private void checkStructure(PsiElement document, @NotNull AnnotationHolder annotationHolder) { PsiElement[] children = document.getChildren(); List<String> acceptedTag = Arrays.asList("template","element","script", "style"); for (PsiElement element : children) { if (element instanceof HtmlTag) { if (!acceptedTag.contains(((HtmlTag) element).getName().toLowerCase())) { annotationHolder.createErrorAnnotation(element, "Invalid tag '" + ((HtmlTag) element).getName() + "', only the [template, element, script, style] tags are allowed here."); } checkAttributes((XmlTag) element, annotationHolder); } else { if (!(element instanceof PsiWhiteSpace) && !(element instanceof XmlProlog) && !(element instanceof XmlText) && !(element instanceof XmlComment)) { String s = element.getText(); if (s.length() > 20) { s = s.substring(0, 20); } annotationHolder.createErrorAnnotation(element, "Invalid content '" + s + "', only the [template, script, style] tags are allowed here."); } } } }
@Nullable @Override public XmlElementDescriptor getDescriptor(XmlTag xmlTag) { final Project project = xmlTag.getProject(); CatberryProjectConfigurationManager manager = CatberryProjectConfigurationManager.getInstance(project); if (!(xmlTag instanceof HtmlTag && manager.isCatberryEnabled())) return null; final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = xmlTag.getNSDescriptor(xmlTag.getNamespace(), false); final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = nsDescriptor != null ? nsDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(xmlTag) : null; final boolean special = CatberryConstants.SPECIAL_COMPONENT_NAMES.contains(xmlTag.getName()); if (descriptor != null && !(descriptor instanceof AnyXmlElementDescriptor || special)) return null; final String name = CatberryComponentUtils.normalizeName(xmlTag.getName()); final PsiFile file = CatberryComponentUtils.findComponent(project, name); return file != null ? new CatberryComponentTagDescriptor(xmlTag.getName(), file) : null; }
private void checkTag(XmlTag tag) { if (ourDoJaxpTesting) return; if (!myHolder.hasErrorResults()) { checkTagByDescriptor(tag); } if (!myHolder.hasErrorResults()) { if (!skipValidation(tag)) { final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = tag.getDescriptor(); if (tag instanceof HtmlTag && ( descriptor instanceof AnyXmlElementDescriptor || descriptor == null ) ) { return; } checkReferences(tag); } } }
@Nullable private static String getPackageInfoText(XmlFile xmlFile) { final XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag(); if (rootTag == null) { return null; } final PsiElement[] children = rootTag.getChildren(); for (PsiElement child : children) { if (!(child instanceof HtmlTag)) { continue; } final HtmlTag htmlTag = (HtmlTag)child; @NonNls final String name = htmlTag.getName(); if ("body".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { final XmlTagValue value = htmlTag.getValue(); return value.getText(); } } return null; }
public static List<String> loadImportedTags(@NotNull XmlFile file, @NotNull XmlTag context) { // PsiElement[] arr = file.getRootTag().getChildren(); // Collection<HtmlTag> tags = PsiTreeUtil.findChildrenOfType(file, HtmlTag.class); PsiElement[] reqTags = PsiTreeUtil.collectElements(file, new PsiElementFilter() { @Override public boolean isAccepted(PsiElement element) { return element instanceof HtmlTag && (((HtmlTag) element).getName().equals(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.RT_REQUIRE) || ((HtmlTag) element).getName().equals(RTTagDescriptorsProvider.RT_IMPORT)); } }); List<String> importedTags = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PsiElement elem : reqTags) { String as = ((HtmlTag) elem).getAttributeValue("as"); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(as)) { importedTags.add(as); } } return importedTags; }
private void getBodyAndHead() { PsiElement[] rootElement=htmlIndexFile.getChildren(); PsiElement[] rootChildren=rootElement[0].getChildren(); for (PsiElement psiElement:rootChildren){ if (psiElement instanceof HtmlTag){ HtmlTag htmlTag= (HtmlTag) psiElement; PsiElement[] htmlChildren=htmlTag.getChildren(); for (PsiElement htmlChild:htmlChildren){ //<html>标签里面的内容 if (htmlChild instanceof HtmlTag){ HtmlTag htmlChildTag= (HtmlTag) htmlChild; if (htmlChildTag.getText().equals("body")){ bodyHtmlTag=htmlChildTag; }else if (htmlChildTag.getText().equals("head")){ headHtmlTag=htmlChildTag; } } } } } }
public static boolean matchesClass(HtmlTag tag, String className) { XmlAttribute attr = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTR); if (attr != null) { String attrVal = attr.getValue(); if (attrVal != null) { String classNames = attrVal.toLowerCase(); String search = className.toLowerCase(); int len = className.length(); int lastIndex = 0; while ((lastIndex = classNames.indexOf(search, lastIndex)) != -1) { if ((lastIndex == 0 || Character.isWhitespace(classNames.charAt(lastIndex - 1))) && (lastIndex + len == classNames.length() || Character.isWhitespace(classNames.charAt(lastIndex + len)))) { return true; } lastIndex += len; } return false; } } return false; }
public static Collection<String> elementClasses(HtmlTag tag) { XmlAttribute attr = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTR); if (attr != null) { String classNames = attr.getValue(); if (classNames != null) { Collection<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String cname : classNames.toLowerCase().split(CLASS_DELIM)) { cname = cname.trim(); if (cname.length() > 0) list.add(cname); } return list; } } return Collections.emptyList(); }
/** * Finds the explicitly specified base URL in the document according to the HTML specification * * @return the base URL string, when present in the document or null when not present * @see <a href="">the BASE element definition</a> */ public String getDocumentBase() { HtmlTag head = getHead(); if (head != null) { HtmlTag base = (HtmlTag) head.findFirstSubTag("base"); if (base != null) { XmlAttribute href = base.getAttribute("href"); if (href != null) { return href.getValue(); } } } return null; }
/** * Finds the explicitly specified character encoding using the <code><meta></code> tag according * to the HTML specifiaction. * * @return the encoding name when present in the document or <code>null</code> if not present. */ public String getCharacterEncoding() { HtmlTag head = getHead(); if (head != null) { for (XmlTag meta : head.findSubTags("meta")) { XmlAttribute httpEquiv = meta.getAttribute("http-equiv"); XmlAttribute charset = meta.getAttribute("charset"); if (httpEquiv != null) { String httpEquivValue = httpEquiv.getValue(); if (httpEquivValue != null && httpEquivValue.equalsIgnoreCase("content-type") && meta.getAttribute("content") != null) { String ctype = httpEquiv.getValue().toLowerCase(); int cpos = ctype.indexOf("charset="); if (cpos != -1) return ctype.substring(cpos + 8); } } else if (charset != null) { return charset.getValue(); } } } return null; }
/** * Goes through the list of child boxes and organizes them into captions, header, * footer, etc. */ private void organizeContent() { table = new TableBox((HtmlTag)element, g, ctx); table.adoptParent(this); table.setStyle(style); for (Iterator<Box> it = nested.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Box box =; if (box instanceof TableCaptionBox) { caption = (TableCaptionBox) box; } else //other elements belong to the table itself { table.addSubBox(box); box.setContainingBlock(table); box.setParent(table); it.remove(); endChild--; } } addSubBox(table); }
/** * Creates a new box for an element node and sets the containing boxes accordingly. * * @param tag The element node * @param stat The box tree creation status used for obtaining the containing boxes * @return the newly created element box */ public ElementBox createElementBox(HtmlTag tag, BoxTreeCreationStatus stat) { ElementBox ret = createBox(stat.parent, tag, null); ret.setClipBlock(stat.clipbox); if (ret.isBlock()) { BlockBox block = (BlockBox) ret; //Setup my containing box if (block.position == BlockBox.POS_ABSOLUTE) ret.setContainingBlock(stat.absbox); else if (block.position == BlockBox.POS_FIXED) ret.setContainingBlock(viewport); else ret.setContainingBlock(stat.contbox); } else ret.setContainingBlock(stat.contbox); //mark the root visual context if (tag.getParentTag() == null) ret.getVisualContext().makeRootContext(); return ret; }
/** * Creates a single new box from an element. * * @param tag The source DOM element * @param display the display: property value that is used when the box style is not known (e.g. anonymous boxes) * @return A new box of a subclass of {@link ElementBox} based on the value of the 'display' CSS property */ public ElementBox createBox(ElementBox parent, HtmlTag tag, String display) { ElementBox root = null; //New box style NodeData style = decoder.getElementStyleInherited(tag); if (style == null) style = createAnonymousStyle(display); //Special (HTML) tag names if (config.getUseHTML() && html.isTagSupported(tag)) { root = html.createBox(parent, tag, viewport, style); } //Not created yet -- create a box according to the display value if (root == null) { root = createElementInstance(parent, tag, style); } root.setBase(baseurl); root.setViewport(viewport); root.setParent(parent); root.setOrder(next_order++); return root; }
@Override protected void loadSizes(boolean update) { //load the content width from the attribute (transform to declaration) if (!update) { //create an important 'width' style for this element String width = ((HtmlTag) getElement()).getAttributeValue("width"); if (width != null && !width.equals("")) { TermLengthOrPercent wspec = HTMLNorm.createLengthOrPercent(width); if (wspec != null) { Declaration dec = CSSFactory.getRuleFactory().createDeclaration(); dec.setProperty("width"); dec.unlock(); dec.add(wspec); dec.setImportant(true); style.push(dec); } } } super.loadSizes(update); }
@Nullable @Override public XmlElementDescriptor getDescriptor(XmlTag xmlTag) { if (!(xmlTag instanceof HtmlTag && EmberIndexUtil.hasEmberJS(xmlTag.getProject()))) return null; final String componentName = ComponentUtil.getAttributeName(xmlTag.getName()); final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = xmlTag.getNSDescriptor(xmlTag.getNamespace(), false); final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = nsDescriptor != null ? nsDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(xmlTag) : null; if (descriptor != null && !(descriptor instanceof AnyXmlElementDescriptor)) { return null; } final Project project = xmlTag.getProject(); final JSNamedElementProxy component = ComponentUtil.getComponentProxy(componentName, project); return component != null ? new EmberJSTagDescriptor(componentName, component) : null; }
public static boolean matchesClassOld(HtmlTag tag, String className) { XmlAttribute attr = tag.getAttribute(CLASS_ATTR); if (attr != null) { String attrVal = attr.getValue(); if (attrVal != null) { String classNames = attrVal.toLowerCase(); int len = className.length(); int start = classNames.indexOf(className.toLowerCase()); if (start == -1) return false; else return ((start == 0 || Character.isWhitespace(classNames.charAt(start - 1))) && (start + len == classNames.length() || Character.isWhitespace(classNames.charAt(start + len)))); } } return false; }
private ElementBox findBodyBoxRec(ElementBox candidate) { if(candidate != null && "body".equals(((HtmlTag)candidate.getElement()).getName())) { return candidate; } if(!candidate.getSubBoxList().isEmpty()) { for(Box subBox : candidate.getSubBoxList()) { /* Skip <head> as it can not contain the <body> tag and skip all boxes that are not ElementBoxes */ if("head".equals(((HtmlTag)subBox.getElement()).getName()) || !(subBox instanceof ElementBox)) { continue; } ElementBox ret = findBodyBoxRec((ElementBox)subBox); if(ret != null) { return ret; } } } return null; }
/** * Creates the box according to the HTML element. * * @param parent The box in the main box tree to be used as a parent box for the new box. * @param tag The element to be processed. * @param viewport The viewport to be used for the new box. * @param style The style of the element. * @return The newly created box or <code>null</code> when the element is not supported * or cannot be created. */ public ElementBox createBox(ElementBox parent, HtmlTag tag, Viewport viewport, NodeData style) { String name = tag.getName().toLowerCase(); if (name.equals("object")) return createSubtreeObject(parent, tag, viewport, style); else if (name.equals("img")) return createSubtreeImg(parent, tag, viewport, style); else if (name.equals("a") && tag.getAttribute("name") != null && (tag.getText() == null || tag.getText().trim().length() == 0)) { //make the named anchors sticky ElementBox eb = factory.createElementInstance(parent, tag, style); eb.setSticky(true); return eb; } else return null; }
/** * Creates a new Viewport with the given initial size. The actual size may be increased during the layout. * * @param e The anonymous element representing the viewport. * @param g * @param ctx * @param factory The factory used for creating the child boxes. * @param root The root element of the rendered document. * @param width Preferred (minimal) width. * @param height Preferred (minimal) height. */ public Viewport(HtmlTag e, Graphics2D g, VisualContext ctx, BoxFactory factory, HtmlTag root, int width, int height) { super(e, g, ctx); ctx.setViewport(this); this.factory = factory; this.root = root; style = CSSFactory.createNodeData(); //Viewport starts with an empty style nested = new Vector<Box>(); startChild = 0; endChild = 0; this.width = width; this.height = height; isblock = true; contblock = true; root = null; viewInfo = new ViewInfo("viewport", e, 0, 0, width, height); viewInfo.setChildren(new ArrayList<>()); viewInfo.setExtendedInfo(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); visibleRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); }
private ElementBox recursiveFindElementBoxByName(ElementBox ebox, String name, boolean case_sensitive) { if (!(ebox.getElement() instanceof HtmlTag)) { return null; } HtmlTag element = (HtmlTag) ebox.getElement(); boolean eq; if (case_sensitive) eq = element.getName().equals(name); else eq = element.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name); if (eq) return ebox; else { ElementBox ret = null; for (int i = 0; i < ebox.getSubBoxNumber() && ret == null; i++) { Box child = ebox.getSubBox(i); if (child instanceof ElementBox) ret = recursiveFindElementBoxByName((ElementBox) child, name, case_sensitive); } return ret; } }
/** * Checks allowed media by searching for {@code media} attribute on * element and its content * * @param tag (STYLE) Element * @param media Current media specification used for parsing * @return {@code true} if allowed, {@code false} otherwise */ private static boolean isAllowedMedia(HtmlTag tag, MediaSpec media) { String attr = tag.getAttributeValue("media"); if (attr != null && attr.length() > 0) { attr = attr.trim(); if (attr.length() > 0) { List<MediaQuery> ql = CSSParserFactory.parseMediaQuery(attr); if (ql != null) { for (MediaQuery q : ql) { if (media.matches(q)) return true; //found a matching media query } return false; //no matching media query } else return false; //no usable media queries (malformed string?) } else return media.matchesEmpty(); //empty query string } else return media.matchesEmpty(); //no media queries }
@Override public void registerReferenceProviders(@NotNull PsiReferenceRegistrar registrar) { registrar.registerReferenceProvider(PlatformPatterns.psiElement(HtmlTag.class), new PsiReferenceProvider() { @NotNull @Override public PsiReference[] getReferencesByElement(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull ProcessingContext context) { HtmlTag htmlTag = (HtmlTag) element; String name = CatberryComponentUtils.normalizeName(htmlTag.getName()); return new PsiReference[]{new CatberryComponentReference(htmlTag, name)}; } }); }
@Override public void addTagNameVariants(final List<LookupElement> elements, @NotNull XmlTag xmlTag, String prefix) { CatberryProjectConfigurationManager manager = CatberryProjectConfigurationManager.getInstance(xmlTag.getProject()); if (!(xmlTag instanceof HtmlTag && manager.isCatberryEnabled())) return; final Project project = xmlTag.getProject(); Map<String, PsiFile> map = CatberryComponentUtils.findComponents(project); for(Map.Entry<String, PsiFile> entry : map.entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); if(!CatberryConstants.SPECIAL_COMPONENT_NAMES.contains(entry.getKey())) key = CatberryConstants.CATBERRY_COMPONENT_TAG_PREFIX + key; elements.add(LookupElementBuilder.create(entry.getValue(), key).withInsertHandler(XmlTagInsertHandler.INSTANCE)); } }
@Override protected void checkAttribute(@NotNull final XmlAttribute attribute, @NotNull final ProblemsHolder holder, final boolean isOnTheFly) { final XmlTag tag = attribute.getParent(); if (tag instanceof HtmlTag) { XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor = tag.getDescriptor(); if (elementDescriptor == null || elementDescriptor instanceof AnyXmlElementDescriptor) { return; } XmlAttributeDescriptor attributeDescriptor = elementDescriptor.getAttributeDescriptor(attribute); if (attributeDescriptor == null && !attribute.isNamespaceDeclaration()) { final String name = attribute.getName(); if (!XmlUtil.attributeFromTemplateFramework(name, tag) && (!isCustomValuesEnabled() || !isCustomValue(name))) { boolean maySwitchToHtml5 = HtmlUtil.isCustomHtml5Attribute(name) && !HtmlUtil.hasNonHtml5Doctype(tag); LocalQuickFix[] quickfixes = new LocalQuickFix[maySwitchToHtml5 ? 3 : 2]; quickfixes[0] = new AddCustomHtmlElementIntentionAction(ATTRIBUTE_KEY, name, XmlBundle.message("add.custom.html.attribute", name)); quickfixes[1] = new RemoveAttributeIntentionAction(name); if (maySwitchToHtml5) { quickfixes[2] = new SwitchToHtml5WithHighPriorityAction(); } registerProblemOnAttributeName(attribute, XmlErrorMessages.message("", attribute.getName()), holder, quickfixes); } } } }
@Override protected void checkTag(@NotNull final XmlTag tag, @NotNull final ProblemsHolder holder, final boolean isOnTheFly) { final XmlToken endTagName = XmlTagUtil.getEndTagNameElement(tag); if (endTagName != null && tag instanceof HtmlTag && HtmlUtil.isSingleHtmlTag(tag.getName())) { holder.registerProblem(endTagName, XmlErrorMessages.message("extra.closing.tag.for.empty.element"), ProblemHighlightType.GENERIC_ERROR_OR_WARNING, new RemoveExtraClosingTagIntentionAction()); } }
private static boolean hasAttribute(XmlTag tag, String attrName) { final XmlAttribute attribute = tag.getAttribute(attrName); if (attribute == null) return false; if (attribute.getValueElement() != null) return true; if (!(tag instanceof HtmlTag)) return false; final XmlAttributeDescriptor descriptor = attribute.getDescriptor(); return descriptor != null && HtmlUtil.isBooleanAttribute(descriptor, tag); }
private void reportOneTagProblem(final XmlTag tag, final String name, @NotNull String localizedMessage, final IntentionAction basicIntention, final HighlightDisplayKey key, final XmlEntitiesInspection inspection, final IntentionAction addAttributeFix) { boolean htmlTag = false; if (tag instanceof HtmlTag) { htmlTag = true; if(isAdditionallyDeclared(inspection.getAdditionalEntries(), name)) return; } final InspectionProfile profile = InspectionProjectProfileManager.getInstance(tag.getProject()).getInspectionProfile(); if (htmlTag && profile.isToolEnabled(key, tag)) { addElementsForTagWithManyQuickFixes( tag, localizedMessage, isInjectedHtmlTagWithoutValidation((HtmlTag)tag) ? HighlightInfoType.INFORMATION : SeverityRegistrar.getSeverityRegistrar(tag.getProject()).getHighlightInfoTypeBySeverity(profile.getErrorLevel(key, tag).getSeverity()), addAttributeFix, basicIntention); } else if (!htmlTag) { addElementsForTag( tag, localizedMessage, HighlightInfoType.ERROR, basicIntention ); } }
private static HighlightInfoType getTagProblemInfoType(XmlTag tag) { if (tag instanceof HtmlTag && XmlUtil.HTML_URI.equals(tag.getNamespace())) { if (isInjectedHtmlTagWithoutValidation((HtmlTag)tag)) return HighlightInfoType.INFORMATION; return HighlightInfoType.WARNING; } return HighlightInfoType.WRONG_REF; }
public static String getUnquotedValue(XmlAttributeValue value, XmlTag tag) { String unquotedValue = value.getValue(); if (tag instanceof HtmlTag) { unquotedValue = unquotedValue.toLowerCase(); } return unquotedValue; }
static boolean isTagWithEmptyEndNotAllowed(final XmlTag tag) { String tagName = tag.getName(); if (tag instanceof HtmlTag) tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); Language language = tag.getLanguage(); return ourTagsWithEmptyEndsNotAllowed.contains(tagName) && language != XMLLanguage.INSTANCE || language == HTMLLanguage.INSTANCE && !HtmlUtil.isSingleHtmlTagL(tagName) && tagName.indexOf(':') == -1; }
@Override protected void checkValue(XmlAttributeValue value, XmlFile file, XmlRefCountHolder refHolder, XmlTag tag, ProblemsHolder holder) { String idRef = XmlHighlightVisitor.getUnquotedValue(value, tag); if (tag instanceof HtmlTag) { idRef = idRef.toLowerCase(); } if (XmlUtil.isSimpleValue(idRef, value) && refHolder.isIdReferenceValue(value)) { boolean hasIdDeclaration = refHolder.hasIdDeclaration(idRef); if (!hasIdDeclaration && tag instanceof HtmlTag) { hasIdDeclaration = refHolder.hasIdDeclaration(value.getValue()); } if (!hasIdDeclaration) { for(XmlIdContributor contributor: Extensions.getExtensions(XmlIdContributor.EP_NAME)) { if (contributor.suppressExistingIdValidation(file)) { return; } } final FileViewProvider viewProvider = tag.getContainingFile().getViewProvider(); if (viewProvider instanceof MultiplePsiFilesPerDocumentFileViewProvider) { holder.registerProblem(value, XmlErrorMessages.message(""), ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL, new XmlDeclareIdInCommentAction(idRef)); } else { holder.registerProblem(value, XmlErrorMessages.message(""), ProblemHighlightType.LIKE_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL); } } } }
public static void addHtmlSpecificCompletions(final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor, final XmlTag element, final List<XmlElementDescriptor> variants) { // add html block completions for tags with optional ends! String name = descriptor.getName(element); if (name != null && isOptionalEndForHtmlTag(name)) { PsiElement parent = element.getParent(); if (parent != null) { // we need grand parent since completion already uses parent's descriptor parent = parent.getParent(); } if (parent instanceof HtmlTag) { final XmlElementDescriptor parentDescriptor = ((HtmlTag)parent).getDescriptor(); if (parentDescriptor != descriptor && parentDescriptor != null) { for (final XmlElementDescriptor elementsDescriptor : parentDescriptor.getElementsDescriptors((XmlTag)parent)) { if (isHtmlBlockTag(elementsDescriptor.getName())) { variants.add(elementsDescriptor); } } } } else if (parent instanceof HtmlDocumentImpl) { final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = descriptor.getNSDescriptor(); for (XmlElementDescriptor elementDescriptor : nsDescriptor.getRootElementsDescriptors((XmlDocument)parent)) { if (isHtmlBlockTag(elementDescriptor.getName()) && !variants.contains(elementDescriptor)) { variants.add(elementDescriptor); } } } } }
public static boolean isHtmlTagContainingFile(PsiElement element) { if (element == null) { return false; } final PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile(); if (containingFile != null) { final XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class, false); if (tag instanceof HtmlTag) { return true; } final XmlDocument document = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlDocument.class, false); if (document instanceof HtmlDocumentImpl) { return true; } final FileViewProvider provider = containingFile.getViewProvider(); Language language; if (provider instanceof TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider) { language = ((TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider)provider).getTemplateDataLanguage(); } else { language = provider.getBaseLanguage(); } return language == XHTMLLanguage.INSTANCE; } return false; }
private static boolean isInsideUnsplittableElement(final PsiElement grandParent) { if (!(grandParent instanceof HtmlTag) && grandParent.getContainingFile().getLanguage() != XHTMLLanguage.INSTANCE) { return false; } final String name = ((XmlTag)grandParent).getName(); return "html".equals(name) || "body".equals(name) || "title".equals(name); }
static String generateHtmlAdditionalDocTemplate(@NotNull PsiElement element) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); final PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile(); if (containingFile != null) { final XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class, false); boolean append; if (tag instanceof HtmlTag) { append = true; } else { final FileViewProvider provider = containingFile.getViewProvider(); Language language; if (provider instanceof TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider) { language = ((TemplateLanguageFileViewProvider)provider).getTemplateDataLanguage(); } else { language = provider.getBaseLanguage(); } append = language == XHTMLLanguage.INSTANCE; } if (tag != null) { EntityDescriptor descriptor = HtmlDescriptorsTable.getTagDescriptor(tag.getName()); if (descriptor != null && append) { buf.append("<br>"); buf.append(XmlBundle.message("html.quickdoc.additional.template", descriptor.getHelpRef(), BASE_SITEPOINT_URL + tag.getName())); } } } return buf.toString(); }
@Nullable @Override public XmlElementDescriptor getDescriptor(XmlTag xmlTag) { // System.out.println("getDescriptor " + xmlTag); if (!(xmlTag instanceof HtmlTag && RTProjectComponent.isEnabled(xmlTag.getProject()))) { return null; } final String directiveName = DirectiveUtil.normalizeAttributeName(xmlTag.getName()); if (directiveName.equals(RT_REQUIRE)) { return new RTRequireTagDescriptor(RT_REQUIRE, xmlTag); } if (directiveName.equals(RT_IMPORT)) { return new RTImportTagDescriptor(RT_IMPORT, xmlTag); } if (xmlTag.getContainingFile() instanceof XmlFile) { List<String> tags = RTHtmlExtension.loadImportedTags((XmlFile) xmlTag.getContainingFile(), xmlTag); for (String tag : tags) { if (Strings.areEqual(tag, directiveName)) { return new RTClassTagDescriptor(directiveName, xmlTag); } } } // TODO: support required tags //return new AnyXmlElementDescriptor() return null; }
@Override public XmlAttributeDescriptor[] getAttributeDescriptors(XmlTag xmlTag) { if (xmlTag instanceof HtmlTag /*&& RTFileUtil.hasRTExt(xmlTag.getContainingFile())*/) { final Project project = xmlTag.getProject(); if (RTActionUtil.isRTEnabled(project)) { final Map<String, XmlAttributeDescriptor> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, XmlAttributeDescriptor>(); for (String attr : RTAttributes.ALL_ATTRIBUTES) { result.put(attr, new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor(attr)); } // result.put("rt-repeat", new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-repeat")); // x in [javascript] // result.put("rt-if", new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-if")); //[javascript] // result.put("rt-scope", new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-scope")); //a as b;c as d // result.put("rt-class", new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-class")); // [javascript] // result.put("rt-props", new RTXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-props")); // [javascript] return result.values().toArray(new XmlAttributeDescriptor[result.size()]); // return new XmlAttributeDescriptor[]{ // new AnyXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-if"), // new AnyXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-repeat"), // new AnyXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-scope"), // new AnyXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-props"), // new AnyXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-class"), // new AnyXmlAttributeDescriptor("rt-require") // }; } } return XmlAttributeDescriptor.EMPTY; }
@Nullable @Override public XmlElementDescriptor getDescriptor(XmlTag tag) { if (!(tag instanceof HtmlTag)) { return null; } final XmlNSDescriptor nsDescriptor = tag.getNSDescriptor(tag.getNamespace(), false); final XmlElementDescriptor descriptor = nsDescriptor != null ? nsDescriptor.getElementDescriptor(tag) : null; if (descriptor != null && !(descriptor instanceof AnyXmlElementDescriptor)) { return null; } return new ISMLTagDescriptor(tag.getName(), tag); }