Java 类cpw.mods.fml.relauncher.FMLRelauncher 实例源码

项目:Jarmod2Coremod    文件   
public Void call() throws Exception {
    log("Jarmod2Coremod loading...");

    File root, jarmodsDir;

    if (coremodLocation != null) {
        root = coremodLocation.getParentFile(); // root/coremods/us.jar -> root/coremods
        if (root != null) {
            root = root.getParentFile(); // root
    } else {
        root = new File(".").getCanonicalFile();

    String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
    String side = FMLRelauncher.side();
    jarmodsDir = new File(root.getCanonicalPath() + sep + "jarmods" + sep + side);

    log("jarmod directory: " + jarmodsDir);

    File[] files = jarmodsDir.listFiles();
    Arrays.sort(files); // TODO: customizable priority

    for (File file : files) {
        log("Jarmod found: " + file);
        try {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, "[Jarmod2Coremod] Failed to load jarmod: "+ file + ": " + ex.getLocalizedMessage());

    log("Preloaded "+JarmodTransformer.size()+" classes");

    //System.exit(0); // for testing
    return null;
项目:HighlightTips    文件   
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration(event.getSuggestedConfigurationFile());

    try {

        enable = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "enable", true).getBoolean(true);
        keyToggle = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "key.toggle", DEFAULT_KEY_TOGGLE).getInt(DEFAULT_KEY_TOGGLE);
        range = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "range", DEFAULT_RANGE).getDouble(DEFAULT_RANGE);
        x = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "x", DEFAULT_X).getInt(DEFAULT_X);
        y = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "y", DEFAULT_Y).getInt(DEFAULT_Y);
        color = cfg.get(Configuration.CATEGORY_GENERAL, "color", DEFAULT_COLOR).getInt(DEFAULT_COLOR);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        FMLLog.log(Level.SEVERE, e, "HighlightTips had a problem loading it's configuration");
    } finally {;

    if (!FMLRelauncher.side().equals("CLIENT")) {
        // gracefully disable on non-client (= server) instead of crashing
        enable = false;

    if (!enable) {
        FMLLog.log(Level.INFO, "HighlightTips disabled");

    TickRegistry.registerTickHandler(this, Side.CLIENT);
    KeyBindingRegistry.registerKeyBinding(toggleKeyHandler = new ToggleKeyHandler(keyToggle));
项目:MLIA    文件   
public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.setProperty("fml.core.libraries.mirror", "");

        FMLRelauncher.handleClientRelaunch(new ArgsWrapper(args));