/** * Call the API to create gist and return the http url if any */ private String callGistApi(String gistJson, GistListener listener) { try { CloseableHttpClient httpclient = createDefault(); HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(GIST_API); httpPost.setHeader("Accept", "application/vnd.github.v3+json"); httpPost.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); httpPost.setEntity(new StringEntity(gistJson, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpPost); HttpEntity responseEntity = response.getEntity(); JsonObject result = (JsonObject) new JsonParser().parse(EntityUtils.toString(responseEntity)); EntityUtils.consume(responseEntity); response.close(); httpclient.close(); return result.getAsJsonPrimitive("html_url").getAsString(); } catch (Exception ex) { } return null; }
private AnimationFrame parseAnimationFrame(int p_110492_1_, JsonElement p_110492_2_) { if (p_110492_2_.isJsonPrimitive()) { return new AnimationFrame(JsonUtils.getInt(p_110492_2_, "frames[" + p_110492_1_ + "]")); } else if (p_110492_2_.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jsonobject = JsonUtils.getJsonObject(p_110492_2_, "frames[" + p_110492_1_ + "]"); int i = JsonUtils.getInt(jsonobject, "time", -1); if (jsonobject.has("time")) { Validate.inclusiveBetween(1L, 2147483647L, (long)i, "Invalid frame time"); } int j = JsonUtils.getInt(jsonobject, "index"); Validate.inclusiveBetween(0L, 2147483647L, (long)j, "Invalid frame index"); return new AnimationFrame(j, i); } else { return null; } }
private void assertFileInCache (File file,String key) throws IOException { InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); try { Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(in); String text = CharStreams.toString(reader); JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonElement je = jp.parse(text); JsonObject jsonCache = je.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement elt = jsonCache.get(key); JsonObject generatedObj = elt.getAsJsonObject(); boolean generated = generatedObj.get("generated").getAsBoolean(); assertTrue("Test not generated", generated); } finally { if (in!=null) in.close(); } }
/** * Gets contents of a user's cloud "drive". If the user has not authorized for the provider, the * response will contain an OAuth URL that should be opened in a browser. * * @param providerName one of the static CLOUD constants in this class * @param next pagination token returned in previous response * * @throws HttpException on error response from backend * @throws IOException on network failure */ @SuppressWarnings("ConstantConditions") public CloudResponse getCloudItems(String providerName, String path, String next) throws IOException { JsonObject params = makeCloudParams(providerName, path, next); Response<JsonObject> response = Networking.getCloudService().list(params).execute(); Util.checkResponseAndThrow(response); JsonObject base = response.body(); if (base.has("token")) { sessionToken = base.get("token").getAsString(); } JsonElement provider = base.get(providerName); Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.fromJson(provider, CloudResponse.class); }
public JsonElement toJSON() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (null != alert) { if(alert instanceof JsonObject) { json.add(PlatformNotification.ALERT, (JsonObject) alert); } else if (alert instanceof IosAlert) { json.add(PlatformNotification.ALERT, ((IosAlert) alert).toJSON()); } else { json.add(PlatformNotification.ALERT, new JsonPrimitive(alert.toString())); } } if (null != notifications) { for (PlatformNotification pn : notifications) { if (this.alert != null && pn.getAlert() == null) { pn.setAlert(this.alert); } Preconditions.checkArgument(! (null == pn.getAlert()), "For any platform notification, alert field is needed. It can be empty string."); json.add(pn.getPlatform(), pn.toJSON()); } } return json; }
public HanaDBTemplate() { GsonBuilder builder = new GsonBuilder(); builder.registerTypeAdapter(Point.class, (JsonSerializer<Point>) (Point src, Type type, JsonSerializationContext context) -> { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); // serialize it all to strings for reasons.. obj.addProperty("ZEITREIHE", src.getTimeseries()); obj.addProperty("TIME", String.valueOf(src.getTimestamp())); obj.addProperty("VALUE", src.getValue().toString()); return obj; }); gson = builder.create(); OkHttpClient.Builder okHBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder(); okHBuilder.readTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); okHBuilder.writeTimeout(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS); okHttpClient = okHBuilder.build(); }
/** * 上传包裹截图 * * @param mImage1 * @param mImage2 * @param mImage3 */ public void putPackageImage(String mImage1, String mImage2, String mImage3) { mModel.putPackageImage(mImage1, mImage2, mImage3) .subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()) .retryWhen(new RetryWithDelay(3, 2))//遇到错误时重试,第一个参数为重试几次,第二个参数为重试的间隔 .subscribeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread()) .compose(RxUtils.<BaseJson<JsonObject>>bindToLifecycle(mRootView))//使用RXlifecycle,使subscription和activity一起销毁 .subscribe(new ErrorHandleSubscriber<BaseJson<JsonObject>>(mErrorHandler) { @Override public void onNext(BaseJson<JsonObject> jsonObjectBaseJson) { if (jsonObjectBaseJson.getStatus() == 0) { mRootView.packageImage(jsonObjectBaseJson.getStatus()); } else { mRootView.showMessage(jsonObjectBaseJson.getMsgs()); mRootView.packageImage(jsonObjectBaseJson.getStatus()); } } }); }
public String keypointsToJSON(MatOfKeyPoint kps){ Gson gson = new Gson(); JsonArray jsonArr = new JsonArray(); KeyPoint[] kpsArray = kps.toArray(); for(KeyPoint kp : kpsArray){ JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj.addProperty("class_id", kp.class_id); obj.addProperty("x", kp.pt.x); obj.addProperty("y", kp.pt.y); obj.addProperty("size", kp.size); obj.addProperty("angle", kp.angle); obj.addProperty("octave", kp.octave); obj.addProperty("response", kp.response); jsonArr.add(obj); } return gson.toJson(jsonArr); }
private RestHeartClientResponse extractFromResponse(final CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse) { RestHeartClientResponse response = null; JsonObject responseObj = null; if (httpResponse != null) { StatusLine statusLine = httpResponse.getStatusLine(); Header[] allHeaders = httpResponse.getAllHeaders(); HttpEntity resEntity = httpResponse.getEntity(); if (resEntity != null) { try { String responseStr = IOUtils.toString(resEntity.getContent(), "UTF-8"); if (responseStr != null && !responseStr.isEmpty()) { JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); responseObj = parser.parse(responseStr).getAsJsonObject(); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Was unable to extract response body", e); } } response = new RestHeartClientResponse(statusLine, allHeaders, responseObj); } return response; }
public void testBodyReading(String first, String second) throws IOException { ServletInputStream x = (ServletInputStream) new RpcHandlerTest_InputStream(second); HttpServletRequest request = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class); Map<String, Set<String>> headers = new TreeMap<>(); when(request.getHeaderNames()) .thenReturn( new RpcReadExceptionTest.RpcHandlerTest_IteratorEnumeration<>(headers.keySet().iterator()) ); when(request.getInputStream()).thenReturn(x); when(request.getRequestURL()) .thenReturn(new StringBuffer("http://fizz.buzz")); RpcReadException rpcReadException = new RpcReadException(first.getBytes(), x, "i am a message"); String json = rpcReadException.toJson(request); try { JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(json); JsonObject jsob = root.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement b = jsob.get("request_body"); Assert.assertNotNull(b); Assert.assertEquals(first+second, this.decode(b.getAsString())); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.fail(ex.toString()); } }
public ExecutionResult(JsonObject jsonResult) { this.jsonResult = jsonResult; try { JsonObject result = jsonResult.get("result").getAsJsonObject(); JsonArray console = result.get("console").getAsJsonArray(); this.status = RunStatus.get(result.get("status").getAsString()); for (int i = 0; i < console.size(); i++) { JsonArray a = console.get(i).getAsJsonArray(); String type = a.get(0).getAsString(); if(type.equals("stdout")) { this.stdout = a.get(1).getAsString(); } else if (type.equals("stderr")) { this.stderr = a.get(1).getAsString(); } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { } }
public QueryRoot(JsonObject fields) throws SchemaViolationError { for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> field : fields.entrySet()) { String key = field.getKey(); String fieldName = getFieldName(key); switch (fieldName) { case "version": { String optional1 = null; if (!field.getValue().isJsonNull()) { optional1 = jsonAsString(field.getValue(), key); } responseData.put(key, optional1); break; } case "__typename": { responseData.put(key, jsonAsString(field.getValue(), key)); break; } default: { throw new SchemaViolationError(this, key, field.getValue()); } } } }
public void receiveVideoFrom(UserSession sender, String sdpOffer) throws IOException { log.info("USER {}: connecting with {} in room {}", this.name, sender.getName(), this.roomName); log.trace("USER {}: SdpOffer for {} is {}", this.name, sender.getName(), sdpOffer); final String ipSdpAnswer = this.getEndpointForUser(sender).processOffer(sdpOffer); final JsonObject scParams = new JsonObject(); scParams.addProperty("id", "receiveVideoAnswer"); scParams.addProperty("name", sender.getName()); scParams.addProperty("sdpAnswer", ipSdpAnswer); log.trace("USER {}: SdpAnswer for {} is {}", this.name, sender.getName(), ipSdpAnswer); this.sendMessage(scParams); log.debug("gather candidates"); this.getEndpointForUser(sender).gatherCandidates(); }
/** * Create a JsonObject wrapping a raw {@code Pair<Long msec,T reading>>} sample. * @param <T> Tuple type * @param sample the raw sample * @param id the sensor's Id * @return the wrapped sample */ public static <T> JsonObject wrap(Pair<Long,T> sample, String id) { JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.addProperty(KEY_ID, id); jo.addProperty(KEY_TS, sample.getFirst()); T value = sample.getSecond(); if (value instanceof Number) jo.addProperty(KEY_READING, (Number)sample.getSecond()); else if (value instanceof String) jo.addProperty(KEY_READING, (String)sample.getSecond()); else if (value instanceof Boolean) jo.addProperty(KEY_READING, (Boolean)sample.getSecond()); // else if (value instanceof array) { // // TODO cvt to JsonArray // } // else if (value instanceof Object) { // // TODO cvt to JsonObject // } else { Class<?> clazz = value != null ? value.getClass() : Object.class; throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unhandled value type: "+ clazz); } return jo; }
@Override public JsonElement toJSON() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); if (sendno > 0) { json.add(SENDNO, new JsonPrimitive(sendno)); } if (overrideMsgId > 0) { json.add(OVERRIDE_MSG_ID, new JsonPrimitive(overrideMsgId)); } if (timeToLive >= 0) { json.add(TIME_TO_LIVE, new JsonPrimitive(timeToLive)); } json.add(APNS_PRODUCTION, new JsonPrimitive(apnsProduction)); if (bigPushDuration > 0) { json.add(BIG_PUSH_DURATION, new JsonPrimitive(bigPushDuration)); } return json; }
@Override public Map<String, Object> buildFromJson(Map<String, JsonElement> configuration) throws Exception { if (configuration.containsKey("drops")) { JsonArray dropsJson = configuration.get("drops").getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < dropsJson.size(); i++) { JsonObject dropJson = dropsJson.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); EntityType entityType = EntityType.valueOf(dropJson.get("entity").getAsString().toUpperCase()); JsonArray stacksJson = dropJson.get("stacks").getAsJsonArray(); ItemStack[] stacks = new ItemStack[stacksJson.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < stacksJson.size(); j++) stacks[j] = ItemUtils.strToStack(stacksJson.get(i).getAsString()); this.addCustomDrops(entityType, stacks); } } return this.build(); }
/** * Log in to devRant. * * @param username The username. * @param password The password. * @throws AuthenticationException If the login data is invalid. */ public void login(String username, char[] password) throws AuthenticationException { if (auth != null) throw new IllegalStateException("A user is already logged in."); JsonObject json = post(API_AUTH_TOKEN, new BasicNameValuePair("username", username), new BasicNameValuePair("password", String.valueOf(password)) ); // Clear the password. for (int i = 0; i < password.length; i++) password[i] = 0; if (!Util.jsonSuccess(json)) throw new AuthenticationException(); auth = Auth.fromJson(json); }
@Override public void handleMessage(String messageType, JsonObject jsonMessageData, WebSocketSession session) throws IOException, Exception { switch(messageType) { case "friendship.suggest": suggestFriendships(jsonMessageData, session); break; case "friendship.request": requestFriendship(jsonMessageData, session); break; case "friendship.accept": acceptFriendship(jsonMessageData, session); break; case "friendship.reject": rejectFriendship(jsonMessageData, session); break; case "friendship.leave": leaveFriendship(jsonMessageData, session); break; } }
@RequestMapping("/getGroupChat") @ResponseBody public String getGroupChat(@RequestParam("notebookId") int notebookId, @RequestParam("lastChat") int lastChat) { UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal(); String username = userDetails.getUsername(); UserInfo userInfo = userBasicService.getUserInfoByUsername(username); int userId = userInfo.getUserId(); int length = cooperateService.getGroupChat(notebookId).size(); if(lastChat == -1) lastChat = length - 1; String resultList = cooperateService.getGroupChatChunk(notebookId, lastChat); lastChat = lastChat >= 10 ? lastChat - 10 : -2; JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); json.addProperty("result", resultList); json.addProperty("currentUser", userId); json.addProperty("lastChat", lastChat); return json.toString(); }
private StringEntity getJsonAsEntity(String host, int port) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { try { InputStream isr = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("ondemand.json"); String string = IOUtils.toString(new InputStreamReader(isr)); JsonObject ondemand = new JsonParser().parse(string).getAsJsonObject(); int maxSession =ConfigReader.getInstance().getMaxSession(); JsonArray capsArray = ondemand.get("capabilities").getAsJsonArray(); for (int i=0; i < capsArray.size(); i++) { capsArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject().addProperty("maxInstances", maxSession); } JsonObject configuration = ondemand.get("configuration").getAsJsonObject(); configuration.addProperty("maxSession", maxSession); configuration.addProperty("hub", String.format("http://%s:%d", host, port)); string = ondemand.toString(); return new StringEntity(string); } catch (IOException e) { throw new GridException(e.getMessage(), e); } }
@Override public JsonElement serialize(Oauth2Error arg0, Type arg1, JsonSerializationContext arg2) { final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject.addProperty("error", arg0.getError()); jsonObject.addProperty("error_desc", arg0.getDesc()); return jsonObject; }
protected int parseRotation(JsonObject p_178291_1_) { int i = JsonUtils.getInt(p_178291_1_, "rotation", 0); if (i >= 0 && i % 90 == 0 && i / 90 <= 3) { return i; } else { throw new JsonParseException("Invalid rotation " + i + " found, only 0/90/180/270 allowed"); } }
private List<LiBaseModel> singleEntityOrListFromJson(final JsonElement node, final String objectNamePlural, final String objectName, final Class<? extends LiBaseModel> baseModelClass, final Gson gson) throws LiRestResponseException { if (node != null && node.getAsJsonObject().has(DATA)) { JsonObject response = node.getAsJsonObject().get(DATA).getAsJsonObject(); if (!response.has(TYPE)) { throw LiRestResponseException.jsonSerializationError("Required data type not found in response"); } String type = response.get(TYPE).getAsString(); if (!type.equalsIgnoreCase(objectName) && !type.equalsIgnoreCase(objectNamePlural)) { throw LiRestResponseException.illegalArgumentError("Required object type not found in response"); } if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(objectNamePlural) && response.get(ITEMS).isJsonArray()) { JsonArray jsonArray = response.get(ITEMS).getAsJsonArray(); List<LiBaseModel> elementList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { JsonObject element = jsonArray.get(i).getAsJsonObject(); try { elementList.add(gson.fromJson(element, baseModelClass)); } catch (IllegalStateException | JsonSyntaxException exception) { throw LiRestResponseException.jsonSerializationError("Bad json response:" + exception.getMessage()); } } return elementList; } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase(objectName) && response.get(ITEM).isJsonObject()) { final List<LiBaseModel> objects = new ArrayList<>(); objects.add(gson.fromJson(response.get(ITEM).getAsJsonObject(), baseModelClass)); return objects; } else { throw LiRestResponseException.jsonSerializationError("Unable to parse " + objectName + " or " + objectNamePlural + " from json:" + node); } } else { throw LiRestResponseException.jsonSerializationError("Server Error. Please check logs"); } }
@Test public void testInvalidGetAchievements() { JsonObject body = new JsonObject(); body.addProperty("message", "Doesn’t exists record"); MockResponse mockResponse = new MockResponse() .setResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) .setBody(body.toString()); mMockWebServer.enqueue(mockResponse); ListAchievementsSimpleCallback mockCallback = mock(ListAchievementsSimpleCallback.class); mAchievementAdapter.getAchievements(mockCallback); verify(mockCallback, timeout(1000)).onFailure(); }
@Override public String put(JsonObject jsonObject) { if (jsonObject == null) { return null; } return jsonObject.toString(); }
/** * Determines if an image FileLink is "safe for work" using the Google Vision API. * * @throws HttpException on error response from backend * @throws IOException on network failure * * @see <a href="https://www.filestack.com/docs/tagging"></a> */ public boolean imageSfw() throws IOException { if (!config.hasSecurity()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Security must be set in order to tag an image"); } ImageTransform transform = new ImageTransform(config, handle, false); transform.addTask(new ImageTransformTask("sfw")); JsonObject json = transform.getContentJson(); return json.get("sfw").getAsBoolean(); }
@Override public JsonElement serialize(final DependencyGroup dependencyGroup, final Type type, final JsonSerializationContext context) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(dependencyGroup); Preconditions.checkNotNull(type); Preconditions.checkNotNull(context); final JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); for (final Dependency i : dependencyGroup.entries()) { jsonObject.addProperty(i.project.encode(), i.requirement.encode()); } return jsonObject; }
/** * Parse courses. This depends on shifts. * * @param input - JsonObject response from ULC to parse into ULCRS data. * @param shifts - HashMap of shifts for easy lookup for already-parsed shifts. * @return HashMap - return HashMap of id:course for courses parsed from input. */ private static HashMap<Integer, Course> parseCourses(JsonObject input, HashMap<Integer, Shift> shifts) { // Get course JsonArray from JsonObject JsonArray coursesJson = input.get(COURSES_KEY).getAsJsonArray(); JsonArray courseRequirementsJson = input.get(COURSE_REQUIREMENTS_KEY).getAsJsonArray(); List<ULCCourse> ulcCourses = new Gson().fromJson(coursesJson, new TypeToken<List<ULCCourse>>() { }.getType()); List<ULCCourseRequirements> ulcCourseRequirementsList = new Gson().fromJson(courseRequirementsJson, new TypeToken<List<ULCCourseRequirements>>() { }.getType()); // Map course id to ULCCourseRequirements object for that course Map<Integer, ULCCourseRequirements> courseIdToULCCourseRequirements = ulcCourseRequirementsList.stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(ULCCourseRequirements::getCourseId, item -> item)); // Transform json courses into Course objects HashMap<Integer, Course> courses = new HashMap<>(); ulcCourses.forEach(ulcCourse -> { ULCCourseRequirements ulcCourseRequirement = courseIdToULCCourseRequirements.get(ulcCourse.getId()); if (ulcCourseRequirement != null) { CourseRequirements courseRequirement = ulcCourseRequirement.toCourseRequirements(shifts); Course course = ulcCourse.toCourse(courseRequirement); courses.put(course.getId(), course); } }); return courses; }
/** * Takes token list of JSON based properties string, and converts this to an actual JSON object. * * @param propsString Token list in form similar to ["{", "key", ":", "value", "}"] * @return JSONObject matching the propsString argument. */ private static JsonObject getJSONProps(List<String> propsString) { StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder(); json.append("{"); boolean listSyntax = propsString.contains("["); int i = 0; for (String a : propsString) { if (a.equals(",")) { continue; } else if (a.equals("[")) { json.append("["); continue; } else if (a.equals("]")) { json.setLength(json.length() - 2); json.append("]").append(", "); } else if (i % 3 == 0) { json.append("\"").append(a).append("\""); } else if (i % 3 == 1) { json.append(":"); } else if (i % 3 == 2) { json.append(a).append(", "); if (listSyntax) continue; } i++; } // remove trailing comma json.setLength(json.length() - 2); json.append("}"); return parser.parse(json.toString()).getAsJsonObject(); }
public Message(JsonObject object) { this.name = object.has("name") ? object.get("name").getAsString() : MessageHelper.getRandomString(20); this.message = object.has("message") && !object.get("message").getAsString().isEmpty() ? object.get("message").getAsString() : "unknown"; this.isChroma = object.has("usechroma") && object.get("usechroma").getAsBoolean(); this.useShadow = object.has("useshadow") && object.get("useshadow").getAsBoolean(); this.a = object.has("a") && object.get("a").getAsBoolean(); this.b = !object.has("b") || object.get("b").getAsBoolean(); this.c = !object.has("c") || object.get("c").getAsBoolean(); this.scale = object.has("scale") ? MessageHelper.cap(object.get("scale").getAsFloat(), 1, 2) : 1; this.x = object.has("x") ? object.get("x").getAsInt() : 0; this.y = object.has("y") ? object.get("y").getAsInt() : 0; this.fileLocation = TextDisplayerMod.getInstance().getLoader().getMainDir().getPath() + "\\" + formatName(this.name).toLowerCase() + ".info"; }
private static PairFunction<Tuple2<String, ExampleXML>, Object, JsonObject> prepToBq() { return tuple -> { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); json.addProperty("property1", tuple._2().getProperty1()); json.addProperty("insertId", tuple._1()); return new Tuple2<>(null, json); }; }
@Override protected void readFromJson(JsonObject json) { maxTradesPerPlayer = json.get("maxTradesPerPlayer").getAsInt(); notifyOfTradeAddition = json.get("notifyOfTradeAddition").getAsBoolean(); notifyOfTradeRemoval = json.get("notifyOfTradeRemoval").getAsBoolean(); notifyOfDealMade = json.get("notifyOfDealMade").getAsBoolean(); }
@Override public FeatureDto deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) { FeatureDto dto = new FeatureDto(); JsonObject asJsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement geometryElement = asJsonObject.get("geometry"); if (geometryElement != null) { String typeOfGeometry = geometryElement.getAsJsonObject().get("type").getAsString(); GeoJSONObjectTypeEnum typeEnum = GeoJSONObjectTypeEnum.valueOf(typeOfGeometry); GeometryDto geometryDto = context.deserialize(geometryElement, typeEnum.getDtoClass()); dto.setGeometry(geometryDto); } JsonElement propertiesJsonElement = asJsonObject.get("properties"); if (propertiesJsonElement != null) { dto.setProperties(propertiesJsonElement.toString()); } JsonElement idJsonElement = asJsonObject.get("id"); if (idJsonElement != null) { dto.setId(idJsonElement.getAsString()); } dto.setBbox(BoundingBoxParser.parseBbox(asJsonObject, context)); return dto; }
@Override public JsonObject getChartData() throws Exception { JsonObject data = new JsonObject(); JsonObject values = new JsonObject(); Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> map = callable.call(); if (map == null || map.isEmpty()) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } boolean reallyAllSkipped = true; for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Integer>> entryValues : map.entrySet()) { JsonObject value = new JsonObject(); boolean allSkipped = true; for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> valueEntry : map.get(entryValues.getKey()).entrySet()) { value.addProperty(valueEntry.getKey(), valueEntry.getValue()); allSkipped = false; } if (!allSkipped) { reallyAllSkipped = false; values.add(entryValues.getKey(), value); } } if (reallyAllSkipped) { // Null = skip the chart return null; } data.add("values", values); return data; }
private Vector3f parseVector3f(JsonObject jsonObject, String key, Vector3f defaultValue) { if (!jsonObject.has(key)) { return defaultValue; } else { JsonArray jsonarray = JsonUtils.getJsonArray(jsonObject, key); if (jsonarray.size() != 3) { throw new JsonParseException("Expected 3 " + key + " values, found: " + jsonarray.size()); } else { float[] afloat = new float[3]; for (int i = 0; i < afloat.length; ++i) { afloat[i] = JsonUtils.getFloat(jsonarray.get(i), key + "[" + i + "]"); } return new Vector3f(afloat[0], afloat[1], afloat[2]); } } }
@Test public void testInvalidGetAchievement() { JsonObject body = new JsonObject(); body.addProperty("message", "Doesn’t exists record"); MockResponse mockResponse = new MockResponse() .setResponseCode(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND) .setBody(body.toString()); mMockWebServer.enqueue(mockResponse); EventSimpleCallback mockCallback = mock(EventSimpleCallback.class); mEventAdapter.getEvent(mEvent.getToken(), mockCallback); verify(mockCallback, timeout(1000)).onFailure(); }
@Override public JsonElement serialize(ValidateData src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().registerTypeAdapter(RegistryItem.class, new RegistryItemSerializer()) .registerTypeAdapter(SegmentItems.class, new SegmentItemsSerializer()).create(); JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject.add("registryItems", gson.toJsonTree(src.getRegistryItem())); jsonObject.add("segmentItems", gson.toJsonTree(src.getSegmentItem())); return jsonObject; }
private float[] parseUV(JsonObject p_178292_1_) { if (!p_178292_1_.has("uv")) { return null; } else { JsonArray jsonarray = JsonUtils.getJsonArray(p_178292_1_, "uv"); if (jsonarray.size() != 4) { throw new JsonParseException("Expected 4 uv values, found: " + jsonarray.size()); } else { float[] afloat = new float[4]; for (int i = 0; i < afloat.length; ++i) { afloat[i] = JsonUtils.getFloat(jsonarray.get(i), "uv[" + i + "]"); } return afloat; } } }
private VKApiAttachment parse(String type, JsonObject root, JsonDeserializationContext context){ JsonElement o = root.get(type); //{"type":"photos_list","photos_list":["406536042_456239026"]} if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_PHOTO.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiPhoto.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_VIDEO.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiVideo.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_AUDIO.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiAudio.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_DOC.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VkApiDoc.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_POST.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiPost.class); //} else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_POSTED_PHOTO.equals(type)) { // return context.deserialize(o, VKApiPostedPhoto.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_LINK.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiLink.class); //} else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_NOTE.equals(type)) { // return context.deserialize(o, VKApiNote.class); //} else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_APP.equals(type)) { // return context.deserialize(o, VKApiApplicationContent.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_POLL.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiPoll.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_WIKI_PAGE.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiWikiPage.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_ALBUM.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiPhotoAlbum.class); } else if (VkApiAttachments.TYPE_STICKER.equals(type)) { return context.deserialize(o, VKApiSticker.class); } return null; }
protected List<ModelBlockDefinition.Variants> parseVariantsList(JsonDeserializationContext p_178334_1_, JsonObject p_178334_2_) { JsonObject jsonobject = JsonUtils.getJsonObject(p_178334_2_, "variants"); List<ModelBlockDefinition.Variants> list = Lists.<ModelBlockDefinition.Variants>newArrayList(); for (Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : jsonobject.entrySet()) { list.add(this.parseVariants(p_178334_1_, entry)); } return list; }