Java 类 实例源码

项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
public static Table<String, String, String> assignmentsToTable(
        SortedMap<String, SortedSet<SingleWorkerAssignment<Step2bGoldReasonAnnotator.SentenceLabel>>> assignments)
    TreeBasedTable<String, String, String> result = TreeBasedTable.create();

    assignments.forEach((unitID, singleWorkerAssignments) -> {
        singleWorkerAssignments.forEach(sentenceLabelSingleWorkerAssignment -> {
            String workerID = sentenceLabelSingleWorkerAssignment.getWorkerID();
            String label = sentenceLabelSingleWorkerAssignment.getLabel().toString();

            // update the table
            result.put(unitID, workerID, label);

    return result;
项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
static void printTable2(TreeBasedTable<Integer, Integer, CorrelationVectors> table)
    System.out.printf("\t%s%n", StringUtils.join(table.columnKeySet(), "\t\t\t"));
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, CorrelationVectors>> entry : table.rowMap()
            .entrySet()) {
        System.out.printf("%s\t", entry.getKey());
        List<Double> allX = new ArrayList<>();
        List<Double> allY = new ArrayList<>();

        for (CorrelationVectors ds : entry.getValue().values()) {
            double[] correlation = computeCorrelation(allX, allY);
            System.out.printf("%.2f\t%.2f\t\t", correlation[0], correlation[1]);
项目:mynlp    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) {
    TreeBasedTable<Integer, Integer, Integer> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

    table.put(2, 0, 6);
    table.put(3, 2, 4);
    table.put(0, 0, 5);
    table.put(0, 3, 2);
    table.put(4, 1, 2);
    table.put(4, 4, 9);

    CSRSparseMatrix csr = new CSRSparseMatrix(table, 5);

    for (Table.Cell<Integer, Integer, Integer> cell : table.cellSet()) {
        if (csr.get(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey()) == cell.getValue()) {
            System.out.println(String.format("%d->%d = %d", cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), cell.getValue()));
        } else {

项目:AwesomeJavaLibraryExamples    文件   
public static void main(String[] args)
   Table<String, String, String> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

   table.put("Row1", "Column1", "Data1");
   table.put("Row1", "Column2", "Data2");

   table.put("Row2", "Column1", "Data3");
   table.put("Row2", "Column2", "Data4");

   table.put("Row3", "Column1", "Data5");
   table.put("Row3", "Column2", "Data6");
   table.put("Row3", "Column3", "Data7");

   Joiner.MapJoiner mapJoiner = Joiner.on(',').withKeyValueSeparator("="); //Let's a Guava Joiner to illustrate that

   table.rowKeySet().forEach(r -> {
      System.out.println(r + "->" + mapJoiner.join(table.row(r)));
项目:anathema-roguelike    文件   
public TargetSet(Collection<T> targets) {
    targetPositions = TreeBasedTable.create();

    for(T target : targets) {
        ArrayList<T> positionTargets = targetPositions.get(target.getX(), target.getY());
        if(positionTargets == null) {
            targetPositions.put(target.getY(), target.getX(), new ArrayList<>());
            targetPositions.get(target.getY(), target.getX()).add(target);

    targetList = new CircularArrayList<>(this.targetPositions.values().stream().flatMap(t ->;

    Collections.sort(targetList, new Comparator<T>() {

        public int compare(T o1, T o2) {
            return o1.getPosition().squareDistance(new Point(0, 0)) - o2.getPosition().squareDistance(new Point(0, 0));
项目:dkpro-c4corpus    文件   
public static Table<String, String, Long> loadTable(InputStream stream)
        throws IOException
    Table<String, String, Long> result = TreeBasedTable.create();

    LineIterator lineIterator = IOUtils.lineIterator(stream, "utf-8");
    while (lineIterator.hasNext()) {
        String line =;


        String[] split = line.split("\t");
        String language = split[0];
        String license = split[1];
        Long documents = Long.valueOf(split[2]);
        Long tokens = Long.valueOf(split[3]);

        result.put(language, "docs " + license, documents);
        result.put(language, "tokens " + license, tokens);

    return result;
项目:blockplus    文件   
public Options get() {
    final Colors color = this.context.side();
    final Board board = this.context.board();
    final Iterable<IPosition> lights = board.getLights(color);
    final Pieces remainingPieces = this.context.getPlayer().remainingPieces();
    final Table<IPosition, Polyomino, List<Set<IPosition>>> table = TreeBasedTable.create();
    for (int radius = MIN_RADIUS; radius <= MAX_RADIUS; ++radius) {
        final Map<IPosition, Set<IPosition>> potentialPositions = this.getPotentialPositionsByLight(board, color, lights, radius);
        final Set<Polyomino> polyominos = POLYOMINOS_BY_RADIUS.get(radius);
        for (final Polyomino polyomino : polyominos) {
            if (remainingPieces.contains(polyomino)) {
                final Iterable<PolyominoInstance> instances = polyomino.get();
                for (final Entry<IPosition, Set<IPosition>> entry : potentialPositions.entrySet()) {
                    final IPosition position = entry.getKey();
                    final List<Set<IPosition>> options = Lists.newArrayList();
                    for (final IPosition potentialPosition : entry.getValue())
                        options.addAll(this.getLegalPositions(color, board, position, potentialPosition, instances));
                    if (!options.isEmpty()) table.put(position, polyomino, options);
    return new Options(table);
项目:EasySRL    文件   
private static Collection<SRLParse> getPropbankSection(final String section) throws IOException {
    final Table<String, Integer, TreebankParse> PTB = new PennTreebank().readCorpus(WSJ);
    final Table<String, Integer, SRLParse> srlParses = SRLParse.parseCorpus(PTB,
            Util.readFileLineByLine(new File(PROPBANK, "prop.txt")),
            USING_NOMBANK ? Util.readFileLineByLine(NOMBANK) : null);

    final Table<String, Integer, SRLParse> goldParses = TreeBasedTable.create();
    for (final Cell<String, Integer, TreebankParse> cell : PTB.cellSet()) {

        // Propbank files skip sentences with no SRL deps. Add a default
        // empty parse for all sentences.
        goldParses.put(cell.getRowKey(), cell.getColumnKey(), new SRLParse(cell.getValue().getWords()));

    final Collection<SRLParse> result = new ArrayList<>();
    for (final Cell<String, Integer, SRLParse> entry : goldParses.cellSet()) {
        if (entry.getRowKey().startsWith("wsj_" + section)) {
    return result;
项目:pdptw-dataset-generator    文件   
void put(double dyn, long urg, double scl, T value) {
  synchronized (data) {
    checkArgument(!valuesSet.contains(value), "Value %s already exists.",
    if (!data.containsKey(dyn)) {
      data.put(dyn, TreeBasedTable.<Long, Double, SortedSet<T>>create());
    if (!data.get(dyn).contains(urg, scl)) {
      data.get(dyn).put(urg, scl, new TreeSet<>(comparator));

    checkArgument(!data.get(dyn).get(urg, scl).contains(value),
      "At (%s,%s,%s) value %s already exists.", dyn, urg, scl, value);
    data.get(dyn).get(urg, scl).add(value);
项目:yangtools    文件   
private Set<SourceSpecificContext> getRequiredSourcesFromLib() {
    checkState(currentPhase == ModelProcessingPhase.SOURCE_PRE_LINKAGE,
            "Required library sources can be collected only in ModelProcessingPhase.SOURCE_PRE_LINKAGE phase,"
                    + " but current phase was %s", currentPhase);
    final TreeBasedTable<String, Optional<Revision>, SourceSpecificContext> libSourcesTable = TreeBasedTable.create(
        String::compareTo, Revision::compare);
    for (final SourceSpecificContext libSource : libSources) {
        final SourceIdentifier libSourceIdentifier = requireNonNull(libSource.getRootIdentifier());
        libSourcesTable.put(libSourceIdentifier.getName(), libSourceIdentifier.getRevision(), libSource);

    final Set<SourceSpecificContext> requiredLibs = new HashSet<>();
    for (final SourceSpecificContext source : sources) {
        collectRequiredSourcesFromLib(libSourcesTable, requiredLibs, source);
        removeConflictingLibSources(source, requiredLibs);
    return requiredLibs;
项目:maps4cim    文件   
public static Table<Integer, Integer, DownloadURL> generateMapping() throws IOException, ParseException {
    Table<Integer, Integer, DownloadURL> hits = TreeBasedTable.create();
    for (DownloadURL url : DownloadURL.values()) {
        File index = url.getIndexLocal();
        System.out.println("reading " + index.toString());
        // Document doc =
        // Jsoup.connect(index).userAgent("Mozilla").timeout(8000).get();
        Document doc = Jsoup.parse(index, null);
        Elements links ="ul > li > a[href]");
        for (Element link : links) {
            String hit = link.attr("href");
            if (hit.endsWith("")) {
                String name = hit.substring(hit.lastIndexOf('/'));
                CoordinateInt coord = TileDownload.parseCoordinate(name);
                hits.put(, coord.lon, url);
    return hits;
项目:guava-mock    文件   
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // TreeBasedTable.create() is defined as such
@Generates private static <R extends Comparable, C extends Comparable, V> TreeBasedTable<R, C, V>
    generateTreeBasedTable(R row, C column, V value) {
  TreeBasedTable<R, C, V> table = TreeBasedTable.create();
  table.put(row, column, value);
  return table;
项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
    final File csvFile = new File(
    final File argumentsFile = new File(

    TreeBasedTable<Integer, Double, DescriptiveStatistics> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

    for (int crowdSize = 1; crowdSize <= 9; crowdSize++) {
        for (Double maceThreshold : Arrays.asList(0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0)) {
            // ten random repeats
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                Random random = new Random(i);

                File crowdExpert1 = File.createTempFile("crowd1", ".xml.gz");
                File crowdExpert2 = File.createTempFile("crowd2", ".xml.gz");

                annotateWithGoldLabels(csvFile, argumentsFile, crowdExpert1, maceThreshold,
                        new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(18, 1, crowdSize, random));

                annotateWithGoldLabels(csvFile, argumentsFile, crowdExpert2, maceThreshold,
                        new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(18, 2, crowdSize, random));

                double kappa = computeKappa(crowdExpert1, crowdExpert2);

                if (!table.contains(crowdSize, maceThreshold)) {
                    table.put(crowdSize, maceThreshold, new DescriptiveStatistics());
                table.get(crowdSize, maceThreshold).addValue(kappa);


项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
public static void printTable(TreeBasedTable<Integer, Double, DescriptiveStatistics> table)
    System.out.printf("\t%s%n", StringUtils.join(table.columnKeySet(), "\t\t"));
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Double, DescriptiveStatistics>> entry : table.rowMap()
            .entrySet()) {
        System.out.printf("%s\t", entry.getKey());
        for (DescriptiveStatistics ds : entry.getValue().values()) {
            System.out.printf("%.2f\t%2f\t", ds.getMean(), ds.getStandardDeviation());
项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
static void printTable(TreeBasedTable<Integer, Integer, DescriptiveStatistics> table)
    System.out.printf("\t%s%n", StringUtils.join(table.columnKeySet(), "\t\t\t"));
    for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<Integer, DescriptiveStatistics>> entry : table.rowMap()
            .entrySet()) {
        System.out.printf("%s\t", entry.getKey());
        for (DescriptiveStatistics ds : entry.getValue().values()) {
            System.out.printf("%.2f\t%2f\t%d\t", ds.getMean(), ds.getStandardDeviation(),
项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // TreeBasedTable.create() is defined as such
@Generates private static <R extends Comparable, C extends Comparable, V> TreeBasedTable<R, C, V>
    generateTreeBasedTable(R row, C column, V value) {
  TreeBasedTable<R, C, V> table = TreeBasedTable.create();
  table.put(row, column, value);
  return table;
项目:mynlp    文件   
public CSRSparseMatrix(TreeBasedTable<Integer, Integer, Integer> table, int totalRow) {
    int size = table.size();
    values = new int[size];
    columnIndices = new int[size];

    this.rowOffset = new int[totalRow + 1];


    int point = -1;
    int inSize = 0;

    for (Integer rowNum : table.rowKeySet()) {
        Map<Integer, Integer> row = table.row(rowNum);
        inSize += row.size();
        rowOffset[rowNum + 1] = inSize;

        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : row.entrySet()) {

            columnIndices[point] = entry.getKey();
            values[point] = entry.getValue();
    int x = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < this.rowOffset.length; i++) {
        int p = this.rowOffset[i];
        if (p > 0) {
            x = p;
        } else {
            this.rowOffset[i] = x;

项目:mynlp    文件   
public void loadFromRealData() throws Exception {
    MynlpResource source = environment.loadResource(coreDictNgramSetting);

    TreeBasedTable<Integer, Integer, Integer> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(.+)@(.+)\\s+(\\d+)$");
    try (CharSourceLineReader reader = source.openLineReader()) {
        while (reader.hasNext()) {
            String line =;

            Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line);
            if (matcher.find()) {
                String wordA =;
                String wordB =;
                String num =;
                int idA = coreDictionary.indexOf(wordA);
                if (idA >= 0) {
                    int idB = coreDictionary.indexOf(wordB);
                    if (idB >= 0) {
                        table.put(idA, idB, Ints.tryParse(num));

    CSRSparseMatrix matrix = new CSRSparseMatrix(table, coreDictionary.size());

    this.matrix = matrix;
项目:blueweave    文件   
protected static Gson makeSerializerGson(Type type, Boolean pretty){
    GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();

    switch (type){
        case DEFAULT:
            gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(HashBasedTable.class, new GuavaTableSerializer());
            gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(TreeBasedTable.class, new GuavaTableSerializer());
    return gsonBuilder.create();
项目:blueweave    文件   
protected static Gson makeDeserializerGson(Type type){
    GsonBuilder gsonBuilder = new GsonBuilder();
    switch (type){
        case DEFAULT:
            gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(HashBasedTable.class, new GuavaTableDeserializer());
            gsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter(TreeBasedTable.class, new GuavaTableDeserializer());

    return gsonBuilder.create();
项目:blueweave    文件   
public Table deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException {

    Table<Date, String, Double> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

    try {

        JsonObject parent = (JsonObject) json;
        JsonArray colArray = parent.get("columns").getAsJsonArray();

        JsonArray rowArray = parent.get("data").getAsJsonArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < rowArray.size(); i++) {
            JsonArray row = rowArray.get(i).getAsJsonArray();
            Date rowDate = null;
            for (int j = 0; j < row.size(); j++) {
                if (j == 0) {
                    rowDate = DateUtils.DRONZE_DATE.parse(row.get(j).toString().replace("\"", ""));

                } else if (row.get(j) != null && !row.get(j).toString().equals("null"))  {
                    table.put(rowDate, colArray.get(j).toString().replace("\"", ""),


    } catch (ParseException e) {
        throw new JsonParseException(e);

    return table;
项目:owsi-core-parent    文件   
public static <R extends Comparable, C extends Comparable, V> GTable<R, C, V, RowSortedTable<R, C, V>>
        createSorted(QTriplet<R, C, V> expr) {
    return new GTable<R, C, V, RowSortedTable<R, C, V>>(expr) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        protected RowSortedTable<R, C, V> createTable() {
            return TreeBasedTable.<R, C, V>create();
项目:owsi-core-parent    文件   
public static <R, C, V> GTable<R, C, V, RowSortedTable<R, C, V>>
        createSorted(QTriplet<R, C, V> expr, final Comparator<? super R> rowComparator,
                final Comparator<? super C> columnComparator) {
    return new GTable<R, C, V, RowSortedTable<R, C, V>>(expr) {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        protected RowSortedTable<R, C, V> createTable() {
            return TreeBasedTable.<R, C, V>create(rowComparator, columnComparator);
项目:blockplus    文件   
public Options decode(final JsonObject data) {
    final Table<IPosition, Polyomino, List<Set<IPosition>>> table = TreeBasedTable.create();
    final Set<Entry<String, JsonElement>> entrySet = data.entrySet();
    for (final Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : entrySet) {
        final int id = Integer.parseInt(entry.getKey());
        final IPosition light = Position(id / 20, id % 20); // TODO !!!
        final JsonObject polyominos = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject();
        for (final Entry<String, JsonElement> positionsByPolyominos : polyominos.entrySet()) {
            final String ordinal = positionsByPolyominos.getKey();
            final Polyomino polyomino = Polyomino.values()[Integer.parseInt(ordinal)];
            final JsonArray positions = positionsByPolyominos.getValue().getAsJsonArray();
            final List<Set<IPosition>> list = Lists.newArrayList();
            for (final JsonElement jsonElement : positions) {
                final Set<IPosition> set = Sets.newHashSet();
                final JsonArray asJsonArray = jsonElement.getAsJsonArray();
                for (final JsonElement jsonElement2 : asJsonArray) {
                    final int asInt = jsonElement2.getAsInt();
                    final IPosition p = Position(asInt / 20, asInt % 20); // TODO !!!
            table.put(light, polyomino, list);
    return new Options(table);
项目:guava-libraries    文件   
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // TreeBasedTable.create() is defined as such
@Generates private static <R extends Comparable, C extends Comparable, V> TreeBasedTable<R, C, V>
    generateTreeBasedTable(R row, C column, V value) {
  TreeBasedTable<R, C, V> table = TreeBasedTable.create();
  table.put(row, column, value);
  return table;
项目:guava    文件   
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // TreeBasedTable.create() is defined as such
private static <R extends Comparable, C extends Comparable, V>
    TreeBasedTable<R, C, V> generateTreeBasedTable(R row, C column, V value) {
  TreeBasedTable<R, C, V> table = TreeBasedTable.create();
  table.put(row, column, value);
  return table;
项目:guava    文件   
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // TreeBasedTable.create() is defined as such
private static <R extends Comparable, C extends Comparable, V>
    TreeBasedTable<R, C, V> generateTreeBasedTable(R row, C column, V value) {
  TreeBasedTable<R, C, V> table = TreeBasedTable.create();
  table.put(row, column, value);
  return table;
项目:miru    文件   
private Table<String, String, String> getTenantPartitions(MiruTenantId tenantId) throws Exception {
    final Table<String, String, String> tenantPartitions = TreeBasedTable.create(); // tree for order
    MiruPartitionId latestPartitionId = miruWALClient.getLargestPartitionId(tenantId);
    if (latestPartitionId != null) {
        for (MiruPartitionId latest = latestPartitionId; latest != null; latest = latest.prev()) {
            tenantPartitions.put(tenantId.toString(), latest.toString(), "");
    return tenantPartitions;
项目:yangtools    文件   
private void collectRequiredSourcesFromLib(
        final TreeBasedTable<String, Optional<Revision>, SourceSpecificContext> libSourcesTable,
        final Set<SourceSpecificContext> requiredLibs, final SourceSpecificContext source) {
    for (final SourceIdentifier requiredSource : source.getRequiredSources()) {
        final SourceSpecificContext libSource = getRequiredLibSource(requiredSource, libSourcesTable);
        if (libSource != null && requiredLibs.add(libSource)) {
            collectRequiredSourcesFromLib(libSourcesTable, requiredLibs, libSource);
项目:gmparser    文件   
 * Generates the Cocke-Younger-Kasami recognition matrix.
private void generate() {
    int size = (this.getWord().length() == 0) ? 1 : this.getWord().length();
    this.matrix = TreeBasedTable.create();

    for (int r = 1; r <= size; r ++) {
        for (int c = 1; c <= size; c ++) {
            this.matrix.put(r, c, new Alphabet());
项目:jBloomberg    文件   
 * Adds a value to the HistoricalData structure for that security / field / date combination.
synchronized void add(LocalDate date, String security, String field, Object value) {
    Table<LocalDate, String, TypedObject> securityTable = data.get(security);
    if (securityTable == null) {
        securityTable = TreeBasedTable.create(); //to have the dates in order
        data.put(security, securityTable);
    securityTable.put(date, field, TypedObject.of(value));
项目:pentaho-kettle    文件   
public void setUp() throws Exception {
  rowMeta = new RowMeta();
  data = TreeBasedTable.create();
  variables = new Variables();
  aggregates = Maps.newHashMap( default_aggregates );
项目:guava-mock    文件   
public void testTreeBasedTable() {
  assertFreshInstance(new TypeToken<TreeBasedTable<String, ?, ?>>() {});
项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
    final File csvFile = new File(
    final File argumentsFile = new File(

    TreeBasedTable<Integer, Double, DescriptiveStatistics> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

    final int requiredAssignmentsSize = 18;

    IntStream.range(7, 8).parallel().forEach(crowdSize -> {

                .forEach(maceThreshold -> {
                    // ten random repeats
                    for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
                        Random random = new Random(i);

                        try {
                            File crowdExpert1 = File.createTempFile("crowd1", ".xml.gz");
                            File crowdExpert2 = File.createTempFile("crowd2", ".xml.gz");

                            SortedMap<String, String> goldEstimationResult1 = Step8bTaskValidationGoldAnnotator
                                            argumentsFile, crowdExpert1, maceThreshold,
                                            new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(
                                                    requiredAssignmentsSize, 1, crowdSize,

                            SortedMap<String, String> goldEstimationResult2 = Step8bTaskValidationGoldAnnotator
                                            argumentsFile, crowdExpert2, maceThreshold,
                                            new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(
                                                    requiredAssignmentsSize, 2, crowdSize,

                            double score = computeScore(goldEstimationResult1,

                            synchronized (table) {
                                if (!table.contains(crowdSize, maceThreshold)) {
                                    table.put(crowdSize, maceThreshold,
                                            new DescriptiveStatistics());
                                table.get(crowdSize, maceThreshold).addValue(score);


                            synchronized (table) {
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
    final File csvFile = new File(
    final File argumentsFile = new File(

    TreeBasedTable<Integer, Double, DescriptiveStatistics> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

    final int requiredAssignmentsSize = 14;

    IntStream.range(1, 8).parallel().forEach(crowdSize -> {

        Arrays.asList(0.75, 0.80, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0).parallelStream().forEach(maceThreshold -> {
            // ten random repeats
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                Random random = new Random(i);

                try {
                    File crowdExpert1 = File.createTempFile("crowd1", ".xml.gz");
                    File crowdExpert2 = File.createTempFile("crowd2", ".xml.gz");

                    SortedMap<String, String> goldEstimationResult1 = Step6bAlternativeWarrantValidationHITGoldAnnotator
                                    Arrays.asList(argumentsFile), crowdExpert1, null, maceThreshold,
                                    new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(
                                            requiredAssignmentsSize, 1, crowdSize, random));

                    SortedMap<String, String> goldEstimationResult2 = Step6bAlternativeWarrantValidationHITGoldAnnotator
                                    Arrays.asList(argumentsFile), crowdExpert2, null, maceThreshold,
                                    new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(
                                            requiredAssignmentsSize, 2, crowdSize, random));

                    double kappa = computeKappa(goldEstimationResult1, goldEstimationResult2);

                    synchronized (table) {
                        if (!table.contains(crowdSize, maceThreshold)) {
                            table.put(crowdSize, maceThreshold, new DescriptiveStatistics());
                        table.get(crowdSize, maceThreshold).addValue(kappa);


                    synchronized (table) {
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);

            //        System.out.println("Kappas:");
            //        for (Map.Entry<Integer, Double> entry : kappas.entrySet()) {
            //            System.out.printf("%d\t%.2f%n", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
            //        }
项目:argument-reasoning-comprehension-task    文件   
public static void main(String[] args)
        throws Exception
    final File csvFile = new File(

    TreeBasedTable<Integer, Double, DescriptiveStatistics> table = TreeBasedTable.create();

    for (int crowdSize = 5; crowdSize <= 5; crowdSize++) {
        for (Double maceThreshold : Arrays.asList(0.85, 0.9, 0.95, 1.0)) {
            // ten random repeats
            for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
                Random random = new Random(i);

                SortedMap<String, String> gold1 = Step4bReasonDisambiguationGoldAnnotator
                        .annotateWithGoldLabels(csvFile, null, null,
                                //                            new WorkerAssignmentsFilterSubsetByTime(0, crowdSize, true));
                                new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(18, 1, crowdSize, random));

                SortedMap<String, String> gold2 = Step4bReasonDisambiguationGoldAnnotator
                        .annotateWithGoldLabels(csvFile, null, null,
                                //                            new WorkerAssignmentsFilterSubsetByTime(crowdSize, crowdSize * 2,
                                //                                    false));
                                new WorkerAssignmentFilterRandomized(18, 2, crowdSize, random));

                gold1 = filterOutNullValueEntries(gold1);
                gold2 = filterOutNullValueEntries(gold2);

                double kappa = computeKappa(gold1, gold2);

                if (!table.contains(crowdSize, maceThreshold)) {
                    table.put(crowdSize, maceThreshold, new DescriptiveStatistics());
                table.get(crowdSize, maceThreshold).addValue(kappa);

项目:googles-monorepo-demo    文件   
public void testTreeBasedTable() {
  assertFreshInstance(new TypeToken<TreeBasedTable<String, ?, ?>>() {});
项目:blueweave    文件   
public void testTimeseriesClassifierBasic(){

    try {
        Table<Date, String, Double> trainingTable = GsonFactory.fromJson(
                        getClass().getResourceAsStream("/data/01/train/trainTable01.json"), "UTF-8"),
                TreeBasedTable.class, GsonFactory.Type.DEFAULT);

        //make the training model
        SequenceNetworkModel trainingModel = GsonFactory.fromJson(
                        getClass().getResourceAsStream("/data/01/train/trainModel01.json"), "UTF-8"),
                SequenceNetworkModel.class, GsonFactory.Type.DEFAULT);

        //get the training model
        Table<Date, String, Double> testingTable = GsonFactory.fromJson(
                        getClass().getResourceAsStream("/data/01/test/testTable01.json"), "UTF-8"),
                TreeBasedTable.class, GsonFactory.Type.DEFAULT);

        //get the config from the classpath
        Config conf = ConfigFactory.load();

        ClassifierNetwork network = new TimeseriesClassifierNetwork.TimeseriesClassifierNetworkBuilder()

        Map<String,Object> model = new HashedMap();
        model.put("startDate", DateUtils.min(testingTable.rowKeySet()));
        model.put("endDate", DateUtils.max(testingTable.rowKeySet()));

        Table<Integer, String, Object> result = network.evaluate();"start:{{startDate}}, end:{{endDate}}", model));
  "{{seriesNumber}},{{seriesName}},{{classificationName}}", result.row(rowId)));

    } catch (Exception e){

项目:Rapture    文件   
public ReflexSparseMatrixValue(int dimension) {
    table = TreeBasedTable.create();
    rowOrder = new ArrayList<ReflexValue>();
    colOrder = new ArrayList<ReflexValue>();
项目:beam    文件   
 * Outputs the set of options available to be set for the passed in {@link PipelineOptions}
 * interface. The output is in a human readable format. The format is:
 * <pre>
 * OptionGroup:
 *     ... option group description ...
 *  --option1={@code <type>} or list of valid enum choices
 *     Default: value (if available, see {@link Default})
 *     ... option description ... (if available, see {@link Description})
 *     Required groups (if available, see {@link Required})
 *  --option2={@code <type>} or list of valid enum choices
 *     Default: value (if available, see {@link Default})
 *     ... option description ... (if available, see {@link Description})
 *     Required groups (if available, see {@link Required})
 * </pre>
 * This method will attempt to format its output to be compatible with a terminal window.
public static void printHelp(PrintStream out, Class<? extends PipelineOptions> iface) {
  validateWellFormed(iface, REGISTERED_OPTIONS);

  Set<PipelineOptionSpec> properties =

  RowSortedTable<Class<?>, String, Method> ifacePropGetterTable = TreeBasedTable.create(
      ClassNameComparator.INSTANCE, Ordering.natural());
  for (PipelineOptionSpec prop : properties) {
    ifacePropGetterTable.put(prop.getDefiningInterface(), prop.getName(), prop.getGetterMethod());

  for (Map.Entry<Class<?>, Map<String, Method>> ifaceToPropertyMap :
      ifacePropGetterTable.rowMap().entrySet()) {
    Class<?> currentIface = ifaceToPropertyMap.getKey();
    Map<String, Method> propertyNamesToGetters = ifaceToPropertyMap.getValue();

    SortedSetMultimap<String, String> requiredGroupNameToProperties =

    out.format("%s:%n", currentIface.getName());
    prettyPrintDescription(out, currentIface.getAnnotation(Description.class));


    List<String> lists = Lists.newArrayList(propertyNamesToGetters.keySet());
    Collections.sort(lists, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
    for (String propertyName : lists) {
      Method method = propertyNamesToGetters.get(propertyName);
      String printableType = method.getReturnType().getSimpleName();
      if (method.getReturnType().isEnum()) {
        printableType = Joiner.on(" | ").join(method.getReturnType().getEnumConstants());
      out.format("  --%s=<%s>%n", propertyName, printableType);
      Optional<String> defaultValue = getDefaultValueFromAnnotation(method);
      if (defaultValue.isPresent()) {
        out.format("    Default: %s%n", defaultValue.get());
      prettyPrintDescription(out, method.getAnnotation(Description.class));
      prettyPrintRequiredGroups(out, method.getAnnotation(Validation.Required.class),