private void humanStart(HumanInputEvent ev) { int x= getAbsoluteX(ev); int y= getAbsoluteY(ev); PopupRegion r= findRegion(x,y); addPreventEvent(); if (r== PopupRegion.TITLE_BAR) { if (_hideOnResizeWidget!=null) { GwtUtil.setStyle(_hideOnResizeWidget, "visibility", "hidden"); } ev.preventDefault(); beginMove(x,y); } else if (_expandW!=null) { if (r== PopupRegion.SE_CORNER || r== PopupRegion.SW_CORNER) { if (_hideOnResizeWidget!=null) { GwtUtil.setStyle(_hideOnResizeWidget, "visibility", "hidden"); } ev.preventDefault(); beginResize(r); } } }
private void humanStop(HumanInputEvent ev) { removePreventEvent(); if (_moving) { if (_hideOnResizeWidget!=null) { GwtUtil.setStyle(_hideOnResizeWidget, "visibility", "visible"); } ev.preventDefault(); // DOM.eventPreventDefault(ev); endMove(); } else if (_resizing) { if (_hideOnResizeWidget!=null) { GwtUtil.setStyle(_hideOnResizeWidget, "visibility", "visible"); } ev.preventDefault(); // DOM.eventPreventDefault(ev); endResize(); } }
private static void handleMove(final EventHandlingTarget panel, final DragCache storage, HumanInputEvent<?> event) { // Notification.showInfo("MOVE " + getPointAbsolute(event)); if (storage.activePanel != null && DRAG_COMMANDS.contains(storage.dragging)) { Point p = getPoint(storage.activePanel, event); int diffX = p.x - storage.moveStart.getX(); int diffY = p.y - storage.moveStart.getY(); diffX -= diffX % SharedConstants.DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE; diffY -= diffY % SharedConstants.DEFAULT_GRID_SIZE; if (diffX != 0 || diffY != 0) { panel.onMouseMoveDraggingScheduleDeferred(storage.moveStart, diffX, diffY, storage.elementToDrag, event.isShiftKeyDown(), event.isControlKeyDown(), storage.dragging == DragStatus.FIRST); storage.dragging = DragStatus.CONTINUOUS; // after FIRST real drag switch to CONTINUOUS storage.moveStart = storage.moveStart.copy().move(diffX, diffY); // make copy because otherwise deferred action will act on wrong position } } else if (storage.mouseContainingPanel != null) { storage.mouseContainingPanel.onMouseMove(getPoint(storage.mouseContainingPanel, event)); } }
@Override public Coordinate getLocation(HumanInputEvent<?> event, RenderSpace renderSpace) { switch (renderSpace) { case WORLD: Coordinate screen = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); return mapWidget.getMapModel().getMapView().getWorldViewTransformer().viewToWorld(screen); case SCREEN: default: if (event instanceof MouseEvent<?>) { Element element = mapWidget.getDOM(); double offsetX = ((MouseEvent<?>) event).getRelativeX(element); double offsetY = ((MouseEvent<?>) event).getRelativeY(element); return new Coordinate(offsetX, offsetY); } else if (event instanceof TouchEvent<?>) { Touch touch = ((TouchEvent<?>) event).getTouches().get(0); return new Coordinate(touch.getClientX(), touch.getClientY()); } return new Coordinate(event.getNativeEvent().getClientX(), event.getNativeEvent().getClientY()); } }
/** * Start dragging, register base for selection rectangle. * * @param event * event */ @Override public void onDown(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (dragging && leftWidget) { // mouse was moved outside of widget doSelect(event); } else if (!isRightMouseButton(event)) { // no point trying to select when there is no active layer dragging = true; leftWidget = false; timestamp = new Date().getTime(); begin = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); bounds = new Bbox(begin.getX(), begin.getY(), 0.0, 0.0); shift = event.isShiftKeyDown(); rectangle = new Rectangle("selectionRectangle"); rectangle.setStyle(rectangleStyle); rectangle.setBounds(bounds); mapWidget.render(rectangle, RenderGroup.SCREEN, RenderStatus.UPDATE); } }
private void updateRectangle(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { Coordinate pos = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); double x = begin.getX(); double y = begin.getY(); double width = pos.getX() - x; double height = pos.getY() - y; if (width < 0) { x = pos.getX(); width = -width; } if (height < 0) { y = pos.getY(); height = -height; } bounds.setX(x); bounds.setY(y); bounds.setWidth(width); bounds.setHeight(height); }
@Override public void onDown(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { SliderArea sliderArea = zoomSlider.getSliderArea(); event.stopPropagation(); double y = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN).getY(); double x = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN).getX(); Bbox sliderAreaBounds = sliderArea.getAddonBounds(); Coordinate origin = sliderAreaBounds.getOrigin(); Coordinate endPoint = sliderAreaBounds.getEndPoint(); if (origin.getX() < x && endPoint.getX() > x && origin.getY() < y && endPoint.getY() > y) { dragging = true; sliderArea.drawMapRectangle(); } event.preventDefault(); }
private void onDraggerMouseUp(HumanInputEvent event, double relativeY) { if( m_isMouseDown ) { Event.releaseCapture(Magnifier.this.m_dragger.getElement()); event.preventDefault(); //--- DRK > Pretty hacky, but I can't figure out how to "forward" the event up the DOM so tooltip can get it. if( event instanceof MouseUpEvent ) { m_viewContext.toolTipMngr.onMouseUp((MouseUpEvent)event); } double mouseY = relativeY; Magnifier.this.setDraggerPositionFromMouse(mouseY + m_mouseDownOffset); m_isMouseDown = false; } }
public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { // Only insert when service is in the correct state: if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.INSERTING) { try { if (isDoubleClick(event)) { stopInserting(); } else { // Insert the location at the given index: GeometryIndex insertIndex = service.getInsertIndex(); Coordinate location = getSnappedLocationWithinMaxBounds(event); service.insert(Collections.singletonList(insertIndex), Collections.singletonList(Collections.singletonList(location))); String geometryType = service.getGeometry().getGeometryType(); if (geometryType.equals(Geometry.POINT) || geometryType.equals(Geometry.MULTI_POINT)) { stopInserting(); } } } catch (GeometryOperationFailedException e) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Operation failed", e); } } }
private boolean isDoubleClick(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { Coordinate clickPosition = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); boolean doubleClicked = false; if (lastClickedPosition != null) { int distance = (int) Math.hypot(clickPosition.getX() - lastClickedPosition.getX(), clickPosition.getY() - lastClickedPosition.getY()); if (distance < MIN_DOUBLECLICK_DISTANCE) { doubleClicked = true; } } if (doubleClicked) { lastClickedPosition = null; return true; } else { lastClickedPosition = clickPosition; return false; } }
public void onDown(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.IDLE) { if (event.isShiftKeyDown()) { // Add to or remove from selection: if (service.getIndexStateService().isSelected(index)) { service.getIndexStateService().deselect(Collections.singletonList(index)); event.stopPropagation(); } else { service.getIndexStateService().select(Collections.singletonList(index)); } } else { // Deselect all and select only this index: service.getIndexStateService().deselectAll(); service.getIndexStateService().select(Collections.singletonList(index)); } } }
@Override public void onDown(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (!isRightMouseButton(event)) { dragging = true; begin = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); shift = event.isShiftKeyDown(); circle = new Circle((int) begin.getX(), (int) begin.getY(), 0); circle.setFillColor(fillColor); circle.setFillOpacity(fillOpacity); circle.setStrokeColor(strokeColor); circle.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); getContainer().add(circle); line = new Line((int) begin.getX(), (int) begin.getY(), (int) begin.getX(), (int) begin.getY()); line.setStrokeColor(strokeColor); line.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); getContainer().add(line); } }
@Override public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { // Assure dragging or clicking started inside this widget if (dragging) { shift |= event.isShiftKeyDown(); // shift is used when depressed either at beginning or end updateCircle(event); Geometry geometry = new Geometry(Geometry.POINT, 0, -1); Coordinate[] coordinates = new Coordinate[]{new Coordinate(circle.getUserX(), circle.getUserY())}; geometry.setCoordinates(coordinates); ViewPort viewPort = mapPresenter.getViewPort(); execute(viewPort.getTransformationService().transform(geometry, RenderSpace.SCREEN, RenderSpace.WORLD), circle.getRadius() * viewPort.getResolution()); stopDragging(); dragging = false; } }
private void updateCircle(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { Coordinate pos = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); double x = begin.getX(); double y = begin.getY(); double currentX = pos.getX(); double currentY = pos.getY(); double deltaX = currentX - x; double deltaY = currentY - y; radius = Math.sqrt((deltaX * deltaX) + (deltaY * deltaY)); circle.setRadius((int) radius); line.setUserX2(currentX); line.setUserY2(currentY); }
private void humanMove(HumanInputEvent ev) { int x= getAbsoluteX(ev); int y= getAbsoluteY(ev); if (_moving) { // DOM.eventPreventDefault(ev.getNativeEvent()); ev.preventDefault(); doMove(x,y); } else if (_resizing) { // DOM.eventPreventDefault(ev); ev.preventDefault(); moveResize(x,y); } }
private int getAbsoluteX(HumanInputEvent ev) { if (ev instanceof MouseEvent) { return ((MouseEvent)ev).getClientX()+Window.getScrollLeft(); } if (ev instanceof TouchEvent) { JsArray<Touch> tAry= ((TouchEvent)ev).getTargetTouches(); return tAry.get(0).getClientX()+Window.getScrollLeft(); } return 0; }
private int getAbsoluteY(HumanInputEvent ev) { if (ev instanceof MouseEvent) { return ((MouseEvent)ev).getClientY()+ Window.getScrollTop(); } if (ev instanceof TouchEvent) { JsArray<Touch> tAry= ((TouchEvent)ev).getTargetTouches(); return tAry.get(0).getClientY() + Window.getScrollTop(); } return 0; }
private static void handleEnd(EventHandlingTarget panel, final DragCache storage, HumanInputEvent<?> event) { // Notification.showInfo("UP"); if (DRAG_COMMANDS.contains(storage.dragging)) { panel.onMouseDragEnd(storage.elementToDrag, getPoint(storage.activePanel, event)); } storage.dragging = DragStatus.NO; }
private static void handleStart(EventHandlingTarget[] panels, final DragCache storage, FocusPanel handlerTarget, HumanInputEvent<?> event, Point p) { // Notification.showInfo("DOWN " + p.x); handlerTarget.setFocus(true); event.preventDefault(); // necessary to avoid showing textcursor and selecting proppanel in chrome AND to avoid scrolling with touch move (problem is it also avoids scrolling with 2 fingers) storage.moveStart = new Point(p.x, p.y); storage.dragging = DragStatus.FIRST; storage.elementToDrag = storage.activePanel.getGridElementOnPosition(storage.moveStart); storage.activePanel.onMouseDownScheduleDeferred(storage.elementToDrag, event.isControlKeyDown()); }
private static Point getPoint(EventHandlingTarget drawPanelCanvas, HumanInputEvent<?> event) { Element e = drawPanelCanvas.getElement(); if (event instanceof MouseEvent<?>) { return new Point(((MouseEvent<?>) event).getRelativeX(e), ((MouseEvent<?>) event).getRelativeY(e)); } else if (event instanceof TouchEndEvent) { return new Point(((TouchEvent<?>) event).getChangedTouches().get(0).getRelativeX(e), ((TouchEvent<?>) event).getChangedTouches().get(0).getRelativeY(e)); } else if (event instanceof TouchEvent<?>) { return new Point(((TouchEvent<?>) event).getTouches().get(0).getRelativeX(e), ((TouchEvent<?>) event).getTouches().get(0).getRelativeY(e)); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Event Type: " + event); } }
private static Point getPointAbsolute(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (event instanceof MouseEvent<?>) { return new Point(((MouseEvent<?>) event).getClientX(), ((MouseEvent<?>) event).getClientY()); } else if (event instanceof TouchEndEvent) { return new Point(((TouchEvent<?>) event).getChangedTouches().get(0).getPageX(), ((TouchEvent<?>) event).getChangedTouches().get(0).getPageY()); } else if (event instanceof TouchEvent<?>) { return new Point(((TouchEvent<?>) event).getTouches().get(0).getPageX(), ((TouchEvent<?>) event).getTouches().get(0).getPageY()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown Event Type: " + event); } }
private static void addStateMasks(HumanInputEvent event, MouseEvent me) { if (event.isShiftKeyDown()) { me.stateMask |= SWT.SHIFT; } if (event.isControlKeyDown()) { me.stateMask |= SWT.CONTROL; } if (event.isAltKeyDown()) { me.stateMask |= SWT.ALT; } }
/** * Is the event at the same location as the "down" event? * * @param event The event to check. * @return true or false. */ private boolean isDownPosition(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (clickedPosition != null) { Coordinate location = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); if (MathService.distance(clickedPosition, location) < clickDelta) { return true; } } return false; }
public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (service.getIndexStateService().isMarkedForDeletion(index)) { try { service.remove(Collections.singletonList(index)); } catch (GeometryOperationFailedException e) { Window.alert("Error occurred while deleting the inner ring: " + e.getMessage()); } resumeNormalBehavior(); setSelected(false); } }
public void onDown(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (!isRightMouseButton(event)) { for (MapDownHandler handler : downHandlers) { handler.onDown(event); } } }
public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (service.getIndexStateService().isEnabled(index)) { for (MapUpHandler handler : upHandlers) { handler.onUp(event); } } }
public void onDrag(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (service.getIndexStateService().isEnabled(index)) { for (MapDragHandler handler : dragHandlers) { handler.onDrag(event); } } }
public void onDown(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.IDLE) { // No shift key down, because we don't want to pan when deselecting vertices. // TODO remove the shift check somehow... (now replaced with a event.stopPropagation in selection handler) idleController.onDown(event); } else if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.DRAGGING) { dragController.onDown(event); } else if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.INSERTING) { insertController.onDown(event); } }
public void onDrag(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.IDLE) { idleController.onDrag(event); } else if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.DRAGGING) { dragController.onDrag(event); } else if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.INSERTING) { insertController.onDrag(event); } }
public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.IDLE) { idleController.onUp(event); } else if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.DRAGGING) { dragController.onUp(event); } else if (service.getEditingState() == GeometryEditState.INSERTING) { insertController.onUp(event); } }
@Override public void onDown(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (event.isControlKeyDown() || event.isShiftKeyDown()) { zooming = true; zoomToRectangleController.onDown(event); } else if (!isRightMouseButton(event)) { panning = true; mapWidget.getMapModel().getMapView().setPanDragging(true); begin = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); if (!isShowCursorOnMove()) { mapWidget.setCursor(Cursor.MOVE); } } lastClickPosition = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.WORLD); }
@Override public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (zooming) { zoomToRectangleController.onUp(event); zooming = false; } else if (panning) { stopPanning(event); } }
@Override public void onDrag(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (zooming) { zoomToRectangleController.onDrag(event); } else if (panning) { if (!moving && isShowCursorOnMove()) { mapWidget.setCursor(Cursor.MOVE); } moving = true; updateView(event); } }
private void stopPanning(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { mapWidget.getMapModel().getMapView().setPanDragging(false); panning = false; moving = false; mapWidget.setCursorString(mapWidget.getDefaultCursorString()); if (null != event) { updateView(event); } }
private void updateView(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { Coordinate end = getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN); Coordinate beginWorld = getTransformer().viewToWorld(begin); Coordinate endWorld = getTransformer().viewToWorld(end); mapWidget.getMapModel().getMapView() .translate(beginWorld.getX() - endWorld.getX(), beginWorld.getY() - endWorld.getY()); begin = end; }
@Override public Element getTarget(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { EventTarget target = event.getNativeEvent().getEventTarget(); if ( { return; } return null; }
/** * Toggle selection at the event location. * * @param event * event */ public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (!isRightMouseButton(event)) { ToggleSelectionAction action = new ToggleSelectionAction(mapWidget, pixelTolerance); action.setPriorityToSelectedLayer(priorityToSelectedLayer); action.toggleSingle(getLocation(event, RenderSpace.SCREEN)); } }
/** * Finish selection using rectangle. * * @param event * event */ @Override public void onUp(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { // assure dragging or clicking started inside this widget if (dragging) { doSelect(event); } }
private void doSelect(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { dragging = false; shift |= event.isShiftKeyDown(); // shift is used when depressed either at beginning or end updateRectangle(event); WorldViewTransformer transformer = new WorldViewTransformer(mapWidget.getMapModel().getMapView()); Bbox worldBounds = transformer.viewToWorld(bounds); selectRectangle(worldBounds); mapWidget.render(rectangle, RenderGroup.SCREEN, RenderStatus.DELETE); }
@Override public void onDrag(HumanInputEvent<?> event) { if (dragging) { updateRectangle(event); mapWidget.render(rectangle, RenderGroup.SCREEN, RenderStatus.UPDATE); } }