public CenterGearAutonomous() { double centerGearAutoSpeed = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.centerGearAutoSpeed, 0.0); double centerGearAutoDistance = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.centerGearAutoDistance, 0.0); double autoWaitTime = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.autoWaitTime, 0.0); double wiggleForward = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.wiggleForward, 0.0); addSequential(new DriveStraightAuto(centerGearAutoDistance, centerGearAutoSpeed)); addSequential(new TurnAngle(3)); addSequential(new TurnAngle(-6)); addSequential(new TurnAngle(3)); addSequential(new DriveStraightAuto(wiggleForward, centerGearAutoSpeed)); addSequential(new WaitCommand(autoWaitTime)); addParallel(new DownManipulator()); addParallel(new ReverseManipulatorMotors()); // addSequential(new WaitCommand(autoWaitTime)); addSequential(new DriveStraightAuto(centerGearAutoDistance / 2, -centerGearAutoSpeed)); addSequential(new WaitCommand(autoWaitTime / 2)); addSequential(new DriveStraightAuto(centerGearAutoDistance / 3, centerGearAutoSpeed)); addSequential(new ManipulatorMotorOff()); addSequential(new UpManipulator()); }
/** * This function is called periodically during operator control */ public void teleopPeriodic() { double speed = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Motor One Speed", .5); if (mJoystick1.getRawButton(1)) { mTestMotor1.set(1); } else { mTestMotor1.set(0); } SmartDashboard.putNumber("Motor 1", mTestMotor1.get()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("Analog Angle", mAnalogGryo.getAngle()); SmartDashboard.putNumber("SPI Angle", mSpiGryo.getAngle()); }
protected void initialize() { pid = new PIDController(0.1, 0.1, 0, RobotMap.imu, new TurnController(), 0.01); startingAngle = RobotMap.imu.getYaw(); double deltaAngle = angle + startingAngle; // deltaAngle %= 360; while (deltaAngle >= 180) deltaAngle -= 360; while (deltaAngle < -180) deltaAngle += 360; Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("YawSetpoint", deltaAngle); pid.setAbsoluteTolerance(2); pid.setInputRange(-180, 180); pid.setContinuous(true); pid.setOutputRange(-1 * rotateSpeed, 1 * rotateSpeed); pid.setSetpoint(deltaAngle); pid.enable(); //SmartDashboard.putData("PID", pid); }
/** *Contains a variety of debugging functions. *Mostly affects the SmartDashboard. */ public DebugHardware() { motorSelector = new SendableChooser(); motorSelector.addDefault("None", 0); motorSelector.addObject("Left Front", 1); motorSelector.addObject("Right Front", 2); motorSelector.addObject("Right Rear", 3); motorSelector.addObject("Left Rear", 4); motorSelector.addObject("Winch", 5); motorSelector.addObject("Left Roller", 6); motorSelector.addObject("Right Roller", 7); SmartDashboard.putData("Debug Motor", motorSelector); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("setWinch",RobotMap.forkliftMotor.getPosition()); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("WheelSpeed", speed); RobotMap.forkliftMotor.enableControl(); }
/** * This method gets encoder distance; it <b>does not work with strafe on mecanum!!!</b> * @param initialVals The values of the encoders, as read from getInitialEncoderValues * @return The encoder distance * @see getInitialEncoderValues */ public static double getEncoderDistance(ArrayList<Double> initialVals) { ArrayList<Double> vals = new ArrayList<>(); vals.add( (RobotMap.driveBaseLeftFrontMotor.getEncPosition() / RobotMap.ENCODER_PULSE_PER_METER) - initialVals.get(0)); vals.add( (RobotMap.driveBaseLeftRearMotor.getEncPosition() / RobotMap.ENCODER_PULSE_PER_METER) - initialVals.get(1)); vals.add(-((RobotMap.driveBaseRightFrontMotor.getEncPosition() / RobotMap.ENCODER_PULSE_PER_METER) - initialVals.get(2))); vals.add(-((RobotMap.driveBaseRightRearMotor.getEncPosition() / RobotMap.ENCODER_PULSE_PER_METER) - initialVals.get(3))); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("LFencoder", vals.get(0)); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("LRencoder", vals.get(1)); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("RFencoder", vals.get(2)); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("RRencoder", vals.get(3)); Collections.sort(vals); return (vals.get(1) + vals.get(2))/2; }
/** * Called when the robot first starts, (only once at power-up). */ public void robotInit() { //NetworkTable.setTeam(1259); adding the setTeam() method will cause the robot to encounter a thread error //NetworkTable.setIPAddress(""); operatorInputs = new OperatorInputs(); drive = new DriveTrain(operatorInputs); prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); pickerPID = new PickerPID(); shoot = new Shooter(operatorInputs); pick = new Picker(operatorInputs, pickerPID, shoot); compressor = new Compressor(PRESSURE_SWITCH_CHANNEL, COMPRESSOR_RELAY_CHANNEL); colwellContraption1 = new Solenoid(1, 3); colwellContraption2 = new Solenoid(1, 4); colwellContraption2.set(true); this.autoTimer = new Timer(); drive.leftEncoder.start(); drive.rightEncoder.start(); drive.timer.start(); autoTimer.start(); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { RobotMap.init(); autoChooser = new SendableChooser(); autoChooser.addDefault("Simple Autonomous", new SimpleAutonomous()); //autoChooser.addObject("name", ); //autoChooser.addObject("name", ); SmartDashboard.putData("Autonomous Chooser", autoChooser); shooterFan = new ShooterFan(); eightBallGrabber = new EightBallGrabber(); prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); // BEGIN AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=CONSTRUCTORS // This MUST be here. If the OI creates Commands (which it very likely // will), constructing it during the construction of CommandBase (from // which commands extend), subsystems are not guaranteed to be // yet. Thus, their requires() statements may grab null pointers. Bad // news. Don't move it. oi = new OI(); // END AUTOGENERATED CODE, SOURCE=ROBOTBUILDER ID=AUTONOMOUS // Setup compass to stream data }
/** * moves 3 ft during autonomous * @author cathy */ public void driveForwardAuto (){ switch(step) { case 0: // drive.getChassis().drive(.5, 0); // try{ // Thread.sleep(4000); // } catch (InterruptedException e){ // e.printStackTrace(); // } if(, Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("driveForwardDistance", 48))) step++; break; default:, 0); System.out.println("stopped"); break; } }
public boolean straightDriveEnc(double power, double leftRate, double rightRate) { double kp = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("kp", 0.1); if (power != 0) { double lspeed, rspeed; lspeed = rspeed = 0; rspeed = lspeed = curveInput(power,2); if (Math.abs(leftRate) > Math.abs(rightRate)) { lspeed -= (leftRate-rightRate)*kp; } else { rspeed -= (rightRate-leftRate)*kp; } tankDrive(lspeed,rspeed); return true; } else { return false; } }
public DropManipulatorReverseMotor() { double reverseFromPegDistance = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.reverseFromPegDistance, 0.0); double reverseFromPegSpeed = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.reverseFromPegSpeed, 0.0); addSequential(new ReverseManipulatorMotors()); addSequential(new DownManipulator()); addSequential(new DriveDistance(-Math.abs(reverseFromPegDistance), -Math.abs(reverseFromPegSpeed))); addSequential(new ManipulatorMotorOff()); addSequential(new UpManipulator()); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be used for any initialization code. */ @Override public void robotInit() { drive = new Drive(); gearManipulator = new GearManipulator(); intake = new Intake(); shooter = new Shooter(); storage = new Storage(); climber = new Climber(); elevator = new Elevator(); vision = new Vision(); visionProcessing = new LiveUsbCamera(); oi = new OI(); Robot.gearManipulator.gearManipulatorUp(); chooser.addDefault("Center Gear Auto", new CenterGearAutonomous()); chooser.addObject("Base Line Autonomous", new BaseLineAutonomous()); chooser.addObject("Boiler side Blue auto", new BoilerSideBlueAuto()); chooser.addObject("Boiler side Red auto", new BoilerSideRedAuto()); chooser.addObject("Do Nothing Autonomous", null); double speed = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.centerGearAutoSpeed, 0); double distance = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.centerGearAutoDistance, 0); SmartDashboard.putData("Auto Mode", chooser); // xboxLeftTrigger.whileActive(new ClimberTriggerOn()); xboxRightTrigger.whileActive(new RunShooter()); visionProcessing.runUsbCamera(); }
/** * Set wheels' azimuth relative offset from zero based on the current absolute position. This uses * the physical zero position as read by the absolute encoder and saved during the wheel alignment * process. * * @see #saveAzimuthPositions() */ public void zeroAzimuthEncoders() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); for (int i = 0; i < WHEEL_COUNT; i++) { int position = prefs.getInt(getPreferenceKeyForWheel(i), 0); wheels[i].setAzimuthZero(position);"azimuth {}: loaded zero = {}", i, position); } }
protected void initialize() { SPEED = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Expel Speed", 0.3); BallMotors.expel(SPEED); Kicker.launch(); //record time of command start timeStart = System.currentTimeMillis(); Robot.isExpelling = true; }
public static void loadPreferences() { UP_PID_P = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Aimer Up kP", 1.0); UP_PID_I = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Aimer Up kI", 0.001); UP_PID_D = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Aimer Up kD", 0.0); DOWN_PID_P = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Aimer Down kP", 0.5); DOWN_PID_I = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Aimer Down kI", 0.02); DOWN_PID_D = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("Aimer Down kD", 0.0); MOVE_SPEED_UP = Preferences.getInstance().getInt("Aimer Up Speed", 300); MOVE_SPEED_DOWN = Preferences.getInstance().getInt("Aimer Down Speed",-175); }
public static int holdElbowPosition() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("holdElbowPosition")) { prefs.putInt("holdElbowPosition", 3589); } return prefs.getInt("holdElbowPosition", 3589); }
public static int holdWristPosition() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("holdWristPosition")) { prefs.putInt("holdWristPosition", 2027); } return prefs.getInt("holdWristPosition", 2027); }
public static double latchReadyPosition() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("latchReadyPostion")) { prefs.putDouble("latchReadyPostion", 0.32); } return prefs.getDouble("latchReadyPostion", 0.32); }
public static double latchShootPosition() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("latchShootPosition")) { prefs.putDouble("latchShootPosition", 1.0); } return prefs.getDouble("latchShootPosition", 1.0); }
public static double latchLockPosition() { //position to lower server after latch to ensure it doesn't launch prematurely Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("latchLockPosition")) { prefs.putDouble("latchLockPosition", 0.01); } return prefs.getDouble("latchLockPosition", 0.01); }
public static double winchPower() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("winchPower")) { prefs.putDouble("winchPower", 1.0); } return prefs.getDouble("winchPower", 1.0); }
public static double winchWoundDistance() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("winchWoundDistance")) { prefs.putDouble("winchWoundDistance", 1); } return prefs.getDouble("winchWoundDistance", 1); }
public static double winchUnwoundDistance() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("winchUnwoundDistance")) { prefs.putDouble("winchUnwoundDistance", 4.6); } return prefs.getDouble("winchUnwoundDistance", 4.6); }
public static double pickupWheelsPower() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("pickupWheelsPower")) { prefs.putDouble("pickupWheelsPower", -12); } return prefs.getDouble("pickupWheelsPower", -12); }
public static double pixelsPerEncoderChange() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("pixelsPerEncoderChange")) { prefs.putDouble("pixelsPerEncoderChange", 0.735); } return prefs.getDouble("pixelsPerEncoderChange", 0.735); }
public static int manipulatorWristRestPosition() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("manipulatorWristRestPosition")) { prefs.putInt("manipulatorWristRestPosition", 2100); } return prefs.getInt("manipulatorWristRestPosition", 2100); }
public static int manipulatorElbowRestPosition() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("manipulatorElbowRestPosition")) { prefs.putInt("manipulatorElbowRestPosition", 1900); } return prefs.getInt("manipulatorElbowRestPosition", 1900); }
public static double pixToTurnMax() { Preferences prefs = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!prefs.containsKey("pixToTurnMax")) { prefs.putDouble("pixToTurnMax", 1.0); } return prefs.getDouble("pixToTurnMax", 1.0); }
public BatterShot() { addSequential(new DriveDistance(-.4, 26)); addSequential(new UnlockShooter()); addSequential(new LowerRake()); addSequential(new SetShooterSpeed(Preferences.getInstance().getDouble("ShooterSpeed", 0.0))); addSequential(new AimToAngle(61)); addSequential(new WaitCommand(1.0)); addSequential(new MoveBallIntoShooter()); addSequential(new WaitCommand(1.0)); addSequential(new SetShooterSpeed(0.0)); addSequential(new RaiseRake()); }
private void updatePIDConstants() { double AngleP = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.Prefs.ShooterAngleP, 0); double AngleI = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.Prefs.ShooterAngleI, 0); double AngleD = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.Prefs.ShooterAngleD, 0); double AngleF = Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(RobotMap.Prefs.ShooterAngleF, 0); anglePID.setConstants(AngleP, AngleI, AngleD, AngleF); }
/** * This function is run when the robot is first started up and should be * used for any initialization code. */ public void robotInit() { // PWM's mTestMotor1 = new Talon(0); mTestMotor2 = new Jaguar(1); mServo = new Servo(2); // Digital IO mDigitalOutput = new DigitalOutput(0); mRightEncoder = new Encoder(4, 5); mLeftEncoder = new Encoder(1, 2); mUltrasonic = new Ultrasonic(7, 6); // Analog IO mAnalogGryo = new AnalogGyro(0); mPotentiometer = new AnalogPotentiometer(1); // Solenoid mSolenoid = new Solenoid(0); // Relay mRelay = new Relay(0); // Joysticks mJoystick1 = new Joystick(0); mJoystick2 = new XboxController(1); // SPI mSpiGryo = new ADXRS450_Gyro(); // Utilities mTimer = new Timer(); mPDP = new PowerDistributionPanel(); Preferences.getInstance().putDouble("Motor One Speed", .5); }
@Override public Double getValue() { if (Preferences.getInstance().containsKey(mKey)) { return Preferences.getInstance().getDouble(mKey, mDefault); } sPropertyAdded = true; Preferences.getInstance().putDouble(mKey, mDefault); return mDefault; }
@Override public Integer getValue() { if (Preferences.getInstance().containsKey(mKey)) { return Preferences.getInstance().getInt(mKey, mDefault); } sPropertyAdded = true; Preferences.getInstance().putInt(mKey, mDefault); return mDefault; }
@Override public String getValue() { if (Preferences.getInstance().containsKey(mKey)) { return Preferences.getInstance().getString(mKey, mDefault); } sPropertyAdded = true; Preferences.getInstance().putString(mKey, mDefault); return mDefault; }
@Override public Boolean getValue() { if (Preferences.getInstance().containsKey(mKey)) { return Preferences.getInstance().getBoolean(mKey, mDefault); } sPropertyAdded = true; Preferences.getInstance().putBoolean(mKey, mDefault); return mDefault; }
/** * Retrieve numbers from the preferences table. If the specified key is in * the preferences table, then the preference value is returned. Otherwise, * return the backup value, and also start a new entry in the preferences * table. */ public static double getPreferencesDouble(String key, double backup) { Preferences preferences = Preferences.getInstance(); if (!preferences.containsKey(key)) { preferences.putDouble(key, backup); } return preferences.getDouble(key, backup); }