private void selectLater(final ActionCallback callback, final K key) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!myDisposed) { final UI ui = prepare(key); ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!myDisposed) { select(callback, key, ui); } else callback.setRejected(); } }, ModalityState.any()); } else callback.setRejected(); } }); }
protected ActionCallback type(final PlaybackContext context, final String text) { final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(); IdeFocusManager.getGlobalInstance().doWhenFocusSettlesDown(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TypingTarget typingTarget = findTarget(context); if (typingTarget != null) { typingTarget.type(text).doWhenDone(result.createSetDoneRunnable()).doWhenRejected(new Runnable() { public void run() { typeByRobot(context.getRobot(), text).notify(result); } }); } else { typeByRobot(context.getRobot(), text).notify(result); } } }); return result; }
@Override protected final AbstractTreeUpdater createUpdater() { return new AbstractTreeUpdater(this) { @Override protected ActionCallback beforeUpdate(final TreeUpdatePass pass) { if (!myDirtyFileSet.isEmpty()) { // suppress redundant cache validations final AsyncResult callback = new AsyncResult(); DumbService.getInstance(myProject).runWhenSmart(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { validateCache(); getTodoTreeStructure().validateCache(); } finally { callback.setDone(); } } }); return callback; } return ActionCallback.DONE; } }; }
@Override protected ActionCallback _execute(PlaybackContext context) { final String[] keyValue = getText().substring(PREFIX.length()).trim().split("="); if (keyValue.length != 2) { context.error("Expected expresstion: " + PREFIX + " key=value", getLine()); return ActionCallback.REJECTED; } final String key = keyValue[0]; final String value = keyValue[1]; context.storeRegistryValue(key); Registry.get(key).setValue(value); return ActionCallback.DONE; }
private static ActionCallback tweakFrameFullScreen(Project project, boolean inPresentation) { Window window = IdeFrameImpl.getActiveFrame(); if (window instanceof IdeFrameImpl) { IdeFrameImpl frame = (IdeFrameImpl)window; PropertiesComponent propertiesComponent = PropertiesComponent.getInstance(project); if (inPresentation) { propertiesComponent.setValue("full.screen.before.presentation.mode", String.valueOf(frame.isInFullScreen())); return frame.toggleFullScreen(true); } else { if (frame.isInFullScreen()) { final String value = propertiesComponent.getValue("full.screen.before.presentation.mode"); return frame.toggleFullScreen("true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)); } } } return ActionCallback.DONE; }
@Override public ActionCallback perform(List<LibraryOrderEntry> orderEntriesContainingFile) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); ActionCallback callback = new ActionCallback(); callback.setDone(); if (!mySrcFile.isValid()) return callback; if (myLibrary != getLibraryFromOrderEntriesList(orderEntriesContainingFile)) return callback; AccessToken accessToken = WriteAction.start(); try { addSourceFile(mySrcFile, myLibrary); } finally { accessToken.finish(); } return callback; }
public RequestFocusInEditorComponentCmd(@NotNull final EditorsSplitters splitters, IdeFocusManager focusManager, final Runnable finishCallBack, boolean forced){ super(finishCallBack); boolean shouldLogFocuses ="ide.log.focuses"); if (shouldLogFocuses) { Exception()); } myComponent = null; final EditorWindow window = splitters.getCurrentWindow(); if (window != null) { final EditorWithProviderComposite editor = window.getSelectedEditor(); if (editor != null) { myComponent = editor.getPreferredFocusedComponent(); } } myForced = forced; myFocusManager = focusManager; myDoneCallback = new ActionCallback(); myTimestamp = myFocusManager.getTimestamp(true); }
@Override protected ActionCallback refilterNow(Object preferredSelection, boolean adjustSelection) { final List<Object> toRestore = new ArrayList<Object>(); if (myFilter.myContext.isHoldingFilter() && !myWasHoldingFilter && myToExpandOnResetFilter == null) { myToExpandOnResetFilter = myBuilder.getUi().getExpandedElements(); } else if (!myFilter.myContext.isHoldingFilter() && myWasHoldingFilter && myToExpandOnResetFilter != null) { toRestore.addAll(myToExpandOnResetFilter); myToExpandOnResetFilter = null; } myWasHoldingFilter = myFilter.myContext.isHoldingFilter(); ActionCallback result = super.refilterNow(preferredSelection, adjustSelection); myRefilteringNow = true; return result.doWhenDone(new Runnable() { public void run() { myRefilteringNow = false; if (!myFilter.myContext.isHoldingFilter() && getSelectedElements().isEmpty()) { restoreExpandedState(toRestore); } } }); }
private void processNextHang(Object element, final ActionCallback callback) { if (element == null || myUi.getSelectedElements().contains(element)) { callback.setDone(); } else { final Object nextElement = myUi.getTreeStructure().getParentElement(element); if (nextElement == null) { callback.setDone(); } else {, new TreeRunnable("UpdaterTreeState.processNextHang") { @Override public void perform() { processNextHang(nextElement, callback); } }, true); } } }
private static ActionCallback updateCourseList() { ActionCallback callback = new ActionCallback(); ApplicationManager.getApplication().executeOnPooledThread(() -> { final List<Course> courses = EduStepicConnector.getCourses(null); StudySettings.getInstance().setLastTimeChecked(System.currentTimeMillis()); if (!courses.isEmpty()) { List<Course> updated = new ArrayList<>(); for (Course course : courses) { if (course instanceof RemoteCourse && ((RemoteCourse)course).getUpdateDate(). after(new Date(StudySettings.getInstance().getLastTimeChecked()))) { updated.add(course); } } if (updated.isEmpty()) return; final String message; final String title; if (updated.size() == 1) { message = updated.get(0).getName(); title = "New course available"; } else { title = "New courses available"; message = StringUtil.join(updated, Course::getName, ", "); } final Notification notification = new Notification("New.course", title, message, NotificationType.INFORMATION); notification.notify(null); } }); return callback; }
@NotNull public static ActionCallback asyncCommitDocuments(@NotNull Project project) { if (project.isDisposed()) return ActionCallback.DONE; PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project); if (!documentManager.hasUncommitedDocuments()) { return ActionCallback.DONE; } final ActionCallback callback = new ActionCallback(); documentManager.performWhenAllCommitted(callback.createSetDoneRunnable()); return callback; }
public ActionCallback restoreLastUiState() { final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values().size()); for (final GridCellImpl cell : myPlaceInGrid2Cell.values()) { cell.restoreLastUiState().notifyWhenDone(result); } return result; }
@Override @NotNull public ActionCallback updateFromRootCB() { getStructure().rootsChanged(); if (isDisposed()) return ActionCallback.DONE; getUpdater().cancelAllRequests(); return super.updateFromRootCB(); }
private ActionCallback _restoreFocus() { final List<FocusTrackback> stack = getCleanStack(); if (!stack.contains(this)) return ActionCallback.REJECTED; Component toFocus = queryToFocus(stack, this, true); final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(); if (toFocus != null) { final Component ownerBySwing = KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().getFocusOwner(); if (ownerBySwing != null) { final Window ownerBySwingWindow = SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(ownerBySwing); if (ownerBySwingWindow != null && ownerBySwingWindow == SwingUtilities.getWindowAncestor(toFocus)) { if (!UIUtil.isMeaninglessFocusOwner(ownerBySwing)) { toFocus = ownerBySwing; } } } if (myParentWindow != null) { final Window to = UIUtil.getWindow(toFocus); if (to != null && UIUtil.findUltimateParent(to) == UIUtil.findUltimateParent(myParentWindow)) { // IDEADEV-34537 requestFocus(toFocus); result.setDone(); } } else { requestFocus(toFocus); result.setDone(); } } if (!result.isDone()) { result.setRejected(); } stack.remove(this); dispose(); return result; }
public ActionCallback selectOrderEntry(@NotNull final Module module, @Nullable final OrderEntry orderEntry) { for (final ModuleStructureExtension extension : ModuleStructureExtension.EP_NAME.getExtensions()) { final ActionCallback callback = extension.selectOrderEntry(module, orderEntry); if (callback != null) { return callback; } } Place p = new Place(); p.putPath(ProjectStructureConfigurable.CATEGORY, this); Runnable r = null; final MasterDetailsComponent.MyNode node = findModuleNode(module); if (node != null) { p.putPath(TREE_OBJECT, module); p.putPath(ModuleEditor.SELECTED_EDITOR_NAME, ClasspathEditor.NAME); r = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (orderEntry != null) { ModuleEditor moduleEditor = ((ModuleConfigurable)node.getConfigurable()).getModuleEditor(); ModuleConfigurationEditor editor = moduleEditor.getEditor(ClasspathEditor.NAME); if (editor instanceof ClasspathEditor) { ((ClasspathEditor)editor).selectOrderEntry(orderEntry); } } } }; } final ActionCallback result = ProjectStructureConfigurable.getInstance(myProject).navigateTo(p, true); return r != null ? result.doWhenDone(r) : result; }
ActionCallback fireModifiedAdded(@NotNull final Configurable configurable, @Nullable OptionsEditorColleague requestor) { if (myModified.contains(configurable)) return ActionCallback.REJECTED; myModified.add(configurable); return notify(new ColleagueAction() { public ActionCallback process(final OptionsEditorColleague colleague) { return colleague.onModifiedAdded(configurable); } }, requestor); }
public static ActionCallback startPackagingFiles(final Project project, final List<VirtualFile> files, final Artifact[] artifacts, final boolean packIntoArchives) { final ActionCallback callback = new ActionCallback(); ProgressManager.getInstance().run(new Task.Backgroundable(project, "Packaging Files") { @Override public void run(@NotNull ProgressIndicator indicator) { try { for (final VirtualFile file : files) { indicator.checkCanceled(); new ReadAction() { @Override protected void run(@NotNull final Result result) { try { packageFile(file, project, artifacts, packIntoArchives); } catch (IOException e) { String message = CompilerBundle.message("", e.toString()); Notifications.Bus.notify(new Notification("Package File", "Cannot package file", message, NotificationType.ERROR)); } } }.execute(); callback.setDone(); } } finally { if (!callback.isDone()) { callback.setRejected(); } } } }); return callback; }
public ActionCallback select(Configurable configurable) { if (myFilter.getFilterText().isEmpty()) { return select(configurable, ""); } else { return myFilter.update(true, true); } }
public ActionCallback selectNodeInTree(final DefaultMutableTreeNode nodeToSelect, boolean center, final boolean requestFocus) { if (requestFocus) { myTree.requestFocus(); } if (nodeToSelect != null) { return TreeUtil.selectInTree(nodeToSelect, requestFocus, myTree, center); } else { return TreeUtil.selectFirstNode(myTree); } }
public static ActionCallback getUiReady(final PlaybackContext context) { final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(); context.flushAwtAndRunInEdt(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { UiActivityMonitor.getInstance().getBusy().getReady(context).notify(result); } }); return result; }
public ActionCallback fireUpdate(@Nullable final T preferredSelection, final boolean adjustSelection, final boolean now) { final ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(myListeners.size()); for (final Listener<T> myListener : myListeners) { myListener.update(preferredSelection, adjustSelection, now).doWhenProcessed(result.createSetDoneRunnable()); } return result; }
public FilteringTreeBuilder(Tree tree, ElementFilter filter, AbstractTreeStructure structure, @Nullable Comparator<NodeDescriptor> comparator) { super(tree, (DefaultTreeModel)tree.getModel(), structure instanceof FilteringTreeStructure ? structure : new FilteringTreeStructure(filter, structure), comparator); myTree = tree; initRootNode(); if (filter instanceof ElementFilter.Active) { ((ElementFilter.Active)filter).addListener(new ElementFilter.Listener() { @Override public ActionCallback update(final Object preferredSelection, final boolean adjustSelection, final boolean now) { return refilter(preferredSelection, adjustSelection, now); } }, this); } myTree.getSelectionModel().addTreeSelectionListener(new TreeSelectionListener() { @Override public void valueChanged(TreeSelectionEvent e) { TreePath newPath = e.getNewLeadSelectionPath(); if (newPath != null) { Object element = getElementFor(newPath.getLastPathComponent()); if (element != null) { myLastSuccessfulSelect = element; } } } }); }
public RunnableInfo(@NotNull Runnable runnable, @NotNull ModalityState modalityState, @NotNull Condition<?> expired, @NotNull ActionCallback callback) { this.runnable = runnable; this.modalityState = modalityState; this.expired = expired; this.callback = callback; }
ActionCallback notify(ColleagueAction action, OptionsEditorColleague requestor) { final ActionCallback.Chunk chunk = new ActionCallback.Chunk(); for (Iterator<OptionsEditorColleague> iterator = myColleagues.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { OptionsEditorColleague each =; if (each != requestor) { chunk.add(action.process(each)); } } return chunk.getWhenProcessed(); }
@NotNull public static ActionCallback moveDown(@NotNull final JTree tree) { final int size = tree.getRowCount(); int row = tree.getLeadSelectionRow(); if (row < size - 1) { row++; return showAndSelect(tree, row, row + 2, row, getSelectedRow(tree), false, true, true); } else { return ActionCallback.DONE; } }
@Override protected ActionCallback _execute(PlaybackContext context) { StageInfo stage = context.popStage(); if (stage != null) { context.test("Test finished OK: " + stage.getName(), getLine()); context.addPassed(stage); } return ActionCallback.DONE; }
@NotNull public static ActionCallback movePageUp(@NotNull final JTree tree) { final int visible = getVisibleRowCount(tree); if (visible <= 0){ return moveHome(tree); } final int decrement = visible - 1; final int row = Math.max(getSelectedRow(tree) - decrement, 0); final int top = getFirstVisibleRow(tree) - decrement; final int bottom = top + visible - 1; return showAndSelect(tree, top, bottom, row, getSelectedRow(tree)); }
@Override public ActionCallback toggleFullScreen(boolean state) { if (myFrame != null) { myRequestedState = state; X11UiUtil.toggleFullScreenMode(myFrame); } return ActionCallback.DONE; }
@NotNull @Override public ActionCallback updateFromRoot(boolean restoreExpandedPaths) { saveExpandedPaths(); myViewPanel.selectScope(NamedScopesHolder.getScope(myProject, getSubId())); restoreExpandedPaths(); return ActionCallback.DONE; }
@Override public void dispose() { assertIsDispatchThread(); if (myDisposed) { return; } myDisposed = true; myProperties.setValue(MAIN_SPLITTER_PROPORTION, String.valueOf(myMainSplitter.getProportion())); myProperties.setValue(DETAILS_SPLITTER_PROPORTION, String.valueOf(myContentWrapper.myLastSplitterProportion)); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().removeAWTEventListener(this); final Set<Configurable> configurables = new HashSet<Configurable>(); configurables.addAll(myConfigurable2Content.keySet()); configurables.addAll(myConfigurable2LoadCallback.keySet()); for (final Configurable each : configurables) { ActionCallback loadCb = myConfigurable2LoadCallback.get(each); if (loadCb != null) { loadCb.doWhenProcessed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { assertIsDispatchThread(); each.disposeUIResources(); } }); } else { each.disposeUIResources(); } } Disposer.clearOwnFields(this); }
@NotNull public static ActionCallback selectInTree(@Nullable DefaultMutableTreeNode node, boolean requestFocus, @NotNull JTree tree, boolean center) { if (node == null) return ActionCallback.DONE; final TreePath treePath = new TreePath(node.getPath()); tree.expandPath(treePath); if (requestFocus) { tree.requestFocus(); } return selectPath(tree, treePath, center); }
@NotNull public static ActionCallback selectInTree(Project project, @Nullable DefaultMutableTreeNode node, boolean requestFocus, @NotNull JTree tree, boolean center) { if (node == null) return ActionCallback.DONE; final TreePath treePath = new TreePath(node.getPath()); tree.expandPath(treePath); if (requestFocus) { ActionCallback result = new ActionCallback(2); IdeFocusManager.getInstance(project).requestFocus(tree, true).notifyWhenDone(result); selectPath(tree, treePath, center).notifyWhenDone(result); return result; } return selectPath(tree, treePath, center); }
final ActionCallback select(final Configurable configurable) { assert !myDisposed : "Already disposed"; ActionCallback callback =, false); callback.doWhenDone(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { myConfigurable = configurable; updateCurrent(configurable, false); } }); return callback; }
@NotNull public ActionCallback setActivation(@NotNull ActionCallback activation) { if (!myActivation.isProcessed() && !myActivation.equals(activation)) { myActivation.setRejected(); } myActivation = activation; return myActivation; }
@NotNull public abstract ActionCallback changeViewCB(@NotNull String viewId, String subId);
@Override public ActionCallback navigateTo(@Nullable final Place place, final boolean requestFocus) { if (place == null) return ActionCallback.DONE; myTabbedPane.setSelectedTitle((String)place.getPath(SDK_TAB)); return ActionCallback.DONE; }
@Override @NotNull public ActionCallback requestFocus(@NotNull final FocusCommand command, final boolean forced) { return getGlobalInstance().requestFocus(command, forced); }
@Override public ActionCallback perform(List<LibraryOrderEntry> orderEntriesContainingFile) { final ActionCallback callback = new ActionCallback(); Task task = new Task.Backgroundable(myProject, "Downloading Sources", true) { @Override public void run(@NotNull final ProgressIndicator indicator) { final byte[] bytes; try {"Downloading sources JAR: " + myUrl); indicator.checkCanceled(); bytes = HttpRequests.request(myUrl).readBytes(indicator); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn(e); ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { new Notification(myMessageGroupId, "Downloading failed", "Failed to download sources: " + myUrl, NotificationType.ERROR) .notify(getProject()); callback.setDone(); } }); return; } ApplicationManager.getApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { AccessToken accessToken = WriteAction.start(); try { storeFile(bytes); } finally { accessToken.finish(); callback.setDone(); } } }); } @Override public void onCancel() { callback.setRejected(); } }; task.queue(); return callback; }
@NotNull @Override public ActionCallback requestFocus(@Nullable final Content content, final boolean forced) { return ActionCallback.DONE; }
@Override public ActionCallback onSelected(@Nullable Configurable configurable, Configurable oldConfigurable) { return select(configurable); }