Java 类 实例源码

项目:Backmemed    文件   
public LootCondition deserialize(JsonElement p_deserialize_1_, Type p_deserialize_2_, JsonDeserializationContext p_deserialize_3_) throws JsonParseException
    JsonObject jsonobject = JsonUtils.getJsonObject(p_deserialize_1_, "condition");
    ResourceLocation resourcelocation = new ResourceLocation(JsonUtils.getString(jsonobject, "condition"));
    LootCondition.Serializer<?> serializer;

        serializer = LootConditionManager.getSerializerForName(resourcelocation);
    catch (IllegalArgumentException var8)
        throw new JsonSyntaxException("Unknown condition \'" + resourcelocation + "\'");

    return serializer.deserialize(jsonobject, p_deserialize_3_);
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public SetAttributes deserialize(JsonObject object, JsonDeserializationContext deserializationContext, LootCondition[] conditionsIn)
    JsonArray jsonarray = JsonUtils.getJsonArray(object, "modifiers");
    SetAttributes.Modifier[] asetattributes$modifier = new SetAttributes.Modifier[jsonarray.size()];
    int i = 0;

    for (JsonElement jsonelement : jsonarray)
        asetattributes$modifier[i++] = SetAttributes.Modifier.deserialize(JsonUtils.getJsonObject(jsonelement, "modifier"), deserializationContext);

    if (asetattributes$modifier.length == 0)
        throw new JsonSyntaxException("Invalid attribute modifiers array; cannot be empty");
        return new SetAttributes(conditionsIn, asetattributes$modifier);
项目:oneops    文件   
private List<CMSEvent> getDeploymentEvents() {
    List<CMSEvent> events = new ArrayList<>();
    try {
        InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("deployment-events.txt");
        BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
        String line = reader.readLine();
        while (line != null) {
            CMSEvent event = new CMSEvent();
            event.addHeaders("sourceId", "546589");
            event.addHeaders("action", "update");
            event.addHeaders("source", "deployment");
            event.addHeaders("clazzName", "Deployment");
            CmsDeployment deployment = gson.fromJson(line, CmsDeployment.class);
            line = reader.readLine();
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException | IOException e) {
    return events;
项目:sbc-qsystem    文件   
 * Получение недельной таблици с данными для предварительной записи.
 * @param netProperty netProperty параметры соединения с сервером.
 * @param serviceId услуга, в которую пытаемся встать.
 * @param date первый день недели за которую нужны данные.
 * @param advancedCustomer ID авторизованного кастомера
 * @return класс с параметрами и списком времен
public static RpcGetGridOfWeek.GridAndParams getGridOfWeek(INetProperty netProperty,
    long serviceId, Date date, long advancedCustomer) {
    QLog.l().logger().info("Получить таблицу");
    // загрузим ответ
    final CmdParams params = new CmdParams();
    params.serviceId = serviceId; = date.getTime();
    params.customerId = advancedCustomer;
    final String res;
    try {
        res = send(netProperty, Uses.TASK_GET_GRID_OF_WEEK, params);
    } catch (QException e) {// вывод исключений
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("command_error2"), e);
    final Gson gson = GsonPool.getInstance().borrowGson();
    final RpcGetGridOfWeek rpc;
    try {
        rpc = gson.fromJson(res, RpcGetGridOfWeek.class);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) {
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("bad_response") + "\n" + ex.toString());
    } finally {
    return rpc.getResult();
项目:letv    文件   
public static JsonElement parse(JsonReader reader) throws JsonParseException {
    boolean isEmpty = true;
    try {
        isEmpty = false;
        return (JsonElement);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (isEmpty) {
            return JsonNull.INSTANCE;
        throw new JsonIOException(e);
    } catch (Throwable e2) {
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e2);
    } catch (Throwable e22) {
        throw new JsonIOException(e22);
    } catch (Throwable e222) {
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e222);
项目:ZentrelaRPG    文件   
public static int readGeneric(File f) {
    int count = 0;
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().registerTypeAdapter(Location.class, new LocationAdapter()).create();
    try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(f)) {
        GenericNPC[] vils = gson.fromJson(reader, GenericNPC[].class);
        for (GenericNPC gv : vils) {
            if (gv == null)
        count += vils.length;
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException | JsonIOException | IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Error reading NPC in " + f.getName() + ".");
    return count;
项目:sbc-qsystem    文件   
 * Получение описания всех юзеров для выбора себя.
 * @param netProperty параметры соединения с сервером
 * @return XML-ответ все юзеры системы
public static LinkedList<QUser> getUsers(INetProperty netProperty) {
    QLog.l().logger().info("Получение описания всех юзеров для выбора себя.");
    // загрузим ответ
    String res = null;
    try {
        res = send(netProperty, Uses.TASK_GET_USERS, null);
    } catch (QException e) {// вывод исключений
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("command_error2"), e);
    } finally {
        if (res == null || res.isEmpty()) {
    final Gson gson = GsonPool.getInstance().borrowGson();
    final RpcGetUsersList rpc;
    try {
        rpc = gson.fromJson(res, RpcGetUsersList.class);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) {
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("bad_response") + "\n" + ex.toString());
    } finally {
    return rpc.getResult();
项目:letv    文件   
public T read(JsonReader in) throws IOException {
    if (in.peek() == JsonToken.NULL) {
        return null;
    T instance = this.constructor.construct();
    try {
        while (in.hasNext()) {
            BoundField field = (BoundField) this.boundFields.get(in.nextName());
            if (field == null || !field.deserialized) {
            } else {
      , instance);
        return instance;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e);
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e2) {
        throw new AssertionError(e2);
项目:Gather-Platform    文件   
 * 解析ResultListBundle
 * @param json 服务器返回的json数据
 * @param <T>
 * @return
public <T> ResultListBundle<T> listBundle(String json, Class<T> classOfT) {
    ResultListBundle<T> resultBundle = null;
    try {
        Type objectType = new ParameterizedType() {
            public Type getRawType() {
                return ResultListBundle.class;

            public Type[] getActualTypeArguments() {
                return new Type[]{classOfT};

            public Type getOwnerType() {
                return null;
        resultBundle = gson.fromJson(json, objectType);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
        LOG.error("无法解析的返回值信息:" + json);
    return resultBundle;
项目:RunHDU    文件   
private static void checkJsonStatusResponse(Response response, BaseCallback callback) throws IOException {
    String jsonStr = response.body().string();
    Log.d(TAG, "checkJsonStatusResponse: " + jsonStr); -> {
        Status status = null;
        try {
            status = new Gson().fromJson(jsonStr, Status.class);
            if (status.getResult()) {
            } else {
        } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
项目:Babler    文件   
private <T> T processResponse(Class<T> responseClass, String body)
        throws APIError {

    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").create();

    if (body.contains("\"error\":")) {
        ErrorResponse errorResponse = gson.fromJson(body,
        ErrorData error = errorResponse.error;
        throw new APIError(error.message, error.code);

    try {
        return gson.fromJson(body, responseClass);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
        throw new APIError("Server error. Invalid response format.", 9999);
项目:sbc-qsystem    文件   
 * Предварительная запись в очередь.
 * @param netProperty netProperty параметры соединения с сервером.
 * @param advanceID идентификатор предварительно записанного.
 * @return XML-ответ.
public static RpcStandInService standAndCheckAdvance(INetProperty netProperty, Long advanceID) {
    QLog.l().logger().info("Постановка предварительно записанных в очередь.");
    // загрузим ответ
    final CmdParams params = new CmdParams();
    params.customerId = advanceID;
    final String res;
    try {
        res = send(netProperty, Uses.TASK_ADVANCE_CHECK_AND_STAND, params);
    } catch (QException e) {// вывод исключений
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("command_error2"), e);
    final Gson gson = GsonPool.getInstance().borrowGson();
    final RpcStandInService rpc;
    try {
        rpc = gson.fromJson(res, RpcStandInService.class);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) {
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("bad_response") + "\n" + ex.toString());
    } finally {
    return rpc;
项目:pcloud-sdk-java    文件   
private <T> T deserializeResponseBody(Response response, Class<? extends T> bodyType) throws IOException {
    try {
        if (!response.isSuccessful()) {
            throw new APIHttpException(response.code(), response.message());

        JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.body().byteStream())));
        try {
            return gson.fromJson(reader, bodyType);
        } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
            throw new IOException("Malformed JSON response.", e);
        } finally {
    } finally {
项目:sbc-qsystem    文件   
 * Удалить сервис из списока обслуживаемых юзером использую параметры. Используется при
 * добавлении на горячую.
 * @param netProperty параметры соединения с пунктом регистрации
 * @return содержить строковое сообщение о результате.
public static String deleteServiseFire(INetProperty netProperty, long serviceId, long userId) {
    QLog.l().logger().info("Удаление услуги пользователю на горячую.");
    // загрузим ответ
    final CmdParams params = new CmdParams();
    params.userId = userId;
    params.serviceId = serviceId;
    final String res;
    try {
        res = send(netProperty, Uses.TASK_DELETE_SERVICE_FIRE, params);
    } catch (QException e) {
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("bad_response") + "\n" + e.toString());
    final Gson gson = GsonPool.getInstance().borrowGson();
    final RpcGetSrt rpc;
    try {
        rpc = gson.fromJson(res, RpcGetSrt.class);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) {
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("bad_response") + "\n" + ex.toString());
    } finally {
    return rpc.getResult();
项目:poloniex-api-java    文件   
public List<PoloniexChartData> mapChartData(String chartDataResult) {

        if (INVALID_CHART_DATA_DATE_RANGE_RESULT.equals(chartDataResult) || INVALID_CHART_DATA_CURRENCY_PAIR_RESULT.equals(chartDataResult)) {
            return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        List<PoloniexChartData> results;
        try {
            PoloniexChartData[] chartDataResults = gson.fromJson(chartDataResult, PoloniexChartData[].class);
            results = Arrays.asList(chartDataResults);
        } catch (JsonSyntaxException | DateTimeParseException ex) {
            LogManager.getLogger().error("Exception mapping chart data {} - {}", chartDataResult, ex.getMessage());
            results = Collections.EMPTY_LIST;
        return results;

项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
 * Gets the float value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name.
public static float getFloat(JsonObject json, String memberName)
    if (json.has(memberName))
         * Gets the float value of the given JsonElement.  Expects the second parameter to be the name of the
         * element's field if an error message needs to be thrown.
        return getFloat(json.get(memberName), memberName);
        throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + memberName + ", expected to find a Float");
项目:Repository-ArchComponents    文件   
public void log(@NonNull String message) {
    if (!message.startsWith("{") && !message.startsWith("[")) {
        largeLog(TAG, message);
    try {
        String prettyPrintJson = new GsonBuilder()
                .toJson(new JsonParser().parse(message));
        largeLog(TAG, prettyPrintJson);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException exception) {
        largeLog(TAG, "html header parse failed");
        largeLog(TAG, message);
项目:catalog-api-demo    文件   
 * Attempts to log {@link Error}s from an {@link ApiException}, or rethrows if the response body
 * cannot be parsed.
private void handleApiException(ApiException apiException) {
  try {
    // If the response includes a body, it means that he server returned some error message.
    ErrorResponse response =
        GsonProvider.gson().fromJson(apiException.getResponseBody(), ErrorResponse.class);

    // If we found errors in the response body, log them. Otherwise, rethrow.
    if (!checkAndLogErrors(response.errors, logger)) {
      throw new RuntimeException(apiException);
  } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
    // If the error message isn't in JSON format, rethrow the error.
    throw new RuntimeException(apiException);
项目:Slide-RSS    文件   
 * Gets a JsonObject by calling apiUrl and parsing the JSON response String. This method accepts
 * a Map that can contain custom headers to include in the request.
 * @param client     The OkHTTP client to use to make the request
 * @param gson       The GSON instance to use to parse the response String
 * @param apiUrl     The URL to call to get the response from
 * @param headersMap The headers to include in the request. Can be null to not add any headers
 * @return A JsonObject representation of the API response, null when there was an error or
 * Exception thrown by the HTTP call
public static JsonObject getJsonObject(final OkHttpClient client, final Gson gson,
        final String apiUrl, @Nullable final Map<String, String> headersMap) {
    if (client == null || gson == null || TextUtils.isEmpty(apiUrl)) return null;
    Request.Builder builder = new Request.Builder().url(apiUrl);

    if (headersMap != null && headersMap.size() > 0) {
        // Add headers to the request if headers are available
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : headersMap.entrySet()) {
            builder.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    Request request =;
    try {
        Response response = client.newCall(request).execute();
        if (!response.isSuccessful()) throw new IOException("Unexpected code " + response);
        ResponseBody responseBody = response.body();
        String json = responseBody.string();
        return gson.fromJson(json, JsonObject.class);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException | IOException e) {
        LogUtil.e(e, "Error " + apiUrl);
    return null;
项目:Enjin-Coin-Java-SDK    文件   
 * Method to convert a json string to an object.
 * @param gson gson object
 * @param jsonString json to convert to an object
 * @param responseClass class type to convert to
 * @return An object representing the json in the fileReader
public static Object convertJsonToObject(final Gson gson, final String jsonString, final Class<?> responseClass) {

    Object responseObject = null;

    if (gson == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(jsonString) || ObjectUtils.isNull(responseClass)) {
        LOGGER.warning("gson passed in is null or jsonString passed in is null or empty or the responseClass is null");
        return responseObject;
    // JSON from file to Object
    try {
        LOGGER.fine(String.format("jsonString:%s", jsonString));
        responseObject = gson.fromJson(jsonString, responseClass);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
        LOGGER.warning(String.format("A JsonSyntaxException has occured. Exception: %s", StringUtils.exceptionToString(e)));

    return responseObject;
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public void loadShader(ResourceLocation resourceLocationIn)
    if (OpenGlHelper.isFramebufferEnabled())
            this.theShaderGroup = new ShaderGroup(, this.resourceManager,, resourceLocationIn);
            this.useShader = true;
        catch (IOException ioexception)
            LOGGER.warn("Failed to load shader: {}", new Object[] {resourceLocationIn, ioexception});
            this.shaderIndex = SHADER_COUNT;
            this.useShader = false;
        catch (JsonSyntaxException jsonsyntaxexception)
            LOGGER.warn("Failed to load shader: {}", new Object[] {resourceLocationIn, jsonsyntaxexception});
            this.shaderIndex = SHADER_COUNT;
            this.useShader = false;
项目:Backmemed    文件   
public EnchantRandomly deserialize(JsonObject object, JsonDeserializationContext deserializationContext, LootCondition[] conditionsIn)
    List<Enchantment> list = Lists.<Enchantment>newArrayList();

    if (object.has("enchantments"))
        for (JsonElement jsonelement : JsonUtils.getJsonArray(object, "enchantments"))
            String s = JsonUtils.getString(jsonelement, "enchantment");
            Enchantment enchantment = (Enchantment)Enchantment.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation(s));

            if (enchantment == null)
                throw new JsonSyntaxException("Unknown enchantment \'" + s + "\'");


    return new EnchantRandomly(conditionsIn, list);
项目:sbc-qsystem    文件   
 * Добавить сервис в список обслуживаемых юзером использую параметры. Используется при
 * добавлении на горячую.
 * @param netProperty параметры соединения с пунктом регистрации
 * @return содержить строковое сообщение о результате.
public static String setServiseFire(INetProperty netProperty, long serviceId, long userId,
    int coeff) {
    QLog.l().logger().info("Привязка услуги пользователю на горячую.");
    // загрузим ответ
    final CmdParams params = new CmdParams();
    params.userId = userId;
    params.serviceId = serviceId;
    params.coeff = coeff;
    final String res;
    try {
        res = send(netProperty, Uses.TASK_SET_SERVICE_FIRE, params);
    } catch (QException e) {
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("bad_response") + "\n" + e.toString());
    final Gson gson = GsonPool.getInstance().borrowGson();
    final RpcGetSrt rpc;
    try {
        rpc = gson.fromJson(res, RpcGetSrt.class);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) {
        throw new ClientException(Locales.locMes("bad_response") + "\n" + ex.toString());
    } finally {
    return rpc.getResult();
项目:CustomWorldGen    文件   
public EnchantRandomly deserialize(JsonObject object, JsonDeserializationContext deserializationContext, LootCondition[] conditionsIn)
    List<Enchantment> list = null;

    if (object.has("enchantments"))
        list = Lists.<Enchantment>newArrayList();

        for (JsonElement jsonelement : JsonUtils.getJsonArray(object, "enchantments"))
            String s = JsonUtils.getString(jsonelement, "enchantment");
            Enchantment enchantment = (Enchantment)Enchantment.REGISTRY.getObject(new ResourceLocation(s));

            if (enchantment == null)
                throw new JsonSyntaxException("Unknown enchantment \'" + s + "\'");


    return new EnchantRandomly(conditionsIn, list);
项目:matrix    文件   
 * json字符串转为T的List对象
 * @param json
 * @param clazz
 * @param <T>
 * @return
public static <T> ArrayList<T> formatList(String json, Class<T> clazz) {
    Type type = new TypeToken<ArrayList<JsonObject>>() {
    ArrayList<T> arrayList = null;
    try {
        ArrayList<JsonObject> jsonObjects = sGson.fromJson(json, type);
        if (jsonObjects != null && jsonObjects.size() > 0) {
            arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
            for (JsonObject jsonObject : jsonObjects) {
                arrayList.add(sGson.fromJson(jsonObject, clazz));
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
        return null;
    return arrayList;
项目:webauthndemo    文件   
 * @param data
 * @throws ResponseException
public AuthenticatorAssertionResponse(JsonElement data) throws ResponseException {
  Gson gson = new Gson();
  try {
    AssertionResponseJson parsedObject = gson.fromJson(data, AssertionResponseJson.class);
    clientDataBytes = BaseEncoding.base64().decode(parsedObject.clientDataJSON);
    clientData = gson.fromJson(new String(clientDataBytes), CollectedClientData.class);

    authDataBytes = BaseEncoding.base64().decode(parsedObject.authenticatorData);
    authData =
    signature = BaseEncoding.base64().decode(parsedObject.signature);
    userHandle = BaseEncoding.base64().decode(parsedObject.userHandle);
  } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
    throw new ResponseException("Response format incorrect");
项目:CompositeGear    文件   
public Ingredient parse(JsonContext context, JsonObject json)
    String name = JsonUtils.getString(json, "name");

    ItemStack stack = null;

    // If item with variant.
    if (name.contains("#")) {
        String[] parts = name.split("#");
        stack = IC2Items.getItem(parts[0], parts[1]);
    } else {
        stack = IC2Items.getItem(name);

    if (stack == null)
        throw new JsonSyntaxException("IC2 item with name " + name + " could not be found");

    return Ingredient.fromStacks(stack);
项目:bench    文件   
public static boolean isValid(String jsonToCheck) {
    try {
        gson.fromJson(jsonToCheck, Object.class);
        return true;
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
        log.error("Invalid syntax for {}", jsonToCheck, e);
        return false;
项目:BaseClient    文件   
 * Gets the string value of the field on the JsonObject with the given name.
public static String getString(JsonObject p_151200_0_, String p_151200_1_)
    if (p_151200_0_.has(p_151200_1_))
        return getString(p_151200_0_.get(p_151200_1_), p_151200_1_);
        throw new JsonSyntaxException("Missing " + p_151200_1_ + ", expected to find a string");
项目:PhotoScript    文件   
public static <T> T getObjectData(String jsonString, Class<T> type) {
    T t = null;
    try {
        Gson gson = new Gson();
        t = gson.fromJson(jsonString, type);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
    return t;
项目:GitHub    文件   
 * 将json数据转化为实体数据
 * @param jsonData json字符串
 * @param entityClass 类型
 * @return 实体
public static <T> T convertEntity(String jsonData, Class<T> entityClass) {
    T entity = null;
    try {
        entity = sGson.fromJson(jsonData.toString(), entityClass);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
    return entity;
项目:GitHub    文件   
public void onError(Throwable e) {
    NetError error = null;
    if (e != null) {
        if (!(e instanceof NetError)) {
            if (e instanceof UnknownHostException) {
                error = new NetError(e, NetError.NoConnectError);
            } else if (e instanceof JSONException
                    || e instanceof JsonParseException
                    || e instanceof JsonSyntaxException) {
                error = new NetError(e, NetError.ParseError);
            } else {
                error = new NetError(e, NetError.OtherError);
        } else {
            error = (NetError) e;

        if (useCommonErrorHandler()
                && XApi.getCommonProvider() != null) {
            if (XApi.getCommonProvider().handleError(error)) {        //使用通用异常处理

项目:apollo-custom    文件   
@Test(expected = JsonSyntaxException.class)
public void testTransformConfigurationToMapFailed() throws Exception {
  String someInvalidConfiguration = "xxx";
  Release someRelease = new Release();

项目:Backmemed    文件   
 * Creates the entity outline shader to be stored in RenderGlobal.entityOutlineShader
public void makeEntityOutlineShader()
    if (OpenGlHelper.shadersSupported)
        if (ShaderLinkHelper.getStaticShaderLinkHelper() == null)

        ResourceLocation resourcelocation = new ResourceLocation("shaders/post/entity_outline.json");

            this.entityOutlineShader = new ShaderGroup(,,, resourcelocation);
            this.entityOutlineFramebuffer = this.entityOutlineShader.getFramebufferRaw("final");
        catch (IOException ioexception)
            LOGGER.warn("Failed to load shader: {}", new Object[] {resourcelocation, ioexception});
            this.entityOutlineShader = null;
            this.entityOutlineFramebuffer = null;
        catch (JsonSyntaxException jsonsyntaxexception)
            LOGGER.warn("Failed to load shader: {}", new Object[] {resourcelocation, jsonsyntaxexception});
            this.entityOutlineShader = null;
            this.entityOutlineFramebuffer = null;
        this.entityOutlineShader = null;
        this.entityOutlineFramebuffer = null;
项目:alphavantage4j    文件   
public Data resolve(JsonObject rootObject)  {
  Type metaDataType = new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() {
  Type dataType = new TypeToken<Map<String, Map<String, String>>>() {
  try {
    Map<String, String> metaData = GSON.fromJson(rootObject.get("Meta Data"), metaDataType);
    Map<String, Map<String, String>> digitalCurrencyData = GSON.fromJson(rootObject.get(getDigitalCurrencyDataKey()), dataType);
    return resolve(metaData, digitalCurrencyData);
  } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) {
    throw new AlphaVantageException("time series api change", e);
项目:Weather-Guru-MVP    文件   
public Throwable getProperException(Throwable throwable) {
  if (throwable instanceof HttpException) {
    HttpException httpException = (HttpException) throwable;
    Response response = httpException.response();

    // try to parse the error
    Converter<ResponseBody, DataResponseModel> converter =
        retrofit.responseBodyConverter(DataResponseModel.class, new Annotation[0]);
    DataResponseModel error = null;
    try {
      error = converter.convert(response.errorBody());
    } catch (IOException | JsonSyntaxException e) {

    if (error == null || error.getData() == null || error.getData().getError() == null) {
      return getThrowable(response.message(), response.code(), throwable);
    } else {
      return new ParsedResponseException(error.getData().getError().get(0).getMsg());
  } else if (throwable instanceof IOException) {
    return new InternetConnectionException();
  } else if (throwable instanceof NetworkErrorException) {
    return new InternetConnectionException();
  return throwable;
项目:openssp    文件   
public static BidResponse.Builder parse(final String result, final SSPAdapter adapter) {
    RtbResponseLogProcessor.instance.setLogData(result, "bidresponse", adapter.getName());
    try {
        // TODO: define new responsetype
        final BidResponse response = gson.fromJson(result, BidResponse.class);
        return response.getBuilder();
    } catch (final JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException e) {
    return null;
项目:GenericTools    文件   
public static <T> T getObject(ItemStack item, NBTCompound comp, String key, Class<T> type) {
    String json = getString(item, comp, key);
    if (json == null) {
        return null;
    try {
        return deserializeJson(json, type);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException ex) {
    return null;
项目:scalable-task-scheduler    文件   
public String deleteTask(String taskId, Boolean retryable) {
    Task task = new Task(SchedulingType.ONE_TIME);
    task.setTaskId(taskId);"Trying to connect to scheduling service to delete task...");
    String url = HttpUtils.URLBuilder.newURL()
            .withURI(RestURIConstants.TASK_MANAGER_BASE_URI + RestURIConstants.TASK)

    try {
        log.debug("Accessing URL: {}", url);
        return HttpUtils.processHttpRequest(url,
    } catch (GenericException se) {"Task deletion request failed. Retry available?: {}", retryable);
        if (retryable) {
  "Retry mechanism is being applied.");
            Status status = producer.send(ServiceConstants.DELETE_TASK, task);
            return status.toString();
        log.error("Service Exception occurred. Could not delete task");
        try {
            ExceptionResponse exception = JsonUtils.fromJson(se.getErrMessage(), ExceptionResponse.class);
            throw new ServiceException(exception.getCode(), exception.getMessage());
        } catch (JsonSyntaxException jse) {
            throw se;
项目:nest-spider    文件   
public <T> ResultBundle<T> bundle(String json) {
    ResultBundle<T> result = null;
    try {
        Type objType = new TypeToken<ResultBundle<T>>() {}.getType();
        result = GSON.fromJson(json, objType);
    } catch(JsonSyntaxException e) {
        LOG.error("无法解析的返回值,由于 " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
    return result;