/** * Build a row. * * @param rowValue * the contact info * @param absRowIndex * the absolute row index * @param isFriend * true if this is a subrow, false if a top level row */ private void buildPasswordCardRow(PasswordCard rowValue, int absRowIndex) { // Calculate the row styles. SelectionModel<? super PasswordCard> selectionModel = dataGrid.getSelectionModel(); boolean isSelected = (selectionModel == null || rowValue == null) ? false : selectionModel.isSelected(rowValue); StringBuilder trClasses = new StringBuilder(rowStyle); if (isSelected) { trClasses.append(selectedRowStyle); } // Calculate the cell styles. String cellStyles = cellStyle; if (isSelected) { cellStyles += selectedCellStyle; } TableRowBuilder row = startRow(); row.className(trClasses.toString()); // Title column. TableCellBuilder td = row.startTD(); td.className(cellStyles); td.style().outlineStyle(OutlineStyle.NONE).endStyle(); renderCell(td, createContext(1), titleColumn, rowValue); td.endTD(); row.endTR(); }