protected void processDrag(MouseEvent event, Point targetScreenPoint, Point startPointScreen) { if (!myTabs.isTabDraggingEnabled() || !isDragSource(event) || !MouseDragHelper.checkModifiers(event)) return; SwingUtilities.convertPointFromScreen(startPointScreen, myTabs); if (isDragJustStarted()) { if (myPressedTabLabel == null) return; final Rectangle labelBounds = myPressedTabLabel.getBounds(); myHoldDelta = new Dimension(startPointScreen.x - labelBounds.x, startPointScreen.y - labelBounds.y); myDragSource = myPressedTabLabel.getInfo(); myDragRec = new Rectangle(startPointScreen, labelBounds.getSize()); myDragOriginalRec = (Rectangle)myDragRec.clone(); myDragOriginalRec.x -= myHoldDelta.width; myDragOriginalRec.y -= myHoldDelta.height; } else { if (myDragRec == null) return; final Point toPoint = SwingUtilities.convertPoint(event.getComponent(), event.getPoint(), myTabs); myDragRec.x = toPoint.x; myDragRec.y = toPoint.y; } myDragRec.x -= myHoldDelta.width; myDragRec.y -= myHoldDelta.height; final Rectangle headerRec = myTabs.getLastLayoutPass().getHeaderRectangle(); ScreenUtil.moveToFit(myDragRec, headerRec, null); int deadZoneX = 0; int deadZoneY = 0; final TabLabel top = findLabel(new Point(myDragRec.x + myDragRec.width / 2, myDragRec.y + deadZoneY)); final TabLabel bottom = findLabel(new Point(myDragRec.x + myDragRec.width / 2, myDragRec.y + myDragRec.height - deadZoneY)); final TabLabel left = findLabel(new Point(myDragRec.x + deadZoneX, myDragRec.y + myDragRec.height / 2)); final TabLabel right = findLabel(new Point(myDragRec.x + myDragRec.width - deadZoneX, myDragRec.y + myDragRec.height / 2)); TabLabel targetLabel; if (myTabs.isHorizontalTabs()) { targetLabel = findMostOverlapping(Axis.X, left, right); if (targetLabel == null) { targetLabel = findMostOverlapping(Axis.Y, top, bottom); } } else { targetLabel = findMostOverlapping(Axis.Y, top, bottom); if (targetLabel == null) { targetLabel = findMostOverlapping(Axis.X, left, right); } } if (targetLabel != null) { Rectangle saved = myDragRec; myDragRec = null; myTabs.reallocate(myDragSource, targetLabel.getInfo()); myDragOriginalRec = myTabs.myInfo2Label.get(myDragSource).getBounds(); myDragRec = saved; myTabs.moveDraggedTabLabel(); } else { myTabs.moveDraggedTabLabel(); final int border = myTabs.getTabsBorder().getTabBorderSize(); headerRec.x -= border; headerRec.y -= border; headerRec.width += border * 2; headerRec.height += border * 2; myTabs.repaint(headerRec); } event.consume(); }
private boolean isWithinDeadZone(final MouseEvent e) { return Math.abs(myPressedPoint.x - e.getPoint().x) < MouseDragHelper.DRAG_START_DEADZONE && Math.abs(myPressedPoint.y - e.getPoint().y) < MouseDragHelper .DRAG_START_DEADZONE; }
public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent dge) { try { final DnDSource source = getSource(dge.getComponent()); if (source == null || !MouseDragHelper.checkModifiers(dge.getTriggerEvent())) return; DnDAction action = getDnDActionForPlatformAction(dge.getDragAction()); if (source.canStartDragging(action, dge.getDragOrigin())) { if (myCurrentEvent == null) { // Actually, under Linux it is possible to get 2 or more dragGestureRecognized calls for single drag // operation. To reproduce: // 1. Do D-n-D in Styles tree // 2. Make an attempt to do D-n-D in Services tree // 3. Do D-n-D in Styles tree again. LOG.debug("Starting dragging for " + action); hideCurrentHighlighter(); final DnDDragStartBean dnDDragStartBean = source.startDragging(action, dge.getDragOrigin()); myCurrentEvent = new DnDEventImpl(DnDManagerImpl.this, action, dnDDragStartBean.getAttachedObject(), dnDDragStartBean.getPoint()); myCurrentEvent.setOrgPoint(dge.getDragOrigin()); Pair<Image, Point> pair = dnDDragStartBean.isEmpty() ? null : source.createDraggedImage(action, dge.getDragOrigin()); if (pair == null) { pair = Pair.create(EMPTY_IMAGE, new Point(0, 0)); } if (!DragSource.isDragImageSupported()) { // not all of the platforms supports image dragging (mswin doesn't, for example). myCurrentEvent.putUserData(DRAGGED_IMAGE_KEY, pair); } // mac osx fix: it will draw a border with size of the dragged component if there is no image provided. dge.startDrag(DragSource.DefaultCopyDrop, pair.first, pair.second, myCurrentEvent, new MyDragSourceListener(source)); // check if source is also a target // DnDTarget target = getTarget(dge.getComponent()); // if( target != null ) { // target.update(myCurrentEvent); // } } } } catch (InvalidDnDOperationException e) {; } }