public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfNumber aw = (PdfNumber) operands.get(0); PdfNumber ac = (PdfNumber) operands.get(1); PdfString string = (PdfString) operands.get(2); ArrayList twOperands = new ArrayList(1); twOperands.add(0, aw); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("Tw"), twOperands); ArrayList tcOperands = new ArrayList(1); tcOperands.add(0, ac); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("Tc"), tcOperands); ArrayList tickOperands = new ArrayList(1); tickOperands.add(0, string); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("'"), tickOperands); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfName dictionaryName = (PdfName) operands.get(0); PdfDictionary extGState = processor.resources.getAsDict(PdfName.EXTGSTATE); if (extGState == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Resources do not contain ExtGState entry. Unable to process operator " + operator); } PdfDictionary gsDic = extGState.getAsDict(dictionaryName); if (gsDic == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(dictionaryName + " is an unknown graphics state dictionary"); } // at this point, all we care about is the FONT entry in the GS dictionary PdfArray fontParameter = gsDic.getAsArray(PdfName.FONT); if (fontParameter != null) { CMapAwareDocumentFont font = new CMapAwareDocumentFont( (PRIndirectReference) fontParameter.getPdfObject(0)); float size = fontParameter.getAsNumber(1).floatValue(); = font; = size; } }
PdfObject getColorspace() { if (icc_profile != null) { if ((colorType & 2) == 0) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; else return PdfName.DEVICERGB; } if (gamma == 1f && !hasCHRM) { if ((colorType & 2) == 0) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; else return PdfName.DEVICERGB; } else { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); if ((colorType & 2) == 0) { if (gamma == 1f) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; array.add(PdfName.CALGRAY); dic.put(PdfName.GAMMA, new PdfNumber(gamma)); dic.put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]")); array.add(dic); } else { PdfObject wp = new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]"); array.add(PdfName.CALRGB); if (gamma != 1f) { PdfArray gm = new PdfArray(); PdfNumber n = new PdfNumber(gamma); gm.add(n); gm.add(n); gm.add(n); dic.put(PdfName.GAMMA, gm); } if (hasCHRM) { float z = yW*((xG-xB)*yR-(xR-xB)*yG+(xR-xG)*yB); float YA = yR*((xG-xB)*yW-(xW-xB)*yG+(xW-xG)*yB)/z; float XA = YA*xR/yR; float ZA = YA*((1-xR)/yR-1); float YB = -yG*((xR-xB)*yW-(xW-xB)*yR+(xW-xR)*yB)/z; float XB = YB*xG/yG; float ZB = YB*((1-xG)/yG-1); float YC = yB*((xR-xG)*yW-(xW-xG)*yW+(xW-xR)*yG)/z; float XC = YC*xB/yB; float ZC = YC*((1-xB)/yB-1); float XW = XA+XB+XC; float YW = 1;//YA+YB+YC; float ZW = ZA+ZB+ZC; PdfArray wpa = new PdfArray(); wpa.add(new PdfNumber(XW)); wpa.add(new PdfNumber(YW)); wpa.add(new PdfNumber(ZW)); wp = wpa; PdfArray matrix = new PdfArray(); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(XA)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(YA)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(ZA)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(XB)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(YB)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(ZB)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(XC)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(YC)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(ZC)); dic.put(PdfName.MATRIX, matrix); } dic.put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, wp); array.add(dic); } return array; } }
/** * Processes PDF syntax * @param contentBytes the bytes of a content stream * @param resources the resources that come with the content stream */ public void processContent(byte[] contentBytes, PdfDictionary resources){ reset(); this.resources = resources; try { PdfContentParser ps = new PdfContentParser(new PRTokeniser(contentBytes)); ArrayList operands = new ArrayList(); while (ps.parse(operands).size() > 0){ PdfLiteral operator = (PdfLiteral)operands.get(operands.size()-1); invokeOperator(operator, operands); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfNumber aw = (PdfNumber)operands.get(0); PdfNumber ac = (PdfNumber)operands.get(1); PdfString string = (PdfString)operands.get(2); ArrayList twOperands = new ArrayList(1); twOperands.add(0, aw); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("Tw"), twOperands); ArrayList tcOperands = new ArrayList(1); tcOperands.add(0, ac); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("Tc"), tcOperands); ArrayList tickOperands = new ArrayList(1); tickOperands.add(0, string); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("'"), tickOperands); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfName dictionaryName = (PdfName)operands.get(0); PdfDictionary extGState = processor.resources.getAsDict(PdfName.EXTGSTATE); if (extGState == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resources do not contain ExtGState entry. Unable to process operator " + operator); PdfDictionary gsDic = extGState.getAsDict(dictionaryName); if (gsDic == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(dictionaryName + " is an unknown graphics state dictionary"); // at this point, all we care about is the FONT entry in the GS dictionary PdfArray fontParameter = gsDic.getAsArray(PdfName.FONT); if (fontParameter != null){ CMapAwareDocumentFont font = new CMapAwareDocumentFont((PRIndirectReference)fontParameter.getPdfObject(0)); float size = fontParameter.getAsNumber(1).floatValue(); = font; = size; } }
/** * Invokes an operator. * @param operator the PDF Syntax of the operator * @param operands a list with operands */ public void invokeOperator(PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { ContentOperator op = operators.get(operator.toString()); if (op == null) { // skipping unssupported operator return; } op.invoke(this, operator, operands); }
/** * Processes PDF syntax * @param contentBytes the bytes of a content stream * @param resources the resources that come with the content stream */ public void processContent(byte[] contentBytes, PdfDictionary resources) { this.resources.push(resources); try { PdfContentParser ps = new PdfContentParser(new PRTokeniser(contentBytes)); ArrayList operands = new ArrayList(); while (ps.parse(operands).size() > 0) { PdfLiteral operator = (PdfLiteral) operands.get(operands.size() - 1); invokeOperator(operator, operands); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new ExceptionConverter(e); } this.resources.pop(); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfArray array = (PdfArray) operands.get(0); float tj = 0; for (Iterator i = array.listIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object entryObj =; if (entryObj instanceof PdfString) { processor.displayPdfString((PdfString) entryObj, tj); tj = 0; } else { tj = ((PdfNumber) entryObj).floatValue(); } } }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float a = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(0)).floatValue(); float b = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(1)).floatValue(); float c = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(2)).floatValue(); float d = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(3)).floatValue(); float e = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(4)).floatValue(); float f = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(5)).floatValue(); processor.textLineMatrix = new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); processor.textMatrix = processor.textLineMatrix; }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float ty = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(1)).floatValue(); ArrayList tlOperands = new ArrayList(1); tlOperands.add(0, new PdfNumber(-ty)); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("TL"), tlOperands); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("Td"), operands); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float tx = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(0)).floatValue(); float ty = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(1)).floatValue(); Matrix translationMatrix = new Matrix(tx, ty); processor.textMatrix = translationMatrix.multiply(processor.textLineMatrix); processor.textLineMatrix = processor.textMatrix; }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfName fontResourceName = (PdfName) operands.get(0); float size = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(1)).floatValue(); PdfDictionary fontsDictionary = processor.resources.getAsDict(PdfName.FONT); CMapAwareDocumentFont font = new CMapAwareDocumentFont( (PRIndirectReference) fontsDictionary.get(fontResourceName)); = font; = size; }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float a = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(0)).floatValue(); float b = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(1)).floatValue(); float c = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(2)).floatValue(); float d = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(3)).floatValue(); float e = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(4)).floatValue(); float f = ((PdfNumber) operands.get(5)).floatValue(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); GraphicsState gs = (GraphicsState) processor.gsStack.peek(); gs.ctm = gs.ctm.multiply(matrix); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { processor.textMatrix = null; processor.textLineMatrix = null; }
/** * Invokes an operator. * @param operator the PDF Syntax of the operator * @param operands a list with operands */ public void invokeOperator(PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands){ ContentOperator op = (ContentOperator)operators.get(operator.toString()); if (op == null){ //System.out.println("Skipping operator " + operator); return; } op.invoke(this, operator, operands); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfArray array = (PdfArray)operands.get(0); float tj = 0; for (Iterator i = array.listIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Object entryObj =; if (entryObj instanceof PdfString){ processor.displayPdfString((PdfString)entryObj, tj); tj = 0; } else { tj = ((PdfNumber)entryObj).floatValue(); } } }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float a = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(0)).floatValue(); float b = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(1)).floatValue(); float c = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(2)).floatValue(); float d = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(3)).floatValue(); float e = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(4)).floatValue(); float f = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(5)).floatValue(); processor.textLineMatrix = new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); processor.textMatrix = processor.textLineMatrix; }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float ty = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(1)).floatValue(); ArrayList tlOperands = new ArrayList(1); tlOperands.add(0, new PdfNumber(-ty)); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("TL"), tlOperands); processor.invokeOperator(new PdfLiteral("Td"), operands); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float tx = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(0)).floatValue(); float ty = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(1)).floatValue(); Matrix translationMatrix = new Matrix(tx, ty); processor.textMatrix = translationMatrix.multiply(processor.textLineMatrix); processor.textLineMatrix = processor.textMatrix; }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfName fontResourceName = (PdfName)operands.get(0); float size = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(1)).floatValue(); PdfDictionary fontsDictionary = processor.resources.getAsDict(PdfName.FONT); CMapAwareDocumentFont font = new CMapAwareDocumentFont((PRIndirectReference)fontsDictionary.get(fontResourceName)); = font; = size; }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { PdfNumber scale = (PdfNumber)operands.get(0); = scale.floatValue(); }
public void invoke(PdfContentStreamProcessor processor, PdfLiteral operator, ArrayList operands) { float a = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(0)).floatValue(); float b = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(1)).floatValue(); float c = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(2)).floatValue(); float d = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(3)).floatValue(); float e = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(4)).floatValue(); float f = ((PdfNumber)operands.get(5)).floatValue(); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(a, b, c, d, e, f); GraphicsState gs = (GraphicsState)processor.gsStack.peek(); gs.ctm = gs.ctm.multiply(matrix); }
PdfObject getColorspace() { if (gamma == 1f && !hasCHRM) { if ((colorType & 2) == 0) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; else return PdfName.DEVICERGB; } else { PdfArray array = new PdfArray(); PdfDictionary dic = new PdfDictionary(); if ((colorType & 2) == 0) { if (gamma == 1f) return PdfName.DEVICEGRAY; array.add(PdfName.CALGRAY); dic.put(PdfName.GAMMA, new PdfNumber(gamma)); dic.put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]")); array.add(dic); } else { PdfObject wp = new PdfLiteral("[1 1 1]"); array.add(PdfName.CALRGB); if (gamma != 1f) { PdfArray gm = new PdfArray(); PdfNumber n = new PdfNumber(gamma); gm.add(n); gm.add(n); gm.add(n); dic.put(PdfName.GAMMA, gm); } if (hasCHRM) { float z = yW*((xG-xB)*yR-(xR-xB)*yG+(xR-xG)*yB); float YA = yR*((xG-xB)*yW-(xW-xB)*yG+(xW-xG)*yB)/z; float XA = YA*xR/yR; float ZA = YA*((1-xR)/yR-1); float YB = -yG*((xR-xB)*yW-(xW-xB)*yR+(xW-xR)*yB)/z; float XB = YB*xG/yG; float ZB = YB*((1-xG)/yG-1); float YC = yB*((xR-xG)*yW-(xW-xG)*yW+(xW-xR)*yG)/z; float XC = YC*xB/yB; float ZC = YC*((1-xB)/yB-1); float XW = XA+XB+XC; float YW = 1;//YA+YB+YC; float ZW = ZA+ZB+ZC; PdfArray wpa = new PdfArray(); wpa.add(new PdfNumber(XW)); wpa.add(new PdfNumber(YW)); wpa.add(new PdfNumber(ZW)); wp = wpa; PdfArray matrix = new PdfArray(); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(XA)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(YA)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(ZA)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(XB)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(YB)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(ZB)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(XC)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(YC)); matrix.add(new PdfNumber(ZC)); dic.put(PdfName.MATRIX, matrix); } dic.put(PdfName.WHITEPOINT, wp); array.add(dic); } return array; } }