@Override public void parseLight(IElementType elementType, PsiBuilder builder) { builder = adapt_builder_(elementType, builder, this, null); PsiBuilder.Marker m = enter_section_(builder, 0, _COLLAPSE_, null); ParserState parserState = new ParserState(new ParserScope(file, m_types.FILE_MODULE, null)); parseFile(builder, parserState); // if we have a scope at last position in file, without SEMI, we need to handle it here if (!parserState.scopes.empty()) { ParserScope scope = parserState.scopes.pop(); while (scope != null) { scope.end(); scope = parserState.scopes.empty() ? null : parserState.scopes.pop(); } } new ParserScope(file, m_types.FILE_MODULE, null).end(); exit_section_(builder, 0, m, elementType, true, true, TRUE_CONDITION); }
public static boolean withTimeoutStatement(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "withTimeoutStatement")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, WITH)) return false; boolean r, p; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_, WITH_TIMEOUT_STATEMENT, null); r = consumeTokens(b, 2, WITH, TIMEOUT); p = r; // pin = 2 r = r && report_error_(b, withTimeoutStatement_2(b, l + 1)); r = p && report_error_(b, timeoutIntegerExpression(b, l + 1)) && r; r = p && report_error_(b, withTimeoutStatement_4(b, l + 1)) && r; r = p && report_error_(b, sep(b, l + 1)) && r; r = p && report_error_(b, withTimeoutStatement_6(b, l + 1)) && r; r = p && report_error_(b, consumeToken(b, END)) && r; r = p && withTimeoutStatement_8(b, l + 1) && r; exit_section_(b, l, m, r, p, null); return r || p; }
public static boolean consideringStatement(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "consideringStatement")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, CONSIDERING)) return false; boolean r, p; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_, CONSIDERING_STATEMENT, null); r = consumeToken(b, CONSIDERING); r = r && considerOrIgnoreAttr(b, l + 1); p = r; // pin = 2 r = r && report_error_(b, consideringStatement_2(b, l + 1)); r = p && report_error_(b, consideringStatement_3(b, l + 1)) && r; r = p && report_error_(b, sep(b, l + 1)) && r; r = p && report_error_(b, consideringStatement_5(b, l + 1)) && r; r = p && report_error_(b, consumeTokens(b, -1, END, CONSIDERING)) && r; exit_section_(b, l, m, r, p, null); return r || p; }
private void parseRParen(PsiBuilder builder, ParserState parserState) { ParserScope scope = parserState.endUntilScopeExpression(m_types.LPAREN); builder.advanceLexer(); parserState.dontMove = true; if (scope != null) { scope.complete = true; parserState.scopes.pop().end(); scope = parserState.getLatestScope(); if (scope != null && scope.resolution == letNamedEq) { scope.resolution = letNamedEqParameters; } } parserState.updateCurrentScope(); }
public void parseLight(IElementType t, PsiBuilder b) { boolean r; b = adapt_builder_(t, b, this, null); Marker m = enter_section_(b, 0, _COLLAPSE_, null); if (t == COMMENT) { r = comment(b, 0); } else if (t == EMPTY_LINE) { r = empty_line(b, 0); } else if (t == PROPERTY) { r = property(b, 0); } else { r = parse_root_(t, b, 0); } exit_section_(b, 0, m, t, r, true, TRUE_CONDITION); }
private static boolean boolean_test_1_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "boolean_test_1_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, IS); r = r && boolean_test_1_0_1(b, l + 1); r = r && truth_value(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean goalQuery_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "goalQuery_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, GOAL); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, AGOAL); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, GOALA); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean nakedTerm_0_1(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "nakedTerm_0_1")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = nakedTerm_0_1_0(b, l + 1); int c = current_position_(b); while (r) { if (!nakedTerm_0_1_0(b, l + 1)) break; if (!empty_element_parsed_guard_(b, "nakedTerm_0_1", c)) break; c = current_position_(b); } exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean ACTION_PARAMS_B_1(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "ACTION_PARAMS_B_1")) return false; int c = current_position_(b); while (true) { if (!ACTION_PARAMS_B_1_0(b, l + 1)) break; if (!empty_element_parsed_guard_(b, "ACTION_PARAMS_B_1", c)) break; c = current_position_(b); } return true; }
public static boolean select_sublist(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "select_sublist")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_, SELECT_SUBLIST, "<select sublist>"); r = derived_column(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = select_sublist_1(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, l, m, r, false, null); return r; }
public static boolean rawClassExpression(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "rawClassExpression")) return false; if (!nextTokenIsFast(b, RAW_LBR)) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeTokens(b, 0, RAW_LBR, CLASS); r = r && identifier(b, l + 1); r = r && consumeToken(b, RAW_RBR); exit_section_(b, m, RAW_CLASS_EXPRESSION, r); return r; }
static boolean orderProperty(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "orderProperty")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, ORDER)) return false; boolean r, p; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_); r = consumeTokens(b, 1, ORDER, EQ, ORDER_VAL, DOT); p = r; // pin = 1 exit_section_(b, l, m, r, p, null); return r || p; }
/** * @param b PsiBuilder * @return Returns application name inside targeted to application blocks of * code: "tell"/"using terms from" statements. <br> If nothing found - returns available to all scripting * application CocoaStandard library name */ @NotNull private static String getTargetApplicationName(PsiBuilder b) { String toldApplicationName = peekTargetApplicationName(b); // CocoaStandard library is always available for the scriptable application return toldApplicationName != null ? toldApplicationName : ApplicationDictionary.COCOA_STANDARD_LIBRARY; }
private static boolean identifier_chain_1_0_0_1(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "identifier_chain_1_0_0_1")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, IDENTIFIER); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, COLUMN_REFERENCE_IDENTIFIER); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
public static boolean builtInClassIdentifierPlural(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "builtInClassIdentifierPlural")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, "<built in class identifier plural>", BUILT_IN_TYPE_S, SCRIPTS)) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_, BUILT_IN_CLASS_IDENTIFIER_PLURAL, "<built in class identifier plural>"); r = consumeToken(b, BUILT_IN_TYPE_S); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, SCRIPTS); exit_section_(b, l, m, r, false, null); return r; }
public static boolean parseAssignmentStatementInner(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "parseAssignmentStatementInner")) return false; boolean r; b.putUserData(PARSING_COMMAND_ASSIGNMENT_STATEMENT, true); r = AppleScriptParser.assignmentStatement(b, l + 1); b.putUserData(PARSING_COMMAND_ASSIGNMENT_STATEMENT, false); return r; }
static boolean simpleQuery(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "simpleQuery")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = selectorQuery(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = predicate(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
public static boolean predicate(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "predicate")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, ATOM)) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, ATOM); r = r && predicate_1(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, PREDICATE, r); return r; }
public static boolean sort_specification_list(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "sort_specification_list")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_, SORT_SPECIFICATION_LIST, "<sort specification list>"); r = sort_specification(b, l + 1); r = r && sort_specification_list_1(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, l, m, r, false, null); return r; }
static boolean objectPointer(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "objectPointer")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, OF); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, IN); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, APS); if (!r) r = isPossessivePpronoun(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean countCommandExpression_0_1_0_2(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "countCommandExpression_0_1_0_2")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeTokenFast(b, IN); if (!r) r = consumeTokenFast(b, OF); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean handlerLabeledParametersCallExpression_0_2_1_0_1_2_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "handlerLabeledParametersCallExpression_0_2_1_0_1_2_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeTokenFast(b, COMMA); r = r && labelForFalseParam(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
static boolean offendingObject(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "offendingObject")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = offendingObject_0(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = expression(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean stopValue_0_1(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "stopValue_0_1")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _AND_); r = consumeToken(b, BY); exit_section_(b, l, m, r, false, null); return r; }
public static boolean table_expression(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "table_expression")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, FROM)) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = from_clause(b, l + 1); r = r && table_expression_1(b, l + 1); r = r && table_expression_2(b, l + 1); r = r && table_expression_3(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, TABLE_EXPRESSION, r); return r; }
public static boolean ACTION_DECLARATION(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "ACTION_DECLARATION")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, IDENT)) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, IDENT); r = r && ACTION_DECLARATION_1(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, ACTION_DECLARATION, r); return r; }
private static boolean termList_1_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "termList_1_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, COMMA); r = r && term(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean ignoringStatement_3_0_3_0_1_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "ignoringStatement_3_0_3_0_1_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, LAND); r = r && considerOrIgnoreAttr(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
static boolean column_reference_recover(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "column_reference_recover")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NOT_); r = !column_reference_recover_0(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, l, m, r, false, null); return r; }
private static boolean launchRule_0_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "launchRule_0_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, WHEN); r = r && entity(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
public static boolean basicTerm(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "basicTerm")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_, BASIC_TERM, "<term>"); r = predicate(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, VARIABLE); if (!r) r = number(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = string(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = basicTerm_4(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = list(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, l, m, r, false, null); return r; }
private static boolean entity_2(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "entity_2")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeTokens(b, 0, NAME, EQ); r = r && simpleIdentifier(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean modifiers_1_1_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "modifiers_1_1_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, ATTRIBUTE_SEPARATOR); r = r && modifiers_1_1_0_1(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean countCommandExpression_1(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "countCommandExpression_1")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeTokens(b, 0, NUMBER, OF); r = r && countCommandExpression_1_2(b, l + 1); r = r && composite_value(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean instruction_1_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "instruction_1_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, WITH); r = r && constraintList(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean any_attribute_value_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "any_attribute_value_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, BOOLEAN); if (!r) r = consumeToken(b, DIGIT); if (!r) r = string(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = macro_usage_dec(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
public static boolean useClause(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "useClause")) return false; if (!nextTokenIs(b, USE)) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, USE); r = r && moduleId(b, l + 1); r = r && consumeToken(b, AS); r = r && useCase(b, l + 1); r = r && consumeToken(b, DOT); exit_section_(b, m, USE_CLAUSE, r); return r; }
public static boolean rule(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "rule")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b, l, _NONE_, RULE, "<rule>"); r = leadstoRule(b, l + 1); if (!r) r = eventuallyRule(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, l, m, r, false, null); return r; }
private static boolean NTUPLE_VALUE_2_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "NTUPLE_VALUE_2_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, COMMA); r = r && NTUPLE_VALUE_2_0_1(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }
private static boolean consideringStatement_2_0_1_0(PsiBuilder b, int l) { if (!recursion_guard_(b, l, "consideringStatement_2_0_1_0")) return false; boolean r; Marker m = enter_section_(b); r = consumeToken(b, LAND); r = r && considerOrIgnoreAttr(b, l + 1); exit_section_(b, m, null, r); return r; }