public VcsLogHashMapImpl(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders) throws IOException { cleanupOldNaming(project, logProviders); String logId = calcLogId(project, logProviders); final File mapFile = new File(LOG_CACHE_APP_DIR, logId + "." + VERSION); if (!mapFile.exists()) { IOUtil.deleteAllFilesStartingWith(new File(LOG_CACHE_APP_DIR, logId)); } Disposer.register(project, this); myPersistentEnumerator = IOUtil.openCleanOrResetBroken(new ThrowableComputable<PersistentEnumerator<Hash>, IOException>() { @Override public PersistentEnumerator<Hash> compute() throws IOException { return new PersistentEnumerator<Hash>(mapFile, new MyHashKeyDescriptor(), Page.PAGE_SIZE); } }, mapFile); }
public static <E extends Throwable> VirtualFile doActionAndRestoreEncoding(@NotNull VirtualFile fileBefore, @NotNull ThrowableComputable<VirtualFile, E> action) throws E { EncodingRegistry registry = getInstance(); Charset charsetBefore = registry.getEncoding(fileBefore, true); VirtualFile fileAfter = null; try { fileAfter = action.compute(); return fileAfter; } finally { if (fileAfter != null) { Charset actual = registry.getEncoding(fileAfter, true); if (!Comparing.equal(actual, charsetBefore)) { registry.setEncoding(fileAfter, charsetBefore); } } } }
@Override protected void runTest() throws Throwable { if (isRunInWriteAction()) { WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(getProject(), new ThrowableComputable<Void, Throwable>() { @Override public Void compute() throws Throwable { doRunTest(); return null; } }); } else { new WriteCommandAction.Simple(getProject()){ @Override protected void run() throws Throwable { doRunTest(); } }.performCommand(); } }
@Override public VirtualFile copy(final Object requestor, @NotNull final VirtualFile newParent, @NotNull final String copyName) throws IOException { if (getFileSystem() != newParent.getFileSystem()) { throw new IOException(VfsBundle.message("file.copy.error", newParent.getPresentableUrl())); } if (!newParent.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException(VfsBundle.message("")); } return EncodingRegistry.doActionAndRestoreEncoding(this, new ThrowableComputable<VirtualFile, IOException>() { @Override public VirtualFile compute() throws IOException { return ourPersistence.copyFile(requestor, VirtualFileSystemEntry.this, newParent, copyName); } }); }
public void testProgressVsReadAction() throws Throwable { ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously((ThrowableComputable<Void, Exception>)() -> { try { assertFalse(ApplicationManager.getApplication().isReadAccessAllowed()); assertFalse(ApplicationManager.getApplication().isDispatchThread()); for (int i=0; i<100;i++) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(() -> ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(() -> { TimeoutUtil.sleep(20); })); ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(() -> { TimeoutUtil.sleep(20); }); } } catch (Exception e) { exception = e; } return null; }, "cc", false, getProject()); if (exception != null) throw exception; }
@Nullable public Module commitModule(@NotNull final Project project, @Nullable final ModifiableModuleModel model) { if (canCreateModule()) { if (myName == null) { myName = project.getName(); } if (myModuleFilePath == null) { myModuleFilePath = project.getBaseDir().getPath() + File.separator + myName + ModuleFileType.DOT_DEFAULT_EXTENSION; } try { return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runWriteAction(new ThrowableComputable<Module, Exception>() { @Override public Module compute() throws Exception { return createAndCommitIfNeeded(project, model, true); } }); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.warn(ex); Messages.showErrorDialog(IdeBundle.message("", ex.getMessage()), IdeBundle.message("title.add.module")); } } return null; }
private void loadMessagesInModalTask(@NotNull Project project) { try { myMessagesForRoots = ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(new ThrowableComputable<Map<VirtualFile,String>, VcsException>() { @Override public Map<VirtualFile, String> compute() throws VcsException { return getLastCommitMessages(); } }, "Reading commit message...", false, project); } catch (VcsException e) { Messages.showErrorDialog(getComponent(), "Couldn't load commit message of the commit to amend.\n" + e.getMessage(), "Commit Message not Loaded");; } }
private void test() { myTestURL = getCurrentUrlText(); boolean testResult = ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(new ThrowableComputable<Boolean, RuntimeException>() { @Override public Boolean compute() { return test(myTestURL); } }, DvcsBundle.message("clone.testing", myTestURL), true, myProject); if (testResult) { Messages.showInfoMessage(myTestButton, DvcsBundle.message("clone.test.success.message", myTestURL), DvcsBundle.getString("clone.test.connection.title")); myTestResult = Boolean.TRUE; } else { myTestResult = Boolean.FALSE; } updateButtons(); }
private VcsBackgroundableComputable(final Project project, final String title, final String errorTitle, final ThrowableComputable<T, VcsException> backgroundable, final Consumer<T> awtSuccessContinuation, final Runnable awtErrorContinuation, final BackgroundableActionEnabledHandler handler, final Object actionParameter) { super(project, title, true, BackgroundFromStartOption.getInstance()); myErrorTitle = errorTitle; myBackgroundable = backgroundable; myAwtSuccessContinuation = awtSuccessContinuation; myAwtErrorContinuation = awtErrorContinuation; myProject = project; myHandler = handler; myActionParameter = actionParameter; }
private static <T> void createAndRun(final Project project, @Nullable final VcsBackgroundableActions actionKey, @Nullable final Object actionParameter, final String title, final String errorTitle, final ThrowableComputable<T, VcsException> backgroundable, @Nullable final Consumer<T> awtSuccessContinuation, @Nullable final Runnable awtErrorContinuation, final boolean silent) { final ProjectLevelVcsManagerImpl vcsManager = (ProjectLevelVcsManagerImpl) ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(project); final BackgroundableActionEnabledHandler handler; if (actionKey != null) { handler = vcsManager.getBackgroundableActionHandler(actionKey); // fo not start same action twice if (handler.isInProgress(actionParameter)) return; } else { handler = null; } final VcsBackgroundableComputable<T> backgroundableComputable = new VcsBackgroundableComputable<T>(project, title, errorTitle, backgroundable, awtSuccessContinuation, awtErrorContinuation, handler, actionParameter); backgroundableComputable.setSilent(silent); if (handler != null) { handler.register(actionParameter); } ProgressManager.getInstance().run(backgroundableComputable); }
public VcsHistoryProviderBackgroundableProxy(final AbstractVcs vcs, final VcsHistoryProvider delegate, DiffProvider diffProvider) { myDelegate = delegate; myProject = vcs.getProject(); myConfiguration = VcsConfiguration.getInstance(myProject); myCachesHistory = myDelegate instanceof VcsCacheableHistorySessionFactory; myDiffProvider = diffProvider; myVcsHistoryCache = ProjectLevelVcsManager.getInstance(myProject).getVcsHistoryCache(); myType = vcs.getType(); myHistoryComputerFactory = new HistoryComputerFactory() { @Override public ThrowableComputable<VcsHistorySession, VcsException> create(FilePath filePath, Consumer<VcsHistorySession> consumer, VcsKey vcsKey) { if (myCachesHistory) { return new CachingHistoryComputer(filePath, consumer, vcsKey); } else { return new SimpelHistoryComputer(filePath, consumer); } } }; }
public void createSessionFor(final VcsKey vcsKey, final FilePath filePath, final Consumer<VcsHistorySession> continuation, @Nullable VcsBackgroundableActions actionKey, final boolean silent, @Nullable final Consumer<VcsHistorySession> backgroundSpecialization) { final ThrowableComputable<VcsHistorySession, VcsException> throwableComputable = myHistoryComputerFactory.create(filePath, backgroundSpecialization, vcsKey); final VcsBackgroundableActions resultingActionKey = actionKey == null ? VcsBackgroundableActions.CREATE_HISTORY_SESSION : actionKey; final Object key = VcsBackgroundableActions.keyFrom(filePath); if (silent) { VcsBackgroundableComputable.createAndRunSilent(myProject, resultingActionKey, key, VcsBundle.message("loading.file.history.progress"), throwableComputable, continuation); } else { VcsBackgroundableComputable.createAndRun(myProject, resultingActionKey, key, VcsBundle.message("loading.file.history.progress"), VcsBundle.message("message.title.could.not.load.file.history"), throwableComputable, continuation, null); } }
private EntryPoint acquire(final RunningInfo port) throws Exception { EntryPoint result = RemoteUtil.executeWithClassLoader(new ThrowableComputable<EntryPoint, Exception>() { @Override public EntryPoint compute() throws Exception { Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry("localhost", port.port); Remote remote = ObjectUtils.assertNotNull(registry.lookup(; if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(myValueClass)) { EntryPoint entryPoint = narrowImpl(remote, myValueClass); if (entryPoint == null) return null; return RemoteUtil.substituteClassLoader(entryPoint, myValueClass.getClassLoader()); } else { return RemoteUtil.castToLocal(remote, myValueClass); } } }, getClass().getClassLoader()); // should be the loader of client plugin // init hard ref that will keep it from DGC and thus preventing from System.exit port.entryPointHardRef = result; return result; }
@NotNull private static ThrowableComputable<PersistentHashMap<String, Record>, IOException> getComputable(final File file) { return new ThrowableComputable<PersistentHashMap<String, Record>, IOException>() { @Override public PersistentHashMap<String, Record> compute() throws IOException { return new PersistentHashMap<String, Record>(file, new EnumeratorStringDescriptor(), new DataExternalizer<Record>() { @Override public void save(@NotNull DataOutput out, Record value) throws IOException { out.writeInt(value.magnitude); out.writeLong(; } @Override public Record read(@NotNull DataInput in) throws IOException { return new Record(in.readInt(), new Date(in.readLong())); } }); } }; }
/** * Creates a directory for the given file and returns the VirtualFile object. * * @return virtual file object for the given path. It can never be null. */ @NotNull public static VirtualFile checkedCreateDirectoryIfMissing(final @NotNull File directory) throws IOException { return WriteCommandAction.runWriteCommandAction(null, new ThrowableComputable<VirtualFile, IOException>() { @Override public VirtualFile compute() throws IOException { VirtualFile dir = VfsUtil.createDirectoryIfMissing(directory.getAbsolutePath()); if (dir == null) { throw new IOException("Unable to create " + directory.getAbsolutePath()); } else { return dir; } } }); }
/** * Reads the current value from the property */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @NotNull public String getValue() throws Exception { /* TODO: Read via the UI property widget instead This should do the trick, but still needs some timing debugging: TableCell cell = findTableCell(true); assertNotNull(cell); JTableDriver tableDriver = new JTableDriver(myRobot); String value = tableDriver.value(getTable(), cell); return value == null ? "<null>" : value; */ return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new ThrowableComputable<String,Exception>() { @Override public String compute() throws Exception { Object value = myProperty.getValue(myComponent.getComponent()); return value == null ? "<null>" : value.toString(); } }); }
@Nullable @Override protected String encodeFileText(final String content, final VirtualFile file, final Project project) throws IOException { if ("pom.xml".equals(file.getName())) { return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new ThrowableComputable<String, IOException>() { @Override public String compute() throws IOException { PsiFile psiFile = PsiFileFactory.getInstance(project).createFileFromText("pom.xml", XmlFileType.INSTANCE, content); final MavenDomProjectModel model = MavenDomUtil.getMavenDomModel(psiFile, MavenDomProjectModel.class); if (model == null) return null; String text = psiFile.getText(); XmlElement element = model.getName().getXmlElement(); if (element instanceof XmlTag) { text = ((XmlTag)element).getValue().getTextRange().replace(text, wrap(ProjectTemplateParameterFactory.IJ_PROJECT_NAME)); } element = model.getArtifactId().getXmlElement(); if (element instanceof XmlTag) { text = ((XmlTag)element).getValue().getTextRange().replace(text, wrap(ProjectTemplateParameterFactory.IJ_PROJECT_NAME)); } return text; } }); } return null; }
@Nullable private String validateRemoteUnderModal(@NotNull String name, @NotNull final String url) throws ProcessCanceledException { if (url.isEmpty()) { return "URL can't be empty"; } if (!GitRefNameValidator.getInstance().checkInput(name)) { return "Remote name contains illegal characters"; } return ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(new ThrowableComputable<String, ProcessCanceledException>() { @Override public String compute() throws ProcessCanceledException { final GitCommandResult result = myGit.lsRemote(myRepository.getProject(), VfsUtilCore.virtualToIoFile(myRepository.getRoot()), url); return !result.success() ? "Remote URL test failed: " + result.getErrorOutputAsHtmlString() : null; } }, "Checking URL...", true, myRepository.getProject()); }
public SshSharedConnection(final String repository, final ConnectionSettings connectionSettings, final SshAuthentication authentication) { myValid = new AtomicBoolean(true); myRepository = repository; myConnectionSettings = connectionSettings; myLock = new Object(); myConnectionFactory = new ThrowableComputable<Connection, AuthenticationException>() { public Connection compute() throws AuthenticationException { try { SshLogger.debug("connection factory called"); return SshConnectionUtils.openConnection(connectionSettings, authentication); } catch (AuthenticationException e) { // todo +- myValid.set(false); throw e; } catch (IOException e) { // todo +- myValid.set(false); throw new AuthenticationException(e.getMessage(), e); } } }; myQueue = new LinkedList<Cell>(); }
public SVNAuthentication requestClientAuthentication(final String kind, final SVNURL url, final String realm, final SVNErrorMessage errorMessage, final SVNAuthentication previousAuth, final boolean authMayBeStored) { try { return wrapNativeCall(new ThrowableComputable<SVNAuthentication, SVNException>() { @Override public SVNAuthentication compute() throws SVNException { final SVNAuthentication svnAuthentication = myDelegate.requestClientAuthentication(kind, url, realm, errorMessage, previousAuth, authMayBeStored); myListener.getMulticaster().requested(ProviderType.persistent, url, realm, kind, svnAuthentication == null); return svnAuthentication; } }); } catch (SVNException e) {; throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
public void saveAuthentication(final SVNAuthentication auth, final String kind, final String realm) throws SVNException { try { wrapNativeCall(new ThrowableComputable<Void, SVNException>() { @Override public Void compute() throws SVNException { final Boolean fromInteractive = ourJustEntered.get(); ourJustEntered.set(null); if (! myArtificialSaving && ! Boolean.TRUE.equals(fromInteractive)) { // not what user entered return null; } myListener.getMulticaster().saveAttemptStarted(ProviderType.persistent, auth.getURL(), realm, auth.getKind()); ((ISVNPersistentAuthenticationProvider) myDelegate).saveAuthentication(auth, kind, realm); myListener.getMulticaster().saveAttemptFinished(ProviderType.persistent, auth.getURL(), realm, auth.getKind()); return null; } }); } catch (SVNException e) {; throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Override public void saveFingerprints(final String realm, final byte[] fingerprints) { try { wrapNativeCall(new ThrowableComputable<Void, SVNException>() { @Override public Void compute() throws SVNException { ((ISVNPersistentAuthenticationProvider) myDelegate).saveFingerprints(realm, fingerprints); return null; } }); } catch (SVNException e) {; throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
private <T> T wrapNativeCall(final ThrowableComputable<T, SVNException> runnable) throws SVNException { try { NativeLogReader.startTracking(); final T t = runnable.compute(); final List<NativeLogReader.CallInfo> logged = NativeLogReader.getLogged(); final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (NativeLogReader.CallInfo info : logged) { final String message = SvnNativeCallsTranslator.getMessage(info); if (message != null) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append('\n'); sb.append(message); } } if (sb.length() > 0) { VcsBalloonProblemNotifier.showOverChangesView(myProject, sb.toString(), MessageType.ERROR);; } return t; } finally { NativeLogReader.clear(); NativeLogReader.endTracking(); } }
/** * Runs the getter under a progress indicator that cancels itself after a certain timeout (assumes * that the getter will check for cancellation cooperatively). * * @param getter computes the GotoRelatedItems. * @return a list of items computed, or Optional.empty if timed out. */ private Optional<List<? extends GotoRelatedItem>> getItemsWithTimeout( ThrowableComputable<List<? extends GotoRelatedItem>, RuntimeException> getter) { try { ProgressIndicator indicator = new ProgressIndicatorBase(); ProgressIndicator wrappedIndicator = new WatchdogIndicator(indicator, TIMEOUT_MS, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // We don't use "runProcessWithProgressSynchronously" because that pops up a ProgressWindow, // and that will cause the event IDs to bump up and no longer match the event ID stored in // DataContexts which may be used in one of the GotoRelatedProvider#getItems overloads. return Optional.of( ProgressManager.getInstance() .runProcess(() -> ReadAction.compute(getter), wrappedIndicator)); } catch (ProcessCanceledException e) { return Optional.empty(); } }
private static <T> T executeRequestImpl(final URI serverUri, final Ref<Credentials> credentialsRef, final Request<T> request, final ProgressIndicator pi) throws Exception { return ClassLoaderUtil.runWithClassLoader(TfsRequestManager.class.getClassLoader(), new ThrowableComputable<T, Exception>() { @Override public T compute() throws Exception { Credentials credentials = credentialsRef.get(); boolean needsAuthentication = credentials == null || request.retrieveAuthorizedCredentials() && (credentials.getUserName().length() == 0 || credentials.getDomain().length() == 0); if (needsAuthentication) { TfsServerConnectionHelper.ServerDescriptor descriptor = TfsServerConnectionHelper.connect(serverUri, credentialsRef.get(), true, pi); credentialsRef.set(descriptor.authorizedCredentials); } return request.execute(credentialsRef.get(), serverUri, pi); } }); }
private static <T> T runWithPatchedClassloader(ThrowableComputable<T, Exception> computable) throws Exception { return ClassLoaderUtil.runWithClassLoader(new URLClassLoader(new URL[0], Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()) { @Override public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String name) { if (XML_ENTITIES_URL.equals(name)) { String resource = XML_ENTITIES_CONTENT; try { return new ByteArrayInputStream(resource.getBytes("UTF-8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // should not happen, fallback } } return super.getResourceAsStream(name); } }, computable); }
@Nullable public DefracConfigOracle getConfigOracle() { try { return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new ThrowableComputable<DefracConfigOracle, Throwable>() { @Override public DefracConfigOracle compute() throws Throwable { final DefracConfig localConfig = readConfig(); if(localConfig == null) { return null; } final DefracConfig globalConfig = readGlobalConfig(); if(globalConfig == null) { return null; } return DefracConfigOracle.join(getPlatform(), localConfig, globalConfig); } }); } catch(final Throwable t) { return null; } }
@Override public <T, E extends Exception> T runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(@NotNull final ThrowableComputable<T, E> process, @NotNull @Nls String progressTitle, boolean canBeCanceled, @Nullable Project project) throws E { final Ref<T> result = new Ref<T>(); final Ref<E> exceptionRef = new Ref<E>(); Task.Modal task = new Task.Modal(project, progressTitle, canBeCanceled) { @Override public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { try { T compute = process.compute(); result.set(compute); } catch (Exception e) { exceptionRef.set((E)e); } } }; runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(task, null); if (!exceptionRef.isNull()) throw exceptionRef.get(); return result.get(); }
private EntryPoint acquire(final RunningInfo port) throws Exception { EntryPoint result = RemoteUtil.executeWithClassLoader(new ThrowableComputable<EntryPoint, Exception>() { @Override public EntryPoint compute() throws Exception { Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry("localhost", port.port); Remote remote = registry.lookup(; if (Remote.class.isAssignableFrom(myValueClass)) { return RemoteUtil.substituteClassLoader(narrowImpl(remote, myValueClass), myValueClass.getClassLoader()); } else { return RemoteUtil.castToLocal(remote, myValueClass); } } }, getClass().getClassLoader()); // should be the loader of client plugin // init hard ref that will keep it from DGC and thus preventing from System.exit port.entryPointHardRef = result; return result; }
private void testPath(final DatabaseVendor databaseVendor) { ProcessOutput processOutput; try { processOutput = ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressSynchronously(new ThrowableComputable<ProcessOutput, Exception>() { @Override public ProcessOutput compute() throws Exception { return checkShellPath(databaseVendor, getShellPath()); } }, "Testing " + + " CLI Executable...", true, NoSqlConfigurable.this.project); } catch (ProcessCanceledException pce) { return; } catch (Exception e) { Messages.showErrorDialog(mainPanel, e.getMessage(), "Something wrong happened"); return; } if (processOutput != null && processOutput.getExitCode() == 0) { Messages.showInfoMessage(mainPanel, processOutput.getStdout(), + " CLI Path Checked"); } }
public static <E extends Throwable> VirtualFile doActionAndRestoreEncoding(@Nonnull VirtualFile fileBefore, @Nonnull ThrowableComputable<VirtualFile, E> action) throws E { EncodingRegistry registry = getInstance(); Charset charsetBefore = registry.getEncoding(fileBefore, true); VirtualFile fileAfter = null; try { fileAfter = action.compute(); return fileAfter; } finally { if (fileAfter != null) { Charset actual = registry.getEncoding(fileAfter, true); if (!Comparing.equal(actual, charsetBefore)) { registry.setEncoding(fileAfter, charsetBefore); } } } }