private HardwareAdaptor(){ pdp = new PowerDistributionPanel(); comp = new Compressor(); shifter = new DoubleSolenoid(SolenoidMap.SHIFTER_FORWARD, SolenoidMap.SHIFTER_REVERSE); navx = new AHRS(CoprocessorMap.NAVX_PORT); dtLeftEncoder = new Encoder(EncoderMap.DT_LEFT_A, EncoderMap.DT_LEFT_B, EncoderMap.DT_LEFT_INVERTED); S_DTLeft.linkEncoder(dtLeftEncoder); dtRightEncoder = new Encoder(EncoderMap.DT_RIGHT_A, EncoderMap.DT_RIGHT_B, EncoderMap.DT_RIGHT_INVERTED); S_DTRight.linkEncoder(dtRightEncoder); dtLeft = S_DTLeft.getInstance(); dtRight = S_DTRight.getInstance(); S_DTWhole.linkDTSides(dtLeft, dtRight); dtWhole = S_DTWhole.getInstance(); arduino = S_Arduino.getInstance(); }
public Robot() { // initialize variables in constructor stick = new Joystick(RobotMap.JOYSTICK_PORT); // set the stick to refer to joystick #0 button = new JoystickButton(stick, RobotMap.BTN_TRIGGER); myRobot = new RobotDrive(RobotMap.FRONT_LEFT_MOTOR, RobotMap.REAR_LEFT_MOTOR, RobotMap.FRONT_RIGHT_MOTOR, RobotMap.REAR_RIGHT_MOTOR); myRobot.setExpiration(RobotDrive.kDefaultExpirationTime); // set expiration time for motor movement if error occurs pdp = new PowerDistributionPanel(); // instantiate class to get PDP values compressor = new Compressor(); // Compressor is controlled automatically by PCM solenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT1, RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT2); // solenoid on PCM port #0 & #1 /*camera = CameraServer.getInstance(); camera.setQuality(50); camera.setSize(200);*/ frame = NIVision.imaqCreateImage(NIVision.ImageType.IMAGE_RGB, 0); // create the image frame for cam session = NIVision.IMAQdxOpenCamera("cam0", NIVision.IMAQdxCameraControlMode.CameraControlModeController); // get reference to camera NIVision.IMAQdxConfigureGrab(session); // grab current streaming session }
/** * Called when the robot first starts, (only once at power-up). */ public void robotInit() { //NetworkTable.setTeam(1259); adding the setTeam() method will cause the robot to encounter a thread error //NetworkTable.setIPAddress(""); operatorInputs = new OperatorInputs(); drive = new DriveTrain(operatorInputs); prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); pickerPID = new PickerPID(); shoot = new Shooter(operatorInputs); pick = new Picker(operatorInputs, pickerPID, shoot); compressor = new Compressor(PRESSURE_SWITCH_CHANNEL, COMPRESSOR_RELAY_CHANNEL); colwellContraption1 = new Solenoid(1, 3); colwellContraption2 = new Solenoid(1, 4); colwellContraption2.set(true); this.autoTimer = new Timer(); drive.leftEncoder.start(); drive.rightEncoder.start(); drive.timer.start(); autoTimer.start(); }
/** * Initializes systems * @param robot the RobotBase to set */ public Environment(RobotBase robot) { this.robot = robot; this.input = new XboxInput(); this.accel = new AccelerometerSystem(); this.accel.init(this); this.gyro = new GyroSystem(); this.gyro.init(this); this.wheels = new WheelSystem(); this.wheels.init(this); this.shooter = new ShooterSystem(); this.shooter.init(this); this.intake = new IntakeSystem(); this.intake.init(this); this.compressor = new Compressor(2, 1); this.compressor.start(); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { robotInstance = this; RobotMap.init(); canonAngle = new CanonAngle(); canonSpinner = new CanonSpinner(); canonShooter = new CanonShooter(); driveTrain = new DriveTrain(); LedsSetter = new LedsSetter(); // This MUST be here. If the OI creates Commands (which it very likely // will), constructing it during the construction of CommandBase (from // which commands extend), subsystems are not guaranteed to be // yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null pointers. Bad // news. Don't move it. oi = new OI(); // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period autonomousCommand = new Autonomous_2balls(); Compressor m_compressor = RobotMap.m_compressor; m_compressor.start(); RobotMap.visionFrontSonarSolenoidRelay.set(true); }
public PainTrain(){ m_leftGearbox = new ThreeCimBallShifter( new Victor(1), new Victor(2), new Victor(3), new DoubleSolenoid (1,2) ); m_rightGearbox = new ThreeCimBallShifter( new Victor(4), new Victor(5), new Victor(6)); m_shooter = new Shooter(7,8,7,8,9); m_intake = new Intake( 3, 5, 10 ); m_encodeLeft = new Encoder(2,3); m_encodeRight = new Encoder(5,6); m_compressor = new Compressor(1,4); m_compressor.start(); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { auto = new Autonomous(MechanismPack.getInstance()); teleop = new Teleop(ControlPack.getInstance(), MechanismPack.getInstance(), SensorPack.getInstance()); compressor = new Compressor(Channels.COMPRESSOR_PRESSURE_SWITCH_CHANNEL, Channels.COMPRESSOR_RELAY_CHANNEL); compressor.start(); SensorPack.getInstance().getGyro().reset(); swagLights = new Relay(Channels.SWAG_LIGHT_PORT); swagLights.set(Relay.Value.kOn);//TODO: NEEDED? System.out.println("Robot initilization complete."); }
/** * This method is run when the robot is first powered on. */ public void robotInit() { //initialize compressor compressor = new Compressor(RobotMap.pressureSwitch.getInt(), RobotMap.compressorRelay.getInt()); // Initialize all subsystems CommandBase.init(); //Initialize auto mode chooser autoSelectInit(); //create thread to write dashboard variables printer = new ConsolePrinter(200); printer.startThread(); //init message box on driverstation lcd = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); //Console Message so we know robot finished loading System.out.println("****Robot Done Loading****"); }
public WiredCats2415() { compressor = new Compressor(5, 8); // textReader.pushToSmartDashboard(); initControllers(); initDrive(); initShooter(); initIntake(); initArm(); initAutonomous(); initHang(); // initLogger(); for (int i = 0; i < threads.size(); i++) { ((Thread) (threads.elementAt(i))).start(); } }
public void robotInit() { // Ce commentaire va s'imprimmer sur la console de NetBeans System.out.println("Initialisation du Robot HYPERION 3360 : Version " + mVersionMajeur + "." + mVErsionMineur); // Le compresseur doit etre toujours demarer pour avoir le plus de pression. mCompresseur = new Compressor(DigitalDevice.mPressionCompresseur, RelayDevice.mCompresseur); mCompresseur.start(); // Activer les composantes du robot dans autonomus et operatorControl. mDriveTrain = new DriveTrain(); mReserveBalon = new ReserveBallon(); mCanon = new Canon(mReserveBalon); mPont = new Pont(); disabled = false; //Timer.delay(10); //camera.getInstance(); //camera.writeResolution(AxisCamera.ResolutionT.k640x480); //camera.writeBrightness(0); }
@Override public void robotInit() { logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Robot.class);"Initializing Robot"); drivetrain = new DriveTrain(); driveEncoders = new DriveEncoders(RobotMap.leftEncoderA,RobotMap.leftEncoderB,RobotMap.rightEncoderA, RobotMap.rightEncoderB, RobotMap.encoderMaxPeriod, RobotMap.encoderMinRate, RobotMap.encoderDPP,RobotMap.encoderReverseDirection,RobotMap.encoderSamplesToAvg); ultrasonic = new Ultrasonic(RobotMap.valueToInches,RobotMap.ultrasonicPort); gyro = new Gyro(); vision = new Vision(); gds = new GDS(); pickup = new Pickup(); flywheel = new Flywheel(); meter = new Meter(); winch = new Winch(); winchPush = new WinchPush(); fieldTimer = new FieldTimer(); oi = new OI(); chooser = new SendableChooser<>(); endTimer = new StartEndTimer(); stopTimers = new StopEndTimer(); vision.setUpCamera(); SmartDashboard.putData(drivetrain); chooser.addDefault("None", noAuto); chooser.addObject("Forward Drive", forwardAuto); chooser.addObject("Center Gear Blue", centerGearAuto); chooser.addObject("Left Gear", leftGearAuto); chooser.addObject("Right Gear", rightGearAuto); chooser.addObject("Boiler Red", boilerAuto); chooser.addObject("Center Gear Only",centerGearOnlyAuto); chooser.addObject("Boiler Blue", boilerAutoBlue); chooser.addObject("Center Gear Red", centerGearRed); SmartDashboard.putData("Auto choices", chooser); Compressor c = new Compressor(10); c.setClosedLoopControl(true); gyro.calibrate(); winchPush.setLock(false); }
public static void init() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS compressor = new Compressor(); driveTrainLeftFront = new CANTalon(1); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "LeftFront", driveTrainLeftFront); driveTrainRightFront = new CANTalon(3); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "RightFront", driveTrainRightFront); driveTrainLeftRear = new CANTalon(2); driveTrainLeftRear.changeControlMode(TalonControlMode.Follower); driveTrainLeftRear.set(driveTrainLeftFront.getDeviceID()); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "LeftRear", driveTrainLeftRear); driveTrainRightRear = new CANTalon(4); driveTrainRightRear.changeControlMode(TalonControlMode.Follower); driveTrainRightRear.set(driveTrainRightFront.getDeviceID()); driveTrainRightRear.reverseOutput(false); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "RightRear", driveTrainRightRear); driveTrainLeftFront.setInverted(true); driveTrainRightFront.setInverted(true); driveTrainLeftRear.setInverted(true); driveTrainRightRear.setInverted(true); driveTrainRobotDrive41 = new RobotDrive(driveTrainRightFront, driveTrainLeftFront); driveTrainRobotDrive41.setSafetyEnabled(true); driveTrainRobotDrive41.setExpiration(0.1); driveTrainRobotDrive41.setSensitivity(0.5); driveTrainRobotDrive41.setMaxOutput(1.0); climbMotor = new CANTalon(5); LiveWindow.addActuator("Climbing", "Motor", climbMotor); lightsLightEnable = new Relay(0); LiveWindow.addActuator("Lights", "LightEnable", lightsLightEnable); gearIntakeRamp = new DoubleSolenoid(1, 0); LiveWindow.addActuator("GearIntake", "IntakeRamp", gearIntakeRamp); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS }
/** * Creates a new Pneumatics subsystem. */ public Pneumatics() {"Initialize"); if (Robot.deviceFinder.isPcmAvailable(RobotMap.PCM_CAN_ID)) { compressor = new Compressor(RobotMap.PCM_CAN_ID); compressor.setClosedLoopControl(true); } }
public void robotInit() { // Create subsystems drive = new Drive(); intake = new Intake(); arm = new Arm(); shooter = new Shooter(); hanger = new Hanger(); oi = new OI(); // Create motion profiles crossLowBar = new Profile(AutoMap.crossLowBar); reach = new Profile(AutoMap.reach); toShoot = new Profile(AutoMap.toShoot); toLowGoal = new Profile(AutoMap.toLowGoal); // Pick an auto chooser = new SendableChooser(); chooser.addDefault("Do Nothing", new DoNothing()); chooser.addObject("Low Bar", new LowBarRawtonomous()); chooser.addObject("Low Bar (profile)", new CrossLowBar(crossLowBar)); chooser.addObject("Reach", new Reach(reach)); chooser.addObject("Forward Rawto", new ForwardRawtonomous()); chooser.addObject("Backward Rawto", new BackwardRawtonomous()); chooser.addObject("Shoot", new AutoShoot()); SmartDashboard.putData("Auto mode", chooser); // Start camera stream camera = new USBCamera(); server = CameraServer.getInstance(); server.setQuality(40); server.startAutomaticCapture(camera); // Start compressor compressor = new Compressor(); compressor.start(); navx = new AHRS(SPI.Port.kMXP); }
/** * Default constructor * * @param nodeID The node ID of the compressor. * @param pressureSensor The pressure sensor attached to this pneumatics system. Can be null. */ @JsonCreator public Pneumatics(@JsonProperty(required = true) int nodeID, @Nullable PressureSensor pressureSensor) { compressor = new Compressor(nodeID); this.pressureSensor = pressureSensor; }
public static void init() { // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS driveTrainLeftMotor = new Talon(0); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "LeftMotor", (Talon) driveTrainLeftMotor); driveTrainRightMotor = new Talon(1); LiveWindow.addActuator("DriveTrain", "RightMotor", (Talon) driveTrainRightMotor); driveTrainRobotDrive = new RobotDrive(driveTrainLeftMotor, driveTrainRightMotor); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSafetyEnabled(true); driveTrainRobotDrive.setExpiration(0.1); driveTrainRobotDrive.setSensitivity(0.5); driveTrainRobotDrive.setMaxOutput(1.0); intakeintakeMotor = new Talon(2); LiveWindow.addActuator("Intake", "intakeMotor", (Talon) intakeintakeMotor); pneumaticSystemCompressor = new Compressor(0); pneumaticSystemDoubleSolenoidPusher = new DoubleSolenoid(0, 0, 1); LiveWindow.addActuator("Pneumatic System", "DoubleSolenoidPusher", pneumaticSystemDoubleSolenoidPusher); sensorBaseUltraSonicMaxbotix = new AnalogInput(0); LiveWindow.addSensor("SensorBase", "UltraSonicMaxbotix", sensorBaseUltraSonicMaxbotix); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS }
public void robotInit() { frontLeft = new VictorSP(0); backLeft = new VictorSP(1); frontRight = new VictorSP(2); backRight = new VictorSP(3); intakeMotor = new VictorSP(4); compressor = new Compressor(0); intakeSolenoid = new Solenoid(0); driveTrain = new RobotDrive(frontLeft, backLeft, frontRight, backRight); driveTrain.setSafetyEnabled(false); driveTrain.setExpiration(0.1); driveTrain.setSensitivity(0.5); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontLeft, false); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearLeft, false); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight, false); driveTrain.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, false); XboxController = new Joystick(2); rightJoystick = new Joystick(1); leftJoystick = new Joystick(0); }
/** * Constructor */ private Pneumatics() { shifter = new DoubleSolenoid(1, SHIFTER_EXT, SHIFTER_RET); comp = new Compressor(1); comp.setClosedLoopControl(true); shifter.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kForward); shifter.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kOff); }
public static void init() { leftDriveMotor = new Talon(leftDriveMotorPin); LiveWindow.addActuator("driveTrain", "Left Motor", (Talon) leftDriveMotor); rightDriveMotor = new Talon(rightDriveMotorPin); LiveWindow.addActuator("driveTrain", "Right Motor", (Talon) rightDriveMotor); shifterSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(shifterSolenoidUpPin, shifterSolenoidDownPin); LiveWindow.addActuator("driveTrain", "Gearbox Shifter", (DoubleSolenoid) shifterSolenoid); winchMotor = new Talon(winchMotorPin); LiveWindow.addActuator("chainLifter", "Elevator Motor", (Talon) winchMotor); robotDrive = new RobotDrive(leftDriveMotor, rightDriveMotor); robotDrive.setSafetyEnabled(true); robotDrive.setExpiration(0.1); robotDrive.setSensitivity(0.5); robotDrive.setMaxOutput(1.0); robotDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearLeft, false); robotDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, false); grabberSolenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(grabberSolenoidOpenPin, grabberSolenoidClosePin); LiveWindow.addActuator("grabberArm", "Grabber Solenoid", (DoubleSolenoid) grabberSolenoid); compressor = new Compressor(); LiveWindow.addActuator("grabberArm", "compressor", (Compressor) compressor); }
HardwarePneumaticsModule(Compressor pcm) { this.pcm = pcm; this.closedLoop = Relay.instantaneous(this.pcm::setClosedLoopControl, this.pcm::getClosedLoopControl); this.instantaneousFaults = new Faults() { @Override public Switch currentTooHigh() { return pcm::getCompressorCurrentTooHighFault; } @Override public Switch notConnected() { return pcm::getCompressorNotConnectedFault; } @Override public Switch shorted() { return pcm::getCompressorShortedFault; } }; this.stickyFaults = new Faults() { @Override public Switch currentTooHigh() { return pcm::getCompressorCurrentTooHighStickyFault; } @Override public Switch notConnected() { return pcm::getCompressorNotConnectedStickyFault; } @Override public Switch shorted() { return pcm::getCompressorShortedStickyFault; } }; }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { // initialize all subsystems and important classes oi = new OI(); //autoSys = new AutonomousSys(); driveSys = new DrivingSys(); // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period //autonomousCommand = new AutonomousCmd(); // instantiate cmd used for teleop period arcadeDriveCmd = new ArcadeDriveJoystick(); // Show what cmd the susbsystem is running on SmartDashboard SmartDashboard.putData(driveSys); // Initialize Power Distribution Panel pdp = new PowerDistributionPanel(); // Compressor is controlled automatically by PCM compressor = new Compressor(); solenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(0, 1); solenoid.set(DoubleSolenoid.Value.kReverse); /*camera = CameraServer.getInstance(); camera.setQuality(50); camera.startAutomaticCapture("cam0");*/ }
@Override public void initialize() { m_compressor = new Compressor(); m_compressor.setClosedLoopControl(true); m_solenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT1, RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT2); }
public Robot() { myRobot = new RobotDrive(RobotMap.FRONT_LEFT_MOTOR, RobotMap.REAR_LEFT_MOTOR, RobotMap.FRONT_RIGHT_MOTOR, RobotMap.REAR_RIGHT_MOTOR); myRobot.setExpiration(0.1); stick = new Joystick(RobotMap.JOYSTICK_PORT1); compressor = new Compressor(); solenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT1, RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT2); jaguar = new Jaguar(RobotMap.LIFT_MOTOR); }
public void robotInit(){ driveStick= new JoyStickCustom(1, DEADZONE); secondStick=new JoyStickCustom(2, DEADZONE); frontLeft= new Talon(1); rearLeft= new Talon(2); frontRight= new Talon(3); rearRight= new Talon(4); timer=new Timer(); timer.start(); armM = new Victor(7); rollers =new Victor(6); mainDrive=new RobotDrive(frontLeft,rearLeft,frontRight,rearRight); mainDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight,true); mainDrive.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, true); armP = new AnalogPotentiometer(1); distance= new AnalogChannel(2); ultra=new Ultrasonic(6,7); ultra.setAutomaticMode(true); compress=new Compressor(5,1); handJoint=new Pneumatics(3,4); //ultra = new Ultrasonic(6,5); //ultra.setAutomaticMode(true); winch = new Winch(secondStick); }
/** * */ public void robotInit() { // instantiate the command used for the autonomous period DriveTrain = new DriveTrain(); launchercontroller = new Launcher(); rollerSubsystem = new Roller(); display = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); compressor = new Compressor(RobotMap.PressureSwitchDigitalInput, RobotMap.CompressorRelay); compressor.start(); DriveTrain.shiftHighGear(); OI.initialize(); autonomousCommand = new Autonomous(); arduino = new ArduinoConnection(); arduino.setPattern("4"); pattern = 0; driverStation = DriverStation.getInstance(); alliance = driverStation.getAlliance().value; digital1 = driverStation.getDigitalIn(1); digital2 = driverStation.getDigitalIn(2); digital3 = driverStation.getDigitalIn(3); // Initialize all subsystems. // Subsystems: a self-contained system within a larger system. CommandBase.init(); }
public Drivetrain(){ leftFront = new Talon(Constants.leftFront); leftMiddle = new Talon(Constants.leftMiddle); leftBack = new Talon(Constants.leftBack); rightFront = new Talon(Constants.rightFront); rightMiddle = new Talon(Constants.rightMiddle); rightBack = new Talon(Constants.rightBack); relay = new Relay(Constants.shifter); compressor = new Compressor(Constants.pressureGauge, Constants.compressor); compressor.start(); }
public ShooterSubsystem() { winchSafety = new WinchSafetyThread(); initalizeCANJaguar(); firedLimit = new DigitalIOButton(RobotMap.SHOOTER_FIRED_LIMIT); canLimitBottom = new CANLimitButton(false); firedLimit.whenPressed(new LogToBlackBox("CAN Button hit top")); canLimitBottom.whenPressed(new LogToBlackBox("CAN Button hit bottom")); latch = new Solenoid(RobotMap.SHOOTER_LATCH); compressor = new Compressor(RobotMap.COMPRESSOR_SWITCH, RobotMap.COMPRESSOR_RELAY); compressor.start(); SmartDashboard.putNumber("P", P); SmartDashboard.putNumber("I", I); SmartDashboard.putNumber("D", D); }
public Shooter(Collector collector) { //initializing everything shooterMotors = new Talon(4); shootCommand = false; compressor = new Compressor(7, 1); compressor.start(); driverStation = DriverStation.getInstance(); this.collector = collector; }
/** * Creates the pneumatic shooter. */ public PneumaticShooter() { // Define pneumatics-related items compressor = new Compressor(RobotMap.DIGITAL_MODULE, RobotMap.COMPRESSOR_PRESSURE_SWITCH, RobotMap.DIGITAL_MODULE, RobotMap.COMPRESSOR_RELAY); leftPiston = new Piston(RobotMap.SOLENOID_MODULE, RobotMap.LEFT_PISTON_SOLA, RobotMap.LEFT_PISTON_SOLB); middlePiston = new Piston(RobotMap.SOLENOID_MODULE, RobotMap.MIDDLE_PISTON_SOLA, RobotMap.MIDDLE_PISTON_SOLB); rightPiston = new Piston(RobotMap.SOLENOID_MODULE, RobotMap.RIGHT_PISTON_SOLA, RobotMap.RIGHT_PISTON_SOLB); leftPiston.set(false); middlePiston.set(false); rightPiston.set(false); ballIn = new RangeFinderBall(RobotMap.ANALOG_MODULE, RobotMap.RANGE_UNDER_BALL); timeStarted = -1; timeFire = -1; aShootButtonHeld = false; powSwitchButtonHeld = false; airPulseIncreaseStart = -1; airPulseDecreaseStart = -1; dryFireButtonHeld = false; dryFireStart = -1; RANGE_FOR_DIST[6] = 500; RANGE_FOR_DIST[10] = 600; SmartDashboard.putNumber("Time Extend (milliseconds)", 350); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Auto 2nd Ball Air pulse (milliseconds)", 250); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Ball Sensor_Active", true); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Ball in", false); SmartDashboard.putBoolean("Unstuckify", false); }
public WsCompressor(String name, int pressureSwitchSlot, int pressureSwitchChannel, int compresssorRelaySlot, int compressorRelayChannel) { super(name); compressor = new Compressor(pressureSwitchSlot, pressureSwitchChannel, compresssorRelaySlot, compressorRelayChannel); compressor.start(); LOW_VOLTAGE_CONFIG = new DoubleConfigFileParameter(this.getClass().getName(), "LowVoltage", 0.5); HIGH_VOLTAGE_CONFIG = new DoubleConfigFileParameter(this.getClass().getName(), "HighVoltage", 4.0); MAX_PSI_CONFIG = new DoubleConfigFileParameter(this.getClass().getName(), "MaxPSI", 115); lowVoltage = LOW_VOLTAGE_CONFIG.getValue(); highVoltage = HIGH_VOLTAGE_CONFIG.getValue(); maxPSI = MAX_PSI_CONFIG.getValue(); }
public RobotHardware() { try { // Initializes the Jaguar motor controllers for driving CANJaguar frontLeftJaguar = new CANJaguar(Constants.FRONT_LEFT_MOTOR_PORT); CANJaguar backLeftJaguar = new CANJaguar(Constants.BACK_LEFT_MOTOR_PORT); CANJaguar frontRightJaguar = new CANJaguar(Constants.FRONT_RIGHT_MOTOR_PORT); CANJaguar backRightJaguar = new CANJaguar(Constants.BACK_RIGHT_MOTOR_PORT); // Initializes the controller for the four driving motors and reverses two of them driveControl = new RobotDrive(frontLeftJaguar, backLeftJaguar, frontRightJaguar, backRightJaguar); driveControl.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kFrontRight, true); driveControl.setInvertedMotor(RobotDrive.MotorType.kRearRight, true); } catch (CANTimeoutException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } // Initialize joysticks driverJoystick = new Joystick(Constants.DRIVER_JOYSTICK_PORT); secondJoystick = new Joystick(Constants.SECOND_JOYSTICK_PORT); sonar = new AnalogChannel(Constants.ANALOG_SONAR_PORT); compressor = new Compressor(Constants.COMPRESSOR_PRESSURE_SWITCH_CHANNEL, Constants.COMPRESSOR_RELAY_CHANNEL); doubleSol = new DoubleSolenoid(Constants.DOUBLE_SOLENOID_FORWARD_CHANNEL, Constants.DOUBLE_SOLENOID_REVERSE_CHANNEL); sol1 = new Solenoid(Constants.SOLENOID_PORT_1); sol2 = new Solenoid(Constants.SOLENOID_PORT_2); }
public RobotTemplate() { // initialize all the objects ingest = new VictorPair(5,6); elevator = new Victor(1); shooter = new VictorPair(2,4); robotDrive = new Drive(8, 7, 10, 9); xbox = new JStick(1); joystick = new JStick(2); compressor = new Compressor(4, 3); compressor.start(); driveGearA = new Solenoid(1); driveGearB = new Solenoid(2); driveGearA.set(true); driveGearB.set(false); selectedGear = 1; leftEnc = new Encoder(6, 7, true,CounterBase.EncodingType.k2X); leftEnc.setDistancePerPulse(0.103672558); rightEnc = new Encoder(9, 10, false); rightEnc.setDistancePerPulse(0.103672558); lcd = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); }
public GameMech() { load = new Loader(); shoot = new SlingShot(); camera = new CameraUnit(); // PushDownerrr = new RampGoDownerrrr(); airCompressor = new Compressor(ReboundRumble.AIR_PRESSURE_SENSOR_GPIO_CHANNEL, ReboundRumble.AIR_COMPRESSOR_RELAY_CHANNEL); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance(); mDrive = Drive.getInstance(); mArm = Arm.getInstance(); compressor = new Compressor(RobotMap.PRESSURE_SWITCH, RobotMap.COMPRESSOR_RELAY); compressor.start(); autonChooser.addObject("Do nothing", new FakeCommand()); SmartDashboard.putData("Autonomous Chooser", autonChooser); }
public Pnuematics(UltimateAscentRobot robot){ super(robot); compressor = new Compressor(1,1); //compressor = new Relay(1); //compressor.setDirection(Relay.Direction.kForward); //pSwitch = new DigitalInput(1); }
protected void robotInit() { m_LeftDriveMotor = new Victor(SLOT, LEFT_MOTOR_CHANNEL); //cRIO Slot,Channel m_RightDriveMotor = new Victor(SLOT, RIGHT_MOTOR_CHANNEL); //m_ArmMotor = new Victor(SLOT, ARM_MOTOR); m_FrisbeeMotor = new Victor(SLOT, FRISBEE_MOTOR); m_Driver = new Joystick(1); //USB Port m_Secondary = new Joystick(2); m_RobotDrive = new RobotDrive(m_LeftDriveMotor, m_RightDriveMotor); m_Compressor = new Compressor(14, 1); //Pressure switch channel,Relay channel m_Compressor.start(); //m_ArmSolIn = new Solenoid(SOL_ARM_IN); //m_ArmSolOut = new Solenoid(SOL_ARM_OUT); m_FrisbeeSolIn = new Solenoid(SOL_FRISBEE_IN); m_FrisbeeSolOut = new Solenoid(SOL_FRISBEE_OUT); m_Lights = new Solenoid(SOL_LIGHTS); //m_ArmPist = new Piston(m_ArmSolIn, m_ArmSolOut, false, true, 3); m_FrisbeePist = new Piston(m_FrisbeeSolIn, m_FrisbeeSolOut, true, false, 0.5f); m_Shooter = new Shooter(m_FrisbeePist, m_FrisbeeMotor, 1); //m_ArmTop = new DigitalInput(ARMTOP); //Channel //m_ArmBot = new DigitalInput(ARMBOT); m_LCD = DriverStationLCD.getInstance(); }
@Override public void robotInit() { driveTrain = new DriveTrain(); //driveTrainPID = new DriveTrainPID(); gear = new GearSystem(); hang = new HangingSystem(); intake = new IntakeSystem(); shoot = new ShootingSystem(); oi = new OI(); vision = new VisionSystem(); compressor = new Compressor(); compressor.start(); leds = new LEDz(); ds = DriverStation.getInstance(); chooser = new SendableChooser<>(); chooser.addDefault("Do Nothing", new DriveForwardDistance(0, 0, 0, 0, true)); chooser.addObject("Baseline", new Baseline()); chooser.addObject("Left", new LeftPeg()); chooser.addObject("Center No Vision", new CenterNoVision()); chooser.addObject("Right", new RightPeg()); chooser.addObject("Center Vision", new CenterVision()); chooser.addObject("Right Peg Boiler", new RightPegBoiler()); chooser.addObject("Left Peg Boiler", new LeftPegBoiler()); chooser.addObject("CODE NIGHT FOLLOWER", new CodeNightFollow()); SmartDashboard.putData("AutoChooser", chooser); // String[] autoModeNames = new String[] { "Drive Forward Distance", "Drive Forward Time", "Right", "GyroTurn" }; // Command[] autoModes = new Command[] { new DriveForwardDistance(50, 2, 2), // new DriveForward(-0.25, 10), new Right()};// Almost full turn // //// Command[] autoModes = new Command[] { new DriveForwardDistance(encoderTicsPerRev * 20, encoderTicsPerRev * 20), //// new DriveForward(-0.25, 10) }; // // // // configure and send the sendableChooser, which allows the modes // // to be chosen via radio button on the SmartDashboard // for (int i = 0; i < autoModes.length; i++) { // chooser.addObject(autoModeNames[i], autoModes[i]); // } SmartDashboard.putData(Scheduler.getInstance()); new Command("Sensor feedback") { @Override protected void initialize() { } @Override protected void execute() { sendSensorData(); } @Override protected boolean isFinished() { return false; } @Override protected void end() { } @Override protected void interrupted() { } }.start(); }
@Override public void robotInit() { chooser = new SendableChooser<Integer>(); chooser.addDefault("center red", 1); chooser.addObject("center blue", 2); chooser.addObject("boiler red", 3); chooser.addObject("boiler blue", 4); chooser.addObject("ret red", 5); chooser.addObject("ret blue", 6); chooser.addObject("current test", 7); SmartDashboard.putData("Auto choices", chooser); //NETWORK TABLE VARIABLES table = NetworkTable.getTable("dataTable"); //POWER DIST PANEL pdp = new PowerDistributionPanel(); //NAVX navx = new AHRS(SPI.Port.kMXP); // CONTROLLER jsLeft = new Joystick(0); jsRight = new Joystick(1); xbox = new XboxController(5); // MOTORS leftFront = new Talon(pwm5); leftMid = new Talon(pwm3); leftBack = new Talon(pwm1); rightFront = new Talon(pwm4); rightMid = new Talon(pwm2); rightBack = new Talon(pwm0); // ENCODERS encLeftDrive = new Encoder(0,1); encRightDrive = new Encoder(2,3); // COMPRESSOR compressor = new Compressor(); compressor.start(); //SOLENOIDs driveChain = new DoubleSolenoid(0,1); driveChain.set(Value.kReverse); presser = new DoubleSolenoid(2,3); presser.set(Value.kReverse); gearpiston = new DoubleSolenoid(4,5); gearpiston.set(Value.kReverse); //CANTALONS climber = new CANTalon(2); shooter = new CANTalon(4); intake = new CANTalon(9); feeder = new CANTalon(13); // CAMERA //DON'T DELETE THE COMMENTED THREAD-IT IS USED FOR CALIBRATION /* UsbCamera usbCam = new UsbCamera("mscam", 0); usbCam.setVideoMode(VideoMode.PixelFormat.kMJPEG, 160, 120, 20); MjpegServer server1 = new MjpegServer("cam1", 1181); server1.setSource(usbCam); */ UsbCamera camera = CameraServer.getInstance().startAutomaticCapture(); camera.setVideoMode(VideoMode.PixelFormat.kMJPEG, 160, 120, 20); //SMARTDASBOARD driveSetting = "LOW START"; gearSetting = "GEAR CLOSE START"; }
public PneumaticSys() { super(); solenoid = new DoubleSolenoid(RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT1, RobotMap.SOLENOID_PCM_PORT2); // PCM port #0 & #1 compressor = new Compressor(); // Compressor is controlled automatically by PCM }