/** * Instantiates a new number net ui. */ public NumberNetUI() { super(); sharedInstance = this; tabPanel = new TabPanel(); TableManager tableManagerTab = new TableManager(); tabPanel.add(tableManagerTab, tableManagerTab.getTitle(), false); TargetSetterPanel targetSetterPanel = new TargetSetterPanel(); tabPanel.add(targetSetterPanel, targetSetterPanel.getTitle(), false); // ProjectionControl projectionControlPanel = new ProjectionControl(); // tabPanel.add(projectionControlPanel, // projectionControlPanel.getTitle(), false); ExpressionView ev = new ExpressionView(); tabPanel.add(ev, ev.getTitle(), false); tabPanel.selectTab(0); add(tabPanel); }
/** * Instantiates a new database control ui. */ public DatabaseControlUI() { super(); sharedInstance = this; tabPanel = new TabPanel(); tabPanel.setWidth("270px"); studentAdminPanel = new StudentAdministationPanel(); tabPanel.add(studentAdminPanel, studentAdminPanel.getTitle(), false); classSelectionPanel = new ClassSelectionPanel(); tabPanel.add(classSelectionPanel, classSelectionPanel.getTitle(), false); tabPanel.selectTab(0); add(tabPanel); }
/** * @return this editor as a Widget. */ public Widget asWidget() { VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); panel.add(new ContentGroupLabel(Singleton.MESSAGES.label_serviceDetails())); panel.add(new ContentDescription(Singleton.MESSAGES.description_serviceDetails())); panel.add(createImplementationDetailsPanel()); TabPanel tabs = new TabPanel(); tabs.setStyleName("default-tabpanel"); //$NON-NLS-1$ tabs.getElement().setAttribute("style", "margin-top:15px;"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ tabs.add(createGatewayDetailsPanel(), Singleton.MESSAGES.label_gateways()); tabs.add(createThrottlingDetailsPanel(), Singleton.MESSAGES.label_throttling()); tabs.addBeforeSelectionHandler(new BeforeSelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onBeforeSelection(BeforeSelectionEvent<Integer> event) { _toolstrip.doCancel(); } }); panel.add(tabs); tabs.selectTab(0); return panel; }
public static void setTabVisibility(TabPanel tabs, int index, boolean visible, UIObject tabUI) { try { if (index >= tabs.getTabBar().getTabCount() || index < 0) return; // Native Google implementation of TabBar uses an HorizontalPanel, // so, the DOM primary element is a table element (with just one tr) Element table = tabs.getTabBar().getElement(); Element tr = DOM.getFirstChild(DOM.getFirstChild(table)); // (index + 1) to account for 'first' placeholder td. Element td = DOM.getChild(tr, index + 1); UIObject.setVisible(td, visible); tabUI.setVisible(visible); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.log(Level.WARNING, "Not sure what can go wrong, but setting tab visibility might have failed", e); } }
private void makeParentVisible(Widget widget) { if (widget == null) { return; } Widget parent = widget.getParent(); if (parent == null) { return; } makeParentVisible(parent); if (parent instanceof DeckPanel) { DeckPanel deckPanel = (DeckPanel) parent; int widgetIndex = deckPanel.getWidgetIndex(widget); deckPanel.showWidget(widgetIndex); TabPanel tabPanel = (TabPanel) deckPanel.getParent().getParent(); tabPanel.selectTab(widgetIndex); } }
public PanelChat() { setWidth("800px"); add(new Label("簡易チャット(設定画面から表示をON/OFFできます)")); if (SharedData.get().isAdministoratorMode()) { final TabPanel panel = new TabPanel(); panel.setAnimationEnabled(true); panel.add(new LazyPanel() { @Override protected Widget createWidget() { return new PanelRealtime(); } }, "リアルタイム"); panel.add(new LazyPanel() { @Override protected Widget createWidget() { return new PanelPast(); } }, "過去ログ"); panel.selectTab(0); add(panel); } else { add(new PanelRealtime()); } }
/** * Helper method called by constructor to initialize ui components */ private void initComponents() { // Initialize UI panel = new VerticalPanel(); panel.setWidth("100%"); galleryGUI = new FlowPanel(); appSingle = new FlowPanel(); appDetails = new FlowPanel(); appHeader = new FlowPanel(); appInfo = new FlowPanel(); appAction = new FlowPanel(); appAuthor = new FlowPanel(); appMeta = new FlowPanel(); appDates = new FlowPanel(); appPrimaryWrapper = new FlowPanel(); appSecondaryWrapper = new FlowPanel(); appDescPanel = new FlowPanel(); appReportPanel = new FlowPanel(); appSharePanel = new FlowPanel(); appActionTabs = new TabPanel(); sidebarTabs = new TabPanel(); appComments = new FlowPanel(); appCommentsList = new FlowPanel(); appsByAuthor = new FlowPanel(); appsByTags = new FlowPanel(); appsRemixes = new FlowPanel(); returnToGallery = new FlowPanel(); // tagSelected = ""; appCreated = new Label(); appChanged = new Label(); descBox = new FlowPanel(); titleBox = new FlowPanel(); desc = new TextArea(); titleText = new TextArea(); moreInfoText = new TextArea(); creditText = new TextArea(); ccLicenseRef = new HTML(MESSAGES.galleryCcLicenseRef()); ccLicenseRef.addStyleName("app-action-html"); }
public static SelectionHandler<Integer> createTabPanelListener(final TabPanel tabPanel, final EventListenerGVO ev, final List<InputVariableGVO> input) { return new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { CallbackHandler.createCallBack(event.getSelectedItem(), QAMLConstants.EVENT_ONCLICK, ev, input); } }; }
private void handleDisplayName(UIObject uiObject, BuiltInComponentGVO builtInComponentGVO, String value) { if (uiObject instanceof HasDataGridMethods) { HasDataGridMethods hasDataGridMethods = (HasDataGridMethods)uiObject; String uuid = builtInComponentGVO.getComponentIdUUID(); if (uuid != null) { boolean containsColumn = uuid.contains("."); if (containsColumn) { String columnId = uuid.replaceFirst(".+\\.", "").replaceFirst("\\|.+", ""); hasDataGridMethods.setColumnLabel(columnId, value); } } } else if (uiObject instanceof PushButton) { ((PushButton)uiObject).getUpFace().setText(value); ((PushButton)uiObject).getDownFace().setText(value); } else if (uiObject instanceof HasText) { HasText t = (HasText)uiObject; t.setText(value); } else if (uiObject instanceof VerticalPanel) { VerticalPanel vp = (VerticalPanel)uiObject; Widget tabPanelWidget = vp.getParent().getParent().getParent(); if (tabPanelWidget instanceof TabPanel) { TabPanel tp = (TabPanel)tabPanelWidget; TabBar tb = tp.getTabBar(); int tabCount =tp.getWidgetCount(); for (int i=0;i < tabCount;i++){ Widget w = tp.getWidget(i); if (w == vp){ tb.setTabText(i, value); } } } } else if (uiObject instanceof QWindowPanel) { QWindowPanel p = (QWindowPanel) uiObject; p.setCaption(value); } }
private void handleVisible(UIObject uiObject, BuiltInComponentGVO builtInComponentGVO, String setPropertyValue) { boolean value = Boolean.valueOf(setPropertyValue).booleanValue(); if(uiObject instanceof HasVisible) { ((HasVisible)uiObject).processVisible(value); } else if (uiObject instanceof HasDataGridMethods) { HasDataGridMethods hasDataGridMethods = (HasDataGridMethods)uiObject; boolean resolved = false; String uuid = builtInComponentGVO.getComponentIdUUID(); if (uuid != null) { boolean containsColumn = uuid.contains("."); if (containsColumn) { String columnId = uuid.replaceFirst(".+\\.", "").replaceFirst("\\|.+", ""); hasDataGridMethods.setColumnVisible(columnId, value); resolved = true; } } if (!resolved) { uiObject.setVisible(value); hasDataGridMethods.redraw(); } } else { uiObject.setVisible(value); if (uiObject instanceof Panel) { Panel p = (Panel) uiObject; Widget parent = p.getParent(); if (parent != null && parent instanceof DeckPanel) { DeckPanel deckPanel = (DeckPanel) parent; int widgetIndex = deckPanel.getWidgetIndex(p); if (widgetIndex != -1) { if (deckPanel.getParent() != null && deckPanel.getParent().getParent() != null && deckPanel.getParent().getParent() instanceof TabPanel) { TabPanel tabs = ((TabPanel) (deckPanel.getParent().getParent())); TabPanelRenderer.setTabVisibility(tabs, widgetIndex, value, uiObject); } } } } } }
private void makeParentsVisible(Widget w) { if (w.getParent() != null) { Widget parent = w.getParent(); makeParentsVisible(parent); if (parent instanceof DeckPanel) { DeckPanel dp = (DeckPanel) parent; dp.showWidget(dp.getWidgetIndex(w)); ((TabPanel) dp.getParent().getParent()).selectTab(dp.getWidgetIndex(w)); } } }
public TabPanelExample() { super("Tab Panel"); TabPanel tabs = new TabPanel(); tabs.add(new Button("One"), "One"); tabs.add(new Button("Two"), "Two"); tabs.add(new Button("Three"), "Three"); tabs.add(new Button("Four"), "Four"); tabs.selectTab(0); add(tabs); }
@Override public TabPanel getTabPanel(){ return tabPanel; }
/** * Creates a new GalleryList */ public GalleryList() { gallery = GalleryClient.getInstance(); gallery.addListener(this); galleryGF = new GalleryGuiFactory(); selectedApps = new ArrayList<GalleryApp>(); // Initialize UI galleryGUI = new FlowPanel(); galleryGUI.addStyleName("gallery"); appTabs = new TabPanel(); appRecent = new FlowPanel(); appFeatured = new FlowPanel(); appPopular = new FlowPanel(); appSearch = new FlowPanel(); appTutorial = new FlowPanel(); appRecentContent = new FlowPanel(); appFeaturedContent = new FlowPanel(); appPopularContent = new FlowPanel(); appSearchContent = new FlowPanel(); appTutorialContent = new FlowPanel(); searchText = new TextBox(); // HTML segment for gallery typeface HTML headerExtra = new HTML( "<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?" + "family=Roboto:400,300,100' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>"); galleryGUI.add(headerExtra); // Add content to panels appFeaturedTab = new GalleryAppTab(appFeatured, appFeaturedContent, REQUEST_FEATURED); appRecentTab = new GalleryAppTab(appRecent, appRecentContent, REQUEST_RECENT); appSearchTab = new GalleryAppTab(appSearch, appSearchContent, REQUEST_SEARCH); appPopularTab = new GalleryAppTab(appPopular, appPopularContent, REQUEST_MOSTLIKED); appTutorialTab = new GalleryAppTab(appTutorial, appTutorialContent, REQUEST_TUTORIAL); // don't think we need because in regular addgallerytab below // Add panels to main tabPanel appTabs.add(appRecent, "Recent"); appTabs.add(appTutorial,"Tutorials"); appTabs.add(appFeatured, "Featured"); appTabs.add(appPopular, "Popular"); appTabs.add(appSearch, "Search"); appTabs.selectTab(0); appTabs.addStyleName("gallery-app-tabs"); galleryGUI.add(appTabs); // Initialize top-level GUI VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel(); panel.setWidth("100%"); panel.add(galleryGUI); initWidget(panel); }
@Override public void onModuleLoad() { Map<String, String> availableAppNamesToClassName = new HashMap<String, String>(); availableAppNamesToClassName.put("Number Net", "synergynet3.apps.numbernet.NumberNet"); availableAppNamesToClassName.put("Gravity Sim", "synergynet3.activitypack1.table.gravitysim.GravitySim"); availableAppNamesToClassName.put("Early Years", "synergynet3.apps.earlyyears.applications.stickerbook.StickerbookApp"); SynergyNetAppSystemUI appSystemUI = new SynergyNetAppSystemUI(); appSystemUI.setDelegate(this); appSystemUI.setKnownApplicationNamesWithClasses(availableAppNamesToClassName); ProjectorControlPanel projectorControlUI = new ProjectorControlPanel(); DatabaseControlUI databaseControlUI = new DatabaseControlUI(); databaseControlUI.setDelegate(this); MediaControlUI mediaControlUI = new MediaControlUI(); final RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get(); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); tabPanel.add(appSystemUI, "Apps"); tabPanel.add(projectorControlUI, "Projectors"); tabPanel.add(mediaControlUI, "Tables"); tabPanel.add(databaseControlUI, "Students"); rootPanel.add(tabPanel); tabPanel.selectTab(0); SynergyNetWebService.Util.getInstance().test("", new AsyncCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // System.out.println("unwoot"); } @Override public void onSuccess(Void result) { // System.out.println("woot"); } }); }
public TemplateViewScreen() { super(); /* if (true) { styleTwo(); return; } */ vPanel = new VerticalPanel(); /* HorizontalPanel editPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); HTML edit = new HTML("[<a href='javascript:;'>edit</a>]"); edit.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { public void onClick(Widget sender) { getBaseEntryScreen().showScreen(OneCMDBModelCreator.EDIT_TEMPLATE_SCREEN, objectType, new Long(0)); } }); editPanel.add(edit); editPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(edit, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_RIGHT); editPanel.setWidth("100%"); */ infoPanel = new VerticalPanel(); infoPanel.setStyleName("mdv-form"); infoPanel.setWidth("100%"); attributeScreen.setBaseEntryScreen(OneCMDBModelCreator.get()); referenceScreen.setBaseEntryScreen(OneCMDBModelCreator.get()); instancesScreen.setBaseEntryScreen(OneCMDBModelCreator.get()); tab = new TabPanel(); tab.add(infoPanel, "Info"); tab.add(attributeScreen, "Attributes"); tab.add(referenceScreen, "References"); tab.add(instancesScreen, "Instances"); instancesScreen.setNewSupport(true); tab.addTabListener(this); tab.selectTab(1); //vPanel.add(infoPanel); vPanel.add(tab); dockPanel.add(vPanel, DockPanel.CENTER); dockPanel.setCellHeight(vPanel, "100%"); dockPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); //ScrollPanel p = new ScrollPanel(dockPanel); //p.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(true); initWidget(dockPanel); }
public TabPanel getTabPanel() { return this.tab; }
public DiaryLayerDialog(MainWidget master) { this.master = master; dialog = new DialogBox(false, true); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); passPnl = new ScrollPanel(); passPnl.setWidth("500px"); passPnl.setHeight("100px"); maryView = new SimplePanel(); johnView = new SimplePanel(); passThrus = new Label("pass-throughs"); passThrus.setWidth("100%"); passThrus.setStyleName("flexTableCellHead"); MarylblId = new Label(); JohnJameslblId = new Label(); MarylblArrivalDate= new Label(); JohnJameslblArrivalDate = new Label(); MarylblDepartDate= new Label(); JohnJameslblDepartDate = new Label(); MarylblLocation= new Label(); JohnJameslblLocation = new Label(); MarylblLink= new Label(); JohnJameslblLink = new Label(); MarylblSights= new Label(); JohnJameslblSights = new Label(); MarylblLatitude = new Label(); MarylblLongitude = new Label(); JohnJameslblLatitude = new Label(); JohnJameslblLongitude = new Label(); buildUI(); }
public AllDialog(MainWidget master) { this.master = master; dialog = new DialogBox(false, true); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); passPnl = new ScrollPanel(); passPnl.setWidth("500px"); passPnl.setHeight("100px"); maryView = new SimplePanel(); johnView = new SimplePanel(); V1View = new SimplePanel(); V2View = new SimplePanel(); V3View = new SimplePanel(); V4View = new SimplePanel(); passThrus = new Label("pass-throughs"); passThrus.setWidth("100%"); passThrus.setStyleName("flexTableCellHead"); MarylblId = new Label(); JohnJameslblId = new Label(); V1lblId = new Label(); V2lblId = new Label(); V3lblId = new Label(); V4lblId = new Label(); MarylblArrivalDate= new Label(); JohnJameslblArrivalDate = new Label(); V1lblArrivalDate= new Label(); V2lblArrivalDate = new Label(); V3lblArrivalDate= new Label(); V4lblArrivalDate = new Label(); MarylblDepartDate= new Label(); JohnJameslblDepartDate = new Label(); V1lblDepartDate= new Label(); V2lblDepartDate = new Label(); V3lblDepartDate= new Label(); V4lblDepartDate = new Label(); MarylblLocation= new Label(); JohnJameslblLocation = new Label(); V1lblLocation= new Label(); V2lblLocation = new Label(); V3lblLocation= new Label(); V4lblLocation = new Label(); MarylblLink= new Label(); JohnJameslblLink = new Label(); V1lblLink= new Label(); V2lblLink = new Label(); V3lblLink= new Label(); V4lblLink = new Label(); MarylblSights= new Label(); JohnJameslblSights = new Label(); V1lblSights= new Label(); V2lblSights = new Label(); V3lblSights= new Label(); V4lblSights = new Label(); MarylblLatitude = new Label(); MarylblLongitude = new Label(); JohnJameslblLatitude = new Label(); JohnJameslblLongitude = new Label(); V1lblLatitude = new Label(); V1lblLongitude = new Label(); V2lblLatitude = new Label(); V2lblLongitude = new Label(); V3lblLatitude = new Label(); V3lblLongitude = new Label(); V4lblLatitude = new Label(); V4lblLongitude = new Label(); buildUI(); }
public RuskinDialog(MainWidget master) { this.master = master; dialog = new DialogBox(false, true); tabPanel = new TabPanel(); passPnl = new HorizontalPanel(); V1View = new SimplePanel(); V2View = new SimplePanel(); V3View = new SimplePanel(); V4View = new SimplePanel(); passThrus = new Label("pass-throughs"); passThrus.setWidth("100%"); passThrus.setStyleName("flexTableCellHead"); V1lblId = new Label(); V2lblId = new Label(); V3lblId = new Label(); V4lblId = new Label(); V1lblArrivalDate= new Label(); V2lblArrivalDate = new Label(); V3lblArrivalDate= new Label(); V4lblArrivalDate = new Label(); V1lblDepartDate= new Label(); V2lblDepartDate = new Label(); V3lblDepartDate= new Label(); V4lblDepartDate = new Label(); V1lblLocation= new Label(); V2lblLocation = new Label(); V3lblLocation= new Label(); V4lblLocation = new Label(); V1lblLink= new Label(); V2lblLink = new Label(); V3lblLink= new Label(); V4lblLink = new Label(); V1lblSights= new Label(); V2lblSights = new Label(); V3lblSights= new Label(); V4lblSights = new Label(); V1lblLatitude = new Label(); V1lblLongitude = new Label(); V2lblLatitude = new Label(); V2lblLongitude = new Label(); V3lblLatitude = new Label(); V3lblLongitude = new Label(); V4lblLatitude = new Label(); V4lblLongitude = new Label(); buildUI(); }
/** * Show last tab. * * @param tabPanel2 * the tab panel2 */ private void showLastTab(TabPanel tabPanel2) { tabPanel.selectTab(tabPanel.getWidgetCount() - 1); }
TabPanel getTabPanel();