public void doTest() throws Exception { final List<String> data = TestUtils.readInput(getTestDataPath() + "/" + getTestName(true) + ".test"); String fileText = data.get(0); PsiFile psiFile = TestUtils.createPseudoPhysicalGroovyFile(getProject(), fileText); ASTNode node = psiFile.getNode(); Assert.assertNotNull(node); IElementType type = node.getElementType(); Assert.assertTrue(type instanceof IStubFileElementType); IStubFileElementType stubFileType = (IStubFileElementType) type; StubBuilder builder = stubFileType.getBuilder(); StubElement element = builder.buildStubTree(psiFile); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); getStubsTreeImpl(element, buffer, ""); String stubTree = buffer.toString().trim(); assertEquals(data.get(1), stubTree); }
private boolean processChildrenScopes(@NotNull PsiScopeProcessor processor, @NotNull ResolveState state, @Nullable PsiElement lastParent, @NotNull PsiElement place) { final StubElement<?> stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { return true; // only local usages are traversed here. Having a stub means the clients are outside and won't see our variables } PsiElement run = lastParent == null ? getLastChild() : lastParent.getPrevSibling(); while (run != null) { if (shouldProcess(lastParent, run) && !run.processDeclarations(processor, state, null, place)) { return false; } run = run.getPrevSibling(); } return true; }
@Override public void indexStub(@NotNull PsiClassReferenceListStub stub, @NotNull IndexSink sink) { PsiReferenceList.Role role = stub.getRole(); if (role == PsiReferenceList.Role.EXTENDS_LIST || role == PsiReferenceList.Role.IMPLEMENTS_LIST) { String[] names = stub.getReferencedNames(); for (String name : names) { String shortName = PsiNameHelper.getShortClassName(name); if (!StringUtil.isEmptyOrSpaces(shortName)) { sink.occurrence(JavaStubIndexKeys.SUPER_CLASSES, shortName); } } if (role == PsiReferenceList.Role.EXTENDS_LIST) { StubElement parentStub = stub.getParentStub(); if (parentStub instanceof PsiClassStub) { PsiClassStub psiClassStub = (PsiClassStub)parentStub; if (psiClassStub.isEnum()) { sink.occurrence(JavaStubIndexKeys.SUPER_CLASSES, "Enum"); } if (psiClassStub.isAnnotationType()) { sink.occurrence(JavaStubIndexKeys.SUPER_CLASSES, "Annotation"); } } } } }
@NotNull @Override public PsiClassStub deserialize(@NotNull final StubInputStream dataStream, final StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { byte flags = dataStream.readByte(); boolean isAnonymous = PsiClassStubImpl.isAnonymous(flags); boolean isEnumConst = PsiClassStubImpl.isEnumConstInitializer(flags); JavaClassElementType type = typeForClass(isAnonymous, isEnumConst); if (!isAnonymous) { StringRef name = dataStream.readName(); StringRef qname = dataStream.readName(); int languageLevelId = dataStream.readByte(); StringRef sourceFileName = dataStream.readName(); PsiClassStubImpl classStub = new PsiClassStubImpl(type, parentStub, qname, name, null, flags); classStub.setLanguageLevel(LanguageLevel.values()[languageLevelId]); classStub.setSourceFileName(sourceFileName); return classStub; } else { StringRef baseRef = dataStream.readName(); return new PsiClassStubImpl(type, parentStub, null, null, baseRef, flags); } }
@Override public PsiImportStatementStub createStub(LighterAST tree, LighterASTNode node, StubElement parentStub) { boolean isOnDemand = false; String refText = null; for (LighterASTNode child : tree.getChildren(node)) { IElementType type = child.getTokenType(); if (type == JavaElementType.JAVA_CODE_REFERENCE || type == JavaElementType.IMPORT_STATIC_REFERENCE) { refText = JavaSourceUtil.getReferenceText(tree, child); } else if (type == JavaTokenType.ASTERISK) { isOnDemand = true; } } byte flags = PsiImportStatementStubImpl.packFlags(isOnDemand, node.getTokenType() == JavaElementType.IMPORT_STATIC_STATEMENT); return new PsiImportStatementStubImpl(parentStub, refText, flags); }
@Nullable private Modifier getWrappersFromStub() { final StubElement parentStub = getStub().getParentStub(); final List childrenStubs = parentStub.getChildrenStubs(); int index = childrenStubs.indexOf(getStub()); if (index >= 0 && index < childrenStubs.size() - 1) { StubElement nextStub = (StubElement)childrenStubs.get(index + 1); if (nextStub instanceof PyTargetExpressionStub) { final PyTargetExpressionStub targetExpressionStub = (PyTargetExpressionStub)nextStub; if (targetExpressionStub.getInitializerType() == PyTargetExpressionStub.InitializerType.CallExpression) { final QualifiedName qualifiedName = targetExpressionStub.getInitializer(); if (QualifiedName.fromComponents(PyNames.CLASSMETHOD).equals(qualifiedName)) { return CLASSMETHOD; } if (QualifiedName.fromComponents(PyNames.STATICMETHOD).equals(qualifiedName)) { return STATICMETHOD; } } } } return null; }
public PyTargetExpressionStub createStub(@NotNull final PyTargetExpression psi, final StubElement parentStub) { final String name = psi.getName(); final PyExpression assignedValue = psi.findAssignedValue(); final String docString = DocStringUtil.getDocStringValue(psi); for (CustomTargetExpressionStubType customStubType : getCustomStubTypes()) { CustomTargetExpressionStub customStub = customStubType.createStub(psi); if (customStub != null) { return new PyTargetExpressionStubImpl(name, docString, customStub, parentStub); } } PyTargetExpressionStub.InitializerType initializerType = PyTargetExpressionStub.InitializerType.Other; QualifiedName initializer = null; if (assignedValue instanceof PyReferenceExpression) { initializerType = PyTargetExpressionStub.InitializerType.ReferenceExpression; initializer = ((PyReferenceExpression) assignedValue).asQualifiedName(); } else if (assignedValue instanceof PyCallExpression) { initializerType = PyTargetExpressionStub.InitializerType.CallExpression; final PyExpression callee = ((PyCallExpression)assignedValue).getCallee(); if (callee instanceof PyReferenceExpression) { initializer = ((PyReferenceExpression) callee).asQualifiedName(); } } return new PyTargetExpressionStubImpl(name, docString, initializerType, initializer, psi.isQualified(), parentStub); }
@NotNull public TypeInfo applyAnnotations(@NotNull StubBase<?> owner) { PsiModifierListStub modifierList = (PsiModifierListStub)owner.findChildStubByType(JavaStubElementTypes.MODIFIER_LIST); if (modifierList == null) return this; List<PsiAnnotationStub> annotationStubs = null; for (StubElement child : modifierList.getChildrenStubs()) { if (!(child instanceof PsiAnnotationStub)) continue; PsiAnnotationStub annotationStub = (PsiAnnotationStub)child; if (PsiImplUtil.isTypeAnnotation(annotationStub.getPsiElement())) { if (annotationStubs == null) annotationStubs = new SmartList<PsiAnnotationStub>(); annotationStubs.add(annotationStub); } } PsiAnnotationStub[] stubArray = PsiAnnotationStub.EMPTY_ARRAY; if (annotationStubs != null) stubArray = annotationStubs.toArray(new PsiAnnotationStub[annotationStubs.size()]); return new TypeInfo(text, arrayCount, isEllipsis, stubArray); }
@NotNull @Override protected StubElement createStubForFile(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull LighterAST tree) { if (!(file instanceof PsiJavaFile)) { return super.createStubForFile(file, tree); } String refText = ""; LighterASTNode pkg = LightTreeUtil.firstChildOfType(tree, tree.getRoot(), JavaElementType.PACKAGE_STATEMENT); if (pkg != null) { LighterASTNode ref = LightTreeUtil.firstChildOfType(tree, pkg, JavaElementType.JAVA_CODE_REFERENCE); if (ref != null) { refText = JavaSourceUtil.getReferenceText(tree, ref); } } return new PsiJavaFileStubImpl((PsiJavaFile)file, StringRef.fromString(refText), false); }
public void testSOEProof() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); SecureRandom random = new SecureRandom(); sb.append("class SOE_test {\n BigInteger BIG = new BigInteger(\n"); int i; for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { sb.append(" \"").append(Math.abs(random.nextInt())).append("\" +\n"); } sb.append(" \"\");\n}"); PsiJavaFile file = (PsiJavaFile)createLightFile("", sb.toString()); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); StubElement tree = myBuilder.buildStubTree(file); t = System.currentTimeMillis() - t; assertEquals("PsiJavaFileStub []\n" + " IMPORT_LIST:PsiImportListStub\n" + " CLASS:PsiClassStub[name=SOE_test fqn=SOE_test]\n" + " MODIFIER_LIST:PsiModifierListStub[mask=4096]\n" + " TYPE_PARAMETER_LIST:PsiTypeParameterListStub\n" + " EXTENDS_LIST:PsiRefListStub[EXTENDS_LIST:]\n" + " IMPLEMENTS_LIST:PsiRefListStub[IMPLEMENTS_LIST:]\n" + " FIELD:PsiFieldStub[BIG:BigInteger=;INITIALIZER_NOT_STORED;]\n" + " MODIFIER_LIST:PsiModifierListStub[mask=4096]\n", DebugUtil.stubTreeToString(tree)); System.out.println("SOE depth=" + i + ", time=" + t + "ms"); }
private void doTest(String source, String expected) { PsiJavaFile file = (PsiJavaFile)createLightFile("", source); FileASTNode fileNode = file.getNode(); assertNotNull(fileNode); assertFalse(fileNode.isParsed()); StubElement lightTree = myBuilder.buildStubTree(file); assertFalse(fileNode.isParsed()); file.getNode().getChildren(null); // force switch to AST StubElement astBasedTree = myBuilder.buildStubTree(file); assertTrue(fileNode.isParsed()); assertEquals("light tree differs", expected, DebugUtil.stubTreeToString(lightTree)); assertEquals("AST-based tree differs", expected, DebugUtil.stubTreeToString(astBasedTree)); }
@Override public StubBuilder getBuilder() { return new DefaultStubBuilder() { @NotNull @Override protected StubElement createStubForFile(@NotNull PsiFile file) { if (file instanceof RmlFile) { return new RmlFileStub((RmlFile) file); } return super.createStubForFile(file); } }; }
@NotNull @Override public TemplateDefinitionStub deserialize( @NotNull StubInputStream dataStream, StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { final StringRef ref = dataStream.readName(); return new TemplateDefinitionStub(parentStub, ref.getString()); }
@NotNull @Override public NamespaceDeclarationStub deserialize( @NotNull StubInputStream dataStream, StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { final StringRef ref = dataStream.readName(); return new NamespaceDeclarationStub(parentStub, ref.getString()); }
@Override public StubBuilder getBuilder() { return new DefaultStubBuilder() { @Override protected StubElement createStubForFile(@NotNull PsiFile file) { return new FileStub((SoyFile) file); } }; }
@NotNull @Override public AtParamStub deserialize(@NotNull StubInputStream dataStream, StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { final StringRef ref = dataStream.readName(); final StringRef ref2 = dataStream.readName(); return new AtParamStub( parentStub, ref.getString(), ref2.getString(), dataStream.readBoolean()); }
public static FileStub getContainingStubFile(StubElement e) { StubElement parent = e.getParentStub(); while (parent != null) { if (parent instanceof FileStub) { return (FileStub) parent; } parent = parent.getParentStub(); } return null; }
@Override public LuaModuleDeclarationStub createStub(@NotNull LuaModuleExpression psi, StubElement parentStub) { log.debug(psi.getText()); final String moduleName = psi.getModuleName(); return new LuaModuleDeclarationStubImpl(parentStub, StringRef.fromNullableString(psi.getName()), StringRef.fromNullableString(moduleName), SerializationUtils.serialize(psi.getLuaType())); }
@Override public GrPackageDefinition getPackageDefinition() { final StubElement<?> stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { for (StubElement element : stub.getChildrenStubs()) { if (element instanceof GrPackageDefinitionStub) return (GrPackageDefinition)element.getPsi(); } return null; } ASTNode node = calcTreeElement().findChildByType(GroovyElementTypes.PACKAGE_DEFINITION); return node != null ? (GrPackageDefinition)node.getPsi() : null; }
public LuaCompoundIdentifierStubImpl(StubElement parent, StringRef name, boolean isDeclaration, byte[] type, LuaType luaType) { super(parent, LuaElementTypes.GETTABLE, name); this.isGlobalDeclaration = isDeclaration; myType = type; this.luaType = luaType; }
public PyFromImportStatementStubImpl(QualifiedName importSourceQName, boolean isStarImport, int relativeLevel, final StubElement parent, IStubElementType elementType) { super(parent, elementType); myImportSourceQName = importSourceQName; myStarImport = isStarImport; myRelativeLevel = relativeLevel; }
public PyFunctionStubImpl(final String name, final String docString, @Nullable final StringRef deprecationMessage, boolean isAsync, final StubElement parent, IStubElementType stubElementType) { super(parent, stubElementType); myName = name; myDocString = docString; myDeprecationMessage = deprecationMessage; myAsync = isAsync; }
@Override public StubBuilder getBuilder() { return new DefaultStubBuilder() { @Override protected StubElement createStubForFile(@NotNull PsiFile file) { return new FileStub((ProtoPsiFileRoot) file); } }; }
@Override public GrMethodStub createStub(@NotNull GrMethod psi, StubElement parentStub) { Set<String> namedParameters = psi.getNamedParameters().keySet(); return new GrMethodStub(parentStub, StringRef.fromString(psi.getName()), GrStubUtils.getAnnotationNames(psi), ArrayUtil.toStringArray(namedParameters), this, GrStubUtils.getTypeText(psi.getReturnTypeElementGroovy()), GrMethodStub.buildFlags(psi)); }
@Override @NotNull public GrTypeDefinition[] getTypeDefinitions() { final StubElement<?> stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { return stub.getChildrenByType(TokenSets.TYPE_DEFINITIONS, GrTypeDefinition.ARRAY_FACTORY); } return calcTreeElement().getChildrenAsPsiElements(TokenSets.TYPE_DEFINITIONS, GrTypeDefinition.ARRAY_FACTORY); }
@NotNull @Override public PsiMethodStub deserialize(@NotNull final StubInputStream dataStream, final StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { StringRef name = dataStream.readName(); final TypeInfo type = TypeInfo.readTYPE(dataStream); byte flags = dataStream.readByte(); final StringRef defaultMethodValue = PsiMethodStubImpl.isAnnotationMethod(flags) ? dataStream.readName() : null; return new PsiMethodStubImpl(parentStub, StringRef.toString(name), type, flags, StringRef.toString(defaultMethodValue)); }
public GrParameterStub(StubElement parent, StringRef name, final String[] annotations, String typeText, int flags) { super(parent, GroovyElementTypes.PARAMETER); myName = name; myAnnotations = annotations; myTypeText = typeText; myFlags = flags; }
public PyClassStubImpl(final String name, StubElement parentStub, final QualifiedName[] superClasses, @Nullable QualifiedName metaClass, final List<String> slots, String docString, IStubElementType stubElementType) { super(parentStub, stubElementType); myName = name; mySuperClasses = superClasses; myMetaClass = metaClass; mySlots = slots; myDocString = docString; }
private PsiJavaFileStub getFileStub(StubT stub) { StubElement parent = stub; while (!(parent instanceof PsiFileStub)) { parent = parent.getParentStub(); } return (PsiJavaFileStub)parent; }
@NotNull public PyFromImportStatementStub deserialize(@NotNull StubInputStream dataStream, StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { QualifiedName qName = QualifiedName.deserialize(dataStream); boolean isStarImport = dataStream.readBoolean(); int relativeLevel = dataStream.readVarInt(); return new PyFromImportStatementStubImpl(qName, isStarImport, relativeLevel, parentStub, getStubElementType()); }
static GrFieldStub deserializeFieldStub(StubInputStream dataStream, StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { StringRef ref = dataStream.readName(); final String[] annNames = GrStubUtils.readStringArray(dataStream); final String[] namedParameters = GrStubUtils.readStringArray(dataStream); byte flags = dataStream.readByte(); final String typeText = GrStubUtils.readNullableString(dataStream); return new GrFieldStub(parentStub, ref, annNames, namedParameters, GrFieldStub.isEnumConstant(flags) ? GroovyElementTypes.ENUM_CONSTANT : GroovyElementTypes.FIELD, flags, typeText); }
@Override public PsiFieldStub createStub(final LighterAST tree, final LighterASTNode node, final StubElement parentStub) { final TypeInfo typeInfo = TypeInfo.create(tree, node, parentStub); boolean isDeprecatedByComment = false; boolean hasDeprecatedAnnotation = false; boolean hasDocComment = false; String name = null; String initializer = null; boolean expectingInit = false; for (final LighterASTNode child : tree.getChildren(node)) { final IElementType type = child.getTokenType(); if (type == JavaDocElementType.DOC_COMMENT) { hasDocComment = true; isDeprecatedByComment = RecordUtil.isDeprecatedByDocComment(tree, child); } else if (type == JavaElementType.MODIFIER_LIST) { hasDeprecatedAnnotation = RecordUtil.isDeprecatedByAnnotation(tree, child); } else if (type == JavaTokenType.IDENTIFIER) { name = RecordUtil.intern(tree.getCharTable(), child); } else if (type == JavaTokenType.EQ) { expectingInit = true; } else if (expectingInit && !ElementType.JAVA_COMMENT_OR_WHITESPACE_BIT_SET.contains(type) && type != JavaTokenType.SEMICOLON) { initializer = encodeInitializer(tree, child); break; } } final boolean isEnumConst = node.getTokenType() == JavaElementType.ENUM_CONSTANT; final byte flags = PsiFieldStubImpl.packFlags(isEnumConst, isDeprecatedByComment, hasDeprecatedAnnotation, hasDocComment); return new PsiFieldStubImpl(parentStub, name, typeInfo, initializer, flags); }
@NotNull @Override public PsiFieldStub deserialize(@NotNull final StubInputStream dataStream, final StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { final StringRef name = dataStream.readName(); final TypeInfo type = TypeInfo.readTYPE(dataStream); final StringRef initializerText = dataStream.readName(); final byte flags = dataStream.readByte(); return new PsiFieldStubImpl(parentStub, name, type, initializerText, flags); }
@NotNull @Override public PsiClassReferenceListStub deserialize(@NotNull StubInputStream dataStream, StubElement parentStub) throws IOException { byte role = dataStream.readByte(); int len = dataStream.readVarInt(); StringRef[] names = StringRef.createArray(len); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { names[i] = dataStream.readName(); } PsiReferenceList.Role decodedRole = decodeRole(role); return new PsiClassReferenceListStubImpl(roleToElementType(decodedRole), parentStub, names, decodedRole); }
public PsiMethodStubImpl(StubElement parent, String name, byte flags, String signature, @NotNull List<String> args, @Nullable List<String> throwables, String desc, int modifiersMask) { super(parent, isAnnotationMethod(flags) ? JavaStubElementTypes.ANNOTATION_METHOD : JavaStubElementTypes.METHOD); myName = name; myDefaultValueText = null; new PsiModifierListStubImpl(this, modifiersMask); String returnType = null; boolean parsedViaGenericSignature = false; if (signature != null) { try { returnType = StubBuildingVisitor.parseMethodViaGenericSignature(signature, this, args, throwables); parsedViaGenericSignature = true; } catch (ClsFormatException ignored) { } } if (returnType == null) { returnType = StubBuildingVisitor.parseMethodViaDescription(desc, this, args); } myReturnType = TypeInfo.fromString(returnType); myFlags = (byte)(flags | (parsedViaGenericSignature ? PARSED_VIA_GENERIC_SIGNATURE : 0)); }
@Override @NotNull public List<PsiAnnotationStub> getAnnotations() { List<StubElement> children = getChildrenStubs(); return ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(children, new Function<StubElement, PsiAnnotationStub>() { @Override public PsiAnnotationStub fun(StubElement stubElement) { return stubElement instanceof PsiAnnotationStub ? (PsiAnnotationStub)stubElement : null; } }); }
public GrMethodStub(StubElement parent, StringRef name, final String[] annotations, @NotNull final String[] namedParameters, @NotNull GrMethodElementType elementType, @Nullable String typeText, byte flags) { super(parent, elementType); myName = name; myAnnotations = annotations; myNamedParameters = namedParameters; myTypeText = typeText; myFlags = flags; }
@Override public PyClass getContainingClass() { final PyTargetExpressionStub stub = getStub(); if (stub != null) { final StubElement parentStub = stub.getParentStub(); if (parentStub instanceof PyClassStub) { return ((PyClassStub)parentStub).getPsi(); } if (parentStub instanceof PyFunctionStub) { final StubElement functionParent = parentStub.getParentStub(); if (functionParent instanceof PyClassStub) { return ((PyClassStub) functionParent).getPsi(); } } return null; } final PsiElement parent = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(this, PyFunction.class, PyClass.class); if (parent instanceof PyClass) { return (PyClass)parent; } if (parent instanceof PyFunction) { return ((PyFunction)parent).getContainingClass(); } return null; }
@NotNull @Override protected StubElement createStubForFile(@NotNull PsiFile file) { if (file instanceof PyFile) { return new PyFileStubImpl((PyFile)file); } return super.createStubForFile(file); }
public GrTypeDefinitionStub(StubElement parent, final String name, final String[] supers, @NotNull IStubElementType elementType, final String qualifiedName, String[] annotations, byte flags) { super(parent, elementType); myAnnotations = annotations; myName = StringRef.fromString(name); mySuperClasses = supers; myQualifiedName = StringRef.fromString(qualifiedName); myFlags = flags; }