private static <T extends Library> T loadNativeLibrary(String name, Class<T> interfaceClass, Map<String, ?> options) { T library = interfaceClass.cast(Native.loadLibrary(name, interfaceClass, options)); boolean needCustom = false; search: for (Method m : interfaceClass.getMethods()) for (Class<?> cls : m.getParameterTypes()) if (cls.isArray() && getConverter(cls.getComponentType()) != null) { needCustom = true; break search; } if (!needCustom) return library; // System.out.println("Using custom library proxy for " + interfaceClass.getName()); return interfaceClass.cast( Proxy.newProxyInstance(interfaceClass.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ interfaceClass }, new Handler<T>(library, options))); }
private static <T extends Library> T loadNativeLibrary(String name, Class<T> interfaceClass, Map<String, ?> options) { T library = interfaceClass.cast(Native.loadLibrary(name, interfaceClass, options)); boolean needCustom = false; for (Method m : interfaceClass.getMethods()) { for (Class<?> cls : m.getParameterTypes()) { if (cls.isArray() && getConverter(cls.getComponentType()) != null) { needCustom = true; } } } // // If no custom conversions are needed, just return the JNA proxy // if (!needCustom) { return library; } else { // System.out.println("Using custom library proxy for " + interfaceClass.getName()); return interfaceClass.cast(Proxy.newProxyInstance(interfaceClass.getClassLoader(), new Class[]{ interfaceClass }, new Handler<T>(library, options))); } }
private static <T extends Library> T loadWin32Library(String name, Class<T> interfaceClass, Map<String, ?> options) { // // gstreamer on win32 names the dll files one of foo.dll, libfoo.dll and libfoo-0.dll // String[] nameFormats = { "%s", "lib%s", "lib%s-0", }; for (int i = 0; i < nameFormats.length; ++i) { try { return interfaceClass.cast(loadNativeLibrary(String.format(nameFormats[i], name), interfaceClass, options)); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { continue; } } throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Could not load library " + name); }
public static WinscardLibInfo openLib() { String libraryName = Platform.isWindows() ? WINDOWS_PATH : Platform.isMac() ? MAC_PATH : PCSC_PATH; HashMap<String, Object> options = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (Platform.isWindows()) { options.put(Library.OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER, new WindowsFunctionMapper()); } else if (Platform.isMac()) { options.put(Library.OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER, new MacFunctionMapper()); } WinscardLibrary lib = (WinscardLibrary) Native.loadLibrary(libraryName, WinscardLibrary.class, options); NativeLibrary nativeLibrary = NativeLibrary.getInstance(libraryName); // SCARD_PCI_* is #defined to the following symbols (both pcsclite and winscard) ScardIoRequest SCARD_PCI_T0 = new ScardIoRequest(nativeLibrary.getGlobalVariableAddress("g_rgSCardT0Pci")); ScardIoRequest SCARD_PCI_T1 = new ScardIoRequest(nativeLibrary.getGlobalVariableAddress("g_rgSCardT1Pci")); ScardIoRequest SCARD_PCI_RAW = new ScardIoRequest(nativeLibrary.getGlobalVariableAddress("g_rgSCardRawPci"));;;; SCARD_PCI_T0.setAutoSynch(false); SCARD_PCI_T1.setAutoSynch(false); SCARD_PCI_RAW.setAutoSynch(false); return new WinscardLibInfo(lib, SCARD_PCI_T0, SCARD_PCI_T1, SCARD_PCI_RAW); }
public static synchronized <T extends Library> T loadLibrary(String name, Class<T> interfaceClass, Map<String, ?> options) { if (!Platform.isWindows()) return loadNativeLibrary(name, interfaceClass, options); for (String format : windowsNameFormats) try { return interfaceClass.cast(loadNativeLibrary(String.format(format, name), interfaceClass, options)); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { continue; } throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Could not load library: " + name); }
public static <T extends Library> T load(String libraryName, Class<T> interfaceClass) { for (String format : nameFormats) try { return GNative.loadLibrary(String.format(format, libraryName), interfaceClass, options); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { continue; } throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Could not load library: " + libraryName); }
public static synchronized <T extends Library> T loadLibrary(String name, Class<T> interfaceClass, Map<String, ?> options) { for (String format : nameFormats) try { return loadNativeLibrary(String.format(format, name), interfaceClass, options); } catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError ex) { continue; } throw new UnsatisfiedLinkError("Could not load library: " + name); }
/** * Returns the correct userDataFolder for the given application name. */ public static String defaultDirectory() { // default String folder = "." + File.separator; if (isMac()) { folder = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "Library" + File.separator + "Application Support"; } else if (isWindows()) { Map<String, Object> options = Maps.newHashMap(); options.put(Library.OPTION_TYPE_MAPPER, W32APITypeMapper.UNICODE); options.put(Library.OPTION_FUNCTION_MAPPER, W32APIFunctionMapper.UNICODE); HWND hwndOwner = null; int nFolder = Shell32.CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA; HANDLE hToken = null; int dwFlags = Shell32.SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT; char pszPath[] = new char[Shell32.MAX_PATH]; Shell32 instance = (Shell32) Native.loadLibrary("shell32", Shell32.class, options); int hResult = instance.SHGetFolderPath(hwndOwner, nFolder, hToken, dwFlags, pszPath); if (Shell32.S_OK == hResult) { String path = new String(pszPath); int len = path.indexOf('\0'); folder = path.substring(0, len); } else { System.err.println("Error: " + hResult); } } folder = folder + File.separator + "SpaceCubes" + File.separator; return folder; }
protected boolean connect() { try { if (sysLibrary == null) { logger.debug("Loading native code library..."); sysLibrary = (LibK8055) Native .synchronizedLibrary((Library) Native.loadLibrary( "k8055", LibK8055.class)); logger.debug("Done loading native code library"); } if (!connected) { if (sysLibrary.OpenDevice(boardNo) == boardNo) { connected = true; // We don't really know the existing state - so this results // in the state of all inputs being republished lastDigitalInputs = -1;"K8055: Connect to board: " + boardNo + " succeeeded."); } else { logger.error("K8055: Connect to board: " + boardNo + " failed."); } } ; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to load K8055 native library. Please check the libk8055 and jna native libraries are in the Java library path. ", e); } return connected; }
public static < L extends Library > L loadNativeLibrary( ArrayList< String > potentialNames, final Class< L > library ) { final GenericDialogPlus gd = new GenericDialogPlus( "Specify path of native library" ); final String directory; if ( defaultDirectory == null ) directory = IJ.getDirectory( "ImageJ" ); else directory = defaultDirectory; final File dir; if ( directory == null || directory.equals( "null/") ) dir = new File( "" ); else dir = new File( directory ); gd.addDirectoryField( "CUDA_Directory", dir.getAbsolutePath(), 80 ); gd.showDialog(); if ( gd.wasCanceled() ) return null; return loadNativeLibrary( potentialNames, new File( defaultDirectory = gd.getNextString() ), library ); }
protected boolean connect() { try { if (sysLibrary == null) { logger.debug("Loading native code library..."); sysLibrary = (LibK8055) Native .synchronizedLibrary((Library) Native.loadLibrary("k8055", LibK8055.class)); logger.debug("Done loading native code library"); } if (!connected) { if (sysLibrary.OpenDevice(boardNo) == boardNo) { connected = true; // We don't really know the existing state - so this results // in the state of all inputs being republished lastDigitalInputs = -1;"K8055: Connect to board: " + boardNo + " succeeeded."); } else { logger.error("K8055: Connect to board: " + boardNo + " failed."); } } ; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "Failed to load K8055 native library. Please check the libk8055 and jna native libraries are in the Java library path. ", e); } return connected; }
@Override public INativeLibrary createLibrary(String name, Object callingConvention) { Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>(2); if (callingConvention == INativeFunction.CallingConventionCdecl) { options.put(Library.OPTION_CALLING_CONVENTION, Function.C_CONVENTION); } else if (callingConvention == INativeFunction.CallingConventionStdcall) { options.put(Library.OPTION_CALLING_CONVENTION, Function.ALT_CONVENTION); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal calling convention"); } options.put(Library.OPTION_OPEN_FLAGS, -1); return new JnaNativeLibrary(this, name, options); }
public static <T extends Library> T load(Class<T> interfaceClass) { return load("gstreamer", interfaceClass); }
/** * @param args * @throws IOException */ public static void main(final String[] args) throws IOException { Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); final IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; String filepath = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Digite o caminho do XML a ser enviado a DLL:"); File file = new File(filepath); System.out.println("Buscando XML " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " ..."); if(!file.exists()){ System.out.println("Arquivo XML " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " n�o encontrado!"); System.exit(1); } System.out.println("XML " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " encontrado!"); System.out.println("Convertendo XML para String " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " ..."); final String xml = obterXML(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))); System.out.println("XML convertido para String " + xml + " com sucesso!"); int qtdeAcessos = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Digite o n�mero de threads a serem executadas:")); System.out.println("Quantidade de threads: " + qtdeAcessos); final String caminhoDLL = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Digite o caminho do diret�rio EVServer:"); System.out.println("Caminho real das DLLs: " + caminhoDLL); final String tipoServico = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Digite o tipo de servi�o a ser consultado:"); System.out.println(); final JFrame frame = new JFrame("Resultado EV Server"); final JTextArea textarea = new JTextArea(); textarea.setColumns(100); textarea.setRows(40); final JScrollPane scroll = new JScrollPane(textarea); scroll.setAutoscrolls(true); frame.add(scroll); frame.setSize(200, 150); frame.pack(); frame.setVisible(true); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); final ThreadGroup group = new ThreadGroup("Group"); for(int i = 0; i < qtdeAcessos; i++){ Thread thread = new Thread(group, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { textarea.append("Iniciando thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " ...\n"); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); String retorno = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(Integer.parseInt(tipoServico), xml, caminhoDLL, caminhoDLL); textarea.append(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": Retorno da DLL: \n" + retorno + "\n"); textarea.append(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": Tempo de resposta: " + ((System.currentTimeMillis() - time) / 1000) + "\n"); textarea.setCaretPosition(textarea.getText().length()); } }); thread.start(); } while(group.activeCount() > 0); textarea.append("Fim da execu��o!"); }
/** * @param args * @return */ public ResulConsVO testDllValidador(String cnpj,String estado) { // Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); //library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; long inicio = System.currentTimeMillis(); String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(8, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?> " + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\">" + "<CRM>77342</CRM>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>false</Ativo>" + "<Usuario/>" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); /* String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(3, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\"> " + "<Municipio>CAMPINAS</Municipio>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>true</Ativo>" + "<Usuario>/" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); */ System.out.println(resultado); ResulConsVO result = unMarshall(resultado); Set<DadosRetInstVO> dadosRetInst = result.getRegistrosRetorno(); if(!result.getCodErro().equals(10000)){ System.out.println("Inicio results..."+result.getCodErro()+" "+result.getErro()); } for (DadosRetInstVO dadosRetInstVO : dadosRetInst) { RetornoCronometro retornoCronometro = new RetornoCronometro(dadosRetInstVO,inicio,System.currentTimeMillis()); TestJNADll_CRM.retornos.add(retornoCronometro); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.fim - retornoCronometro.inicio+" "); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.dadosRetInstVO.getRazaoSocial()); System.out.println(); } //System.out.println("...fim results"); return null; }
/** * @param args * @return */ public ResulConsVO testDllValidador(String cnpj,String estado) { // Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); //library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; long inicio = System.currentTimeMillis(); String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(10, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\"> " + "<Municipio>campinas</Municipio>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>false</Ativo>" + "<Usuario/>" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); /* String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(3, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\"> " + "<Municipio>CAMPINAS</Municipio>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>true</Ativo>" + "<Usuario>/" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); */ System.out.println(resultado); ResulConsVO result = unMarshall(resultado); Set<DadosRetInstVO> dadosRetInst = result.getRegistrosRetorno(); if(!result.getCodErro().equals(10000)){ System.out.println("Inicio results..."+result.getCodErro()+" "+result.getErro()); } for (DadosRetInstVO dadosRetInstVO : dadosRetInst) { RetornoCronometro retornoCronometro = new RetornoCronometro(dadosRetInstVO,inicio,System.currentTimeMillis()); TestJNADll_IBGE.retornos.add(retornoCronometro); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.fim - retornoCronometro.inicio+" "); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.dadosRetInstVO.getRazaoSocial()); System.out.println(); } //System.out.println("...fim results"); return null; }
/** * @param args * @return */ public ResulConsVO testDllValidador(String cnpj,String estado) { // Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); //library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; long inicio = System.currentTimeMillis(); String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(5, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\">" + "<Valor>05156224000100</Valor>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>false</Ativo>" + "<Usuario/>" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); /* String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(3, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\"> " + "<Municipio>CAMPINAS</Municipio>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>true</Ativo>" + "<Usuario>/" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); */ System.out.println(resultado); ResulConsVO result = unMarshall(resultado); Set<DadosRetInstVO> dadosRetInst = result.getRegistrosRetorno(); if(!result.getCodErro().equals(10000)){ System.out.println("Inicio results..."+result.getCodErro()+" "+result.getErro()); } for (DadosRetInstVO dadosRetInstVO : dadosRetInst) { RetornoCronometro retornoCronometro = new RetornoCronometro(dadosRetInstVO,inicio,System.currentTimeMillis()); TestJNADll_SUFRAMA.retornos.add(retornoCronometro); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.fim - retornoCronometro.inicio+" "); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.dadosRetInstVO.getRazaoSocial()); System.out.println(); } //System.out.println("...fim results"); return null; }
/** * @param args * @return */ public ResulConsVO testDllValidador(String cnpj,String estado) { // Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); //library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; long inicio = System.currentTimeMillis(); String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(3, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\">" + "<TipoConsulta>0</TipoConsulta>" + "<Valor>"+cnpj+"</Valor>" + "<Estado>"+estado+"</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>false</Ativo>" + "<Usuario/>" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); /* String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(3, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\"> " + "<Municipio>CAMPINAS</Municipio>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>true</Ativo>" + "<Usuario>/" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); */ System.out.println(resultado); ResulConsVO result = unMarshall(resultado); Set<DadosRetInstVO> dadosRetInst = result.getRegistrosRetorno(); if(!result.getCodErro().equals(10000)){ System.out.println("Inicio results..."+result.getCodErro()+" "+result.getErro()); } for (DadosRetInstVO dadosRetInstVO : dadosRetInst) { RetornoCronometro retornoCronometro = new RetornoCronometro(dadosRetInstVO,inicio,System.currentTimeMillis()); TestJNADll.retornos.add(retornoCronometro); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.fim - retornoCronometro.inicio+" "); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.dadosRetInstVO.getRazaoSocial()); System.out.println(); } //System.out.println("...fim results"); return null; }
/** * @param args * @return */ public ResulConsVO testDllValidador(String cnpj,String estado) { // Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); //library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; long inicio = System.currentTimeMillis(); String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(13, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\">" + "<Valor>45544368000159</Valor>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>false</Ativo>" + "<Usuario/>" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); /* String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(3, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\"> " + "<Municipio>CAMPINAS</Municipio>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>true</Ativo>" + "<Usuario>/" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); */ System.out.println(resultado); ResulConsVO result = unMarshall(resultado); Set<DadosRetInstVO> dadosRetInst = result.getRegistrosRetorno(); if(!result.getCodErro().equals(10000)){ System.out.println("Inicio results..."+result.getCodErro()+" "+result.getErro()); } for (DadosRetInstVO dadosRetInstVO : dadosRetInst) { RetornoCronometro retornoCronometro = new RetornoCronometro(dadosRetInstVO,inicio,System.currentTimeMillis()); TestJNADll_ANP.retornos.add(retornoCronometro); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.fim - retornoCronometro.inicio+" "); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.dadosRetInstVO.getRazaoSocial()); System.out.println(); } //System.out.println("...fim results"); return null; }
/** * @param args * @return */ public ResulConsVO testDllValidador(String cnpj,String estado) { // Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); //library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; long inicio = System.currentTimeMillis(); String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(9, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\">" + "<CNPJ>61577870000112</CNPJ>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>false</Ativo>" + "<Usuario/>" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); /* String resultado = consultaOnLine.DBI_EfetuaConsultaServico(3, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>" + "<ParametrosConsulta Versao=\"1.0\"> " + "<Municipio>CAMPINAS</Municipio>" + "<Estado>SP</Estado>" + "<Proxy>" + "<Ativo>true</Ativo>" + "<Usuario>/" + "<Senha/>" + "<Host/>" + "<Porta/>" + "</Proxy>" + "</ParametrosConsulta>", "C:\\EV Server", "C:\\EV Server"); */ System.out.println(resultado); ResulConsVO result = unMarshall(resultado); Set<DadosRetInstVO> dadosRetInst = result.getRegistrosRetorno(); if(!result.getCodErro().equals(10000)){ System.out.println("Inicio results..."+result.getCodErro()+" "+result.getErro()); } for (DadosRetInstVO dadosRetInstVO : dadosRetInst) { RetornoCronometro retornoCronometro = new RetornoCronometro(dadosRetInstVO,inicio,System.currentTimeMillis()); TestJNADll_ANVISA.retornos.add(retornoCronometro); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.fim - retornoCronometro.inicio+" "); System.out.print(retornoCronometro.dadosRetInstVO.getRazaoSocial()); System.out.println(); } //System.out.println("...fim results"); return null; }
public static <T extends Library> T loadLibrary(String name, Class<T> interfaceClass) { return loadLibrary(name, interfaceClass, defaultOptions); }
public static <T extends Library> T loadLibrary(String name, Class<T> interfaceClass, Map<String, ?> options) { if (Platform.isWindows()) { return loadWin32Library(name, interfaceClass, options); } return loadNativeLibrary(name, interfaceClass, options); }
public NativeLibraryOptions() { super(); put(Library.OPTION_TYPE_MAPPER, new NativeTypeMapper()); }
public static < L extends Library > L loadNativeLibrary( final Class< L > library ) { final ArrayList< String > names = new ArrayList< String >(); return loadNativeLibrary( names, library ); }
public static < L extends Library > L loadNativeLibrary( final String potentialName, final Class< L > library ) { final ArrayList< String > names = new ArrayList< String >(); names.add( potentialName ); return loadNativeLibrary( names, library ); }
public ValidadorFacadeImpl() { log.debug("Instanciando servico!"); tipoServicoXML = new TiposServicoXMLFactory(); Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA)library; }
public ValidadorFacadeFakeImpl() { log.debug("Instanciando servico!"); tipoServicoXML = new TiposServicoXMLFactory(); Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA)library; }
public ConsultaOnlineJNA() { Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); this.consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA)Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); }
/** * Carrega dll de consulta on line */ protected IConsultaOnLineJNA getConsultaOnLineJNA() { Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); IConsultaOnLineJNA consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA) library; return consultaOnLine; }
public ValidadorFacadeFakeImpl() { if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Instanciando servico!"); tipoServicoXML = new TiposServicoXMLFactory(); Native.setProtected(true); Library library = (Library) Native.loadLibrary("ConsultaOnLine", IConsultaOnLineJNA.class); library = Native.synchronizedLibrary(library); consultaOnLine = (IConsultaOnLineJNA)library; }