Java 类 实例源码

项目:athena    文件   
 * Tests fetch of one host by mac and vlan.
public void testSingleHostByMacAndVlanFetch() {
    final ProviderId pid = new ProviderId("of", "foo");
    final MacAddress mac1 = MacAddress.valueOf("00:00:11:00:00:01");
    final Set<IpAddress> ips1 = ImmutableSet.of(IpAddress.valueOf("1111:1111:1111:1::"));
    final Host host1 =
            new DefaultHost(pid, HostId.hostId(mac1), valueOf(1), vlanId((short) 1),
                    new HostLocation(DeviceId.deviceId("1"), portNumber(11), 1),



    WebTarget wt = target();
    String response = wt.path("hosts/00:00:11:00:00:01/1").request().get(String.class);
    final JsonObject result = Json.parse(response).asObject();
    assertThat(result, matchesHost(host1));
项目:tac-kbp-eal    文件   
 * Creates an {@code AnswerKey} where the same response may appear both as assessed and
 * unassessed.  This removes any such tuples from the unassessed set before calling {@link
 * #from(com.bbn.bue.common.symbols.Symbol, Iterable, Iterable, CorefAnnotation)}. This is simply
 * provided for convenience.
public static AnswerKey fromPossiblyOverlapping(Symbol docID, Iterable<AssessedResponse> assessed,
    Iterable<Response> unassessedResponses, CorefAnnotation corefAnnotation) {
  final ImmutableSet<AssessedResponse> assessedResponsesSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(assessed);
  final ImmutableSet<Response> unassessedResponseSet = ImmutableSet.copyOf(unassessedResponses);
  final Set<Response> assessedResponses = FluentIterable.from(assessedResponsesSet)

  if (Sets.intersection(assessedResponses, unassessedResponseSet).isEmpty()) {
    return from(docID, assessedResponsesSet, unassessedResponseSet, corefAnnotation);
  } else {
    return from(docID, assessedResponsesSet,
        Sets.difference(unassessedResponseSet, assessedResponses),

项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
 * Gets an iterator representing an immutable snapshot of all subscribers to the given event at
 * the time this method is called.
Iterator<Subscriber> getSubscribers(Object event) {
  ImmutableSet<Class<?>> eventTypes = flattenHierarchy(event.getClass());

  List<Iterator<Subscriber>> subscriberIterators =

  for (Class<?> eventType : eventTypes) {
    CopyOnWriteArraySet<Subscriber> eventSubscribers = subscribers.get(eventType);
    if (eventSubscribers != null) {
      // eager no-copy snapshot

  return Iterators.concat(subscriberIterators.iterator());
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
 * Invoked by Guice at Injector-creation time to prepare providers for each
 * element in this set. At this time the set's size is known, but its
 * contents are only evaluated when get() is invoked.
public void initialize(Injector injector) {
    providers = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Dependency<?>> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Binding<?> entry : injector.findBindingsByType(elementType)) {

        if (keyMatches(entry.getKey())) {
            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // protected by findBindingsByType()
                    Binding<T> binding = (Binding<T>) entry;

    this.dependencies = ImmutableSet.copyOf(dependencies);
    this.binder = null;
项目:de.flapdoodle.solid    文件   
public static ImmutableSet<?> propertyOf(Blob blob, Function<String, Collection<String>> pathPropertyMapping, PropertyCollectionResolver propertyResolver,
            String propertyName) {
        Collection<String> aliasList = pathPropertyMapping.apply(propertyName);
        for (String alias : aliasList) {
//          if (alias.equals("filename")) {
//              return ImmutableSet.of(blob.filename());
//          }
//          if (alias.equals("path")) {
//              return ImmutableSet.of(Joiner.on('/').join(blob.path()));
//          }
            ImmutableSet<?> resolved = propertyResolver.resolve(blob.meta(), Splitter.on('.').split(alias));
            if (!resolved.isEmpty()) {
                return resolved;
        return ImmutableSet.of();
项目:QDrill    文件   
/** Helper method to verify the number of PartitionSenders in a given fragment endpoint assignments */
private static void verifyAssignment(List<Integer> fragmentList,
    ArrayListMultimap<Integer, DrillbitEndpoint> partitionSenderMap) {

  // We expect at least one entry the list
  assertTrue(fragmentList.size() > 0);

  for(Integer majorFragmentId : fragmentList) {
    // we expect the fragment that has DeMux/HashToRandom as sending exchange to have parallelization with not more
    // than the number of nodes in the cluster and each node in the cluster can have at most one assignment
    List<DrillbitEndpoint> assignments = partitionSenderMap.get(majorFragmentId);
    assertTrue(assignments.size() > 0);
    assertTrue(String.format("Number of partition senders in major fragment [%d] is more than expected", majorFragmentId), CLUSTER_SIZE >= assignments.size());

    // Make sure there are no duplicates in assigned endpoints (i.e at most one partition sender per endpoint)
    assertTrue("Some endpoints have more than one fragment that has ParitionSender", ImmutableSet.copyOf(assignments).size() == assignments.size());
项目:athena    文件   
private Collection<FlowRule> processSpecific(ForwardingObjective fwd) {
    log.debug("Processing specific forwarding objective");
    TrafficSelector selector = fwd.selector();
    EthTypeCriterion ethType =
            (EthTypeCriterion) selector.getCriterion(Criterion.Type.ETH_TYPE);
    if (ethType != null) {
        short et = ethType.ethType().toShort();
        if (et == Ethernet.TYPE_IPV4) {
            return processSpecificRoute(fwd);
        } else if (et == Ethernet.TYPE_VLAN) {
            /* The ForwardingObjective must specify VLAN ethtype in order to use the Transit Circuit */
            return processSpecificSwitch(fwd);

    fail(fwd, ObjectiveError.UNSUPPORTED);
    return ImmutableSet.of();
项目:n4js    文件   
private static void rewriteIdentifiers(N4JSGrammarAccess ga,
        ImmutableMap.Builder<AbstractElement, Integer> builder) {
    ImmutableSet<AbstractRule> identifierRules = ImmutableSet.of(
    for (ParserRule rule : GrammarUtil.allParserRules(ga.getGrammar())) {
        for (EObject obj : EcoreUtil2.eAllContents(rule.getAlternatives())) {
            if (obj instanceof Assignment) {
                Assignment assignment = (Assignment) obj;
                AbstractElement terminal = assignment.getTerminal();
                int type = InternalN4JSParser.RULE_IDENTIFIER;
                if (terminal instanceof CrossReference) {
                    terminal = ((CrossReference) terminal).getTerminal();
                    type = IDENTIFIER_REF_TOKEN;
                if (terminal instanceof RuleCall) {
                    AbstractRule calledRule = ((RuleCall) terminal).getRule();
                    if (identifierRules.contains(calledRule)) {
                        builder.put(assignment, type);
项目:BUILD_file_generator    文件   
 * Tests behavior when a class is mapped to multiple rules. A runtime exception should be thrown.
public void classMappedToMultipleRules() {
  ImmutableList<String> lines =
  try {
    (new UserDefinedResolver(lines)).resolve((ImmutableSet.of("com.test.stuff")));
    fail("Expected an exception, but nothing was thrown");
  } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            "com.test.stuff mapped to multiple targets: //java/com/test/other:target, "
                + "//java/com/test/stuff:target");
项目:GitHub    文件   
ImmutableSet<String> crossReferencedMethods() {
  Set<String> referenced = new HashSet<>();
  for (EncodedElement e : element()) {
    for (Term t : e.code()) {
      if (t.isBinding()) {
        Code.Binding b = (Code.Binding) t;
        if (b.isMethod()) {
  return ImmutableSet.copyOf(referenced);
项目:servicebuilder    文件   
public void filter(ContainerRequestContext requestContext) throws IOException {
    String usertokenId = requestContext.getHeaderString(Constants.USERTOKENID_HEADER);

    if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(usertokenId)) {

    UserToken userToken;
    try {
        userToken = tokenServiceClient.getUserTokenById(usertokenId);
    } catch (TokenServiceClientException e) {
        throw new NotAuthorizedException("UsertokenId: '" + usertokenId + "' not valid", e);

    UibBrukerPrincipal brukerPrincipal = UibBrukerPrincipal.ofUserToken(userToken);
    ImmutableSet<String> tilganger = extractRolesAllowed(userToken, brukerPrincipal.uibBruker);

    requestContext.setSecurityContext(new AutentiseringsContext(brukerPrincipal, tilganger));

    if (authenticatedHandler != null) {
项目:tac-kbp-eal    文件   
public static ScoringDataTransformation applyPredicatetoSystemOutput(
    final Predicate<Response> responsePredicate) {
  return new ScoringDataTransformation() {
    public ScoringData transform(final ScoringData scoringData) {
      checkArgument(scoringData.argumentOutput().isPresent(), "System output must be present");
      final ImmutableSet.Builder<Response> toDelete = ImmutableSet.builder();
      for (final Response r : scoringData.argumentOutput().get().responses()) {
        if (!responsePredicate.apply(r)) {
      return ScoringData.builder().from(scoringData).argumentOutput(

    public void logStats() {

项目:AdvancedDataProfilingSeminar    文件   
public void testTableWithMixedTypes(DataAccessObject dataAccessObject) throws AlgorithmExecutionException {
    // GIVEN
    Attribute attributeA = new Attribute(new ColumnIdentifier(TABLE_NAME, "a"), Range.closed(1, 3), INTEGER);
    Attribute attributeB = new Attribute(new ColumnIdentifier(TABLE_NAME, "b"), Range.closed(1, 4), INTEGER);
    Attribute attributeC = new Attribute(new ColumnIdentifier(TABLE_NAME, "d"), Range.closed("b", "c"), TEXT);
    Attribute attributeD = new Attribute(new ColumnIdentifier(TABLE_NAME, "c"), Range.closed("a", "z"), TEXT);
    ImmutableList<Attribute> attributes = ImmutableList.of(attributeA, attributeB, attributeC, attributeD);
    TableInfo tableInfo = new TableInfo(TABLE_NAME, attributes);
    InclusionDependency indAB = toInd(attributeA.getColumnIdentifier(), attributeB.getColumnIdentifier());
    InclusionDependency indCD = toInd(attributeC.getColumnIdentifier(), attributeD.getColumnIdentifier());
    ImmutableSet<InclusionDependency> validInds = ImmutableSet.of(indAB, indCD);

            .thenAnswer(invocation -> validInds.contains(invocation.<InclusionDependency>getArgument(0)));

    // WHEN

    // THEN
项目:QDrill    文件   
 * Get a list of logical rules that can be turned on or off by session/system options.
 * If a rule is intended to always be included with the logical set, it should be added
 * to the immutable list created in the getDrillBasicRules() method below.
 * @param optimizerRulesContext - used to get the list of planner settings, other rules may
 *                                also in the future need to get other query state from this,
 *                                such as the available list of UDFs (as is used by the
 *                                DrillMergeProjectRule created in getDrillBasicRules())
 * @return - a list of rules that have been filtered to leave out
 *         rules that have been turned off by system or session settings
public static RuleSet getDrillUserConfigurableLogicalRules(OptimizerRulesContext optimizerRulesContext) {
  final PlannerSettings ps = optimizerRulesContext.getPlannerSettings();

  // This list is used to store rules that can be turned on an off
  // by user facing planning options
  final Builder<RelOptRule> userConfigurableRules = ImmutableSet.<RelOptRule>builder();

  if (ps.isConstantFoldingEnabled()) {
    // TODO - DRILL-2218


  return new DrillRuleSet(;
项目:dremio-oss    文件   
void addToDoc(Document doc, String... values){
  Preconditions.checkArgument(valueType == String.class);
  if (isSorted()) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(values.length < 2, "sorted fields cannot have multiple values");

  // add distinct elements to doc
  final Iterable<String> nonNull = FluentIterable.from(Arrays.asList(values))
      .filter(new Predicate<String>() {
        public boolean apply(@Nullable final String input) {
          return input != null;

  for (final String value : ImmutableSet.copyOf(nonNull)) {
    final String truncatedValue = StringUtils.abbreviate(value, MAX_STRING_LENGTH);
    doc.add(new StringField(indexFieldName, truncatedValue, stored ? Store.YES : Store.NO));

  if (isSorted() && values.length == 1) {
    Preconditions.checkArgument(sortedValueType == SearchFieldSorting.FieldType.STRING);
    doc.add(new SortedDocValuesField(indexFieldName, new BytesRef(values[0])));
项目:java-monitoring-client-library    文件   
    String name,
    String description,
    String valueDisplayName,
    Kind kind,
    ImmutableSet<LabelDescriptor> labels,
    Class<V> valueClass) {
  this.metricSchema = MetricSchema.create(name, description, valueDisplayName, kind, labels);
  this.valueClass = valueClass;
项目:guava-mock    文件   
public void testAllWrapperTypes() {
  Set<Class<?>> wrappers = Primitives.allWrapperTypes();
          Boolean.class, Byte.class, Character.class, Double.class,
          Float.class, Integer.class, Long.class, Short.class, Void.class),

  try {
  } catch (UnsupportedOperationException expected) {
项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
public void addNode_existingNode() {
  ImmutableSet<Integer> nodes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(graph.nodes());
项目:athena    文件   
protected Collection<RequestHandler> createRequestHandlers() {
    return ImmutableSet.of(
            new DisplayStartHandler(),
            new DisplayStopHandler(),
            new ConfigSfpMsg()
项目:ArchUnit    文件   
SELF evaluationToType(Class<?> secondType) {
    Class<?>[] types = ImmutableSet.<Class<?>>builder()
            .build().toArray(new Class<?>[0]);
    JavaClass javaClass = importClassesWithContext(types).get(secondType);
    for (DescribedPredicate<JavaClass> predicate : assignable) {
                .as(message + secondType.getSimpleName()));
    return self();
项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
 * Returns all top level classes whose package name is {@code packageName} or starts with
 * {@code packageName} followed by a '.'.
public ImmutableSet<ClassInfo> getTopLevelClassesRecursive(String packageName) {
  String packagePrefix = packageName + '.';
  ImmutableSet.Builder<ClassInfo> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
  for (ClassInfo classInfo : getTopLevelClasses()) {
    if (classInfo.getName().startsWith(packagePrefix)) {
项目:alfresco-test-assertions    文件   
public void test_workflow_conditions() {
                    .hasPackageItemsAttached(ImmutableSet.of(attachment1, attachment2));
项目:java-monitoring-client-library    文件   
public void testAdd_oneFiniteInterval_overflowValue_returnsOverflowInterval() throws Exception {
  MutableDistribution distribution =
      new MutableDistribution(CustomFitter.create(ImmutableSet.of(1.0, 5.0)));


          ImmutableRangeMap.<Double, Long>builder()
              .put(Range.lessThan(1.0), 0L)
              .put(Range.closedOpen(1.0, 5.0), 0L)
              .put(Range.atLeast(5.0), 1L)
项目:carml    文件   
public void map_withPassedAndOwnGraphs_removesDuplicatesFromConcatenatedContext() throws Exception {
    SimpleValueFactory f = SimpleValueFactory.getInstance();
    IRI subjectIRI = f.createIRI("");

    PredicateMapper childMapper = mock(PredicateMapper.class);

    Model model = new ModelBuilder().build();
    EvaluateExpression evaluator = null;

    IRI subjectGraphIri = f.createIRI("http://subject.context/graph");
    IRI ownGraphIri = f.createIRI("http://own.context/graph");

    Set<IRI> subjectContext = ImmutableSet.of(subjectGraphIri, ownGraphIri, ownGraphIri, subjectGraphIri);
    Set<IRI> ownContext = ImmutableSet.of(ownGraphIri, subjectGraphIri, subjectGraphIri, ownGraphIri);
    IRI[] expectedContext = new IRI[] { subjectGraphIri, ownGraphIri };

    Set<TermGenerator<IRI>> ownGraphGenerators =
            .map(graphIri -> {
                TermGenerator<IRI> generator = (TermGenerator<IRI>) mock(TermGenerator.class);
                return generator;

    PredicateObjectMapper testSubject = new PredicateObjectMapper(ownGraphGenerators, ImmutableSet.of(childMapper));, evaluator, subjectIRI, subjectContext);

    verify(childMapper).map(model, evaluator, subjectIRI, expectedContext);

项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
public IndexParentChildFieldData localGlobalDirect(DirectoryReader indexReader) throws Exception {
    final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
    final Set<String> parentTypes;
    if (Version.indexCreated(indexSettings()).before(Version.V_2_0_0_beta1)) {
        synchronized (lock) {
            parentTypes = ImmutableSet.copyOf(this.parentTypes);
    } else {
        parentTypes = this.parentTypes;

    long ramBytesUsed = 0;
    final Map<String, OrdinalMapAndAtomicFieldData> perType = new HashMap<>();
    for (String type : parentTypes) {
        final AtomicParentChildFieldData[] fieldData = new AtomicParentChildFieldData[indexReader.leaves().size()];
        for (LeafReaderContext context : indexReader.leaves()) {
            fieldData[context.ord] = load(context);
        final OrdinalMap ordMap = buildOrdinalMap(fieldData, type);
        ramBytesUsed += ordMap.ramBytesUsed();
        perType.put(type, new OrdinalMapAndAtomicFieldData(ordMap, fieldData));

    final AtomicParentChildFieldData[] fielddata = new AtomicParentChildFieldData[indexReader.leaves().size()];
    for (int i = 0; i < fielddata.length; ++i) {
        fielddata[i] = new GlobalAtomicFieldData(parentTypes, perType, i);

    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                "Global-ordinals[_parent] took {}",
                new TimeValue(System.nanoTime() - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS)

    return new GlobalFieldData(indexReader, fielddata, ramBytesUsed, perType);
项目:NullAway    文件   
public ImmutableSet<Integer> onUnannotatedInvocationGetNonNullPositions(
    NullAway analysis,
    VisitorState state,
    Symbol.MethodSymbol methodSymbol,
    List<? extends ExpressionTree> actualParams,
    ImmutableSet<Integer> nonNullPositions) {
  return Sets.union(
项目:athena    文件   
 * Sets up the global values for all the tests.
public void setUpTest() {
    // Mock device service
            .andReturn(ImmutableSet.of(device1, device2));

    // Mock Core Service

    // Register the services needed for the test
    final CodecManager codecService =  new CodecManager();
    ServiceDirectory testDirectory =
            new TestServiceDirectory()
                    .add(FlowRuleService.class, mockFlowService)
                    .add(DeviceService.class, mockDeviceService)
                    .add(CodecService.class, codecService)
                    .add(CoreService.class, mockCoreService)
                    .add(ApplicationService.class, mockApplicationService);

项目:guava-mock    文件   
public void testIn_equality() {
  Collection<Integer> nums = ImmutableSet.of(1, 5);
  Collection<Integer> sameOrder = ImmutableSet.of(1, 5);
  Collection<Integer> differentOrder = ImmutableSet.of(5, 1);
  Collection<Integer> differentNums = ImmutableSet.of(1, 3, 5);

  new EqualsTester()
项目:ditb    文件   
 * Load all wals in all replication queues from ZK. This method guarantees to return a
 * snapshot which contains all WALs in the zookeeper at the start of this call even there
 * is concurrent queue failover. However, some newly created WALs during the call may
 * not be included.
private Set<String> loadWALsFromQueues() throws KeeperException {
  for (int retry = 0; ; retry++) {
    int v0 = replicationQueues.getQueuesZNodeCversion();
    List<String> rss = replicationQueues.getListOfReplicators();
    if (rss == null) {
      LOG.debug("Didn't find any region server that replicates, won't prevent any deletions.");
      return ImmutableSet.of();
    Set<String> wals = Sets.newHashSet();
    for (String rs : rss) {
      List<String> listOfPeers = replicationQueues.getAllQueues(rs);
      // if rs just died, this will be null
      if (listOfPeers == null) {
      for (String id : listOfPeers) {
        List<String> peersWals = replicationQueues.getLogsInQueue(rs, id);
        if (peersWals != null) {
    int v1 = replicationQueues.getQueuesZNodeCversion();
    if (v0 == v1) {
      return wals;
    }"Replication queue node cversion changed from %d to %d, retry = %d",
        v0, v1, retry));
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
public PlayerClass(String name, String category, @Nullable String description, @Nullable String longDescription, boolean sticky, Set<Kit> kits, MaterialData icon, boolean restrict) { = checkNotNull(name, "name");
    this.category = checkNotNull(category, "family name");
    this.description = description;
    this.longDescription = longDescription;
    this.sticky = sticky;
    this.kits = ImmutableSet.copyOf(checkNotNull(kits, "kits"));
    this.icon = checkNotNull(icon, "icon");
    this.restrict = restrict;
项目:athena    文件   
public Collection<Tunnel> queryTunnel(TunnelEndPoint src, TunnelEndPoint dst) {
    Collection<Tunnel> result = new HashSet<Tunnel>();
    Tunnel tunnel = null;
    for (TunnelId tunnelId : tunnelIdAsKeyStore.keySet()) {
        tunnel = tunnelIdAsKeyStore.get(tunnelId);

        if ((null != tunnel) && (src.equals(tunnel.src())) && (dst.equals(tunnel.dst()))) {

    return result.size() == 0 ? Collections.emptySet() : ImmutableSet.copyOf(result);
项目:reflect    文件   
public static ImmutableSet<Method> toMethods(Iterable<Class<?>> classes) {
  return FluentIterable.from(classes)
          new Function<Class<?>, ImmutableSet<Method>>() {
            public ImmutableSet<Method> apply(Class<?> c) {
              return Reflect.methods(c);
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
public static Set<Method> ancestors(Method method) {
    if(Members.isPrivate(method)) return Collections.emptySet();

    final ImmutableSet.Builder<Method> builder = ImmutableSet.builder();
    for(Class<?> ancestor : Types.ancestors(method.getDeclaringClass())) {
        final Method sup = overrideIn(ancestor, method);
        if(sup != null) builder.add(sup);
项目:json2java4idea    文件   
private Configuration(@Nonnull Builder builder) {
    style =;
    classNamePolicy = builder.classNamePolicy;
    fieldNamePolicy = builder.fieldNamePolicy;
    methodNamePolicy = builder.methodNamePolicy;
    parameterNamePolicy = builder.parameterNamePolicy;
    annotationPolicies = ImmutableSet.copyOf(builder.annotationPolicies);
    jsonParser = builder.jsonParser;
    javaBuilder = builder.javaBuilder;
项目:Reer    文件   
public Set<ArchiveEntry> transform(File archiveFile) {
    FileInputStream fileInputStream;
    try {
        fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(archiveFile);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException(e);

    ImmutableSet.Builder<ArchiveEntry> allEntries = ImmutableSet.builder();
    walk(fileInputStream, allEntries, ImmutableList.<String>of());
项目:tac-kbp-eal    文件   
private static ImmutableSet<TypeRoleFillerRealis> computeBannedResponseSignatures(
    final AnswerKey key) {
  final ImmutableSet.Builder<TypeRoleFillerRealis> bannedResponseSignatures =

  for (final AssessedResponse response : key.annotatedResponses()) {
    if (response.assessment().entityCorrectFiller().isPresent()
        && response.assessment().entityCorrectFiller().get().isAcceptable()
        && response.response().isTemporal()) {
      try {
        final KBPTIMEXExpression time = KBPTIMEXExpression.parseTIMEX(

        final TypeRoleFillerRealis responseSignature = responseSignature(response.response());

        for (final KBPTIMEXExpression lessSpecificTimex : time.lessSpecificCompatibleTimes()) {
              KBPString.from(lessSpecificTimex.toString(), DUMMY_OFFSETS)));
      } catch (KBPTIMEXExpression.KBPTIMEXException timexException) {
            "While applying only-most-specific-temporal rule, encountered an illegal temporal "
                + "expression " + response.response().canonicalArgument().string()
                + " which was evaluated as "
                + "correct. Such responses should have incorrect CAS assessments.");

项目:pyplyn    文件   
 * Ensures only tasks that should be running are running
private void updateTasksAfterClusterEvent() {"Synchronizing tasks on local node...");

    // compute the difference between currently executing tasks and locally managed configurations
    Set<Configuration> localConfigurations = get();
    Set<Configuration> localTasks = taskManager.allTasks();
    ImmutableSet.copyOf(Sets.difference(localTasks, localConfigurations))
            // and delete all the tasks that should not run on the local node
            .forEach(new DeleteTaskConsumer((always) -> true));

    // upsert all local configurations, to ensure all that should be running are running
    localConfigurations.forEach(new UpsertTaskConsumer((always) -> true));
项目:hashsdn-controller    文件   
public synchronized boolean cancel() {
    if (closed) {
        return false;

    LOG.debug("Cancelling transaction {}", identifier);
    for (DOMStoreWriteTransaction tx : ImmutableSet.copyOf(idToTransaction.values())) {

    closed = true;
    return true;
项目:athena    文件   
 * Add per host route to subnet list and populate the flow rule if the host
 * does not belong to the configured subnet.
 * @param location location of the host being added
 * @param ip IP address of the host being added
private void addPerHostRoute(ConnectPoint location, Ip4Address ip) {
    Ip4Prefix portSubnet = srManager.deviceConfiguration.getPortSubnet(
            location.deviceId(), location.port());
    if (portSubnet != null && !portSubnet.contains(ip)) {
        Ip4Prefix ip4Prefix = ip.toIpPrefix().getIp4Prefix();
        srManager.deviceConfiguration.addSubnet(location, ip4Prefix);
项目:tac-kbp-eal    文件   
public static AnswerKey minimalAnswerKeyFor(CorefAnnotation coref) {
  final DummyResponseGenerator responseGenerator = new DummyResponseGenerator();
  final ImmutableSet.Builder<Response> responses = ImmutableSet.builder();
  for (final KBPString s : coref.allCASes()) {
    responses.add(responseGenerator.responseFor(dummyTRFR(coref.docId(), s)));

  final ImmutableSet<AssessedResponse> assessedResponses = FluentIterable

  return AnswerKey.from(coref.docId(), assessedResponses,
      ImmutableSet.<Response>of(), coref);