Content of the file to be uploaded
 * @param fileName    Name of the file to be uploaded
 * @param fileType    MIME type of the file to be uploaded
 * @return Request object
public ItemRequest<Attachment> createOnTask(String task, InputStream fileContent, String fileName, String fileType) {
    MultipartContent.Part part = new MultipartContent.Part()
            .setContent(new InputStreamContent(fileType, fileContent))
            .setHeaders(new HttpHeaders().set(
                    String.format("form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"%s\"", fileName) // TODO: escape fileName?
    MultipartContent content = new MultipartContent()
            .setMediaType(new HttpMediaType("multipart/form-data").setParameter("boundary", UUID.randomUUID().toString()))

    String path = String.format("/tasks/%s/attachments", task);
    return new ItemRequest<Attachment>(this, Attachment.class, path, "POST")
项目:googlecodejam-client    文件   
 * <p>Created and returns a valid {@link MultipartContent} instance
 * that contains data required for submission.</p>
 * @param input Input file to submit solution for.
 * @param output Output file produced by the algorithm.
 * @param source Source code file of the algorithm to submit.
 * @return Created multipart content.
private MultipartContent createContent(final ProblemInput input, final File output, final File source) throws IOException {
    final HttpMediaType type = new HttpMediaType(MEDIA_TYPE);
    type.setParameter(BOUNDARY, createBoundary());
    // Submission from Chrome through contest website sends fake path for security,
    // which presumes the server only uses the last token to generate the downloadable
    // zip. It is possible to submit real path here (source.getAbsolutePath) but to
    // preserve user privacy a fake path will do source.getName() might be sufficient
    // as well but it's not tested using a fake path is the safest option since that's
    // what Chrome does.
    final String sourceFilePath = new StringBuilder(PATH_PREFIX)
    final MultipartContent content = new MultipartContent()
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildDataPart(CSRF_PARAMETER_NAME, values.getToken()))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildFilePart(ANSWER_PARAMETER, output))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildFilePart(SOURCE_FILE_PARAMETER, source))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildDataPart(SOURCE_FILE_NAME_PARAMETER, sourceFilePath))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildDataPart(COMMAND_PARAMETER_NAME, SUBMIT_COMMAND))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildDataPart(PROBLEM_PARAMETER_NAME, input.getProblem().getId()))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildDataPart(INPUT_ID_PARAMETER_NAME, String.valueOf(input.getNumber())))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildDataPart(NUM_SOURCE_FILE_PARAMETER, DEFAULT_NUM_SOURCE_FILE))
        .addPart(HttpRequestExecutor.buildDataPart(AGENT_PARAMETER_NAME, DEFAULT_AGENT));
    return content;
项目:steemj-image-upload    文件   
 * This method handles the final upload to the
 * {@link SteemJImageUploadConfig#getSteemitImagesEndpoint()
 * SteemitImagesEndpoint}.
 * @param accountName
 *            The Steem account used to sign the upload.
 * @param signature
 *            The signature for this upload.
 * @param fileToUpload
 *            The image to upload.
 * @return A URL object that contains the download URL of the image.
 * @throws HttpResponseException
 *             In case the
 *             {@link SteemJImageUploadConfig#getSteemitImagesEndpoint()
 *             SteemitImagesEndpoint} returned an error.
private static URL executeMultipartRequest(AccountName accountName, String signature, File fileToUpload)
        throws IOException {
    NetHttpTransport.Builder builder = new NetHttpTransport.Builder();

    MultipartContent content = new MultipartContent().setMediaType(new HttpMediaType("multipart/form-data")
            .setParameter("boundary", "----WebKitFormBoundaryaAsqCuJ0UrJUS0dz"));

    FileContent fileContent = new FileContent(URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromName(fileToUpload.getName()),

    MultipartContent.Part part = new MultipartContent.Part(fileContent);

    part.setHeaders(new HttpHeaders().set("Content-Disposition",
            String.format("form-data; name=\"image\"; filename=\"%s\"", fileToUpload.getName())));


    HttpRequest httpRequest = HttpClientRequestInitializer())
            .buildPostRequest(new GenericUrl(SteemJImageUploadConfig.getInstance().getSteemitImagesEndpoint() + "/"
                    + accountName.getName() + "/" + signature), content);

    LOGGER.debug("{} {}", httpRequest.getRequestMethod(), httpRequest.getUrl().toURI());

    HttpResponse httpResponse = httpRequest.execute();

    LOGGER.debug("{} {} {} ({})", httpResponse.getRequest().getRequestMethod(),
            httpResponse.getRequest().getUrl().toURI(), httpResponse.getStatusCode(),

    ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
    JsonNode response = objectMapper.readTree(httpResponse.parseAsString());

    return new URL(response.get("url").asText());
项目:ODK-Liberia    文件   
public PhotoEntry executeInsertPhotoEntryWithMetadata(
    PhotoEntry photo, PicasaUrl albumFeedUrl, AbstractInputStreamContent content)
    throws IOException {
  HttpRequest request = getRequestFactory().buildPostRequest(albumFeedUrl, null);
  AtomContent atomContent = AtomContent.forEntry(DICTIONARY, photo);
  request.setContent(new MultipartContent().setContentParts(Arrays.asList(atomContent, content)));
  return execute(request).parseAs(PhotoEntry.class);
项目:drive-uploader    文件   
 * Direct Uploads the media.
 * @param initiationRequestUrl
 *            The request URL where the initiation request will be sent
 * @return HTTP response
private HttpResponse directUpload(GenericUrl initiationRequestUrl)
        throws IOException {

    HttpContent content = mediaContent;
    if (metadata != null) {
        content = new MultipartContent().setContentParts(Arrays.asList(
                metadata, mediaContent));
        initiationRequestUrl.put("uploadType", "multipart");
    } else {
        initiationRequestUrl.put("uploadType", "media");
    HttpRequest request = requestFactory.buildRequest(
            initiationRequestMethod, initiationRequestUrl, content);
    // We do not have to do anything special here if media content length is
    // unspecified because
    // direct media upload works even when the media content length == -1.
    HttpResponse response = executeCurrentRequest(request);
    boolean responseProcessed = false;
    try {
        if (isMediaLengthKnown()) {
            totalBytesServerReceived = getMediaContentLength();
        responseProcessed = true;
    } finally {
        if (!responseProcessed) {
    return response;
项目:PicasaUploadSample    文件   
public PhotoEntry executeInsertPhotoEntryWithMetadata(
     PhotoEntry photo, PicasaUrl albumFeedUrl, InputStreamContent content, GmlPoint point)
     throws IOException {
GeorssWhere georss = new GeorssWhere();
georss.point = point;
photo.georssWhere = georss;
HttpRequest request = getRequestFactory().buildPostRequest(albumFeedUrl, null);
   AtomContent atomContent = AtomContent.forEntry(DICTIONARY, photo);
   request.setContent(new MultipartContent().setContentParts(Arrays.asList(atomContent, content)));
   return execute(request).parseAs(PhotoEntry.class);
项目:googlecodejam-client    文件   
 * <p>Submits the given <tt>output</tt> file and the
 * given <tt>source</tt> file for the given problem
 * <tt>input</tt>. This method should be call only
 * after a successful call to the {@link #download(ProblemInput)}
 * method on the same <tt>input</tt>, as the evaluation
 * system will judge the last downloaded dataset
 * based on the internal token / session.</p>
 * @param input Input file to submit solution for.
 * @param output Output file produced by the algorithm.
 * @param source Source code file of the algorithm to submit.
 * @return Request response, as a {@link SubmitResponse} instance.
 * @throws IOException If any error occurs while uploading data, or performing the request.
public SubmitResponse submit(final ProblemInput input, final File output, final File source) throws IOException {
    final MultipartContent content = createContent(input, output, source);
    final StringBuilder urlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
    final String response =, content);
    final Gson gson = new Gson();
    return gson.fromJson(response, SubmitResponse.class);