private void columns() { CellFormatter cellFormatter = datatable.getCellFormatter(); // The first thing is not a header, so you have to go one more. for (int i = 0; i < headers.length + 1; i++) { int hwidth = headertable.getWidget(0, i).getOffsetWidth(); int dwidth = datatable.getWidget(0, i).getOffsetWidth(); int fwidth = Math.max(hwidth, dwidth); headertable.getWidget(0, i).setWidth(fwidth+"px"); for (int j = 0; j < datatable.getRowCount(); j++) { cellFormatter.setWidth(j, i, fwidth+"px"); //datatable.getWidget(j, i).setWidth(fwidth+"px"); } } resize(); }
private void turnOffRow(int row) { CellFormatter formatter = datatable.getCellFormatter(); int dataRow = row - headerRows; String[] oldnew = dirtyrows.get(row); HTML html = new HTML(oldnew[0]); html.setTitle(oldnew[0]); int width = headertable.getWidget(0, 1).getOffsetWidth(); html.setWidth(width+"px"); // Put the old value back in the data structure used to make the JSON payload. List<String[]> affectedrow = allrows.get(ids.getValue()); String[] parts = affectedrow.get(dataRow); for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { if ( headers[i].contains("WOCE") ) { parts[i] = oldnew[0]; } } formatter.removeStyleName(row, 1, "dirty"); datatable.setWidget(row, 1, html); }
@Override public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) { String text = response.getText(); PopupPanel popup = new PopupPanel(true); popup.add(new HTML("<strong>Saved edits for:<p></p></strong>"+text+"<p></p>Click outside box to dismiss.")); popup.setPopupPosition(200, Window.getClientHeight()/3);; CellFormatter formatter = datatable.getCellFormatter(); for (Iterator dirtyIt = dirtyrows.keySet().iterator(); dirtyIt.hasNext();) { Integer widgetrow = (Integer); for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { formatter.removeStyleName(widgetrow, i, "dirty"); } CheckBox box = (CheckBox) datatable.getWidget(widgetrow, 0); box.setValue(false); } dirtyrows.clear(); }
/** * Set the column headers. * */ private void setHeaders() { CellFormatter cellFormatter = headertable.getCellFormatter(); headertable.setWidget(0, 0, new HTML("")); int column = 0; for (int p = 0; p < headers.length; p++) { if ( headers[p].startsWith("\"")) headers[p] = headers[p].substring(1, headers[p].length()); if ( headers[p].endsWith("\"")) headers[p] = headers[p].substring(0,headers[p].length()-1); if ( headers[p].endsWith("_")) headers[p] = headers[p].substring(0, headers[p].length()-1); if ( headers[p].toLowerCase().equals(wocevar.toLowerCase()) ) { headertable.setWidget(0, 1, new HTML(headers[p])); cellFormatter.addStyleName(0, 1, "nowrap"); } else if (headers[p].toLowerCase().equals(datavar.toLowerCase()) ) { headertable.setWidget(0, 2, new HTML(headers[p])); cellFormatter.addStyleName(0, 2, "nowrap"); } else { headertable.setWidget(0, column + columnOffset, new HTML(headers[p])); cellFormatter.addStyleName(0, column + columnOffset, "nowrap"); column++; } } headertable.setWidget(0, 0, allNone); RowFormatter formatter = headertable.getRowFormatter(); formatter.addStyleName(0, "nowrap"); }
public CancelButton(String panel_id) { final String id = panel_id; cancel.setWidth("75px"); cancel.addStyleDependentName("SMALLER"); cancel.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent click) { eventBus.fireEvent(new CancelEvent(id)); } }); CellFormatter f = interior.getCellFormatter(); f.setVerticalAlignment(0, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); f.setVerticalAlignment(1, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); f.setVerticalAlignment(2, 0, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_TOP); interior.setWidget(0, 0, batch); interior.setWidget(1, 0, message); interior.setWidget(2, 0, cancel); sizePanel.add(interior); initWidget(sizePanel); }
public TermDetailsView(EventBus eventBus, OntoBrowserServiceAsync service) { super(eventBus, service); for(int i = 0; i < LABELS.length; i++) { grid.setText(i, 0, LABELS[i] + ":"); } CellFormatter cellFormatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); for(int row = 0; row < grid.getRowCount(); row++) { cellFormatter.addStyleName(row, 0, "label"); } panel.add(grid); initWidget(panel); addStyleName("padded-border vert-scroll fixed-height"); eventBus.addHandler(ViewTermEvent.TYPE, this); eventBus.addHandler(TermUpdatedEvent.TYPE, this); eventBus.addHandler(TermDeletedEvent.TYPE, this); }
private Panel createPanel() { Label label = new Label("Search Options"); label.addStyleName("search-header"); label.getElement().getStyle().setDisplay(Display.BLOCK); Grid grid = new Grid(2,2); grid.setText(0, 0, "Ontology/Codelist:"); grid.setWidget(0, 1, ontologiesDropBox); grid.setText(1, 0, "Include Synonyms:"); grid.setWidget(1, 1, includeSynonyms); grid.addStyleName("search-options"); CellFormatter cellFormatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); for(int i = 0; i < grid.getRowCount(); i++) { cellFormatter.addStyleName(i, 0, "search-option"); } Panel panel = new FlowPanel(); panel.add(label); panel.add(grid); return panel; }
public void setHue(float hue) { this.hue = hue; float [] hsv = new float[]{hue, 0.0f, 0.0f}; int [] irgb = new int[3]; float [] rgb = new float[3]; CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); for (int row=0; row<16; row++) { hsv[2] = 1.0f - (float)row / 15.0f; for (int col=0; col<16; col++) { hsv[1] = (float)col / 15.0f; Color.HSVToRGB(hsv, rgb); Color.toInt(rgb, irgb); // formatter.setWidth(row, col, "6.25%"); // formatter.setHeight(row, col, "6.25%"); formatter.setWidth(row, col, "10px"); formatter.setHeight(row, col, "10px"); formatter.getElement(row, col).setAttribute("bgcolor", "#"+Color.toHex(irgb)); grid.setText(row, col, ""); } } }
public void setSaturationAndValue(float saturation, float value) { // deselect old selected cell int col = Math.round(this.saturation * 15.0f); int row = Math.round((1.0f - this.value) * 15.0f); CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); formatter.removeStyleName(row, col, "agilar-colorpicker-popup-palette-selected"); this.saturation = saturation; this.value = value; col = Math.round(this.saturation * 15.0f); row = Math.round((1.0f - this.value) * 15.0f); formatter.addStyleName(row, col, "agilar-colorpicker-popup-palette-selected"); // select new cell }
private void buildUI() { float [] hsv = new float[]{0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f}; float [] rgb = new float[3]; int [] irgb = new int[3]; CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); formatter.setHeight(0, 0, "0px"); formatter.setWidth(0, 0, "100%"); for (int row=1; row<18; row++) { Color.HSVToRGB(hsv, rgb); Color.toInt(rgb, irgb); formatter.getElement(row, 0).setAttribute("bgcolor", "#"+Color.toHex(irgb)); formatter.setHeight(row, 0, "8px"); formatter.setWidth(row, 0, "100%"); grid.setText(row, 0, ""); hsv[0] = (float)row / 18.0f * 360.0f; } }
private void renderCheckBox(int row, LabelAndValues lv) { ApprovalInfo self = Gerrit.isSignedIn() ? : null; final String id =; final CheckBox b = new CheckBox(); b.setText(id); b.setEnabled(lv.permitted.contains((short) 1)); if (self != null && self.value() == 1) { b.setValue(true); } b.addValueChangeHandler( new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { in.label(id, event.getValue() ? (short) 1 : (short) 0); } }); b.setStyleName(style.label_name()); labelsTable.setWidget(row, 0, b); CellFormatter fmt = labelsTable.getCellFormatter(); fmt.setStyleName(row, labelHelpColumn, style.label_help()); labelsTable.setText(row, labelHelpColumn,"+1")); }
/** * Handles a mouse out event by removing the formatting on cells that were once highlighted due * to a mouse over event. * * @param row the row that lost mouse over. * @param column the column that lost mouse over. */ private void mouseOut(int row, int column) { CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); // Remove highlighting from cell. formatter.removeStyleName(row, column, "tty-GridCellHighlighted"); // Remove column highlighting. for (int i = 1; i < grid.getRowCount(); i++) { formatter.removeStyleName(i, column, "tty-GridColumnHighlighted"); } // Remove row highlighting. for (int j = 1; j < grid.getColumnCount(); j++) { formatter.removeStyleName(row, j, "tty-GridRowHighlighted"); } }
/** * Handles a mouse over event by highlighting the moused over cell and adding style to the * row and column that is also to be highlighted. * * @param row the row that gained mouse over. * @param column the column that gained mouse over. */ private void mouseOver(int row, int column) { CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); // Add highlighting to cell. formatter.addStyleName(row, column, "tty-GridCellHighlighted"); // Add column highlighting. for (int i = 1; i < grid.getRowCount(); i++) { if (i != row) { formatter.addStyleName(i, column, "tty-GridColumnHighlighted"); } } // Add row highlighting. for (int j = 1; j < grid.getColumnCount(); j++) { if (j != column) { formatter.addStyleName(row, j, "tty-GridRowHighlighted"); } } }
private Grid createStatTable(DBStatistics result) { Grid table = new Grid(3, 2); table.addStyleName("stat"); table.setHTML(0, 0, "the number of clouds <b>in total</b>"); table.setHTML(1, 0, "the number of clouds constructed <b>last month</b>"); table.setHTML(2, 0, "the number of clouds constructed <b>last week</b>"); table.setHTML(0, 1, "" + result.getTotal()); table.setHTML(1, 1, "" + result.getLastMonth()); table.setHTML(2, 1, "" + result.getLastWeek()); CellFormatter cf = table.getCellFormatter(); cf.setWidth(0, 0, "65%"); cf.setWidth(0, 1, "35%"); return table; }
private void addParseOptions(FlexTable layout, CellFormatter cf) { cf.setStyleName(0, 4, "adv-cell-label"); layout.setWidget(0, 4, createLabel("Remove Stop Words:")); layout.setWidget(0, 5, createCheckboxStopwords()); cf.setStyleName(1, 4, "adv-cell-label"); layout.setWidget(1, 4, createLabel("Remove Numbers:")); layout.setWidget(1, 5, createCheckboxRemoveNumbers()); cf.setStyleName(2, 4, "adv-cell-label"); layout.setWidget(2, 4, createLabel("Group Similar Words:")); layout.setWidget(2, 5, createCheckboxStem()); cf.setStyleName(3, 4, "adv-cell-label"); layout.setWidget(3, 4, createLabel("Shortest Word:")); layout.setWidget(3, 5, createMinLengthField()); }
private void setHeader() { int i = 0; for (String[] def : header) { if (def[0] == null || def[0].isEmpty()) headerTable.setHTML(0, i, " "); else headerTable.setText(0, i, def[0]); CellFormatter cellFormatter = headerTable.getCellFormatter(); cellFormatter.setStyleName(0, i, "rdn-GridHeader"); if (def.length > 1){ ColumnFormatter colFormatter = headerTable.getColumnFormatter(); colFormatter.setWidth(i, def[1]); // for firefox cellFormatter.setWidth(0, i, def[1]); } i++; } }
private void formatCell(int row, int column){ CellFormatter cellFormatter = usersFlexTable.getCellFormatter(); RowFormatter rowFormatter = usersFlexTable.getRowFormatter(); cellFormatter.setStyleName(row, column, "rdn-GridItem"); for (int i = 0; i < usersFlexTable.getCellCount(0); i++){ cellFormatter.addStyleName(row, i, "rdn-GridItemFooterBottom"); if (row > 0) { cellFormatter.removeStyleName(row - 1, i, "rdn-GridItemFooterBottom"); } } if (row%2 == 0){ rowFormatter.addStyleName(row, "rdn-GridAlternateRow"); } }
/** * Set the WordWarp for all the row cells * * @param row The row cell * @param columns Number of row columns * @param warp */ private void setRowWordWarp(FlexTable table, int row, int columns, boolean wrap) { CellFormatter cellFormatter = table.getCellFormatter(); for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++) { cellFormatter.setWordWrap(row, i, wrap); } }
/** * Adds a new row * * @param search The search value */ public void addRow(GWTQueryParams search) { int rows = table.getRowCount(); data.put(dataIndexValue, search); if (!search.isShared()) { table.setHTML(rows, 0, " "); } else { table.setWidget(rows, 0, new Image(OKMBundleResources.INSTANCE.sharedQuery())); } table.setHTML(rows, 1, search.getQueryName()); table.setHTML(rows, 2, "" + dataIndexValue++); table.setHTML(rows, 3, ""); table.getFlexCellFormatter().setVisible(rows, 2, false); // The hidden column extends table to 100% width CellFormatter cellFormatter = table.getCellFormatter(); cellFormatter.setWidth(rows, 0, "30px"); cellFormatter.setHeight(rows, 0, "20px"); cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment(rows, 0, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); cellFormatter.setVerticalAlignment(rows, 0, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cellFormatter.setWidth(rows, 3, "100%"); table.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(rows, "okm-userNews"); setRowWordWarp(rows, 4, false); }
/** * Adds a new row * * @param search Search parameters to be added. */ private void addRow(GWTQueryParams search) { int rows = table.getRowCount(); data.put(new Long(dataIndexValue), search); if (!search.isShared()) { table.setHTML(rows, 0, " "); } else { table.setWidget(rows, 0, new Image(OKMBundleResources.INSTANCE.sharedQuery())); } table.setHTML(rows, 1, search.getQueryName()); table.setHTML(rows, 2, "" + dataIndexValue++); table.setHTML(rows, 3, ""); table.getCellFormatter().setVisible(rows, 2, false); // The hidden column extends table to 100% width CellFormatter cellFormatter = table.getCellFormatter(); cellFormatter.setWidth(rows, 0, "30px"); cellFormatter.setHeight(rows, 0, "20px"); cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment(rows, 0, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); cellFormatter.setVerticalAlignment(rows, 0, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cellFormatter.setWidth(rows, 3, "100%"); table.getRowFormatter().setStyleName(rows, "okm-SearchSaved"); setRowWordWarp(rows, 4, false); }
public EditSynonymPopup(OntoBrowserServiceAsync service, EventBus eventBus) { this.service = service; this.eventBus = eventBus; for(Synonym.Type type : Synonym.Type.values()) { typeDropBox.addItem(type.toString(),; } dialogBox.setText("Edit Synonym"); dialogBox.setGlassEnabled(true); dialogBox.setAnimationEnabled(true); dialogBox.addStyleName("gwt-ModalDialogBox"); grid.addStyleName("gwt-Grid"); for(int i = 0; i < LABELS.length; i++) { grid.setText(i, 0, LABELS[i] + ":"); } CellFormatter cellFormatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); for(int row = 0; row < grid.getRowCount(); row++) { cellFormatter.addStyleName(row, 0, "dialog-label"); } grid.setWidget(grid.getRowCount()-1, 1, typeDropBox); typeError.addStyleName("dialog-error"); addDialogWidgets(); updateButton.addClickHandler(this); }
/** * Sets the horizontal alignment of all cells of the specified table. * @param table table whose cells to be aligned * @param hAlignment horizontal alignment to be set */ public static void alignTableCells( final HTMLTable table, final HorizontalAlignmentConstant hAlignment ) { final CellFormatter cellFormatter = table.getCellFormatter(); for ( int i = table.getRowCount() - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) for ( int j = table.getCellCount( i ) - 1; j >= 0; j-- ) cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment( i, j, hAlignment ); }
public void setHue(float hue) { int row = (int)(this.hue * 18.0f / 360.0f) + 1; CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); formatter.removeStyleName(row, 0, "agilar-colorpicker-popup-hueselector-selected"); this.hue = hue; row = (int)(this.hue * 18.0f / 360.0f) + 1; formatter.addStyleName(row, 0, "agilar-colorpicker-popup-hueselector-selected"); }
public KeyHelpPopup() { super(true /* autohide */, true /* modal */); setStyleName(KeyResources.I.css().helpPopup()); final Anchor closer = new Anchor(KeyConstants.I.closeButton()); closer.addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { hide(); } }); final Grid header = new Grid(1, 3); header.setStyleName(KeyResources.I.css().helpHeader()); header.setText(0, 0, KeyConstants.I.keyboardShortcuts()); header.setWidget(0, 2, closer); final CellFormatter fmt = header.getCellFormatter(); fmt.addStyleName(0, 1, KeyResources.I.css().helpHeaderGlue()); fmt.setHorizontalAlignment(0, 2, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT); final Grid lists = new Grid(0, 7); lists.setStyleName(KeyResources.I.css().helpTable()); populate(lists); lists.getCellFormatter().addStyleName(0, 3, KeyResources.I.css().helpTableGlue()); final FlowPanel body = new FlowPanel(); body.add(header); body.getElement().appendChild(DOM.createElement("hr")); body.add(lists); focus = new FocusPanel(body); focus.getElement().getStyle().setProperty("outline", "0px"); focus.getElement().setAttribute("hideFocus", "true"); focus.addKeyPressHandler(this); focus.addKeyDownHandler(this); add(focus); }
@Override protected void applyDataRowStyle(int row) { super.applyDataRowStyle(row); CellFormatter fmt = table.getCellFormatter(); fmt.addStyleName(row, C_TITLE, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().dataCell()); fmt.addStyleName(row, C_TITLE, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cSUBJECT()); }
protected void ensurePointerVisible() { final int max = table.getRowCount(); int row = currentRow; final int init = row; if (row < 0) { row = 0; } else if (max <= row) { row = max - 1; } final CellFormatter fmt = table.getCellFormatter(); final int sTop = Document.get().getScrollTop(); final int sEnd = sTop + Document.get().getClientHeight(); while (0 <= row && row < max) { final Element cur = fmt.getElement(row, C_ARROW).getParentElement(); final int cTop = cur.getAbsoluteTop(); final int cEnd = cTop + cur.getOffsetHeight(); if (cEnd < sTop) { row++; } else if (sEnd < cTop) { row--; } else { break; } } if (init != row) { movePointerTo(row, false); } }
protected void scrollIntoView(int topRow, int endRow) { final CellFormatter fmt = table.getCellFormatter(); final Element top = fmt.getElement(topRow, C_ARROW).getParentElement(); final Element end = fmt.getElement(endRow, C_ARROW).getParentElement(); final int rTop = top.getAbsoluteTop(); final int rEnd = end.getAbsoluteTop() + end.getOffsetHeight(); final int rHeight = rEnd - rTop; final int sTop = Document.get().getScrollTop(); final int sHeight = Document.get().getClientHeight(); final int sEnd = sTop + sHeight; final int nTop; if (sHeight <= rHeight) { // The region is larger than the visible area, make the top // exactly the top of the region, its the most visible area. // nTop = rTop; } else if (sTop <= rTop && rTop <= sEnd) { // At least part of the region is already visible. // if (rEnd <= sEnd) { // ... actually its all visible. Don't scroll. // return; } // Move only enough to make the end visible. // nTop = sTop + (rHeight - (sEnd - rTop)); } else { // None of the region is visible. Make it visible. // nTop = rTop; } Document.get().setScrollTop(nTop); }
private void renderRadio(int row, List<Short> columns, LabelAndValues lv) { String id =; Short dv = normalizeDefaultValue(, lv.permitted); labelHelpColumn = 1 + columns.size(); labelsTable.setText(row, 0, id); CellFormatter fmt = labelsTable.getCellFormatter(); fmt.setStyleName(row, 0, style.label_name()); fmt.setStyleName(row, labelHelpColumn, style.label_help()); ApprovalInfo self = Gerrit.isSignedIn() ? : null; final LabelRadioGroup group = new LabelRadioGroup(row, id, lv.permitted.size()); for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { Short v = columns.get(i); if (lv.permitted.contains(v)) { String text =; LabelRadioButton b = new LabelRadioButton(group, text, v); if ((self != null && v == self.value()) || (self == null && v.equals(dv))) { b.setValue(true);; in.label(group.label, v); labelsTable.setText(row, labelHelpColumn, b.text); } group.buttons.add(b); labelsTable.setWidget(row, 1 + i, b); } } }
private InputElement getReviewed(FileInfo info) { CellFormatter fmt = table.getCellFormatter(); Element e = fmt.getElement(1 + info._row(), 1); return; }
@Override protected void applyDataRowStyle(int row) { super.applyDataRowStyle(row); final CellFormatter fmt = table.getCellFormatter(); fmt.addStyleName(row, C_STAR, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().iconCell()); for (int i = C_ID; i < columns; i++) { fmt.addStyleName(row, i, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().dataCell()); } if (!showLegacyId) { fmt.addStyleName(row, C_ID, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().dataCellHidden()); } fmt.addStyleName(row, C_SUBJECT, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cSUBJECT()); fmt.addStyleName(row, C_STATUS, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cSTATUS()); fmt.addStyleName(row, C_OWNER, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cOWNER()); fmt.addStyleName( row, C_ASSIGNEE, showAssignee ? Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cASSIGNEE() : Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().dataCellHidden()); fmt.addStyleName(row, C_LAST_UPDATE, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cLastUpdate()); fmt.addStyleName(row, C_SIZE, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cSIZE()); for (int i = C_SIZE + 1; i < columns; i++) { fmt.addStyleName(row, i, Gerrit.RESOURCES.css().cAPPROVAL()); } }
private void formatCell(int row, int column){ CellFormatter cellFormatter = itemFlexTable.getCellFormatter(); String def = header[column]; if (def != null && !def.isEmpty()) { cellFormatter.setWidth(row, column, def); } }
private void formatCell(int row, int column){ CellFormatter cellFormatter = bodyFlexTable.getCellFormatter(); String[] def = header[column]; if (def != null && def.length > 1 && def[1] != null && !def[1].isEmpty()) { cellFormatter.setWidth(row, column, def[1]); } }
@Override public void setFeature(Feature feature) { // Clear the current panel: contentPanel.clear(); // Layout the attributes of the feature in a grid: Grid grid = new Grid(feature.getLayer().getAttributeDescriptors().size(), 3); CellFormatter formatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); int i = 0; for (AttributeDescriptor descriptor : feature.getLayer().getAttributeDescriptors()) { // Put the attribute label in the first column: grid.setText(i, 0, getAttributeLabel(feature, descriptor)); formatter.getElement(i, 0).addClassName(resource.css().attributeLabel()); // Put a delimiter in the second column: grid.setText(i, 1, getDelimiter()); // Create a widget for the attribute value and put it in the last column: Widget attributeWidget = ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY.createAttributeWidget(feature, descriptor); attributeWidget.getElement().addClassName(resource.css().attributeValue()); grid.setWidget(i, 2, attributeWidget); i++; } contentPanel.add(grid); }
@Override public CellFormatter getCellFormatter() { return flexTable.getCellFormatter(); }
private void addDialogWidgets() { VerticalPanel dialogVPanel = new VerticalPanel(); HorizontalPanel buttonsHPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); Button cancelButton = new Button("Cancel"); cancelButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { newPasswordTextBox1.setText(null); newPasswordTextBox2.setText(null); passwordError.setText(null); dialogBox.hide(); } }); grid.setWidget(0, 1, oldPasswordTextBox); grid.setWidget(1, 1, newPasswordTextBox1); grid.setWidget(2, 1, newPasswordTextBox2); grid.addStyleName("gwt-Grid"); for(int i = 0; i < LABELS.length; i++) { grid.setText(i, 0, LABELS[i] + ":"); } CellFormatter cellFormatter = grid.getCellFormatter(); for(int row = 0; row < grid.getRowCount(); row++) { cellFormatter.addStyleName(row, 0, "dialog-label"); } passwordError.addStyleName("dialog-error"); buttonsHPanel.add(updateButton); buttonsHPanel.add(cancelButton); buttonsHPanel.addStyleName("dialog-buttons"); dialogVPanel.setHorizontalAlignment(VerticalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); dialogVPanel.add(grid); dialogVPanel.add(passwordError); dialogVPanel.add(buttonsHPanel); dialogVPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(buttonsHPanel, VerticalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); dialogBox.setWidget(dialogVPanel); }
public void render(Word w){ Word currentWord = this.board.getCurrentWord(); Position currentHighlightLetter = this.board.getHighlightLetter(); for(int across = 0; across < this.board.getBoxes().length; across++){ for(int down=0; down < this.board.getBoxes()[across].length; down++){ CellFormatter formatter = this.table.getCellFormatter(); Box box = this.board.getBoxes()[across][down]; if(!currentWord.checkInWord(across, down) && w != null && !w.checkInWord(across, down)){ continue; } if(box == null){ continue; } BoxView view = (BoxView) table.getWidget(down, across); view.setValue(box); if(box.isCheated()){ formatter.addStyleName(down, across, resources.css().cheated()); } if(currentHighlightLetter.across == across && currentHighlightLetter.down == down){ formatter.addStyleName(down, across, resources.css().currentLetterHighlight()); } else { formatter.removeStyleName(down, across, resources.css().currentLetterHighlight()); } if(board.isShowErrors() && box.getResponse() != ' ' && box.getResponse() != box.getSolution() ){ formatter.addStyleName(down, across, resources.css().error()); } else { formatter.removeStyleName(down, across, resources.css().error()); } if(box.getResponder() != null && colorMap.get(box.getResponder()) != null){ view.getElement().getStyle().setColor(colorMap.get(box.getResponder())); } if(currentWord.checkInWord(across, down)){ formatter.addStyleName(down, across, resources.css().currentHighlightWord()); } else { formatter.removeStyleName(down, across, resources.css().currentHighlightWord()); } } } }
private void renderInfoRow( final FileStatInfo info, final FlexTable table, final ClickHandler googleAccountClickHandler ) { final CellFormatter cellFormatter = table.getCellFormatter(); final RowFormatter rowFormatter = table.getRowFormatter(); int column = 0; table.setWidget( row, column++, new Label( userCounter + "." ) ); cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment( row, column-1, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT ); final VerticalPanel userPanel = new VerticalPanel(); if ( info.getAddressedBy() != null ) userPanel.add( ClientUtils.styledWidget( new Label( info.getAddressedBy() + ", " + ( info.getCountry() == null ? "-" : info.getCountry() ) ), "explanation" ) ); if ( googleAccountClickHandler == null || userCounter == 0 ) userPanel.add( new Label( info.getGoogleAccount() ) ); else { final Anchor googleAccountAnchor = new Anchor( info.getGoogleAccount() ); googleAccountAnchor.setTitle( googleAccountClickHandler.toString() ); googleAccountAnchor.addClickHandler( googleAccountClickHandler ); userPanel.add( googleAccountAnchor ); } userPanel.add( ClientUtils.styledWidget( ClientUtils.createTimestampWidget( "Updated: ", info.getUpdated() ), "explanation" ) ); userPanel.add( ClientUtils.styledWidget( new Label( ( info.getAccountCreated() == null ? "" : "Created: " + ClientUtils.DATE_FORMAT.format( info.getAccountCreated() ) + ", " ) + "Pkg: " + info.getDbPackageName() + ";" ), "explanation" ) ); if ( info.getComment() != null ) { final Label commentLabel = new Label(); if ( info.getComment().length() <= 40 ) commentLabel.setText( info.getComment() ); else { commentLabel.setText( info.getComment().substring( 0, 40 ) + "..." ); commentLabel.setTitle( info.getComment() ); } userPanel.add( ClientUtils.styledWidget( commentLabel, "explanation" ) ); } table.setWidget( row, column++, userPanel ); final Widget dbPackageWidget = info.getDbPackageIcon() == null ? new Label( info.getDbPackageName() ) : new Image( info.getDbPackageIcon() ); dbPackageWidget.setTitle( "Available storage: " + NUMBER_FORMAT.format( info.getPaidStorage() ) + " bytes" ); table.setWidget( row, column++, dbPackageWidget ); int rowSpan = 1; if ( info.getRepCount () > 0 ) rowSpan++; if ( info.getSmpdCount () > 0 ) rowSpan++; if ( info.getOtherCount() > 0 ) rowSpan++; if ( rowSpan > 1 ) for ( int i = column - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) table.getFlexCellFormatter().setRowSpan( row, i, rowSpan ); userCounter++; for ( int type = 0; type < 4; type++ ) { String fileType = null; int count = 0; long storage = 0; switch ( type ) { case 0 : count = info.getAllCount(); storage = info.getAllStorage(); fileType = "<all>"; break; case 1 : if ( ( count = info.getRepCount () ) == 0 ) continue; storage = info.getRepStorage (); fileType = "rep" ; column = 0; break; case 2 : if ( ( count = info.getSmpdCount () ) == 0 ) continue; storage = info.getSmpdStorage (); fileType = "smpd" ; column = 0; break; case 3 : if ( ( count = info.getOtherCount() ) == 0 ) continue; storage = info.getOtherStorage(); fileType = "other"; column = 0; break; } table.setWidget( row, column++, new Label( fileType ) ); final int firstNumberColumn = column; table.setWidget( row, column++, new Label( NUMBER_FORMAT.format( count ) ) ); table.setWidget( row, column++, new Label( NUMBER_FORMAT.format( storage ) + " bytes" ) ); table.setWidget( row, column++, new Label( NUMBER_FORMAT.format( count == 0 ? 0 : storage / count ) + " bytes" ) ); final int usedPercent = info.getPaidStorage() == 0 ? 0 : (int) ( storage * 100 / info.getPaidStorage() ); table.setWidget( row, column++, new Label( usedPercent + "%" ) ); for ( int i = column - 1; i >= firstNumberColumn; i-- ) cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment( row, i, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_RIGHT ); rowFormatter.addStyleName( row, userCounter == 1 ? "gold" : ( userCounter & 0x01 ) == 0 ? "row0" : "row1" ); row++; } }
/** * Displays a Details dialog box.<br> * Renders a table with 2 columns: name and value pairs. * @param caption title of the dialog * @param values values to be displayed; each element is an array (name-value pair) which defines a row */ public static void displayDetailsDialog( final String caption, final Object[][] values ) { final DialogBox dialogBox = new DialogBox( true ); dialogBox.setText( caption ); dialogBox.setGlassEnabled( true ); final VerticalPanel content = new VerticalPanel(); content.setHorizontalAlignment( HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER ); final FlexTable table = new FlexTable(); table.setBorderWidth( 1 ); table.setCellSpacing( 0 ); table.setCellPadding( 3 ); final CellFormatter cellFormatter = table.getCellFormatter(); for ( int i = 0; i < values.length; i++ ) { // Name table.setWidget( i, 0, new Label( values[ i ][ 0 ].toString() ) ); cellFormatter.addStyleName( i, 0, "headerRow" ); final Object value = values[ i ] [ 1 ]; if ( value == null ) table.setWidget( i, 1, new Label() ); else if ( value instanceof Widget ) table.setWidget( i, 1, (Widget) value ); else if ( value instanceof Date ) table.setWidget( i, 1, createTimestampWidget( (Date) value ) ); else { String stringValue; if ( value instanceof String ) stringValue = (String) value; else if ( value instanceof Number ) stringValue = NUMBER_FORMAT .format( (Number) value ); else stringValue = value.toString(); table.setWidget( i, 1, new Label( stringValue ) ); } cellFormatter.addStyleName( i, 1, "row" + ( i & 0x01 ) ); cellFormatter.setHorizontalAlignment( i, 1, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT ); } content.add( table ); content.add( createVerticalEmptyWidget( 8 ) ); content.add( ClientUtils.createDialogCloseButton( dialogBox, "Close" ) ); content.add( createVerticalEmptyWidget( 8 ) ); dialogBox.setWidget( content );; }