Java 类 实例源码

项目:ZentrelaRPG    文件   
public static int readGeneric(File f) {
    int count = 0;
    Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().registerTypeAdapter(Location.class, new LocationAdapter()).create();
    try (FileReader reader = new FileReader(f)) {
        GenericNPC[] vils = gson.fromJson(reader, GenericNPC[].class);
        for (GenericNPC gv : vils) {
            if (gv == null)
        count += vils.length;
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException | JsonIOException | IOException e) {
        System.err.println("Error reading NPC in " + f.getName() + ".");
    return count;
项目:MoligyMvpArms    文件   
public void handleResponseError(Context context, Throwable t) {
    String msg = "未知错误";
    if (t instanceof UnknownHostException) {
        msg = "网络不可用";
    } else if (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
        msg = "请求网络超时";
    } else if (t instanceof HttpException) {
        HttpException httpException = (HttpException) t;
        msg = convertStatusCode(httpException);
    } else if (t instanceof JsonParseException || t instanceof ParseException || t instanceof JSONException || t instanceof JsonIOException) {
        msg = "数据解析错误";
项目:Server_Management_Common_eSightApi    文件   
protected void writeInternal(Object o, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage) throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {

  Charset charset = this.getCharset(outputMessage.getHeaders());
  OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputMessage.getBody(), charset);

  try {
    if(this.jsonPrefix != null) {

    this.gson.toJson(o, writer);

  } catch (JsonIOException var7) {
    throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON: " + var7.getMessage(), var7);
项目:jpl-framework    文件   
 * Creates a {@link JsonArray} from the given json string.
 * @param jsonString the json string to parse
 * @return the {@link JsonArray} received while parsing the given json string
 * @throws JsonParsingFailedException if any exception occurred at runtime
public static JsonArray createJsonArrayFromString(final String jsonString) throws JsonParsingFailedException {
   InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(jsonString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
   Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

   JsonArray readJsonArray = null;
   try {
      readJsonArray = new Gson().fromJson(reader, JsonArray.class);
   } catch (JsonSyntaxException jsonSyntaxException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonSyntaxException);
   } catch (JsonIOException jsonIoException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonIoException);

   return readJsonArray;
项目:jpl-framework    文件   
 * Creates a {@link JsonObject} from the given json string.
 * @param jsonString the json string to parse
 * @return the {@link JsonObject} received while parsing the given json string
 * @throws JsonParsingFailedException if any exception occurred at runtime
public static JsonObject createJsonObjectFromString(final String jsonString) throws JsonParsingFailedException {
   InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(jsonString.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
   Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(stream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

   JsonObject readJsonObject = null;
   try {
      readJsonObject = new Gson().fromJson(reader, JsonObject.class);
   } catch (JsonSyntaxException jsonSyntaxException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonSyntaxException);
   } catch (JsonIOException jsonIoException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonIoException);

   return readJsonObject;
项目:jpl-framework    文件   
 * Creates a {@link JsonObject} from the json file which can be found at the given path.
 * Note that this method should only be used with a jsonFilePath starting at folders inside the
 * resource directory, e.g. algorithm/baselearner/... . Otherwise it will result in a
 * {@link NullPointerException}. For accessing {@link JsonObject}s with a more detailed path, use
 * {@link #createJsonObjectFromFile(File)}.
 * @param jsonFilePath the path of the json file
 * @return the {@link JsonObject} received while parsing the json file
 * @throws JsonParsingFailedException if any exception occurred at runtime
 * @throws NullPointerException if the given file path does not start with a folder or file
 *            inside the resource directory
public static JsonObject createJsonObjectFromFilePath(final String jsonFilePath) throws JsonParsingFailedException {
   JsonObject readJsonObject = null;
   InputStream inputStream = JsonUtils.class.getResourceAsStream(jsonFilePath);
   InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
   try (Reader reader = new BufferedReader(inputStreamReader)) {
      readJsonObject = new Gson().fromJson(reader, JsonObject.class);
   } catch (JsonSyntaxException jsonSyntaxException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonSyntaxException);
   } catch (JsonIOException jsonIoException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonIoException);
   } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(fileNotFoundException);
   } catch (IOException ioException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(ioException);
   return readJsonObject;
项目:jpl-framework    文件   
 * Creates a {@link JsonObject} from the given json file.
 * @param jsonFile the json filet to read
 * @return the {@link JsonObject} received while parsing the json file
 * @throws JsonParsingFailedException if any exception occurred at runtime
public static JsonObject createJsonObjectFromFile(final File jsonFile) throws JsonParsingFailedException {
   JsonObject readJsonObject = null;
   try (Reader reader = new FileReader(jsonFile)) {
      readJsonObject = new Gson().fromJson(reader, JsonObject.class);
   } catch (JsonSyntaxException jsonSyntaxException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonSyntaxException);
   } catch (JsonIOException jsonIoException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(jsonIoException);
   } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(fileNotFoundException);
   } catch (IOException ioException) {
      throw new JsonParsingFailedException(ioException);
   return readJsonObject;
项目:letv    文件   
public static JsonElement parse(JsonReader reader) throws JsonParseException {
    boolean isEmpty = true;
    try {
        isEmpty = false;
        return (JsonElement);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (isEmpty) {
            return JsonNull.INSTANCE;
        throw new JsonIOException(e);
    } catch (Throwable e2) {
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e2);
    } catch (Throwable e22) {
        throw new JsonIOException(e22);
    } catch (Throwable e222) {
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e222);
项目:XXXX    文件   
public Object decode(Response response, Type type) throws IOException {
  if (response.status() == 404) return Util.emptyValueOf(type);
  if (response.body() == null) return null;
  Reader reader = response.body().asReader();
  try {
    return gson.fromJson(reader, type);
  } catch (JsonIOException e) {
    if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
      throw IOException.class.cast(e.getCause());
    throw e;
  } finally {
项目:XXXX    文件   
public Object decode(Response response, Type type) throws IOException {
  if (void.class == type || response.body() == null) {
    return null;
  Reader reader = response.body().asReader();
  try {
    return gson.fromJson(reader, type);
  } catch (JsonIOException e) {
    if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
      throw IOException.class.cast(e.getCause());
    throw e;
  } finally {
项目:flow-platform    文件   
protected void writeInternal(Object o, Type type, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage)
    throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {
    Charset charset = getCharset(outputMessage.getHeaders());

    try (OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputMessage.getBody(), charset)) {
        if (ignoreType) {
            gsonForWriter.toJson(o, writer);

        if (type != null) {
            gsonForWriter.toJson(o, type, writer);

        gsonForWriter.toJson(o, writer);
    } catch (JsonIOException ex) {
        throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
项目:boohee_v5.6    文件   
public static JsonElement parse(JsonReader reader) throws JsonParseException {
    boolean isEmpty = true;
    try {
        isEmpty = false;
        return (JsonElement);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        if (isEmpty) {
            return JsonNull.INSTANCE;
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e);
    } catch (Throwable e2) {
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e2);
    } catch (Throwable e22) {
        throw new JsonIOException(e22);
    } catch (Throwable e222) {
        throw new JsonSyntaxException(e222);
项目:ConversationDemoAndroid    文件   
private void fetchUserAccounts() {
    NetworkManager.Get(requestUrl, new HttpResponse() {
        public void success(String response) {
            try {
                Type listType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<NRAccount>>() {
                List<NRAccount> accounts = new Gson().fromJson(response, listType);
            catch(JsonSyntaxException | JsonIOException jioe) {
                Log.i("gson", "parse failed");

        public void error() {

项目:GmArchMvvm    文件   
public void handleResponseError(Context context, Throwable t) {
    //Used to provide a monitor for handling all errors
    //rxjava need to use ErrorHandleSubscriber (the default implementation of Subscriber's onError method), this monitor to take effect
    //Here is not only print errors, but also according to different errors to make different logical processing
    String msg = "Unknown";
    if (t instanceof UnknownHostException) {
        msg = "The network is not available";
    } else if (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
        msg = "Network timeout";
    } else if (t instanceof HttpException) {
        HttpException httpException = (HttpException) t;
        msg = convertStatusCode(httpException);
    } else if (t instanceof JsonParseException || t instanceof ParseException || t instanceof JSONException || t instanceof JsonIOException) {
        msg = "Data parsing error";
项目:JavaFX_Tutorial    文件   
public List<Recipe> LoadRecipes() {
    Gson gson = new Gson();
    List<Recipe> recipes = new ArrayList<>();

    for (File file : getRecipesFolder().listFiles()) {
        if (!file.getName().endsWith(".json"))

        try {
            JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new FileReader(file));
            Recipe recipe = gson.fromJson(reader, Recipe.class);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException | JsonSyntaxException | JsonIOException e) {
    return recipes;
项目:DragonEggDrop    文件   
private void writeTempData(File file) {
    JsonObject root = new JsonObject();

    for (EndWorldWrapper world : dedManager.getWorldWrappers()) {
        if (!world.isRespawnInProgress() && world.getActiveBattle() == null) return;

        JsonObject jsonWorld = new JsonObject();

        if (world.isRespawnInProgress()) jsonWorld.addProperty("respawnTime", world.getTimeUntilRespawn());
        if (world.getActiveBattle() != null) jsonWorld.addProperty("activeTemplate", world.getActiveBattle().getIdentifier());

        root.add(world.getWorld().getName(), jsonWorld);

    try (PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(tempDataFile)) {
        GSON.toJson(root, new JsonWriter(writer));
    } catch (JsonIOException | IOException e) {
项目:SjekkUT    文件   
public static String extractCheckinErrorMessage(Response<CheckinResult> response) {
    if (response != null && response.errorBody() != null && response.errorBody().source() != null) {
        Buffer buffer = response.errorBody().source().buffer().clone();
        try {
            CheckinError error = GsonSingleton.gson().fromJson(buffer.readUtf8(), CheckinError.class);
            if (error != null && error.errors != null) {
                for (Map.Entry<String, JsonElement> entry : error.errors.entrySet()) {
                    String message = entry.getValue().getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonPrimitive("message").getAsString();
                    if (message != null) {
                        return message;
        } catch (JsonSyntaxException | JsonIOException ignored) {
    return null;
项目:Mastering-Mesos    文件   
public void testInvalidSerialize() {
  // Gson is final so we need to call on PowerMock here.
  Gson gson = PowerMock.createMock(Gson.class);
  gson.toJson(EasyMock.isA(Object.class), EasyMock.isA(Appendable.class));
  EasyMock.expectLastCall().andThrow(new JsonIOException("error"));

  ServiceInstance instance =
      new ServiceInstance(new Endpoint("foo", 1000), ImmutableMap.of(), Status.ALIVE);

  try {
    new JsonCodec(gson).serialize(instance, new ByteArrayOutputStream());
  } catch (IOException e) {
    // Expected.

项目:spring4-understanding    文件   
protected void writeInternal(Object o, Type type, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage)
        throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {

    Charset charset = getCharset(outputMessage.getHeaders());
    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputMessage.getBody(), charset);
    try {
        if (this.jsonPrefix != null) {
        if (type != null) {
            this.gson.toJson(o, type, writer);
        else {
            this.gson.toJson(o, writer);
    catch (JsonIOException ex) {
        throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
项目:FlareBot    文件   
public static String hastebin(String trace) {
    try {
        HttpPost req = new HttpPost("");
        req.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
        req.addHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 FlareBot");
        StringEntity ent = new StringEntity(trace);
        HttpResponse response = FlareBot.HTPP_CLIENT.execute(req);
        if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) {
            FlareBot.LOGGER.error("HasteBin API did not respond with a correct code! Code was: {}! Response: {}", response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(),
                    IOUtils.toString(response.getEntity().getContent(), Charset.defaultCharset()));
            return null;
        return "" + FlareBot.GSON.fromJson(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()), HastebinResponse.class).key;
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException | JsonIOException | IOException e) {
        FlareBot.LOGGER.error("Could not make POST request to hastebin!", e);
        return null;
项目:MVPArms    文件   
public void handleResponseError(Context context, Throwable t) {
    String msg = "未知错误";
    if (t instanceof UnknownHostException) {
        msg = "网络不可用";
    } else if (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException) {
        msg = "请求网络超时";
    } else if (t instanceof HttpException) {
        HttpException httpException = (HttpException) t;
        msg = convertStatusCode(httpException);
    } else if (t instanceof JsonParseException || t instanceof ParseException || t instanceof JSONException || t instanceof JsonIOException) {
        msg = "数据解析错误";
项目:FMTech    文件   
static <T> JsonElement toJsonTree(TypeAdapter<T> paramTypeAdapter, T paramT)
  JsonTreeWriter localJsonTreeWriter;
    localJsonTreeWriter = new JsonTreeWriter();
    localJsonTreeWriter.lenient = true;
    paramTypeAdapter.write(localJsonTreeWriter, paramT);
    if (!localJsonTreeWriter.stack.isEmpty()) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Expected one JSON element but was " + localJsonTreeWriter.stack);
  catch (IOException localIOException)
    throw new JsonIOException(localIOException);
  JsonElement localJsonElement = localJsonTreeWriter.product;
  return localJsonElement;
项目:PCMRBot    文件   
 * Checks if the sender is a follower of channel
 * @param sender
 * @param channel
 * @return - true if sender is following channel
public static boolean isFollower(String channel, String sender) {
    try {
        String nextUrl = "" + sender
                + "/follows/channels/" + channel;
        JsonObject following = new JsonParser().parse(
                new JsonReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL(nextUrl)
        if (following.get("error") != null) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    } catch (JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException | IOException e) {
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred checking if " + sender
                + " is following " + channel.substring(1), e);
    return false;
项目:internet-radio-gae    文件   
public GeocodeResponse getLocation(String... addressElements) throws JsonSyntaxException, JsonIOException, MalformedURLException,
        IOException {
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (String string : addressElements) {
        if (sb.length() > 0) {
        sb.append(URLEncoder.encode(string.replace(' ', '+'), "UTF-8"));
    String url = "" + sb.toString();
    // Google limits this web service to 2500/day and 10 requests/s
    synchronized (this) {
        try {
            long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - lastRequest;
            if (elapsed < 100) {
                try {
                    Thread.sleep(100 - elapsed);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return gson.fromJson(new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new URL(url).openStream())), GeocodeResponse.class);
        } finally {
            lastRequest = System.currentTimeMillis();
项目:bigcat    文件   
protected AbstractDvidSetupImageLoader(
        final int setupId,
        final T t,
        final V v,
        final ConstructorParameters parameters,
        final CacheArrayLoader< A > loader ) throws JsonSyntaxException, JsonIOException, IOException
            new long[][]{ parameters.dimensions },
            new int[][]{ parameters.cellDimensions },
            new double[][]{ parameters.resolutions },
            new VolatileGlobalCellCache( 1, 10 ) );
项目:Resilience-Client-Source    文件   
public static ValueObjectSubscription func_148788_a(String p_148788_0_)
    ValueObjectSubscription var1 = new ValueObjectSubscription();

        JsonParser var2 = new JsonParser();
        JsonObject var3 = var2.parse(p_148788_0_).getAsJsonObject();
        var1.field_148790_a = var3.get("startDate").getAsLong();
        var1.field_148789_b = var3.get("daysLeft").getAsInt();
    catch (JsonIOException var4)
    catch (JsonSyntaxException var5)

    return var1;
项目:cengball    文件   
public static SaveFile getFromFile(String filePath) {
    //PerceptParser parser = new PerceptParser(filePath);
    SaveFile savefile = null;
    Gson gson = new Gson();

    try {
        savefile = gson.fromJson(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filePath))), SaveFile.class);
    } catch (JsonSyntaxException | JsonIOException | FileNotFoundException e) {

    return savefile;
    //return new SaveFile(filePath, parser.getPerceptList());
项目:telekom-workflow-engine    文件   
protected void writeInternal( Object o, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage )
        throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException{

    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter( outputMessage.getBody(), getCharset( outputMessage.getHeaders() ) );

        if( this.prefixJson ){
            writer.append( "{} && " );
        Type typeOfSrc = getType();
        if( typeOfSrc != null ){
            this.gson.toJson( o, typeOfSrc, writer );
            this.gson.toJson( o, writer );
    catch( JsonIOException ex ){
        throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException( "Could not write JSON: " + ex.getMessage(), ex );
项目:ShoppingMall    文件   
protected void writeInternal(Object o, HttpOutputMessage outputMessage)
        throws IOException, HttpMessageNotWritableException {

    OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputMessage.getBody(), getCharset(outputMessage.getHeaders()));

    try {
        if (this.prefixJson) {
            writer.append("{} && ");
        Type typeOfSrc = getType();
        if (typeOfSrc != null) {
            this.gson.toJson(o, typeOfSrc, writer);
        } else {
            this.gson.toJson(o, writer);
    } catch(JsonIOException  ex) {
        throw new HttpMessageNotWritableException("Could not write JSON: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
项目:che    文件   
 * Returns message parsed from JSON stream.
 * @return object of class passed as parameter of constructor or null if stream is empty
 * @throws IOException if error occurs on reading stream
public T next() throws IOException {
  // on first read we check if this stream is empty with reading of the first byte of stream
  // if so we do not call JsonStreamParser.hasNext() because it will throw exception
  // if not we return read byte to stream using PushbackInputStream
  if (firstRead) {
    int firstChar =;
    if (firstChar == -1) {
      return null;
    } else {
      firstRead = false;
  try {
    if (streamParser.hasNext()) {
      return GSON.fromJson(, messageClass);
  } catch (JsonIOException e) {
    throw new IOException(e);
  } catch (JsonParseException ignore) {
  return null;
项目:movieapp-dialog    文件   
 * @param jsonFile
 * @return
public String getFileAsString(String jsonFile){

    String fileContents = "";
    try {
            //All of the JSON files are stored in the "questions" package/folder
            //All json file paths should start with '/questions/'
            jsonFile = "/" + jsonFile;
        JsonElement jelmnt = new JsonParser().parse(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(jsonFile)));

        fileContents = jelmnt.toString();
    } catch (JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException e) {

    return  fileContents;
项目:movieapp-dialog    文件   
 * @param type
 * @param jsonFile
 * @return
public ArrayList<String> getMovieOptions(String type, String jsonFile){

    ArrayList<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();

    try {
            jsonFile = "/" + jsonFile;
        jsonFile = "/questions" + jsonFile;
        JsonElement jelmnt = new JsonParser().parse(new InputStreamReader(this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(jsonFile)));
        JsonArray jarray = jelmnt.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray(type);

        Iterator<JsonElement> questOpt = jarray.iterator();
        while (questOpt.hasNext()) {

    } catch (JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException e) {

    return values;

项目:iis    文件   
private static CacheMeta readCacheMeta(FileSystemFacade fs, Path cacheFilePath) throws JsonSyntaxException, JsonIOException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
    if (fs.exists(cacheFilePath)) {
        InputStream inputStream =;
        InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(
                inputStream, DEFAULT_ENCODING);
        try {
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            return gson.fromJson(reader, CacheMeta.class);
        } finally {
    } else {
        return null;
项目:MiBandDecompiled    文件   
public Object construct()
    if (a instanceof ParameterizedType)
        Type type = ((ParameterizedType)a).getActualTypeArguments()[0];
        if (type instanceof Class)
            return EnumSet.noneOf((Class)type);
        } else
            throw new JsonIOException((new StringBuilder()).append("Invalid EnumSet type: ").append(a.toString()).toString());
    } else
        throw new JsonIOException((new StringBuilder()).append("Invalid EnumSet type: ").append(a.toString()).toString());
项目:VISNode    文件   
 * Loads the user preferences
 * @return UserPreferences
public UserPreferences load() {
    if (preferencesFileExists()) {
        try { 
            FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(getPreferencesFile());
            return new GsonBuilder().create().fromJson(fileReader, UserPreferences.class);
        } catch (JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException | FileNotFoundException e) {
    return new UserPreferences();
项目:openssp    文件   
public static BidResponse.Builder parse(final String result, final SSPAdapter adapter) {
    RtbResponseLogProcessor.instance.setLogData(result, "bidresponse", adapter.getName());
    try {
        // TODO: define new responsetype
        final BidResponse response = gson.fromJson(result, BidResponse.class);
        return response.getBuilder();
    } catch (final JsonIOException | JsonSyntaxException e) {
    return null;
项目:omero-ms-queue    文件   
public T read() throws JsonSyntaxException, JsonIOException {
    if (Primitives.isPrimitive(valueType)) {
        Object parsed = mapper.fromJson(source, valueType);
        return (T) Primitives.wrap(parsed.getClass()).cast(parsed);
    else {
        return mapper.fromJson(source, valueType);
项目:omero-ms-queue    文件   
public void write(Appendable sink, T body) throws JsonIOException {
    requireNonNull(sink, "sink");
    requireNonNull(body, "body");

    mapper.toJson(body, sink);
项目:omero-ms-queue    文件   
public T read(Reader source) throws JsonSyntaxException, JsonIOException {
    requireNonNull(source, "source");

    if (Primitives.isPrimitive(valueType)) {
        Object parsed = mapper.fromJson(source, valueType);
        return (T) Primitives.wrap(parsed.getClass()).cast(parsed);
    else {
        return mapper.fromJson(source, valueType);
项目:letv    文件   
private static <T> JsonElement toJsonTree(TypeAdapter<T> typeAdapter, T value) {
    try {
        JsonTreeWriter jsonWriter = new JsonTreeWriter();
        typeAdapter.write(jsonWriter, value);
        return jsonWriter.get();
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw new JsonIOException(e);