@Override public <T> T getAdapter(Class<T> clazz) { if (clazz == NotesTimeDateStruct.class || clazz == Structure.class) { return (T) m_struct; } return null; }
/** * @param Header C type : VIEW_FORMAT_HEADER<br> * @param Columns Number of columns<br> * @param ItemSequenceNumber Seq. number for unique item names<br> * @param Flags (see VIEW_TABLE_xxx)<br> * @param Flags2 Flags */ public NotesViewTableFormatStruct(NotesViewFormatHeaderStruct Header, short Columns, short ItemSequenceNumber, short Flags, short Flags2) { super(); this.Header = Header; this.Columns = Columns; this.ItemSequenceNumber = ItemSequenceNumber; this.Flags = Flags; this.Flags2 = Flags2; setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
/** * @param Signature VIEW_COLUMN_FORMAT_SIGNATURE5 * @param dwLength sizeof this structure + any extra data. * @param dwFlags flags * @param wDistNameColLen Length of programatic name of column that contains distiguished name. * @param wSharedColumnAliasLen If shared column, length of the alias of the shared column * @param dwReserved Reserved for future use. * C type : DWORD[4] */ public NotesViewColumnFormat5Struct(short Signature, short dwLength, int dwFlags, short wDistNameColLen, short wSharedColumnAliasLen, int dwReserved[]) { super(); this.Signature = Signature; this.dwLength = dwLength; this.dwFlags = dwFlags; this.wDistNameColLen = wDistNameColLen; this.wSharedColumnAliasLen = wSharedColumnAliasLen; if ((dwReserved.length != this.dwReserved.length)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !"); this.dwReserved = dwReserved; setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
/** * @param BufferSize Size of entire buffer in bytes<br> * @param Items Number of items following<br> * @param Flags See COLLATION_FLAG_xxx<br> * @param signature Must be COLLATION_SIGNATURE */ public NotesCollationStruct(short BufferSize, short Items, byte Flags, byte signature) { super(); this.BufferSize = BufferSize; this.Items = Items; this.Flags = Flags; this.signature = signature; setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
/** * @param Flags flags * @param signature Must be COLLATE_DESCRIPTOR_SIGNATURE<br> * @param keytype Type of key (COLLATE_TYPE_xxx)<br> * @param NameOffset Offset to the name string<br> * @param NameLength Length of the name string */ public NotesCollateDescriptorStruct(byte Flags, byte signature, byte keytype, short NameOffset, short NameLength) { super(); this.Flags = Flags; this.signature = signature; this.keytype = keytype; this.NameOffset = NameOffset; this.NameLength = NameLength; setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
/** * Creates a new instance * * @param numNames number of names in the list * @param id info from LICENSEID, should be empty * @param product info from LICENSEID, should be empty * @param check info from LICENSEID, should be empty * @param authenticated Flag to mark the user as already authenticated, e.g. via web server * @deprecated only public to be used by JNA; use static newInstance method instead to run in AccessController.doPrivileged block */ public WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct(short numNames, byte id[], byte product, byte check[], short authenticated) { super(); this.NumNames = numNames; if ((id.length != this.ID.length)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !"); this.ID = id; this.Product = product; if ((check.length != this.Check.length)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong array size !"); this.Check = check; this.Authenticated = authenticated; setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_DEFAULT); }
public static NotesTFMTStruct newInstance(final byte Date, final byte Time, final byte Zone, final byte Structure) { return AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<NotesTFMTStruct>() { @Override public NotesTFMTStruct run() { return new NotesTFMTStruct(Date, Time, Zone, Structure); } }); }
/** * @param ObjectType Type of object (OBJECT_xxx)<br> * @param RRV Object ID of the object in THIS FILE * @deprecated only public to be used by JNA; use static newInstance method instead to run in AccessController.doPrivileged block */ public NotesObjectDescriptorStruct(short ObjectType, int RRV) { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); this.ObjectType = ObjectType; this.RRV = RRV; }
@Override public <T> T getAdapter(Class<T> clazz) { if (clazz == NotesDbReplicaInfoStruct.class || clazz == Structure.class) { return (T) m_struct; } return null; }
boolean ReadFile(Pointer hFile, Memory lpBuffer, int nNumberOfBytesToRead, IntByReference lpNumberOfBytesRead, Structure lpOverlapped);
public SnapshotInfoListSouth(Pointer pointer) { super(pointer, Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public CameraConfigSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public PTZControlInfoSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public BacklightSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public BroadcastInfoSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public CameraSnapshotConfigSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public CameraExtendConfigSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public CameraPositionSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public WideDynamicSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesFontIDFieldsStruct(Pointer peer) { super(peer); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewTableFormatStruct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewTableFormatStruct(Pointer peer) { super(peer); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewColumnFormat3Struct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public AlarmOutConfigSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewTableFormat2Struct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public DeviceChannelConfigSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public CameraBriefInfoSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public DeviceGroupListSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewColumnFormat5Struct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewColumnFormat5Struct(Pointer peer) { super(peer); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewColumnFormat2Struct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public AlarmBriefInfoSouth() { super(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesViewColumnFormat4Struct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public OperationLogListSouth(Pointer pointer) { super(pointer, Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesCollationStruct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesCollationStruct(Pointer peer) { super(peer); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public StreamExceptionInfo(Pointer p) { super(p, Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
public NotesCollateDescriptorStruct(Pointer peer) { super(peer); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }
/** * @deprecated only public to be used by JNA; use static newInstance method instead to run in AccessController.doPrivileged block */ public WinNotesNamesListHeader64Struct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_DEFAULT); }
/** * @deprecated only public to be used by JNA; use static newInstance method instead to run in AccessController.doPrivileged block */ public NotesFileObjectStruct() { super(); setAlignType(Structure.ALIGN_NONE); }