private void createIdPool() { if (checkPoolExists()) { return; } CreateIdPoolInput createPool = new CreateIdPoolInputBuilder() .setPoolName(CountersServiceUtils.COUNTERS_PULL_NAME).setLow(CountersServiceUtils.COUNTERS_PULL_START) .setHigh(CountersServiceUtils.COUNTERS_PULL_START + CountersServiceUtils.COUNTERS_PULL_END).build(); Future<RpcResult<Void>> result = idManagerService.createIdPool(createPool); Futures.addCallback(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(result), new FutureCallback<RpcResult<Void>>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable error) { LOG.error("Failed to create idPool for Aliveness Monitor Service", error); } @Override public void onSuccess(@Nonnull RpcResult<Void> rpcResult) { if (rpcResult.isSuccessful()) { LOG.debug("Created IdPool for tap"); } else { LOG.error("RPC to create Idpool failed {}", rpcResult.getErrors()); } } }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); }
/** * Removes the corresponding static routes from the specified VPN. These static routes point to an * InterVpnLink endpoint and the specified VPN must be the other end of the InterVpnLink. * * @param vpnName the VPN identifier * @param interVpnLinkRoutes The list of static routes * @param nexthopsXinterVpnLinks A Map with the correspondence nextHop-InterVpnLink */ public void removeInterVpnRoutes(Uuid vpnName, List<Routes> interVpnLinkRoutes, HashMap<String, InterVpnLink> nexthopsXinterVpnLinks) { for (Routes route : interVpnLinkRoutes) { String nexthop = String.valueOf(route.getNexthop().getValue()); String destination = String.valueOf(route.getDestination().getValue()); InterVpnLink interVpnLink = nexthopsXinterVpnLinks.get(nexthop); if (isNexthopTheOtherVpnLinkEndpoint(nexthop, vpnName.getValue(), interVpnLink)) { RemoveStaticRouteInput rpcInput = new RemoveStaticRouteInputBuilder().setDestination(destination).setNexthop(nexthop) .setVpnInstanceName(vpnName.getValue()) .build(); ListenableFutures.addErrorLogging(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread( vpnRpcService.removeStaticRoute(rpcInput)), LOG, "Remove VPN routes"); } else { // Any other case is a fault. LOG.warn("route with destination {} and nexthop {} does not apply to any InterVpnLink", String.valueOf(route.getDestination().getValue()), nexthop); continue; } } }
@SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:IllegalCatch") private void sendArpRequest(IpAddress srcIpAddress, IpAddress dstIpAddress, MacAddress srcMacAddress, String interfaceName) { if (srcIpAddress == null || dstIpAddress == null) { LOG.trace("Skip sending ARP to external GW srcIp {} dstIp {}", srcIpAddress, dstIpAddress); return; } PhysAddress srcMacPhysAddress = new PhysAddress(srcMacAddress.getValue()); try { InterfaceAddress interfaceAddress = new InterfaceAddressBuilder().setInterface(interfaceName) .setIpAddress(srcIpAddress).setMacaddress(srcMacPhysAddress).build(); SendArpRequestInput sendArpRequestInput = new SendArpRequestInputBuilder().setIpaddress(dstIpAddress) .setInterfaceAddress(Collections.singletonList(interfaceAddress)).build(); ListenableFutures.addErrorLogging(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread( arpUtilService.sendArpRequest(sendArpRequestInput)), LOG, "Send ARP request"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to send ARP request to external GW {} from interface {}", dstIpAddress.getIpv4Address().getValue(), interfaceName, e); } }
private void sendPacketOut(byte[] payload, NodeConnectorRef egress) { if (egress == null) {"Egress is null"); return; } InstanceIdentifier<Node> egressNodePath = getNodePath(egress.getValue()); TransmitPacketInput input = new TransmitPacketInputBuilder() // .setPayload(payload) // .setNode(new NodeRef(egressNodePath)) // .setEgress(egress) // .build(); Future<RpcResult<Void>> future = packetService.transmitPacket(input); JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future); }
public ListenableFuture<RpcResult<Void>> sendArpResponse(ArpMessageAddress senderAddress, ArpMessageAddress receiverAddress, InstanceIdentifier<NodeConnector> egressNc, Header8021q vlan) { checkNotNull(senderAddress); checkNotNull(receiverAddress); checkNotNull(egressNc); final Ethernet arpFrame = createArpFrame(senderAddress, receiverAddress, vlan); byte[] arpFrameAsBytes; try { arpFrameAsBytes = arpFrame.serialize(); } catch (PacketException e) { LOG.warn("Serializition of ARP packet is not successful.", e); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("ARP packet: {}", ArpUtils.getArpFrameToStringFormat(arpFrame)); } return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(e); } // Generate packet with destination switch and port LOG.debug("Egress for ARP packetOut: " + new NodeConnectorRef(egressNc).toString()); TransmitPacketInput packet = new TransmitPacketInputBuilder().setEgress(new NodeConnectorRef(egressNc)) .setNode(new NodeRef(egressNc.firstIdentifierOf(Node.class))).setPayload(arpFrameAsBytes).build(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Sending ARP RESPONSE \n{}", ArpUtils.getArpFrameToStringFormat(arpFrame)); } Future<RpcResult<Void>> futureTransmitPacketResult = packetProcessingService.transmitPacket(packet); return JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(futureTransmitPacketResult); }
@PostConstruct public void recreateIndex() throws Exception { log.debug("SearchConfiguration - creating full-text index"); FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(entityManager); Future<?> indexResult = fullTextEntityManager.createIndexer().start(); Futures.addCallback(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(indexResult), new FutureCallback<Object>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Object result) { log.debug("SearchConfiguration - finished creating full-text index"); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) { log.error("SearchConfiguration - Failed creating full-text index", t); } }); }
public <E extends DataObject> void sendResponseToCore(Future<RpcResult<E>> switchReply, final ZeroMQBaseConnector coreConnector, final short ofVersion, final long xId, final long datapathId, final int moduleId) { Futures.addCallback(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(switchReply), new FutureCallback<RpcResult<E>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(RpcResult<E> rpcReply) { if (rpcReply.isSuccessful()) { E result = rpcReply.getResult(); sendOpenFlowMessageToCore(coreConnector, result, ofVersion, xId, datapathId, moduleId); } else { for (RpcError rpcError : rpcReply.getErrors()) {"SHIM RELAY: error in communication with switch: {}", rpcError.getMessage()); } } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) {"SHIM RELAY: failure on communication with switch"); } }); }
/** * Converts the given {@link Future} object to a {@link RedFuture} * see {@link JdkFutureAdapters#listenInPoolThread(Future)} for detailed implications * @param future future to convert * @param <T> type of the future value * @return a RedFuture instance tracking the given {@link Future} */ static <T> RedFutureOf<T> convert(Future<T> future) { if (future instanceof RedFutureOf) { return (RedFutureOf<T>) future; } if (future instanceof ListenableFuture) { OpenRedFutureOf<T> result = futureOf(); result.follow((ListenableFuture<T>) future); return result; } return convert(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future)); }
/** * Converts the given {@link Future} object to a {@link RedFuture} with given executor * see {@link JdkFutureAdapters#listenInPoolThread(Future, Executor)} for detailed implications * @param future future to convert * @param executor executor to wait to future to complete and then execute callbacks * note that if the future is already completed, the callbacks will be * executed by the current thread * @param <T> type of the future value * @return a RedFuture instance tracking the given {@link Future} */ static <T> RedFutureOf<T> convert(Future<T> future, Executor executor) { if (future instanceof RedFutureOf) { return (RedFutureOf<T>) future; } if (future instanceof ListenableFuture) { OpenRedFutureOf<T> result = futureOf(); result.follow(executor, (ListenableFuture<T>) future); return result; } return convert(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future, executor), executor); }
@Override public Future<RpcResult<Void>> makeBreakfast(EggsType eggsType, Class<? extends ToastType> toastType, int toastDoneness) { // Call makeToast and use JdkFutureAdapters to convert the Future to a ListenableFuture, The // OpendaylightToaster impl already returns a ListenableFuture so the conversion is actually a no-op. ListenableFuture<RpcResult<Void>> makeToastFuture = JdkFutureAdapters .listenInPoolThread(makeToast(toastType, toastDoneness), executor); ListenableFuture<RpcResult<Void>> makeEggsFuture = makeEggs(eggsType); // Combine the 2 ListenableFutures into 1 containing a list RpcResults. ListenableFuture<List<RpcResult<Void>>> combinedFutures = Futures .allAsList(ImmutableList.of(makeToastFuture, makeEggsFuture)); // Then transform the RpcResults into 1. return Futures.transformAsync(combinedFutures, results -> { boolean atLeastOneSucceeded = false; Builder<RpcError> errorList = ImmutableList.builder(); for (RpcResult<Void> result : results) { if (result.isSuccessful()) { atLeastOneSucceeded = true; } if (result.getErrors() != null) { errorList.addAll(result.getErrors()); } } return Futures.immediateFuture(RpcResultBuilder.<Void>status(atLeastOneSucceeded) .withRpcErrors(; }); }
@SafeVarargs private final <V> ListenableFuture<List<V>> allAsList(Future<? extends V>... futures) { ImmutableList.Builder<ListenableFuture<? extends V>> listBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Future<? extends V> future : futures) { listBuilder.add(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future)); } return Futures.allAsList(; }
@Override public ListenableFuture<String> asyncGet(final String url) { return JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(executor.submit(new Callable<String>() { @Override public String call() throws RobotConnectionException { return get(url); } })); }
@Override public ListenableFuture<String> asyncPostJson(final String url, final String body) { return JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(executor.submit(new Callable<String>() { @Override public String call() throws RobotConnectionException { return postJson(url, body); } })); }
/** * Iterates through all {@link TargetFinder}s, returning a {@link Future} representing the first * non-null result. */ static ListenableFuture<TargetInfo> findTargetInfoFuture(Project project, Label label) { List<ListenableFuture<TargetInfo>> futures = new ArrayList<>(); for (TargetFinder finder : EP_NAME.getExtensions()) { Future<TargetInfo> future = finder.findTarget(project, label); if (future.isDone() && futures.isEmpty()) { TargetInfo target = FuturesUtil.getIgnoringErrors(future); if (target != null) { return Futures.immediateFuture(target); } } else { // we can't return ListenableFuture directly, because implementations are using different // versions of that class... futures.add(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future)); } } if (futures.isEmpty()) { return Futures.immediateFuture(null); } return Futures.transform( Futures.allAsList(futures), (Function<List<TargetInfo>, TargetInfo>) list -> list == null ? null :; }
/** * Sends ARP Request as packet-out from the given port (node connector). * * @param senderAddress * the addresses used in sender part of ARP packet * @param tpa * the target protocol address, in this case IPv4 address for * which MAC should be discovered * @param egressNc * the path to node connector from where the ARP packet will be * sent * @return future result about success of packet-out */ public ListenableFuture<RpcResult<Void>> sendArp(ArpMessageAddress senderAddress, Ipv4Address tpa, InstanceIdentifier<NodeConnector> egressNc) { checkNotNull(senderAddress); checkNotNull(tpa); checkNotNull(egressNc); final Ethernet arpFrame = createArpFrame(senderAddress, tpa); byte[] arpFrameAsBytes; try { arpFrameAsBytes = arpFrame.serialize(); } catch (PacketException e) { LOG.warn("Serializition of ARP packet is not successful.", e); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("ARP packet: {}", ArpUtils.getArpFrameToStringFormat(arpFrame)); } return Futures.immediateFailedFuture(e); } // Generate packet with destination switch and port TransmitPacketInput packet = new TransmitPacketInputBuilder().setEgress(new NodeConnectorRef(egressNc)) .setNode(new NodeRef(egressNc.firstIdentifierOf(Node.class))).setPayload(arpFrameAsBytes).build(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Sending ARP REQUEST \n{}", ArpUtils.getArpFrameToStringFormat(arpFrame)); } Future<RpcResult<Void>> futureTransmitPacketResult = packetProcessingService.transmitPacket(packet); return JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(futureTransmitPacketResult); }
/** * <p>executeRequest.</p> * * @param httpRequest a {@link org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase} object. * @return a {@link org.apache.http.HttpResponse} object. * @throws if any. */ public ListenableFuture<HttpResponse> executeRequest( final HttpRequest httpRequest) throws IOException { acquireRequestPermit(); Future<HttpResponse> response = null; try { URL url = new URL(httpRequest.getRequestLine().getUri()); HttpHost httphost = new HttpHost(url.getHost(), ((url.getPort() == -1) ? url.getDefaultPort() : url.getPort()), (url.toString().startsWith("https") ? "https" : "http")); response = httpClient.execute(httphost, httpRequest, null); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Exception occurred during asynchronous " + "HTTP request: " + e.toString()); } if (response == null) { return null; } ListenableFuture<HttpResponse> hr = JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(response, executorService); return hr; }
@Override public Future<RpcResult<Void>> resetSession(final ResetSessionInput input) { final ListenableFuture<?> f = this.peerRPCs.releaseConnection(); return Futures.transform(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(f), input1 -> { if (f.isDone()) { return RpcResultBuilder.<Void>success().build(); } return RpcResultBuilder.<Void>failed().withError(ErrorType.RPC, FAILURE_RESET_SESSION_MSG).build(); }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); }
@Override public Future<RpcResult<Void>> routeRefreshRequest(final RouteRefreshRequestInput input) { final ChannelFuture f = sendRRMessage(input); if (f != null) { return Futures.transform(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(f), input1 -> { if (f.isSuccess()) { return RpcResultBuilder.<Void>success().build(); } return RpcResultBuilder.<Void>failed().withError(ErrorType.RPC, FAILURE_MSG).build(); }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor()); } return RpcResultBuilder.<Void>failed().withError(ErrorType.RPC, FAILURE_MSG + " due to unsupported address families.").buildFuture(); }
public void collectGetFeaturesOuput(Future<RpcResult<GetFeaturesOutput>> switchReply, final ConnectionAdapter connectionAdapter) { Futures.addCallback(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(switchReply), new FutureCallback<RpcResult<GetFeaturesOutput>>() { @Override public void onSuccess(RpcResult<GetFeaturesOutput> rpcFeatures) { if (rpcFeatures.isSuccessful()) { GetFeaturesOutput featureOutput = rpcFeatures.getResult(); // Register Switch connection/DatapathId to registry connectionRegistry.registerConnectionAdapter(connectionAdapter, featureOutput); NodeUpdated nodeUpdated = nodeAdded(connectionAdapter); notificationProviderService.offerNotification(nodeUpdated); } else { // Handshake failed for (RpcError rpcError : rpcFeatures.getErrors()) {"handshake - features failure [{}]: i:{} | m:{} | s:{}", rpcError.getInfo(), rpcError.getMessage(), rpcError.getSeverity(), rpcError.getCause()); } } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable t) {"getting feature failed seriously [addr:{}]: {}", connectionAdapter.getRemoteAddress(), t.getMessage()); } }); }
private ListenableFuture<RpcResult<?>> invoke(final SchemaPath schemaPath, final DataObject input) { return JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(invoker.invokeRpc(delegate, schemaPath.getLastComponent(), input)); }
public ListenableFuture<List<String>> publishMessagesAsync( GroupedMessage groupedMessage) { return JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(client .publishAsync(groupedMessage.getTopic(), groupedMessage.getMessages())); }
/** * Creates Will object from JKS's {@link java.util.concurrent.Future} */ public static <A> Will<A> forFuture(Future<A> future) { return forListenableFuture(JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Object processResultFuture(final Future<?> future, final ExecutorService executor) { return JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future, executor); }
protected ScheduledTask<V> submittedScheduledTask(ScheduledFuture delegate) { this.submissionDate = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.scheduledFuture = delegate; this.future = JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(delegate); return this; }