public ResourceLocalizationService(Dispatcher dispatcher, ContainerExecutor exec, DeletionService delService, LocalDirsHandlerService dirsHandler, Context context) { super(ResourceLocalizationService.class.getName()); this.exec = exec; this.dispatcher = dispatcher; this.delService = delService; this.dirsHandler = dirsHandler; this.cacheCleanup = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("ResourceLocalizationService Cache Cleanup") .build()); this.stateStore = context.getNMStateStore(); this.nmContext = context; }
@Override protected void serviceStart() throws Exception { hsManager.start(); if (storage instanceof Service) { ((Service) storage).start(); } scheduledExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(2, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Log Scanner/Cleaner #%d") .build()); scheduledExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MoveIntermediateToDoneRunnable(), moveThreadInterval, moveThreadInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // Start historyCleaner scheduleHistoryCleaner(); super.serviceStart(); }
/** * The in-memory store bootstraps itself from the shared cache entries that * exist in HDFS. */ @Override protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception { this.startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.initialDelayMin = getInitialDelay(conf); this.checkPeriodMin = getCheckPeriod(conf); this.stalenessMinutes = getStalenessPeriod(conf); bootstrap(conf); ThreadFactory tf = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("InMemorySCMStore") .build(); scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(tf); super.serviceInit(conf); }
@Autowired public PeerConnectionTester(final SystemProperties config) { this.config = config; ConnectThreads = config.peerDiscoveryWorkers(); ReconnectPeriod = config.peerDiscoveryTouchPeriod() * 1000; ReconnectMaxPeers = config.peerDiscoveryTouchMaxNodes(); peerConnectionPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(ConnectThreads, ConnectThreads, 0L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new MutablePriorityQueue<Runnable, ConnectTask>(new Comparator<ConnectTask>() { @Override public int compare(ConnectTask h1, ConnectTask h2) { return h2.nodeHandler.getNodeStatistics().getReputation() - h1.nodeHandler.getNodeStatistics().getReputation(); } }), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("discovery-tester-%d").build()); }
@Override protected void doStart() { if (config.isEnable()) { this.scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("memory-reporter-thread") .setUncaughtExceptionHandler((t, e) -> log.error("Problem in memory reporter", e)) .build()); this.scheduledJob = this.scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { reportGC(); reportMemoryPool(); reportMemoryUsage(); }, config.getInterval(), config.getInterval(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } notifyStarted(); }
public ChunkReaderScheduler(final Input input, final ArrayBlockingQueue<FileChunk> chunkQueue, final int readerBufferSize, final long readerInterval, final FileInput.InitialReadPosition initialReadPosition) { this.input = input; this.chunkQueue = chunkQueue; this.readerBufferSize = readerBufferSize; this.readerInterval = readerInterval; this.initialReadPosition = initialReadPosition; // TODO Make the thread size configurable. this.scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(false) .setNameFormat("chunkreader-scheduler-thread-" + input.getId() + "-%d") .build()); }
/** * Create a new KMSAudit. * * @param windowMs Duplicate events within the aggregation window are quashed * to reduce log traffic. A single message for aggregated * events is printed at the end of the window, along with a * count of the number of aggregated events. */ KMSAudit(long windowMs) { cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(windowMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .removalListener( new RemovalListener<String, AuditEvent>() { @Override public void onRemoval( RemovalNotification<String, AuditEvent> entry) { AuditEvent event = entry.getValue(); if (event.getAccessCount().get() > 0) { KMSAudit.this.logEvent(event); event.getAccessCount().set(0); KMSAudit.this.cache.put(entry.getKey(), event); } } }).build(); executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true).setNameFormat(KMS_LOGGER_NAME + "_thread").build()); executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cache.cleanUp(); } }, windowMs / 10, windowMs / 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }
/** * Create a new KMSAudit. * * @param windowMs Duplicate events within the aggregation window are quashed * to reduce log traffic. A single message for aggregated * events is printed at the end of the window, along with a * count of the number of aggregated events. */ RENAudit(long windowMs) { cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterWrite(windowMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .removalListener( new RemovalListener<String, AuditEvent>() { @Override public void onRemoval( RemovalNotification<String, AuditEvent> entry) { AuditEvent event = entry.getValue(); if (event.getAccessCount().get() > 0) { RENAudit.this.logEvent(event); event.getAccessCount().set(0); RENAudit.this.cache.put(entry.getKey(), event); } } }).build(); executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true).setNameFormat(REN_LOGGER_NAME + "_thread").build()); executor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { cache.cleanUp(); } }, windowMs / 10, windowMs / 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); }
/** * @param conf configuration for the job * @param dirs the initial list of paths * @param recursive whether to traverse the patchs recursively * @param inputFilter inputFilter to apply to the resulting paths * @param newApi whether using the mapred or mapreduce API * @throws InterruptedException * @throws IOException */ public LocatedFileStatusFetcher(Configuration conf, Path[] dirs, boolean recursive, PathFilter inputFilter, boolean newApi) throws InterruptedException, IOException { int numThreads = conf.getInt(FileInputFormat.LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS, FileInputFormat.DEFAULT_LIST_STATUS_NUM_THREADS); rawExec = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( numThreads, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("GetFileInfo #%d").build()); exec = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(rawExec); resultQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<List<FileStatus>>(); this.conf = conf; this.inputDirs = dirs; this.recursive = recursive; this.inputFilter = inputFilter; this.newApi = newApi; }
MessagingEngine(DataSource dataSource) throws BrokerException { DaoFactory daoFactory = new DaoFactory(dataSource); QueueDao queueDao = daoFactory.createQueueDao(); ExchangeDao exchangeDao = daoFactory.createExchangeDao(); BindingDao bindingDao = daoFactory.createBindingDao(); MessageDao messageDao = daoFactory.createMessageDao(); exchangeRegistry = new ExchangeRegistry(exchangeDao, bindingDao); // TODO: get the buffer sizes from configs sharedMessageStore = new SharedMessageStore(messageDao, 32768, 1024); queueRegistry = new QueueRegistry(queueDao, sharedMessageStore); exchangeRegistry.retrieveFromStore(queueRegistry); ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("MessageDeliveryTaskThreadPool-%d").build(); deliveryTaskService = new TaskExecutorService<>(WORKER_COUNT, IDLE_TASK_DELAY_MILLIS, threadFactory); messageIdGenerator = new MessageIdGenerator(); initDefaultDeadLetterQueue(); }
@Override protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception { enabled = conf.getBoolean(YarnConfiguration.SHARED_CACHE_ENABLED, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_SHARED_CACHE_ENABLED); if (enabled) { int threadCount = conf.getInt(YarnConfiguration.SHARED_CACHE_NM_UPLOADER_THREAD_COUNT, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_SHARED_CACHE_NM_UPLOADER_THREAD_COUNT); uploaderPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount, new ThreadFactoryBuilder(). setNameFormat("Shared cache uploader #%d"). build()); scmClient = createSCMClient(conf); try { fs = FileSystem.get(conf); localFs = FileSystem.getLocal(conf); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Unexpected exception in getting the filesystem", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } super.serviceInit(conf); }
public TBoundedThreadPoolServer(Args options, ThriftMetrics metrics) { super(options); if (options.maxQueuedRequests > 0) { this.callQueue = new CallQueue( new LinkedBlockingQueue<Call>(options.maxQueuedRequests), metrics); } else { this.callQueue = new CallQueue(new SynchronousQueue<Call>(), metrics); } ThreadFactoryBuilder tfb = new ThreadFactoryBuilder(); tfb.setDaemon(true); tfb.setNameFormat("thrift-worker-%d"); executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(options.minWorkerThreads, options.maxWorkerThreads, options.threadKeepAliveTimeSec, TimeUnit.SECONDS, this.callQueue,; serverOptions = options; }
private DbleServer() { this.config = new ServerConfig(); scheduler = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("TimerScheduler-%d").build()); /* * | offline | Change Server status to OFF | * | online | Change Server status to ON | */ this.isOnline = new AtomicBoolean(true); // load data node active index from properties dnIndexProperties = DnPropertyUtil.loadDnIndexProps(); this.startupTime = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis(); if (isUseZkSwitch()) { dnIndexLock = new InterProcessMutex(ZKUtils.getConnection(), KVPathUtil.getDnIndexLockPath()); } xaSessionCheck = new XASessionCheck(); }
@Override protected void serviceInit(Configuration conf) throws Exception { ThreadFactory tf = new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("DeletionService #%d") .build(); if (conf != null) { sched = new DelServiceSchedThreadPoolExecutor( conf.getInt(YarnConfiguration.NM_DELETE_THREAD_COUNT, YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_DELETE_THREAD_COUNT), tf); debugDelay = conf.getInt(YarnConfiguration.DEBUG_NM_DELETE_DELAY_SEC, 0); } else { sched = new DelServiceSchedThreadPoolExecutor( YarnConfiguration.DEFAULT_NM_DELETE_THREAD_COUNT, tf); } sched.setExecuteExistingDelayedTasksAfterShutdownPolicy(false); sched.setKeepAliveTime(60L, SECONDS); if (stateStore.canRecover()) { recover(stateStore.loadDeletionServiceState()); } super.serviceInit(conf); }
/** * @param conn The HBase connection. * @param conf The HBase configuration * @param perRegionServerBufferQueueSize determines the max number of the buffered Put ops for * each region server before dropping the request. */ public HTableMultiplexer(Connection conn, Configuration conf, int perRegionServerBufferQueueSize) { this.conn = (ClusterConnection) conn; this.pool = HTable.getDefaultExecutor(conf); this.retryNum = conf.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES_NUMBER, HConstants.DEFAULT_HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES_NUMBER); this.perRegionServerBufferQueueSize = perRegionServerBufferQueueSize; this.maxKeyValueSize = HTable.getMaxKeyValueSize(conf); this.flushPeriod = conf.getLong(TABLE_MULTIPLEXER_FLUSH_PERIOD_MS, 100); int initThreads = conf.getInt(TABLE_MULTIPLEXER_INIT_THREADS, 10); this.executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(initThreads, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("HTableFlushWorker-%d").build()); this.workerConf = HBaseConfiguration.create(conf); // We do not do the retry because we need to reassign puts to different queues if regions are // moved. this.workerConf.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_CLIENT_RETRIES_NUMBER, 0); }
@Override public void start() throws KairosDBException { // Configure the server. serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap( new NioServerSocketChannelFactory( Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("telnet-boss-%d").build()), Executors.newCachedThreadPool(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("telnet-worker-%d").build()))); // Configure the pipeline factory. serverBootstrap.setPipelineFactory(this); serverBootstrap.setOption("child.tcpNoDelay", true); serverBootstrap.setOption("child.keepAlive", true); serverBootstrap.setOption("reuseAddress", true); // Bind and start to accept incoming connections. serverBootstrap.bind(new InetSocketAddress(address, port)); }
@Override public void start() {"Configuration provider starting"); Preconditions.checkState(file != null, "The parameter file must not be null"); executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("conf-file-poller-%d") .build()); FileWatcherRunnable fileWatcherRunnable = new FileWatcherRunnable(file, counterGroup); executorService.scheduleWithFixedDelay(fileWatcherRunnable, 0, interval, TimeUnit.SECONDS); lifecycleState = LifecycleState.START; LOGGER.debug("Configuration provider started"); }
/** * @deprecated This method is only used from configuration modules and thus callers of it * should use service injection to make the executor configurable. */ @Deprecated public static synchronized ListeningExecutorService getDefaultCommitExecutor() { if (COMMIT_EXECUTOR == null) { final ThreadFactory factory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("md-sal-binding-commit-%d").build(); /* * FIXME: this used to be newCacheThreadPool(), but MD-SAL does not have transaction * ordering guarantees, which means that using a concurrent threadpool results * in application data being committed in random order, potentially resulting * in inconsistent data being present. Once proper primitives are introduced, * concurrency can be reintroduced. */ final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(factory); COMMIT_EXECUTOR = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator(executor); } return COMMIT_EXECUTOR; }
/** * Creates the executor service used to run map tasks. * * @return an ExecutorService instance that handles map tasks */ protected synchronized ExecutorService createMapExecutor() { // Determine the size of the thread pool to use int maxMapThreads = job.getInt(LOCAL_MAX_MAPS, 1); if (maxMapThreads < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Configured " + LOCAL_MAX_MAPS + " must be >= 1"); } maxMapThreads = Math.min(maxMapThreads, this.numMapTasks); maxMapThreads = Math.max(maxMapThreads, 1); // In case of no tasks. LOG.debug("Starting mapper thread pool executor."); LOG.debug("Max local threads: " + maxMapThreads); LOG.debug("Map tasks to process: " + this.numMapTasks); // Create a new executor service to drain the work queue. ThreadFactory tf = new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("LocalJobRunner Map Task Executor #%d") .build(); ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(maxMapThreads, tf); return executor; }
private void initCluster() { GetMembersResponse resp = null; List<HostAndPort> pdAddrs = getSession().getConf().getPdAddrs(); for(HostAndPort u: pdAddrs) { resp = getMembers(u); if(resp != null) { break; } } checkNotNull(resp, "Failed to init client for PD cluster."); long clusterId = resp.getHeader().getClusterId(); header = RequestHeader.newBuilder().setClusterId(clusterId).build(); tsoReq = TsoRequest.newBuilder().setHeader(header).build(); this.pdAddrs = pdAddrs; createLeaderWrapper(resp.getLeader().getClientUrls(0)); service = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build()); service.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::updateLeader, 1, 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); }
public ExecutorService getExecutorService() { final ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("search-thread-%d") .setDaemon(true).build(); return new ThreadPoolExecutor(DEFAULT_THREAD_MAX, DEFAULT_THREAD_MAX, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<>(1024), threadFactory, new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy()); }
DecommissionManager(final Namesystem namesystem, final BlockManager blockManager, final HeartbeatManager hbManager) { this.namesystem = namesystem; this.blockManager = blockManager; this.hbManager = hbManager; executor = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("DecommissionMonitor-%d") .setDaemon(true).build()); decomNodeBlocks = new TreeMap<>(); pendingNodes = new LinkedList<>(); }
public SimpleThreadFactory(String name) { ThreadFactoryBuilder builder = new ThreadFactoryBuilder(); builder .setNameFormat(name) .setUncaughtExceptionHandler((t, e) -> logger.error("Uncaught exception of thread_" + t.toString(), e)); this.threadFactory =; }
public ExecutorService getThreadPoolForTableScan() { ExecutorService res = tableScanThreadPool; if (res == null) { synchronized (this) { if (tableScanThreadPool == null) { tableScanThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( conf.getTableScanConcurrency(), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build()); } res = tableScanThreadPool; } } return res; }
RegionLocationFinder() { this.cache = createCache(); executor = MoreExecutors.listeningDecorator( Executors.newScheduledThreadPool( 5, new ThreadFactoryBuilder(). setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("region-location-%d") .build())); }
private ReadaheadPool() { pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(POOL_SIZE, MAX_POOL_SIZE, 3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(CAPACITY)); pool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardOldestPolicy()); pool.setThreadFactory(new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("Readahead Thread #%d") .build()); }
public void serviceStart() throws Exception { // create a single thread for serial execution of tasks // make it a daemon thread so that the process can exit even if the task is // not interruptible taskRunner = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder(). setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("uber-SubtaskRunner").build()); // create and start an event handling thread eventHandler = new Thread(new EventHandler(), "uber-EventHandler"); eventHandler.start(); super.serviceStart(); }
/** * Constructor takes the following tunable configuration parameters * @param numValues The number of values cached in the Queue for a * particular key. * @param lowWatermark The ratio of (number of current entries/numValues) * below which the <code>fillQueueForKey()</code> funciton will be * invoked to fill the Queue. * @param expiry Expiry time after which the Key and associated Queue are * evicted from the cache. * @param numFillerThreads Number of threads to use for the filler thread * @param policy The SyncGenerationPolicy to use when client * calls "getAtMost" * @param refiller implementation of the QueueRefiller */ public ValueQueue(final int numValues, final float lowWatermark, long expiry, int numFillerThreads, SyncGenerationPolicy policy, final QueueRefiller<E> refiller) { Preconditions.checkArgument(numValues > 0, "\"numValues\" must be > 0"); Preconditions.checkArgument(((lowWatermark > 0)&&(lowWatermark <= 1)), "\"lowWatermark\" must be > 0 and <= 1"); Preconditions.checkArgument(expiry > 0, "\"expiry\" must be > 0"); Preconditions.checkArgument(numFillerThreads > 0, "\"numFillerThreads\" must be > 0"); Preconditions.checkNotNull(policy, "\"policy\" must not be null"); this.refiller = refiller; this.policy = policy; this.numValues = numValues; this.lowWatermark = lowWatermark; keyQueues = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .expireAfterAccess(expiry, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) .build(new CacheLoader<String, LinkedBlockingQueue<E>>() { @Override public LinkedBlockingQueue<E> load(String keyName) throws Exception { LinkedBlockingQueue<E> keyQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<E>(); refiller.fillQueueForKey(keyName, keyQueue, (int)(lowWatermark * numValues)); return keyQueue; } }); executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numFillerThreads, numFillerThreads, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, queue, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat(REFILL_THREAD).build()); }
/** * Get Executor on which IPC calls' parameters are sent. * If the internal reference counter is zero, this method * creates the instance of Executor. If not, this method * just returns the reference of clientExecutor. * * @return An ExecutorService instance */ synchronized ExecutorService refAndGetInstance() { if (executorRefCount == 0) { clientExecutor = Executors.newCachedThreadPool( new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true) .setNameFormat("IPC Parameter Sending Thread #%d") .build()); } executorRefCount++; return clientExecutor; }
public ExecutorService getThreadPoolForIndexScan() { ExecutorService res = indexScanThreadPool; if (res == null) { synchronized (this) { if (indexScanThreadPool == null) { indexScanThreadPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( conf.getIndexScanConcurrency(), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).build()); } res = indexScanThreadPool; } } return res; }
@Override public void run() { Properties kprops = new Properties(); kprops.put("bootstrap.servers", kafka.url()); kprops.put("", groupId); // NB: only "true" is valid; no code to handle "false" yet. kprops.put("", "true"); kprops.put("", commitInterval); kprops.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"); kprops.put("value.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"); KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(kprops); consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(topicName)); Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("heartbeat.consumer").build()) .execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { while (true) { logger.trace("==> Poll for records"); ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(1000); logger.trace("==> Number of records: " + records.count()); // NB: if you want the beginning .. // consumer.seekToBeginning(records.partitions()); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) logger.debug("==> ==> offset = {}, key = {}, value = {}", record.offset(), record.key(), record.value()); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } } catch (InterruptedException e) {"Heartbeat Consumer Interrupted"); } finally { consumer.close(); } } }); }
public ConnectionPool(ConnectionManager connectionFactory, EventLoopGroup group, DriftNettyClientConfig config) { this.connectionFactory = connectionFactory; = requireNonNull(group, "group is null"); requireNonNull(config, "config is null"); // todo from config cachedConnections = CacheBuilder.newBuilder() .maximumSize(100) .expireAfterAccess(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES) .<HostAndPort, Future<Channel>>removalListener(notification -> closeConnection(notification.getValue())) .build(new CacheLoader<HostAndPort, Future<Channel>>() { @Override public Future<Channel> load(HostAndPort address) throws Exception { return createConnection(address); } }); maintenanceThread = newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("drift-connection-maintenance-%s") .setDaemon(true) .build()); maintenanceThread.scheduleWithFixedDelay(cachedConnections::cleanUp, 1, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
public WriteBuffer(Keyspace keyspace, String cfName, int writeDelay, int maxWriteSize, Serializer<RowKeyType> keySerializer, Serializer<ColumnKeyType> columnKeySerializer, Serializer<ValueType> valueSerializer, WriteBufferStats stats, ReentrantLock mutatorLock, int threadCount, int jobQueueSize) { m_executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadCount, threadCount, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(jobQueueSize), new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("WriteBuffer-"+cfName+"-%d").build()); m_keyspace = keyspace; m_cfName = cfName; m_writeDelay = writeDelay; m_initialMaxBufferSize = m_maxBufferSize = maxWriteSize; m_rowKeySerializer = keySerializer; m_columnKeySerializer = columnKeySerializer; m_valueSerializer = valueSerializer; m_writeStats = stats; m_mutatorLock = mutatorLock; m_buffer = new ArrayList<>(); m_mutator = new MutatorImpl<>(keyspace, keySerializer); m_writeThread = new Thread(this, "WriteBuffer Scheduler for "+cfName); m_writeThread.start(); }
public MultiThreadedClientExample() throws IOException { // Base number of threads. // This represents the number of threads you application has // that can be interacting with an hbase client. this.threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4; // Daemon threads are great for things that get shut down. ThreadFactory threadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("internal-pol-%d").build(); this.internalPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads, threadFactory); }
@PostConstruct public void init() { gameListPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool( new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("GameList-%d").setDaemon(true).build()); singleGamePool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool( new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("SingleGame-%d").setDaemon(true).build()); }
@Override protected ExecutorService initialValue() { return Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("rsExecutors-%d") .setDaemon(true) .build()); }
/** * Default constructor. * * @param rdbmsCoordinationDaoImpl the RdbmsCoordinationDaoImpl to use for communication with the database * @param rdbmsCoordinationOptions the configuration for RDBMS coordination */ public RdbmsCoordinationStrategy(RdbmsCoordinationDaoImpl rdbmsCoordinationDaoImpl, Map<String, String> rdbmsCoordinationOptions) { ThreadFactory namedThreadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("RdbmsCoordinationStrategy-%d") .build(); threadExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(namedThreadFactory); scheduledExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); if (rdbmsCoordinationOptions.get(RdbmsCoordinationConstants.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL) != null) { heartBeatInterval = Integer.parseInt( rdbmsCoordinationOptions.get(RdbmsCoordinationConstants.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL)); } else { heartBeatInterval = 5000; } if (rdbmsCoordinationOptions.get(RdbmsCoordinationConstants.COORDINATOR_ENTRY_CREATION_WAIT_TIME) != null) { coordinatorEntryCreationWaitTime = Integer.parseInt( rdbmsCoordinationOptions.get(RdbmsCoordinationConstants.COORDINATOR_ENTRY_CREATION_WAIT_TIME)); } else { coordinatorEntryCreationWaitTime = 3000; } localNodeId = rdbmsCoordinationOptions.get(RdbmsCoordinationConstants.NODE_IDENTIFIER); if (localNodeId == null) { localNodeId = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); } // Maximum age of a heartbeat. After this much of time, the heartbeat is considered invalid and node is // considered to have left the cluster. heartbeatMaxAge = heartBeatInterval * 2; if (heartBeatInterval <= coordinatorEntryCreationWaitTime) { throw new RuntimeException("Configuration error. " + heartBeatInterval + " * 2 should be greater than " + coordinatorEntryCreationWaitTime); } coordinationDao = rdbmsCoordinationDaoImpl; }
public Listener(final String name) throws IOException { super(name); backlogLength = conf.getInt("hbase.ipc.server.listen.queue.size", 128); // Create a new server socket and set to non blocking mode acceptChannel =; acceptChannel.configureBlocking(false); // Bind the server socket to the binding addrees (can be different from the default interface) bind(acceptChannel.socket(), bindAddress, backlogLength); port = acceptChannel.socket().getLocalPort(); //Could be an ephemeral port // create a selector; selector=; readers = new Reader[readThreads]; readPool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(readThreads, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat( "RpcServer.reader=%d,bindAddress=" + bindAddress.getHostName() + ",port=" + port).setDaemon(true).build()); for (int i = 0; i < readThreads; ++i) { Reader reader = new Reader(); readers[i] = reader; readPool.execute(reader); } + ": started " + readThreads + " reader(s) listening on port=" + port); // Register accepts on the server socket with the selector. acceptChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); this.setName("RpcServer.listener,port=" + port); this.setDaemon(true); }
@PostConstruct public void init() { ThreadFactory namedThreadFactory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder() .setNameFormat("demo-pool-%d").build(); //通用线程池 executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize, maximumPoolSize, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(1024), namedThreadFactory, new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy()); }