Java 类 实例源码

项目:sstable-adaptor    文件   
public ColumnFilter build()
    boolean isFetchAll = metadata != null;

    PartitionColumns queried = queriedBuilder == null ? null :;
    // It's only ok to have queried == null in ColumnFilter if isFetchAll. So deal with the case of a selectionBuilder
    // with nothing selected (we can at least happen on some backward compatible queries - CASSANDRA-10471).
    if (!isFetchAll && queried == null)
        queried = PartitionColumns.NONE;

    SortedSetMultimap<ColumnIdentifier, ColumnSubselection> s = null;
    if (subSelections != null)
        s = TreeMultimap.create(Comparator.<ColumnIdentifier>naturalOrder(), Comparator.<ColumnSubselection>naturalOrder());
        for (ColumnSubselection subSelection : subSelections)
            s.put(subSelection.column().name, subSelection);

    return new ColumnFilter(isFetchAll, metadata, queried, s);
项目:Reer    文件   
public void build() {
    groups = TreeMultimap.create(new Comparator<String>() {
        public int compare(String string1, String string2) {
            return string1.compareToIgnoreCase(string2);
    }, new Comparator<TaskDetails>() {
        public int compare(TaskDetails task1, TaskDetails task2) {
            return task1.getPath().compareTo(task2.getPath());
    for (TaskReportModel project : projects) {
        for (String group : project.getGroups()) {
            if (isVisible(group)) {
                for (final TaskDetails task : project.getTasksForGroup(group)) {
                    groups.put(group, mergeTasksWithSameName ? new MergedTaskDetails(task) : task);
项目:tifoon    文件   
private static Map<String, Map<String, Multimap<Protocol, Integer>>> mapOpenPorts(@NonNull final List<PropertyChange> _propertyChanges,
                                                                                  @NonNull final PortScannerResult _portScannerResult) {
    final Map<String, Map<String, Multimap<Protocol, Integer>>> result = new TreeMap<>();

    for(final PropertyChange propertyChange : _propertyChanges) {
        final String networkId = getNetworkId(propertyChange, _portScannerResult);
        final Pair<String, OpenHost> openHost = getOpenHost(propertyChange, _portScannerResult);
        final Port port = openHost.getValue().getOpenPorts().get(Integer.parseInt(propertyChange.getKey()));

        result.putIfAbsent(networkId, new TreeMap<>());
        final Map<String, Multimap<Protocol, Integer>> openHostToOpenPortsMultimap = result.get(networkId);

        openHostToOpenPortsMultimap.putIfAbsent(openHost.getKey(), TreeMultimap.create());
        final Multimap<Protocol, Integer> openPortsMultimap = openHostToOpenPortsMultimap.get(openHost.getKey());

        openPortsMultimap.put(port.getProtocol(), port.getPortNumber());

    return result;
项目:fpm    文件   
private static TreeMultimap<Integer, AlternateName> alternateNames(String path) {
    Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.createStarted();
    TreeMultimap<Integer, AlternateName> multimap = TreeMultimap.create();
    try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
        for (String line = br.readLine(); line != null; line = br.readLine()) {
            List<String> list = Splitter.on('\t').splitToList(line);
            if ("fr".equals(list.get(2))) {
                AlternateName name = new AlternateName(list.get(3), "1".equals(list.get(4)), "1".equals(list.get(5)), "1".equals(list.get(6)), "1".equals(list.get(7)));
                multimap.put(parseInt(list.get(1)), name);
    catch (IOException e) {
        throw propagate(e);
    }"Alternate names loaded: {}s", stopwatch.elapsed(SECONDS));
    return multimap;
项目:fpm    文件   
private static Multimap<Long, SignPostPath> spFile(TomtomFolder folder) {
    File file = new File(folder.getFile("sp.dbf"));
    Multimap<Long, SignPostPath> result = TreeMultimap.create();
    if (!file.exists()) {
        return result;
    }"Reading SP {}", file);
    try (DbfReader reader = new DbfReader(file)) {
        DbfRow row;
        while ((row = reader.nextRow()) != null) {
            SignPostPath path = SignPostPath.fromRow(row);
            result.put(path.getId(), path);
    }"Loaded {} sign paths", result.size());
    return result;
项目:fpm    文件   
private Multimap<Long, TimeDomains> loadTimeDomains(String filename) {
    Multimap<Long, TimeDomains> times = TreeMultimap.create();
    File file = new File(filename);
    if (!file.exists()) {"File not found : {}", file.getAbsolutePath());
        return times;
    }"Reading TD {}", file);
    processDbf(file, row -> {
        TimeDomains restriction = new TimeDomains(((Double)row[0]).longValue(), new String((byte[]) row[3]).trim());
        times.put(restriction.getId(), restriction);
    });"Loaded {} times domains", times.size());

    return times;
项目:fpm    文件   
private static Map<Integer, PrecomputeSpeedProfile> loadSpeedProfiles(String filename) {
    File file = new File(filename);
    if (!file.exists()) {"File not found : {}", file.getAbsolutePath());
        return newHashMap();

    TreeMultimap<Integer, SpeedProfile> profilesMap = TreeMultimap.create();"Reading HSPR {}", file);
    try (DbfReader reader = new DbfReader(file)) {
        DbfRow row;
        while ((row = reader.nextRow()) != null) {
            SpeedProfile profile = new SpeedProfile(row.getInt("PROFILE_ID"), row.getInt("TIME_SLOT"), row.getDouble("REL_SP"));
            profilesMap.put(profile.getId(), profile);
    }"Loaded {} hspr", profilesMap.size());

    return profilesMap.asMap().entrySet().stream().collect(toMap(Entry::getKey, e -> precomputeProfile(e.getValue())));
项目:fpm    文件   
public Map<String, String> tag(Feature feature) {
    TreeMultimap<String, Integer> speeds = TreeMultimap.create();
    List<SpeedRestriction> restrictions = dbf.getSpeedRestrictions(feature.getLong("ID"));
    boolean reversed = isReversed(feature);
    for (SpeedRestriction restriction : restrictions) {
        switch (restriction.getValidity()) {
            case positive:
                speeds.put(reversed ? "maxspeed:backward" : "maxspeed:forward", restriction.getSpeed());
            case negative:
                speeds.put(reversed ? "maxspeed:forward" : "maxspeed:backward", restriction.getSpeed());
            case both:
                speeds.put("maxspeed", restriction.getSpeed());
    Map<String, String> result = Maps.newHashMap();
    for (String key : speeds.keySet()) {
        result.put(key, String.valueOf(speeds.get(key).iterator().next()));
    return result;
项目:Elasticsearch    文件   
public String visitObjectLiteral(ObjectLiteral node, Void context) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("{");
    boolean first = true;
    TreeMultimap<String, Expression> sorted = TreeMultimap.create(
    for (Map.Entry<String, Expression> entry : sorted.entries()) {
        if (!first) {
            builder.append(", ");
        } else {
            first = false;
               .append("= ")
               .append(entry.getValue().accept(this, context));

    return builder.append("}").toString();
项目:SubgraphIsomorphismIndex    文件   
     * Repartition subsequent partitions while the predicate is true
     * This unifies three common use cases:
     * - k = 0   : Do not repartition at all
     * - k = 1   : Repartition the next largest equivalence class
     * - k = null: Repartition all equivalence classes
//    public static <N, M> Entry<? extends Collection<M>, ? extends Collection<M>>
//        nextEquivClassRepartitionK(TreeMultimap<K, V> equivClasses, BiPredicate<Integer, Entry<? extends Collection<M>, ? extends Collection<M>>>) {
//        return null;
//    }

    public static <S> TreeMultimap<Long, Problem<S>> indexSolutionGeneratorsOld(Collection<Problem<S>> solGens) {
        TreeMultimap<Long, Problem<S>> result = TreeMultimap.create();

        for(Problem<S> solutionGenerator : solGens) {
            long size = solutionGenerator.getEstimatedCost();
            result.put(size, solutionGenerator);

        return result;
项目:cakes    文件   
 * 基本数据类型的排序
public void testCreate() {
    TreeMultimap<String, Integer> treeMultimap = TreeMultimap.create();
    treeMultimap.put("list_1", 1);
    treeMultimap.put("list_1", 1);
    treeMultimap.put("list_1", 2);
    treeMultimap.put("list_1", 9);
    treeMultimap.put("list_1", 7);
    treeMultimap.put("list_1", 3);

    treeMultimap.put("list_2", 9);
    treeMultimap.put("list_2", 7);

    // {list_1=[1, 2, 3, 7, 9], list_2=[7, 9]}
项目:cakes    文件   
 * 测试 TreeMultimap,自定义数据结构的排序
public void testSelfDataOrdered() {
    // 创建TreeMultimap,使用Ordering.natural()指定自然排序,Ordering.from指定排序规则
    // Order4TreeMultimap::compareTo 是lambda的简写形式
    TreeMultimap<String, Order4TreeMultimap> treeMultimap = TreeMultimap

    // 列表2
    treeMultimap.put("order_list1", new Order4TreeMultimap(1, "haha1"));
    treeMultimap.put("order_list1", new Order4TreeMultimap(5, "haha2"));
    treeMultimap.put("order_list1", new Order4TreeMultimap(9, "haha3"));
    treeMultimap.put("order_list1", new Order4TreeMultimap(10, "haha3"));
    treeMultimap.put("order_list1", new Order4TreeMultimap(22, "haha4"));
    treeMultimap.put("order_list1", new Order4TreeMultimap(444, "haha5"));

    // 列表2
    treeMultimap.put("order_list2", new Order4TreeMultimap(1, "haha3"));
    treeMultimap.put("order_list2", new Order4TreeMultimap(3, "haha4"));
    treeMultimap.put("order_list3", new Order4TreeMultimap(2, "haha5"));

    // 输出
    treeMultimap.forEach((key, order) -> System.out.println("key=" + key + ",order=" + order));
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
private void identifyDuplicates(List<ModContainer> mods)
    TreeMultimap<ModContainer, File> dupsearch = TreeMultimap.create(new ModIdComparator(), Ordering.arbitrary());
    for (ModContainer mc : mods)
        if (mc.getSource() != null)
            dupsearch.put(mc, mc.getSource());

    ImmutableMultiset<ModContainer> duplist = Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(dupsearch.keys());
    SetMultimap<ModContainer, File> dupes = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (Entry<ModContainer> e : duplist.entrySet())
        if (e.getCount() > 1)
            FMLLog.severe("Found a duplicate mod %s at %s", e.getElement().getModId(), dupsearch.get(e.getElement()));
    if (!dupes.isEmpty())
        throw new DuplicateModsFoundException(dupes);
项目:ditb    文件   
 * Generates a coverage multimap from split key to Regions that start with the
 * split key.
 * @return coverage multimap
public Multimap<byte[], R> calcCoverage() {
  // This needs to be sorted to force the use of the comparator on the values,
  // otherwise byte array comparison isn't used
  Multimap<byte[], R> regions = TreeMultimap.create(BYTES_COMPARATOR,

  // march through all splits from the start points
  for (Entry<byte[], Collection<R>> start : starts.asMap().entrySet()) {
    byte[] key = start.getKey();
    for (R r : start.getValue()) {
      regions.put(key, r);

      for (byte[] coveredSplit : splits.subSet(r.getStartKey(),
          specialEndKey(r))) {
        regions.put(coveredSplit, r);
  return regions;
项目:TRHS_Club_Mod_2016    文件   
private void identifyDuplicates(List<ModContainer> mods)
    TreeMultimap<ModContainer, File> dupsearch = TreeMultimap.create(new ModIdComparator(), Ordering.arbitrary());
    for (ModContainer mc : mods)
        if (mc.getSource() != null)
            dupsearch.put(mc, mc.getSource());

    ImmutableMultiset<ModContainer> duplist = Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(dupsearch.keys());
    SetMultimap<ModContainer, File> dupes = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (Entry<ModContainer> e : duplist.entrySet())
        if (e.getCount() > 1)
            FMLLog.severe("Found a duplicate mod %s at %s", e.getElement().getModId(), dupsearch.get(e.getElement()));
    if (!dupes.isEmpty())
        throw new DuplicateModsFoundException(dupes);
项目:carrier    文件   
 * Chooses the best SMTP server, given a list of MX records.
 * TODO: Actually choose the best record!
 * @param records The MX records.
 * @return An optional, possibly containing an SMTP server address.
private Optional<String> chooseBestRecord(List<Record> records) {
    TreeMultimap<Integer, String> recordMap = decodeRecords(records);

    if(!recordMap.isEmpty()) {
        List<String> topRecords = new LinkedList<>(recordMap.asMap().firstEntry().getValue());

        if(!topRecords.isEmpty()) {
            String record = topRecords.get(0);

            return Optional.of(record.substring(0, record.length() - 1));


    return Optional.empty();
项目:carrier    文件   
 * Decodes a list of MX records into a tree map, ranking them automatically.
 * @param records The list of MX records.
 * @return The tree map containing ranked MX records.
private TreeMultimap<Integer, String> decodeRecords(List<Record> records) {
    TreeMultimap<Integer, String> recordMap = TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), Ordering.natural());

    records.forEach(record -> {
        String[] split = record.rdataToString().split(" ");

        if (split.length >= 2) {

            try {
                int rank = Integer.parseInt(split[0]);
                String domain = split[1];

                recordMap.put(rank, domain);

            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {


    return recordMap;
项目:beam    文件   
 * Validates that a given class conforms to the following properties:
 * <ul>
 *   <li>Only getters may be annotated with {@link JsonIgnore @JsonIgnore}.
 *   <li>If any getter is annotated with {@link JsonIgnore @JsonIgnore}, then all getters for
 *       this property must be annotated with {@link JsonIgnore @JsonIgnore}.
 * </ul>
 * @param allInterfaceMethods All interface methods that derive from {@link PipelineOptions}.
 * @param descriptors The list of {@link PropertyDescriptor}s representing all valid bean
 * properties of {@code iface}.
private static void validateMethodAnnotations(
    SortedSet<Method> allInterfaceMethods,
    List<PropertyDescriptor> descriptors) {
  SortedSetMultimap<Method, Method> methodNameToAllMethodMap =
      TreeMultimap.create(MethodNameComparator.INSTANCE, MethodComparator.INSTANCE);
  for (Method method : allInterfaceMethods) {
    methodNameToAllMethodMap.put(method, method);

  // Verify that there is no getter with a mixed @JsonIgnore annotation.
      methodNameToAllMethodMap, descriptors, AnnotationPredicates.JSON_IGNORE);

  // Verify that there is no getter with a mixed @Default annotation.
      methodNameToAllMethodMap, descriptors, AnnotationPredicates.DEFAULT_VALUE);

  // Verify that no setter has @JsonIgnore.
      methodNameToAllMethodMap, descriptors, AnnotationPredicates.JSON_IGNORE);

  // Verify that no setter has @Default.
      methodNameToAllMethodMap, descriptors, AnnotationPredicates.DEFAULT_VALUE);
项目:yoctodb    文件   
private IndexToIndexMultiMap build() throws IOException {
    final TreeMultimap<Integer, Integer> elements = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (int i = 0; i < DOCS; i++) {
        elements.put(i / 2, i);
    final mutable =

    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    final Buffer buf = Buffer.from(baos.toByteArray());


    final IndexToIndexMultiMap result =

    assertEquals(DOCS / 2, result.getKeysCount());

    return result;
项目:yoctodb    文件   
public void buildInt() throws IOException {
    final TreeMultimap<Integer, Integer> elements = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (int i = 0; i < DOCS; i++) {
        elements.put(i / 2, i);
    final mutable =

    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    final Buffer buf = Buffer.from(baos.toByteArray());

    final IndexToIndexMultiMap result =

    assertTrue(result instanceof IntIndexToIndexMultiMap);
项目:yoctodb    文件   
public void buildBitSet() throws IOException {
    final TreeMultimap<Integer, Integer> elements = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (int i = 0; i < DOCS; i++) {
        elements.put(i / 2, i);
    final mutable =

    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    final Buffer buf = Buffer.from(baos.toByteArray());

    final IndexToIndexMultiMap result =

    assertTrue(result instanceof BitSetIndexToIndexMultiMap);
项目:yoctodb    文件   
private IndexToIndexMultiMap build() throws IOException {
    final TreeMultimap<Integer, Integer> elements = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (int i = 0; i < VALUES; i++) {
        elements.put(i / 2, i);
    final mutable =

    final ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

    final Buffer buf = Buffer.from(baos.toByteArray());


    final IndexToIndexMultiMap result =

    assertEquals(VALUES / 2, result.getKeysCount());

    return result;
项目:yoctodb    文件   
private Buffer prepareData(
        final int keys,
        final int values) throws IOException {
    final TreeMultimap<Integer, Integer> elements = TreeMultimap.create();
    for (int i = 0; i < keys; i++) {
        //same elements
        elements.put(i, (keys - i) % values);
        elements.put(i, (keys - i) % values);
        elements.put(i, (keys - i) % values);
        elements.put(i, (keys - i) % values);

        elements.put(i, (2 * keys - i) % values);
        elements.put(i, (3 * keys - i) % values);
    final indexToIndexMultiMap =

    final ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
    Assert.assertEquals(os.size(), indexToIndexMultiMap.getSizeInBytes());
    return Buffer.from(os.toByteArray());
项目:yoctodb    文件   
public void string() {
    final TreeMultimap<Integer, Integer> elements = TreeMultimap.create();
    final int documents = 10;
    for (int i = 0; i < documents; i++)
        elements.put(i / 2, i);
    final IndexToIndexMultiMap set =
            new BitSetIndexToIndexMultiMap(
    final String text = set.toString();
    assertTrue(text.contains(Integer.toString(documents / 2)));
    assertTrue(text.contains(Integer.toString(documents / 2)));
项目:nomulus    文件   
/** Return a map of all fully-qualified domain names mapped to the applications for that name. */
private static Multimap<String, DomainApplication> getDomainApplicationMap(final String tld) {
  DateTime now =;
  Multimap<String, DomainApplication> domainApplicationMap =
      TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), comparing(DomainApplication::getForeignKey));
  Iterable<DomainApplication> domainApplications =
      ofy().load().type(DomainApplication.class).filter("tld", tld);
  for (DomainApplication domainApplication : domainApplications) {
    // Ignore deleted and rejected applications. They aren't under consideration.
    ApplicationStatus applicationStatus = domainApplication.getApplicationStatus();
    DateTime deletionTime = domainApplication.getDeletionTime();
    if (applicationStatus == REJECTED || isAtOrAfter(now, deletionTime)) {
    boolean result = domainApplicationMap.put(
        domainApplication.getFullyQualifiedDomainName(), domainApplication);
    checkState(result, "Domain application not added to map: %s", domainApplication);
  return domainApplicationMap;
项目:LCIndex-HBase-0.94.16    文件   
 * Generates a coverage multimap from split key to Regions that start with the
 * split key.
 * @return coverage multimap
public Multimap<byte[], R> calcCoverage() {
  // This needs to be sorted to force the use of the comparator on the values,
  // otherwise byte array comparison isn't used
  Multimap<byte[], R> regions = TreeMultimap.create(BYTES_COMPARATOR,

  // march through all splits from the start points
  for (Entry<byte[], Collection<R>> start : starts.asMap().entrySet()) {
    byte[] key = start.getKey();
    for (R r : start.getValue()) {
      regions.put(key, r);

      for (byte[] coveredSplit : splits.subSet(r.getStartKey(),
          specialEndKey(r))) {
        regions.put(coveredSplit, r);
  return regions;
项目:FinanceAnalytics    文件   
@Produces(value = MediaType.TEXT_HTML)
public String getComponentInfosHtml(@Context ServletContext servletContext, @Context UriInfo uriInfo) {
  ComponentServer server = createServerInfo();
  Multimap<Class<?>, ComponentInfo> byType = TreeMultimap.create(ORDER_CLASS, ORDER_CLASSIFIER);
  for (ComponentInfo info : server.getComponentInfos()) {
    byType.put(info.getType(), info);
  FreemarkerOutputter freemarker = new FreemarkerOutputter(servletContext);
  FlexiBean out = FreemarkerOutputter.createRootData(uriInfo);
  out.put("componentServer", server);
  out.put("infosByType", byType);
  out.put("uris", new WebHomeUris(uriInfo));
  return"data/componentserver.ftl", out);
项目:FinanceAnalytics    文件   
private Map<String, Collection<String>> scanValueRequirementBySecType(UniqueId portfolioId, ToolContext toolContext) {
  AvailableOutputsProvider availableOutputsProvider = toolContext.getAvaliableOutputsProvider();
  if (availableOutputsProvider == null) {
    throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("AvailableOutputsProvider missing from ToolContext");
  final SetMultimap<String, String> valueNamesBySecurityType = TreeMultimap.create();

  AvailableOutputs portfolioOutputs = availableOutputsProvider.getPortfolioOutputs(portfolioId, null);
  Set<String> securityTypes = portfolioOutputs.getSecurityTypes();
  for (String securityType : securityTypes) {
    Set<AvailableOutput> positionOutputs = portfolioOutputs.getPositionOutputs(securityType);
    for (AvailableOutput availableOutput : positionOutputs) {
      valueNamesBySecurityType.put(securityType, availableOutput.getValueName());
  return valueNamesBySecurityType.asMap();
项目:osstrich    文件   
private int publishArtifacts(String repoUrl, String groupId, List<Artifact> artifacts)
    throws IOException {

  StringBuilder commitMessage = new StringBuilder();
  commitMessage.append("Publish Javadoc\n"
      + "\n"
      + "Artifacts published:");

  Multimap<String, Artifact> published = TreeMultimap.create();
  for (Artifact artifact : artifacts) {
    if (fetchJavadoc(artifact)) {
      published.put(majorVersion(artifact.latestVersion), artifact);

  writeIndexFiles(groupId, published);

  if (!published.isEmpty()) {

  return published.size();
项目:ICQExport    文件   
private static File writeIndexFile(
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> userData,
        TreeMultimap<String, Message> msgs) throws IOException {
    File outDir = new File("html");
    File indexFile = new File(outDir, "index.html");
    BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(indexFile));

    bw.write("<html><body><table><tr><th>UIN</th><th>Nickname</th><th>Last seen online</th><th># Messages</tr>");
    for (String UIN : userData.keySet()) {
        Map<String, String> props = userData.get(UIN);
        String lastOnlineStr = "Unknown";
        if (props.containsKey("LastOnlineTime")) {
            Date lastOnline = new Date(
                    new Long(props.get("LastOnlineTime")).longValue() * 1000L);
            lastOnlineStr = lastOnline.toString();
        bw.write("<tr><td><a href=\"" + UIN + ".html\">" + UIN
                + "</TD>+<TD>" + props.get("NickName") + "</TD><TD>"
                + lastOnlineStr + "</TD><TD>" + msgs.get(UIN).size()
                + "</TD></TR>");
    bw.write("</table><hr><i>exported by ICQExport</i></body></html>");
    return indexFile;
项目:CauldronGit    文件   
private void identifyDuplicates(List<ModContainer> mods)
    TreeMultimap<ModContainer, File> dupsearch = TreeMultimap.create(new ModIdComparator(), Ordering.arbitrary());
    for (ModContainer mc : mods)
        if (mc.getSource() != null)
            dupsearch.put(mc, mc.getSource());

    ImmutableMultiset<ModContainer> duplist = Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(dupsearch.keys());
    SetMultimap<ModContainer, File> dupes = LinkedHashMultimap.create();
    for (Entry<ModContainer> e : duplist.entrySet())
        if (e.getCount() > 1)
            FMLLog.severe("Found a duplicate mod %s at %s", e.getElement().getModId(), dupsearch.get(e.getElement()));
    if (!dupes.isEmpty())
        throw new DuplicateModsFoundException(dupes);
项目:Pushjet-Android    文件   
public void build() {
    groups = TreeMultimap.create(new Comparator<String>() {
        public int compare(String string1, String string2) {
            return string1.compareToIgnoreCase(string2);
    }, new Comparator<TaskDetails>() {
        public int compare(TaskDetails task1, TaskDetails task2) {
            return task1.getPath().compareTo(task2.getPath());
    for (TaskReportModel project : projects) {
        for (String group : project.getGroups()) {
            for (final TaskDetails task : project.getTasksForGroup(group)) {
                groups.put(group, mergeTasksWithSameName ? new MergedTaskDetails(task) : task);
项目:Pushjet-Android    文件   
public void build() {
    groups = TreeMultimap.create(new Comparator<String>() {
        public int compare(String string1, String string2) {
            return string1.compareToIgnoreCase(string2);
    }, new Comparator<TaskDetails>() {
        public int compare(TaskDetails task1, TaskDetails task2) {
            return task1.getPath().compareTo(task2.getPath());
    for (TaskReportModel project : projects) {
        for (String group : project.getGroups()) {
            for (final TaskDetails task : project.getTasksForGroup(group)) {
                groups.put(group, mergeTasksWithSameName ? new MergedTaskDetails(task) : task);
项目:pbase    文件   
 * Generates a coverage multimap from split key to Regions that start with the
 * split key.
 * @return coverage multimap
public Multimap<byte[], R> calcCoverage() {
  // This needs to be sorted to force the use of the comparator on the values,
  // otherwise byte array comparison isn't used
  Multimap<byte[], R> regions = TreeMultimap.create(BYTES_COMPARATOR,

  // march through all splits from the start points
  for (Entry<byte[], Collection<R>> start : starts.asMap().entrySet()) {
    byte[] key = start.getKey();
    for (R r : start.getValue()) {
      regions.put(key, r);

      for (byte[] coveredSplit : splits.subSet(r.getStartKey(),
          specialEndKey(r))) {
        regions.put(coveredSplit, r);
  return regions;
项目:scheduling    文件   
private static Multimap<String, String> loadGroups(String groupFilePath) throws ManageUsersException {
    Multimap<String, String> groupsMap = TreeMultimap.create();
    String line = null;

    try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(groupFilePath)))) {
        while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
            if (!line.trim().isEmpty()) {
                String[] u2g = line.split(":");
                if (u2g.length == 2) {
                    groupsMap.put(u2g[0].trim(), u2g[1].trim());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        exitWithErrorMessage("could not read group file : " + groupFilePath, null, e);
    return groupsMap;
项目:artifactory    文件   
 * The integration cleanup deletes artifacts according to the snapshot and the classifier,
 * unlike the previous approach that was to deletes artifacts according to the snapshot only,
 * See issue RTFACT-6675
private void conditionalCleanup(RepoPath repoPath) {
    LocalRepo repo = repositoryService.localRepositoryByKey(repoPath.getRepoKey());
    if (repo == null) {

    SnapshotVersionsRetriever retriever = new SnapshotVersionsRetriever(false);
    ModuleInfo deployedModuleInfo = repositoryService.getItemModuleInfo(repoPath);
    ModuleInfo baseRevisionModule = getBaseRevisionModuleInfo(deployedModuleInfo);
    TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo> cleanupCandidates = retriever.collectVersionsItems(repo, baseRevisionModule,
    Map<String,TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo>> cleanupCandidatesByClassifier=forkByClassifier(cleanupCandidates);
    for (TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo> calendarItemInfoTreeMultimap : cleanupCandidatesByClassifier.values()) {
        while (calendarItemInfoTreeMultimap.keySet().size() > repo.getMaxUniqueSnapshots()) {

项目:artifactory    文件   
private Map<String, TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo>> forkByClassifier(
        TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo> cleanupCandidates) {
    Map<String, TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo>> result= Maps.newHashMap();
    for (Calendar calendar : cleanupCandidates.keySet()) {
        NavigableSet<ItemInfo> itemInfos = cleanupCandidates.get(calendar);
        for (ItemInfo itemInfo : itemInfos) {
            String classifier=resolveClassifier(itemInfo);
            TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo> classifierMap = result.get(classifier);
                //classifierMap= TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural().reverse(), Ordering.natural().reverse());
                classifierMap= TreeMultimap.create(Ordering.natural(), Ordering.natural());;
    return result;
项目:artifactory    文件   
private void performCleanup(TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo> cleanupCandidates) {
    Calendar first = cleanupCandidates.keySet().first();

    Set<RepoPath> parents = Sets.newHashSet();
    SortedSet<ItemInfo> itemsToRemove = cleanupCandidates.removeAll(first);
    for (ItemInfo itemToRemove : itemsToRemove) {
        RepoPath repoPath = itemToRemove.getRepoPath();
        repositoryService.undeploy(repoPath, false, false);
        parents.add(repoPath.getParent());"Removed old unique snapshot '{}'.", itemToRemove.getRelPath());
    // May need to prune the parents of deleted files
    for (RepoPath parent : parents) {
项目:artifactory    文件   
 * Collects versions items under the given node for the given repo
 * @param repo                 The repo to search in
 * @param baseRevisionModule   Base module info to search under, we try both artifact and desriptor path if it's distinctive
 * @param pathHasVersionTokens If we should search with version tokens, this applies for release artifacts as the user
 *                             may provide release/integration tokens to search for latest version
public TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo> collectVersionsItems(StoringRepo repo, ModuleInfo baseRevisionModule,
        boolean pathHasVersionTokens) {
    RepoLayout repoLayout = repo.getDescriptor().getRepoLayout();
    String baseArtifactPath = ModuleInfoUtils.constructArtifactPath(baseRevisionModule, repoLayout, false);
    ItemNode artifactSearchNode = getTreeNode(repo, repoLayout, baseArtifactPath, pathHasVersionTokens);
    if (artifactSearchNode != null) {
        internalCollectVersionsItems(repo, artifactSearchNode);

    if (repoLayout.isDistinctiveDescriptorPathPattern()) {
        String baseDescriptorPath = ModuleInfoUtils.constructDescriptorPath(baseRevisionModule, repoLayout, false);
        if (!baseDescriptorPath.equals(baseArtifactPath)) {
            ItemNode descriptorSearchNode = getTreeNode(repo, repoLayout, baseDescriptorPath, pathHasVersionTokens);
            if (descriptorSearchNode != null) {
                internalCollectVersionsItems(repo, descriptorSearchNode);

    return versionsItems;
项目:artifactory    文件   
private InternalRequestContext getLatestVersionRequestContext(InternalRequestContext requestContext,
        StoringRepo repo, ModuleInfo originalModuleInfo, boolean searchForReleaseVersion) {
    VersionsRetriever retriever =
            searchForReleaseVersion ? new ReleaseVersionsRetriever(true) : new SnapshotVersionsRetriever(true);
    ModuleInfo baseRevisionModule = getBaseRevisionModuleInfo(originalModuleInfo);
    TreeMultimap<Calendar, ItemInfo> versionsItems = retriever.collectVersionsItems(repo, baseRevisionModule, true);
    if (versionsItems != null) {
        if (searchForReleaseVersion && !ConstantValues.requestSearchLatestReleaseByDateCreated.getBoolean()) {
            return getRequestContentForReleaseByVersion(versionsItems.values(), repo, requestContext,
        } else {
            return getRequestContextFromMap(versionsItems, repo, requestContext, originalModuleInfo,
    } else {
        return requestContext;