public void testSegmentRefresh_duplicate() throws ExecutionException { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder() .concurrencyLevel(1)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); // already loading DummyEntry<Object, Object> entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference<Object, Object> valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(null); valueRef.setLoading(true); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); table.set(index, entry); assertNull(segment.refresh(key, hash, identityLoader(), false)); }
public void testRemovalListener_collected() { QueuingRemovalListener<Object, Object> listener = queuingRemovalListener(); LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder() .concurrencyLevel(1) .softValues() .removalListener(listener)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); Object one = new Object(); Object two = new Object(); Object three = new Object(); map.put(one, two); map.put(two, three); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); int hash = map.hash(one); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = segment.getEntry(one, hash); map.reclaimValue(entry.getValueReference()); assertNotified(listener, one, two, RemovalCause.COLLECTED); assertTrue(listener.isEmpty()); }
/** * Assuming the given cache has maximum size {@code maxSize}, this method populates the cache (by * getting a bunch of different keys), then makes sure all the items in the cache are also in the * eviction queue. It will invoke the given {@code operation} on the first element in the * eviction queue, and then reverify that all items in the cache are in the eviction queue, and * verify that the head of the eviction queue has changed as a result of the operation. */ static void checkRecency(LoadingCache<Integer, Integer> cache, int maxSize, Receiver<ReferenceEntry<Integer, Integer>> operation) { checkNotNull(operation); if (hasLocalCache(cache)) { warmUp(cache, 0, 2 * maxSize); LocalCache<Integer, Integer> cchm = toLocalCache(cache); Segment<?, ?> segment = cchm.segments[0]; drainRecencyQueue(segment); assertEquals(maxSize, accessQueueSize(cache)); assertEquals(maxSize, cache.size()); ReferenceEntry<?, ?> originalHead = segment.accessQueue.peek(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ReferenceEntry<Integer, Integer> entry = (ReferenceEntry) originalHead; operation.accept(entry); drainRecencyQueue(segment); assertNotSame(originalHead, segment.accessQueue.peek()); assertEquals(cache.size(), accessQueueSize(cache)); } }
@Benchmark int time(int reps) { int dummy = 0; AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> oldTable = segment.table; for (int i = 0; i < reps; i++) { segment.expand(); segment.table = oldTable; dummy += segment.count; } return dummy; }
public void testComputePartiallyCollectedKey() throws ExecutionException { CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder = createCacheBuilder().concurrencyLevel(1); CountingLoader loader = new CountingLoader(); LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(builder); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; assertEquals(0, loader.getCount()); Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object value = new Object(); int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); DummyEntry<Object, Object> entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference<Object, Object> valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertSame(value, map.get(key, loader)); assertEquals(0, loader.getCount()); assertEquals(1, segment.count); entry.clearKey(); assertNotSame(value, map.get(key, loader)); assertEquals(1, loader.getCount()); assertEquals(2, segment.count); }
public void testComputePartiallyCollectedValue() throws ExecutionException { CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder = createCacheBuilder().concurrencyLevel(1); CountingLoader loader = new CountingLoader(); LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(builder); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; assertEquals(0, loader.getCount()); Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object value = new Object(); int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); DummyEntry<Object, Object> entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference<Object, Object> valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertSame(value, map.get(key, loader)); assertEquals(0, loader.getCount()); assertEquals(1, segment.count); valueRef.clear(); assertNotSame(value, map.get(key, loader)); assertEquals(1, loader.getCount()); assertEquals(1, segment.count); }
public void testNewEntry() { for (CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder : allEntryTypeMakers()) { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(builder); Object keyOne = new Object(); Object valueOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entryOne = map.newEntry(keyOne, hashOne, null); ValueReference<Object, Object> valueRefOne = map.newValueReference(entryOne, valueOne, 1); assertSame(valueOne, valueRefOne.get()); entryOne.setValueReference(valueRefOne); assertSame(keyOne, entryOne.getKey()); assertEquals(hashOne, entryOne.getHash()); assertNull(entryOne.getNext()); assertSame(valueRefOne, entryOne.getValueReference()); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); int hashTwo = map.hash(keyTwo); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entryTwo = map.newEntry(keyTwo, hashTwo, entryOne); ValueReference<Object, Object> valueRefTwo = map.newValueReference(entryTwo, valueTwo, 1); assertSame(valueTwo, valueRefTwo.get()); entryTwo.setValueReference(valueRefTwo); assertSame(keyTwo, entryTwo.getKey()); assertEquals(hashTwo, entryTwo.getHash()); assertSame(entryOne, entryTwo.getNext()); assertSame(valueRefTwo, entryTwo.getValueReference()); } }
public void testSegmentReplace() { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); DummyEntry<Object, Object> entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, null); DummyValueReference<Object, Object> oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); // no entry assertNull(segment.replace(key, hash, newValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); // same key table.set(index, entry); segment.count++; assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); assertSame(oldValue, segment.replace(key, hash, newValue)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(); assertNull(segment.replace(key, hash, newValue)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.get(key, hash)); }
public void testSegmentPut() { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); // no entry assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, oldValue, false)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); // same key assertSame(oldValue, segment.put(key, hash, newValue, false)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = segment.getEntry(key, hash); DummyValueReference<Object, Object> oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, newValue, false)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); }
public void testSegmentPutIfAbsent() { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder().concurrencyLevel(1).expireAfterAccess(99999, SECONDS)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; // TODO(fry): check recency ordering Object key = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); Object oldValue = new Object(); Object newValue = new Object(); // no entry assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, oldValue, true)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); // same key assertSame(oldValue, segment.put(key, hash, newValue, true)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); // cleared ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = segment.getEntry(key, hash); DummyValueReference<Object, Object> oldValueRef = DummyValueReference.create(oldValue); entry.setValueReference(oldValueRef); assertSame(oldValue, segment.get(key, hash)); oldValueRef.clear(); assertNull(segment.put(key, hash, newValue, true)); assertEquals(1, segment.count); assertSame(newValue, segment.get(key, hash)); }
public void testUpdateRecency_onGet() { IdentityLoader<Integer> loader = identityLoader(); final LoadingCache<Integer, Integer> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(MAX_SIZE).build(loader); CacheTesting.checkRecency(cache, MAX_SIZE, new Receiver<ReferenceEntry<Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public void accept(ReferenceEntry<Integer, Integer> entry) { cache.getUnchecked(entry.getKey()); } }); }
public void testExpand() { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder().concurrencyLevel(1).initialCapacity(1)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; assertEquals(1, segment.table.length()); // manually add elements to avoid expansion int originalCount = 1024; ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = null; for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); // chain all entries together as we only have a single bucket entry = map.newEntry(key, hash, entry); ValueReference<Object, Object> valueRef = map.newValueReference(entry, value, 1); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); } segment.table.set(0, entry); segment.count = originalCount; ImmutableMap<Object, Object> originalMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(map); assertEquals(originalCount, originalMap.size()); assertEquals(originalMap, map); for (int i = 1; i <= originalCount * 2; i *= 2) { if (i > 1) { segment.expand(); } assertEquals(i, segment.table.length()); assertEquals(originalCount, countLiveEntries(map, 0)); assertEquals(originalCount, segment.count); assertEquals(originalMap, map); } }
private static <K, V> int countLiveEntries(LocalCache<K, V> map, long now) { int result = 0; for (Segment<K, V> segment : map.segments) { AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> table = segment.table; for (int i = 0; i < table.length(); i++) { for (ReferenceEntry<K, V> e = table.get(i); e != null; e = e.getNext()) { if (map.isLive(e, now)) { result++; } } } } return result; }
public void testClear() { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); DummyEntry<Object, Object> entry = createDummyEntry(key, hash, value, null); segment.recordWrite(entry, 1,; segment.table.set(0, entry); segment.readCount.incrementAndGet(); segment.count = 1; segment.totalWeight = 1; assertSame(entry, table.get(0)); assertSame(entry, segment.accessQueue.peek()); assertSame(entry, segment.writeQueue.peek()); segment.clear(); assertNull(table.get(0)); assertTrue(segment.accessQueue.isEmpty()); assertTrue(segment.writeQueue.isEmpty()); assertEquals(0, segment.readCount.get()); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertEquals(0, segment.totalWeight); }
public void testClear_notification() { QueuingRemovalListener<Object, Object> listener = queuingRemovalListener(); LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS) .removalListener(listener)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); DummyEntry<Object, Object> entry = createDummyEntry(key, hash, value, null); segment.recordWrite(entry, 1,; segment.table.set(0, entry); segment.readCount.incrementAndGet(); segment.count = 1; segment.totalWeight = 1; assertSame(entry, table.get(0)); assertSame(entry, segment.accessQueue.peek()); assertSame(entry, segment.writeQueue.peek()); segment.clear(); assertNull(table.get(0)); assertTrue(segment.accessQueue.isEmpty()); assertTrue(segment.writeQueue.isEmpty()); assertEquals(0, segment.readCount.get()); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertEquals(0, segment.totalWeight); assertNotified(listener, key, value, RemovalCause.EXPLICIT); }
public void testRemoveEntry() { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder() .concurrencyLevel(1) .initialCapacity(1) .maximumSize(SMALL_MAX_SIZE) .expireAfterWrite(99999, SECONDS) .removalListener(countingRemovalListener())); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; assertEquals(1, table.length()); Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); int hash = map.hash(key); DummyEntry<Object, Object> entry = createDummyEntry(key, hash, value, null); // remove absent assertFalse(segment.removeEntry(entry, hash, RemovalCause.COLLECTED)); // remove live segment.recordWrite(entry, 1,; table.set(0, entry); segment.count = 1; assertTrue(segment.removeEntry(entry, hash, RemovalCause.COLLECTED)); assertNotificationEnqueued(map, key, value, hash); assertTrue(map.removalNotificationQueue.isEmpty()); assertFalse(segment.accessQueue.contains(entry)); assertFalse(segment.writeQueue.contains(entry)); assertEquals(0, segment.count); assertNull(table.get(0)); }
static <K, V> void checkAndDrainRecencyQueue(LocalCache<K, V> map, Segment<K, V> segment, List<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> reads) { if (map.evictsBySize() || map.expiresAfterAccess()) { assertSameEntries(reads, ImmutableList.copyOf(segment.recencyQueue)); } segment.drainRecencyQueue(); }
static <K, V> void checkEvictionQueues(LocalCache<K, V> map, Segment<K, V> segment, List<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> readOrder, List<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> writeOrder) { if (map.evictsBySize() || map.expiresAfterAccess()) { assertSameEntries(readOrder, ImmutableList.copyOf(segment.accessQueue)); } if (map.expiresAfterWrite()) { assertSameEntries(writeOrder, ImmutableList.copyOf(segment.writeQueue)); } }
private static <K, V> void assertSameEntries(List<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> expectedEntries, List<ReferenceEntry<K, V>> actualEntries) { int size = expectedEntries.size(); assertEquals(size, actualEntries.size()); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ReferenceEntry<K, V> expectedEntry = expectedEntries.get(i); ReferenceEntry<K, V> actualEntry = actualEntries.get(i); assertSame(expectedEntry.getKey(), actualEntry.getKey()); assertSame(expectedEntry.getValueReference().get(), actualEntry.getValueReference().get()); } }
public void testExpireAfterWrite() { FakeTicker ticker = new FakeTicker(); LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder() .concurrencyLevel(1) .ticker(ticker) .expireAfterWrite(2, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); map.put(key, value); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = map.getEntry(key); assertTrue(map.isLive(entry,; segment.writeQueue.add(entry); assertSame(value, map.get(key)); assertSame(entry, segment.writeQueue.peek()); assertEquals(1, segment.writeQueue.size()); segment.recordRead(entry,; segment.expireEntries(; assertSame(value, map.get(key)); assertSame(entry, segment.writeQueue.peek()); assertEquals(1, segment.writeQueue.size()); ticker.advance(1); segment.recordRead(entry,; segment.expireEntries(; assertSame(value, map.get(key)); assertSame(entry, segment.writeQueue.peek()); assertEquals(1, segment.writeQueue.size()); ticker.advance(1); assertNull(map.get(key)); segment.expireEntries(; assertNull(map.get(key)); assertTrue(segment.writeQueue.isEmpty()); }
public void testEvictEntries() { int maxSize = 10; LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(createCacheBuilder().concurrencyLevel(1).maximumSize(maxSize)); Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; // manually add elements to avoid eviction int originalCount = 1024; ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = null; LinkedHashMap<Object, Object> originalMap = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < originalCount; i++) { Object key = new Object(); Object value = new Object(); AtomicReferenceArray<ReferenceEntry<Object, Object>> table = segment.table; int hash = map.hash(key); int index = hash & (table.length() - 1); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> first = table.get(index); entry = map.newEntry(key, hash, first); ValueReference<Object, Object> valueRef = map.newValueReference(entry, value, 1); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); segment.recordWrite(entry, 1,; table.set(index, entry); originalMap.put(key, value); } segment.count = originalCount; segment.totalWeight = originalCount; assertEquals(originalCount, map.size()); assertEquals(originalMap, map); Iterator<Object> it = originalMap.keySet().iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < originalCount - maxSize; i++) {; it.remove(); } segment.evictEntries(entry); assertEquals(maxSize, map.size()); assertEquals(originalMap, map); }
public void testDrainKeyReferenceQueueOnWrite() { for (CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(builder.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesKeyReferences()) { Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference<Object> reference = (Reference) entry; reference.enqueue(); map.put(keyTwo, valueTwo); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(1, map.size()); assertNull(segment.keyReferenceQueue.poll()); } } }
public void testDrainValueReferenceQueueOnWrite() { for (CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(builder.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesValueReferences()) { Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); Object valueTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); ValueReference<Object, Object> valueReference = entry.getValueReference(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference<Object> reference = (Reference) valueReference; reference.enqueue(); map.put(keyTwo, valueTwo); assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(1, map.size()); assertNull(segment.valueReferenceQueue.poll()); } } }
public void testDrainKeyReferenceQueueOnRead() { for (CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(builder.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesKeyReferences()) { Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference<Object> reference = (Reference) entry; reference.enqueue(); for (int i = 0; i < SMALL_MAX_SIZE; i++) { map.get(keyTwo); } assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(0, map.size()); assertNull(segment.keyReferenceQueue.poll()); } } }
public void testDrainValueReferenceQueueOnRead() { for (CacheBuilder<Object, Object> builder : allKeyValueStrengthMakers()) { LocalCache<Object, Object> map = makeLocalCache(builder.concurrencyLevel(1)); if (map.usesValueReferences()) { Segment<Object, Object> segment = map.segments[0]; Object keyOne = new Object(); int hashOne = map.hash(keyOne); Object valueOne = new Object(); Object keyTwo = new Object(); map.put(keyOne, valueOne); ReferenceEntry<Object, Object> entry = segment.getEntry(keyOne, hashOne); ValueReference<Object, Object> valueReference = entry.getValueReference(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Reference<Object> reference = (Reference) valueReference; reference.enqueue(); for (int i = 0; i < SMALL_MAX_SIZE; i++) { map.get(keyTwo); } assertFalse(map.containsKey(keyOne)); assertFalse(map.containsValue(valueOne)); assertNull(map.get(keyOne)); assertEquals(0, map.size()); assertNull(segment.valueReferenceQueue.poll()); } } }
private static <K, V> DummyEntry<K, V> createDummyEntry( K key, int hash, V value, ReferenceEntry<K, V> next) { DummyEntry<K, V> entry = DummyEntry.create(key, hash, next); DummyValueReference<K, V> valueRef = DummyValueReference.create(value); entry.setValueReference(valueRef); return entry; }
public void testUpdateRecency_onInvalidate() { IdentityLoader<Integer> loader = identityLoader(); final LoadingCache<Integer, Integer> cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(MAX_SIZE) .concurrencyLevel(1) .build(loader); CacheTesting.checkRecency(cache, MAX_SIZE, new Receiver<ReferenceEntry<Integer, Integer>>() { @Override public void accept(ReferenceEntry<Integer, Integer> entry) { Integer key = entry.getKey(); cache.invalidate(key); } }); }
/** * Poke into the Cache internals to simulate garbage collection of the value associated with the * given key. This assumes that the associated entry is a WeakValueReference or a * SoftValueReference (and not a LoadingValueReference), and throws an IllegalStateException * if that assumption does not hold. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // the instanceof check and the cast generate this warning static <K, V> void simulateValueReclamation(Cache<K, V> cache, K key) { ReferenceEntry<K, V> entry = getReferenceEntry(cache, key); if (entry != null) { ValueReference<K, V> valueRef = entry.getValueReference(); // fail on strong/computing refs Preconditions.checkState(valueRef instanceof Reference); Reference<V> ref = (Reference<V>) valueRef; if (ref != null) { ref.clear(); } } }
/** * Poke into the Cache internals to simulate garbage collection of the given key. This assumes * that the given entry is a weak or soft reference, and throws an IllegalStateException if that * assumption does not hold. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // the instanceof check and the cast generate this warning static <K, V> void simulateKeyReclamation(Cache<K, V> cache, K key) { ReferenceEntry<K, V> entry = getReferenceEntry(cache, key); Preconditions.checkState(entry instanceof Reference); Reference<?> ref = (Reference<?>) entry; if (ref != null) { ref.clear(); } }
private static <K, V> void assertConnected( LocalCache<K, V> map, ReferenceEntry<K, V> one, ReferenceEntry<K, V> two) { if (map.usesWriteQueue()) { assertSame(two, one.getNextInWriteQueue()); } if (map.usesAccessQueue()) { assertSame(two, one.getNextInAccessQueue()); } }