Java 类com.intellij.util.text.StringSearcher 实例源码

项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private static Processor<PsiElement> localProcessor(@NotNull final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                                    @NotNull final ProgressIndicator progress,
                                                    final boolean processInjectedPsi,
                                                    @NotNull final StringSearcher searcher) {
  return new Processor<PsiElement>() {
      public boolean process(final PsiElement scopeElement) {
        return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable<Boolean>() {
          public Boolean compute() {
            return LowLevelSearchUtil.processElementsContainingWordInElement(processor, scopeElement, searcher, processInjectedPsi, progress);

    public String toString() {
      return processor.toString();
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public static boolean processTextOccurrences(@NotNull CharSequence text,
                                             int startOffset,
                                             int endOffset,
                                             @NotNull StringSearcher searcher,
                                             @Nullable ProgressIndicator progress,
                                             @NotNull TIntProcedure processor) {
  if (endOffset > text.length()) {
    throw new AssertionError("end>length");
  for (int index = startOffset; index < endOffset; index++) {
    if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();
    //noinspection AssignmentToForLoopParameter
    index = searcher.scan(text, index, endOffset);
    if (index < 0) break;
    if (checkJavaIdentifier(text, startOffset, endOffset, searcher, index)) {
      if (!processor.execute(index)) return false;
  return true;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
protected static TreeMap<TextRange, BaseInjection> calcInjections(PsiFile file) {
  final TreeMap<TextRange, BaseInjection> injectionMap = new TreeMap<TextRange, BaseInjection>(RANGE_COMPARATOR);

  TIntArrayList ints = new TIntArrayList();
  StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher("language=", true, true, false);
  CharSequence contents = file.getViewProvider().getContents();
  final char[] contentsArray = CharArrayUtil.fromSequenceWithoutCopying(contents);

  int s0 = 0, s1 = contents.length();
  for (int idx = searcher.scan(contents, contentsArray, s0, s1);
       idx != -1;
       idx = searcher.scan(contents, contentsArray, idx + 1, s1)) {
    PsiComment element = PsiTreeUtil.findElementOfClassAtOffset(file, idx, PsiComment.class, false);
    if (element != null) {
      String str = ElementManipulators.getValueText(element).trim();
      BaseInjection injection = detectInjectionFromText("", str);
      if (injection != null) {
        injectionMap.put(element.getTextRange(), injection);
  return injectionMap;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private static boolean processElementsWithWordInScopeElement(@NotNull final PsiElement scopeElement,
                                                             @NotNull final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                                             @NotNull final String word,
                                                             final boolean caseSensitive,
                                                             final boolean ignoreInjectedPsi,
                                                             final boolean handleEscapeSequences,
                                                             final ProgressIndicator progress) {
  return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable<Boolean>() {
    public Boolean compute() {
      StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher(word, caseSensitive, true, handleEscapeSequences);

      return LowLevelSearchUtil.processElementsContainingWordInElement(processor, scopeElement, searcher, !ignoreInjectedPsi, progress);
项目:consulo    文件   
private static Processor<PsiElement> localProcessor(@Nonnull final BulkOccurrenceProcessor processor,
                                                    @Nonnull final ProgressIndicator progress,
                                                    @Nonnull final StringSearcher searcher) {
  return new ReadActionProcessor<PsiElement>() {
    public boolean processInReadAction(PsiElement scopeElement) {
      if (scopeElement instanceof PsiCompiledElement) {
        // can't scan text of the element
        return true;

      return scopeElement.isValid() &&
             processor.execute(scopeElement, LowLevelSearchUtil.getTextOccurrencesInScope(scopeElement, searcher, progress), searcher);

    public String toString() {
      return processor.toString();
项目:consulo    文件   
static boolean processElementsAtOffsets(@Nonnull PsiElement scope,
                                        @Nonnull StringSearcher searcher,
                                        boolean processInjectedPsi,
                                        @Nonnull ProgressIndicator progress,
                                        int[] offsetsInScope,
                                        @Nonnull TextOccurenceProcessor processor) {
  if (offsetsInScope.length == 0) return true;

  Project project = scope.getProject();
  TreeElement lastElement = null;
  for (int offset : offsetsInScope) {
    lastElement = processTreeUp(project, processor, scope, searcher, offset, processInjectedPsi, progress, lastElement);
    if (lastElement == null) return false;
  return true;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private static Boolean processInjectedFile(PsiElement element,
                                           final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                           final StringSearcher searcher,
                                           ProgressIndicator progress,
                                           InjectedLanguageManager injectedLanguageManager) {
  if (!(element instanceof PsiLanguageInjectionHost)) return null;
  if (injectedLanguageManager == null) return null;
  List<Pair<PsiElement,TextRange>> list = injectedLanguageManager.getInjectedPsiFiles(element);
  if (list == null) return null;
  for (Pair<PsiElement, TextRange> pair : list) {
    final PsiElement injected = pair.getFirst();
    if (!processElementsContainingWordInElement(processor, injected, searcher, false, progress)) return Boolean.FALSE;
  return Boolean.TRUE;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public static boolean processElementsContainingWordInElement(@NotNull final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                                             @NotNull final PsiElement scope,
                                                             @NotNull final StringSearcher searcher,
                                                             final boolean processInjectedPsi,
                                                             final ProgressIndicator progress) {
  if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();

  PsiFile file = scope.getContainingFile();
  FileViewProvider viewProvider = file.getViewProvider();
  final CharSequence buffer = viewProvider.getContents();

  TextRange range = scope.getTextRange();
  if (range == null) {
    LOG.error("Element " + scope + " of class " + scope.getClass() + " has null range");
    return true;

  final int scopeStart = range.getStartOffset();
  final int startOffset = scopeStart;
  int endOffset = range.getEndOffset();
  if (endOffset > buffer.length()) {
    diagnoseInvalidRange(scope, file, viewProvider, buffer, range);
    return true;

  final Project project = file.getProject();
  final TreeElement[] lastElement = {null};
  return processTextOccurrences(buffer, startOffset, endOffset, searcher, progress, new TIntProcedure() {
    public boolean execute(int offset) {
      if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();
      lastElement[0] = processTreeUp(project, processor, scope, searcher, offset - scopeStart, processInjectedPsi, progress,
      return lastElement[0] != null;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private static int doTest(String pattern, String text) {
  StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher(pattern, true, true, true);
  final int[] index = {-1};
  LowLevelSearchUtil.processTextOccurrences(text, 0, text.length(), searcher, null, new TIntProcedure() {
    public boolean execute(int value) {
      index[0] = value;
      return false;
  return index[0];
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private FindResult doFindString(@NotNull CharSequence text,
                                       @Nullable char[] textArray,
                                       int offset,
                                       @NotNull FindModel findmodel,
                                       @Nullable VirtualFile file) {
  FindModel model = normalizeIfMultilined(findmodel);
  String toFind = model.getStringToFind();
  if (toFind.isEmpty()){
    return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;

  if (model.isInCommentsOnly() || model.isInStringLiteralsOnly()) {
    if (file == null) return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;
    return findInCommentsAndLiterals(text, textArray, offset, model, file);

  if (model.isRegularExpressions()){
    return findStringByRegularExpression(text, offset, model);

  final StringSearcher searcher = createStringSearcher(model);

  int index;
  if (model.isForward()){
    final int res = searcher.scan(text, textArray, offset, text.length());
    index = res < 0 ? -1 : res;
  else {
    index = offset == 0 ? -1 : searcher.scan(text, textArray, 0, offset-1);
  if (index < 0){
    return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;
  return new FindResultImpl(index, index + toFind.length());
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
public CommentsLiteralsSearchData(VirtualFile lastFile, Set<Language> relevantLanguages,
                                  SyntaxHighlighterOverEditorHighlighter highlighter, TokenSet tokensOfInterest,
                                  StringSearcher searcher, Matcher matcher, FindModel model) {
  this.lastFile = lastFile;
  this.highlighter = highlighter;
  this.tokensOfInterest = tokensOfInterest;
  this.searcher = searcher;
  this.matcher = matcher;
  this.relevantLanguages = relevantLanguages;
  this.model = model;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private static Set<String> calcDevPatternClassNames(@NotNull final Project project) {
  final List<String> roots = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList();
  JavaPsiFacade psiFacade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project);
  PsiClass beanClass = psiFacade.findClass(PatternClassBean.class.getName(), GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project));
  if (beanClass != null) {
    GlobalSearchScope scope = GlobalSearchScope.getScopeRestrictedByFileTypes(GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project), StdFileTypes.XML);
    final TextOccurenceProcessor occurenceProcessor = new TextOccurenceProcessor() {
      public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement element, int offsetInElement) {
        XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class);
        String className = tag == null ? null : tag.getAttributeValue("className");
        if (StringUtil.isNotEmpty(className) && tag.getLocalName().endsWith("patternClass")) {
        return true;
    final StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher("patternClass", true, true);
    CacheManager.SERVICE.getInstance(beanClass.getProject()).processFilesWithWord(new Processor<PsiFile>() {
      public boolean process(PsiFile psiFile) {
        LowLevelSearchUtil.processElementsContainingWordInElement(occurenceProcessor, psiFile, searcher, true,
                                                                   new EmptyProgressIndicator());
        return true;
    }, searcher.getPattern(), UsageSearchContext.IN_FOREIGN_LANGUAGES, scope, searcher.isCaseSensitive());
  return ContainerUtil.newHashSet(roots);
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public AsyncFuture<Boolean> processElementsWithWordAsync(@NotNull final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                                         @NotNull SearchScope searchScope,
                                                         @NotNull final String text,
                                                         final short searchContext,
                                                         final boolean caseSensitively) {
  if (text.isEmpty()) {
    return AsyncFutureFactory.wrapException(new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot search for elements with empty text"));
  final ProgressIndicator progress = ProgressIndicatorProvider.getGlobalProgressIndicator();
  if (searchScope instanceof GlobalSearchScope) {
    StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher(text, caseSensitively, true, searchContext == UsageSearchContext.IN_STRINGS);

    return processElementsWithTextInGlobalScopeAsync(processor,
                                                     searchContext, caseSensitively, progress);
  else {
    LocalSearchScope scope = (LocalSearchScope)searchScope;
    PsiElement[] scopeElements = scope.getScope();
    final boolean ignoreInjectedPsi = scope.isIgnoreInjectedPsi();

    return JobLauncher.getInstance().invokeConcurrentlyUnderProgressAsync(Arrays.asList(scopeElements), progress, false,
                                                                          new Processor<PsiElement>() {
                                                                            public boolean process(PsiElement scopeElement) {
                                                                              return processElementsWithWordInScopeElement(scopeElement,
                                                                                                                           searchContext == UsageSearchContext.IN_STRINGS,
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private static Boolean processInjectedFile(PsiElement element,
                                           final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                           final StringSearcher searcher,
                                           ProgressIndicator progress,
                                           InjectedLanguageManager injectedLanguageManager) {
  if (!(element instanceof PsiLanguageInjectionHost)) return null;
  if (injectedLanguageManager == null) return null;
  List<Pair<PsiElement,TextRange>> list = injectedLanguageManager.getInjectedPsiFiles(element);
  if (list == null) return null;
  for (Pair<PsiElement, TextRange> pair : list) {
    final PsiElement injected = pair.getFirst();
    if (!processElementsContainingWordInElement(processor, injected, searcher, false, progress)) return Boolean.FALSE;
  return Boolean.TRUE;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public static boolean processElementsContainingWordInElement(@NotNull TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                                             @NotNull final PsiElement scope,
                                                             @NotNull StringSearcher searcher,
                                                             final boolean processInjectedPsi,
                                                             ProgressIndicator progress) {
  if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();

  PsiFile file = scope.getContainingFile();
  final CharSequence buffer = file.getViewProvider().getContents();

  TextRange range = scope.getTextRange();
  if (range == null) {
    throw new AssertionError("Element " + scope + " of class " + scope.getClass() + " has null range");

  int scopeStart = range.getStartOffset();
  int startOffset = scopeStart;
  int endOffset = range.getEndOffset();
  if (endOffset > buffer.length()) {
    LOG.error("Range for element: '"+scope+"' = "+range+" is out of file '" + file + "' range: " + file.getTextLength());

  final char[] bufferArray = CharArrayUtil.fromSequenceWithoutCopying(buffer);

  Project project = file.getProject();
  do {
    if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();
    startOffset  = searchWord(buffer, bufferArray, startOffset, endOffset, searcher, progress);
    if (startOffset < 0) {
      return true;
    if (!processTreeUp(project, processor, scope, searcher, startOffset - scopeStart, processInjectedPsi, progress)) return false;

  while (startOffset < endOffset);

  return true;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public static int searchWord(@NotNull CharSequence text,
                             int startOffset,
                             int endOffset,
                             @NotNull StringSearcher searcher,
                             @Nullable ProgressIndicator progress) {
  return searchWord(text, null, startOffset, endOffset, searcher, progress);
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private static FindResult doFindString(@NotNull CharSequence text,
                                       @Nullable char[] textArray,
                                       int offset,
                                       @NotNull FindModel findmodel,
                                       @Nullable VirtualFile file) {
  FindModel model = normalizeIfMultilined(findmodel);
  String toFind = model.getStringToFind();
  if (toFind.isEmpty()){
    return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;

  if (model.isInCommentsOnly() || model.isInStringLiteralsOnly()) {
    if (file == null) return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;
    return findInCommentsAndLiterals(text, textArray, offset, model, file);

  if (model.isRegularExpressions()){
    return findStringByRegularExpression(text, offset, model);

  final StringSearcher searcher = createStringSearcher(model);

  int index;
  if (model.isForward()){
    final int res = searcher.scan(text, textArray, offset, text.length());
    index = res < 0 ? -1 : res;
  else {
    index = offset == 0 ? -1 : searcher.scan(text, textArray, 0, offset-1);
  if (index < 0){
    return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;
  return new FindResultImpl(index, index + toFind.length());
项目:tools-idea    文件   
public CommentsLiteralsSearchData(VirtualFile lastFile, Set<Language> relevantLanguages, SyntaxHighlighter highlighter, TokenSet tokensOfInterest,
                                  StringSearcher searcher, Matcher matcher) {
  this.lastFile = lastFile;
  this.highlighter = highlighter;
  this.tokensOfInterest = tokensOfInterest;
  this.searcher = searcher;
  this.matcher = matcher;
  this.relevantLanguages = relevantLanguages;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private static List<PsiElement> getRootsByClassNames(PsiFile file, String type) {
  final List<PsiElement> roots = ContainerUtil.createLockFreeCopyOnWriteList();

  final Project project = file.getProject();
  final JavaPsiFacade psiFacade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(project);
  final PsiClass beanClass = psiFacade.findClass(PatternClassBean.class.getName(), GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project));
  if (beanClass != null) {
    final GlobalSearchScope scope =
      GlobalSearchScope.getScopeRestrictedByFileTypes(GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project), StdFileTypes.XML);
    final TextOccurenceProcessor occurenceProcessor = new TextOccurenceProcessor() {
      public boolean execute(PsiElement element, int offsetInElement) {
        final XmlTag tag = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, XmlTag.class);
        final String className = tag == null ? null : tag.getAttributeValue("className");
        if (className != null && tag.getLocalName().endsWith("patternClass")) {
          ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(psiFacade.findClass(className, GlobalSearchScope.allScope(project)), roots);
        return true;
    final StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher("patternClass", true, true);
    CacheManager.SERVICE.getInstance(beanClass.getProject()).processFilesWithWord(new Processor<PsiFile>() {
      public boolean process(PsiFile psiFile) {
          .processElementsContainingWordInElement(occurenceProcessor, psiFile, searcher, true, new EmptyProgressIndicator());
        return true;
    }, searcher.getPattern(), UsageSearchContext.IN_FOREIGN_LANGUAGES, scope, searcher.isCaseSensitive());
  final Class[] classes = PatternCompilerFactory.getFactory().getPatternClasses(type);
  if (classes.length != 0) {
    roots.add(getRootByClasses(classes, project));
  return roots;
项目:consulo    文件   
private static int doTest(String pattern, String text) {
  StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher(pattern, true, true, true);
  final int[] index = {-1};
  LowLevelSearchUtil.processTextOccurrences(text, 0, text.length(), searcher, null, new TIntProcedure() {
    public boolean execute(int value) {
      index[0] = value;
      return false;
  return index[0];
项目:consulo    文件   
private static Boolean processInjectedFile(PsiElement element,
                                           final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                           final StringSearcher searcher,
                                           @Nonnull ProgressIndicator progress,
                                           InjectedLanguageManager injectedLanguageManager) {
  if (!(element instanceof PsiLanguageInjectionHost)) return null;
  if (injectedLanguageManager == null) return null;
  List<Pair<PsiElement, TextRange>> list = injectedLanguageManager.getInjectedPsiFiles(element);
  if (list == null) return null;
  for (Pair<PsiElement, TextRange> pair : list) {
    final PsiElement injected = pair.getFirst();
    if (!processElementsContainingWordInElement(processor, injected, searcher, false, progress)) return Boolean.FALSE;
  return Boolean.TRUE;
项目:consulo    文件   
public static boolean processElementsContainingWordInElement(@Nonnull final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                                             @Nonnull final PsiElement scope,
                                                             @Nonnull final StringSearcher searcher,
                                                             boolean processInjectedPsi,
                                                             @Nonnull ProgressIndicator progress) {
  int[] occurrences = getTextOccurrencesInScope(scope, searcher, progress);
  return processElementsAtOffsets(scope, searcher, processInjectedPsi, progress, occurrences, processor);
项目:consulo    文件   
static int[] getTextOccurrencesInScope(@Nonnull PsiElement scope, @Nonnull StringSearcher searcher, ProgressIndicator progress) {
  if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();

  PsiFile file = scope.getContainingFile();
  FileViewProvider viewProvider = file.getViewProvider();
  final CharSequence buffer = viewProvider.getContents();

  TextRange range = scope.getTextRange();
  if (range == null) {
    LOG.error("Element " + scope + " of class " + scope.getClass() + " has null range");
    return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;

  int startOffset = range.getStartOffset();
  int endOffset = range.getEndOffset();
  if (endOffset > buffer.length()) {
    diagnoseInvalidRange(scope, file, viewProvider, buffer, range);
    return ArrayUtil.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY;

  int[] offsets = getTextOccurrences(buffer, startOffset, endOffset, searcher, progress);
  for (int i = 0; i < offsets.length; i++) {
    offsets[i] -= startOffset;
  return offsets;
项目:consulo    文件   
public static boolean processTextOccurrences(@Nonnull CharSequence text,
                                             int startOffset,
                                             int endOffset,
                                             @Nonnull StringSearcher searcher,
                                             @javax.annotation.Nullable ProgressIndicator progress,
                                             @Nonnull TIntProcedure processor) {
  for (int offset : getTextOccurrences(text, startOffset, endOffset, searcher, progress)) {
    if (!processor.execute(offset)) {
      return false;
  return true;
项目:consulo    文件   
private FindResult doFindString(@Nonnull CharSequence text,
                                @Nullable char[] textArray,
                                int offset,
                                @Nonnull FindModel findmodel,
                                @Nullable VirtualFile file) {
  FindModel model = normalizeIfMultilined(findmodel);
  String toFind = model.getStringToFind();
  if (toFind.isEmpty()) {
    return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;

  if (model.isInCommentsOnly() || model.isInStringLiteralsOnly()) {
    if (file == null) return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;
    return findInCommentsAndLiterals(text, textArray, offset, model, file);

  if (model.isRegularExpressions()) {
    return findStringByRegularExpression(text, offset, model);

  final StringSearcher searcher = createStringSearcher(model);

  int index;
  if (model.isForward()) {
    final int res = searcher.scan(text, textArray, offset, text.length());
    index = res < 0 ? -1 : res;
  else {
    index = offset == 0 ? -1 : searcher.scan(text, textArray, 0, offset - 1);
  if (index < 0) {
    return NOT_FOUND_RESULT;
  return new FindResultImpl(index, index + toFind.length());
项目:consulo    文件   
public CommentsLiteralsSearchData(VirtualFile lastFile,
                                  Set<Language> relevantLanguages,
                                  SyntaxHighlighterOverEditorHighlighter highlighter,
                                  TokenSet tokensOfInterest,
                                  StringSearcher searcher,
                                  Matcher matcher,
                                  FindModel model) {
  this.lastFile = lastFile;
  this.highlighter = highlighter;
  this.tokensOfInterest = tokensOfInterest;
  this.searcher = searcher;
  this.matcher = matcher;
  this.relevantLanguages = relevantLanguages;
  this.model = model;
项目:intellij-ce-playground    文件   
private static StringSearcher createStringSearcher(@NotNull FindModel model) {
  return new StringSearcher(model.getStringToFind(), model.isCaseSensitive(), model.isForward());
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private AsyncFuture<Boolean> processElementsWithTextInGlobalScopeAsync(@NotNull final TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                                                       @NotNull final GlobalSearchScope scope,
                                                                       @NotNull final StringSearcher searcher,
                                                                       final short searchContext,
                                                                       final boolean caseSensitively,
                                                                       final ProgressIndicator progress) {
  if (Thread.holdsLock(PsiLock.LOCK)) {
    throw new AssertionError("You must not run search from within updating PSI activity. Please consider invokeLatering it instead.");
  if (progress != null) {

  String text = searcher.getPattern();
  List<VirtualFile> fileSet = getFilesWithText(scope, searchContext, caseSensitively, text, progress);

  if (progress != null) {
    progress.setText(PsiBundle.message("", text));

  final AsyncFuture<Boolean> result = processPsiFileRootsAsync(fileSet, new Processor<PsiElement>() {
    public boolean process(final PsiElement psiRoot) {
      return ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable<Boolean>() {
        public Boolean compute() {
          return LowLevelSearchUtil.processElementsContainingWordInElement(processor, psiRoot, searcher, true, progress);
  }, progress);
  return new FinallyFuture<Boolean>(result, new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      if (progress != null) {
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private static boolean processTreeUp(@NotNull Project project,
                                     @NotNull TextOccurenceProcessor processor,
                                     @NotNull PsiElement scope,
                                     @NotNull StringSearcher searcher,
                                     final int offset,
                                     final boolean processInjectedPsi,
                                     ProgressIndicator progress) {
  final int scopeStartOffset = scope.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
  final int patternLength = searcher.getPatternLength();
  ASTNode scopeNode = scope.getNode();
  boolean useTree = scopeNode != null;
  assert scope.isValid();

  int start;
  TreeElement leafNode = null;
  PsiElement leafElement = null;
  if (useTree) {
    leafNode = (LeafElement)scopeNode.findLeafElementAt(offset);
    if (leafNode == null) return true;
    start = offset - leafNode.getStartOffset() + scopeStartOffset;
  else {
    if (scope instanceof PsiFile) {
      leafElement = ((PsiFile)scope).getViewProvider().findElementAt(offset, scope.getLanguage());
    else {
      leafElement = scope.findElementAt(offset);
    if (leafElement == null) return true;
    assert leafElement.isValid();
    start = offset - leafElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset() + scopeStartOffset;
  if (start < 0) {
    LOG.error("offset=" + offset + " scopeStartOffset=" + scopeStartOffset + " leafElement=" + leafElement + "  scope=" + scope);
  boolean contains = false;
  PsiElement prev = null;
  TreeElement prevNode = null;
  PsiElement run = null;
  InjectedLanguageManager injectedLanguageManager = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(project);
  while (run != scope) {
    if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();
    if (useTree) {
      start += prevNode == null ? 0 : prevNode.getStartOffsetInParent();
      prevNode = leafNode;
      run = leafNode.getPsi();
    else {
      start += prev == null ? 0 : prev.getStartOffsetInParent();
      prev = run;
      run = leafElement;
    if (!contains) contains = run.getTextLength() - start >= patternLength;  //do not compute if already contains
    if (contains) {
      if (processInjectedPsi) {
        Boolean result = processInjectedFile(run, processor, searcher, progress, injectedLanguageManager);
        if (result != null) {
          return result.booleanValue();
      if (!processor.execute(run, start)) {
        return false;
    if (useTree) {
      leafNode = leafNode.getTreeParent();
      if (leafNode == null) break;
    else {
      leafElement = leafElement.getParent();
      if (leafElement == null) break;
  assert run == scope: "Malbuilt PSI: scopeNode="+scope+"; leafNode="+run+"; isAncestor="+ PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(scope, run, false);

  return true;
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private static int doTest(String pattern, String text) {
  StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher(pattern, true, true, true);
  return LowLevelSearchUtil.searchWord(text, 0, text.length(), searcher, null);
项目:tools-idea    文件   
private static StringSearcher createStringSearcher(@NotNull FindModel model) {
  return new StringSearcher(model.getStringToFind(), model.isCaseSensitive(), model.isForward());
项目:consulo    文件   
private boolean processElementsWithTextInGlobalScope(@Nonnull final BulkOccurrenceProcessor processor,
                                                     @Nonnull final GlobalSearchScope scope,
                                                     @Nonnull final StringSearcher searcher,
                                                     final short searchContext,
                                                     final boolean caseSensitively,
                                                     @javax.annotation.Nullable String containerName,
                                                     @Nonnull ProgressIndicator progress) {
  boolean result;
  try {

    String text = searcher.getPattern();
    Set<VirtualFile> fileSet = new THashSet<>();
    getFilesWithText(scope, searchContext, caseSensitively, text, fileSet);

    progress.setText(PsiBundle.message("", text));

    final Processor<PsiElement> localProcessor = localProcessor(processor, progress, searcher);
    if (containerName != null) {
      List<VirtualFile> intersectionWithContainerFiles = new ArrayList<>();
      // intersectionWithContainerFiles holds files containing words from both `text` and `containerName`
      getFilesWithText(scope, searchContext, caseSensitively, text+" "+containerName, intersectionWithContainerFiles);
      if (!intersectionWithContainerFiles.isEmpty()) {
        int totalSize = fileSet.size();
        result = processPsiFileRoots(intersectionWithContainerFiles, totalSize, 0, progress, localProcessor);

        if (result) {
          if (!fileSet.isEmpty()) {
            result = processPsiFileRoots(new ArrayList<>(fileSet), totalSize, intersectionWithContainerFiles.size(), progress, localProcessor);
        return result;
    result = fileSet.isEmpty() || processPsiFileRoots(new ArrayList<>(fileSet), fileSet.size(), 0, progress, localProcessor);
  finally {
  return result;
项目:consulo    文件   
public boolean processUsagesInNonJavaFiles(@javax.annotation.Nullable final PsiElement originalElement,
                                           @Nonnull String qName,
                                           @Nonnull final PsiNonJavaFileReferenceProcessor processor,
                                           @Nonnull final GlobalSearchScope initialScope) {
  if (qName.isEmpty()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot search for elements with empty text. Element: "+originalElement+ "; "+(originalElement == null ? null : originalElement.getClass()));
  final ProgressIndicator progress = getOrCreateIndicator();

  int dotIndex = qName.lastIndexOf('.');
  int dollarIndex = qName.lastIndexOf('$');
  int maxIndex = Math.max(dotIndex, dollarIndex);
  final String wordToSearch = maxIndex >= 0 ? qName.substring(maxIndex + 1) : qName;
  final GlobalSearchScope theSearchScope = ReadAction.compute(() -> {
    if (originalElement != null && myManager.isInProject(originalElement) && initialScope.isSearchInLibraries()) {
      return initialScope.intersectWith(GlobalSearchScope.projectScope(myManager.getProject()));
    return initialScope;
  PsiFile[] files = myDumbService.runReadActionInSmartMode(() -> CacheManager.getInstance(myManager.getProject()).getFilesWithWord(wordToSearch, UsageSearchContext.IN_PLAIN_TEXT, theSearchScope, true));

  final StringSearcher searcher = new StringSearcher(qName, true, true, false);

  final Ref<Boolean> cancelled = Ref.create(Boolean.FALSE);
  try {

    final SearchScope useScope = originalElement == null ? null : myDumbService.runReadActionInSmartMode(() -> getUseScope(originalElement));

    final int patternLength = qName.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
      final PsiFile psiFile = files[i];
      if (psiFile instanceof PsiBinaryFile) continue;

      final CharSequence text = ReadAction.compute(() -> psiFile.getViewProvider().getContents());

      LowLevelSearchUtil.processTextOccurrences(text, 0, text.length(), searcher, progress, index -> {
        boolean isReferenceOK = myDumbService.runReadActionInSmartMode(() -> {
          PsiReference referenceAt = psiFile.findReferenceAt(index);
          return referenceAt == null || useScope == null || !PsiSearchScopeUtil.isInScope(useScope.intersectWith(initialScope), psiFile);
        if (isReferenceOK && !processor.process(psiFile, index, index + patternLength)) {
          return false;

        return true;
      if (cancelled.get()) break;
      progress.setFraction((double)(i + 1) / files.length);
  finally {

  return !cancelled.get();
项目:consulo    文件   
private static int[] getTextOccurrences(@Nonnull CharSequence text,
                                        int startOffset,
                                        int endOffset,
                                        @Nonnull StringSearcher searcher,
                                        @javax.annotation.Nullable ProgressIndicator progress) {
  if (endOffset > text.length()) {
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("end: " + endOffset + " > length: " + text.length());
  Map<StringSearcher, int[]> cachedMap = cache.get(text);
  int[] cachedOccurrences = cachedMap == null ? null : cachedMap.get(searcher);
  boolean hasCachedOccurrences = cachedOccurrences != null && cachedOccurrences[0] <= startOffset && cachedOccurrences[1] >= endOffset;
  if (!hasCachedOccurrences) {
    TIntArrayList occurrences = new TIntArrayList();
    int newStart = Math.min(startOffset, cachedOccurrences == null ? startOffset : cachedOccurrences[0]);
    int newEnd = Math.max(endOffset, cachedOccurrences == null ? endOffset : cachedOccurrences[1]);
    for (int index = newStart; index < newEnd; index++) {
      if (progress != null) progress.checkCanceled();
      //noinspection AssignmentToForLoopParameter
      index = searcher.scan(text, index, newEnd);
      if (index < 0) break;
      if (checkJavaIdentifier(text, 0, text.length(), searcher, index)) {
    cachedOccurrences = occurrences.toNativeArray();
    if (cachedMap == null) {
      cachedMap = ConcurrencyUtil.cacheOrGet(cache, text, ContainerUtil.createConcurrentSoftMap());
    cachedMap.put(searcher, cachedOccurrences);
  TIntArrayList offsets = new TIntArrayList(cachedOccurrences.length - 2);
  for (int i = 2; i < cachedOccurrences.length; i++) {
    int occurrence = cachedOccurrences[i];
    if (occurrence > endOffset - searcher.getPatternLength()) break;
    if (occurrence >= startOffset) {
  return offsets.toNativeArray();
项目:consulo    文件   
private static StringSearcher createStringSearcher(@Nonnull FindModel model) {
  return new StringSearcher(model.getStringToFind(), model.isCaseSensitive(), model.isForward());
项目:consulo-java    文件   
public DataIndexer<MethodCallData, Void, FileContent> getIndexer()
    return inputData ->
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        int[] nullOffsets = new StringSearcher(PsiKeyword.NULL, true, true).findAllOccurrences(inputData.getContentAsText());
        if(nullOffsets.length == 0)
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        LighterAST lighterAst = ((FileContentImpl) inputData).getLighterASTForPsiDependentIndex();
        Set<LighterASTNode> calls = findCallsWithNulls(lighterAst, nullOffsets);
            return Collections.emptyMap();

        Map<MethodCallData, Void> result = new THashMap<>();
        for(LighterASTNode element : calls)
            final IntArrayList indices = getNullParameterIndices(lighterAst, element);
            if(indices != null)
                final String name = getMethodName(lighterAst, element, element.getTokenType());
                if(name != null)
                    for(int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i++)
                        result.put(new MethodCallData(name, indices.get(i)), null);
        return result;
项目:consulo    文件   
boolean execute(@Nonnull PsiElement scope, @Nonnull int[] offsetsInScope, @Nonnull StringSearcher searcher);