public void completeHandshake(Side target) { if (state == ConnectionState.CONNECTED) { FMLLog.severe("Attempt to double complete the network connection!"); throw new FMLNetworkException("Attempt to double complete!"); } if (side == Side.CLIENT) { completeClientSideConnection(ConnectionType.MODDED); } else { completeServerSideConnection(ConnectionType.MODDED); } }
@Override public void func_148833_a(INetHandler inethandler) { this.netHandler = inethandler; EmbeddedChannel internalChannel = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.getChannel(,; if (internalChannel != null) { internalChannel.attr(NetworkRegistry.NET_HANDLER).set(this.netHandler); try { if (internalChannel.writeInbound(this)) { badPackets.add(; if (badPackets.size() % packetCountWarning == 0) { FMLLog.severe("Detected ongoing potential memory leak. %d packets have leaked. Top offenders", badPackets.size()); int i = 0; for (Entry<String> s : Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(badPackets).entrySet()) { if (i++ > 10) break; FMLLog.severe("\t %s : %d", s.getElement(), s.getCount()); } } } internalChannel.inboundMessages().clear(); } catch (FMLNetworkException ne) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, ne, "There was a network exception handling a packet on channel %s", channel); dispatcher.rejectHandshake(ne.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, t, "There was a critical exception handling a packet on channel %s", channel); dispatcher.rejectHandshake("A fatal error has occured, this connection is terminated"); } } }
@Override protected void testMessageValidity(FMLProxyPacket msg) { if (msg.payload().getByte(0) == 0 && msg.payload().readableBytes() > 2) { FMLLog.severe("The connection appears to have sent an invalid FML packet of type 0, this is likely because it think's it's talking to 1.6.4 FML");"Bad data :"); for (String l : Splitter.on('\n').split(ByteBufUtils.getContentDump(msg.payload()))) {"\t%s",l); } throw new FMLNetworkException("Invalid FML packet"); } }
@Override public void processPacket(INetHandler inethandler) { this.netHandler = inethandler; EmbeddedChannel internalChannel = NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE.getChannel(,; if (internalChannel != null) { internalChannel.attr(NetworkRegistry.NET_HANDLER).set(this.netHandler); try { if (internalChannel.writeInbound(this)) { badPackets.add(; if (badPackets.size() % packetCountWarning == 0) { FMLLog.severe("Detected ongoing potential memory leak. %d packets have leaked. Top offenders", badPackets.size()); int i = 0; for (Entry<String> s : Multisets.copyHighestCountFirst(badPackets).entrySet()) { if (i++ > 10) break; FMLLog.severe("\t %s : %d", s.getElement(), s.getCount()); } } } internalChannel.inboundMessages().clear(); } catch (FMLNetworkException ne) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, ne, "There was a network exception handling a packet on channel %s", channel); dispatcher.rejectHandshake(ne.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable t) { FMLLog.log(Level.ERROR, t, "There was a critical exception handling a packet on channel %s", channel); dispatcher.rejectHandshake("A fatal error has occured, this connection is terminated"); } } }
ForgePacket make() { try { return this.packetType.newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { Throwables.propagateIfPossible(e); FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "A bizarre critical error occured during packet encoding"); throw new FMLNetworkException(e); } }