public OI() { driveStick = new Joystick(RobotMap.DRIVE_STICK_NUMBER); driveButtons = new JoystickButton[13]; auxiliaryStick = new Joystick(RobotMap.AUXILLIARY_STICK_NUMBER); auxiliaryButtons = new JoystickButton[13]; for(int i = 1; i <= driveButtons.length - 1; i++) { driveButtons[i] = new JoystickButton(driveStick, i); } for(int i=1; i <= auxiliaryButtons.length - 1; i++){ auxiliaryButtons[i] = new JoystickButton(auxiliaryStick, i); } //this.getButton(RobotMap.SHOOTER_CONTROL_BUTTON).whileHeld(new ShooterControl()); this.getButton(2).whenPressed(new openIntake()); this.getButton(3).whenPressed(new closeIntake()); this.getButton(4).toggleWhenPressed(new IntakeIn()); this.getButton(5).toggleWhenPressed(new IntakeOut()); this.getButton(5).toggleWhenPressed(new stopIntake()); this.getButton(4).whenPressed(new driveForward(20, .25)); }
public OI() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS logitech = new Joystick(0); shooterbutton = new JoystickButton(logitech, 1); shooterbutton.whileHeld(new shoot()); // SmartDashboard Buttons SmartDashboard.putData("Autonomous Command", new AutonomousCommand()); SmartDashboard.putData("shoot", new shoot()); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS shootBackwardsButton = new JoystickButton(logitech, 2); shootBackwardsButton.whileHeld(new ShootReverse()); LiftUPButton = new JoystickButton(logitech, 3); LiftReservseButton = new JoystickButton(logitech, 4); LiftUPButton.whileHeld(new LiftUP()); LiftReservseButton.whileHeld(new LiftReverse()); }
public OI() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS xBoxController = new Joystick(0); aButton = new JoystickButton(xBoxController, 1); bButton = new JoystickButton(xBoxController, 2); xButton = new JoystickButton(xBoxController, 3); aButton.whenPressed(new RelayOn()); //b button operated by default command only? bButton.whenPressed(new AllForward()); xButton.whenPressed(new MotorPositionCheck()); // SmartDashboard Buttons SmartDashboard.putData("Autonomous Command", new AutonomousCommand()); SmartDashboard.putData("RelayOn", new RelayOn()); SmartDashboard.putData("AllForward", new AllForward()); SmartDashboard.putData("MotorPositionCheck", new MotorPositionCheck()); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS }
public void drive(Joystick mStick) { //drive.arcadeDrive(mStick.getThrottle()*(-0.7), mStick.getX()*(-0.7)); // if(mStick.getRawButton(7) && mStick.getRawButton(8)){ drive.tankDrive(mStick.getY()*(-1.0), mStick.getThrottle()*(-1.0)); }else if(mStick.getRawButton(8)){ drive.tankDrive(mStick.getY()*(-0.9), mStick.getThrottle()*(-0.9)); }else if(mStick.getRawButton(7)){ drive.tankDrive(mStick.getY()*(-0.8), mStick.getThrottle()*(-0.8)); }else if(mStick.getRawButton(5) && mStick.getRawButton(6)){ drive.tankDrive(mStick.getY()*(-0.4), mStick.getThrottle()*(-0.4)); } else if(mStick.getRawButton(5)){ drive.tankDrive(mStick.getY()*(-0.6), mStick.getThrottle()*(-0.6)); } else if(mStick.getRawButton(6)){ drive.tankDrive(mStick.getY()*(-0.5), mStick.getThrottle()*(-0.5)); } else { drive.tankDrive(mStick.getY()*(-0.7), mStick.getThrottle()*(-0.7)); } }
public Controller(int port) { // Controller joystick = new Joystick(port); // Buttons buttonA = new JoystickButton(joystick, Mappings.BUTTON_A); buttonB = new JoystickButton(joystick, Mappings.BUTTON_B); buttonX = new JoystickButton(joystick, Mappings.BUTTON_X); buttonY = new JoystickButton(joystick, Mappings.BUTTON_Y); buttonLeftBumper = new JoystickButton(joystick, Mappings.BUTTON_LEFTBUMPER); buttonRightBumper = new JoystickButton(joystick, Mappings.BUTTON_RIGHTBUMPER); // Axes axisLeftX = new JoystickAxis(joystick, Mappings.AXIS_LEFT_X, AXIS_THRESHOLD); axisLeftY = new JoystickAxis(joystick, Mappings.AXIS_LEFT_Y, AXIS_THRESHOLD); axisRightX = new JoystickAxis(joystick, Mappings.AXIS_RIGHT_X, AXIS_THRESHOLD); axisRightY = new JoystickAxis(joystick, Mappings.AXIS_RIGHT_Y, AXIS_THRESHOLD); axisLeftTrigger = new JoystickAxis(joystick, Mappings.AXIS_LEFT_TRIGGER, AXIS_THRESHOLD); axisRightTrigger = new JoystickAxis(joystick, Mappings.AXIS_RIGHT_TRIGGER, AXIS_THRESHOLD); }
public OI() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS joystick = new Joystick(0); // SmartDashboard Buttons SmartDashboard.putData("GearGroup", new GearGroup()); SmartDashboard.putData("OpenLeft", new OpenLeft()); SmartDashboard.putData("OpenRight", new OpenRight()); SmartDashboard.putData("Open", new Open()); SmartDashboard.putData("PinchLeft", new PinchLeft()); SmartDashboard.putData("PinchRight", new PinchRight()); SmartDashboard.putData("Pinch", new Pinch()); SmartDashboard.putData("WaitForGear", new WaitForGear()); SmartDashboard.putData("WaitForUnload", new WaitForUnload()); SmartDashboard.putData("OpenGate", new OpenGate()); SmartDashboard.putData("CloseGate", new CloseGate()); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS }
public Robot() { stick = new Joystick(0); driveLeftFront = new Victor(LEFT_FRONT_DRIVE); driveLeftRear = new Victor(LEFT_REAR_DRIVE); driveRightFront = new Victor(RIGHT_FRONT_DRIVE); driveRightRear = new Victor(RIGHT_REAR_DRIVE); enhancedDriveLeft = new Victor(ENHANCED_LEFT_DRIVE); enhancedDriveRight = new Victor(ENHANCED_RIGHT_DRIVE); gearBox = new DoubleSolenoid(GEAR_BOX_PART1, GEAR_BOX_PART2); climber1 = new Victor(CLIMBER_PART1); climber2 = new Victor(CLIMBER_PART2); vexSensorBackLeft = new Ultrasonic(0, 1); vexSensorBackRight = new Ultrasonic(2, 3); vexSensorFrontLeft = new Ultrasonic(4, 5); vexSensorFrontRight = new Ultrasonic(6, 7); Skylar = new RobotDrive(driveLeftFront, driveLeftRear, driveRightFront, driveRightRear); OptimusPrime = new RobotDrive(enhancedDriveLeft, enhancedDriveRight); }
public OI(){ joystick = new Joystick(0); jyButton1 = new JoystickButton(joystick, 1); xbox = new Joystick(1); xbButton1 = new JoystickButton(xbox, 1); xbButton2 = new JoystickButton(xbox, 2); xbButton3 = new JoystickButton(xbox, 3); xbButton4 = new JoystickButton(xbox, 4); xbButton5 = new JoystickButton(xbox, 5); xbButton6 = new JoystickButton(xbox, 6); jyButton1.whileHeld(new FineControl()); xbButton1.whileHeld(new Shoot()); xbButton2.toggleWhenPressed(new IntakeToggle()); xbButton3.toggleWhenPressed(new ToggleShooter()); xbButton4.whenPressed(new ClawSet()); xbButton5.whenPressed(new GripControl(0)); xbButton6.whenPressed(new GripControl(1)); }
public ToggleButton(Joystick stick, int id, Togglable togglable) { super(stick, id); this.obj = togglable; this.setPressAction(new ButtonAction() { @Override public void onAction() { obj.enable(); } }); this.setReleaseAction(new ButtonAction() { @Override public void onAction() { obj.disable(); } }); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ @Override public void robotInit() { driveLeftA = new CANTalon(2); driveLeftB = new CANTalon(1); driveRightA = new CANTalon(3); driveRightB = new CANTalon(4); climberMotorA = new Talon(1); climberMotorB = new Talon(2); drive = new RobotDrive(driveLeftA, driveLeftB, driveRightA, driveRightB); joystick = new Joystick(0); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SlowClimber", .5); SmartDashboard.putNumber("FastClimber", 1); }
public XboxController(final int port) { super(port); // Extends Joystick... /* Initialize */ this.port = port; this.controller = new Joystick(this.port); // Joystick referenced by // everything this.dPad = new DirectionalPad(this.controller); = new Trigger(this.controller, HAND.LEFT); this.rt = new Trigger(this.controller, HAND.RIGHT); this.a = new JoystickButton(this.controller, A_BUTTON_ID); this.b = new JoystickButton(this.controller, B_BUTTON_ID); this.x = new JoystickButton(this.controller, X_BUTTON_ID); this.y = new JoystickButton(this.controller, Y_BUTTON_ID); = new JoystickButton(this.controller, LB_BUTTON_ID); this.rb = new JoystickButton(this.controller, RB_BUTTON_ID); this.back = new JoystickButton(this.controller, BACK_BUTTON_ID); this.start = new JoystickButton(this.controller, START_BUTTON_ID); this.rightClick = new JoystickButton(this.controller, RIGHT_CLICK_ID); this.leftClick = new JoystickButton(this.controller, LEFT_CLICK_ID); }
@Override protected void execute() { Joystick joystickDrive = Robot.oi.getJoystickDrive(); this.joystickX = joystickDrive.getAxis(Joystick.AxisType.kX) * Robot.driveTrain.turnMultiplier; this.joystickY = joystickDrive.getAxis(Joystick.AxisType.kY) *-1; VisionState vs = VisionState.getInstance(); if (vs == null || !vs.wantsControl()) { // endAutoTurn is harmless when not needed but required // if the driver changes her mind after initiating auto-targeting.. Robot.driveTrain.endAutoTurn(); this.scaledThrottle = Robot.driveTrain.scaleThrottle(joystickDrive.getAxis(Joystick.AxisType.kThrottle)); if ((Math.abs(this.joystickX) < 0.075) && (Math.abs(this.joystickY) < 0.075)) { Robot.driveTrain.stop(); } else { Robot.driveTrain.arcadeDrive(joystickY * scaledThrottle, joystickX * scaledThrottle); } } else { Robot.driveTrain.trackVision(); } }
private void moveLauncherWithJoystick() { double joystickY = Robot.oi.aimStick.getAxis((Joystick.AxisType.kY)); if (Math.abs(joystickY) > MIN_JOYSTICK_MOTION) { if (isJoystickIdle) { aimMotor.enableControl(); isJoystickIdle = false; System.out.println("Enabling Aim Control"); } readSetPoint(); offsetSetPoint(joystickY * JOYSTICK_SCALE); } else { if (!isJoystickIdle) { aimMotor.disableControl(); isJoystickIdle = true; System.out.println("Disabling Aim Control"); } } // aimMotor.disableControl(); }
public ButtonTracker(Joystick Joystick, int Channel) { mChannel = Channel; mJoystick = Joystick; if (!usedNumbers.containsKey(Joystick)) { usedNumbers.put(Joystick, new ButtonTracker[17]); } if (usedNumbers.get(Joystick)[Channel] != null) { // SmartDashboard.putBoolean("ERROR", true); System.out.println("MORE THAN ONE BUTTON TRACKER PER BUTTON."); DriverStation.reportError("MORE THAN ONE BUTTON TRACKER PER BUTTON!", false); } usedNumbers.get(Joystick)[Channel] = this; }
public static void initialize() { if (!initialized) { mFrontLeft = new CANTalon(LEFT_FRONT_TALON_ID); mBackLeft = new CANTalon(LEFT_REAR_TALON_ID); mFrontRight = new CANTalon(RIGHT_FRONT_TALON_ID); mBackRight = new CANTalon(RIGHT_REAR_TALON_ID); drive = new RobotDrive(mFrontLeft, mBackLeft, mFrontRight, mBackRight); drive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontLeft, false); drive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight, false); drive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearLeft, false); drive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, false); leftStick = new Joystick(LEFT_JOYSTICK_ID); rightStick = new Joystick(RIGHT_JOYSTICK_ID); initialized = true; } }
public ButtonTracker(Joystick Joystick, int Channel) { mChannel = Channel; mJoystick = Joystick; if (!usedNumbers.containsKey(Joystick)) { usedNumbers.put(Joystick, new ButtonTracker[17]); } if (usedNumbers.get(Joystick)[Channel] != null) { // SmartDashboard.putBoolean("ERROR", true); // System.out.println("MORE THAN ONE BUTTON TRACKER PER BUTTON."); DriverStation.reportError("MORE THAN ONE BUTTON TRACKER PER BUTTON!", false); } usedNumbers.get(Joystick)[Channel] = this; }
public OI() { driveStick = new Joystick(RobotMap.DRIVE_STICK_NUMBER); driveButtons = new JoystickButton[13]; auxiliaryStick = new Joystick(RobotMap.AUXILIARY_STICK_NUMBER); auxiliaryButtons = new JoystickButton[13]; for(int i = 1; i <= driveButtons.length - 1; i++) { driveButtons[i] = new JoystickButton(driveStick, i); } for(int i=1; i <= auxiliaryButtons.length - 1; i++){ auxiliaryButtons[i] = new JoystickButton(auxiliaryStick, i); } //this.getButton(RobotMap.SHOOTER_CONTROL_BUTTON).whileHeld(new ShooterControl()); this.getButton(RobotMap.WINCH_UP_BUTTON).whenPressed(new WinchUp()); this.getButton(RobotMap.WINCH_DOWN_BUTTON).whileHeld(new WinchDown()); this.getButton(RobotMap.INTAKE_FORWARD_BUTTON, true).toggleWhenPressed(new ForwardIntake()); this.getButton(RobotMap.INTAKE_BACKWARD_BUTTON, true).whileHeld(new ReverseIntake()); this.getButton(RobotMap.REVERSE_DRIVE_BUTTON).whenPressed(new FlipChassisDirection()); this.getButton(RobotMap.SHIFT_DOWN_BUTTON, true).whileHeld(new ShiftDown()); this.getButton(RobotMap.SHIFT_UP_BUTTON, true).whileHeld(new ShiftUp()); this.getButton(RobotMap.TURN_ENCODERS_OFF, true).toggleWhenPressed(new RemoveEncoderInfluence()); }
/** * Drives the robot with the aid of a joystick deadband, directional deadbands, * and software gear ratios. * * @param joystick * A 3-axis joystick to control 2 axis movement plus turning. */ public void drive (Joystick joystick) { if (joystick.getTrigger() == true), joystick.getDirectionRadians(), joystick.getZ()); else, joystick.getDirectionRadians(), 0); }
protected void execute() { Joystick control = Robot.oi.xBoxController; double speed = control.getRawAxis(1)* (InterfaceFlip.isFlipped ? 1 : -1); double turn = control.getRawAxis(4) * 0.8; DriveTrain.robotDrive.arcadeDrive(speed, turn); }
public void hybridDrive(Joystick driveStick, boolean isInverted) { double lspeed = 0; double rspeed = 0; double RT = driveStick.getRawAxis(3); double LT = driveStick.getRawAxis(2); double RJ = driveStick.getRawAxis(5); double LJ = driveStick.getRawAxis(1); if (isInverted) { // straight drive control, RT forward LT backward lspeed = RT - LT; rspeed = lspeed; // tank drive control lspeed -= LJ; rspeed -= RJ; } else { lspeed = driveStick.getRawAxis(2) - driveStick.getRawAxis(3); rspeed = driveStick.getRawAxis(2) - driveStick.getRawAxis(3); // tank drive control lspeed -= RJ; rspeed -= LJ; } }
/** method called by ManualCommandDrive * * @param joy */ public void driftDrive(Joystick joy) { double joyVal = Xbox.LEFT_X(joy); if (!IN_DRIFT) { // initiate drift if it hasn't been initiated already IN_DRIFT = true; if (joyVal > 0) { DRIFT_IS_CW = true; } } if (DRIFT_IS_CW) { joyVal = -1 * joyVal; } // align joyVal to the write negative and positive values ROT_SPEED = (Xbox.LT(joy) + Xbox.LT(joy)) * 10d; Drift status = updateDriftStatus(joyVal); switch(status) { case DONUT: ROT_RADIUS = (Xbox.LEFT_X(joy)) + Constants.DRIFT_DEADZONE; // put stick on a 0-0.9 scale ROT_RADIUS = 1 - ROT_RADIUS; // flip it to a .1-1 scale, outermost being .1 and innermost being 1 ROT_RADIUS *= Constants.MAX_DRIFT_RADIUS; // apply the .1-1 scale to the max radius OFFSET = (int) (Constants.MAX_DRIFT_OFFSET * Math.abs(Xbox.LEFT_X(joy))); /// sets offset for max on tight radius driveMecanumRot(ROT_RADIUS, ROT_SPEED, OFFSET); break; case DEAD: // this will just continue the last known radius, offset, and speed break; case POWERSLIDE: driveAngle(ROT_SPEED, 90 - OFFSET); break; case TURNOVER: DRIFT_IS_CW = !DRIFT_IS_CW; break; } }
public void safeArcadeDrive(Joystick joystick, JoystickButton safetyButton, boolean squaredInputs){ if(safetyButton.get()){ robotDrive.arcadeDrive(joystick, squaredInputs); } else{ robotDrive.stopMotor(); } }
public void safeTankDrive(Joystick leftJoystick, Joystick rightJoystick, JoystickButton[] safetyButtons, boolean squaredInputs){ if(getAll(safetyButtons)){ robotDrive.tankDrive(leftJoystick, rightJoystick, squaredInputs); } else{ robotDrive.stopMotor(); } }
public CANTalonTester() { drive_stick = new Joystick(DRIVE_STICK); turn_stick = new Joystick(TURN_STICK); left_master = new CANTalon(DERICA_LEFT_A); left_slave = new CANTalon(DERICA_LEFT_B); right_master = new CANTalon(DERICA_RIGHT_A); right_slave = new CANTalon(DERICA_RIGHT_B); }
/** * Creates a new GamepadState based off of a gamepad's current state. * @param j The gamepad object * @return A gamepad state */ public static GamepadState makeState(Joystick j) { double[] axes = new double[j.getAxisCount()]; for(int i = 0; i < axes.length; i ++) axes[i] = j.getRawAxis(i); boolean[] buttons = new boolean[j.getButtonCount()]; for(int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i ++) buttons[i] = j.getRawButton(i + 1); return (new GamepadState(axes, buttons, j.getPOV(), System.currentTimeMillis())); }
public FieldCentricDriveInput(Joystick stick,GyroCorrection gyro,boolean rotToVector) { super(stick); this.gyro=gyro; this.rotToVector=rotToVector; fieldInput=new SmoothVectorInput(SMOOTH_LEN,new Input<Vector>(){ @Override public Vector get() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return getRaw(); }}); }
public void robotInit() { this.mod1Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD1SPIN); this.mod1Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD1DRIVE); this.spinEncoder1 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder1 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.mod2Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD2SPIN); this.mod2Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD2DRIVE); this.spinEncoder2 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder2 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.mod3Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD3SPIN); this.mod3Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD3DRIVE); this.spinEncoder3 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder3 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.mod4Spin = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD4SPIN); this.mod4Drive = new TalonSRX(Constants.MOD4DRIVE); this.spinEncoder4 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.driveEncoder4 = new Encoder(0, 0); //Needs real values this.xboxDrive = new Joystick(Constants.XBOXDRIVEPORT); this.frontLeft = new SwerveModule("frontLeft", mod1Drive, mod1Spin, spinEncoder1, driveEncoder1); // needs completion0 this.backLeft = new SwerveModule("backLeft", mod2Drive, mod2Spin, spinEncoder2, driveEncoder2); this.frontRight = new SwerveModule("frontRight", mod3Drive, mod3Spin, spinEncoder3, driveEncoder3); this.backRight = new SwerveModule("backRight", mod4Drive, mod4Spin, spinEncoder4, driveEncoder4); this.swerveDrive = new SwerveDrive(this.frontLeft, this.backLeft, this.frontRight, this.backRight, 25, 25); crab = new CrabDrive(swerveDrive, xboxDrive, "crabDrive", 1); spin = new SpinDrive(swerveDrive, xboxDrive, "spinDrive", 2); unicorn = new UnicornDrive(swerveDrive, xboxDrive, "unicornDrive", 3); drive = new DriveBase(crab, spin, unicorn, "driveBase", 0); drive.init(); }
public OI() { inputRecordings = new ArrayList<double[]>(); joystick1 = new Joystick(0); joystick2 = new Joystick(1); operator = new Joystick(2); new JoystickButton(joystick1, 1).whenPressed(new ShootIntoGoal()); new JoystickButton(joystick1, 3).whenPressed(new SetShooterToTestSpeed()); new JoystickButton(joystick1, 5).whileHeld(new TurnToOpponentAlliance()); new JoystickButton(joystick1, 6).whenPressed(new DecreaseShooterTestSpeed()); new JoystickButton(joystick1, 7).whileHeld(new TurnToOurAlliance()); new JoystickButton(joystick1, 8).whenPressed(new IncreaseShooterTestSpeed()); new JoystickButton(operator, 1).whenPressed(new ShooterToBottom()); new JoystickButton(operator, 2).whenPressed(new ToggleShooterPiston()); new JoystickButton(operator, 3).whileHeld(new ManualShooterAngle()); // new JoystickButton(operator, 4).whenPressed(new ArmsUp()); new JoystickButton(operator, 5).whileHeld(new ShooterManualJogUp()); new JoystickButton(operator, 6).whileHeld(new ShooterOuttake()); new JoystickButton(operator, 7).whenPressed(new ShootFullSpeed()); // new JoystickButton(operator, 8).whenPressed(new ArmsDown()); new JoystickButton(operator, 9).whileHeld(new ShooterManualJogDown()); new JoystickButton(operator, 10).whileHeld(new ShooterIntake()); new JoystickButton(operator, 11).whenPressed(new SafeArmsToggle()); new JoystickButton(operator, 12).whenPressed(new ShootIntoGoal()); }
public void robotInit() { frontLeft = new VictorSP(0); backLeft = new VictorSP(1); frontRight = new VictorSP(2); backRight = new VictorSP(3); intakeMotor = new VictorSP(4); compressor = new Compressor(0); intakeSolenoid = new Solenoid(0); driveTrain = new RobotDrive(frontLeft, backLeft, frontRight, backRight); driveTrain.setSafetyEnabled(false); driveTrain.setExpiration(0.1); driveTrain.setSensitivity(0.5); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontLeft, false); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearLeft, false); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight, false); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, false); XboxController = new Joystick(2); rightJoystick = new Joystick(1); leftJoystick = new Joystick(0); }
/** * Constructor * * @param parent */ DirectionalPad(final Joystick parent) { /* Initialize */ this.parent = parent; this.up = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.UP); this.upRight = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.UP_RIGHT); this.right = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.RIGHT); this.downRight = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.DOWN_RIGHT); this.down = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.DOWN); this.downLeft = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.DOWN_LEFT); this.left = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.LEFT); this.upLeft = new DPadButton(this, DPAD.UP_LEFT); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code. */ @Override public void robotInit() { // UI mShooterJoystick = new Joystick(PortMap.sOPERATOR_JOYSTICK_PORT); mDriveJoystick = new Joystick(PortMap.sDRIVER_JOYSTICK_PORT); mDriverController = new DriverJoystick(mDriveJoystick); mOperatorController = new OperatorJoystick(mShooterJoystick); //Shooter mShooterMotor = new Talon(PortMap.sSHOOTER_MOTOR); mShooterSolenoid = new Solenoid(PortMap.sSHOOTER_PISTON); mShooter = new SnobotShooter(mShooterMotor, mShooterSolenoid, mOperatorController); //Drive Train mLeftMotor = new Talon(PortMap.sLEFT_DRIVE_MOTOR); mRightMotor = new Talon(PortMap.sRIGHT_DRIVE_MOTOR); mDriveTrain = new SnobotDriveTrain(mLeftMotor, mRightMotor, mDriverController); // Intake mUpperIntakeMotor = new Talon(PortMap.sUPPER_INTAKE_MOTOR); mLowerIntakeMotor = new Talon(PortMap.sLOWER_INTAKE_MOTOR); mIntake = new SnobotIntake(mLowerIntakeMotor, mUpperIntakeMotor, mOperatorController); addModule(mDriveTrain); addModule(mShooter); addModule(mIntake); initializeLogHeaders(); // Now all the preferences should be loaded, make sure they are all // saved PropertyManager.saveIfUpdated(); }
public SnobotDriveXbaxJoystick(Joystick aJoystick, ILogger aLogger, AutonomousFactory aAutonFactory) { mJoystick = aJoystick; mLogger = aLogger; mSwitchAppViewLatcher = new LatchedButton(); mSwitchToFrontCameraLatcher = new LatchedButton(); mSwitchToRearCameraLatcher = new LatchedButton(); mRestartAppLatcher = new LatchedButton(); mDriveToPegToggleButton = new ToggleButton(); mDriveSmoothlyToPositionToggleButton = new ToggleButton(); }
public SnobotOperatorXbaxJoystick(Joystick aJoystick, ILogger aLogger) { mJoystick = aJoystick; mToggleGreenLight = new ToggleButton(true); mToggleBlueLight = new ToggleButton(true); mLogger = aLogger; }
public void arcade(Joystick stick, boolean twostick) { double y = stick.getY(); double x; if (twostick) { x = stick.getRawAxis(4); } else { x = stick.getX(); } if (Math.abs(y) <= Constants.JOYSTICK_DEADBAND_V) { y = 0; } if (Math.abs(x) <= Constants.JOYSTICK_HEADBAND_H) { x = 0; } // "Exponential" drive, where the movements are more sensitive during slow movement, // permitting easier fine control x = Math.pow(x, 3); y = Math.pow(y, 3); arcade(y, x); }
protected void execute() { Joystick joystickDrive = Robot.oi.getJoystickDrive(); double deltaHeading = Robot.driveTrain.getCurrentHeading() - m_initialHeading; double joystickY = -joystickDrive.getAxis(Joystick.AxisType.kY); double outputMagnitude = .35; //Robot.driveTrain.scaleThrottle(joystickY); double curve = deltaHeading * - m_kp; System.out.println(deltaHeading);, curve); }
public void arcadeDrive(Joystick stick) { double y = stick.getY() * (((stick.getThrottle() * -1) + 1) / -2); double x = stick.getX() * (((stick.getThrottle() * -1) + 1) / 2); if (Math.abs(y) <= Constants.deadBand) { y = 0; } if (Math.abs(x) <= Constants.horDeadBand) { x = 0; } x *= Math.abs(x); arcadeDrive(y, x); }
public Robot() { //make objects for drive train, joystick, and gyro myRobot = new RobotDrive(new CANTalon(leftMotorChannel), new CANTalon(leftRearMotorChannel), new CANTalon(rightMotorChannel), new CANTalon(rightRearMotorChannel)); myRobot.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kFrontLeft, true); // invert the left side motors myRobot.setInvertedMotor(MotorType.kRearLeft, true); // you may need to change or remove this to match your robot joystick = new Joystick(0); gyro = new AnalogGyro(gyroChannel); }
public Robot() { //make objects for the drive train, gyro, and joystick myRobot = new RobotDrive(new CANTalon(leftMotorChannel), new CANTalon( leftRearMotorChannel), new CANTalon(rightMotorChannel), new CANTalon(rightRearMotorChannel)); gyro = new AnalogGyro(gyroChannel); joystick = new Joystick(joystickChannel); }
public void tankDrive( GenericHID leftStick, GenericHID rightStick, boolean inverted, boolean squaredInput) { tankDrive( leftStick, Joystick.AxisType.kY.value, rightStick, Joystick.AxisType.kY.value, inverted, squaredInput); }
@Override public void tankDrive(GenericHID leftStick, GenericHID rightStick, boolean inverted) { tankDrive( leftStick, Joystick.AxisType.kY.value, rightStick, Joystick.AxisType.kY.value, inverted, false); }