Java 类 实例源码

项目:apollo-custom    文件   
 * Create permissions, note that permissionType + targetId should be unique
public Set<Permission> createPermissions(Set<Permission> permissions) {
    Multimap<String, String> targetIdPermissionTypes = HashMultimap.create();
    for (Permission permission : permissions) {
        targetIdPermissionTypes.put(permission.getTargetId(), permission.getPermissionType());

    for (String targetId : targetIdPermissionTypes.keySet()) {
        Collection<String> permissionTypes = targetIdPermissionTypes.get(targetId);
        List<Permission> current =
                permissionRepository.findByPermissionTypeInAndTargetId(permissionTypes, targetId);
                "Permission with permissionType %s targetId %s already exists!", permissionTypes,

    Iterable<Permission> results =;
    return FluentIterable.from(results).toSet();
项目:clearwsd    文件   
 * Binarize embeddings as described in "Revisiting Embedding Features for Simple Semi-supervised Learning" (Guo et al. 2014).
 * Output is a map of indices, where negative-valued indices are negative, and positive-valued indices are positive. Indices
 * start at 1, so as to avoid loss of information on 0.
 * @param embeddings map from identifiers onto corresponding vectors
 * @return map from identifiers onto indices
public static Multimap<String, Integer> binarize(Map<String, float[]> embeddings) {
    float[] posMean = filteredMean(embeddings.values(), v -> v >= 0);
    float[] negMean = filteredMean(embeddings.values(), v -> v < 0);
    Multimap<String, Integer> binarizedEmbeddings = HashMultimap.create();
    for (Map.Entry<String, float[]> embedding : embeddings.entrySet()) {
        int index = 0;
        for (float val : embedding.getValue()) {
            if (val > posMean[index]) {
                binarizedEmbeddings.put(embedding.getKey(), -(index + 1));
            } else if (val < negMean[index]) {
                binarizedEmbeddings.put(embedding.getKey(), index + 1);
    return binarizedEmbeddings;
项目:n4js    文件   
private void configureResourceSetContainerState(final List<N4JSProject> allProjects) {
    // a container is a project.
    List<String> containers = new LinkedList<>();
    BiMap<String, N4JSProject> container2project = HashBiMap.create();

    // the URIs of all resources directly contained in a project/container.
    Multimap<String, URI> container2Uris = HashMultimap.create();

    for (N4JSProject project : allProjects) {
        String container = FileBasedWorkspace.N4FBPRJ + project.getLocation();
        container2project.put(container, project);

        for (IN4JSSourceContainer sourceContainer : project.getSourceContainers()) {
            Iterables.addAll(container2Uris.get(container), sourceContainer);

    // Define the Mapping of Resources (URIs to Container === Projects),
    rsbAcs.configure(containers, container2Uris);
项目:n4js    文件   
private Multimap<String, IProject> initProjectLocation() {
    final IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
    final IProject[] projects = root.getProjects();
    final Multimap<String, IProject> locations = HashMultimap.create();

    // initialize the repository paths
    repositoryPaths = repositoriesProvider.getWorkspaceRepositories().stream()
            .map(r -> r.getDirectory().getParentFile().toPath()).collect(Collectors.toSet());

    for (final IProject project : projects) {
        if (isRemoteEditNature(project)) {
        final String pair = getWorkingSetId(project);
        locations.put(pair, project);

    return locations;
项目:hygene    文件   
 * Builds a map of {@link Segment}s and their edges in the {@link Subgraph} for either the incoming or
 * outgoing {@link Edge}s.
 * <p>
 * {@link DummyEdge}s will not be added but their original edge, for which they are a diversion, will be added.
 * @param subgraph          the {@link Subgraph}
 * @param sequenceDirection the {@link SequenceDirection}
 * @return map of {@link Edge}s for each {@link Segment}
private Multimap<GfaNode, Edge> buildEdgeMap(final Subgraph subgraph,
                                             final SequenceDirection sequenceDirection) {
    final Multimap<GfaNode, Edge> edgeMap = HashMultimap.create();

    subgraph.getGfaNodes().forEach(segment -> {
        final Set<Edge> edges = sequenceDirection.ternary(segment.getIncomingEdges(), segment.getOutgoingEdges());

        edges.forEach(edge -> {
            if (edge instanceof DummyEdge) {
                edgeMap.put(segment, ((DummyEdge) edge).getOriginalEdge());
            } else {
                edgeMap.put(segment, edge);

    return edgeMap;
项目:athena    文件   
public void activate() {
    ribTable4 = new ConcurrentInvertedRadixTree<>(
            new DefaultByteArrayNodeFactory());
    ribTable6 = new ConcurrentInvertedRadixTree<>(
            new DefaultByteArrayNodeFactory());

    routesWaitingOnArp = Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(


    bgpUpdatesExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(
            new ThreadFactoryBuilder()
项目:ProjectAres    文件   
public static DisableDamageModule parse(MapModuleContext context, Logger logger, Document doc) throws InvalidXMLException {
    SetMultimap<DamageCause, PlayerRelation> causes = HashMultimap.create();
    for(Element damageCauseElement : doc.getRootElement().getChildren("disabledamage")) {
        for(Element damageEl : damageCauseElement.getChildren("damage")) {
            DamageCause cause = XMLUtils.parseEnum(damageEl, DamageCause.class, "damage type");
            for(PlayerRelation damagerType : PlayerRelation.values()) {
                // Legacy syntax used "other" instead of "neutral"
                String attrName =;
                Node attr = damagerType == PlayerRelation.NEUTRAL ? Node.fromAttr(damageEl, attrName, "other")
                                                                  : Node.fromAttr(damageEl, attrName);
                if(XMLUtils.parseBoolean(attr, true)) {
                    causes.put(cause, damagerType);

                    // Bukkit 1.7.10 changed TNT from BLOCK_EXPLOSION to ENTITY_EXPLOSION,
                    // so we include them both to keep old maps working.
                    if(cause == DamageCause.BLOCK_EXPLOSION) {
                        causes.put(DamageCause.ENTITY_EXPLOSION, damagerType);
    return new DisableDamageModule(causes);
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public SoundManager(SoundHandler p_i45119_1_, GameSettings p_i45119_2_)
    this.invPlayingSounds = ((BiMap)this.playingSounds).inverse();
    this.categorySounds = HashMultimap.<SoundCategory, String>create();
    this.tickableSounds = Lists.<ITickableSound>newArrayList();
    this.delayedSounds = Maps.<ISound, Integer>newHashMap();
    this.playingSoundsStopTime = Maps.<String, Integer>newHashMap();
    this.listeners = Lists.<ISoundEventListener>newArrayList();
    this.pausedChannels = Lists.<String>newArrayList();
    this.sndHandler = p_i45119_1_;
    this.options = p_i45119_2_;

        SoundSystemConfig.setCodec("ogg", CodecJOrbis.class);
    catch (SoundSystemException soundsystemexception)
        LOGGER.error(LOG_MARKER, (String)"Error linking with the LibraryJavaSound plug-in", (Throwable)soundsystemexception);
项目:dremio-oss    文件   
 * merges this and other together into a new result object
 * @param other
 * @return the resulting merge
public ScanResult merge(ScanResult other) {
  final Multimap<String, ChildClassDescriptor> newImpls = HashMultimap.create();
  for (Collection<ParentClassDescriptor> impls : asList(implementations, other.implementations)) {
    for (ParentClassDescriptor c : impls) {
      newImpls.putAll(c.getName(), c.getChildren());
  List<ParentClassDescriptor> newImplementations = new ArrayList<>();
  for (Entry<String, Collection<ChildClassDescriptor>> entry : newImpls.asMap().entrySet()) {
    newImplementations.add(new ParentClassDescriptor(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue())));

  return new ScanResult(
      merge(scannedPackages, other.scannedPackages),
      merge(scannedClasses, other.scannedClasses),
      merge(scannedAnnotations, other.scannedAnnotations),
      merge(annotatedClasses, other.annotatedClasses),
项目:atlas    文件   
 * Verify the directory of the so file under the abi
 * @param supportAbis
 * @param removeSoFiles
 * @param dirs
 * @return
public static Map<String, Multimap<String, File>> getAbiSoFiles(Set<String> supportAbis, Set<String> removeSoFiles,
                                                                List<File> dirs) {
    Map<String, Multimap<String, File>> result = new HashMap<String, Multimap<String, File>>();
    IOFileFilter filter = new NativeSoFilter(supportAbis, removeSoFiles);
    for (File dir : dirs) {
        Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(dir, filter, TrueFileFilter.TRUE);
        for (File file : files) {
            File parentFolder = file.getParentFile();
            String parentName = parentFolder.getName();
            String shortName = getSoShortName(file);
            Multimap<String, File> maps = result.get(parentName);
            if (null == maps) {
                maps = HashMultimap.create(10, 3);
            maps.put(shortName, file);
            result.put(parentName, maps);

    return result;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public SoundManager(SoundHandler p_i45119_1_, GameSettings p_i45119_2_)
    this.invPlayingSounds = ((BiMap)this.playingSounds).inverse();
    this.playingSoundPoolEntries = Maps.<ISound, SoundPoolEntry>newHashMap();
    this.categorySounds = HashMultimap.<SoundCategory, String>create();
    this.tickableSounds = Lists.<ITickableSound>newArrayList();
    this.delayedSounds = Maps.<ISound, Integer>newHashMap();
    this.playingSoundsStopTime = Maps.<String, Integer>newHashMap();
    this.sndHandler = p_i45119_1_;
    this.options = p_i45119_2_;

        SoundSystemConfig.setCodec("ogg", CodecJOrbis.class);
    catch (SoundSystemException soundsystemexception)
        logger.error(LOG_MARKER, (String)"Error linking with the LibraryJavaSound plug-in", (Throwable)soundsystemexception);
项目:spring2ts    文件   
public static Multimap<String, String> getAnnotationAsMap(org.jboss.forge.roaster.model.Annotation<?> annotation,
                                                    Class<? extends Annotation> type) {

    if(annotation == null) return null;
    List<Method> methods = getAnnotationAttributes(type);
    Multimap<String, String> result = HashMultimap.create();
    for (Method method : methods) {
        String name = method.getName();
        boolean array = method.getReturnType().isArray();
        String value = annotation.getLiteralValue(name);
        if(StringUtils.isBlank(value)) continue;
        String [] values = array
                ? annotation.getStringArrayValue(name) : new String[]{annotation.getStringValue(name)};
        if(allElementsNull(values)) continue;
        result.putAll(name, Arrays.asList(values));
    return result;
项目:abhot    文件   
public SetMultimap<String, String> deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException
    SetMultimap<String, String> map = HashMultimap.create();

    JsonObject filters = json.getAsJsonObject();
    for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> filter : filters.entrySet())
        String name = filter.getKey();
        JsonArray values = ((JsonArray)filter.getValue());
        for (JsonElement value : values)
            map.put(name, value.getAsString());

    return map;
项目:MicroServiceProject    文件   
 * Construct a sparse tensor with indices and values
 * @param dims
 *            dimensions of a tensor
 * @param nds
 *            n-dimensional keys
 * @param vals
 *            entry values
public SparseTensor(int[] dims, List<Integer>[] nds, List<Double> vals) {
    if (dims.length < 3)
        throw new Error("The dimension of a tensor cannot be smaller than 3!");

    numDimensions = dims.length;
    dimensions = new int[numDimensions];

    ndKeys = (List<Integer>[]) new List<?>[numDimensions];
    keyIndices = (Multimap<Integer, Integer>[]) new Multimap<?, ?>[numDimensions];

    for (int d = 0; d < numDimensions; d++) {
        dimensions[d] = dims[d];
        ndKeys[d] = nds == null ? new ArrayList<Integer>() : new ArrayList<Integer>(nds[d]);
        keyIndices[d] = HashMultimap.create();

    values = vals == null ? new ArrayList<Double>() : new ArrayList<>(vals);
    indexedDimensions = new ArrayList<>(numDimensions);
项目:MicroServiceProject    文件   
 * retrieve a rating matrix from the tensor. Warning: it assumes there is at most one entry for each (user, item)
 * pair.
 * @return a sparse rating matrix
public SparseMatrix rateMatrix() {

    Table<Integer, Integer, Double> dataTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    Multimap<Integer, Integer> colMap = HashMultimap.create();

    for (TensorEntry te : this) {
        int u = te.key(userDimension);
        int i = te.key(itemDimension);

        dataTable.put(u, i, te.get());
        colMap.put(i, u);

    return new SparseMatrix(dimensions[userDimension], dimensions[itemDimension], dataTable, colMap);
项目:apollo-custom    文件   
 * Constructor.
public RemoteConfigLongPollService() {
  m_longPollFailSchedulePolicyInSecond = new ExponentialSchedulePolicy(1, 120); //in second
  m_longPollingStopped = new AtomicBoolean(false);
  m_longPollingService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(
      ApolloThreadFactory.create("RemoteConfigLongPollService", true));
  m_longPollStarted = new AtomicBoolean(false);
  m_longPollNamespaces =
      Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.<String, RemoteConfigRepository>create());
  m_notifications = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
  m_remoteNotificationMessages = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
  m_responseType = new TypeToken<List<ApolloConfigNotification>>() {
  gson = new Gson();
  m_configUtil = ApolloInjector.getInstance(ConfigUtil.class);
  m_httpUtil = ApolloInjector.getInstance(HttpUtil.class);
  m_serviceLocator = ApolloInjector.getInstance(ConfigServiceLocator.class);
  m_longPollRateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(m_configUtil.getLongPollQPS());
项目:Leveled-Storage    文件   
public void readGeneric(DataInputStream input, StorageObject... generic) throws IOException {
    int size = input.readInt();
    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        int len = input.readInt();
        K key = (K) generic[0].delegate();;

        for(int j = 0; j < len; j++) {
            V value = (V) generic[1].delegate();


            getValue().put(key, value);
项目:wayf-cloud    文件   
private Completable inflatePublishers(Iterable<DeviceAccess> deviceAccesss, DeviceAccessQuery query) {
    // Return as complete if publisher is not a requested field
    if (query.getInflationPolicy() == null || !query.getInflationPolicy().hasChildField(DeviceAccessQuery.PUBLISHER_FIELD)) {
        return Completable.complete();

    Multimap<Long, DeviceAccess> deviceAccesssByPublisherId = HashMultimap.create();

    return Observable.fromIterable(deviceAccesss)
            // Filter out publisher sessions with no publisher
            .filter((deviceAccess) -> deviceAccess.getPublisher() != null && deviceAccess.getPublisher().getId() != null)

            // Collect all of the publisher sessions and their publisher IDs into a map
            .collectInto(deviceAccesssByPublisherId, (map, deviceAccess) -> map.put(deviceAccess.getPublisher().getId(), deviceAccess))

            // Fetch all of the publishers for those publisher IDs
            .flatMapObservable((map) -> map.keySet().isEmpty()? Observable.empty() : publisherFacade.filter(new PublisherQuery().ids(map.keySet())))

            // For each publisher returned, map it to each publisher session that had its ID
            .flatMapCompletable((publisher) ->
                            .flatMapCompletable((deviceAccess) ->
                                    Completable.fromAction(() -> deviceAccess.setPublisher(publisher))
项目:wayf-cloud    文件   
private Completable inflateIdentityProviders(Iterable<DeviceAccess> deviceAccesss, DeviceAccessQuery query) {
    // Return as complete if authenticatedBy is not a requested field
    if (query.getInflationPolicy() == null || !query.getInflationPolicy().hasChildField(DeviceAccessQuery.IDENTITY_PROVIDER)) {
        return Completable.complete();

    Multimap<Long, DeviceAccess> deviceAccesssByIdpId = HashMultimap.create();

    return Observable.fromIterable(deviceAccesss)
            // Filter out publisher sessions with no publisher
            .filter((deviceAccess) -> deviceAccess.getIdentityProvider() != null && deviceAccess.getIdentityProvider().getId() != null)

            // Collect all of the publisher sessions and their identity provider IDs into a map
            .collectInto(deviceAccesssByIdpId, (map, deviceAccess) -> map.put(deviceAccess.getIdentityProvider().getId(), deviceAccess))

            // Fetch all of the publishers for those publisher IDs
            .flatMapObservable((map) -> map.keySet().isEmpty()? Observable.empty() : identityProviderFacade.filter(new IdentityProviderQuery().ids(map.keySet())))

            // For each identity provider returned, map it to each publisher session that had its ID
            .flatMapCompletable((identityProvider) ->
                            .flatMapCompletable((deviceAccess) ->
                                    Completable.fromAction(() -> deviceAccess.setIdentityProvider(identityProvider))
项目:apollo-custom    文件   
private Multimap<String, String> findPublicConfigWatchKeys(String applicationId,
                                                           String clusterName,
                                                           Set<String> namespaces,
                                                           String dataCenter) {
  Multimap<String, String> watchedKeysMap = HashMultimap.create();
  List<AppNamespace> appNamespaces = appNamespaceService.findPublicNamespacesByNames(namespaces);

  for (AppNamespace appNamespace : appNamespaces) {
    //check whether the namespace's appId equals to current one
    if (Objects.equals(applicationId, appNamespace.getAppId())) {

    String publicConfigAppId = appNamespace.getAppId();

        assembleWatchKeys(publicConfigAppId, clusterName, appNamespace.getName(), dataCenter));

  return watchedKeysMap;
项目:OperatieBRP    文件   
private Multimap<MetaObject, MetaRecord> bepaalActueleRecords(final MetaObject persoonObject) {
    final Multimap<MetaObject, MetaRecord> records = HashMultimap.create();
    persoonObject.accept(new ParentFirstModelVisitor() {
        protected void doVisit(final MetaRecord record) {
            final VerantwoordingCategorie verantwoordingCategorie = record.getParentGroep().getGroepElement().getVerantwoordingCategorie();
            final BooleanSupplier actueelActieRecord = () -> verantwoordingCategorie == VerantwoordingCategorie.A
                    && record.getActieVerval() == null && record.getDatumEindeGeldigheid() == null;
            final BooleanSupplier actueelDienstRecord = () -> verantwoordingCategorie == VerantwoordingCategorie.D
                    && record.getDatumTijdVerval() == null;
            if (verantwoordingCategorie == VerantwoordingCategorie.G || actueelActieRecord.getAsBoolean() || actueelDienstRecord.getAsBoolean()) {
                records.put(record.getParentGroep().getParentObject(), record);
    return records;
项目:OperatieBRP    文件   
 * Bouwt het MetaObject.
 * @param parentObject het parent meta object
 * @return het MetaObject
MetaObject build(final MetaObject parentObject) {
    final MetaObject gebouwdObject = new MetaObject();
    gebouwdObject.parentObject = parentObject;
    gebouwdObject.objectsleutel = objectsleutel;
    gebouwdObject.objectElement = objectElement;

    final Multimap<ObjectElement, MetaObject> tempObjectenMap = HashMultimap.create();
    for (final Builder builder : objectBuilderList) {
        final MetaObject object =;
        tempObjectenMap.put(object.getObjectElement(), object);
    gebouwdObject.elementObjectMap = ImmutableMultimap.copyOf(tempObjectenMap);
    gebouwdObject.objecten = ImmutableSet.copyOf(tempObjectenMap.values());

    final Map<GroepElement, MetaGroep> tempGroepenMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (final MetaGroep.Builder groepBuilder : groepBuilderList) {
        final MetaGroep groep =;
        tempGroepenMap.put(groep.getGroepElement(), groep);
    gebouwdObject.elementGroepMap = ImmutableMap.copyOf(tempGroepenMap);
    gebouwdObject.groepen = ImmutableSet.copyOf(tempGroepenMap.values());
    return gebouwdObject;
项目:GitHub    文件   
public void test_for_multimap() throws Exception {
    HashMultimap map = HashMultimap.create();
    map.put("name", "a");
    map.put("name", "b");

    String json = JSON.toJSONString(map);
    assertEquals("{\"name\":[\"a\",\"b\"]}", json);
项目:GitHub    文件   
public Iterable<TypeAdapterTypes> typeAdapters() {
  Map<AbstractDeclaring, GsonMirrors.TypeAdapters> mirrors = Maps.newHashMap();

  Multimap<AbstractDeclaring, ValueType> byDeclaring = HashMultimap.create();
  for (ValueType value : values().values()) {
    Protoclass protoclass = value.constitution.protoclass();
    if (protoclass.kind().isValue()) {
      Optional<AbstractDeclaring> typeAdaptersProvider = protoclass.typeAdaptersProvider();
      if (typeAdaptersProvider.isPresent()) {
        AbstractDeclaring key = typeAdaptersProvider.get();
        mirrors.put(key, key.typeAdapters().get());
        byDeclaring.put(key, value);
      } else if (protoclass.gsonTypeAdapters().isPresent()
          && protoclass.declaringType().isPresent()) {
        DeclaringType topLevel = protoclass.declaringType().get().associatedTopLevel();
        mirrors.put(topLevel, protoclass.gsonTypeAdapters().get());
        byDeclaring.put(topLevel, value);

  ImmutableList.Builder<TypeAdapterTypes> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
  for (Entry<AbstractDeclaring, Collection<ValueType>> entry : byDeclaring.asMap().entrySet()) {
    String pack = Iterables.get(entry.getValue(), 0).$$package();

项目:clearwsd    文件   
private static List<NlpFocus<DepNode, DepTree>> filterPolysemous(
        List<NlpFocus<DepNode, DepTree>> data) {
    Multimap<String, String> labelMap = HashMultimap.create();
    for (NlpFocus<DepNode, DepTree> instance : data) {
        String predicate = instance.focus().feature(FeatureType.Predicate);
        labelMap.put(predicate, instance.feature(FeatureType.Gold));
            .filter(instance -> labelMap.get(instance.focus().feature(FeatureType.Predicate)).size() > 1)
项目:n4js    文件   
public void testMultipleSuitesWithMultipleTestCases() {
    final Multimap<String, String> map = HashMultimap.create();

    map.put("", "");
    map.put("", "");

    map.put("", "");
    map.put("", "");
    map.put("", "");

    map.put("", "");
    map.put("", "");
    map.put("", "");

    final String actual = asString(transformer.apply(createTestTree(map)));
    assertContains(actual, "\"endpoint\":\"http://localhost:9415\"");
    assertContains(actual, "\"testMethods\":[\"\",\"\"]");
    assertContains(actual, "\"testMethods\":[\"\",\"\",\"\"]");
    assertContains(actual, "\"testMethods\":[\"\",\"\",\"\"]");

    assertTrue(actual.indexOf("") > 0);
    assertTrue(actual.indexOf("") > 0);
    assertTrue(actual.indexOf("") > 0);

    assertTrue(actual.indexOf("") < actual.indexOf(""));
    assertTrue(actual.indexOf("") < actual.indexOf(""));
    assertTrue(actual.indexOf("") < actual.indexOf(""));
项目:n4js    文件   
public void setUp() throws Exception {
    projectExplorer = (ProjectExplorer) showView(ProjectExplorer.VIEW_ID);
    assertNotNull("Cannot show Project Explorer.", projectExplorer);
    commonViewer = projectExplorer.getCommonViewer();
    assertFalse("Expected projects as top level elements in navigator.", broker.isWorkingSetTopLevel());
            "Select working set drop down contribution was visible when projects are configured as top level elements.",

    final Multimap<ProjectType, String> typeNamesMapping = HashMultimap.create();

    typeNamesMapping.putAll(LIBRARY, LIBRARY_PROJECTS);
    typeNamesMapping.putAll(TEST, TEST_PROJECTS);
    for (final Entry<ProjectType, Collection<String>> entry : typeNamesMapping.asMap().entrySet()) {
        for (final String projectName : entry.getValue()) {
            createN4JSProject(projectName, entry.getKey());

    // Actually close "Closed*" projects

    // Wait for workbench to reflect project changes

    // Disable auto-building, as there is no real code to build involved
项目:n4js    文件   
 * Creates a mapping between the container module URI and the actual URIs. Consider cases when the list contains two
 * locations URIs from two methods in the same class Then this method will return with multimap where the single key
 * is the location to the container module and the value is the two method URIs.
private HashMultimap<URI, URI> createTestLocationMapping(List<URI> testLocations) {
    HashMultimap<URI, URI> moduleUris2testUris = HashMultimap.create();
    for (final URI testLocation : testLocations) {
        moduleUris2testUris.put(testLocation.trimFragment(), testLocation);
    return moduleUris2testUris;
项目:guava-mock    文件   
 * Returns all subscribers for the given listener grouped by the type of event they subscribe to.
private Multimap<Class<?>, Subscriber> findAllSubscribers(Object listener) {
  Multimap<Class<?>, Subscriber> methodsInListener = HashMultimap.create();
  Class<?> clazz = listener.getClass();
  for (Method method : getAnnotatedMethods(clazz)) {
    Class<?>[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
    Class<?> eventType = parameterTypes[0];
    methodsInListener.put(eventType, Subscriber.create(bus, listener, method));
  return methodsInListener;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers()
    Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap;

    if (this.hasTagCompound() && this.stackTagCompound.hasKey("AttributeModifiers", 9))
        multimap = HashMultimap.<String, AttributeModifier>create();
        NBTTagList nbttaglist = this.stackTagCompound.getTagList("AttributeModifiers", 10);

        for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++i)
            NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(i);
            AttributeModifier attributemodifier = SharedMonsterAttributes.readAttributeModifierFromNBT(nbttagcompound);

            if (attributemodifier != null && attributemodifier.getID().getLeastSignificantBits() != 0L && attributemodifier.getID().getMostSignificantBits() != 0L)
                multimap.put(nbttagcompound.getString("AttributeName"), attributemodifier);
        multimap = this.getItem().getItemAttributeModifiers();

    return multimap;
项目:DecompiledMinecraft    文件   
public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers()
    Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap;

    if (this.hasTagCompound() && this.stackTagCompound.hasKey("AttributeModifiers", 9))
        multimap = HashMultimap.<String, AttributeModifier>create();
        NBTTagList nbttaglist = this.stackTagCompound.getTagList("AttributeModifiers", 10);

        for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++i)
            NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(i);
            AttributeModifier attributemodifier = SharedMonsterAttributes.readAttributeModifierFromNBT(nbttagcompound);

            if (attributemodifier != null && attributemodifier.getID().getLeastSignificantBits() != 0L && attributemodifier.getID().getMostSignificantBits() != 0L)
                multimap.put(nbttagcompound.getString("AttributeName"), attributemodifier);
        multimap = this.getItem().getItemAttributeModifiers();

    return multimap;
项目:atlas    文件   
private Multimap<String, File> getLibManifestDepenendyMap() {
    Multimap<String, File> maps = HashMultimap.create();
    List<? extends AndroidLibrary> libs = getAwbLibraries();
    if (libs == null || libs.isEmpty()) {
        return maps;

    for (AndroidLibrary mdi : libs) {
        for (AndroidLibrary childLib : mdi.getLibraryDependencies()) {
            ((HashMultimap<String, File>)maps).put(mdi.getName(), childLib.getManifest());

    return maps;
项目:athena    文件   
 * Computes the list of configured interfaces with a VLAN Id.
 * @return the interfaces grouped by vlan id
protected SetMultimap<VlanId, ConnectPoint> getConfigCPoints() {
    log.debug("Checking interface configuration");

    SetMultimap<VlanId, ConnectPoint> confCPointsByVlan =

            .filter(intf -> intf.ipAddressesList().isEmpty())
            .forEach(intf -> confCPointsByVlan.put(intf.vlan(),
    return confCPointsByVlan;
项目:athena    文件   
 * Checks if for any ConnectPoint configured there's an host present
 * and in case it associate them together.
 * @param confCPointsByVlan the configured ConnectPoints grouped by vlan id
 * @return the configured ConnectPoints with eventual hosts associated.
protected SetMultimap<VlanId, Pair<ConnectPoint, MacAddress>> pairAvailableHosts(
        SetMultimap<VlanId, ConnectPoint> confCPointsByVlan) {
    log.debug("Binding connected hosts mac addresses");

    SetMultimap<VlanId, Pair<ConnectPoint, MacAddress>> confHostPresentCPoint =

            .forEach(e -> bindMacAddr(e, confHostPresentCPoint));

    return confHostPresentCPoint;
项目:hadoop    文件   
static private void checkNumberOfSegmentsAndSlots(final int expectedSegments,
      final int expectedSlots, ShortCircuitRegistry registry) {
  registry.visit(new ShortCircuitRegistry.Visitor() {
    public void accept(HashMap<ShmId, RegisteredShm> segments,
                       HashMultimap<ExtendedBlockId, Slot> slots) {
      Assert.assertEquals(expectedSegments, segments.size());
      Assert.assertEquals(expectedSlots, slots.size());
项目:Equella    文件   
private Multimap<String, String> asMultiMap(Map<String, String> allWatched) {
    Multimap<String, String> colMap = HashMultimap.create();
    for( Entry<String, String> entry : allWatched.entrySet() )
        String pref = entry.getValue();
        String userId = entry.getKey();
        Set<String> colUuids = getCollectionsFromPref(pref);
        for( String colUuid : colUuids )
            colMap.put(colUuid, userId);
    return colMap;
项目:Thermionics    文件   
public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers(EntityEquipmentSlot slot, ItemStack stack) {
    Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> modifiers = HashMultimap.create();
    if (slot==EntityEquipmentSlot.HEAD) {
                new AttributeModifier(UUID.fromString("2AD3F246-FEE1-4E67-B886-69FD380BB150"), "Armor modifier", 3D, 0)


    return modifiers;
项目:apollo-custom    文件   
public GrayReleaseRulesHolder() {
  loadVersion = new AtomicLong();
  grayReleaseRuleCache = Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.create());
  reversedGrayReleaseRuleCache = Multimaps.synchronizedSetMultimap(HashMultimap.create());
  executorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, ApolloThreadFactory
      .create("GrayReleaseRulesHolder", true));
项目:BaseClient    文件   
public Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> getAttributeModifiers()
    Multimap<String, AttributeModifier> multimap;

    if (this.hasTagCompound() && this.stackTagCompound.hasKey("AttributeModifiers", 9))
        multimap = HashMultimap.<String, AttributeModifier>create();
        NBTTagList nbttaglist = this.stackTagCompound.getTagList("AttributeModifiers", 10);

        for (int i = 0; i < nbttaglist.tagCount(); ++i)
            NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = nbttaglist.getCompoundTagAt(i);
            AttributeModifier attributemodifier = SharedMonsterAttributes.readAttributeModifierFromNBT(nbttagcompound);

            if (attributemodifier != null && attributemodifier.getID().getLeastSignificantBits() != 0L && attributemodifier.getID().getMostSignificantBits() != 0L)
                multimap.put(nbttagcompound.getString("AttributeName"), attributemodifier);
        multimap = this.getItem().getItemAttributeModifiers();

    return multimap;
项目:javaide    文件   
 * Fetches the remote list of packages.
 * <p/>
 * This respects the settings from the {@link SettingsController} which
 * dictates whether the {@link DownloadCache} is used and whether HTTP
 * is enforced over HTTPS.
 * <p/>
 * The call may block on network access. Callers will likely want to invoke this
 * from a thread and make sure the logger is thread-safe with regard to UI updates.
 * @param sources The sources to download from.
 * @param logger A logger to report status & progress.
 * @return A non-null map of {@link PkgType} to {@link RemotePkgInfo}
 *         describing the remote packages available for install/download.
public Multimap<PkgType, RemotePkgInfo> fetch(@NonNull SdkSources sources,
                                              @NonNull ILogger logger) {
    Multimap<PkgType, RemotePkgInfo> remotes = HashMultimap.create();

    boolean forceHttp = mSettingsController.getSettings().getForceHttp();

    // Implementation detail: right now this reuses the SdkSource(s) classes
    // from the sdk-repository v2. The problem with that is that the sources are
    // mutable and hold the fetch logic and hold the packages array.
    // Instead I'd prefer to have the sources be immutable descriptors and move
    // the fetch logic here. Eventually my goal is to get rid of them
    // and include the logic directly here instead but for right now lets
    // just start with what we have to avoid implementing it all at once.
    // It does mean however that this code needs to convert the old Package
    // type into the new RemotePkgInfo type.

    for (SdkSource source : sources.getAllSources()) {
                    new NullTaskMonitor(logger),
        Package[] pkgs = source.getPackages();
        if (pkgs == null || pkgs.length == 0) {

        // Adapt the legacy Package instances into the new RemotePkgInfo
        for (Package p : pkgs) {
            IPkgDesc d = p.getPkgDesc();
            RemotePkgInfo r = new RemotePkgInfo(d, source);
            remotes.put(d.getType(), r);

    return remotes;